Monday, April 13, 2015






  1. I feel like both of these events are very unfortunate. There needs to be another way to subdue a suspect. There should be a way to subdue a person without harming them, especially when the suspect is unarmed. Nether one of the two people talked about should have been shot there was no reason. Yes they may have been in the wrong and yes they should have been arrested but nether one deserved to be shot to death. Both men were harmless and were not trying to hurt the officers. Yes one may was trying to flee but there has to be a better way to stop someone. If our only option is to shoot someone when they run or when there arrested our populations will plummet.

  2. These incidents prove the injustices of the police force for they allowed paying cops to join in without proper training or proper actions. The results in these actions caused another man to fall victim in an officer shooting. The total amount of people shot by an officer ranged to the thousands. The amount began in 2005 but only 54 officers were charged.It is tragic to have an unjustified officer shooting were the suspect was the victim.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. These two events that happened so close together so taken in consideration that cops need to know when to use their gun properly or not. These cops may be corrupt, it just takes time like this to realize it. To me this has nothing to with racism, but people are always going to to think that. You never know unless you ask the shooter. Now its done and over with, sorry for the lose and hope all cops learned from these mistakes.

  7. An unarmed black men who poses no threat is shot and killed by a police officer. That headline has become so repetitive that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. What irritates me the most is a cops response to Robert Bates pleading for his life as he got shot, “Fuck your breath." This type of ignorance, irresponsibility, and incompetence which lays in the police force is a cancer to society; the police need to learn how to deal with minor law-breakers without killing them.

  8. David Carter
    I feel that these two unfortunate events should be a warning to people telling them that there are mad cops out there with an itchy trigger finger. they are ruthless and will shoot you. the other way to prevent this from happening is for cops to take THESE incidents as a reminder not to let it go that far, but I doubt that would happen.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  11. An unarmed black men who poses no threat is shot and killed by a police officer. That headline has become so repetitive that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. What irritates me the most is a cops response to Robert Bates pleading for his life as he got shot, "F***your breath." This type of ignorance, irresponsibility, and incompetence which lays in the police force is a cancer to society; the police need to learn how to deal with minor law-breakers without killing them.

  12. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt.An unarmed black men who poses no threat is shot and killed by a police officer. That headline has become so repetitive that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped.Yes they may have been in the wrong and yes they should have been arrested but nether one deserved to be shot to death.the other way to prevent this from happening is for cops to take THESE incidents as a reminder not to let it go that far, but I doubt that would happen.

  13. I feel as if police are supposed to be are protectors, were supposed to come running to them when we're in danger. NOT ruuning away from them because they are the danger. This mass massacre is a disgrace and it disgusts me every time I hear about another person dead to a police killing. This is getting ridiculous and i cant take it anymore.

  14. I feel that these two unfortunate events should be a warning to people telling them that there are mad cops out there with an itchy trigger finger. they are ruthless and will shoot you. the other way to prevent this from happening is for cops to take these incidents as a reminder not to let it go that far, but I doubt that would happen.

  15. I feel that these two unfortunate events should be a warning to people telling them that there are mad cops out there with an itchy trigger finger. they are ruthless and will shoot you. the other way to prevent this from happening is for cops to take THESE incidents as a reminder not to let it go that far, but I doubt that would happen.

  16. Maria Carter
    this is just sad. i hate reading these stories because its like this is the only thing media wants to talk about. when people are not properly trained to be in a roll of power things like this can happen. i could never speak for a cop under a lot of pressure to make so many choices that are life changing. im sure its hard and not a very pleasant job. when dealing with i cop i believe you just have to be extremely careful in what you say and do. they are in a position of tough choices and they are also dangerous to deal with. even though it was an accident with the shooting the cop should still be punished because of it. or at least moved into a department where he doesnt hold a gun..

  17. The accident with eric was extremely unnecessary and unhumane. I don't care if the person is committing a crime your first instinct shouldn't be to shoot and kill the person. you should be tazed rather than shot honestly. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. The Walter Scott incident was defiantly wrong, first of all you cant shoot someone when there back is turned to you. He was shot simply after being pulled over for a broken taillight. Officers need to stop fearing black men as if they are automatically going to harm their life.

  18. These incidents are crazy and need to be stopped. I cant believe all this is still going on. Im glad someone recorded so people can see how the cop wasnt feared for his life. This cop just wanted to kill somebody. He is a murderer.

  19. I feel this is a disgrace. How can these people do this?! To me, this is like that Fruitvale Station incident.

  20. These unfortunate and tragic events provides even more evidence of the injustice of the abuse of authority by police, excessive and fatal force, and racial discrimination. On many occasions before, the black race is wrongfully gunned down by white police officials. Even in the instance of an "accident" of triggering a gun rather than a gun is in fact suspicious. With the only the idea of "fearing for life" is proven to be insufficient to kill an unarmed citizen. This is an outrage as these same instances occur time and time and again. The brutality of the police must be reevaluated and ceased.

  21. i feel that this shooting was highly unnecessary. The a fact that he ran doesn't mean you shot i believe under protocol your suppose to chase and seduce the person but the officer never did. He shot multiple shoots in close range.

  22. Sadly, these stories are all to familiar . It's a good thing that Obama has decided to at least try to impore the over eager cops in minority cities. In the case of the rich man who wanted to play cop, i feel like he shouldnt be pardoned for his action because of his status. He wrongfully killed a man and should take full responsibility for that. I also felt that his comment toward the dying victim was completely vulgar. With the number of cop versus unarmed citizen cases becoming more known, it should be no surprise that citizens try to run away.

  23. These unfortunate and tragic events provides even more evidence of the injustice of the abuse of authority by police, excessive and fatal force, and racial discrimination. On many occasions before, the black race is wrongfully gunned down by white police officials. Even in the instance of an "accident" of triggering a gun rather than a gun is in fact suspicious. With the only the idea of "fearing for life" is proven to be insufficient to kill an unarmed citizen. This is an outrage as these same instances occur time and time and again. The brutality of the police must be reevaluated and ceased.

  24. i think both of these incidents are bogus. The first incident i feel as that there isnt an argument . He specifically said "fuck your breath" like what do you call that. The man was unarmed. And all they can say is he tried to shoot his taser and not his gun. There is a huge difference. You have to turn the safety switch off when getting ready to shoot, and the taser you do not. So that was a lie right there. The second incident i feel as it was a real racist incident. The police officer clearly put the taser by the dead body. On top of that he hancuffed him after shooting him 8 times. Most officers are trained to shoot people in the legs if they continue to flee. This was bogus as well .

  25. There was no accident when it comes to the shootings. The officier says that he didn't mean to shoot the man with the gun. The is mess because there is a total difference between a taser and a gun. You have look at the gun or taser to shoot it policemen are abusing there powers.

  26. These two incidents make me sick as a person that people can just kill each other and try to say it was an accident or it was the only option. The excuses for cops killing civilians are plentiful but it doesn't matter because when they kill the civilians its not that one person affected its the whole family and others. In my opinion, i would think that cops would stop shooting civilians and minorities seeing as how the police department everywhere has come under scrutiny. In my final opinion, I think it is completely and totally messed up that the people that are supposedly "protecting" us are killing good people or people in general rather than giving them the due process that the 5th amendment guarantees to them.

  27. Eric Harris I feel like both of the stories are horrible but all of these stories are the same unarmed black men getting killed for no reason it just shows that these white police officers are just shooting black men from left to right for no reason the Walter Scott story the officer tried to make it seem like he came after him when really he shot him just because its sad black men have to wake up every morning scared for there life just for being black really that's the only reason there killing African American men.

  28. I think cops need to stop shooting people. Thats messed up because if they are not doing anything then why would the cop shoot him. The government needs to hire different police officers or give them a more advanced training.

  29. These incidents are the just two of the many cases of unarmed black men being killed by policemen every day. Statistics show that a black man is shot by police every 28 hours, and the number increases every day. That is an extreme amount that trumps the number of all Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians targeted. I believe that, though not all of these incidents are racist, a majority of them deal with the subconscious of many people who aren't aware that they have deep-rooted problems with stereotyping. This is definitely a terrifying situation for the black community, and it seems like every time we take a step forward, we take two huge steps back. Hopefully, we are soon able to find a solution that uplifts all people instead of oppressing a certain group.

  30. both these stories are sad but my opinion on the first current event I believe that the Robert bates shouldn't be on the police operations because he gives them money and cars and stuff he didn't earn the spot on the force. and the next one he should be charged for murder because he tampered with evidence and lied about the situation

  31. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. Also i believe that police officers abuse their power and try to dominant just because they have a badge and cruise around in a car with flashing red and blue lights.

  32. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. Also i believe that police officers abuse their power and try to dominant just because they have a badge and cruise around in a car with flashing red and blue lights.

  33. These events are simply put hate crimes. These police knew what they were doing to these African American one. These are all acts of the police degrading the minority. The police I feel do not care about the safety of everyone and only want to be seen as authority. Some people who work in the forces need to re evaluate how they view things and see all people as someone who they should care for and not kill. The police force needs to be one of Caring not Killing and people I feel are beginning to realize that.

  34. It was not necessary to kill him and what I know to know is how you don't how you do know the difference between a gun and a taser you have in the force for many years now. How can he say he did mean to shoot him and say sorry after he did that like he didn't mean to do it even thought I'm pretty sure he did.

  35. These two events that happened so close together so taken in consideration that cops need to know when to use their gun properly or not. These cops may be corrupt, it just takes time like this to realize it. To me this has nothing to with racism, but people are always going to to think that. You never know unless you ask the shooter. Now its done and over with, sorry for the lose and hope all cops learned from these mistakes.

  36. these crimes both resemble the lack of morals in our police force. The police are killing too many people. Police seem to have no conscious. Their actions are sadistic and ruthless. I do not understand how one could misunderstand a gun and a taser. It is an essential to know the difference since you are a police officer.

  37. i think both of these incidents are bogus. The first incident i feel as that there isnt an argument . The man was unarmed. And all they can say is he tried to shoot his taser and not his gun. There is a huge difference. You have to turn the safety switch off when getting ready to shoot, and the taser you do not.The police force needs to be one of Caring not Killing and people I feel are beginning to realize that. These cops may be corrupt, it just takes time like this to realize it.

  38. I feel the cops should have been more prepared when it came to the situation. In both stories, the police officers didn't think about shooting the men before they actually did. However, the two victims were both doing things they shouldn't have. In the first story, the police officer was older than usual officers and maybe he wasn't mentally aware. The two cops should have some sort of punishment, but they are not in the wrong.

  39. An unarmed black men who poses no threat is shot and killed by a police officer. That headline has become so repetitive that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. What irritates me the most is a cops response to Robert Bates pleading for his life as he got shot, “Fuck your breath." This type of ignorance, irresponsibility, and incompetence which lays in the police force is a cancer to society; the police need to learn how to deal with minor law-breakers without killing them.

  40. I believe that the cops should not have shot the unarmed Samaritans. He wrongfully killed a man and should take full responsibility for that. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. The police force is corrupt. The government said that they were going to start to put police cameras onto the cops for more in depth action.

  41. i feel as if cops are really feeling as if they can do what ever they want.the fact that they are shooting unarmed people and killing them is ridiculousness.cops are really starting to get trigger happy. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity.Also i believe that police officers abuse their power and try to dominant just because they have a badge

  42. I feel like both of these situations are sad. it should be another way to apprehend suspects. i feel like extra precautions should be taken to arrest someone especially if they don't have any weapons. Both of the 2 people killed lost there lives for no real reason at all. they both may have been in the wrong and both may have been arrested but neither one deserved to be killed. they may have been fleeing police but no one deserved today. If our only option is to shoot someone when they are arrested everyone will eventually die

  43. These two events are very tragic and i feel like the police officers are abusing their power. Each day, people now fear for their life over the smallest encounters with police due to the fact that it can escalate at any give time. Some officers don't even attempt to use their tazers and skip straight to the gun violence. We're losing people each and everyday over the smallest things. No one is doing anything about this matter which is causing a corruption to society. We have put a stop to this gun violence one way or another.

  44. I feel like both of these situations are crazy. I think that there are to many people today being killed from police for no exactly reason would they could of handled the situation so much better. Both situations 2 people died for no reason. In the world today police need to be briefed on how to handle certain situations and if there only option is to shoot someone they shouldn't be police.

  45. I feel as though the cops should have been more prepared when it came to these two situations. He wrongfully killed a man and should take full responsibility for that. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. Under all the other stories going on in the media I would think that cops would stop shooting civilians and minorities seeing as how the police department everywhere has come under scrutiny

  46. I feel like both of these events are very unfortunate. Also i feel like there should be extra precautions put in place to make an arrest. Cops are getting out of hand . They out on the uniform to protect and serve not kill and destroy the black community. Its like nowhere in this world is safe as if there's no possible place to live in America. Staying in your home (amber andujar) isnt safe ! Hands up don't shoot ( mike brown )! Does not work ! Unarmed teens get killed by neighbors because they feel "Threatened" ( Traeyvon Martin ). It seems like the only way to survive in America is to be white.

  47. I feel as though officers are abusing their power and are trigger happy. I think that officers are setting a bad example for both young people and upcoming officers alike. That reason alone is why I feel this behavior is repeating itself over and over again. To stop this behavior once and for all, I think that one officer should pay the ultimate price for this behavior. This in turn will shock other officers back into reality and show them this behavior is both inhumane and unacceptable.

  48. The accident with eric was extremely unnecessary and unhumane. I don't care if the person is committing a crime your first instinct shouldn't be to shoot and kill the person. you should be tazed rather than shot honestly. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. The Walter Scott incident was defiantly wrong, first of all you cant shoot someone when there back is turned to you. He was shot simply after being pulled over for a broken taillight. Officers need to stop fearing black men as if they are automatically going to harm their life.

  49. These two incidents make me sick as a person that people can just kill each other and try to say it was an accident or it was the only option. The excuses for cops killing civilians are plentiful but it doesn't matter because when they kill the civilians its not that one person affected its the whole family and others. In my opinion, i would think that cops would stop shooting civilians and minorities seeing as how the police department everywhere has come under scrutiny. In my final opinion, I think it is completely and totally messed up that the people that are supposedly "protecting" us are killing good people or people in general rather than giving them the due process that the 5th amendment guarantees to them.

  50. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  51. i feel as if cops are really feeling as if they can do what ever they want.the fact that they are shooting unarmed people and killing them is ridiculousness.cops are really starting to get trigger happy. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity.Also i believe that police officers abuse their power and try to dominant just because they have a badgeThese two events are very tragic and i feel like the police officers are abusing their power. Each day, people now fear for their life over the smallest encounters with police due to the fact that it can escalate at any give time. Some officers don't even attempt to use their tazers and skip straight to the gun violence. We're losing people each and everyday over the smallest things. No one is doing anything about this matter which is causing a corruption to society. We have put a stop to this gun violence one way or another.

  52. i think both of these incidents is kinda of messed up. The first incident i feel as that there isnt an argument . He specifically said "fuck your breath" like what do you call that. The man was unarmed. And all they can say is he tried to shoot his taser and not his gun. There is a huge difference. You have to turn the safety switch off when getting ready to shoot, and the taser you do not. So that was a lie right there. The second incident i feel as it was a real racist incident. The police officer clearly put the taser by the dead body. On top of that he hancuffed him after shooting him 8 times. Most officers are trained to shoot people in the legs if they continue to flee. This was foul as well

  53. These two events are very tragic and i feel like the police officers are abusing their power. Each day, people now fear for their life over the smallest encounters with police due to the fact that it can escalate at any give time. Some officers don't even attempt to use their tazers and skip straight to the gun violence. We're losing people each and everyday over the smallest things. No one is doing anything about this matter which is causing a corruption to society. We have put a stop to this gun violence one way or another.

  54. how a cop fear for there life when they run the opposite way I feel as though the cops should have been more prepared when it came to these two situations.These incidents are the just two of the many cases of unarmed black men being killed by policemen every day. Statistics show that a black man is shot by police every 28 hours,the officer tried to make it seem like he came after him when really he shot him just because its sad black men have to wake up every morning scared for there life just for being black really that's the only reason there killing African American men.

  55. With what the Officer should have not have shot an unarmed man that did not have a gun in the first place. What he should have done was told him to stop running.

  56. The accident with eric was extremely unnecessary and unhumane. I don't care if the person is committing a crime your first instinct shouldn't be to shoot and kill the person. you should be tazed rather than shot honestly. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. The Walter Scott incident was defiantly wrong, first of all you cant shoot someone when there back is turned to you. He was shot simply after being pulled over for a broken taillight. Officers need to stop fearing black men as if they are automatically going to harm their life.

  57. Honestly this is another unfortunate situation. The men were both clearly unarmed, And, since so many Caucasian cops have gotten off for killing unarmed black men. The killings are rapidly getting out of control. This absolutely has to stop. The supreme court should look over these cases so that the people who are suppose to " Serve and protect", lives by that statement, and upholds what it stands for.

  58. I think that the police are beginning to kill us off slowly. There has recently been to many occurrences of police officers shooting down black males recently. There is no way that these are all accidents and it makes it even worst that they are getting away with it. Personally I feel a bit threatened by police officers now, things are getting quite out of hand.

  59. I dont feel like the actions he did were appropriate.

  60. These two incidents are just two situations of a battle that African Americans are in with the police departments. I truly feel as if these incidents are tragic. As a young black man i am afraid to run in with the law because i fear for my safety in all honesty. something must be done to help prevent these situations from happening.

  61. Both events are tragic and sad. My opinion on these events may make some black people be feared when they are getting pulled over I know if me and a officer are having a conflict I won't want to be shoot most officers are abusing there powers and its getting out of hand.

  62. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  63. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.


  64. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.


  65. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt.An unarmed black men who poses no threat is shot and killed by a police officer. That headline has become so repetitive that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped.Yes they may have been in the wrong and yes they should have been arrested but nether one deserved to be shot to death.the other way to prevent this from happening is for cops to take THESE incidents as a reminder not to let it go that far, but I doubt that would happen.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I think to many people get killed by the police officers.They are starting to think its okay to kill people and they cant get in trouble because they are polices. Both of the events are terrible.

  68. Theres been way to many African American males killed by police officers recently. And is always by a white police officer. There should be more justice with the African americans because too many white cops are getting away with murder.

  69. es they may have been in the wrong and yes they should have been arrested but nether one deserved to be shot to death. Both men were harmless and were not trying to hurt the officers. Yes one may was trying to flee but there has to be a better way to stop someone. My opinion on these events may make some black people be feared when they are getting pulled over I know if me and a officer are having a conflict I won't want to be shoot most officers are abusing there powers and its getting out of hand.

  70. I feel that these two unfortunate events should be a warning to people telling them that there are mad cops out there with an itchy trigger finger.I think that the police are beginning to kill us off slowly. There has recently been to many occurrences of police officers shooting down black males recently. these actions were not appropiate. This type of ignorance, irresponsibility, and incompetence which lays in the police force is a cancer to society; the police need to learn how to deal with minor law-breakers without killing them.

  71. I feel as though the cops should have been more prepared when it came to these two situations. He wrongfully killed a man and should take full responsibility for that. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. Under all the other stories going on in the media I would think that cops would stop shooting civilians and minorities seeing as how the police department everywhere has come under scrutiny.

  72. I feel as though the cops should have been more prepared when it came to these two situations. He wrongfully killed a man and should take full responsibility for that. I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns. Under all the other stories going on in the media I would think that cops would stop shooting civilians and minorities seeing as how the police department everywhere has come under scrutiny.

  73. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  74. Mia Reddick.

    Both of the incidents were such a tragedy and that was not the way they should have of been taking care of.The way police officers are killing unarmed people is just horrible. I feel like they should of dealt with both situations in civilize way. Police are there to protect society and not destroy society .

  75. Mia Reddick.

    Both of the incidents were such a tragedy and that was not the way they should have of been taking care of.The way police officers are killing unarmed people is just horrible. I feel like they should of dealt with both situations in civilize way. Police are there to protect society and not destroy society .

  76. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  77. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  78. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  79. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  80. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  81. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  82. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  83. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  84. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  85. Both situations were horrrible and handled horribly wrong.

  86. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is a joke .These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped.I feel like police men are getting carried away with these guns.I feel as though officers are abusing their power and are trigger happy. I think that officers are setting a bad example for both young people and upcoming officers alike.

  87. Tulsa police "mistakenly pulled out his gun instead of his Taser and blasted a fleeing suspect." How does that happen????? Like, oops, I accidentally killed you...?? How do you mistake a gun for a taser?? “Fuck your breath,” the cop responded. Fuck the racial constructs that still exist in America that have yet to be eradicated due to its constant reinforcement by society. Sorry for the profanity, I guess I "mistakenly" and "accidentally" typed the wrong words.

  88. Tulsa police "mistakenly pulled out his gun instead of his Taser and blasted a fleeing suspect." How does that happen????? Like, oops, I accidentally killed you...?? How do you mistake a gun for a taser?? “Fuck your breath,” the cop responded. Fuck the racial constructs that still exist in America that have yet to be eradicated due to its constant reinforcement by society. Sorry for the profanity, I guess I "mistakenly" and "accidentally" typed the wrong words.

  89. i honestly think that these incidents are out of control and the police needs to be put behind bars for stuff like this

  90. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  91. Too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. Police are misusing there power they are her to protect and serve and they are making it hard for citizens to count on them for help.

  92. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity this is a mess because there is a total difference between a Taser and a gun you have look at the gun or Taser to shoot it policemen are abusing there powers.

  93. This come to shows that cops are showing injustice. The police force is corrupt These incidents are uncalled for. I feel like they should of dealt with both situations in civilize way. Police are there to protect society and not destroy society .

  94. both of these events are very unfortunate. There are definitely better ways to subdue and take care of suspects. Recently far too many people are being killed by police officers. The Supreme Court should look over these cases so that the people who are suppose to " Serve and protect", lives by that statement, and upholds what it stands for.

  95. These recent events that happen are just tragic. This just tells you that they are hunting down African Americans. both of the suspects were African American and were killed for stupid reasons. One officer lied and said that he felt that his life was in danger and another said that he mistaken his weapon for a stun gun.

  96. I believe that recently too many people are being killed by police officers. The police force is corrupt. We need to hire better police officers who want to help people instead of shoot them down at their first opportunity. I don't know how people can be so ruthless. If I killed someone I would feel horrible. These incidents are uncalled for and need to be stopped. I feel like this has always been a problem, but thanks to technology and access to easy-recording devices now we have more evidence and way to spread the word about it. I'm tired of this endless police brutality.

  97. These incidents prove the injustices of the police force for they allowed paying cops to join in without proper training or proper actions. The results in these actions caused another man to fall victim in an officer shooting. The total amount of people shot by an officer ranged to the thousands. The amount began in 2005 but only 54 officers were charged.It is tragic to have an unjustified officer shooting were the suspect was the victim.

  98. Tulsa police "mistakenly pulled out his gun instead of his Taser and blasted a fleeing suspect." How does that happen????? Like, oops, I accidentally killed you...?? How do you mistake a gun for a taser?? “Fuck your breath,” the cop responded. We need to eradicate the racial constructs that still exist in America that have yet to be eradicated due to its constant reinforcement by society.

  99. Tulsa police "mistakenly pulled out his gun instead of his Taser and blasted a fleeing suspect." How does that happen????? Like, oops, I accidentally killed you...?? How do you mistake a gun for a taser?? “Fuck your breath,” the cop responded. We need to eradicate the racial constructs that still exist in America that have yet to be eradicated due to its constant reinforcement by society.

  100. Lexi Stokes
    I think these incidents are injustice. There are other ways to stop a suspect, and we all know the officers are trained well enough to be able to. The worst part about this is this "officer" isn't even an officer. He was simply allowed to play a cop since he donated to them. Are we going to lose trust in our police officers since he wasn't even an officer and allowed to carry such weapons. It's ridiculous, they are human and can become criminals themselves so they should be treated the same way we do if we commit a crime.

  101. Things like these are always said to here. Whats wrong withe the world today. People geting gunned down in the streets on the regular. It makes me sick. Stop the violence, keep the peace. I love you America now you have to learn to love yourself.

  102. Things like these are always said to here. Whats wrong withe the world today. People geting gunned down in the streets on the regular. It makes me sick. Stop the violence, keep the peace. I love you America now you have to learn to love yourself.

  103. I think that there are serious problems in our police force. It's horrifying to think that the people who are supposed to protect us are gunning unarmed men and trying to lie about it. In the video it shows that the officer tried to plant the taser on Mr.Scott. I bet there are so many more officers that would lie just to justify their actions.

  104. I feel like both of these situations are crazy. I think that there are to many people today being killed from police for no exactly reason would they could of handled the situation so much better. Both situations 2 people died for no reason. In the world today police need to be briefed on how to handle certain situations and if there only option is to shoot someone they shouldn't be police.

  105. These two incidents make me very sick and angry. I am very sadden by how many lives have been taken away so far. So many people of color have been killed by police recently and its still continuing. I pray that this will stop soon and I think there needs to be more input from the president as well as congress about these situations. Police are coming up with so many excuses for killing P.O.C. its ridiculous

  106. These two incidents are just sad. These events are happening way too often and the social media is exposing every single officer that is committing these crimes. Police brutality is a serious issue right now and it is not being properly addressed. No op should every think that killing the suspect is the first option they should resort to in a situation. There are plenty of other ways to restrain weaponless suspects without having to shoot them without warning.

  107. These two incidents are just sad. These events are happening way too often and the social media is exposing every single officer that is committing these crimes. Police brutality is a serious issue right now and it is not being properly addressed. No op should every think that killing the suspect is the first option they should resort to in a situation. There are plenty of other ways to restrain weaponless suspects without having to shoot them without warning.

  108. Killing is like the first option when punishment comes for a person that has committed a crime. Its like we can no longer support the fact that situations can be handling without a life being taken away.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. the events where sad and uncalled , police brutality is an unfair subject to people and the officers don't get any serious punishment. also the killing wasn't the only option to take

  111. The way that police officers are today makes people scared of them this present day. The officers could have not killed each person for which they are also armed with tazers, that can stun the victim instead of taking their lives. Also, why would an officer fatally shoot an unarmed man when they have no type of weapon to harm the police. In my opinion, if a victim is running away from you and is out of distance for a tazer, then u can easily shoot the person in the leg instead so u can immobilize them.
