Thursday, April 23, 2015






  1. I feel that the song is just a way of the artist to express their feelings about the events that have took place. I feel that this will only bring more attention to the situation which needs to be heard about. rather the attention will be good or bad, only time will tell.

  2. The songs they make it's just them telling the truth and expressing feelings. I do not like this made the situation worst because it's all the truth. If you don't want to hear the song then ignore it and dont worry about it. My opinion is you can express your feelings towards actions in different way. Such as rapping/singing, praying, and etc.

  3. This song is a form of self expression. So some people don't like this song... some people also don't like being killed in the hands of the police based solely on race. This song is not making a bad situation worse. Acknowledging that America has a problem with police brutality is the first step to trying to end it and this song will hopefully expose more Americans to what is going on.

  4. The song is simply as it says, and expression of feelings. People do it all the time, in fact, that is what alot of songs are about. I do not see how making a song could make a situation worse, at least in this case. There have been times where singers make songs expressing their feelings about being mistreated by their significant other and it did make the situation more than what it was. Here however, it is a song meant to raise awareness of the misjustices and mistreatment of minorities.

  5. This song gives a way to deliver the injustice done by officers over all case shootings making a message of the officers being the true antagonist. The message will bring more clarity and interest to the situation today. The people who follow this message will take it too literal or not care depending on who listens to the song. Based on all protests that occur over the time involving a shooting with an officer ends up in a violent and destructive protest. It is most likely the situation will get worse depending on how people think of this injustice.

  6. I believe that T.I. did a very good job justifying his song. I think he is just trying to get the word out that this behavior needs to stop. I think he is just expressing himself and that what all artists do. However, unlike many artists he is actually talking about something important in the nation compared to just the individuals life. He isn't raping about sex, drugs, or money. He is talking about something important. If you want to get a message across the best way to start is through the media whether it is song, television, or a movie. I think he is doing the right thing and hopefully more people will stand up and do what he is doing. They just need to be very careful what their true message isn't. This is a war against the ignorant.

  7. The song is self expression, taking real life situations and turning it into music is nothing to be upset over. Music is a good way portray significant issues; bringing awareness in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation. I think that this make people understand how crucial the situation is and rally us together to end such incidents; but if brings more violence and killing just remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

  8. I think its ok because anybody can make what they want, its the rights of our people. Someone could make a song about loving terrorists and nothing would happen. That person might be questioned, but they can still do what they want.

  9. The song is a personal opinion but I believe it is a self expression song it telling what's going on in the world, real life. Other than that the song was pretty good it wasn't bad he was just giving his opinion on everything that's been happening I don't think he was giving a bad energy , I just think he;s tired of everything just like the rest of us.

  10. No it doesnt make things worse. Its an opinion that you have. There expressing to their fans that listen to them that they dont agree with anything the police is doing. They have a right to voice their opinion. Just like every other person has to say. Taking the lives of black african americans because of their skin color is BS straight up

  11. I believe T.I. did a great job with justifying the reasoning for his song. I believe he's trying to bring an important subject to the public at hand and this song will. He is very well expressing himself and what most people think of this case. Unlike others though, he is actually rapping about an important subject at hand rather than getting some falsified and bad message to people. He's definitely getting his message out there the right way in the sense of using social media to himself because that is the biggest way to bring this up. The only thing I have to say is they have to be careful in the way that they present their message and also the type of message they are sending. Meaning that they need to be smart in the way they do it, rather than saying the wrong things and making it seem like an attack on the government rather than ignorance.

  12. No its not making things worst. their just voicing their and a lot of other peoples feelings about these recent incidents involved with the police and black young man victims. These people lost their lives for something very simple and petty.And the police is getting away with these murders so its good someone is speaking out about it.

  13. I think that T.I. did a very good job justifying his song. I think he is just trying to get the word out that this behavior needs to stop. I think he is just expressing himself and that what all artists do. He really is just tired of everything just like the rest of us.

  14. People have a right to do what they want. Artist can express their opinion any way they want. This is nothing to be upset over. Music can help people and harm them but it is your choice what songs you listen to.

  15. No I think its not making the situation worst. I mean us black people want our justice and also want our people to stop dying and until then we will continue to put out songs that talks about the police. and I feel like if they keep killing our people then sooner or later we will get tremendously mad and that will be putting the police in danger. but I totally agree with T.I. the way they are doing us isn't right.

  16. This song gives a lot of families and people a voice. They are not going to listen to single people one by one so this song increases the chance of our pain being understood. Now because T.I. has been in jail some people may not approve or care but it will get the point across to music lovers. Music is just one of the ways we have created too express how we are feeling.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This is another way to express thoughts and opinions. Many people argue that this country has a problem with police brutality and this is their way of raising awareness. It is only getting people's attention.

  19. I really believe we need more music like this. TI is a rap star who really trying to make some money for his song but at the same time are addressing the problems that the African American young black boys is facing in this other race or any one can get mad at the fact that we are speaking out about the situations that are going on everyday in our lives. music is what most teenagers listen to so this is just a way of letting them know we got y'all back. this is a job well done by TI great song.

  20. i think that they made the song for self expression because that was there ways of expressing there about how the police are getting away with killing people.TI stated that he belive that the police has a fear of minoities, thats why the police are acting that one way.

  21. Writing and singing/rapping there own music is a way singer/rappers express their selves or there opinions about things and they have the freedom to do so with this song (to state their own opinion) and no one should be upset over it, its good that some people are speaking out.

  22. No it not make this situation worse. T.I was right when he said music is defined by situations or feelings of the world so if someone makes a song about this situation then it should be sending a message to all these cops hiding behind there badges that if your going to be a cop and wear a badge, follow the honor behind it which means to not kill someone for no reason.

  23. I believe the song didn't make anything worse. T.I. was trying to get his opinions across and he could do that through song. Artists can't express their words straight to the police so they sing or rap about it. However, I think T.I. could've been more censored about his feelings. Songs are about expressing emotions and feelings, and that is what T.I. was trying to do.

  24. Well when you need to express yourself, you shouldn't hold it in you because that's just going to make matters worse. So no matter how you express it you just need to express it someway so expressing through a song is good because you getting it out of your system.

  25. Music is a common way to express yourself, I see no problem in T.I. expressing his emotions in his song. No one should be upset with his music because everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

  26. i feel like it is a way for them to express their feelings about events that has happen in there life.

  27. They express there emotions through music because its a way to relieve there through music. they want to let other people know what they are going through such as a break up or a relative passing.

  28. I feel that music is just another violent free way to express your true feelings and emotions without causing harm to others and I don't feel that there is anything wrong with that as long as it is being down positively.

  29. This song is nothing more but a form of expression. this isnt making the matters worse it is actually shining light on what happens everyday, this song is just another step forward not backward

  30. he was expressing his anger about the police. i dont think its bad because alot of rappers do this way back from nwa so its not common for this to happen

  31. It's just the why he can express is sailf throurw song.

  32. I feel that the song is just a way of the artist to express their feelings about the events that have took place. Artist always expressed their feelings throw. I don't see why that they make this a big deal on this song.

  33. The song is self expression, taking real life situations and turning it into music is nothing to be upset over. Music is a good way portray significant issues; bringing awareness in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation. I think that this make people understand how crucial the situation is and rally us together to end such incidents; but if brings more violence and killing just remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

  34. I don't think this is making the situation worse. This is because it is good for the famous people and/or leaders of our society to address these kinds of situation. This will make the younger generation more aware of current conflicts, making a difference overall. I believe it is important that we know what is going on in our communities and to have an opinion on the happenings.

  35. I really believe we need more music like this. TI is a rap star who really trying to make some money for his song but at the same time are addressing the problems that the African American young black boys is facing in this other race or any one can get mad at the fact that we are speaking out about the situations that are going on everyday in our lives. music is what most teenagers listen to so this is just a way of letting them know we got y'all back. this is a job well done by TI great song.

  36. I feel like music is just a free expression of your feelings just in singing. Emotions are just being poured out in songs and I dont feelm as if theirs anything wrong with that.

  37. the song is just a way of the artist to express their feelings about the events that have happened. If someone wants to make a song like that, let them. T.I did what he wanted to do and say what he wanted to say. Just as he always had.

  38. music is how you can express yourself and that is what happened

  39. Music is just an expression of the time in which we are in. Artist are just telling the stories of the people they relate and i appreciate artist for shedding light on situations that need to be addressed. Sometimes musicians, rappers and artist are the only people that young men and women listen to so they must address situations that young people are going through

  40. I feel like the song was not a bad way for him to express his feelings. There is a law that is the freedom of speech so he is free to make a song however he wants. He expressed himself through his music. It was something that was his choice to make and who are we to judge him on that?

  41. I dont think it was a bad decision because its his music and he can do what he wants with his music. He's letting the world know through a song and he did a great job with it. T.I he did what he wanted to do and said what he wanted to say.

  42. The song is self expression, taking real life situations and turning it into music is nothing to be upset over. Music is a good way portray significant issues; bringing awareness in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation. I think that this make people understand how crucial the situation is and rally us together to end such incidents; but if brings more violence and killing just remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

  43. I believe T.I. did a great job with justifying the reasoning for his song. I believe he's trying to bring an important subject to the public at hand and this song will. He is very well expressing himself and what most people think of this case. Unlike others though, he is actually rapping about an important subject at hand rather than getting some falsified and bad message to people. He's definitely getting his message out there the right way in the sense of using social media to himself because that is the biggest way to bring this up. The only thing I have to say is they have to be careful in the way that they present their message and also the type of message they are sending. Meaning that they need to be smart in the way they do it, rather than saying the wrong things and making it seem like an attack on the government rather than ignorance.

  44. I think its ok because anybody can make what they want, its the rights of our people. Someone could make a song about loving terrorists and nothing would happen. That person might be questioned, but they can still do what they want. He's letting the world know through a song and he did a great job with it. T.I he did what he wanted to do and said what he wanted to say.

  45. Everyone has freedom of speech another way of them to express themselves is music .Cops are killing people for no reason they are sacred so rather then provoking them they talk to them through music.I believe the song didn't make anything worse

  46. Mia Reddick.

    It was not a bad decision for him to write a song about the way he feels towards the police after Michael Brown's death. It's his feelings ,so he express it how he want to. Personally , i feel like that is a good way to express his feelings through a song versus approaching violently towards the police.

  47. I do not see how making a song could make a situation worse, at least in this case. There have been times where singers make songs expressing their feelings about being mistreated by their significant other and it did make the situation more than what it was.Music is a good way portray significant issues; bringing awareness in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation.

  48. I do not think that it was a bad decision for him to write the song. He was expressing how he felt in a way that best suits how he feels. He could have done it violently but he chose to do in his art.

  49. I feel that the song was a way that can express the way they feel on everything that is happening. They just wanted the world to know how they feel about the cops going around killing people.

  50. Its self expression. How can you take away some ones freedom of speech. Its not like there not telling the truth. Theres been worse songs made over the times. Ive said worse things. Its not even T.I song. Why do you have to defend your rights ? This is foolish.

  51. This song is not bad its just telling a story on how police are killing people and whats going on in the world.

  52. This song is a form of self expression.How can you take away some ones freedom of speech. bringing awareness in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation.

  53. These people are artists and they write about what they know. Similar to what T.I. said in the video, if people were upset by the lyrics, they should be enraged by the reality many people of color face. It is definitely self expression, and could be seen as a voice for a community of an oppressed group of people. This is how tons of people feel, and there is no reason why it should be any issue. With all the stuff we're being fed by the media--all the negativity and blame put on PoC--I think it's great to have influential people speak up against the injustice. Ultimately, it's a different form of nonviolent protest.

  54. I dont really think I can put my opinion on this.I dont know anything about it.

  55. I believe that it is a form of self expression because it is he freedom of speech about today world and our current generation, People get upset about what he saying in the lyrics because what he saying is right.

  56. I feel singing is a form of art which allows you to vocalize your opinion to others. Therefore since we all have ''freedom'' of speech. You should be allowed to voice how you feel in the music and say what you please. Therefore him saying how he feels in HIS music is completely fine. It would be uncalled for and wrong if someone didn't allow him to say his opinion.

  57. I feel singing is a form of art which allows you to vocalize your opinion to others. Therefore since we all have ''freedom'' of speech. You should be allowed to voice how you feel in the music and say what you please. Therefore him saying how he feels in HIS music is completely fine. It would be uncalled for and wrong if someone didn't allow him to say his opinion.

  58. i don't think the song is anything to get angry about. the song is just their way of expressing themselves and their own frustrations with the police. that fact that people are getting mad at ti and kap g for making this song is ridiculous. everyone in this country has the freedom of speech and the freedom to express themselves. whether it be through song or anything else these rappers shouldn't have to feel bad for saying whats on their minds.

  59. i feel as if music is a good way for artist to express themselves vs going out and getting violent.there is this thing called freedom of speech and that id what they are doing.the fact that people are upset about it is stupid,but just like they have an opinion other people do to.saying what is on your mind is totally acceptable to me.them again people get mad when you are right,and what you are saying is true

  60. I believe that this song is not making the situation worst it is actually making more and more people see that police brutality is getting greater. In the minds of black people it has become the greatest fear of getting shot by a white police officer. This song is actually creating steps to solve a difference in communities that have faced such tragedy. i think T.I did a great job of portraying the issue.

  61. I think the song is harmless. It is simply an expression of feelings, just like any song, that's what songs are for. They are used to bring attention to certain things, and to shed light on a situation. I think the song did a great job on raising awareness. The song was a great idea, we need to have more like it.

  62. I don't that the song is making the situation worse. It was just the artist expressing their feelings about what has happened with minorities and the police. How other people interpret the song is totally on them. This is what needs to happen for the government to start doing something to stop these senseless killings,

  63. There is nothing wrong with the song. They were just expressing themselves. I feel like putting the anger & emotion in music was the better way of doing it. It was a great idea tbh.

  64. I believe there is nothing wrong with the song. When artist make songs it is their way of expressing themselves and sharing their story. Although people look up to them they cannot control what people will go out and do. At the end of the day cops will continue to kill who they want and be unfair to who they want.

  65. I think that this make people understand how crucial the situation is and rally us together to end such incidents; but if brings more violence and killing just remember it is always darkest before the dawn in a way that news reports just can not do. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation.

  66. I feel that the song is just a way of the artist to express their feelings about the events that have took place. I feel that this will only bring more attention to the situation which needs to be heard about. rather the attention will be good or bad, only time will tell..........................................................................................

  67. it made the situation bad because they should have left it alone

  68. The song is simply a form of emotional expression. People choose to express their feelings in various ways. We shouldn't dismiss those that make songs, create artwork or make speeches about social issues. Putting anger into a song is a much better way to go about things than to physically take out your anger.

  69. The song is simply a form of emotional expression. People choose to express their feelings in various ways. We shouldn't dismiss those that make songs, create artwork or make speeches about social issues. Putting anger into a song is a much better way to go about things than to physically take out your anger.

  70. These people are artists and they write about what they know. Similar to what T.I. said in the video, if people were upset by the lyrics, they should be enraged by the reality many people of color face. It is definitely self expression, and could be seen as a voice for a community of an oppressed group of people. This is how tons of people feel, and there is no reason why it should be any issue. With all the stuff we're being fed by the media--all the negativity and blame put on PoC--I think it's great to have influential people speak up against the injustice. Ultimately, it's a different form of nonviolent protest.

  71. I dont think it was a bad decision because its his music and he can do what he wants with his music. if he wanted his music to be like that and he like it then that's his choice nobody else. He expressed himself through his music. It was something that was his choice to make and who are we to judge him on that

  72. This song gives a way to deliver the injustice done by officers over all case shootings making a message of the officers being the true antagonist. The message will bring more clarity and interest to the situation today. The people who follow this message will take it too literal or not care depending on who listens to the song. Based on all protests that occur over the time involving a shooting with an officer ends up in a violent and destructive protest. It is most likely the situation will get worse depending on how people think of this injustice.

  73. I don't believe the song Is making matters worse. The song reveals needed opinions and emotions that need to be expressed. The song reaches out to the people that feel hurt and upset and to those families that lost friends, family members due to the recent police activity.

  74. This song isn't making matters worse. They are just blatantly expressing how they feel about all of the wrong that is occurring in society. They shouldn't have to sugar-coat how they feel.

  75. Songs can be an interesting way of getting information out. If people want to use song to share their thoughts these situations than they should. It could have a great impact on society and band people together through these shaky times. However if these songs promote bad things that could definitely be a problem. But all in all it is a positive thing.

  76. The songs they make it's just them telling the truth and expressing feelings. I do not like this made the situation worst because it's all the truth. If you don't want to hear the song then ignore it and dont worry about it. My opinion is you can express your feelings towards actions in different way. Such as rapping/singing, praying, and etc.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. this song just brings more attention to what many people seem to already know. its about time somebody with some power spoke out most celebrities just go on with their normal multi million dollar lives. in my opinion, it seems like the president wasn't going to do anything. and he is supposed to be the one with all the power

  80. I dont think it really matters. This song is kinda trash. It's not even on the billbord 100 or anything. Ive never even heard this song before. Plus everyone was already mad anyway, this wont change anything.

  81. I dont think it really matters. This song is kinda trash. It's not even on the billbord 100 or anything. Ive never even heard this song before. Plus everyone was already mad anyway, this wont change anything.

  82. I don't think it will make matters worse because at the end of the day we are Americans and we have the right to freedom of speech and that song is a speech that these rappers feel like.

  83. The song is simply as it says, and expression of feelings. People do it all the time, in fact, that is what alot of songs are about. I do not see how making a song could make a situation worse, at least in this case. I don't understand how exposing such issues to more individual will hurt the the already horrible situation. I think that this make people understand how crucial the situation is and rally us together to end such incidents; but if brings more violence and killing

  84. This song is a way they express their feelings. It may add some fuel to the fire of the situation but in some cases it may help. It'll bring more attention to the situation and get a solution going.

  85. I believe that T.I. did a very good job justifying his song. I think he is just trying to get the word out that this behavior needs to stop. I think he is just expressing himself and that what all artists do. However, unlike many artists he is actually talking about something important in the nation compared to just the individuals life. He isn't raping about sex, drugs, or money. He is talking about something important. If you want to get a message across the best way to start is through the media whether it is song, television, or a movie.

  86. I believe that T.I. did a very good job justifying his song. I think he is just trying to get the word out that this behavior needs to stop. I think he is just expressing himself and that what all artists do. However, unlike many artists he is actually talking about something important in the nation compared to just the individuals life. He isn't raping about sex, drugs, or money. He is talking about something important. If you want to get a message across the best way to start is through the media whether it is song, television, or a movie.

  87. I feel like the song was not a bad way for him to express his feelings. There is a law that is the freedom of speech so he is free to make a song however he wants. He expressed himself through his music. It was something that was his choice to make and who are we to judge him on that

  88. I feel like the song was not a bad way for him to express his feelings. There is a law that is the freedom of speech so he is free to make a song however he wants. He expressed himself through his music. It was something that was his choice to make and who are we to judge him on that

  89. I think that they made the song for self expression because that was there ways of expressing there about how the police are getting away with killing people.TI stated that he belive that the police has a fear of minoities, thats why the police are acting that one way.

  90. I think that they made the song for self expression because that was there ways of expressing there about how the police are getting away with killing people.TI stated that he belive that the police has a fear of minoities, thats why the police are acting that one way.

  91. I think that the situation being expressed through a song is not a bad idea because they are just re-explaining their feelings and thoughts towards a situation that they think is wrong and unjust. Even though this might make the situation bigger than it already is, people need to know what is happening in this country in order for them to know.

  92. I think that the situation being expressed through a song is not a bad idea because they are just re-explaining their feelings and thoughts towards a situation that they think is wrong and unjust. Even though this might make the situation bigger than it already is, people need to know what is happening in this country in order for them to know.

  93. I believe T.I. did a great job with justifying the reasoning for his song. I believe he's trying to bring an important subject to the public at hand and this song will. He is very well expressing himself and what most people think of this case. Unlike others though, he is actually rapping about an important subject at hand rather than getting some falsified and bad message to people. He's definitely getting his message out there the right way in the sense of using social media to himself because that is the biggest way to bring this up. The only thing I have to say is they have to be careful in the way that they present their message and also the type of message they are sending. Meaning that they need to be smart in the way they do it, rather than saying the wrong things and making it seem like an attack on the government rather than ignorance.
