Wednesday, January 4, 2017


What is your opinion ?
Overreaction or valid argument


  1. im in between ... he kinda overreacted but he makes a point. If the situation was reversed things would have most likely gone differently. He asked for an apology, why didnt they just give him one?

  2. I don't think he overreacted about the situation. Employee's should be more respectful to all customer's no matter what race you are. He's right. If he were to refer to her as a black girl, it would've went public and turned into a big situation and people would think he's racist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought he overreacted at first, but now i think its a valid argument, because if the situation was reversed it would be different.

  5. The situation wasn't even that serious. People get called names all day but you can't sue for every little thing that's irrelevant. He definitely over reacted and maybe wanted attention.

  6. He completely overreacted and blew the situation out of proportion, but he made a point with the whole 'had the tables been turned' stuff. He definitely didn't have to sue the whole company, but it kind of makes sense.

  7. I think the man overreacted when he wanted to get his attorney involved, the ladies probably did not mean anything bad about they was just pointing out who order it was. If all he wanted was an apology then they should have just gave it to him because obviously he felt some type of way about the comment.

  8. Bice does have a valid argument in this case. I think it was extremely rude and disrespectful. He should have received a formal apology and compensation for his inconvenience and the whole ordeal could've been handled differently.

  9. I think it was blown out of proportion because it wasn't like they called him that in a rude way. I do understand that if the situation was reversed everything would've gone a different way.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He overreacted and made the situation t a bigger problem then it was. He diddent need to sue a company over someone referring him as a white boy and the employees probably diddent mean to be offensive and an apology would be just fine instead of making it go that far.

  12. I honestly believe things have been taken a further than needed but everyone is different on how reactions come in place.

  13. I think it is not that big of a deal. It is double standard though.

  14. I think that the situation is very disrespectful.

  15. I don't think he overreacted about the situation.

  16. i think when it comes down to this i believe that not calling someone in a proper name things like this should really go away in both ways yet things like this will still happen. when i read the Facebook message on the article the employee said his name in a way you know that is was disrespectful yet when i continued reading it stated that he said "the company (popeyes) did not apologize about the way the employee acted" in which they should account for what the employee did and respond. now if he stands true to his words he said then i believe he has good intentions for the world.

  17. Bo Bice has made peace with Popeye’s. The singer tweeted Tuesday night, “I asked the employee [not] be fired, got apology, done. People should have more respect for one another & not use demeaning language.”

  18. I do not think that he overreacted about this situation at all.

  19. I honestly don't understand this topic. But from what I believe is that he sue a employee for calling him a "White boy." If this is whats its about then I don't care. That employee can get sue for all I care.

  20. he did a good thing by not causing it a big situation because it couldve went way worse then what it did.

  21. I honestly believe things have been taken a further than needed but everyone is different on how reactions come in place.

  22. it was an overreaction because he could have been a grown up about it and handled it differently

  23. He had a valid argument because in the workforce, employees are expected to be professional to customers. I don't believe he should of gotten a lawyer.

  24. i believe trying to sue is going to far but that employee should be suspended or punished because the employees are there and getting paid to assist you and treat you in a respectful manner.

  25. I honestly believe things have been taken a further than needed but everyone is different on how reactions come in place. Instead of taking it so far he could have been an adult, and handled it very differently.

  26. I feel that Bice was reasonable in calling his attorney. All he wanted was an apology.

  27. I think he had a valid argument because employees should act respectful toward the customers. They should be professional and should have said something different, but Bo Bice shouldn't have gotten his lawyer.

  28. Employee's should be more respectful to all customer's no matter what race you are. He's right. If he were to refer to her as a black girl, it would've went public and turned into a big situation and people would think he's racist.

  29. I thought he overreacted at first, but now i think its a valid argument, because if the situation was reversed it would be different.

  30. Why was he referred to as 'white boy' in the first place? Its a good thing he didn't retaliate with extremes or else it would have gotten worse. Although I do think a genuine apology would have been enough,getting her fired may have been slightly excessive.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. i think the worker needs to be respectful

  33. it was an overreaction because he could have been a grown up about it and handled it differently

  34. I think it is a valid argument because no black person will want white or black people to say bye black guy or black ni**a.

  35. i think that calling people out there color is highly uncalled for and also not job approptie but at the same time he relaized what he did wrong and apologised for it

  36. uhh i mean i dont really think it matters like yea i understand why he mad but it he shouldnt have really done all this

  37. From the things that were written in the article I believe that he did not overreact. What people fail to realize is that that might make a person uncomfortable. People in the work place tend to get comfortable and things can mean to be in a playful matter but come off as disrespectful. It made the person uncomfortable so therefor they should have apologized.

  38. I think that Bice may have overreacted just a bit, i know this person said something racist but he practically just called him a name plus he said we should all just be adults here but he took it too far with the lawsuit.

  39. I do not think he over reacted. If the roles were switched, the media would have blown up about it. I believe that he shouldn't have accused them to be taken to court, but I believe he handled it well.

  40. I understand where he's coming from, but at the same time it wasn't used in a bad way. Maybe they should've used a different way to describe him but I don't believe they used it to be disrespectful.

  41. If the situation was flipped it would have bothered someone else just as much as it bothered him

  42. He had a valid argument because in the workforce, employees are expected to be professional to customers. I don't believe he should of gotten a lawyer.

  43. I feel that he was reasonable in calling his attorney. All he wanted was an apology.

  44. Im pretty sure all this happened for a reason.

  45. I don't think he did overreacted of course people can think like that Could it call lawyer? but this is the racially-charged language so he should do like that.

  46. He completely overreacted and blew the situation out of proportion, but he made a point with the whole 'had the tables been turned' stuff. He definitely didn't have to sue the whole company, but it kind of makes sense.

  47. His reaction in bringing a lawyer into the situation was unnecessary but he was just in expecting an open apology.

  48. Employee's should be more respectful to all customer's no matter what race you are.If he were to refer to her as a black girl, it would've went public and turned into a big situation and people would think he's racist.

  49. e completely overreacted and blew the situation out of proportion, but he made a point with the whole 'had the tables been turned' stuff. He definitely didn't have to sue the whole company, but it kind of makes sense.

  50. Him saying that Popeyes's will be hearing from his attorney is overreacting. Him being mad that he was referred as "whit boy", is a valid point.

  51. I think that Bo Bice overreacted when he started feeling affended by being called a white. I don't think that it would be considered discrimination if it was said to someone who isn't insecure about their race. I mean if your white your white. I also think that if it was said to black man they situation would be considered overrated by the society. So hey man, it is what it is ...

  52. he overreacted and blew it way out of proportion

  53. he overreacted and blew it way out of proportion

  54. In all honesty I belive he was trying to make a mountain of of a mole hill. i understand the point he was TRYING to make but he just failed. His minor incident doesn't compare at all to the racism African Americans have been facing since the 1600's.

  55. he kinda overreacted but he makes a point

  56. If the situation was flipped it would have bothered someone else just as much as it bothered him

  57. I feel that is a valid argument because if the tables were turned and if he would have said that toward the other race a big issue would have been made.

  58. According to "Bo Bice has threatened to set his lawyer on the Popeye’s fast food chain, after he says he was referred to as a “white boy” by a restaurant employee.

    In a Facebook post Monday, Bice — a runner-up in Season 4 of “American Idol” — wrote, “All I wanted was an apology… Now, Popeyes’s will be hearing from my attorney.”

    In an interview with Atlanta’s Fox 5 published Tuesday, Bice said that he was subjected to the racially-charged language at a Popeye’s on Friday at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta.

  59. I think that Bo Bice overreacted when he started feeling affended by being called a white. I don't think that it would be considered discrimination if it was said to someone who isn't insecure about their race. I mean if your white your white. I also think that if it was said to black man they situation would be considered overrated by the society. So hey man, it is what it is ...

  60. I think it was blown out of proportion because it wasn't like they called him that in a rude way. I do understand that if the situation was reversed everything would've gone a different way.

  61. Although suing isn't really the way to go about this, I can understand why he's angry but he's still overreacting.

  62. I honestly don't understand this topic. But from what I believe is that he sue a employee for calling him a "White boy." If this is whats its about then I don't care. That employee can get sue for all I care.

  63. Why was he referred to as 'white boy' in the first place? Its a good thing he didn't retaliate with extremes or else it would have gotten worse. Although I do think a genuine apology would have been enough,getting her fired may have been slightly excessive.

  64. I don't think he overreacted about the situation.

  65. i feel like it was a joke that was taken too seriously

  66. Although suing isn't really the way to go about this, I can understand why he's angry but he's still overreacting.

  67. im in between ... he kinda overreacted but he makes a point. If the situation was reversed things would have most likely gone differently. He asked for an apology, why didnt they just give him one?

  68. I think it was blown out of proportion because it wasn't like they called him that in a rude way

  69. I think the man overreacted when he wanted to get his attorney involved, the ladies probably did not mean anything bad about they was just pointing out who order it was.

  70. If the situation was flipped it would have bothered someone else.

  71. I think that Bo Bice overreacted when he started feeling affended by being called a white. I don't think that it would be considered discrimination if it was said to someone who isn't insecure about their race.
