Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Freewrite on two current events


  1. Current studies in the historic world of people have found different artifacts dealing with the aztecs and spaniards that happen to have lasted for a reason that is unknown. Many think its the minerals in the ground with the dirt and etc but others think there are some aspects of the aztecs practices possibly out there in the world. But also since trumps announcement of banning certain countries to fly or transport people, some united states citizens are stuck in different countries. Society of trump is tumbling and is causing many to grow panic. Colleges are missing students, mexico and other countries might start a war, etc. Like hillary has said, Trickle Down Trump.

  2. Boy Scouts of America has followed in the Girl Scouts' footsteps and opened their arms wide to accept transgender boys. The application to join now has a spot for gender identification and will accept applicants based on their identity. Zach Wahls, co-founder of Scouts for Equality, considered this a step forward for America as a whole.
    Miss Universe Canada represent was asked "How does it feel to be so much... larger than the other delegates?" by a reporter during a media event. She took to social media to slam the disgusting question, stating "How does it feel to be myself? How does it feel to be confident in who I am? My answer- it feels great." Many on social media are applauding her for her confidence and willingness to stand up against the body shaming she dealt with throughout the whole Miss Universe contest.

  3. Taiwan is considering to allow same sex marriage if it agrees, it will be the first Asian country to allow it.
    Anwar al-Awlaki’s 8-Year-Old Daughter was killed in a u.s raid

  4. boy scouts have now allowed transgender boys to join and the Atlanta falcons oc almost lost the playbook in which had all the plays in which the falcons were going to use.

  5. Currently It Is hard for refugees too get into U.s . And also Some American citizens feel safer that Donald Trump are banning Muslims.

  6. Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl. I feel there gonna lose and everyone that like the falcons going to be upset.

  7. Protests against Trump's ban have been nation wide and people have been disabling their Uber accounts (because the founder supports Trump).

  8. There is a lot of unrest amongst the refugees in the country. Donald Trump's ban on muslims is the reason for all of it.

  9. Donald Trump fired the CIA director for not going along with his Muslim ban. It was a shooting at a Mosque in Canada this past weekend.

  10. some current events is that i am currently passing my classes. I have a very important meeting soon.

  11. Currently It Is hard for refugees too get into U.s . And also Some American citizens feel safer that Donald Trump are banning Muslims.

  12. Masaya Nakamura died jan 22 Miss France, Iris Mittenaere, is crowned Miss Universe 2017 during the 65th Miss Universe pageant.

  13. Trump is not letting any muslims in. New Edition just came out

  14. 'The Roswell Crash happened and was covered up by the government' is stated to be true by a retired professor, who thinks the incident is still being hidden till this day.
    Trump is president and I 99% assure WWIII is coming soon.

  15. Currently It Is hard for refugees too get into U.s . And also Some American citizens feel safer that Donald Trump are banning Muslims.

  16. Donald Trump fired the CIA director for not going along with his Muslim ban. It was a shooting at a Mosque in Canada this past weekend.

  17. Boy Scouts of America has followed in the Girl Scouts' footsteps and opened their arms wide to accept transgender boys. The application to join now has a spot for gender identification and will accept applicants based on their identity. Zach Wahls, co-founder of Scouts for Equality, considered this a step forward for America as a whole.
    Miss Universe Canada represent was asked "How does it feel to be so much... larger than the other delegates?" by a reporter during a media event. She took to social media to slam the disgusting question, stating "How does it feel to be myself? How does it feel to be confident in who I am? My answer- it feels great." Many on social media are applauding her for her confidence and willingness to stand up against the body shaming she dealt with throughout the whole Miss Universe contest

  18. A judge in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has ordered Uber to be blocked.The ride-hailing company was told to stop business in Buenos Aires in April. Local credit card and telecommunications companies were ordered to block Uber, but the ride-sharing service continued to operate in the city.

  19. Trump slammed the Wall Street reform law as a "disaster" on Monday and vowed to "do a big number" on it soon.Dodd-Frank was enacted in 2010 as the Obama administration's response to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Also, Uber told CNNTech the app continues to operate normally and an appeals court will consider a nationwide ban.
    The ride-hailing company was told to stop business in Buenos Aires in April. Local credit card and telecommunications companies were ordered to block Uber, but the ride-sharing service continued to operate in the city.

  20. Currently It Is hard for refugees too get into U.s . And also Some American citizens feel safer that Donald Trump are banning Muslims.

  21. trump is planning on banning refugees from coming to the United States and he also wants Mexico to pay us back for the wall we're putting up.

  22. Trump is banning traveling for refugees. They're questioning if Trump's travel ban is even legal. Trump's fans are praising his travel ban. While others are against it.
    The leader in the Arabian Peninsula 8-year-old daughter was killed in an American raid. The raid also resulted in the death of US Navy SEAL. It was the first counter terrorism operation approved by President Donald Trump.

  23. Senate Republicans took an extraordinary step Wednesday to move forward with two of President Donald Trump's top Cabinet nominees after confronting a boycott from Democrats across the aisle.

  24. Boy Scouts of America has followed in the Girl Scouts' footsteps and opened their arms wide to accept transgender boys. The application to join now has a spot for gender identification and will accept applicants based on their identity. Zach Wahls, co-founder of Scouts for Equality, considered this a step forward for America as a whole.
    Miss Universe Canada represent was asked "How does it feel to be so much... larger than the other delegates?" by a reporter during a media event. She took to social media to slam the disgusting question, stating "How does it feel to be myself? How does it feel to be confident in who I am? My answer- it feels great." Many on social media are applauding her for her confidence and willingness to stand up against the body shaming she dealt with throughout the whole Miss Universe contest.

  25. Trump is having a ban on people from seven predominately Muslim countries. He is starting conflict in out country for no reason. Of those seven countries, no terrorist attacks were from there, Trump is very ignorant.

  26. The US army is seeking proposals for biodegradable ammunition to replace the existing rounds used in training including grenade and tank rounds - citing environmental concerns.
    A Chinese billionaire with Canadian citizenship has been seized from his apartment at the Four Seasons hotel in Hong Kong and taken to mainland China, a source familiar with the situation told CNN Wednesday.

  27. e traditional function of bullets is killing, but a new design could have the opposite effect.

    The US army is seeking proposals for biodegradable ammunition to replace the existing rounds used in training -- including grenade and tank rounds - citing environmental concerns.

    President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday that debate about what to call his executive order preventing travelers from seven majority Muslim countries and temporarily barring refugees are irrelevant.

    "Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country," he tweeted.

  28. Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl. I feel there gonna lose and everyone that like the falcons going to be upset.

  29. Trump slammed the Wall Street reform law as a "disaster" on Monday and vowed to "do a big number" on it soon.Dodd-Frank was enacted in 2010 as the Obama administration's response to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Also, Uber told CNNTech the app continues to operate normally and an appeals court will consider a nationwide ban.
    The ride-hailing company was told to stop business in Buenos Aires in April. Local credit card and telecommunications companies were ordered to block Uber, but the ride-sharing service continued to operate in the city.

  30. Boy Scouts of America has followed in the Girl Scouts' footsteps and opened their arms wide to accept transgender boys. The application to join now has a spot for gender identification and will accept applicants based on their identity. Zach Wahls, co-founder of Scouts for Equality, considered this a step forward for America as a whole.
    Miss Universe Canada represent was asked "How does it feel to be so much... larger than the other delegates?" by a reporter during a media event. She took to social media to slam the disgusting question, stating "How does it feel to be myself? How does it feel to be confident in who I am? My answer- it feels great." Many on social media are applauding her for her confidence and willingness to stand up against the body shaming she dealt with throughout the whole Miss Universe contest

  31. The super bowl is on Sunday.Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl.

  32. Super bowl is coming up. And Trump makes "America Great Again" (Not) as we speak.

  33. Super bowl is coming up. And Trump makes "America Great Again" (Not) as we speak.

  34. The US army is seeking proposals for biodegradable ammunition to replace the existing rounds used in training including grenade and tank rounds - citing environmental concerns.

  35. Trump is not letting any muslims in

  36. Currently rapper Soulja Boy and Singer/Rapper Chris Brown are "beefing". Soulja boy has picked a fight with just about everyone in the music and film industry. They are beefing about nothing really , soulja boy is upset because of social media clap backs that chris brown made towards him.

    Kodak Black and lil wayne are currently beefing also. Kodak challenged lil wayne so a fight and he said he would bet all his jewelery on it. Lil Wayne replied back in an interview saying he doesn't even know how Kodak is. Lil wayne is not interested in what kodak is saying and seems more interested in more important things.

  37. Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl. I feel there gonna lose and everyone that like the falcons going to be upset.

  38. Protests against Trump's ban have been nation wide and people have been disabling their Uber accounts (because the founder supports Trump).

  39. Society of trump is tumbling and is causing many to grow panic. Colleges are missing students, mexico and other countries might start a war, etc. Like hillary has said, Trickle Down Trump.

  40. Donald Trump fired the CIA director for not going along with his Muslim ban. It was a shooting at a Mosque in Canada this past weekend.

  41. Current studies in the historic world of people have found different artifacts dealing with the aztecs and spaniards that happen to have lasted for a reason that is unknown. Many think its the minerals in the ground with the dirt and etc but others think there are some aspects of the aztecs practices possibly out there in the world. But also since trumps announcement of banning certain countries to fly or transport people, some united states citizens are stuck in different countries. Society of trump is tumbling and is causing many to grow panic. Colleges are missing students, mexico and other countries might start a war, etc. Like hillary has said, Trickle Down Trump.

  42. Boy Scouts of America has followed in the Girl Scouts' footsteps and opened their arms wide to accept transgender boys. The application to join now has a spot for gender identification and will accept applicants based on their identity. Zach Wahls, co-founder of Scouts for Equality, considered this a step forward for America as a whole.
    Miss Universe Canada represent was asked "How does it feel to be so much... larger than the other delegates?" by a reporter during a media event. She took to social media to slam the disgusting question, stating "How does it feel to be myself? How does it feel to be confident in who I am? My answer- it feels great." Many on social media are applauding her for her confidence and willingness to stand up against the body shaming she dealt with throughout the whole Miss Universe contest.

  43. propaganda video shows simulated attacks on U.S.. a vietnam propaganda video shows that north korea is planning to missile attack the U.S. white house. however it is said to only be a propaganda video they have not taken any action into doing so. there for american politcians are not going to respond just yet.
    reuben foster one of the linebackers for the Alabama crimson tide got drafted in the 2017 NFL draft at the 31st pick of the 1 round.
