Monday, January 9, 2017

Freewrite - Politics

Freewrite on anything related to politics.


  1. American citizens and a few politicians claim that the 2016-2017 presidential election was rigged. They said that Russia voted after the deadline to vote and thought that trump had something to do with it. It's now being under investigation.

  2. After Meryl Streep's speech at the Golden Globes, Trump supporters are attacking the actress. Streep never directly went after Trump, but he had no qualms about using her name in his attacks. He claimed she was "a Hillary flunky who lost big".
    "It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back." was the statement that Trump and supporters used against her.

  3. Under the Obama's presidency 11. 3 million jobs were created. This brought the employment rate to 4.7 %.

  4. President Obama recently did an interview on Obamacare. He stated that when Trump gets in office and makes a new healthcare system and it is better than his, he will publically support it.

  5. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  6. After Meryl Streep's speech at the Golden Globes, Trump supporters are attacking the actress. Streep never directly went after Trump, but he had no qualms about using her name in his attacks.

  7. Today in current society the so called snow storm was "cancelled" according to the news due to unexpected reasoning. The temperature continues to remain low and decrease and increase varying on the time of day. But ice wasn't as cancelled according to already people slipping and not being cautious ice was a major priority check due to past experiences. Many cancelled school days/ hours for what was a wind storm of cold below freezing breeze that didn't even effect the roads enough that we could still drive everywhere and work was implemented since the roads were clear but some say it was a safer idea to stay inside which most business was for gas and food.

  8. Some politicians claim that the 2016 presidential election was rigged. They say that Russia voted after the deadline to vote and they believe that Trump has something to do with it. It's being put under investigation.

  9. an editorial photographer captured shots of Donald trump during his presidential campaign, then wrote a book about it.

  10. Neera Tanden, who works very closely with Hillary Clinton made a statement saying, "I don't expect her to ever run for any elected office again." She believes that Clinton will now focus on different ways to help children and families, along with the issues that affect them.

  11. Donald Trump i really the pres. of the usa wow..

  12. now that donald trump is president....the world is going to come to the end.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. meryl streep won a golden globe and what she said when she won it was targeting Donald trump and knowing that he is the soon to be called president and i know that she is looking to get people to just hold Donald trump accountable for what he said in the past and i bet you if Donald trump said i'm sorry then he might just get the trust back within the republican party and the people that put him in office

  15. Russia says US allegations that it engaged in hacking during the American presidential election are "unfounded" and amount to nothing more than a "full-scale witch hunt.

  16. President-elect Donald Trump is reviving arguments about the wall he proposed for the nation's border with Texas. He criticized the media, a frequent target, in a tweet sent late Sunday, for reports that U.S. taxpayers could get stuck paying the bill.. "Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall if they pay a little later so the wall can be built more quickly. Media is fake!"

  17. There is still a lot of tension and confusion in Trump's administration and the transition of presidents.

  18. North Korea has said that they will fire a missile at any time towards the U.S if Donald Trump does anything.

  19. Recently, a final tally counted how many jobs were created under Obama's administration. 11.3 million jobs were formed.

  20. Donald Trump is taking shots at Meryl Streep, calling her "the most over-rated actress in Hollywood" after her condemnation at Golden Globe Awards.

  21. who works very closely with Hillary Clinton made a statement saying,believes that Clinton will now focus on different ways to help children and families, along with the issues that affect them.

  22. Trump dropped the inauguration announcer that has been with them since Eisenhower.

  23. Aaron Rodgers' 42-yard touchdown heave to Randall Cobb just before halftime deflated the Giants and opened the floodgates on the Packers' wild-card blowout.

  24. Republicans warned seven years ago that a health care law passed only by Democrats -- with no support from the other party -- would struggle to survive. The party-line vote to pass Obamacare, they said, was arrogant and reckless.

  25. Neera Tanden, who works very closely with Hillary Clinton made a statement saying, "I don't expect her to ever run for any elected office again." She believes that Clinton will now focus on different ways to help children and families, along with the issues that affect them.

  26. Today in current society the so called snow storm was "cancelled" according to the news due to unexpected reasoning. The temperature continues to remain low and decrease and increase varying on the time of day. But ice wasn't as cancelled according to already people slipping and not being cautious ice was a major priority check due to past experiences. Many cancelled school days/ hours for what was a wind storm of cold below freezing breeze that didn't even effect the roads enough that we could still drive everywhere and work was implemented since the roads were clear but some say it was a safer idea to stay inside which most business was for gas and food.After Meryl Streep's speech at the Golden Globes, Trump supporters are attacking the actress. Streep never directly went after Trump, but he had no qualms about using her name in his attacks. He claimed she was "a Hillary flunky who lost big".
    "It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back." was the statement that Trump and supporters used against her.

  27. Russia says US allegations that it engaged in hacking during the American presidential election are "unfounded" and amount to nothing more than a "full-scale witch hunt.

  28. We have 10 days until Obama leaves. He will be missed by many including me. On December 22 over break Hillary Clinton still makes promises about revealing alien and area 51 files to the public. A dog fight over Area 51 with Russian and American jets have led to the US believing that Russia has been hacking the US in what they do.

  29. irst lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  30. Donald Trump is 2017-2020 president ... yeah we're pretty much screwed. We've doomed ourselves .

  31. Donald Trump is 2017-2020 president ... yeah we're pretty much screwed. We've doomed ourselves .

  32. we are nearing donald trumps day. many americans are happy. manny are mad. some want to shoot him. Michelle obama want to still make an impact on the US even when shes not in office. melania trump will not be like michelle but she will try and make an imapct on cyber bulling. :)

  33. Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan says President-elect Donald Trump's failure to appreciate the value and importance of the intelligence community could put the nation "at great risk and peril."

    "The new administration -- and any president -- needs to recognize that this is a challenging and dangerous world, and that the intelligence community and intelligence professionals can help to keep this country safe and protect our national security interests," Brennan told David Axelrod on "The Axe Files," a podcast from the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and CNN.

  34. The inaguration of Donald trump well be held at 12:OO AM on friday january 20th. people or citzens dont yet know weather he will do a good job holding the oval office.

  35. It's almost time for Barack Obama to leave and Trump to come in and its making me depressed!!!!

  36. Biden signs desk in farewell tradition: Vice President Joe Biden signed the inside of his desk drawer Friday, adding his name alongside his predecessors. The tradition of signing the wooden drawer began with President Harry Truman, who used the desk in the Oval Office. Other signatures include President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice Presidents Walter Mondale, Nelson Rockefeller, George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore and Dick Cheney.

  37. Michelle should have run for president......

  38. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  39. Politics politics what can i say about politics. Absolutely nothing cause i dont follow them.

  40. Many people upset about Obama leaving office

  41. President Obama says his goodbyes. Also, Michelle Obama gives her last speech in the white. The Obama's will be missed and always loved.

  42. Biden signs desk in farewell tradition: Vice President Joe Biden signed the inside of his desk drawer Friday, adding his name alongside his predecessors.

  43. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  44. Recently, a final tally counted how many jobs were created under Obama's administration. 11.3 million jobs were formed.

  45. North Korea has said that they will fire a missile at any time towards the U.S if Donald Trump does anything.

  46. After Meryl Streep's speech at the Golden Globes, Trump supporters are attacking the actress. Streep never directly went after Trump, but he had no qualms about using her name in his attacks. He claimed she was "a Hillary flunky who lost big".
    "It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back." was the statement that Trump and supporters used against her.

  47. Trump is deciding who will be in his administration. This is sad. We are in for a terrible four years with Trump. Pray for America.

  48. Barack needs to stay. Point blank. I'm sad he's leaving us with these crazy people :'(

  49. Russia says US allegations that it engaged in hacking during the American presidential election are "unfounded" and amount to nothing more than a "full-scale witch hunt.

  50. There is still a lot of tension and confusion in Trump's administration and the transition of presidents

  51. Donald trump's inauguration is approaching very fast. the date of it will be January 20th 2017. many people are looking forward to it as well as some are dreading it.

  52. Some politicians claim that the 2016 presidential election was rigged. They say that Russia voted after the deadline to vote and they believe that Trump has something to do with it. It's being put under investigation.

  53. Donald Trump is about be inaugurated in January 20, 2017. Its crazy how he is about to be our president yet he doesn't even support MLK day and honor his memory of change.

  54. Donald Trump is almost president and i'm scared

  55. Russia says US allegations that it engaged in hacking during the American presidential election are "unfounded" and amount to nothing more than a "full-scale witch hunt.

  56. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  57. North Korea has said that they will fire a missile at any time towards the U.S if Donald Trump does anything.

  58. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  59. Donald trump's will be elected January 20,2017.

  60. Russia says US allegations that it engaged in hacking during the American presidential election are "unfounded" and amount to nothing more than a "full-scale witch hunt.

  61. President Obama recently did an interview on Obamacare. He stated that when Trump gets in office and makes a new healthcare system and it is better than his, he will publically support it.

  62. First lady, Michelle Obama made a final speech in the white house. Getting emotional, she expressed her feelings and hoped that she has made the U.S proud. We are all going to miss the Obama family they were great and wish they could stay longer.

  63. Its hard to believe that Donald Trump is our president.
