Friday, April 17, 2015






  1. This morning, I heard on the radio that a man in England was locked up for having two wives. He told his first wife that he was away on business trips and she believed him. She found out because his 2nd wife's cousin challenged him to do the ALS challenge and he posted it on social media. After seeing this his 1st wife did some snooping and found out he had a 2nd wife. He was locked up yesterday.
    Medical marijuana is now legal in Georgia. Yesterday, Nathan Deal signed the law passing it in Georgia. This is all because there are children that has seizure problems and they need this new oil drug that has a little marijuana in it. Some people are skeptical that this will cause a higher drug problem in Georgia.The law says that they can only possess up to 20 ounces of cannabis oil at one time. This was a big accomplishment for these parents because they have been fighting for this law for a long time and now they have finally won and they can help their children.

  2. Wal-Mart has fired 2,200 employers due to fix the plumbing throughout five stores. The reason for the shut down: plumbing problems, according to the retailer. Two of the stores are in Texas, and the others are in California, Florida and Oklahoma. They will be closed for "extended repairs" for approximately six months, the company said. The news came as a surprise to the 295 full-time workers and 248 part-time staffers there. Both full-time and part-time workers will be put on paid leave for two months, during which time they can try to transfer to a different Wal-Mart location. Full-time employees who don't get another Wal-Mart job by June 19 may be eligible for severance, which part time workers aren't eligible for. These five stores had the most plumbing problems over the past two years, but don't have anything else in common, a spokesman said. Walmart intends to reopen the stores as soon as the problems are resolved.

  3. Madonna kissed Drake at Coachella. Madonna, 56, decided to kiss Drake, 28, while wrapping up the show with "Human Nature". Flailing his arms and having a disgusted look on his face afterwards, Drake appeared not to have enjoyed the kiss. Madonna aggressively forced herself on Drake and has caused a stir on social media concerning sexual harassment. In other news, Hillary Clinton states her change on her view on gay marriage. Previously against gay marriage, Clinton reveals in an interview that she now is in favor of gay marriage as a right guaranteed by the constitution.

  4. Florida Gator Alumni and former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez has been sentenced to a life sentence he has been charged with murder. Hernandez is being charged with the murder of his best friend Odin Lloyd. Most jurors say that this was one of the hardest decisions that they have made.The 25-year-old potentially faces three more trials,one criminal and two civil actions.After correction officers evaluate him, he will be shipped to Massachusetts' flagship maximum-security prison, one of the most high-tech jails in the United States with no history of breakouts: the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, about 40 miles outside downtown Boston.

    Thursday, April 16th, Muslims who were among migrants trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard. All of the 12 thrown overboard were killed. Italian officers have arrested 15 suspects. The original group of 105 people left Libya on Tuesday in a rubber boat. Sometime during the trip north across the Mediterranean Sea, the alleged assailants Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal threw the 12 overboard, police said.Other people on the voyage told police that they themselves were spared "because they strongly opposed the drowning attempt and formed a human chain," Palermo police said.

  5. Muslims who were among people trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat threw 12 fellow passengers overboard and killed them because the 12 were Christians, Italian police said.
    Italian authorities have arrested 15 people on suspicion of murdering the Christians at sea, police in Palermo, Sicily, said.
    The original group of 105 people left Libya on Tuesday in a rubber boat. Sometime during the trip north across the Mediterranean Sea, the alleged assailants -- Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal -- threw the 12 overboard, police said.
    Other people on the voyage told police that they themselves were spared "because they strongly opposed the drowning attempt and formed a human chain," Palermo police said.

    Another is how the terrorist group ISIS released approximately 200 Yazidi people from being held captive for no apparent reason back into a the mountain villages. Refugees are uncertain about this and suspicious of the motive. Although the majority of the people released were women, children, ill or elderly, it is unknown why terrorists would do such a thing.

  6. A New 'Star Wars' trailer was released in Anaheim, California during the emotional event.The audience gasped, cheered and applauded. The cast was appreciative of the welcome. The trailer for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has got nerds and investors so excited that it added around $2 billion (£1.3 billion) on Disney's stock value.The new "Star Wars" is due out December 18.

    ESPN reporter Britt McHenry suspended after berating towing company clerk. She later apologized on Twitter, saying she allowed her emotions to get away from her during a stressful situation at a Virginia business. "I ... said some insulting and regrettable things." "As frustrated as I was, I should always choose to be respectful and take the high road. I am so sorry for my actions and will learn from this mistake," she wrote. But that doesn't make up for it since she said really hurtful things such as, "Lose some weight, baby girl" or That's why I have a degree and you don't," "I wouldn't work at a scumbag place like this. Makes my skin crawl even being here." "maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?" Thus lady is not getting her job back.

  7. CNN-Missouri National Guard's term for Ferguson protesters: 'Enemy forces'

    The national guard team claims Ferguson protesters use excessive violent force against officers. Often it is not only officers who take damage but businesses and neighboring citizens get pounded by these protesters leaving some to board up their windows and businesses or leave the location. It is unsettling that a citizen is called for as enemy by the U.S. soldiers

    CNN-Pilot who landed gyrocopter at U.S. Capitol blogged about why.

    Before the gyrocopter landed the piolet Doug Hughes wrote about his intentions and the reasons behind them on a website called the He planned to spotlight corruption in DC and more importantly, to present the solution(s) to the institutional graft," the 61-year-old Florida postal carrier wrote in an online post titled "Your Pilot." The flight was not secret for he told enough people to get the secret service's attention claiming to not attempt this and sell the copter. He attempted and delivered letters to congress for every member urging campaign finance reform.

  8. As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters, according to documents obtained by CNN.

    The Kern Valley State Prison, former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips is alleged to have killed his cellmate, Damion Soward, over the weekend, per R. Stickney of NBC San Diego.

  9. Police searching for an Irish student who went missing after a night out in Glasgow said Thursday they have recovered human remains on a farm close to the city. Police Scotland said they believed the remains may be those of Karen Buckley, 24, from Cork, who was last seen leaving a nightclub in the early hours of Sunday. Officers arrested a 21-year-old man late Wednesday and said they were "following a definite line of enquiry". A huge search operation for the missing student, involving police helicopters, divers and search dogs, focused Wednesday on High Craigton Farm near the town of Milngavie. Officers cordoned off an area of land around the farm and nearby golf club, to the north of Glasgow. Buckley, a qualified nurse who moved to Scotland to study occupational therapy at Glasgow Caledonian University, had been out at the Sanctuary nightclub on Saturday night when she disappeared. At 1:00 am she told her friends she was going to the restroom but never returned. Her father, John Buckley, said the disappearance was "so out of character". A special "Mass of Hope" prayer service was held in the family's home town of Mallow, north of Cork, on Wednesday night.

    Former rap mogul Marion "Suge" Knight will stand trial for murder over the hit-and-run incident earlier this year that left one man dead and another seriously injured, a Los Angeles judge ruled Thursday. Knight is to face charges of murder, attempted murder and hit-and-run over the death of Terry Carter, 55, and wounding of Cle "Bone" Sloan, 51, in a parking lot in Compton in January.
    Lawyers for Knight have argued he acted in self-defense after being attacked by Sloan and others in broad daylight.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters, . The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year

  12. The offloading of tons of cocaine, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, was used as a backdrop to announce record-setting drug busts in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy and Royal Canadian Navy gathered on a San Diego dock Thursday, as the crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Boutwell unloaded more than 14 tons of cocaine. The drugs had an estimated street value of $424 million.

  13. In Kenya a the last northern white rhino is guarded for 24/7 protection. Because he is the last male, of course the nation and scientist want him to mate. However, Sudan, the name of the white rhino, is 42 years old. At this age, he is past his peak to mate with a female rhino. Because of this, they have resorted to science to sustain this species. The scientific alternative is to use vitro fertilization methods. There are no known wild northern white rhinos left on Earth. Other than Sudan, there are a total of 5 worldwide left, all of which are female.

  14. Compton , California native rapper Kendrick Lamar's album "To Pimp A Butterfly" is on the top of the billboards for three weeks straight. This album has been named the best album of this generation with and old school vibe. The album surpassed artist like Sam Smith, Maroon 5 ,Taylor Swift , and Drake. He is setting the bar high that other rappers will have to met.

  15. According to officials from the Kern Valley State Prison, former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips is alleged to have killed his cellmate, Damion Soward, over the weekend, per R. Stickney of NBC San Diego.On April 16, it was reported by the Associated Press that Soward's death was homicide by strangulation

    In 2009, Phillips was sentenced to 31 years in prison for striking three teenagers with his car and assaulting his girlfriend.

    Prior to being incarcerated, Phillips was considered one of the most talented running backs in college football. He ran for 1,722 yards and 16 touchdowns for the Nebraska Cornhuskers in 1994 during his sophomore season. He was subsequently kicked off the team in 1995 after being charged with assaulting his former girlfriend, but he was later reinstated to play the final four games of the season.

  16. My current event is that In late June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and killed while on a hiking trip in the occupied West Bank. Their bodies were found days later and a burial was held in the beginning of July. The day after their burial, the burned body of a missing Palestinian teenager was found in a forest near Jerusalem. The incidents increased tension between Israelis and Palestinians, including riots in East Jerusalem and an exchange of rocket fire in Southern Israel and Gaza, where Israel targeted Hamas.

    Five people killed
    Violence targeting immigrant shops started recently in the port city of Durban, where two foreigners and three South Africans were killed. Residents have accused African immigrants of taking their jobs and committing crimes. The unemployment rate in South Africa is 25%, according to government figures.

    President Jacob Zuma slammed the assertion, saying his government is addressing social and economic issues brought up by citizens. He said immigrants contribute to the nation's economy while others bring scarce skills.
    "While some foreign nationals have been arrested for various crimes, it is misleading and wrong to label or regard all foreign nationals as being involved in crime in the country," Zuma said.
    As the violence spread to other cities, terrified immigrants sought a resolution. Others fled, taking refuge at police stations in major cities.
    "They are using this as scapegoats," said Jean-Pierre Lukamba, an immigrant from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    "Every day, migrants are living in this fire. It's not just attacks. It's institutionalized xenophobia. The government must do something. Those people aren't just mad for no reason. They want electricity, they want jobs, they want water.

  18. Medical marijuana is sweeping the nation as it becomes legal in more ststes across that nation. An article on CNN talks about the diseases that medical marijuana could help cure or treat at least. That list includes conditions like Alzheimer's, cancer, epilepsy, and also AIDS/HIV.
    Walmart had to relieve 2,200 people from their jobs due to swwage problems. Both part time and full time workers were distressed monday when they were told the news. Most of the workers are trying to be transferred to nearby Walmarts. Full time employees are eligible for severance if they do not have a job by Jun 19th.

  19. Aaron Hernandez was charged with first degree murder in Lloyd's death he was seen winking at his fiancé in the courtroom ..his own attorney admitted that Hernandez witnessed the killing of Odin Lloyd but then said that his client didn't commit the crime .

    Hiliary Clinton and her experienced campaign team are disciplined and relentlessly message. That's usually a good thing when you're running a presidential campaign. told CNN

  20. The 73 year old deputy who shot and killed an unarmed black man from Tulsa, Oklahoma was charged with second degree manslaughter. He says he regrets the outcome of his pursuit; however, he says he didn't mean to shoot him. He claims he mistook the gun for a taser. I think that is hard to believe. Unfortunately, he is able to be released with $25,000 bail.

    In other news, a ten year old girl learned CPR yesterday in Seoul. Three hours after her lesson, she was faced with a situation that would make her a hero. She performed CPR on an elderly man who was having a heart attack outside her apartment building and saved his life.

  21. According to officials from the Kern Valley State Prison, former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips is alleged to have killed his cellmate, Damion Soward, over the weekend, per R. Stickney of NBC San Diego.Walmart surprised everyone and put 2,200 people out of work Monday when it temporarily closed five stores.
    The reason for the shut down: plumbing problems, according to the retailer.
    Two of the stores are in Texas, and the others are in California, Florida and Oklahoma. They will be closed for "extended repairs" for approximately six months, the company said.

  22. On the roughly one-minute long video that was captured by a surveillance camera, McHenry says to an employee at a register: "I'm in the news, sweetheart. I will sue this place."The employee tells McHenry she's being recorded, but it doesn't stop her from continuing her rant."That's why I have a degree and you don't," she says. "I wouldn't work at a scumbag place like this. Makes my skin crawl even being here."Later McHenry says, "maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?"The employee apparently says something about McHenry's hair and the color of her roots. CNN reached out to the Arlington towing company for comment but didn't hear immediately back.

    Glenn Keller remembers the first time he realized something was wrong. Doctors surrounded his bed after a routine surgery on his wrist, asking him questions about dizziness, shortness of breath, and being lightheaded. He has a sickness that leaves him gasping for breathe.

  23. There has recently been a show on ABC called ''Fresh Off The Boat'' based on the book. The author has taken a disliking to the show. Saying that it is a false portrayal of his childhood and the difficulties he faced. The show takes place in the nineties and shows an Asian- American families move from Washington D.C. to Florida. The main character is the young son about 10 who has an interest in music such as hip hop and rap making him rather odd. The author states that the show is ''sugar - coating'' the experiences in his child hood making them seem better than they actually were. He has also said he will not watch the show. Another thing reported multiple times this week is the kiss shared between Madonna and Drake. At a recent concert of hers Madonna kissed Drake and he didn't appear to be enjoying it. Drake actually seemed to be appalled. Do you think Drake enjoyed his kiss with or do you think he wished it hadn't of happened?

  24. In China there was a solar plane built. It traveled from china around the world.The Solar Impulse 2, the experimental plane attempting to fly around the world without using a drop of fuel, has been grounded by the weather in China.

  25. Muslims who were among migrants trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard, killing them, because 12 of them were Christians. Italian authorities have arrested 15 people on suspicion of murdering the Christians at sea. The original group of 105 people left Libya on Tuesday in a rubber boat. Sometime during the trip north across the Mediterranean Sea, the alleged assailants, Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, threw the 12 overboard. Other people on the voyage told police that they themselves were spared because they strongly opposed the drowning attempt and formed a human chain.

    The accidental death of a 2-year-old boy in Milwaukee on Sunday triggered a violent chain of events, eventually claiming the lives of three more people. It all started with a birthday party that little Damani Terry was attending. During the family gathering, he dashed out into the street and was struck and killed by a GMC van. Soon, two more people also died, the driver and the teen were both felled by bullets fired by the same man. That man, identified as Ricky Ricardo Chiles III, was located late Wednesday at a Chicago-area hotel. He committed suicide as authorities closed in with a warrant for his arrest.

  26. It took more than seven decades, but England finally got its delivery of tons of silver coins.
    For most of those years, the money was deep at the bottom of the Atlantic, the monetary casualty of a cruel World War II sinking.

  27. As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters, according to documents obtained by CNN.

    The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year.The National Guard's language, contained in internal mission briefings obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, is intensifying the concerns of some who objected to the police officers' actions in putting down riots. They broke out after the August 9 shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by city police officer Darren Wilson. A grand jury declined to indict Wilson in the case.

  28. Recently we just came back form spring break and most local teens went down to Panama City Beach to have a good time. Some went overboard with having a good time and involved themselves in a gang rape. There was a video that surfaced around the net of three boys raping this unconscious girl along a crowded stretch of PCB. These three males have been arrested and dealt with. It's tragic how people actually witnessed this happening and did nothing about it. They must have control over this people next year cause this was a sad story. Also located in Florida, a homeless recently just found his old bank account after living on a cardboard box after three years. With the help of charles imman , who helped find his identification and social security cards. This was a good deed and i feel like news need to cover more stories such as this.

  29. the feds selling guns to cartel is not a suprise to me because they put drugs in the u.s. so i know that they are up to no good. thats why they had gun stores in the hood to support the illegal activity in the streets. then they put us in prison where we are surrounded with people who has nothing to live for. so we have to fight to get by so we dont have no choice. but to be physical or you will get hurt or killed or raped. then when we fight they extend our sentence. the feds do all that on purpose

  30. A current event is that recently a viral video surfaced showing a police officer parking in a bike lane, despite nearby bikers trying to ride in the street. Many people were outraged by this video because it proves how some policemen think that they are above the law and abuse their power. This can be connected back to most police shootings as most people warned this mentality was sweeping the nations police force.

  31. Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen sashayed down the catwalk at Sao Paulo Fashion Week on Wednesday night in an emotional farewell to the runway.Bundchen announced over the weekend that she would be retiring from the catwalk, though not the fashion industry.The 34-year-old, who is married to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and has two children, has said she wants to spend more time with her family.On Wednesday night, Brady had a front-row seat at what was hailed as a historic moment in Brazil's fashion world.undchen wrote about her fashion career on her Instagram account: "I am grateful that at 14, I was given the opportunity to start this journey. Today after 20 years in the industry, it is a privilege to be doing my last fashion show by choice and yet still be working in other facets of the business."For her final bow, she walked down the catwalk with a group of models all wearing jeans and t-shirts with different drawings of the world-famous model. She appeared close to tears as she gave a thumbs-up. Many of the other models were also trying to hold back to tears.Bundchen was the highest-paid model in 2014, according to Forbes magazine, with a total $47 million in contracts. She is the face of Chanel and Carolina Herrera and has her own line of lingerie.The final runway show was also an emotional moment for the supermodel's mother, Vania Bundchen, who watched the final appearance.

  32. My parrot flew away the other day. It was very sad to me. I loved that parrot lke he was my own son. I hope to see her again someday.
    I just bought some new shoes the other day. They are super $wagg. The woman will soon flock to me like a bee to a honey river.

  33. My parrot flew away the other day. It was very sad to me. I loved that parrot lke he was my own son. I hope to see her again someday.
    I just bought some new shoes the other day. They are super $wagg. The woman will soon flock to me like a bee to a honey river.

  34. The accidental death of a 2-year-old boy in Milwaukee on Sunday triggered a violent chain of events, eventually claiming the lives of three more people. It all started with a birthday party that little Damani Terry was attending. During the family gathering, he dashed out into the street and was struck and killed by a GMC van. Soon, two more people also died, the driver and the teen were both felled by bullets fired by the same man. That man, identified as Ricky Ricardo Chiles III, was located late Wednesday at a Chicago-area hotel. He committed suicide as authorities closed in with a warrant for his arrest.

    n the roughly one-minute long video that was captured by a surveillance camera, McHenry says to an employee at a register: "I'm in the news, sweetheart. I will sue this place."The employee tells McHenry she's being recorded, but it doesn't stop her from continuing her rant."That's why I have a degree and you don't," she says. "I wouldn't work at a scumbag place like this. Makes my skin crawl even being here."Later McHenry says, "maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?"The employee apparently says something about McHenry's hair and the color of her roots. CNN reached out to the Arlington towing company for comment but didn't hear immediately back.

  35. Madonna kissed Drake at Coachella. Madonna, 56, decided to kiss Drake, 28, while wrapping up the show with "Human Nature". Flailing his arms and having a disgusted look on his face afterwards, Drake appeared not to have enjoyed the kiss. Madonna aggressively forced herself on Drake and has caused a stir on social media concerning sexual harassment. In other news, Hillary Clinton states her change on her view on gay marriage. Previously against gay marriage, Clinton reveals in an interview that she now is in favor of gay marriage as a right guaranteed by the constitution.

  36. the feds selling guns to cartel is not a suprise to me because they put drugs in the u.s. so i know that they are up to no good. thats why they had gun stores in the hood to support the illegal activity in the streets. then they put us in prison where we are surrounded with people who has nothing to live for. so we have to fight to get by so we dont have no choice. but to be physical or you will get hurt or killed or raped. then when we fight they extend our sentence. the feds do all that on purposeBrazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen sashayed down the catwalk at Sao Paulo Fashion Week on Wednesday night in an emotional farewell to the runway.Bundchen announced over the weekend that she would be retiring from the catwalk, though not the fashion industry.The 34-year-old, who is married to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and has two children, has said she wants to spend more time with her family.On Wednesday night, Brady had a front-row seat at what was hailed as a historic moment in Brazil's fashion world.undchen wrote about her fashion career on her Instagram account: "I am grateful that at 14, I was given the opportunity to start this journey. Today after 20 years in the industry, it is a privilege to be doing my last fashion show by choice and yet still be working in other facets of the business."For her final bow, she walked down the catwalk with a group of models all wearing jeans and t-shirts with different drawings of the world-famous model. She appeared close to tears as she gave a thumbs-up. Many of the other models were also trying to hold back to tears.Bundchen was the highest-paid model in 2014, according to Forbes magazine, with a total $47 million in contracts. She is the face of Chanel and Carolina Herrera and has her own line of lingerie.The final runway show was also an emotional moment for the supermodel's mother, Vania Bundchen, who watched the final appearance.

  37. The NBA playoffs start tomorrow and there will be 4 games on Saturday and 4 on Sunday.I hope the spurs and Pelicans lose because they are the reason why the Thunder didn't make the playoffs and they are my favorite team and i want the Brooklyn nets to beat the hawks in the first round so all the bandwagons will get off of the Hawks

  38. Arron Hernandez got sentenced to life in jail for allegedly killing Odin Loyd. The trial took three days and was attended by over 130 witnesses. RIP his career.

    The NBA playoffs begin tommorwow. With the West having been clenched their spots and the East struggling to find their places. Who's gonna win? Golden State obviously.

  39. At the Coachella, Madonna age 56 locked lips with a young drake. She supposedly had set Drake in a chair and started to dance in a vulgar manner around him. As the concert went on she finally stopped singing, walked behind drake, pulled his head back and proceeded to make out with him on-stage. While Madonna enjoyed, the seconds of their making out Drake however was disgusted commenting "What the F-k just happened?". Many people think the kiss was cute, while others thought it was horrific, some commented, "Madonna is a cougar who needs to stop" i personally second that notion.

  40. the Boston marathon boomer was found guilty and also Aaron Hernandez was found guilty and sentence to live without prole.

  41. South African police fired rubber bullets Friday to disperse crowds setting immigrant businesses ablaze as attacks against foreigners spread to Johannesburg.Chanting and singing, machete-armed residents burned down shops owned by foreigners, including a Nigerian dealership in the nation's largest city.Violence targeting immigrant shops started recently in the port city of Durban, where two foreigners and three South Africans were killed. Residents have accused African immigrants of taking their jobs and committing crimes. The unemployment rate in South Africa is 25%, according to government figures.At least 112 people have been arrested throughout KwaZulu-Natal Province for various offenses related to the violence.

  42. today a dude got hit by a car and took to a hospitable in Atlanta they are putting him through a bunch of medical test to see how he will recover

  43. Wal-Mart has fired 2,200 employers due to fix the plumbing throughout five stores. The reason for the shut down: plumbing problems, according to the retailer. Two of the stores are in Texas, and the others are in California, Florida and Oklahoma. They will be closed for "extended repairs" for approximately six months, the company said. The news came as a surprise to the 295 full-time workers and 248 part-time staffers there. Both full-time and part-time workers will be put on paid leave for two months, during which time they can try to transfer to a different Wal-Mart location. Full-time employees who don't get another Wal-Mart job by June 19 may be eligible for severance, which part time workers aren't eligible for. These five stores had the most plumbing problems over the past two years, but don't have anything else in common, a spokesman said. Walmart intends to reopen the stores as soon as the problems are resolved.

  44. Georgia's Legislation has legalized medical marijuana for certain conditions. This is very beneficial for patients who are in need of cannabis oils to help their conditions. Before these patients would have to travel out of Georgia to Colorado in order to get the treatment that they needed in order to cope and survive. Now that this bill has been passed, the lives of those in need has become much easier. All they need to do is prove that they are in need of the cannabis and receive a license for it. Then they will be able to use it for medical purposes, this treatment is very beneficial and could save many lives.

  45. the girl who was put in jail for trying to make deals with people to buy weed.

  46. Missouri National Guard's term for Ferguson protesters: 'Enemy forces'!As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters,The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year.

    Robert Bates speaks out on Tulsa shooting: 'I still can't believe it happened'Robert Bates says he gets it, how you might wonder how a cop could confuse a pistol for a stun gun.While Bates is at the center of the maelstrom over Harris' death, he isn't the only one under scrutiny.
    The Oklahoma NAACP wants charges against other officers involved in Harris' death, and a state and federal investigation into the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office's treatment of minorities.The sheriff's office also finds itself fending off allegations that supervisors were told to forge Bates' training records.

  47. in Yemen three weeks ago Thursday. But Aden remains a city not fully in the hands either of Houthi rebels or forces loyal to the ousted government of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.

    Everyone we spoke to Thursday told us the same thing: Living in Aden these days is terrifying.

    We visited a hospital where doctors have given up trying to count the dead and the dying who are brought in. Officials said they believe the toll of the dead runs into the hundreds.

  48. Washington (CNN)—President Barack Obama blasted Friday the Senate for stalling on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to be the next attorney general.Lynch would be the first African American woman to lead the Justice Department. It has been 160 days since Obama nominated her on Nov. 8 and the delay in her confirmation is the longest since Ronald Reagan was in the White House.

    CNN)—ISIS claimed responsibility for a suicide car bomb attack Friday near the U.S. Consulate in the Kurdish Iraqi city of Irbil, according to several Twitter accounts linked to the terror group. All U.S. Consulate personnel were safe and accounted for following the explosion, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said.

  49. Mia Reddick.

    Joy Womack was raised in California and Texas , after she left her parents and 8 brothers and sisters in Russia six years ago. She studied at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and was one of the first Americans accepted from the school into the company. However , she speaks no Russian. When she left the academy she joined Kremlin Ballet Theatre , where she stills work at the age of 20.For her role as a principal dancer she is paid around $240 a month-$8 a day.

  50. A 61 year old mailman named Doug Hughes from Ruskin. flew a gyrocopter through protected airspace and put it down on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol, then try to deliver 535 letters of protest to 535 members of Congress.

  51. The Solar Impulse 2, the experimental plane attempting to fly around the world without using a drop of fuel, has been grounded by the weather in China.

    What was supposed to be an overnight pit stop in the southwestern city of Chongqing has now stretched into a two-and-a-half week stay.'s an unexpected layover that is testing the patience of the pilots and more than 60 team members, just a quarter of the way along a journey that will cover some 35,000 kilometers.

  52. After deliberating for more than 35 hours over parts of seven days, listening intently to the testimony of more than 130 witnesses and reviewing more than 400 pieces of evidence, the teary-eyed men and women of the jury exchanged embraces.
    Since late January, their work in the Massachusetts murder trial of former NFL star Aaron Hernandez had consumed their lives. It was nothing like "Law & Order." The days were long and tedious. Now it was over.
    "It's been an incredibly emotional toll on all of us," Lesa Strachan told CNN's
    Anderson Cooper Thursday in the first nationally televised interview with members of the jury.

    President Barack Obama blasted Friday the Senate for stalling on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to be the next attorney general.
    "There are times where the dysfunction in the Senate just goes too far," Obama said during a joint White House press conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. "This is an example of it."

  53. SIS claimed responsibility for a suicide car bomb attack Friday near the U.S. Consulate in the Kurdish Iraqi city of Irbil, according to several Twitter accounts linked to the terror group.The U.S. Consulate was the target of the attack, ISIS said.At least two people were killed and five injured, police said.All U.S. Consulate personnel were safe and accounted for following the explosion, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said.

  54. Two of the stores are in Texas, and the others are in California, Florida and Oklahoma. They will be closed for "extended repairs" for approximately six months, the company said. The news came as a surprise to the 295 full-time workers and 248 part-time staffers there. Both full-time and part-time workers will be put on paid leave for two months, during which time they can try to transfer to a different Wal-Mart location. Full-time employees who don't get another Wal-Mart job by June 19 may be eligible for severance, which part time workers aren't eligible for. These five stores had the most plumbing problems over the past two years, but don't have anything else in common,Consulate personnel were safe and accounted for following the explosion, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said.

  55. A man was arrested for landing his small one person helicopter on the White House lawn which astonished tourists. It prompted a temporary lockdown of the Capitol Visitor Center. The suspect took responsibility on a website where he stated that he was delivering letters to 535 members of Congress in order to draw attention to campaign finance corruption. He said he had no violent inclinations or intent.

    A woman who was at the Wormhole on the Aran Islands was knocked off a cliff by an enormous wave. She was knocked off on to rocks 40 feet below. Luckily, she is still alive and only has a broken ankle and minor scrapes and actually credits the water with cushioning her fall. A paramedic and a teeacher also visiting the Wormhole saw the fall and used a jacket tied to a backpack to pull the woman to safety.

  56. A man was arrested for landing his small one person helicopter on the White House lawn which astonished tourists. It prompted a temporary lockdown of the Capitol Visitor Center. The suspect took responsibility on a website where he stated that he was delivering letters to 535 members of Congress in order to draw attention to campaign finance corruption. He said he had no violent inclinations or intent.

    A woman who was at the Wormhole on the Aran Islands was knocked off a cliff by an enormous wave. She was knocked off on to rocks 40 feet below. Luckily, she is still alive and only has a broken ankle and minor scrapes and actually credits the water with cushioning her fall. A paramedic and a teeacher also visiting the Wormhole saw the fall and used a jacket tied to a backpack to pull the woman to safety.

  57. A man was arrested for landing his small one person helicopter on the White House lawn which astonished tourists. It prompted a temporary lockdown of the Capitol Visitor Center. The suspect took responsibility on a website where he stated that he was delivering letters to 535 members of Congress in order to draw attention to campaign finance corruption. He said he had no violent inclinations or intent.

    A woman who was at the Wormhole on the Aran Islands was knocked off a cliff by an enormous wave. She was knocked off on to rocks 40 feet below. Luckily, she is still alive and only has a broken ankle and minor scrapes and actually credits the water with cushioning her fall. A paramedic and a teeacher also visiting the Wormhole saw the fall and used a jacket tied to a backpack to pull the woman to safety.

  58. Kendall Schler, who was originally declared the winner of this year's St. Louis Marathon on April 12, had her title taken away and was officially disqualified after marathon officials discovered that she cheated to win the race. She is believed to have slipped onto the course after the last checkpoint in an attempt to fool race officials into believing she ran the entire 26.2 miles. Officials said that Schler did not register any times on the route, and that a review of last year’s marathon photos failed to turn up images of her on the course.

  59. A man jumped over the White House fence around 10:25 pm. He was carrying a suspicious package but tests revealed it was harmless. He is now in custody and the charges are pending.Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill that would allow execution by nitrogen gas if lethal injection is ruled unconstitutional.

  60. If you don't think the incredible, the staggering, the stunning, the insane, the eye-popping signing of Tim Tebow by the Eagles—a signing coming after the entire NFL deemed Tebow unfit for NFL duty—then you don't know football. Jay Glazer of Fox Sports broke the news on Sunday that Tebow was heading to Philadelphia.
    After a weekend shipwreck off the coast of Italy that may have killed hundreds of migrants, the International Organization for Migrants said Monday that there may be three more migrant boats in distress in international waters, according to a post on the group's official Twitter account.

  61. they saying After correction officers evaluate Aaron Hernandez , he will be shipped to Massachusetts' flagship maximum-security prison, one of the most high-tech jails in the United States with no history of breakouts: the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, about 40 miles outside downtown Boston.It's called Souza, for short, and it's the state's newest prison, opened in 1998, with a matrix of 366 cameras recording live 24 hours a day and a microwave detection perimeter with taut wire.

  62. Dr. Sanjay Gupta believes that it is time for a medical marijuana revolution. He has done a lot of research about medical marijuana and its benefits and he thinks that all states should allow the use of medical marijuana. He sees a revolution in the attitudes of everyday Americans. For the first time a majority, 53%, favor its legalization, with 77% supporting it for medical purposes. Support for legalization has risen 11 points in the past few years alone. He says "we should legalize medical marijuana. We should do it nationally. And, we should do it now."

    Hilary Clinton is making a double-feature debut in New Hampshire on Monday: Her new presidential campaign and her new policy positions. As she begins the second week of her candidacy, Clinton has clarified or cleaned up where she stands on a few touchstone issues of the Democratic Party like gay marriage and immigration. Far more complicated is her view on trade, where she's now taking a cautious approach on a sweeping Pacific trade agreement that she fully supported as secretary of state. Clinton is among the ranks of Democrats whose positions have evolved over the last eight years. But because of her apolitical position at the state department, she did not have the same luxury that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden had of publicly keeping in step as her party changed.

  63. Wal-Mart has fired 2,200 employers due to fix the plumbing throughout five stores. The reason for the shut down: plumbing problems, according to the retailer. Two of the stores are in Texas, and the others are in California, Florida and Oklahoma. They will be closed for "extended repairs" for approximately six months, the company said. The news came as a surprise to the 295 full-time workers and 248 part-time staffers there. Both full-time and part-time workers will be put on paid leave for two months, during which time they can try to transfer to a different Wal-Mart location. Full-time employees who don't get another Wal-Mart job by June 19 may be eligible for severance, which part time workers aren't eligible for. These five stores had the most plumbing problems over the past two years, but don't have anything else in common, a spokesman said. Walmart intends to reopen the stores as soon as the problems are resolved.

  64. one event is about melvin gregg. he a ugly dude tha get girls . His top jaw is extra long. He's basically famous because he's slow . So i am about to find a cool quote and dress horrible for a week so i can get all the girls. You feel me . Me feel you .

  65. On Monday I had a basketball game, I had scored 21 points with 7 assist to lead my team with a 66-45 win. The rest of the week I practiced and play outside with my friends. We had 3 on 3 and 2 on 2 tournaments. My team ended up winning the whole tournament and I was content with the win, but not with the challenges I faced due to them being a little too easy.

  66. During my spring break i went to six flags. we rode a lot of rides such as the daredevil and the batman. We had a season pass so we got free lunch and dinner. There food there are expensive but we had the money to buy food.

  67. A U.S. Deputy Marshall recently forcefully snatched a woman's phone away from her and proceeded to throw it on the ground, stomp on it and then kicked it back towards her. The police need to learn some proper manners. With all the police brutality being exposed in the media i could see why the guy was offended but he could have simply respectfully asked the lady to not record them. In tech news, Tesla, an electrical high-end car manufacturer, will be introducing a battery pack that consumers can place in their homes to charge. This battery pack will make charging your car as simple as replacing a phone battery.

  68. A U.S. Deputy Marshall recently forcefully snatched a woman's phone away from her and proceeded to throw it on the ground, stomp on it and then kicked it back towards her. The police need to learn some proper manners. With all the police brutality being exposed in the media i could see why the guy was offended but he could have simply respectfully asked the lady to not record them. In tech news, Tesla, an electrical high-end car manufacturer, will be introducing a battery pack that consumers can place in their homes to charge. This battery pack will make charging your car as simple as replacing a phone battery.

  69. today, Consumers are defecting for healthier and fresher options like Chipotle (CMG), the burrito chain that McDonald's (MCD) sold off almost a decade ago.
    The world's largest burger chain announced more depressing results on Wednesday for the first three months of 2015.
    The company vows a turnaround plan is coming. It will reveal the "initial details" on May 4. In a preview of what might be coming, McDonald's just announced that it's closing 350 struggling restaurants, mostly in Japan, the U.S. and China.
    Just how bad is it at McDonald's? First-quarter profits tumbled by nearly $400 million, or roughly a third. That's a steeper pace of profit declines than all of last year.

  70. Today in the world darkness is coming to light in the police brutality subject even its been happening for years they jus are really starting to get punished for their actions but it still isn't right

  71. Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form.Four states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. In Alaska, adults 21 and older can now transport, buy or possess up to an ounce of marijuana and six plants. Oregon voters approved a similar measure allowing adults to posses up to an ounce of marijuana in public and 8 ounces in their homes, set to take effect July 1. Colorado and Washington previously passed similar ballot measures legalizing marijuana in 2012.In February, a measure approved by voters went into effect in the District of Columbia that legalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana.Other states have passed medical marijuana laws allowing for limited use of cannabis. Some medical marijuana laws are broader than others, with types of medical conditions that allow for treatment varying from state to state

  72. The Baltimore riots are really starting to heat up now. Old and youth are all protesting against this problem. Yet another African American man was killed definitely without a good enough reason. This protest are something that needs to happen but not be violent.

  73. The Amtrak train that derailed is still under investigation. The windshield looks cracked. Investigators were wondering if the train was stuck by an object or a bullet. They confirmed it was not hit by a bullet.
    A mansion in Washington was set on fire. Four people were killed. The couple that lives there, their son, and house keeper. A suspicion voicemail directed to the housekeeper seems to be linked to the fire.

  74. Currently,Popcorn Time has created a site for the internet called The site lets you choose from thousands of movies that have been shared using some type of "torrent protocol", a peer to peer network that allows people to share media with other people. Popcorn Time has lately been shut down many times due to their access of illegal copies of movies.
    It has also been said that the future creation of the Apple TV has failed due it being abandoned as a future product under Apple.

  75. U.S. intelligence officials on Wednesday released a trove of documents recovered during the 2011 raid on Usama bin Laden's compound -- offering a rare window into the operations of Al Qaeda and bin Laden's involvement in leading the network from his Pakistan hideaway.
    The documents include dozens of letters, some from bin Laden himself, as well as accounting information and even what appears to be an application form for prospective Al Qaeda members. That form, which asks a series of detailed questions, includes the line: "Who should we contact in case you became a martyr?"

    Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and five-time heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield squared off in the ring Friday at a charity fight night event in Salt Lake City.
    Romney, 68, and Holyfield, 52, sparred, if you could call it that, for just two short rounds before Romney ran away from the boxer and threw in the towel, giving up a round early in the lighthearted fight that came amid several other fights by professional boxers and an auction.

  76. According to officials from the Kern Valley State Prison, former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips is alleged to have killed his cellmate, Damion Soward, over the weekend, per R. Stickney of NBC San Diego.On April 16, it was reported by the Associated Press that Soward's death was homicide by strangulation

    In 2009, Phillips was sentenced to 31 years in prison for striking three teenagers with his car and assaulting his girlfriend.

    Prior to being incarcerated, Phillips was considered one of the most talented running backs in college football. He ran for 1,722 yards and 16 touchdowns for the Nebraska Cornhuskers in 1994 during his sophomore season. He was subsequently kicked off the team in 1995 after being charged with assaulting his former girlfriend, but he was later reinstated to play the final four games of the season.
