Monday, August 26, 2019

8/26 CNN 10

Click the Link above and summarize two of the news highlights, give your opinion. Do not just tell me what it is about.


  1. There has been a new trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan. The summit group is debating if they should let Germany back in. I believe every country should form some sort of alliance to help each other out with their problems. Due to the weather being severely hot in Brazil surrounding the Amazon Rain Forest, it contributes to the fire being worse than what it already is. I just dislike how the incident at Notre Dame got more recognition and support than the forest that produces twenty percent of our oxygen.

  2. The United States along with other countries have encountered problems, but Donald Tump is working to have a better trade with them, to make peace with other countries. In Brazil, the climate had seemed to change drastically due to the fire of the Amazon rainforest. I think what Donald trump could be doing would be beneficial for the United States one day, but I still wouldn't trust him, and still be wary about him. I hope in the future that the Brazilian government would take forest fires seriously next time it were to happen. It took approximately 10-13 days for people to notice and realize the problem in the Amazon rainforest and the government did nothing about it until days went on.

  3. Wildfires are ruining the community in Brazil people can barely see through the streets. There needs to be a investigation on how theses fires start and to clean up the community. Tokyo Japan is having he 2020 olympics there. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.

  4. G7 leaders are pressuring Brazil to do more about the burning Amazon. Thousands of troops are being sent out to fight the wildfire, but the flames are moving very quickly. This will be the 2nd time Tokyo held the Olympics. Japan is planning to use the same venues from 1964. Their waterways is one of the reasons they were chosen to host.

  5. There has been a new trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan.Wildfires are ruining the community in Brazil people can barely see through the streets.This will be the 2nd time Tokyo held the Olympics. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.It took approximately 10-13 days for people to notice and realize the problem in the Amazon rainforest and the government did nothing about it until days went on.

  6. There has been a trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan.In Brazil, the climate had seemed to change drastically due to the fire of the Amazon rainforest. Thousands and Thousands of troops are being sent out to fight the wildfire,

  7. It is cool how Tokyo is able to host the Olympics twice. It is most likely an honor for them. The wildfires are starting to get out and hand. Even though troops are coming to help clean up someone needs to figure out how to stop all of these fires.

  8. The G7 leaders are meeting in France to discuss the Amazon wildfires. They are trying to put pressure on Brazil to help contain and put out wildfires. This is serious because the Amazon rain forest is known for giving most of the world it's oxygen.

    The 2020 Olympics are set to beheld in Tokyo, Japan. Japan is planning to use some of its old and historic venues for the 2020 games. This is exciting for me because people come over from all around the world to see the Olympics.

  9. Brazil now has forest fires that haven’t been as bad as they are now since 2013. I think they should do more to stop deforestation because all the smoke in the air isn’t good and the Amazon is key to providing oxygen. Tokyo is hosting the 2020 Olympics. This will be the fourth time they’ve had the Olympics in their city.

  10. Tokyo won the Olympics twice
    #save the trees

  11. Amazon wild fires are still burning and the G7 summit leaders are sending help to Brazil to keep the fire down.Next years Olympics is set to be in 2020 in Tokyo,Japan.

  12. The G7 group is trying to have brazil take care of their wildfires problem is their forests because the fires are spreading everywhere and they had to have jets with water tanks attached to them go across the forest and water them.

    japan is trying to use some of the same venues that were used in the 1900's for the next years 2020 olympic games.

  13. The G7 organization is a trading coordination group, members are leaders of the most powerful economies in the world. They excluded Russia in 2014 for their invasion of a neighboring country. I think that they should stay excluded from this group, because they need to repent from their aggression. Another topic, of today’s segment, was the wildfires in the Amazon rainforest. The lack of adequate action will affect the entire world within a couple of months, if the fires continue to be unconfined.

  14. I appreciate how people are fighting against the fire's in the amazon, the amazon is home to many kinds of exotic species and if they are gone we won't be able to see them again. I think that is a smart idea to create the Olympic trophies out of already used metals instead of digging up more metals to create the trophies. Considering there are 5k trophies being made I think we could save a good amount of time, gas, land, using the metals we already have digged up and used.

  15. France is holding a G7 meeting, which is the largest economics in the world. they are meeting up to discuss global issue about the amazon rain forest and Russia rejoining the group.

    The amazon forest is burning much more than it should. Brazil is doing there best to stop the fires, but its no use. The smoke being produced to dangerous for the lungs.

  16. Tokyo is hosting the Olympics twice. The wildfires are starting to clear from the help of the rain, but still on fire. Troops are coming to extinguish and clean up the forest.

  17. In Brazil the forest fires continue to burn the Amazon it's been going on for sometime now and is still affecting many things. The G7 are really trying to get get Brazil to do something about the fires but since the fires can help farmers they don't have a problem with it which I think is very odd.

  18. The Amazon has been having wildfires. They are worst this year because the heat has been very severe. The smoke in the air from the fire is really bad. I think that isn't safe or good for the people because it is harming the lungs.

  19. Today's video highlights Brazil's Amazon rainforest that has been on fire since last week. Critics say that one of the main reason this year's fires are so bad is because the brazilian government has been giving people the okay to deforest. I believe the government does have some parts to do with this. Japan is planning to use the same venus as the the one in the 1960's for the 2020 Olympic games. I am very excited to see what there is it come for next years Olympic games.

  20. I am very excited to see what there is it come for next years Olympic games. Brazil the forest fires continue to burn the Amazon it's been going on for sometime now and is still affecting many things. I think we could save a good amount of time, gas, land, using the metals we already have digged up and used.

  21. Tokyo is able to host the Olympics twice.This very big for city. The wildfires are starting to get out and hand. Even though troops are coming to help clean up someone needs to figure out how to stop all of these fires.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Amazon wild fire is still going on, and all this just happened in one night in Brazil. 43,000 troops had to go the area, can the army do the job? The Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan, 2020 game. This will be the fourth time they hosted, if you also include the winter games too.

  24. I am glad to see what happens in the olympics andthat the Amazon is being recovered and I think that Germany should get back in for the support of the other countries

  25. Brazil has forest fires that have not been as bad as they are right now since 2013. I think that should do more to stop the fire because all the smoke in the air isn’t good and the Amazon or the world also Tokyo is hosting the 2020 Olympics.

  26. Wildfires are ruining the community in Brazil people can barely see through the streets. There needs to be a investigation on how theses fires start and to clean up the community. Tokyo Japan is having he 2020 olympics there. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.

  27. the burning of the amazon is getting hotter in the dry season. the united states wants Russia to make a g7 or g8.

  28. Japan will be holding the Olympics for the 4th time and I think it's very cool and a good income for Japan. I never knew there was a group of seven summit and I think its a good think to have economic representatives meet and speak to each other.

  29. The wildfire in the amazon rainforest is still going. This is the worst wildfire since 2013. Tokyo, Japan is hosting the 2020 Olympics. This is going to be their fourth time hosting the Olympics.

  30. They said there is 85% more fires than there was last year while they were talking about the Amazon Forest. This is a very serious issue and they need to do anything they can to fix it ASAP. They also talked about the changes of in Tokyo like how things are more modern. I think it's cool that they're changing and it's for the better.

  31. The 2020 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad and commonly known as Tokyo 2020, is an upcoming international multi-sport event that is scheduled to take place from 24 July to 9 August 2020 in Tokyo, Japan, with preliminary events in some sports beginning on 22 July

  32. Desean Williams
    Brazil's Amazon rainforest that has been on fire since the last week. Critics say that one of the main reason this year's fires are so bad is because the brazilian government has been giving people the okay to deforest. I believe the government does have some parts to do with this. Japan is planning to use the same venus as the the one in the 1960's for the 2020 Olympic games. I am very excited to see what there is it come for next years Olympic games.

  33. The first topic is about how Russia wanted to be apart of the G8 and how overtime some countries have been added and taken out. The second topic is how the fires in Brazil are still spreading but they put the fires out but the smoke from the disaster is still in the air and has spreaded pretty far and still is. Lastly, the last topic is how Tokyo is presenting the Olympics this year and overtime it has changed overtime specifically the water.

  34. One of the events was about a wildfire in the Amazon rainforest. This has been the worst wildfires since 2013. My opinion on this is that people should stop causing wildfires. It would save many lives. The second event was about Tokyo is able to host the 2020 Olympics. My opinion on this is that this is a great opportunity because Tokyo is a beautiful place to host the Olympics.

  35. One highlight talked about the 2020 Olympics and how they recycling phone parts to make the medals. I think that is a good idea because instead of wasting they are recycling. Another highlight was about at the g-7 meeting they are going to bring up the issue of the amazon rainforest. I feel like this should help stop the fires.

  36. The 2020 summer Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo, and they are already making the medals for the Olympics which are being made by old technology. The wild fires in brazil have been going on since last week and that is sad because people have to evacuate from their homes.

  37. Brazil has forest fires that hasn't been bad since 2013-14. then again wildfires are ruining the Brazil community streets. these people need to investigate how these fire starts to clean up the community streets. I am happy for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.

  38. This amazon fire needs to be put out fast cause the more it burns the more the air gets polluted and that's a serious matter.The 2020 Olympics will be hosted in Tokyo I cant wait to see how its going to because that's something new.

  39. There is ongoing wildfires burning down forests in Brazil. The particular forest that is being ruined is very important to the oxygen levels for the world. Also the 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo for the second time. I cannot wait for the Olympics to start.

  40. Today's CNN highlight was about how the Amazon Rainforest has been of fire since last week. They said that the fires have been so bad because the government is allowing deforestation. Olympics will be held in Tokyo Japan in 2020 i'm excited to see this happen this upcoming year.

  41. As of today, the amazon rain forest still burns. Currently, the burning of the large rain forest is causing air pollution problems for Brazilians. The citizens are having a huge problem breathing and it has caused many sicknesses. I definitely know effort are being put toward this matter, but i do believe they need outside help since the rain forest is essential to everyone. The next upcoming summer Olympics will be held Tokyo, in 2020. The city has already begun construction for the new site. I do think they should handle the water issue quickly. I think it should be consistently potable for at least a few months before.

  42. The omgoing wildfires in the amazon is caused by the brazilian goverment and how they are treaating the amazon. This years olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan. The new medals for the olympics was shown and he explained what they were made of and had on them.

  43. The Brazil people really need help with the fires problem it has being going on for a long time and the highest level was in 2013 it is bad for the people to be breeding in the smoke.The Tokyo have really chang then it was before and they now have new places.

  44. It is great that people have stepped to stop wildfires across the world, including the wildfire that is occurring in the biggest rainforest in America. People should work together to try and prevent those things from happening. Also, the 2020 olympics is going to be in Tokyo, Japan. I think Tokyo is a interesting place to have the Olympics to be held at. The Olympics is going to be a very exciting event to watch.

  45. Wildfires can spread very quickly and ruin a good majority of the forest and the fact that you can’t control them is even scarier.The smoke is very thick and the people living there has lack of sight.

  46. The leaders of certain countries represent the largest economies in the world and they are meeting together to discuss issues that affect their economies, for example ongoing trade tensions have been going on between the US and China, or a new trade agreement between the US and Japan. I think that this is a good thing that the largest leaders are coming together to discuss some of their issues. Their has been 85% more fires than the year before. I think this is terrible because if there are more fires then there will be less trees and we need trees for oxygen.

  47. There has been a new trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan.Wildfires are ruining the community in Brazil people can barely see through the streets.This will be the 2nd time Tokyo held the Olympics. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.It took approximately 10-13 days for people to notice and realize the problem in the Amazon rainforest and the government did nothing about it until days went on.

  48. Some of the events that was talked about today were the Olympics that are being held in Tokyo for a second time . The amazon forest is still burning to this day . it took the people way too long to actually realize the forest was on fire . The government still did nothing about it

  49. I think it's nice to see what's happening in the Olympics and that the Amazon Rain forest is recovering. I'm glad to see these people coming together trying to stop it but I think they should try figuring out what's causing all these wildfires.

  50. There is announced that Tokyo will be hosting the next olympics. Also, the Brazilian rainforest is having multiple fires. -Shaquille Ekpo

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The 2020 Olympics uh... cant wait to watch but the Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo for like the 2nd time. This ridiculous fire in Brazil needs be put out & in a hurry because to many people can inhale it and it can cause lung problems & the air also can get polluted.

  53. Troops are helping battle wildfires in the Amazon. I think that it is super important to offer any kind of help to resolve the issue.
    Japan is going to be the next place where the Olympics is going to happen.I think that that is going to be really good for their economy

  54. Since June there's been dozens of protest. However many protesters in Hong Kong feel like there losing there Democracy.

  55. There is announced that Tokyo will be hosting the next olympics. Also, the Brazilian rainforest is having multiple fires.

  56. There has been forest fires in the amazon rain forest. It is slowly but surly destroying the forest. I feel that we need to make more recognition to the forest to try and help save it.

  57. G7 leaders are pressuring Brazil to do more about the burning Amazon. Thousands of troops are being sent out to fight the wildfire, but the flames are moving very quickly. This will be the 2nd time Tokyo held the Olympics. Japan is planning to use the same venues from 1964. Their waterways is one of the reasons they were chosen to host.

  58. a meeting of the g7 to talk about problems that they are having and the u.s. thinks that russia should be let back in the g7 to make it the g8 and japan will hold the olympics this year

  59. Tokyo won the Olympics twice
    #save the trees


  60. France is holding a G7 meeting, which is the largest economics in the world. they are meeting up to discuss global issue about the amazon rain forest and Russia rejoining the group.

    The 2020 summer Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo, and they are already making the medals for the Olympics which are being made by old technology.

  61. Wildfires are ruining the community in Brazil people can barely see through the streets. There needs to be a investigation on how theses fires start and to clean up the community. Tokyo Japan is having he 2020 olympics there. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.

  62. Brazil now has forest fires that haven’t been as bad as they are now since 2013. I think they should do more to stop deforestation because we are losing a big chunk of the earths oxygen and the Amazon is key to providing oxygen. Tokyo is hosting the 2020 Olympics. This will be the fourth time they’ve had the Olympics in their city.

  63. There is another wildfire in Brazil. It is becoming difficult for people to cry on their natural day with out having problems like seeing in the road because of the fire.

  64. Brazil now has forest fires that are so bad & terrifying. I think they should do more to stop deforestation because we are losing a big chunk of the earths oxygen and the Amazon is key to providing oxygen. Tokyo Japan is having he 2020 Olympics there. I’m excited for Tokyo they will get more popularity form it and many other things like money.

  65. Brazil begins to have yet another wildfire that is very bad. They should stop their deforestation as we are killing trees that are the reason we live today.

    1. Tokyo will be hosting the 2020 Olympics in Japan. Their population will shoot through the roof after the event.

  66. As the leaders of the world's seven largest economies meet in France, we're reporting on some of the issues they're discussing, including the wildfires that are scorching parts of the Amazon. A bit of Olympic trivia follows, coupled with a report on a "city of waterways."
