Tuesday, April 21, 2015






  1. I believe that the legalization of marijuana has good qualities and bad qualities. Some states have legalized it because of medical purposes while others have legalized it for recreational use. Although I feel like legalizing it for recreational use could be dangerous to some people who cant handle themselves, i also believe it should be permanently legalized across the country. Too many people get locked up for selling and having weed on them.Too many people actually need it for medical purposes. I think it would just be best if the nation just legalized it and stopped all the drama about it.

  2. I am personally ok with this. I feel that marijuana is a plant that helps way more than it hurts if it hurts at all. Marijuana is being primarily used for medical purposes. Marijuana is saving lives and helping the world in a great way. What is there negative to say about marijuana? Marijuana is an overall good thing for the world and i feel it should be completely legal.

  3. When the law for legalizing pot was approved it helped others suffering from medical conditions survive or find a cure. Pot is a profitable business giving high profits, however before the legalization for pot possessors are often arrested. Although lawmakers often joke about the new laws, for many Washington residents, the new marijuana paradigm represents far more than just an opportunity to get high.Voters in Washington overwhelmingly approved an initiative last November that allows adults to possess up to two ounces of marijuana. They can also cultivate up to six cannabis plants within their homes at one time.

  4. I believe legalizing marijuana has it's ups and downs. Cigarettes with be less common and won't lead to many sicknesses and death. It's also a therapy for many people to help them relax. it is also a medication for many illnesses we have today such as glaucoma. Unlike alcohol it keeps you calm and won't trick the mind into doing something crazy. On the down side it could cause people such as athletes and workers to be too calm and lead to laziness. I don't see the big issue with marijuana, it should be legalized, why not?

  5. Yeah legalizing marijuana is a good idea. Just think if more people smoked weed there would be less stress, leading to less crime, and suicides/depression. Additionally our nation would become so productive since smoking clears your head and puts you in a better mindset. If you put these pros with the medical purposes I just don't see how you cant legalize marijuana.

  6. I believe that legalizing marijuana could be a good and bad thing. Some people could ruin and abuse the use of marijuana when it is legalized. This is way there are so many people locked up for selling, exchanging, and the overuse. This could also be a good thing because of medical issues for different people. Such as cancer and etc. This idea of legalizing of marijuana depends on what different people think.

  7. Legalizing marijuana could be good for everybody. Some are too tense and stressed and need to calm down and relax, while others are depressed and gloomy and need an energizing pick-me-up. Completely different altogether there are people with glaucoma and other illnesses that require medicinal use of the drug. There are plenty of drugs being used for medical purposes that have side effects, so I'm not sure what the big deal is about getting high.

  8. I think marijuana is bad because drugs are bad, mkay. Dont do drugs because if you do drugs, your bad, mkay. So dont do drugs and dont be a bad person, mkay. But seriously drugs should not be legal because nobody needs that.

  9. Legalizing mirijuana really wont change anything. If you pass the law people will smoke it and if you dont people will continue to smoke it. So either way , the law being passed is pointless. Then youll have to think..... if many people in jail are in jail for possession of marijiauna are they considered free?

  10. I think it should be legalized. It has no flaws. Its way better than cigarettes. You wont be in the hospital due to that. Many people with illnesses use marijuana. Athletes shouldnt do it becuase of being "in shape" purposes. But other than that there isnt really a flaw. Who have you heard of dying by marijuana? Dont worry ill wait -________-

  11. I believe that it is a good idea to legalize marijuana but only for a good reason.The reason why i say that because if marijuana is legal it well get the drug dealers off of the streets and people can buy it from the store .I think that all 50 states are going legalize it because of that reason.

  12. I believe that there are some good things and some bad things for marijuana. some times marijuana can be used for stress or for medicine. but when its use for an addicted drug then that's terrible because marijuana is used to kill brain cells. so I believe that marijuana could be bad and good for certain reasons.

  13. I believe legalizing marijuana could be helpful and harmful. It really is just perception. It heals people from sickness and it helps relieves stress. However with everything good thing comes a bad, the only reason people say marijuana is bad because when it comes to mind their immediate thought is getting high, and that is where it becomes a bad thing. Marijuana cannot kill you despite what people say, you will most likely pass out before you die. They say it can kill you because most people tend to drive after consuming the substance, but it's not the marijuana it's the wrong decision the person made.

  14. Just like any drug, whether its alcohol to heroin, all drugs can have negative effects on people when abused. However in my opinion, of all the drugs, marijuana is the least harmful used for recreational purposes. I think the legalization of marijuana should be consider especially considering other states have already legalized it.

  15. i believe only medical facilities or people over 20 can have marijuana like alcohol. kids smoke nowadays and that ruins your brain. they should ruin their lives later like around 20 or 22. I don't smoke anyway so it doesn't matter much. anyways, I want to be healthy and smoking weed makes you fat. so that's on them if that's what they want to be

  16. Truthfully, medical marijuana is good yet bad for the people. But if this helps, we should keep it legalized for the people.

  17. It has its good and bad ...marijuana could be good for some people because some people will abuse the legalization of marijuana and only some can handle it without a problem. For health reasons marijuana can help a lot so it is good and bad in some ways.

  18. I believe the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes should be very high on the priority list for Congress. I believe while it has it's down side it's up to the people who use it to try and differ when they should use it and when they shouldn't use it. Honestly i really believe they should because at this point in time in the country it shouldn't matter because 3 out of 10 people admittedly use it and 6 out of 10 people said they would use it if it became legalized.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I believe that its okay to legalized marijuana because less people are getting arrested for having it. marijuana can be used for good like relaxing. having an appetite. but their is always some consequences like accidents on the road and getting fired from your job if you come in high.

  21. The legalization of marijuana could bring about great changes in american society. We, as a people, could go about life more calmly and with less stress as those are some side effects of the substance. If people don't abuse the new laws byy driving while under the influence and such ten it could go really well. A lot of people smoke illegally already so at the same time, there might not be much of a difference. Making smoking marijuana legal would definately lower the arrest rates of African American males in this country.

  22. Maria Carter
    i believe marijuana should not be legalized. i think it should just stay in hospitals where professionals can control its use. there is a lot of negatives that come with the use of this drug. an example would be that when they legalized it in a different state the car crash rates went up, unemployment rates went up because the people were coming into work on drugs. i dont thing majority of people are able to handle the responsibility if its use.

  23. I believe that legalizing weed would be good and and bad idea. The people in society now its easy to get hold of weed so it might be more opening smoking would be a bad influence on kids. Its good because people with medical problems this substance can really help.

  24. Marijuana is harmless and i hope the legalization spreads until it reaches the southern states. This isnt a drug to me it is more like medicine. You smoke marijuana to feel better and to relieve stress. I cant wait for it to be legal everywhere.

  25. I believe that legalizing marijuana would be a good thing for people that use it illegally because then they can use it without being worried about getting arrested. at the same time it would be bad because some people would go and abuse their freedom and use too much

  26. In recent years, marijuana has become an important topic among many. People get locked up for possession of marijuana every day, which, in my opinion, is ridiculous since police need to spend more time training, helping people, and catching actual criminals. I do think there should be a limit on the amount an individual possesses since some may abuse the drug, cause accidents, etc.; however, marijuana can be harmless and helpful in many situations. Some people use it for a good time just like alcohol, which can be even worse than weed for a person's health and state of mind. Ultimately, I do believe that marijuana should be legalized to reduce the amount of men put in prison and create a happier community, but there may be a need for some possession rules after it is legalized.

  27. I think it can be a good and bad idea. For who it may concern there are may ways marijuana help people. Most people just want it to get there next high while some need it for medical reasons.

  28. I don't really know if having marijuana is a bad thing but at the same time its not necessarily the best thing either because a lot of people can or will abuse the fact that there is even marijuana out there and might end up harming themselves because of it.

  29. Marijuana legalization could be for the better or the worst. Although I prefer to think about the better since it can't do much harm in my eyes unless you are giving it the power to. Marijuana legalization is a change for the better for those who have an illness and it benefits it greatly. It can also help those who are sickly get through hard times in there life calming them, making it not as hard. Yet it is bad because people will see this as a source to all there problems I'm unsure if it is addictive ,but things tend to be if they ease how people feel about their problem. Therefore, marijuana can damage if people get to dependent on the drug yet help for those WITH AN ILLNESS in pain.

  30. legalization of marijuana is one of the craziest things that could have happen in my opinion. even though the marijuana legalization is for medical issues this is really just introducing more kids to it at another level. I believe that this is something that can help but at the same time this will just cause more kids to be marijuana influenced. more people will start to go to jail because when they here that marijuana is legal they believe that it is for everybody. But they are wrong just for people with medical issues are allowed to inject their selves with this substance Cannabis oil or to smoke the medical weed . overall its crazy but if it can help someone dealing with physical issues or save lives that's great . but this just goes to show you how crazy the world is becoming. unless the government really just put strict restrictions on a plant that came up out of the earth that people use to relax.

  31. I am personally ok with this. I feel that marijuana is a plant that helps way more than it hurts if it hurts at all. But they are wrong just for people with medical issues are allowed to inject their selves with this substance Cannabis oil or to smoke the medical weed . overall its crazy but if it can help someone dealing with physical issues or save lives that's great . but this just goes to show you how crazy the world is becoming. unless the government really just put strict restrictions on a plant that came up out of the earth that people use to relax.

  32. I believe legalizing marijuana is a good idea for many reasons. It stops people from hiding to do it. It also stops police from focusing on marijuana, instead paying attention to more dangerous drugs such as meth, cocaine, and heroin. However, legalizing it could cause some problems. People would start using it more and that could have bad effects. The government shouldn't be so strict about the drug because they use it more medical reasons. It isn't the worst drug to have.

  33. i think its wonderful that marijuana is legal there. and i also think it is helpful and is helping more people than it is harming them. people seem to be happy because i haven't heard any controversy over the subject but it will keep a lot of people out of jail because a crime that was once accompanied by jail time is now not and people are able to do what they please at there own will.

  34. I believe that legalizing marijuana is good and bad idea. It can be a good thing but people can also use this for a bad drug to do. Police pay alot attention to marijuana instead of paying attention to meth , codeine , and etc.. The drug is used for medical reasons and i know legalizing it people are going to use it in a harmful way as well.

  35. The legalization of marijuana can have its pros and cons. It also will stop the law breaking . Maybe it'll lower the crime rates since people will be to high to commit the crime. The stores can sell the product and the city can raise taxes on it and out it towards school funds and section 8 housing, build new pavements, advance in studies of medication. There are many ways to benefit from the legalization of marijuana. Colorado alone made 53$ million dollars off the sales of recreational marijuana and their are still in their first fiscal year of selling recreational weed. Think about what Georgia could do with 53$ million dollars maybe even more !

  36. I believe legalizing marijuana is not a good idea.first i believe that people will shter to abbuse the power of it being legal.also i believe people will start to say things are wrong with them just to get some weed.althought some people say that the weed will help you relax bet there is a state of being to relaxed.this will not keep people out of jail becaues the mail people who get it are the main ones that should not have.i think many nore problems will be created from legalizing weed.

  37. I think that legalizing marijuana is completely up to those who care about it. As far as I'm concerned marijuana has never done anything positive or negative to me. So whether it gets legalized or not is beyond me. But to be honest if it helps people then how bad can it be ? I honestly think the government doesn't want marijuana legalized because there is simply to much money in the business for the government to get a good amount of. Because if I'm right, marijuana is kinda like cigarettes. People know cigarettes are considered dangerous to some, and completely harmless to others. So is marijuana, there are lots of things the internet says it does to your body, yet others says that stuff is completely false. So I think if people want to risk smoking marijuana then by all means do it. But why the government doesn't think that way is a little fishy.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. The legalization of marijuana could bring about great changes in american society. We, as a people, could go about life more calmly and with less stress as those are some side effects of the substance. If people don't abuse the new laws by driving while under the influence and such ten it could go really well. A lot of people smoke illegally already so at the same time, there might not be much of a difference. Making smoking marijuana legal would definately lower the arrest rates of African American males in this country.

  40. Some states have legalized it because of medical purposes while others have legalized it for recreational use. Although I feel like legalizing it for recreational use could be dangerous to some people who cant handle themselves, i also believe it should be permanently legalized across the country. Too many people get locked up for selling and having weed on them.Too many people actually need it for medical purposes.

  41. Although I feel like legalizing it for recreational use could be dangerous to some people who cant handle themselves, i also believe it should be permanently legalized across the country.But they are wrong just for people with medical issues are allowed to inject their selves with this substance Cannabis oil or to smoke the medical weed . overall its crazy but if it can help someone dealing with physical issues or save lives that's great .

  42. I do not see why weed is illegal in the first place. Cigarettes do more damage than weed does anyway. There are no records of anyone dying from weed soooooo....... Tke it from a real smoker so they can tell you how they feel.

  43. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco.Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs.

  44. Legalizing marijuana has its pros and cons. Many people use it for health reason , where they have to smoke it . It's not like it's hurting you. It's only a problem when people are abusing the drug. Other then that, I see no problem legalizing it.

  45. Mia Reddick.

    Marijuana usage comes with pros and cons. Medical marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes , but other than that it should not be legalized. The reason for it because a lot of people deal with substance abuse and do not how to react with it . However, marijuana users should not be treated harshly due to the race of them , we all are treated with respect.

  46. This drug is not as bad as others, but it can still be harmful. Also legalizing it will make easier to get specifically to children. This could potentially cause a lot of harm to children if they were to get their hands on it. But I guess that's really a matter of the parents responsibility. If there were to be drugs legalized this one of the less deadlier ones even though its still very harmful.

  47. Legalizing marijuana has its pros and cons. Also, there's other drugs that do much more damage than it like cigarettes. It should only be considered to be problem if it's abused. I absolutely have no problem with the government legalizing it.

  48. Marijuana can be used for good or bad things. marijuana is also a plant which doctors use to help others in the medical field. people also use marijuana for their own personal use. It all depends on how you use it. Marijuana could be put to a better use but people always have to use something in a negative way.

  49. I love the idea of legalizing marijuana. IF i was a smoker i would be excited. 85% of the people i know smoke marijuana. Marijuana is a beautiful plant. Marijuana does more good then harm from what i know. I cant wait to turn 21 so i can be a pothead. It also has many medical purposes. It helps with seizures, glaucoma, etc.

  50. marijuana should be legal because it is not just a drug it's also an medicine that helps people so that they can get better from it so yes it should be legal

  51. Marijuana should be illegal because its a drug that people get addicted to and it could kill u if u do so much of it but at the same time it should be legal cause its a medicine for some people to relieve stress or overcome problems such as job loss.

  52. Legalizing mirijuana really wont change anything. If you pass the law people will smoke it and if you dont people will continue to smoke it. So either way , the law being passed is pointless. Then youll have to think if many people in jail are in jail for possession of marijiauna will they be freed?

  53. Legalizing mirijuana really wont change anything. If you pass the law people will smoke it and if you dont people will continue to smoke it. So either way , the law being passed is pointless. Then youll have to think if many people in jail are in jail for possession of marijiauna will they be freed?

  54. Regardless of the law legalizing marijuana won't change anything. People were still going to smoke if it were still illegal. This law would be pointless. I think they should just let it be. They can't do anything about it.

  55. Marijuana is going to be very helpful in the world. Its going to be bad starting off but i think later when everything is final its going to be good.

  56. In my opinion i think that marijuana should be legalized due to the fact that it can be beneficial in many ways. This legalization can decrease the amount of people in jail, help those who need it for medical attention, and also bring money into the economy. Marijuana is easily accessible around the world so it wouldn't make a difference on whether people will smoke it or not.

  57. In my opinion i think that marijuana should be legalized due to the fact that it can be beneficial in many ways. This legalization can decrease the amount of people in jail, help those who need it for medical attention, and also bring money into the economy. Marijuana is easily accessible around the world so it wouldn't make a difference on whether people will smoke it or not.

  58. Legalization of marijuana should be approved for many reasons. It can create a great income for taxes if it is being sold in the stores, it also is a great medicine for people with glaucoma. People already abuse the use of marijuana daily knowing of it being illegal, by making it legal to the certain age, it will make users happy

  59. I think it'll be fine to legalize marijuana. There are many things that are available to the public and are legal that cause cancer and other types of illnesses. Legalizing it and making it available in certain stores can stop a lot of other problems as well like drug dealers that end up murdering people for money and stuff like that. With the right limitations like don't smoke at school and other public places I think it would work.

  60. I feel that marijuana should be legalized throughout the entire country. If marijuana was legalized then there would be less people in jail for it. Marijuana also has a lot of benefits. One benefit is that it helps ease the pain of some illnesses which is why some states allow the use of medical marijuana. Another reason is because it could improve our economy because there are a lot of people who already smoke it. Legalizing marijuana would only make it easier to get.

  61. Legalizing marijuana could be good for everybody. Some are too tense and stressed and need to calm down and relax, while others are depressed and gloomy and need an energizing pick-me-up. Completely different altogether there are people with glaucoma and other illnesses that require medicinal use of the drug. There are plenty of drugs being used for medical purposes that have side effects, so I'm not sure what the big deal is about getting high.

  62. Marijuana should be legalized. People are going to smoke weed regardless of whether or not it is legal. A smart thing to do is to monetize marijuana. If you can't beat them, join them. The government would bring in a lot of revenue and can then use that profit in order to improve the communities or improve education for example.

  63. Marijuana should be legalized. People are going to smoke weed regardless of whether or not it is legal. A smart thing to do is to monetize marijuana. If you can't beat them, join them. The government would bring in a lot of revenue and can then use that profit in order to improve the communities or improve education for example.

  64. I feel like there are both good and bad affects that Marijuana can have on today's society. I think that by legalizing weed there would be people that this would and would not affect. Even if marijuana wasn't to be legalized that wouldn't stop people from indulging in it so either way it goes it is going to be consumed. Although most people may think of marijuana of being something that people smoke just to get high it actually can serve medicinal purposes for people with chronic illnesses so like I said there are definitely purposes that marijuana has served and will continue to serve as long as it is being grown.

  65. I believe marijuana should be legalized because its nothing wrong with it if you use it the correct way! It can be used for medical purposes or whatever and a smart thing to do is monetize marijuana then you never know the government might be doing it so whats wrong with the people doing it?

  66. I believe that marijuana should be legalized because all of these other drugs are legalized and they do more damage than marijuana. The drug can be used as more than jus commercial use. It can be used as a medicine or even as a stress reliever. More people die bye alcohol than marijuana usage so that tells you in itself that it should be legalized since alcohol is.

  67. I feel like there are both good and bad affects that Marijuana can have on today's society. I think that by legalizing weed there would be people that this would and would not affect. Even if marijuana wasn't to be legalized that wouldn't stop people from indulging in it so either way it goes it is going to be consumed. Although most people may think of marijuana of being something that people smoke just to get high it actually can serve medicinal purposes for people with chronic illnesses so like I said there are definitely purposes that marijuana has served and will continue to serve as long as it is being grown.

  68. I think this is a great idea, the legalization of marijuana can only benefit the United States. Look at our current economic situation, that could easily be fixed with the legalization of marijuana. So many funds are raised through the production of marijuana, I'm talking millions. This would also help keep people out of jail for foolishness, people are booked for possesion all the time. If we were able to keep more people out of jail, which would also save money.

  69. I think this is a good idea. Marijuana has been proven to be very beneficial for certain illnesses and diseases. Also it can boost the economy as you can see in Colorado. Legalizing marijuana will lower crime rates because then people will stop going to jail for selling marijuana.

  70. I believe legalizing marijuana is not a good idea.first i believe that people will shter to abbuse the power of it being legal. I believe people will start to say things are wrong just to have the weed. I think its still a good idea because it relax you and it makes you feel better in all ways.

  71. I think it should be legalized. It has no flaws. Its way better than cigarettes. You wont be in the hospital due to that. Many people with illnesses use marijuana. Athletes shouldn't do it because of being "in shape" purposes. This would also help keep people out of jail for foolishness, people are booked for possession all the time. If we were able to keep more people out of jail, which would also save money.

  72. Marijuana should be legalized because if the person can limit how many times they can smoke then its ok for it to be legal and also it helps with diseases like aids and glycoma as others

  73. I think Marijuana should be legalized. People are going to smoke weed regardless of whether or not it is legal a smart thing to do is to monetize marijuana there are plenty of drugs being used for medical purposes that have side effects, so I'm not sure what the big deal is about getting high.

  74. No you should not legalize weed. Everyone is already smoking it anyway so what would be the purpose. And once weed is legal people are gonna want to do something illegal, so theyll do like coke or something and thats bad.

  75. No you should not legalize weed. Everyone is already smoking it anyway so what would be the purpose. And once weed is legal people are gonna want to do something illegal, so theyll do like coke or something and thats bad.

  76. MaryJane should be legalized, too much of tax payers money are spent on taking weed related charges to court. Weed has killed no citizen and is close to harmless. if weed is legalized the marijuana industry can create tremendous profit for the economy and boost the economic status

  77. MaryJane should be legalized, too much of tax payers money are spent on taking weed related charges to court. Weed has killed no citizen and is close to harmless. if weed is legalized the marijuana industry can create tremendous profit for the economy and boost the economic status

  78. There's really no point in legalizing it. People are going to continue to smoke it regardless. Just one useless law that we don't need. Some people already be acting crazy when they high, and this will just make it even worse. I personally do not smoke so it really doesn't affect me if they legalize it or not.

  79. It depends on how you use it because some people need it for medical problems but if you abuse it by overdose or exchanging it or selling it that when it can be bad but i think legalizing marijuana can be good and bad.

  80. I think it is a good idea to legalize marijuana for medical reasons. I don't think it is a good idea for it to be legalized as a whole. Marijuana is very dangerous, and many people do not realize the danger of it. Legalizing marijuana would only another door. Many people do not know how to moderately smoke it.

  81. I personally don't agree with marijuana because smoking was never in my interest. To the ones that are interested in it i do not see a problem with legalizing it. Cigarettes and alcohol are likely to harm the human body as well therefore how can they continue to use that excuse. Majority of Americans use marijuana so instead of completely making it illegal there should be certain rules with using it. (Just like rules with cigarettes)

  82. The legalization of marijuana can have its pros and cons. It also will stop the law breaking . Maybe it'll lower the crime rates since people will be to high to commit the crime. The stores can sell the product and the city can raise taxes on it and out it towards school funds and section 8 housing, build new pavements

  83. Do I think legalization of marijuana would be a great idea. Yes because this illegal drug has uses that heal people or ease the pain of some people. It would also i think lower the crime rate and robberies. The only down fall for this substance being legal is that if you sell this drug you will be out of business.

  84. I believe some people don't have the responsibility or control to be able to handle the legalization of another drug. If it's for medical uses, it should stay there. Drugs get abused enough already.

  85. Legalizing marijuana could be a bad thing. Some people could ruin and abuse the use of marijuana when it is legalized. This is way there are so many people locked up for selling, exchanging, and the overuse.More people will do wrong with it than good.

  86. The legalization of marijuana has good qualities and bad qualities. Some states have legalized it because of medical purposes while others misuse it and continue to make people second think there decision on legalizing it. Legalizing it shouldn't be an options because it is put in place to help and it can be easily misused

  87. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco.Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs.

  88. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the users of alcohol or tobacco.Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs.

  89. In my opinion, marijuana is actually not a bad drug since it doesn't really harm u in any way but i think that they should have never legalized it around the area of Washington D.C. since it is our national capital. I think that places, such as Colorado, should be allowed to attain legalized marijuana since it is nowhere near D.C.

  90. I believe the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes should be very high on the priority list for Congress. I believe while it has it's down side it's up to the people who use it to try and differ when they should use it and when they shouldn't use it. Honestly i really believe they should because at this point in time in the country it shouldn't matter because 3 out of 10 people admittedly use it and 6 out of 10 people said they would use it if it became legalized.
