Tuesday, January 3, 2017


What is your New Year Resolution, and how do you plan to stay on track to achieve this?


  1. My new year resolution is to think of a better new year resolution next year.

  2. My new year resolution is to be a better person

  3. I dont have a resolution this year, but i do want higher grades.

  4. My New Year's Resolution is to be a better me and focus on what's really important and trying to set myself up for the future. I also want to do better in school.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My new year resolution is to be a better person

  7. My New Years Resolution is to increase my grades and work harder, plus no missing the amount days that i have missed. I want to control emotions better and create a format i can visually see what i need to get done.

  8. My New Year Resolution is to not procrastinate. I plan to stay on track by getting assignments done before they are due !

  9. i do not have a new years resolution, its pointless. im just gone do me. i plan to be my regular self

  10. I don't have a new years resolution.

  11. My New Year's resolution is to stop saying yes when i want to say no. I often lie to get people to tolerate me and I'm pretty much sick of it.

  12. dont have one, i love the way my life going you know

  13. My new year resolution is to stop letting small stuff get to me and to control my mouth towards people. Also, i plan to just worry about my life and no one elses.

  14. My New Year Resolution is to keep my grades on track and also become a better person.

  15. My new year resolution is to build up my Instagram followers. I already have 19K, i'm tryna get famous or whatever.

  16. my new year resolution is to stay on top of my grades

  17. all i will try to do is eat less junk food and more healthy food and that will help me get fit also to at least study for my tests.

  18. do good at anything i do and pursue my dreams!!

  19. to focus and keep pushing threw even when times get hard

  20. My resolution is to focus on school.

  21. My resolution is to achieve better grades

  22. My resolution is to get better grades. And, also I am going to focus on myself more, and stay to myself.

  23. My New Year's resolution is to get a job and learn how to cook.

  24. My New Years Resolution is for me to get better grades and to not procrastinate.

  25. My New Year's resolution is to focus and get better grades in all of my classes.

  26. My New Year's resolution is to have all A's by the end of the year. I plan to focus and study for all my classes to achieve my goal.

  27. I don't necessarily have a resolution i believe that if change is to come to me in the new year it is for the best and only to better me in life.

  28. My New Year Resolution is to lose weight and begin my filming career.

  29. I want to end my swearing and start to worry more about what I am to do in the future

  30. I don't really have a New Years Resolution, but if I had to think of something I want to achieve/change this year it would be my grades. Grades as in making them higher.

  31. I don't have a new year resolution but this semester I plan to make A B honor roll and stay more focus then I did last semester

  32. My new year resolution is to be a better person

  33. i dont believe in a resolution i just believe that i should do matter by looking at all my mistakes and learn from

  34. my new year resolution is to think of a better resolution for Patrick next year

  35. I do not have a new years resolution, but i have a few goals.

  36. my new years resolution is to become a better person physically mentally and spiritually

  37. my new year resolution is to...im still thinking

  38. I'm going to move out, start working, and get insurance. I realize that insurance companies would consider me a high risk individual because I'm a young male, but I'm going to buckle down and pay for it.

  39. i really domt have a new year resolution new year same me because i really not a bad person

  40. I think my new years resolution is to probably focus more on class because it'll eventually catch up to me.

  41. I don't have a new year resolution but this semester I plan to make honor roll and stay more focus

  42. me personally i dont think you should have certain new years resolutions i think you should try and better yourself everyday and do certain exercises to increases your wisdom, knowledge, and judgement. but of course i dont do that every day i dont think any human does. we just survive and exist, and create. so as a human for right now i just think the points i should put emphasis on to better myself are maturity, intellect. and life motivation.

  43. my new year revolution is stay more focus

  44. i plan on doing all my work and to stay on task

  45. Get my grades up and stay out of trouble.

  46. TO BE HONEST i just want to be more fit and have better grades

  47. My new years resolution is to be more productive.

  48. My new year resolution is to stay on task with leaner power and also my blogs and i plan to keep track of this by getting to work as soon as i get to class

  49. My new years resolution is to be more fit and have positive vibes only . I am going to try and keep all negative things away from me.

  50. i plan to better myself in so many ways and look out for myself

  51. My new year resolution is focus on all class and don't forget to my work. so i can get good grade at end of years.

  52. i want to have a better work ethic

  53. I don't do New Year's Resolutions, they're promises that people make to themselves knowing they not gonna keep them.


  54. My new years resolution is to be a better person.

  55. to bring up my GPA so i can receive more scholarships.

  56. i plan to change my ways and work harder than i ever have to achieve my goals

  57. My new year resolution is to work harder and don't get stressed that much

  58. I do not have a New Years Resolution. I do not believe in changing my lifestyle because of a new year.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. My new years resolution is to stay on task in class and continue to get good grades.

  61. My New Years Resolution is to train harder for football, and be the best I can be.

  62. My new years resolution is to not put up with the same bs that I did in 2016. To stay on track and achieve this goal I will stay focused on school and volleyball and less on relationships and other people.

  63. my new years resolution is to become a better person physically mentally and spiritually

  64. My New Years resolution is to graduate as a freshmen with a 3.0 GPA. I plan to go about this by applying myself to my education and doing all that i can to better it.

  65. My new year resolution is to maintain my AB average.

  66. to graduate and start my hair venture

  67. To be more focus and and keep my grades up

  68. my new years resolution is to be more focused on my school work and get my grades up. I also want to work on attitude.

  69. My New Years Resolution is to increase my grades and work harder, plus no missing the amount days that i have missed. I want to control emotions better and create a format i can visually see what i need to get done.

  70. I don't have a new year resolution but this semester I plan to make A B honor roll and stay more focus then I did last semester

  71. My new year resolution is to be a better person

  72. my New Year Resolution is to keep my grades on track and also become a better person.

  73. New years resolution is to keep my grades on track.

  74. my resolution is to remain the same

  75. My New Years Resolution is to increase my grades and work harder, plus no missing the amount days that i have missed. I want to control emotions better and create a format i can visually see what i need to get done.

  76. My new year resolution is to think of a better new year resolution next year

  77. do good at anything i do and pursue my dreams!!

  78. Nothing. Cause I know I'm gonna fail.
