Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Express your thoughts on this article. Do you think there is a cover up involved?


  1. A possibility of a cover up is not avoidable, possibly officers done something wrong while taking in custody of Freddie, Freddie might had a sever flaw, or Freddie might had injured himself to making protesters mad. It is quite depressing that between officers stereotypes are often followed from the grim century that passed ago. I am disgusted....

  2. I dont know what happened exactly. No one may ever know what happened exactly. however, investigators are working on the case so I hope everyone can have some closure. This is a really sad case. I hope that his family will get justice and that all the fighting will stop. These are tough times.

  3. There is not enough evidence yet for me to determine whether or not a cover up is involved. I don't want to jump to conclusions especially this day and age when cops are heavily criticized. But I also will not dismiss the possibility since we do not know he got his spinal injury which caused his death. So at this moment I will stay neutral, anticipating new information to be released.

  4. Even though nobody besides the individuals there really know what happened, i do believe that this is a cover up. I believe that something occurred in between the time that Mr.Gray was apprehended and til the time of his death. Even though people are saying they do not know what happened someone saw. There is always someone around and eventually someone will speak out.

  5. I don't know, but police may have injured him accidentally during the fighting, or something non relevant to the authorities may have occurred. For all we know, he could have already had back injuries.

  6. I think it was a cover up because cops are always full of it these days. And they always get away with it. I also dont think a spinal injury was a good excuse either.

  7. i believe the story that the police are creating is a cover up. They say the man died from a severe spinal cord injury. There may have been police brutality and theyre all just trying to save themselves.

  8. honestly im tired of turning on the news everyday seeing and incident between a police officer and the death of a black male. This needs to stop its extremely sad and annoying and I feel like every police department should make dramatic changes on what they are allowed to do in certain situations. I don't think there is enough evidence to show if this was a true cover up but this is something defiantly suspicious about this case. The autopsy only reveled so much but I think there is more to the story and witnesses will eventually speak up.

  9. Yes i think there was a cover up involved. It is so crazy that this happened and someone needs to be held responsible. This story is wierd and isnt making sense so there must be a cover up. The feds need to get to the bottom of this.

  10. No one will ever really know what happened besides the people involved, all that we as the public can do is develop a theory based on the information given. This is a really sad event and my condolences go out to the family, and i hope that the federal investigation turns up some more information. Personally, i believe that he was injured but to what extent we don't know and that is the key that many people are looking for.

  11. This whole incident sound like a cover up.Nothing adding up about what happening between cps what being said about the public.

  12. This whole incident sound like a cover up.Nothing adding up about what happening between cps what being said about the public.

  13. I personally believe they did have something to do with it, and I don't say that just because the stories around the world with police officers I say that because why out the blue does this man die from a injury in his back? I think they need to tell what really happened , because this story doesn't make any sense to me.

  14. i think that cops are supposed to protect the citizens not kill them. the man died because of an spinial injury but it was caused by the police

  15. No one may ever know what happened exactly. however, investigators are working on the case so I hope everyone can have some closure.
    This whole incident sound like a cover up.Nothing adding up about what happening between cps what being said about the public.

  16. Maria Carter
    i wish there was more video evidence of what went on in the 30 minutes that gray got hurt. it could be a cover up. its sad to see police officers not being trusted because they seem shady . they had no real reason to arrest him anyway. he just has a small knife and that's okay unless he was waving it around at people or something. i hate these stories.. would it hurt us to talk about something positive for a change? :/

  17. I believe they did have something to do with it, and I say that just because the incidents around the world with police officers I say that because why all of a sudden this man die from a injury in his back? I think they need to tell what really occurred because its not adding up.

  18. With all the nonsense going on in society, there is definitely a possibility of foul play. There is insufficient evidence now. However,with further investigation, I believe we will uncover the scheme behind Freddie's death. This is a tragedy and sad to see yet another African American killed.

  19. The only person that is willing to tell the truth is the victim. The police are covering up the real story of what happened. This isn't a shock that they would do it because this is a regular thing with the police lying. He didn't die from a spinal injury. The police probably wanted to lie so that wouldn't get in trouble for beating him badly.

  20. I feel that the police might have targeted Freddie. Freddie seemed to be doing nothing wrong at first I mean for having a simple knife shouldn't the police officer be calm and not need to use such force. Maybe they feared him due to his race or the men/officers were simply prejudice people. Whatever it may be, I suspect foul play had to play a part in the death of Freddie.

  21. this ridicules these cops had no reason to chase Mr. Gray yes he did had a pocket knife but it was legal size to carry on him but I don't think he should have ran away but the police officers di tackle him down and cuffed him after four minutes he did ask for medical help and it took the officers thirty minutes to call them they should have call the ambulance right then and their and his life would have been saved but they waited. I believe that the arresting officers do have something to hide if they took thirty minutes to call for medical help. because if the arresting victim says they need medical help the police should call right away no ifs and or buts about they did not call and a life was loss.. and im happy that the mother is having a private autopsy report to make sure they not hiding anything.

  22. Cops are really getting out of hands this days. There is always some cop and a black person in a article about how the cop did this or that and ended up killing a black person or not saving them from dying and its really getting worse. I think the departments should keep a better I on there cops and as for the death of Freddie Gray they should protest against it because it was wrong and plus I think it was covered up so they wouldn't have to take the blame.

  23. I honestly believe that the police had something to do with it. but in other words the police are getting out of hand they are killing to many of our people as the days go by. they had no reason to chase him and also they are trying to cover up the truth. but there has to be a change in our environment we cant keep letting this go on.

  24. I don't know, but police may have injured him accidentally during the fighting, or something non relevant to the authorities may have occurred. For all we know, he could have already had back injuries.

  25. I don't know, but police may have injured him accidentally during the fighting, or something non relevant to the authorities may have occurred. For all we know, he could have already had back injuries.

  26. I don't think it was a cover up because police were open to letting others investigate the situation. However, the police who arrested Gray seem very suspicious because they arrested him for no reason. The family of Gray deserve to be angry because they have a right to know what happened to their family member. I believe the police department need to be more organized and pay attention to the people because anything can happen. The Gray case proves that police aren't as aware as they should be.

  27. I don't know, I believe that the police had something to do with his injury. The police had no real evidence to arrest him. It could be that the police were scared and their instincts were to harm.

  28. The police is covering something up because theirs not enough information on what happened to the guy. The police that arrested him was hiding something. These days the police are not being reasonable and patient. They just want to get searches and other stuff over with. They need to be more patient and willing to look at stuff entirely.

  29. I just wanted to say it was wrong from them to do that. Police just need to stop with the violence and someone needs to step up and fight for what is right. Not just blacks but anybody of any descent can help us in this time of need.

  30. There is no possible way for a cover up. Its something new with police and african americans every week. Its like we dont like the police and the police dont like us back. We commit the crime and they kill us . Thats even if we dont commit the crime they can still kill us and get away with. Murder is legal if your in a uniform with a badge stamped police.

  31. Due to early investigation it being a cover up could not be told. Although, that does not make it an excuse for these policeman to use violence. These are supposed to be positive people who are doing right for the community and are helping us when we are in need. But how is that so when we are being violated ny them.

  32. i want to know why the president and congress isnt making any moves on the police issue. there is a killing of a black man by police every week. this will not stop unless police take a loss in the court system. thereis no justice being done. there will be police violence as long as they will keep getting acquitted in their charges.

  33. I think that the story that has been released to the public is definitely a cover up. The police say that Freddie Gray died of a severe spinal cord injury. The reason his spinal cord was so injured was because of police brutality. It makes no sense that so many young men are being killed by the people who are supposed to be dedicating their lives to protecting the community.

  34. You can't really tell if there is a cover up or not with the evidence provided. However, people are suspicious because the autopsy didn't answer many questions, it just created more. We will probably never know the real story behind what happened just because they'll most likely believe the officer's stories. A jury and a judge would most likely believe an officers stories more than the person they arrested, that's just how things work. The only way we would know the truth was if someone had captured how the took Gray down.

  35. honestly im tired of turning on the news everyday seeing and incident between a police officer and the death of a black male. This needs to stop its extremely sad and annoying and I feel like every police department should make dramatic changes on what they are allowed to do in certain situations. I don't think there is enough evidence to show if this was a true cover up but this is something defiantly suspicious about this case. The autopsy only reveled so much but I think there is more to the story and witnesses will eventually speak up.

  36. the video isnt working for me so i will just say whatever happened is wrong

  37. honestly im tired of turning on the news everyday seeing and incident between a police officer and the death of a black male. This needs to stop its extremely sad and annoying and I feel like every police department should make dramatic changes on what they are allowed to do in certain situations. I don't think there is enough evidence to show if this was a true cover up but this is something defiantly suspicious about this case. The autopsy only reveled so much but I think there is more to the story and witnesses will eventually speak up.

  38. They should not keep doing this to people that are always doing the right things.

  39. Their are many corrupt police so i wouldnt believe if their is something deeper in his death. Racism isnt how it was in the 60's but it is still alive today, and many police who are Racist take advantage of their power to bring harm to innocent black men, this needs to stop one way or the other.

  40. honestly im tired of turning on the news everyday seeing and incident between a police officer and the death of a black male. the police need to just need to stop being scared and just arrest them because all this killing people aint working nd its making people mader and mader

  41. Police officers is after black people now a days man. This is a rising problem that needs to be shut down. More and more of these stories are popping up and they're stupid. The Police need to get their heads straight. As for Freddy, yes I think there's a cover up. The police will try anything to help their situation.

  42. Do I think its a cover up. Yes because all of these cases of the police beating us black people they dont want to be the one they make an example of so they lie and when the event hits the fan people will not know what to do but the police will use a lie to cover a lie

  43. There should be justice. There has been so many recent incidents of people being killed by policeman without a good reason to be assaulted so brutally. The justice system is so messed up at the moment. People are now scared of the police which are supposed to protect the communities and make people feel a sense of safety. The new age of media has brought these horrid acts to light like never before and all of the bad cops are being exposed for their crooked acts. The government needs to do something about these situations and create new rules on how the police force should conduct themselves.

  44. A possibility of a cover up is not avoidable, possibly officers done something wrong while taking in custody of Freddie, Freddie might had a sever flaw, or Freddie might had injured himself to making protesters mad. It is quite depressing that between officers stereotypes are often followed from the grim century that passed ago. I am disgusted....

  45. You know more and more this countries justice system is a hypocrisy within itself. Innocent people continue to die without justice. Better yet people officers are continuing to go against their oaths. So, it's becoming harder to trust the people who swore to protect us.

  46. Yes I think its a cover up because all of theses stories about Police officers beating up black american's. This is stupid and uncalled for half of these police officers are getting away with to much stuff and its stupid and really upsetting to the black community.

  47. well laquinsa think there is a cover cause cops are always full of it these days, shooting people for no reasoning beating people for no reason like they going crazy out here so yeah I think there is a cover up. And they always get away with it. so I think we can get away with it

  48. It wasn't right for Freddie to die because he listened to the police and didn't try attack the police and his death was unnecessary for him to be harmed. Also he ran away because felt threatened by the police.

  49. I honestly hope that this family gets the justice that they deserve. Innocent people continue to get killed and gain any justice and then police officers are continuing to go against our race so its harder for us to trust the people who swore to protect our country.

  50. To me it seems as though this investigation is very unclear and there are definitely missing pieces to this puzzle. It looks like there are things that are being covered up and not told to possibly protect someone from getting in tons of trouble.

  51. Ummmmmm. I don't really know what happened. And from what it looks like I do not think that anyone else does either. The prosecution lawyers are trying to gain as much evidence as they can. So maybe when they do the family will gain the closure that they need.

  52. I personally believe that there is some kind of cover up going on. They that this man was roughly handled for no reason, but they do not want to take the blame for the poor events that took place. They made it seem like they didn't know how the injury was contracted, and that it wasn't their fault. Honestly at the moment I don't see anything called justice in this world. Things like this are constantly happening, where civilians aren't being treated as equals by the people that "enforce the law."

  53. yes I think its a cover up because police and didn't try attack the police and his death was unnecessary for him to be harmed. This is a rising problem that needs to be shut down. More and more of these stories are popping up and they're stupid. we need to have more justice for people , mostly black people.

  54. There is no possible way for a cover up. Its something new with police and african americans every week. Its like we dont like the police and the police dont like us back. We commit the crime and they kill us . Thats even if we dont commit the crime they can still kill us and get away with. Murder is legal if your in a uniform with a badge stamped police.

  55. You know more and more this countries justice system is a hypocrisy within itself. Innocent people continue to die without justice. Better yet people officers are continuing to go against their oaths. So, it's becoming harder to trust the people who swore to protect us.

  56. i dont think there is a cover. but i do think that this country is becoming more and more blinded by the things thats happening in the worrld

  57. Mia Reddick.

    Due to the little pieces of the story i feel like there is a cover up and all of the information is false and not enough information. If Mr.Gray was fine before the whole incident , then as soon as the incident happens he had an spinal injury this shows something must of happen between when the police officer was chasing him. I strongly believed the police officer killed him for him to have a spinal injury lead into a come and into death . As well , i feel like the police are just targeting the people more and more .

  58. However,with further investigation, I believe we will uncover the scheme behind Freddie's death. This is a tragedy and sad to see yet another African American killed.I don't know, I believe that the police had something to do with his injury. The police had no real evidence to arrest him. It could be that the police were scared and their instincts were to harm.

  59. Im not sure if there is a cover, but I do know that there's something missing since we haven't seen any footage of the beginning of the arrest when he got hurt. There is a major problem we have of police violence and brutality which needs to be fixed immediately.

  60. I think that there is a cover up behind all of this. There is always something going on in the justice system. Every time I turn on the the TV I hear something about a cop killing a young black African American male.

  61. I don't know if there was a cover up. I'm just tired of seeing a lot of black males being shot by police every month or so. Justice needs to be served.

  62. Freddie gray was targeted because he young African man .Its nothing new cops are always finding a way to make up excuses to mess with people .Gray shouldn't have died

  63. You can't ask a person that was not there if there was a cover up or not. i dont know. You can't say one side of a story sounds fraud. You just wont know. Maybe he charged the police. Maybe he didn't. Nun of us know. Just let him R.I.P

  64. The only person that is willing to tell the truth is the victim. The police are covering up the real story of what happened. This isn't a shock that they would do it because this is a regular thing with the police lying. He didn't die from a spinal injury.There is no possible way for a cover up. Its something new with police and african americans every week. The police probably wanted to lie so that wouldn't get in trouble for beating him badly.

  65. I do think it is a cover up. Our justice system is way beyond messed up. The family at least deserves the know the truth, so they can move foward.

  66. believe they did have something to do with it, and I don't say that just because the stories around the world with police officers I say that because why out the blue does this man die from a injury in his back I don't see anything called justice in this world. Things like this are constantly happening, where civilians aren't being treated as equals by the people that "enforce the law."

  67. I think that this was a cover up because know and days cops have been doing things that are not right. I believe that they had something to do with this and he didn't just die from a injury.

  68. I dont know what happened and nobody does. If this is a cover up hey will get away with it. Our legal system if flawed like that.

  69. I dont know what happened and nobody does. If this is a cover up hey will get away with it. Our legal system if flawed like that.

  70. I dont believe anything the police departments tells me or states to the public because i dont trust them, its a simply as that i do believe it is some sort of cover up involved but the general public will never know the true story of what really happened.

  71. I do believe that it was some type of cover up because you really can't trust the system now. So, i'm kind of confused because the public never really knows what happens in situations like these.

  72. I don't think police men think before they pursue black men period, because they are targeted no matter what they do. I think they are using a cover up to relieve themselves of some blame; however, they had no reason to approach Gray. I still don't understand why so many had to jump on one man. Also, it's ridiculous that they are suspended with pay after murdering an innocent person.

  73. this story is crazy and makes no since but what ever happened whom every was responsible should be punished. I am pretty sure people are investigating on this situation.

  74. I believe that there was a cover up and something else happened that was not shown on the videos that we see. It has been shown that when it comes to certain situations policemen can become aggressive. They also had an overabundance of police men on Gray which could have also been a cause.

  75. I believe that there was a cover up and something else happened that was not shown on the videos that we see. It has been shown that when it comes to certain situations policemen can become aggressive. They also had an overabundance of police men on Gray which could have also been a cause.

  76. it seems that more and more everyday you see cops getting into altercations with people and it never seems to end with the cops being in the wrong. this story is really sad but i don't even know whether to think there was a cover up involved or to think that what the police are saying is the absolute truth and nothing else. it isn't fair to Freddie if someone doesn't get to the bottom of his death. it also isn't fair that no one believes the cops . i think more info is needed to come to a better conclusion.

  77. in this situation i cant exactly speak on because it is unclear to me of what exactly happened .i think more happened than what they are actually letting on to .in so predicaments you cant judge if you were not there.and this is that situation but i do believe that there was foul play in the situation it seams as of there always is not and a day

  78. I think that the color of our skin is automatically thought of a white cop "oh he has to do something wrong lets get him". we are targeted everyday and thought as a minority. i do believe it was a cover up to not expose the organization. And i also believe that segregation is starting back up again. Justice is not explained enough to cops now these days from the result of alot of African Americans deaths.

  79. I cant really determine what is going on given the lack of information. But from what is being said I definitely think there is more to the story. If that involves a cover, I'm not sure, but if there is a lack of information then there is a reason why, and usually that reason involves a cover up.

  80. I can not fully comment on this case because I wasn't there. I do believe however that cops cover stuff up all the time. Some parts of the story are still unclear but once again I wasn't there. With more information and a better investigation I will be able to form an opinion.

  81. There was obvious holes missing in the story, but what happened to Freddie Gray was tragic and it shouldn't have happened. The only people who actually know what happened is Freddie Gray and the policemen, the truth will come to light, it always does. Why this is continuing to happen is appalling, something needs to be done, nobody deserves to be killed or brutally assaulted no matter the color of the person skin. It's 2015 people need to grow up.

  82. I believe that a cover up is very much possible. There are a lot of missing pieces missing that could be honestly answered by the people involved. In those mysterious 30 minutes before medical assistance was needed, a lot obviously happened, sending Freddie into a coma. Everyone not coming completely clean is what makes them look more and more suspicious. I don't know who they are tryign to cover up for but i feel like eventually, it may come out, and when it does there will be a major problems for the police force.

  83. A possibility of a cover up is not avoidable, possibly officers done something wrong while taking in custody of Freddie, Freddie might had a sever flaw, or Freddie might had injured himself to making protesters mad. It is quite depressing that between officers stereotypes are often followed from the grim century that passed ago. I am disgusted....

  84. the officer probably did cover up. honestly, with the attention, the nation is giving now at days to these type of events, who's to say even if he was innocent somebody wouldn't have gotten tired of his act and killed him? I know a lot of people want to kill George Zimmerman. in fact most people do try to avoid going to jail. so who knows. he probably did try to cover up. maybe he wasn't successful. I wasn't there. but I hope he goes to jail. (where those sentence fragments?)

  85. I feel that the police might have targeted Freddie. Freddie wasn't being shown as a threat but he shouldn't have had that knife. The police always takes things to a next level. There is a better way to handle these situations, i believe there was cover up involved .

  86. I can not fully comment on this case because I wasn't there. I do believe however that the cops cover stuff up all the time. Some parts of the story are still unclear but once again I wasn't there. With more information and a better investigation I will be able to form an opinion. Just takes time for it to come all altogether

  87. The way the police are sounding makes u really think that it is a cover up which would definitely make people suspicious of the cops. In that 30 minutes, you don't know what happened so overall i think that it is a cover up. I hope the way police treat people will change soon because many stories such as this one are occurring day after day,

  88. this ridicules these cops had no reason to chase Mr. Gray yes he did had a pocket knife but it was legal size to carry on him but I don't think he should have ran away but the police officers di tackle him down and cuffed him after four minutes he did ask for medical help and it took the officers thirty minutes to call them they should have call the ambulance right then and their and his life would have been saved but they waited. I believe that the arresting officers do have something to hide if they took thirty minutes to call for medical help. because if the arresting victim says they need medical help the police should call right away no ifs and or buts about they did not call and a life was loss.. and im happy that the mother is having a private autopsy report to make sure they not hiding anything.
