Wednesday, April 15, 2015



Should Ms. Stiviano have to pay money back for her involvement with a married man. How does this situation play into ethics, and what are your personal thoughts?


  1. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt. This goes to show to watch who you make your friends and to see if they are really out for you. #Teamnofriends #getmoney

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Elle... This is inappropriate please remove.. and repost

  3. Who cares?
    Ms.Stiviano shouldn't have to pay back the money. Sure, she used this woman's husband, but that isn't her problem. The wife just needs to move on from this and get mad at her husband, not his mistress. He should have picked a better mistress.

  4. Ms. Stiviano should pay her money back for involvement with a married man, however the coast should be lesser then this.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation.

  5. Ms. Stiviano should at least get some of the money back. But it's the past and these people should move on with their rich lives because it doesn't matter if she has 2.6 million sued on her, they probably have 2x that money or even more.

  6. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation. She should just give it back and keep on moving with her life.

  7. I do not think she should pay back the money because 2.6 million is alot of money. Nobody should have to pay all that money. They are rich anyways, thats just being greedy.

  8. no she shouldn't have to pay back for being in a marriage. because what ever happened in the past stays in the past. The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. but she shouldn't get mad at the other girl she should only get mad at the her husband.

  9. I personally believe that he should have some consequences for his behavior but I don't believe it should be so high of pay 2.6 million is too much to pay over that I mean yes he should pay but it shouldn't be that much but what he did is a big deal.

  10. I think not, no she shouldn't have to pay back for being in a marriage. because what ever happened in the past stays in the past. The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. but she shouldn't get mad at the other girl she should only get mad at the her husband.

    1. Please repost with your own opinion ...this is copied from another student's post

  11. Ms. Stiviano should pay her money back for involvement with a married man, however the coast should be lesser then this.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation.

  12. I think he should have to give it back. nobody likes a greedy friend. or even worse, a fake one, a goldigger.

  13. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt. This goes to show to watch who you make your friends and to see if they are really out for you.

  14. Ms. Stiviano should have to pay this money back due to her involvement with this man. Stiviano blatantly knew she was in an affair and only benefited from the money. If she wanted to be with this man because she truly cared then she would not of accepted the multiple gifts she was given. This proves the women simply wanted him because he had large quantities of money. The wife deserves this money as compensation for what has been done and her husbands actions. The ethic I feel play into this is that doing the wrong thing has consequences. Meaning the affair which she was in was the wrong thing and it led her to the situation she is in now.

  15. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation.

  16. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation.

  17. She shouldnt have to pay him back because a gift is a gift he wanted her to have it and now she has it. Everything he gave became her property. She has a right to keep her gifts and pay nothing back.

  18. I sdont think she should have to pay that much. If Sterling wants to get a younger goldigger thats on him. She doesnt have anything to do wit his racism

  19. I think that Ms. Stiviano shouldn't have to repay the money. It is Donald's Sterlings fault and issue for buying these extravagant gifts in the first place. If he were to spend his money wastefully on something else such as strip clubs, luxury toys, etc he could not get his money back. However, because Ms. Striviano is a homewrecker and the items such as the cars should be returned. Donald Sterling is the married man who needs to face his wife and should be responsible for his accounts not Ms. Stiviano.

  20. I think he should have to give it back. nobody likes a greedy friend. or even worse, a fake one, a goldigger.
    Jamill Jackson

  21. Ms. Stiviano shouldn't give a dime back to anyone. Just because Donald is to cocky and arrogant to take care of his family. He should jus hope people forgive him for the things he does.

  22. I dont think that she is required to pay him back that much money because he gave her the items and the money and etc. so that means it was given to her and making her pay him all that money is outrageous

  23. Maria Carter
    when you give a gift to a friend or lover in this situation you do not deserve to get any of that back. once you give something no matter the cost it is theirs now. the husband should have known better than to cheat but she (stiviano) is at fault for cheating with the married man but because she is not married to him he has no right to take things back legally. he has no rights to those things anymore. and the wife should find a new man instead of being with a cheater. not all the money in the world could fix that decision he made. he is going to go broke anyway (if ur only in it for the money). the husband (Sterling) also he should know that he cant be racist in the position he is in. he is immature and its sad to see a grown man lose his job for being a child.

  24. In my opinion Ms.Stiviano shouldn't have to give back that lump sum of money because obviously Mr.Sterling was very willing in giving her these gifts and paying for certain things for her. The wife seemingly just got jealous that she wasn't given these things or that he spent his money on somebody else beside her so she got in her feelings sued Ms.Stiviano for no point at all besides the fact that she wanted what the other girl had.

  25. I believe that Ms. stiviano shouldn't have to pay anything back because it was a gift towards her Mr. Sterling cheated on his wife he knew what he was getting into he brought all that stuff for Ms. stiviano. why should she have to pay that money back she didn't steal it and she didn't black mail him. why should she have any consequences when all she did was slept with the man. I believe that Sterling is going broke that why he want all he stuff back and that's the only reason that she is getting sued. and believe that she should have leaked the video it showed the world his true colors. and for the wife I believes she should leave him because he cheated on her.

  26. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Donald Sterling is the married man who needs to face his wife and should be responsible for his accounts not Ms. Stiviano.

  27. I believe Ms. Stiviano should not be punished because it was the man's choice to spend money on her. He decided to buy her expensive gifts, not the other way around. The husband was the one who cheated on his wife. He could have stopped it before it got out of hand, but he didn't. I believe the wife wanted to blame the mistress instead of her own husband.

  28. i believe that every decisions you make in life comes with a consequence but i do not believe that Stiviano should have to pay any money back . Stiviano received gifts from mr.Sterling that shouldn't be repaid because she may not have asked for many of the gifts she received . the wife of mr sterling seems bitter in my opinion that her husband loss almost all of his things due to a Mistress

  29. Ms. Stiviano should pay her money back for involvement with a married man, however the coast should be lesser then this.or she could give back what ever was bought.messing with a married man is inappropriate so consequences should be served.but then again on his part he was wrong for involving her in his affair.His wife should only get mad at the her husband.

  30. I think that Ms.Stiviano should be have some type of consequence, but there cost should at a little amount. I believe that people show there true colors when the going gets tough. Mr.Sterling shouldn't get any of his money back because he did it out of his heart didn't know one tell him to buy her any gifts.

  31. I personally do not think that Ms Staviano should have to pay back money for her involvement with the married man. It was the man's decision to get involved with her and even more so to buy her expensive things. It is completely unethical to force a woman to pay for something the man had chosen to do for her in the first place.. Its just not fair. Unless the married man was giving her things that wasn't his to give away, he should just have to deal with the fact that he gave away so much money.

  32. In my opinion Ms.Stiviano should not have to pay the money back due to the fact that the gifts were given to her by Mr.Sterling. It was his choice to be involved with her and to give her expensive gifts, it wasn't like it was stolen. If anything Mr. Sterling should be the one paying his wife back for his involvement infidelity and for buying Stiviano stuff rather than spending it on his wife. Stiaviano consequence isn't accurate in my eyes, i don't feel that its necessary.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Ms. Stiviano wasn't even cute she was like a smooth 7 on a good day. She not even 3.6 million dollars worthy. She a pair of uggs and a booty call worthy. Its not even right that she has to pay back the money. Its not like she took his card and purchased them herself. They were gifts from a cheating man. GIFTS ! The meaning of a gift is to give to someone he purchased the gifts and gave them to her therefore it is his fault he lost so much money.

  35. Ms. Stiviano should pay back Mr. Sterling because she basically used him for his money and that's bad in our society because if she does it than other people will start doing it. so all the money that she took from him by using him she needs to pay back. I think whoever is overseeing them needs to look in more into the situation because there might be more to the situation.

  36. she should not have to pay that hoe back because the money didnt come from her it came out her husbands pockets. If anything she should sue her husband because it was his intentions to spend 2.5 milion dollars on that woman. Shes just jealous that she is taking her man and shes gettin the benefits she posta be getting

  37. As a former home wrecker, I do not recommend being a side hoe. If you are going to be a hoe, be the main hoe. That being said, I do not believe Ms. Stiviano should have to pay money back for her involvement with a married man. In my honest opinion, all three people involved should participate in a threesome.

  38. Ms. Stiviano should pay her money back for involvement with a married man, however the coast should be lesser then this.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation I believe that people show there true colors when the going gets tough. Mr.Sterling shouldn't get any of his money back because he did it out of his heart didn't know one tell him to buy her any gifts.

  39. I think that Ms. Stiviano shouldn't have to repay the money. It is Donald's Sterlings fault and issue for buying these extravagant gifts in the first place. If he were to spend his money wastefully on something else such as strip clubs, luxury toys, etc he could not get his money back. However, because Ms. Striviano is a homewrecker and the items such as the cars should be returned. Donald Sterling is the married man who needs to face his wife and should be responsible for his accounts not Ms. Stiviano.

  40. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation. She should just give it back and keep on moving with her life.

  41. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation. She should just give it back and keep on moving with her life.

  42. I do not think that she should have to pay back so much money although what she did was not right asking for millions of dollars isn't ethical or logical.And everything that she received from him were all gifts that he willingly gave to her so she shouldn't have to pay anything back to her.

  43. in my opinion I don't think she should even have to pay that much cause If Sterling wants to go out and find him a younger goldigger thats his choice he wanted to make. She dont have anything to do with his racism its just his choice that he wanted to make

  44. This is very unnecessary to sue a woman for messing with your husband when your husband was in on it to. He allowed this type of activity to happen when he knew that he was a married man. This is stupid to sue somebody 2.5 billion dollars cause your husband was getting tired of you and found another woman more attractive.

  45. I dont think the actions taken were right for the situation.

  46. i believe that every decisions you make in life comes with a consequence but i do not believe that Stiviano should have to pay any money back . Stiviano received gifts from mr.Sterling that shouldn't be repaid because she may not have asked for many of the gifts she received . the wife of mr sterling seems bitter in my opinion that her husband loss almost all of his things due to a Mistress

  47. i thank that he should have to pay back all of the money for what he as done to the people that he needs to pay back.

  48. Ms. Stiviano should pay her money back for involvement with a married man, however the coast should be lesser then this.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation I believe that people show there true colors when the going gets tough. Mr.Sterling shouldn't get any of his money back because he did it out of his heart didn't know one tell him to buy her any gifts.I personally do not think that Ms Staviano should have to pay back money for her involvement with the married man. It was the man's decision to get involved with her and even more so to buy her expensive things. It is completely unethical to force a woman to pay for something the man had chosen to do for her in the first place.. Its just not fair. Unless the married man was giving her things that wasn't his to give away, he should just have to deal with the fact that he gave away so much money.

  49. I think its kinda of funny who does that if you cant keep control of your relationship then he or she wasnt yours to begin with that crazy and out of the mind 2.6 million i mean is it really that serious or do you just want to make a scene to get people in your buiness

  50. Ms.Stivano should not have to pay the money back to the sterling family, first of all donald sterling is racist so he deserves nothing, secondly he knew what he was doing when he was spending lavishly on his mistress. It takes two people to have an affair. Stivano is just smart for figuring out she was in a good position to live a better life and made the best of her oppurturnity

  51. I personally don't believe that she should have to pay for the relationship because he knew what he was doing. I believe his wife is just doing this out of spite, she's just upset because she was cheated on. Honestly it is her husband was equally guilty because he fell into temptation. If there is anyone she should be mad at it should be her husband.

  52. Ms. Stiviano should have to pay this money back due to her involvement with this man. Stiviano blatantly knew she was in an affair and only benefited from the money. If she wanted to be with this man because she truly cared then she would not of accepted the multiple gifts she was given. This proves the women simply wanted him because he had large quantities of money. The wife deserves this money as compensation for what has been done and her husbands actions. The ethic I feel play into this is that doing the wrong thing has consequences. Meaning the affair which she was in was the wrong thing and it led her to the situation she is in now.

  53. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt.t.The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. Though ethnics proves the wrong doing such as having a tri-relationship in an already married occupation. She should just give it back and keep on moving with her life.Mr.Sterling shouldn't get any of his money back because he did it out of his heart didn't know one tell him to buy her any gifts.

  54. No she should not have to may anything back. She didnt know he was married . Thats the wife fault for letting him cheat. If she was giving up the cheeks then he wouldnt have to cheat ;) .

  55. She shouldn't haven't to pay him back. The judge doesn't understand that is was an affair .She was clearly favoring the wife od Donald sterling . It takes two people to have an affair Mr. Sterling and Mrs. sterling both know what was going on .He knows his actions were wrong .where are his values

  56. I'm not sure she should have to pay that sum back, because he seemed very willing to give her those gifts. None of them clearly are all that smart, and all made mistakes, but Stivano doesn't need to have to pay all of that money.

  57. Mia Reddick.

    Ms. Stivano shouldn't have to pay back her expenses with the involvement of a married man. If he was willing to give her those gifts , then she might as welll take it . Matter of fact he should be talk about more than her since he messing around with her while he still married. In order for him to give her those gifts , he must be communicating with her too. As well, the wife is just doing the most, basically a revenge , since she has been cheating on . However , it was very wrong for Mr.Sterling to go out his way and talk down on Michael Johnson and as well African Americans.On the other hand my personal thoughts of this is this is just too much to be place out there for the world to see. As well , i feel like the whole situation is unnecessary and that it just up on the web for them to get some attention.

  58. she shouldnt have to pay because they all was gifts and i dont think she asked for any of the products.

  59. Tbh He knew when he met her that she didn't love him for him. He's old and what else is he good for but money. She shouldn't have to pay anything back because it was given as a "gift".

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Ms.Stiviano shouldn't have to pay back the money. The wife just needs to get mad at her husband, not his mistress. If anything Mr. Sterling should be the one paying his wife back for him being the one who cheated while being married and for buying Stiviano stuff rather than spending it on his wife. As a married man he should have made the responsible decision when it came to adultery. Mr.Sterling gladly gave her those gifts. The wife is just jelly that she wasn't given these things or that he spent his money on somebody else beside her.

    She is super rich anyway what is 2.6 million to her, she just sold the clippers for like 3 billion dollars or something crazy like that.

  62. Ms. Stiviano should not have to pay money back for her involvement with a married man. Personally, money won't solve any relationship problems. Morally and ethically, both the mistress and the husband were wrong in this situation, but that does not indicate the need for compensation.

  63. I do not believe that V. Stiviano should have to pay back anything. Personally, I did not know that adultery is a crime. People cheat on their spouses allll the time and they do not go to jail or get sued. If their spouse finds out, the cheater may get divorced, however I did not realize that this was a legal issue, only religiously and morally wrong.

  64. I do not believe that V. Stiviano should have to pay back anything. Personally, I did not know that adultery is a crime. People cheat on their spouses allll the time and they do not go to jail or get sued. If their spouse finds out, the cheater may get divorced, however I did not realize that this was a legal issue, only religiously and morally wrong.

  65. I do not believe she would have to pay anything back. His wife shouldn't be mad at the mistress but at her spouse. She wasn't using their credit card to buy this stuff, he gave those things to the mistress as gifts.

  66. yes I do believe Stiviano should have a consequence.i think that he should have to pay back all of the money for what he as done to the people that he needs to pay back. but not all of that.

  67. I think she shouldn't have to pay any money. His wife knew what he was doing the whole time she should have confronted him about his infidelity towards another woman. Ms. Stiviano was extremely childish for even messing with an old man,she clearly wanted fame and fortune. He was giving her all kinds of expensive gifts. The question is what did she do for all these gifts, that was left unknow but she claims they were in love and she loved spending time with him. shes messy for what she has done but its life and I don't think she should have to pay back any money for it because he should be responsible for his actions and he was the one who bought her these gifts.

  68. Instead of fighting a mistress, I think Mrs. Sterling dhould be asking her husband questions about him having a mistress in the first place. I dont think Stiviano should have to pay for all that stuff back because relationships are for two people not just one person.

  69. I don't believe Ms. Stiviano should have to pay for anything. $2.6 million could be an insane amount of money to her, whereas Donald Sterling probably has that much laying around his house. If his wife wants money, she should either make Sterling pay her in the same amount he spent on the mistress, or divorce him and get the money through the court. He is loaded, after all. I don't understand why she would stay with him after all the bad he's done in regards to his racism and cheating, but demanding money from the woman is the wrong way to go about the situation.

  70. I don't believe Ms. Stiviano should have to pay. There were many other ways in which she could've resolved this issue. Although, demanding money from the woman is the wrong way to go about the situation.

  71. No he should not have to pay back the money. Those people got played and its nobody's fault but their own. If you're married why you speending money on some other woman? She's a hustler and all she did was hustle.

  72. No he should not have to pay back the money. Those people got played and its nobody's fault but their own. If you're married why you speending money on some other woman? She's a hustler and all she did was hustle.

  73. I dont think the women should have to pay the money back because it was gifts to her its not like he was giving her the money to spend it. If shes being punished i believe that the man should be paying what he spent on the woman.

  74. She's shouldn't pay anything everything given to her at the time were gifts. The price is a bit too high and unnecessary and if they are going to make her party cut the price.

  75. I don't think that she should have to be force to pay "Shelly" back. Sterling gave them to her as gifts so she shouldn't have to pay. The price of the gifts is high but that doesn't change anything, they were still gifts. It's Sterlings problem for giving her such expensive gifts. Shelly probably wants the money because her husband spend more on her Mistress than her.

  76. I believe Stiviano should have a consequence, but not such a high cost. The cars she got should be taken back without a doubt. This goes to show to watch who you make your friends and to see if they are really out for you. #Teamnofriends #getmoney

  77. She shouldn't haven't to pay him back. The gifts ranged from luxury cars to above common former-ware. but she shouldn't get mad at the other girl she should only get mad at the her husband.

  78. think she shouldn't have to pay any money. His wife knew what he was doing the whole time she should have confronted him about his infidelity towards another woman. Ms. Stiviano was extremely childish for even messing with an old man,she clearly wanted fame and fortune. He was giving her all kinds of expensive gifts.

  79. I think that while it is wrong what both he and she did, she shouldn't have to pay back the money. She shouldn't have to pay it back because they were gifts and it is not like she stole the money. I do think they could have made her return the gifts, but not pay for them. What she did was wrong, and it just teaches that all actions have consequences

  80. She should not have to pay for gifts back. Once you give something to someone as a gift it is now theirs. It would not be fair to her if she had to pay them back. They could possibly ask her to return them but it would be up to her on whether or not she did that.

  81. Ms. Stiviano shouldn't have to give the gifts back because they were gifts. What she did was absolutely wrong and unethical, but that doesn't mean she has to give back the gifts that she was given. She will get her karma in another way eventually.

  82. David Carter
    The gold digging mistress who calls herself an artist, writer, chef, poet, stylist and philanthropist who is accused of taking advantage of older men. She took the gifts that was given to her and was sued for it...? One word to fix this whole thing from happening in the future "prenup "

  83. She should not have to pay back any of the gifts. A gift is something that is given to you. You don't borrow gifts. Once you are giving a gift it is yours and your free to do whatever you want with it. The wife shouldn't have allowed her husband to entertain another female without her noticing. I'm not saying it's okay for him to give his mistress all these gifts but at the same time it's his decision to do so.

  84. She should not have to pay back any of the gifts. A gift is something that is given to you. You don't borrow gifts. Once you are giving a gift it is yours and your free to do whatever you want with it. The wife shouldn't have allowed her husband to entertain another female without her noticing. I'm not saying it's okay for him to give his mistress all these gifts but at the same time it's his decision to do so.

  85. I think that while it is wrong what both he and she did, she shouldn't have to pay back the money. She shouldn't have to pay it back because they were gifts and it is not like she stole the money. Morally and ethically, both the mistress and the husband were wrong in this situation, but that does not indicate the need for compensation.

  86. She shouldn't pay because Donald sterling knew what he was doin when he spent the money on a stiviano and his wife didn't know but she shouldn't have to pay back gifts

  87. Stiviano should have a consequence but not such a harsh one. The cars she got should go back without a doubt. .

  88. I think that Stiviano should pay back some of her gifts because even though what Donald Sterling did was wrong, she still knew what she was trying to do behind his back. But overall, they were called "gifts" which means that they were given to the person for them to keep. They now have the ownership of the gifts.

  89. i believe that every decisions you make in life comes with a consequence but i do not believe that Stiviano should have to pay any money back . Stiviano received gifts from mr.Sterling that shouldn't be repaid because she may not have asked for many of the gifts she received . the wife of mr sterling seems bitter in my opinion that her husband loss almost all of his things due to a Mistress
