Thursday, April 16, 2015



 Go to and look up the articles highlighting the evidence surrounding the Aaron Hernandez case. Do you believe that the jury made the right decision?

Minimum of 1 paragraph.


  1. I don't know if he did it because I wasn't in the courtroom. I don't know all of the evidence. However, if the jury was unanimous then I'm sure they have good reason to put him behind bars. It is really unfortunate to hear that the man he killed was a friend of his. I hope that he can find peace with himself. I know that if my friend died and it was in any way my fault I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

  2. I believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished. What he did was very fatal to his career an life. It is very tragic that such a talented football player has to be punished, but it's life. Don't do drugs, stay in school kids...

  3. Ever since the Salem Witch Trials, America has reserved the legal policy of "innocent until proven guilty". This occurred after hundreds of people were accused of practicing witchcraft without any regard for evidence and thus burned alive. Hernandez maintained his innocence throughout the trial, but the jury ultimately decided there was enough evidence to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Considering the reliability of this information, I believe the jury made the right decision.

  4. I have been personally following the Aaron Hernandez case. I do not think he may be completely guilty but i don't think he is innocent ether. I feel maybe Hernandez was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I also believe that Hernandez was involved with the wrong crowd and maybe was hanging out with the wrong people. I do not believe that he is a killer he just simply got caught up in the wrong things messing around with the wrong people. Now his entire life has been ruined and his career is over.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The jury made the right decision for if they would give the charges less forcefully then it in justifies the court system for a famous man should receive the same charges as a normal man for the same murder. A murder is still a murder no mater what man committed it including this pro athlete who has ranks within former New England Patriots. If an understatement was draw in the court it will not be tolerable. Throughout the court case Aaron Hernandez discover he was trialed as an average man instead of getting the infamous celebrity treatment in court. It was the right decision made by court to trail him as a normal man.

  7. The jury on this case made the right decision in my opinion. If you have enough evidence for the actions he has done, I don't see why he wouldn't be guilty. I know he is a famous football player, but the people in the court should see as a regular person, not someone famous. I hope he does fine in prison I guess. Goodbye Hernandez.

  8. This case is peculiar because while at first he may seem guilty there isn't enough evidence to prosecute him.The jury refused to answer if they thought Hernandez was the man who fired the gun that killed Lloyd. Although there is the fact that Hernandez sent Jenkins a coded message, leading to the disposal of a gun. But he has many people close to him claiming his innocence. That includes Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Hernandez's fiancee, and Shayanna Jenkins, which denied Hernandez responsibility for Lloyd's death. Using all the evidence that i have researched i believe he did not kill him but was an accomplice to the crime as he even states he was at the scene of the crime. So he deserves to be in jail but not for the rest of his life like he has been given.

  9. I believe that the man is innocent. He may not have done it and didn't want to expose a crime possibly bigger than the murder. He didn't even look guilty. That was the face of a man that knows what is happening is wrong but can't do anything about it.

  10. I think he might have did it. Then again he might not have done it. Its one of those cases where its hard to decide because nobody really cares unless you were involved in the situation. So, It does not matter to me if the jury made the right decision

  11. I believe that the jury made the right decision even though there isn't pinpoint accuracy on the time of death, and the whereabouts aside from the alleged witnesses. I personally believe in the fact that if there is any shadow of a doubt that a man is innocent then he is innocent but i don't think in this case that's the fact because all of the evidence leads to him. I'm not saying that he was voted guilty on his track record, but the fact that he has broken the law several times in either minor or moderate cases and also the fact that he's been indicted on a double homicide in Boston didn't help his case this time. It's very sad to see that a major athlete in the NFL has ruined his life like this, but some times people don't heed the little things that show you why you need to slow down and start doing the right things with the right crowd.

  12. I think it was the right decision. If you make a bad decision in life you gotta pay the price. It was murder. Its not the purge, you cant just go out killing people without a consequence. He ,messed up his football career becuase of a stupid decision. Nobody in the world can make you that mad to where you take them off the earth. If anything your rich. You can hire somebody to kill him .... Just saying ;)

  13. yes I think the jury made the right decision. even though he had just made it to the NFL he should still go to jail. he murdered someone so therefore he is not innocence. I know that they couldn't find enough evidence to prove that he was guilty but why wouldn't he be guilty. and if he wasn't put behind bars then you don't know what else could have happened he would have killed someone else. and if he really wanted someone dead then all he had to do was hire a hit man or something like that.

  14. If this man murdered Lloyd, then they made the right decision. He should except what he did and suffer the consequences. But who knows?

  15. I believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished. If he really wanted someone dead he could have Just hired a hit man because he's supper rich

  16. I feel Aaron did not get justice through the court. I feel as if the jury made a foolish , unruly decision. Within the court I think they simply wanted to pin the crime on someone. This court and the jury didn't want justice they wanted someone to blame. Making this a deceiving trial since this man, could have been wrongly accused.

  17. I do believe they made the right decision.Even though he was doing to protect his girlfriend he still broke the law.It is obvious that he was still in thestreets for him to make that decision.He just signed a 7 year 40 million dollar contract last week.If it was me and i wanted him gone so bad i wouldnt have i got my hands dirty and i wouldve had it done quietly.He just made the wrong decision.

  18. I believe he should be charged with the murder but part of me is saying how did they know he really did it if they had to evidence of a weapon? He did shoot someone in the face also so he might have did it he probably didn't but he does deserve jail because he took someone life away over nonsense which is sad so I do believe the jury made and ok ..choice.

  19. I believe that nobody can have a true opinion on the case unless they were there and saw exactly what happened. No matter what you think anybody can be a murderer. There is no look for a murderer. All the court can do is use their witnesses and find out exactly what happened.

  20. I believe that the case could have went both ways because aaron says that he didn't do and the jury only had most of the evidence. he was charged with 1st degree muder and had possession of an fire arm without an license that why he was sentenced to life.

  21. if he murdered somebody, he should go to jail. life is a long time. but from what I know this is not his first run in with the law. oh well, Aaron shouldn't have shot him. maybe he didn't. who knows. I honestly hope if he is innocent they find out exactly who did it. this wouldn't be the first time the jury has wrongly accused and punished someone

  22. I think Aarons sentence should be atleast 3-5 years only because he had involvement in this. They don't have enough evidence to prove he murderd the man for sure. People think just because he was famous & in the NFL he can get away with it and that's not the case. He needs to take responsibility in his actions. Because of this he has ruined his football career and basically his life.

  23. I honestly do not know if he did it. He may have, he may not have, looks can be deceiving. People have been saying he maintained his innocence in the way he presented himself. With lack of evidence it's hard to determine such a accusation. There was a coded message, and the proof of the gun found used to commit the murder. So I mean, it all depends on how you look at it. There's only two people who really know what happened that night.

  24. I believe the jury made the right decision in putting Aaron behind bars. If theres enough evidence that proves that he comitted the murders then i dont see why he wouldnt be guilty. Just because he's a celebrity does not mean he gets special treatment. It's sad to see such talent go to waste.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I feel that in this case all the evidence isn't there yet.The weapon that was used has not yet been found,so they cant give to long of a sentenced. Then again in his past he has been accused of shooting someone else while he was in college.

  27. I don't agree with the jury. If it said to not be enough evidence such as the actual murder weapon, then I don't think Aaron Hernandez should be convicted. By granting his fiancee immunity, however cause more suspicion. She is his fiancee not legally his wife, therefore should not have been granted this.Because there is reasonable doubt they he in fact did not commit the crime he should not be sentenced.

  28. Maria Carter
    i believe that if they have hard evidence on him then he should be charged a jailed. if not then i believe he should be set free. im glad the jury didnt treat him any different than a normal citizen. aarons gun was the gun that shot the man odin. also he was caught on camera with the murder weapon.still no one is sure why he did it.

  29. I believe that the jury made the right decision by putting him behind bars, but at the same time they gave him life with no parole that's really strict. I thought that celebrities get special treatment not in this case. but yes I'm glad he was convicted and this jury did a good job with the final verdict this should be an example to every other professional athlete that think they get special treatment. this man was really good and he had a lot of money he could have easily found another way to take some one out now he gone be there until he die!!!!! ''(a life for a life''

  30. i think the jury made the right decision not even considering that he's was a nfl rising star they went off the evidence they had. they treated him like a normal human being. he messed up and he deserves to be punished for his actions.

  31. He obviously did killed the man. I don't think he did it alone though someone could have helped him or promoted the death. I think they should stay investigating this case until it is blown wide open. This was a good decision y the jury and he should spend all the time he gets in prison.

  32. I think it is possible that he could have commited or orchestrated the act. Based on a past murder charge of two people over a spilled drink, it is possible that Hernandez and Lloyd got into it over something, resulting in his death. I also think it is possible that he could be innocent. The murder weapon wasn't found and i don't know if the police still tst people's hands for gun residue still. His nonchalant attitude makes it seem as though he knows he is going to get out soon or he is content with the jury's decision because he is innocent and is protecting someone close to him.

  33. I do not know what to believe. I think it is very possible that he had a hand in committing the murder, based on the evidence they had, but I do not believe that it is a completely solid conviction. People who say he had an "it is what it is attitude" is probably right, but I do not think that should hold any meaning in his sentencing. His demeanor could have been calm throughout the course of his trial just because that's how he is on a regular basis. With that being said, I think it is good that the jury finally made a decision, even if I believe that life without a chance of probation is an extreme sentencing in many situations. If he did it, it was a good decision, but if he is in fact innocent, it might resurface in the future. At least the family was able to feel some relief for their loss when he was found guilty.

  34. I really don't know if he did it or not I mean you have little evidence on the man. I mean it doesn't matter who you should get charged but it took around three years to convict the man. I really don't know

  35. believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished. What he did was very fatal to his career an life. In my opinion if you take a life, you should lose your life. Not death wise, but spending the rest of your life in prison.

  36. I believe the jury surrounding the Hernandez case made the right decision because he shouldn't be able to get special treatment just because he is a NFL football player. Also, murder is not a small thing and he deserves what he gets. However, I don't all of the evidence with the case, but if the jury said prison for life, then that's what Aaron Hernandez should get. I believe the jury did the right thing.

  37. I don't believe Hernandez is guilty. I believe he is innocent. For multiple reasons plus the video evidence is lacking, the man was his best friend, and also i believe he is smarter than that. With all the money he is making if he wanted somebody dead he would simply pay for it the man is making millions as one of the best tight ends in the league at that moment of time. On top of that i think he knows who murdered him but he doesn't wanna tell and be labeled as a snitch.

  38. Based on the evidence that the jury has on Hernandez, they definitely made the right decision. Given his past involving murder charges, the body being found not far from his house, his past in gang violence, and even text messages that prove Hernandez planned on meeting Lloyd the night of his death, the jury has no other option than to go by what the evidence implies. Either Hernandez did the killing or took part in it. Either way he was included in it and the evidence says so.

  39. I don't believe he should have gotten such a huge consequence, i don't feel like he is guilty. I can tell by his choice of words. When he said "They're wrong", i felt like no one would say that who actually committed the crime and wouldn't seem so sincere. He handled his consequence very smoothly but if he knows who did it and doesn't want to speak up then he's just going to have to deal with the consequence.

  40. i don't believe that the jury made the right decision by giving Hernandez life in prison. Even tho he was a witness to the murder he shouldn't be jailed for life because its not like he murdered the man himself. i feel that Hernandez should come clean about we actually murdered him so he can clear his name . its not fair for Hernandez to go down for something he didn't do but at the same time if he doesn't want to admit it to it then whatever happens to him happens .

  41. they dont even have enough evidence that he killed them. why would he kill his best friend the whole story is stupid. more so the way they accusing him . they shouldnt convict him life without parol if they dont have all the evidence they need to convict him for it. you can tell by his court video response when he said its not true " when the said that he killed the 3 people.

  42. I don't believe that Hernandez is guilty. I believe he knows who did it , but he doesn't want to step up to the plate and tell who did it. Also they have not found any murder weapon yet. I believe they charged hernandez because of his previous charges for murder. Also the body being 1/2 mile away from his house made it seem kind of weird. Hernandez planned on meeting Lloyd the night of his death, the jury has no other option than to go by the little evidence they do have. It's either he know who did the killing or he was doing the killing by the other article you see Hernandez make a message to the jury by saying " Your wrong" and just looked down that should be looked into.

  43. I don't believe the jury did the right decision. This is a man with millions of dollars and a bright future ahead of him and for him to just throw it away seems too easy, there is a story behind it or there is other people involved who is forcing Hernandez to keep his mouth closed.

  44. I am but a simple boy. I have no way of knowing for sure if this man is guilty or not. But it sure does seem like he is guilty. Thats what the jury says so thats final. Thats our legal system and it might not always work but it's the best thing we got.

  45. I am but a simple boy. I have no way of knowing for sure if this man is guilty or not. But it sure does seem like he is guilty. Thats what the jury says so thats final. Thats our legal system and it might not always work but it's the best thing we got.

  46. Based on the evidence I believe that the jury chose the right decision. However, I don't believe that Hernandez actually committed the crime. He probably knows who did it or he was there when it happened but he had too much to lose by actually murdering Odin himself. there was no clear piece of evidence that Hernandez murdered Odin, they only speculated based on the evidence.

  47. Ever since the Salem Witch Trials, America has reserved the legal policy of "innocent until proven guilty". This occurred after hundreds of people were accused of practicing witchcraft without any regard for evidence and thus burned alive. Hernandez maintained his innocence throughout the trial, but the jury ultimately decided there was enough evidence to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Considering the reliability of this information, I believe the jury made the right decision.

  48. Based on the evidence I believe that the jury chose the right decision. However, I don't believe that Hernandez actually committed the crime. He probably knows who did it or he was there when it happened but he had too much to lose by actually murdering Odin himself. there was no clear piece of evidence that Hernandez murdered Odin, they only speculated based on the evidence.

  49. I believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished.Based on the evidence I believe that the jury chose the right decision.

  50. I believe that the jury made the right decision by putting him behind bars, but at the same time they gave him life with no parole that's really strict. I thought that celebrities get special treatment not in this case. but yes I'm glad he was convicted and this jury did a good job with the final verdict this should be an example to every other professional athlete that think they get special treatment. this man was really good and he had a lot of money he could have easily found another way to take some one out now he gone be there until he die!!!!! ''(a life for a life''

  51. I think the jury made the right decision. If anyone commits a crime against anyone, especially murder, he should be in prison. Even though I'm a Patriot's fan, I'm not defending what he did. RIP his career.

  52. I think they made the right decision he shouldn't have killed him no matter what killing is wrong unless you have a good reason he deserves to be in jail and should not come back to the NFL Rip his career

  53. Well yes I believe that they did. I say that it's about time that something gets convicted of a crime. It's nice to know that the law and order still exists. It doesn't matter how money you have or your social status. So yes, they have made the correct decision.

  54. i baleve that he did not kill that man and he should have not been chareds with marede.

  55. The jury made the right decision for if they would give the charges less forcefully then it in justifies the court system for a famous man should receive the same charges as a normal man for the same murder. A murder is still a murder no mater what man committed it including this pro athlete who has ranks within former New England Patriots. If an understatement was draw in the court it will not be tolerable. Throughout the court case Aaron Hernandez discover he was trialed as an average man instead of getting the infamous celebrity treatment in court. It was the right decision made by court to trail him as a normal man.

  56. i believe the jury made the right choice. A crime is a crime and if you cant face the consequences then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place, its his own fault and he deserved it. based on the evidence, their was no way out of this one, he already had multiple charges in the past so this shouldn't be a surprise. Doing drugs, murdering, i am surprised he wasn't locked up sooner, but at least now this is one less problem that society doesn't have to worry about. Like the saying goes, "Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me" he wasn't fooling anyone this time and paid the consequence.

  57. I believe the choice made was right for that situation.

  58. Aaron Hernandez is charged with first degree murder for the death of his one-time friend Odin Lloyd. He is sentenced for life and was found guilty of unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition. I feel as if the jury did make the right decision on sentencing him cause for a certain activity that he made should be punished.

  59. I dont think it should of gotten that case because they didnt have enough evidence to prove him guilty. I believe that Aaron Hernandez did not murder Odin Lloyd , Aaron was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and since that they want to say that it was him that committed the crime. It doesnt make sense that they were going to let him go because they didnt have the right amount of evidence but when his trail came they threw the whole book at him and gave him 25 to life without parole. Thats stupid

  60. I mean I would believe it IF he did it but if not I strongly disagree cause if you committed a crime especially death you should served the time so. What he did was very fatal to his career an life. It is very tragic that such a talented football player has to be punished, you make a lot of money why do that that's just childish but maybe his mind wasn't right that day

  61. Aaron Hernandez was found guilty on the charges for first degree murder me being a patriots fan i think they tried him just because of his ethic background and because of pictures and a man in america with alot of money you should keep a gun on you with bullets I think they should have dropped the charges against i think he is not guilty #free Hernandez

  62. I do not believe that Aaron Hernandez should have been charged. I don't think that the jury had enough information to sentence him for life. I believe that they acted mainly on his actions in the court room. He was arrogant and the trail did not seem to have phased him much. So that played a role in the court decision.

  63. I do not believe that Aaron Hernandez should have been charged. I don't think that the jury had enough information to sentence him for life. I believe that they acted mainly on his actions in the court room. He was arrogant and the trail did not seem to have phased him much. So that played a role in the court decision.

  64. It is not in my position to judge a man on whether he did or did not commit that crime, that is for God to do but i don't know if putting a man in prison for life is the right thing to do. Police officers kill people and do minimum three years in a prison. Yet the law slams the book at those that were raised in a environment where killing would be considered almost normal. Aaron hernandez is no victim either and he is wrong for even putting himself in this predicament but i do feel that a man's life is truly the only thing he has and you take that away from him it helps no one

  65. I feel that if he did commit the crime of murdering Lloyd then he should face all the consequences that come along with committing a crime like the one he is being accused of.

  66. Regardless of whether or not he actually did it, I believe the jury was trying to make sure another person didn't get away with murder. They decided to convict him because they probably personally believe that he committed the crime. Some of the evidence does certainly point to him but on the other end there are some loose ends in the case.

  67. I think it is possible that he could have commited or orchestrated the act. Based on a past murder charge of two people over a spilled drink, it is possible that Hernandez and Lloyd got into it over something, resulting in his death. I also think it is possible that he could be innocent. The murder weapon wasn't found and i don't know if the police still tst people's hands for gun residue still. His nonchalant attitude makes it seem as though he knows he is going to get out soon or he is content with the jury's decision because he is innocent and is protecting someone close to him.

  68. I don't think he did it , I believe he is smarter than that . With him being in the NFL, he would know that he can't do things like that and get away. Its not that much evidence that lead to him . Like come on , a footprint bruh .

  69. i think they made the best decision . Wrong is wrong. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed the crime , you should serve.

  70. I do not believe he murdered the man but he has something involved with the death of him.The jury made the right decision but then not again .Hernandez was a successful man not a dumb one.I feel maybe Hernandez was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  71. Mia Reddick.

    According to them even placing him in the prison system, then he must of did something so terrible. Although in the article that did not speak to much on what exactly he did , there is not much for me to say if the jury did the right decision. However, you do something so wrong and it is against the law you pay the price. It is life , we all make mistakes we just have to learn from it and don't repeat it again.

  72. I believe he did do it. The reason why i say he did it is because he had got in trouble in the past fighting at a club.

  73. From what all the evidence I have heard. He had some affiliation to the crime. The Court ispulling this man shoes and texts just to prove he committed the murder. And from what i'm seeing he killed the man point blank.

  74. I think the jury made the right decision. If anyone commits a crime against anyone, especially murder, he should be in prison. Even though I'm a Patriot's fan, I'm not defending what he did. RIP his career.

  75. I believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished. Many people have been getting away with murder. there should be a consequence for every action. its sad for him to go down like that knowing he is is a known football play but oh well that's were decisions get you

  76. I think that the jury made the right decision. If you murder someone then you deserve to be in prison. It doesn't matter who you are a crime is a crime. The justice system makes sure that nothing like this can happen to anyone else.It was wrong for what he did and he know it

  77. About 22 months ago, the body of Odin Lloyd was found in an industrial park. A jury has now found a former New England Patriots tight end guilty Jurors in the trial of former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez have found him guilty of first-degree murder.Jail life won't be pretty for Aaron Hernandez, the NFL football player and convicted murderer sentenced to life without parole, in Souza-Baranowski

  78. Hopefully he committed the crime and is rightfully sentenced to life in prison. But I have confidence that the jury made the right decision. But if he did it than he got the right punishment for his heinous crime.

  79. I do not know if he did it but if he did he does not deserve life. I dont really know what to say,

  80. There are three sides to every story, and your innocent until proven guilty, but I can't tell you if he is guilty our not guilty, and just because he is in jail doesn't mean they should stop looking for someone or something else that ties Aaron at the scene or doesn't tie Aaron to the scene. In conclusion I hope he gets what he deserves freedom or jail.

  81. David Carter
    In my eyes if there is enough evidence against him then there isn't much anyone can say. It was said that they found a murder weapon on him. I mean if someone did frame him then there's nothing no one can do about it. he can sit there and nod his head and say no all he wants. I don't know know how to feel about this.

  82. I mean, really, how much thought went into this plan? Drive around for 45 minutes and then cap the boy in an industrial stupid is that?
    I think Hernandez stewed about what Lloyd did in that club for three days and then got high and decided Lloyd had to go.
    The only thing I don't like about the whole mess is that there's no death penalty in taxpayers will have to pay to keep this piece of crap alive in prison for the next 40-50 years.

  83. I do not believe that Aaron killed Odin.The first thing is that there was not a lot of evidence against him.,and as they said he did not directly kill him.I think he was an easy target to frame.even if they did have a lot if evidence against him and said he was guilty i do not thing he needed life without parole.that was an unreasonable decision.i do not believe the jury made the correct decision.

  84. There are three sides to every story, and your innocent until proven guilty, but I can't tell you if he is guilty our not guilty, and just because he is in jail doesn't mean they should stop looking for someone or something else that ties Aaron at the scene or doesn't tie Aaron to the scene. In conclusion I hope he gets what he deserves freedom or jail.I do not believe that Aaron killed Odin.The first thing is that there was not a lot of evidence against him.,and as they said he did not directly kill him.I think he was an easy target to frame.even if they did have a lot if evidence against him and said he was guilty i do not thing he needed life without parole.that was an unreasonable decision.i do not believe the jury made the correct decision.

  85. There are three sides to every story, and your innocent until proven guilty, but I can't tell you if he is guilty our not guilty, and just because he is in jail doesn't mean they should stop looking for someone or something else that ties Aaron at the scene or doesn't tie Aaron to the scene. In conclusion I hope he gets what he deserves freedom or jail.I do not believe that Aaron killed Odin.The first thing is that there was not a lot of evidence against him.,and as they said he did not directly kill him.I think he was an easy target to frame.even if they did have a lot if evidence against him and said he was guilty i do not thing he needed life without parole.that was an unreasonable decision.i do not believe the jury made the correct decision.

  86. The jury on this case made the right decision in my opinion. If you have enough evidence for the actions he has done, I don't see why he wouldn't be guilty. I know he is a famous football player, but the people in the court should see as a regular person, not someone famous. I hope he does fine in prison I guess. Goodbye Hernandez.

  87. I believe the jury made the right decision. It doesn't matter who you are, if you committed a crime especially death, you should be punished. What he did was very fatal to his career an life. It is very tragic that such a talented football player has to be punished, but it's life. Don't do drugs, stay in school kids.

  88. Hernandez may be completely guilty i think maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I also believe that Hernandez was involved with the wrong crowd and maybe was hanging out with the wrong people.

  89. From what all the evidence I have heard. He had some affiliation to the crime. The Court ispulling this man shoes and texts just to prove he committed the murder. its sad for him to go down like that knowing he is is a known football play but oh well that's were decisions get you

  90. I think that the jury made the right decision. I feel that all the evidence while all being circumstantial kind of shows his guilt. I think there were many things that showed that Hernandez whether shooting him his self or watching or knowing about the murder was involved in an extreme way. Therefore making him have the fair sentence of Life in prison.

  91. I believe that he should have been found guilty. The evidence is credible enough to prove it. In some way Hernandez was involved in the murder. I don't think he did it in the right mind but I agree with what he was sentenced.

  92. I think Aaron Hernandez did commit the crime. There is liable evidence that proves that he did it. He was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole which is a very harsh sentence, but since he committed murder then it is appropriate. There is some evidence that supports the argument that he didn't do it, but the evidence supported that he did outweighs that. The jury believed he committed the crime so therefore he has to do the time.

  93. I personally think that Aaron Hernandez did commit the crime. There is plenty of solid evidence that can prove that he is guilty. If someone has the thought that they should kill someone then they have to be man enough to serve the time. His life sentence isn't harsh. The person he killed won't be able to have anymore time to be free so why should he be able to have freedom.

  94. I personally think that Aaron Hernandez did commit the crime. There is plenty of solid evidence that can prove that he is guilty. If someone has the thought that they should kill someone then they have to be man enough to serve the time. His life sentence isn't harsh. The person he killed won't be able to have anymore time to be free so why should he be able to have freedom.

  95. Arron Hernandez is guilty because all the evidence match up to him some how and he denies he did the crime knowing he did but it's only being to deny no man or woman wants to go to jail but may deserve to be there but still shouldn't want to go

  96. Im always bias on certain cases because I was not at the crime when it happened.I think that its a possibility he did because of he evidence that was shown but who knows. Either way he is behind bars and off the streets so that he cannot commit this crime again.

  97. I'm not sure if he actually committed the crime. The jury made a decision and they have to follow it. I'm sure the evidence points to him but maybe there needs to me more investigation.

  98. I do not believe the jury made the right decision on what Hernandez was charged for. He was charged with murder but there was no hard evidence that shows he pulled the trigger. I do believe he was involved with the murder but I don't think he did it.

  99. I honestly do not know if he did it. He may have, he may not have, looks can be deceiving. People have been saying he maintained his innocence in the way he presented himself. With lack of evidence it's hard to determine such a accusation. There was a coded message, and the proof of the gun found used to commit the murder. So I mean, it all depends on how you look at it. There's only two people who really know what happened that night.
