Monday, April 20, 2015


What are your thoughts about this story? How effective is the internet for helping people find their loved ones?


  1. The Internet is crazy, it helps in a huge way. Just about everyone in the world uses social networks or technology. That means everyone is connected with everyone without even knowing. Without the Internet it would be impossible to stay connected.

  2. I think this story is very sweet. She is blessed to have found her mom, not everyone has a mom. The internet is such a big deal rather than just for media and socialism, but for good purposes in life. Shout out to Facebook doe.

  3. It seems hard to believe that this daughter searched on the internet for her biological mother and the results brought her to a co-worker. It's incredible what research can do with results ranging from across the world or the result to be right beside you. The internet can do this by finding each "foot print" left as a presence sorting out information from data to data giving you an answer.

  4. The internet also used in good reasons like this one. This is really touching that this women found her birthmother on Facebook and that she works with her in the same office makes it even more neat. I hope her and her mother are now doing well.

  5. Bruh. Aye bruh. That's crazy like, my mom? I don't know how I would feel. I couldn't know the reason she didn't want me but I would be slick salty that she just put me up for adoption. People joke about giving away their kids but I would be mad if I didn't know who's stomach I spent the majority of a year in.
    As far as if the internet is effective, I believe that it is a great way to find people no matter who you are looking for. Facebook, Instagram, and other social media or maybe even just a service or website that someone has signed up for may come up with their name on it, and you got who you're looking for.

  6. This is a truly incredible story. I think it is amazing that after all these years her real mother was right under her nose. I am happy for them that they didn't find each other before it was too late. I hope they will be able to bond and establish a healthy relationship. I think the fact that facebook helped her find her mother was really cool. I believe finding people through social media can sometimes be a blessing.

  7. This story is pretty hilarious and touching at the same time. Its nice that a family could be reunited via social media, but i almost fell out of my chair when they were like they work together, I could just imagine her standing over her cubicle yelling mom is that you. Then her other daughter worked there too that's just comedy gold. I guess they live in a small town where everybody is related and knows each other.

  8. This story is touching and finally a happy ending news story. It's not peculiar that she was able to find her birth mother on Facebook. However, the fact that she worked with her mother all along and was coworker to her sister as well is just out of this world. It's great to see the internet used for good causes.

  9. The internet is good and bad , but in this situation the internet helped with this story it's a crazy but good situation , because she was working with her mom the entire time but its good that they reunited with each other after all these years

  10. maybe the mom didn't want to be found. but before you turn cold and die you should know where you came from. this is good for one of them. maybe even both. I think its sad however that she had to find out this way. but it is what it is. but since they work together maybe they can cover each others shifts.

  11. I think that story is real cool. Thats amazing how many connections can be made through the internet. Not alot of people are that blessed to do that. Some people to this day still havent found their birth mothers. So i feel that this was a message to any other person in the world .

  12. That story is whack because nobody deserves to find out that way. Its good that she found out though. If I found out my mother was my coworker I would slap her for not being my mom.

  13. This story is very inspiriting and also incredible. this story gives children that never knew who there parents were can still find there parents. also some people say that social media is bad but if it can meet your real parents than you should be thankful for social media. and its crazy because they worked at the same place and lived on 6 minutes away form each other. but I think that this story touches a lot of people especially the ones without parents.

  14. The Internet is crazy, it helps in a huge way. Just about everyone in the world uses social networks or technology. You can find anybody from social networks

  15. Thank the lord for the internet. This is wonderful because no one wants to be without a mother or father.

  16. I think it's pretty cool that her mom and sisters kinda looked for her. The internet is definitely aamzing when people use it to do great things. It is very effective in finding people and things that matter to you.

  17. I think this story is beautiful. It's crazy how they were so close together for so long and never knew about that connection. I think the internet is extremely effective in helping people finding their loved ones, because everyone has a social media page for one reason or another. The technology we have has probably helped millions of people find exactly what they're looking for.

  18. Its amazing that social media can also be a way to help people just like it help the woman find her mother. Just based off the fact that this woman was able to find her mother just by using social media was amazing its self and then finding out that her mother was also her co worker also another amazing part of the story.

  19. Maria Carter
    this is a very sweet story and im glad social media is doing some good for people. its nice to see something in media that isn't negative and is more helpful and sweet like this. many people want to reconnect with family or friends. the internet is a great place to reach out and find new people or reconnect with people you used to know.

  20. This is amazing how the internet can bring people together. These types of story show the bright side of the worldwide web. She would have never known that her mother was working with her if it wasn't for the internet. Most things like this don't happen often but it is a blessing.

  21. This story is really crazy but it seems like this could happen to anybody. I wouldnt be suprised if they found the same thing in any other companies. Things like this happen all the time.

  22. I think this story is amazing it shows how social media can be used for good and not for bad stuff. im glad that she got to reunite her mother. since the internet has expanded its very easy to find people these days.

  23. This story shows that anything can be found if you have will to look for it. The fact that they work in the same.;

  24. It is a very heart warming story and for her to go all these years without knowing your birth mother then finding out you've been working with her the whole time is just shocking.that she's been right there with you the whole time is amazing. i know she probably broke down in tears when she confronted her saying that shes her birth mom

  25. This story is interesting because in todays world the internet plays a huge role. It's crazy that her mother was actually working alongside of her. Its amazing that they found each other.

  26. This event shows that anything can be found on the internet. It is awesome how the daughter was able to locate her mother so easily. However, it is kind of scary how quickly someone can be identified by others, but I am happy that the mother and daughter could unite. It's amazing that the daughter already knew her mother as a co-worker so it wouldn't be difficult to get to know each other.

  27. The internet is crazy and everyone in the world uses it each and everyday in the world. In the world everyone thinks social media is so bad but it can also be used for good purposes as well.

  28. This is an inspiring story and it shows how effective the internet really is. It's also a coincidence how they work together, which means it was meant to be for them to reunite. The internet is a great way to find loved ones who can be located around the world. Social media is the most common way to get in contact with long lost friends and family because it's easier to search their name and their account will pop up. We are grateful to have such an outlet to get in contact with the important people in our life.

  29. This story is very effective and beyond remarkable. it is honestly amazing to know that the internet can bring people together especially in the case that they had been separated for so many years.the internet is a powerful source to reconnect people not only through social media but also through other websites and resources provided by the internet.

  30. To be honest I've never heard anything like this before. I know the internet has many benefits and helps a lot of people. But finding your parents through it? That's un-heard-of. I guess this can be added to the great big list of the internets benefits.

  31. The internet is crazy. It really proves that the world is smaller than we know it. Who knew a simple social media website can reunite a family that has been seperated by adoption. To make the story crazier they work in the same place CO-WORKERS. Its great that shes been reunited with her birth mother but the chances of that happening to another person is like 89237489023406 to 1 !

  32. it is an amazing heart warming story that is inspiring. it was so crazy how her mother worked at the exact same place that she works,. i have a couple siblings that never met my father, it would be great to get to meet them and they should really get to meet my father because he is a cool person. its just crazy how her mom works at the exact same place as she do. i used to work with my dad it was really cool and fun. but it would be crazy if i aint know he was my dad at first then finding out.

  33. i believe that it is just unbelievable that her mom that she has been wanting to see for some time now was her co worker. I am excited to see what they can catch up with over the past few years. Also excited to see them re unite together.

  34. I think its a pretty good story. The kind of story that makes you go "hey, thats what's up". I think that social media can help people out every now and again.

  35. This event shows that anything can be found on the internet. It is awesome how the daughter was able to locate her mother so easily. However, it is kind of scary how quickly someone can be identified by others, but I am happy that the mother and daughter could unite. It's amazing that the daughter already knew her mother as a co-worker so it wouldn't be difficult to get to know each other.

  36. This event shows that anything can be found on the internet. It is awesome how the daughter was able to locate her mother so easily. However, it is kind of scary how quickly someone can be identified by others, but I am happy that the mother and daughter could unite. It's amazing that the daughter already knew her mother as a co-worker so it wouldn't be difficult to get to know each other.

  37. I think that this story is absolutely amazing and very heart warming. It is amazing just how far the internet has came and the power that it has to affect so many people's lives. Its incredible that this woman finally found her mother through the internet and its even more amazing that she was working in the same building with the woman whom she had been searching for for so very long.

  38. I think that this story is absolutely amazing and very heart warming. It is amazing just how far the internet has came and the power that it has to affect so many people's lives. Its incredible that this woman finally found her mother through the internet and its even more amazing that she was working in the same building with the woman whom she had been searching for for so very long.

  39. Who go on Facebook anymore? Even though the beginning sounded weird, the end result is a nice one. Every kid should know who their parents are, even if they're dead. This was a unique story.

  40. In this situation Facebook was helpful for this person to find their loved one.
    Internet and social media have a positive effect on people lives.

  41. This story is very uplifting. This shows how unpredictable life can be. You would never think in a million years that your real mom could be somebody that is so close to you without you even knowing. I'm happy that they had a good relationship as co-workers as it would have been very awkward if they did not like each other beforehand. Now they have a perfect opportunity to spend time with each other constantly and try to create a special bond between each themselves.

  42. This is a truly incredible story. I think it is amazing that after all these years her real mother was right under her nose. I am happy for them that they didn't find each other before it was too late. I hope they will be able to bond and establish a healthy relationship. I think the fact that facebook helped her find her mother was really cool. I believe finding people through social media can sometimes be a blessing.

  43. i think that is a good thing to do to somebody family but I think its a pretty good story.This event shows that anything can be found on the internet. I guess this can be added to the great big list of the internets benefits.

  44. This is a heart warming story I really enjoyed listening to it. The internet makes amazing things happen in life. To her that she found her birth mother just looking her name up on facebook is ,just amazing.

  45. to be honest that's crazy. you haven't knowing your mom for so long then you find her on social media, that's crazy I don't have nothing to say about that. I would be shocked if I found my mom on facebook heck yeah we would have LOTS of conversations but that's good though they can have that bond that they always wanted

  46. this story is very heartwarming, i couldnt even imagine not having my mom in my life, and to see this lady go through most of her life without even knowing who her mom was is very sad. To finally find out that your mom i someone that you didnt even know is both sad but ironic, and i am glad that these two can no spend there lives getting to know each other and fufilling the gap that was in that women's heart.

  47. This is an amazing story. It is unbelievable that a woman can find her mother on the internet. Just a simple search on Facebook changed her life forever. I am happy that they found each other and I believe that this gives other people confidence they they could find their parents too.

  48. This story is quite amazing to me. The fact this woman was looking for her mother for over 40 years and she had been working with her all along is very interesting. Just think about not knowing who your mother was and walking pass her everyday. The internet is very useful when trying to find love ones. News and information spread like wildfire on the internet cutting the time it would take it would take to actually physically go out and look for that love one

  49. I believe that Social Media is very good.

  50. I think the story is touching because the person finally found his mom. now you can finally get to know your mom how you want. Not having your mom is hard I think but I never had that happen to me.

  51. I think this is a nice story, it is always nice to hear that someone was able to find a family member that they never knew. Social media is a very good tool for finding a person that you are searching for in this modern society. If you had a friend but they moved when you were children you could easily search their name on the internet and find them. This makes it very easy for foster children to find their parents if they wish to do so. I feel like the internet has come a very long way and is useful in many ways in this day and age.

  52. This is a truly incredible story. I think it is amazing that after all these years her real mother was right under her nose. i hope that they are able to bond and enjoy time together

  53. This story is very interesting. I think its crazy how she was working with her mom and she didn't even know it until she researched who her biological mom was online. The internet is a very helpful tool as you can see and it can help bring loved ones together.

  54. This is one of the brighter sides of the internet. Ir's really touching in many ways.Normally you won't see these kinds of things. But when it happens, you just hope for the best things to happen.

  55. This story is very inspiriting and also incredible. this story gives children that never knew who there parents were can still find there parents. also some people say that social media is bad but if it can meet your real parents than you should be thankful for social media. and its crazy because they worked at the same place and lived on 6 minutes away form each other. but I think that this story touches a lot of people especially the ones without parents.

  56. I feel optimistic about this story .Its the good side of the internet. It is very effective in finding people and things that matter to you. It has its sensitive side.

  57. Its good that she could find her mom and its even amazing that she found her on facebook and that they work together. It really is a small world. Its crazy how much the internet can do in just a short amount of time.

  58. The story is very touching. It shows that social media isn't all bad. After all these years, she finally gets to meet her mom.

  59. I feel optimistic about this story .Its the good side of the internet. It is very effective in finding people and things that matter to you. It has its sensitive side.

  60. It's a very great source and it's very effective. I'm glad that I'm able to even have this in my grasp. Also, it helps many people do many things they thought they couldn't.

  61. Thank you who ever mad internet. I bet you are very welahy. You helped the world be easier an different ways,

  62. Its really good that they found the mother. The chances of them finding her were very low. She is very lucky.

  63. Mia Reddick.

    My thoughts about this story is that it is good that she finally found out who her mother is. As well , now she can build up that mother and daughter relationship up and become more closer with her mom and her other siblings. Overall, it is a blessing to be connected back with your family members because your family mean the most to you. The internet is quite effective to helping people find their loved ones since he help out this young lady find her mother. It shows that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

  64. The internt is a very good source to alot of people because when they need to look something up or find something up it is there and can help u with what u need.

  65. I'm just glad she found out who her mother is and now she start to develop a relationship with her. I think regardless of how she found out, its a blessing for her and now they can grow together.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Small world , huh ? The internet can bring you to anything. Its 1 billion people on FaceBook. That means your whole family is on ( most likely). You can talk to almost anybody. So im not surprised she found her mama. Im sure it wasn't hard. All you need is a lead. It would be easy then. Nun the less , this story is beautiful.

  68. Im glad they found her mother cause mothers love and care for you. She can now live peacefully knowing she has her mother in her life so now she can do things with her like travel with her.

  69. Im glad they found her mother cause mothers love and care for you. She can now live peacefully knowing she has her mother in her life so now she can do things with her like travel with her.

  70. I believe that it is a great way to find people no matter who you are looking for It really is a small world. Its crazy how much the internet can do in just a short amount of time news and information spread like wildfire on the internet cutting the time it would take it would take to actually physically go out and look for that love one

  71. I think this story is very sweet, the daughter is so blessed to have found her mom after so many of years not even knowing who she was, and especially seeing as how not everyone has a mom. The internet is such a big deal rather than just for media and socialism, but for good purposes in life.

  72. Its so amazing that someone can find their birth siblings on social media. I find it beautiful how social networks can bring lost family memebrs together.

  73. This was a sweet story but at the same time messed up. Its sad that the whole time she was working with her biological mom and sister and had no idea. By the grace of God she found out through facebook.

  74. This story was a miracle, especially because they worked in the same building. I bet one of them have heard before that they look like but neither one of them even thought about it twice. The Internet do have some amazing qualities when it comes down to situations like this.

  75. The internet is a source which can do many things. Making it very powerful it can destroy people's lives with words and also change them greatly for the better. In this case it made a change for the better , causing this to occur is amazing. It let this woman find her mother ''right under her nose''. If you think about this the women would have never had the chance to meet her mother if not for this she would have never noticed she had such a deep connection with a women so close to her. So, in this case a miracle, something spectacular has happened because of the internet.

  76. The internet is a source which can do many things. Making it very powerful it can destroy people's lives with words and also change them greatly for the better. In this case it made a change for the better , causing this to occur is amazing. It let this woman find her mother ''right under her nose''. If you think about this the women would have never had the chance to meet her mother if not for this she would have never noticed she had such a deep connection with a women so close to her. So, in this case a miracle, something spectacular has happened because of the internet.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. The internet can be used in many different ways. This just so happen to be a really positive life changing way. this is a great thing that she found her mom. god really set this up for her to connect back with her mom. This just goes to show you how quick you can solve a major problem in just a short amount of time using the worlds best friend the internet.

  79. In my option this story is amazing.the fact that she found her mother over the internet is amazing.and the fact that she worked with her all along is even more amazing.many people look at the internet as a bad thing when in reality it is helpful and sometimes joining the internet world is a good thing. to be honest a lot of things things would not be here today without the help of the internet

  80. I think its a very nice story. The internet is very helpful in many different ways, and this is just the latest example.

  81. The internet can do a lot of incredible things. My thoughts about this story is that it is so amazing how she found her mother using the internet. It turns out that her mother was with her all along. The internet just reunited someone with their mother after all these years.

  82. We should be very grateful in our day and age for social media, and the internet. The fastest way news travels is through the internet and media, which means the internet is very effective for issues such as this

  83. The internet is very effective for reconnecting loved ones. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, could actually reconnect you with many old friends and family members that you haven't seen it a while.

  84. This story is very inspiriting and also incredible. this story gives children that never knew who there parents were can still find there parents. also some people say that social media is bad but if it can meet your real parents than you should be thankful for social media. and its crazy because they worked at the same place and lived on 6 minutes away form each other. but I think that this story touches a lot of people especially the ones without parents.

  85. I am very surprised of this post. We should be very grateful in our day and age for social media, and the internet. The fastest way news travels is through the internet and media, which means the internet is very effective for issues such as this. I believe that Social Media is very good.

  86. Its very good that the daughter found her mother and I know that the daughter to have found her missing mother because its hard not having a mother around to comfort and talk to u

  87. David Carter
    I think its a miracle this happened, the internet can be very useful and this is proof of that. Without the internet she would have never found her mother. all the time gone by without truly having a connection with their mother. its amazing

  88. The internet actually helped her find her mother so sometimes the internet can be very useful but it can also be very dangerous but in this case it was helpful.

  89. I'm just happy that the internet was used in a positive way. It shows you that technology is not always that bad. I think its a blessing that she found her mother because now they can make up for all the lost time they had between each other.

  90. I think this story is amazing and bizarre and the same time. It is a blessing that she was able to have closure as well as her mom and sisters. The internet is a very helpful source especially in today's society.

  91. I think stories like this really shows how great social media can be in the field of connecting people. You can easily find someone on the internet. With the help of records and medical tests.

  92. This story just proves that the internet can be effective in many ways.This story is beyond belief and very uplifting.Without the internet she probably would not of found her mother and i know she is beyond grateful.

  93. This story is touching and finally a happy ending news story. It's not peculiar that she was able to find her birth mother on Facebook. However, the fact that she worked with her mother all along and was coworker to her sister as well is just out of this world. It's great to see the internet used for good causes.

  94. I'm happy that the two finally got to reunite after all this time. Its so crazy how Facebook, a social media app/website, has made this happen in a way that you would never know until then. As you can see the internet is very helpful towards peoples lives and whatnot

  95. I think this story is beautiful. It's crazy how they were so close together for so long and never knew about that connection. I think the internet is extremely effective in helping people finding their loved ones, because everyone has a social media page for one reason or another. The technology we have has probably helped millions of people find exactly what they're looking for.
