Thursday, January 5, 2017

Facebook Live

What is your opinion of this and what would you do if this occurred in your school?


  1. i dont see how people could make up in their mind that they're just gonna beat up a disabled. that is terrible and messed up but there really isn't much you can do....i mean they basically turned themselves in.

  2. Well me personally, i don't think it was right what they did. They basically picked the first white person they saw and said "we're gonna harass this white person just because" . That's just not right nor fair. No matter what race you are. They're obviously some ignorant people. They got what they deserved

  3. This shouldn't have been done. To beat a special needs person or anybody is wrong and to make a live video of it.

  4. I think she is rightfully imprisoned.

  5. Everything that these teens did were completely wrong. Not to mention they recorded a live video of it. I don't understand how you could hurt someone and especially a person who can't attend for their self. At the end of the day those teens will have consequences.

  6. The fact that they took it upon themselves to taunt and harass a person with special needs is beyond disgusting to me. They shouldn't have done what they did in the first place. It only showed how ignorant and childish they were and they ended up looking crazy in the end. If this occurred in my school, I would most definitely inform someone because it's not fair to the person that is being harassed or bullied.

  7. I think this is cruel. They are hating on a helpless teenager because of his race and beliefs but they are hating on him for cruelty being done to them by others. It truly makes no sense you see white people treating you bad but you treat them bad to stand up for yourself?!? That isn't the right way to go about it. Its also sad that they chose a helpless teenager. That shows the sign of weakness. i just wish they went about this the right way and the white teenager is in my prayers.

  8. The whole situation is very provocative. If this occurred in school, there would most likely be a lot of people ready to jump the girl who recorded the video and the guy who tortured the boy.

  9. there was no right reason for the beating of this 18 year old.

  10. Everything that these teens did were completely wrong. It's horrible that they recorded a live video of it. I don't understand how you could hurt someone with special needs.

  11. I feel this Donald trump winning reactions are becoming out of hand and the violence that even hillary did not want has progressed. Why today has people used donald trump as a figure of terror, i don't know but to the understanding of the text i feel people consider trump as a leader to racial discrimination and each race is turning against each other which i feel is a terrible way to start moving back to those days of terror of racial discrimination. People need to stop acting in these ways and accept we cant change things but only we can make a point by making the world better than what violence wants to come out of us humans.

  12. It is terrible how they treated the person and physically assaulted him, and they deserve to be imprisoned on charges of physical assault.

  13. I feel like this was very disrespectful and unnecessary. Also, if this was simply because he is white, that makes it worse. There was no positive outcome in this situation.

  14. this is really a stupid thing to do to someone and doing it to a disabled person really is messed up. why in earth would you do this and this really should have never happened and it was all to show the world why they hate Donald trump but that shouldn't go this far because some people really don't like Donald trump yet they don't do things like this.

  15. i don't think it was right for what they did. They basically picked the first white person they saw and said "we're gonna harass this white person just because". need to put a stop to racism!!

  16. My reaction would be shocking , And i feel like this was very rude and disgusting .

  17. I think the people who did this to that man are making the black community extremely bad.

  18. its very bad how they treayed the blacks

  19. A young woman who broadcast the beating and racial taunting of a man on Facebook Live has been arrested with three others in connection with the gruesome attack, Chicago police said Wednesday

  20. i feel bad for the special needs boy because he must have thought they were trying to be friends but all they were are a bunch of racist that deserve to go to prison and i don't care how old they are.

  21. The teenagers who did that were completely wrong. The disabled person shouldn't have been seen as "entertainment".

  22. They shouldn't have done what they did in the first place. It only showed how ignorant and childish they were and they ended up looking crazy in the end. If this occurred in my school, I would most definitely inform someone because it's not fair to the person that is being harassed or bullied.

  23. If this occurred in school, there would most likely be a lot of people ready to jump the girl who recorded the video and the guy who tortured the boy.

  24. This is really a stupid thing to do to someone and doing it to a disabled person really is messed up. I feel like this was very disrespectful and unnecessary. It is terrible how they treated the person and physically assaulted him.

  25. It is very bad and serious. They tortured another human on Facebook Live for no reason. The people who did it needs to go to jail for a long time.

  26. It's terrible how they treated the person and physically assaulted him. Those people deserve to be imprisoned on charges of physical assault. Stop violence

  27. This incident purely shows how far teens will go for some attention and to prove their selves to each other. The parents of the victim should most definitely press charges and the kids should definitely be held accountable for their actions.

  28. I keep telling folks that white people get shit more than anyone now and they don't believe me. No one deserves to be harassed, attacked, or discriminated against because of the color of their skin. cut this shit out.

  29. This is just stupidity at its best... or worst. I don't know, but its dishonorable either way. If I witnessed this in my school I would contact the authorities to let them know to deal with these disgraces.

  30. This is just stupidity at its best... or worst. I don't know, but its dishonorable either way. If I witnessed this in my school I would contact the authorities to let them know to deal with these disgraces.

  31. The fact that the people had the audacity to put it on Facebook Live is just sickening. School is a place where people should be accepting and shouldn't be scared to go to it. I hope the adults recording face consequences because physically hurting someone and taunting racial slurs isn't a joke.

  32. That is possible the most ignorant thing iv'e seen on the internet, being a Afro-Caribbean male I am disappointed to even know that such injustice is being performed on a day to day basis because Trump is going to be our next president. I'm no Trump supporter but kidnapping a white kid and torturing him because Trump is the next president is simply retarded. You're basically taking out your hate for Trump on innocent WHITE people, you're destined to fail, go after Trump yourself! Jk but seriously this is really dumb and should never had happened.

  33. People need to stop acting in these ways and accept we cant change things but only we can make a point by making the world better than what violence wants to come out of us humans.

  34. Well me personally, i don't think it was right what they did. They basically picked the first white person they saw and said "we're gonna harass this white person just because" . That's just not right nor fair. No matter what race you are. They're obviously some ignorant people. They got what they deserved

  35. I think the people who did this to that man are making the black community extremely bad.

  36. I feel like they were trying to speak out but in the wrong way, they did not have to abuse anyone let alone a special kid just to send a message they could have just attended a protest or any other way instead of violent actions

  37. Its unacceptable for anyone to act like that no matter of their age, race or if dislike someone. Its bad enough that they abused him but on top of that they filmed it live and put it on the internet and kidnapped him. Unacceptable.

  38. this video is honestly vary devestating because people shouldnt mistreat other just because of there problems and if this event occured at my school i would probly tell

  39. not really i would just get it on video instead so i could have good evidence but i see how live would help out too

  40. I feel as though Facebook is for older people anyways and that they should not have access to live broadcasting. If an issue like this happened at school i would feel bad for the victim. But on one hand the person recording is stupid because they basically set them selves up and anyone else who is committing a crime on camera.

  41. I don't think it was right for what they did. They basically picked the first white person they saw and said "we're gonna harass this white person just because". need to put a stop to racism .

  42. Donald Trump, its his fought if this is because of him.

  43. its very bad how they treated the blacks

  44. The fact that they took it upon themselves to taunt and harass a person with special needs is beyond disgusting to me

  45. There is so much wrong with this incident. I do not see how someone can harm another person because of their beliefs. I wouldn't do anything if this happened at my school because I mind my business. But, I do think this is extremely wrong and unjust.

  46. they mad dirty for that. like that was not caused for and the fact that they was on Facebook live with it, they just mad stupid.


  48. Well i think they did wrong way. of course this video got issue but what about that boy who is victim. and if i don't listening what are they saying i must think that video is wrong.

  49. I think that this is a very awful crime that should not happen to anyone. those 4 people are going to get what they deserve

  50. My opinion on this is that it was very wrong of those young adults to do that like what was the good in doing that. They need to think like what if it was them who being tortured or what if it happened to their child. Putting it on the internet is not making it any better , if they thought it was funny and that people were going to laugh with them they obviously thought wrong. Those 4 people got something bad coming for them and i hope it was worth it .

  51. The fact that they took it upon themselves to taunt and harass a person with special needs is beyond disgusting to me. They shouldn't have done what they did in the first place. It only showed how ignorant and childish they were and they ended up looking crazy in the end. If this occurred in my school, I would most definitely inform someone because it's not fair to the person that is being harassed or bullied.

  52. It is crazy how they treated the person and physically assaulted him, and they deserve to be imprisoned on charges of physical assault.

  53. its sad to watch but yet black people always wonder why we get treated the way we do because we do stupid things like this they took it way to far

  54. This is never okay! How does this make us better than the white people? How is this going to get rid of Trump. Stupid crap like this makes the black community look bad.

  55. There was really no reason behind the attack. It was cruel and disgusting and it definitely shouldn't have been broadcast. But the live video did help catch the attackers.

  56. It's messed up but if this happened here then if i could do something i would do everything i could do to stop it but if i can't do anything then I'll at least try

  57. I think the people who did this to that man are making the black community extremely bad.

  58. i don't think it was right for what they did. They basically picked the first white person they saw and said "we're gonna harass this white person just because". need to put a stop to racism!

  59. The fact that the people had the audacity to put it on Facebook Live is just sickening. School is a place where people should be accepting and shouldn't be scared to go to it. I hope the adults recording face consequences because physically hurting someone and taunting racial slurs isn't a joke.

  60. It is crazy how they treated the person and physically assaulted him, and they deserve to be imprisoned on charges of physical assault.

  61. here was no right reason for the beating of this 18 year old.

  62. It is crazy how they treated the person and physically assaulted him.

  63. This is a example of how kids are just getting much more insane and stupid when it comes to bullying

  64. this is crazy and the fact that it was showed on live show how much they didnt care

  65. The whole situation is very provocative. If this occurred in school, there would most likely be a lot of people ready to jump the girl who recorded the video and the guy who tortured the boy.

  66. i dont see how people could make up in their mind that they're just gonna beat up a disabled. that is terrible and messed up but there really isn't much you can do....i mean they basically turned themselves in.


  67. This shouldn't have been done. To beat a special needs person or anybody is wrong and to make a live video of it.

  68. It was wrong for kids to be this hateful.
