Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Wall

Do you feel like there should be a wall built? Who should pay for it?


  1. I really don't think this wall should be built at all. This wall is only being built to accommodate Trump and the way he feels about Mexicans which isn't really fair. I also understand why Mexico doesn't want to pay for it either. They aren't the ones who want the wall in the first place. If Trump wants the wall then he should use that "small loan of a million dollars" his father gave him instead of trying to force people to do something they already don't want to do and then force them to pay for it. Oh yea, he better not use the governments money either, I was serious about him needing to use his own money.

  2. The idea of a wall is ridiculous. The whole basis for the wall is blatant racism. Trump is a hateful racist that refuses to accept anything other than his way. No one should pay for this unnecessary wall because it shouldn't be built.

  3. I feel according to the reading that the wall has a place and ideal front on it, but the fact about how and what this gives off expresses negative feedback. I don't believe a wall will kill the population amount of immigrants, maybe decrease though. Trumps idea of the wall to me has given an racial side to it. Also, if this wall were to stand, i would expect trump himself to build this wall separating more the country and if it becomes out of hand we can do a peaceful protest if needed and catch trump in the wrong.

  4. No, I don't think that the wall should be built. However, if it is built, trump should pay for it since it is his idea.

  5. the wall shouldn't even be built because its unnecessary.

  6. The idea of a wall is ridiculous. The whole basis for the wall is blatant racism. Trump is a hateful racist that refuses to accept anything other than his way. No one should pay for this unnecessary wall because it shouldn't be built.Also, if this wall were to stand, i would expect trump himself to build this wall separating more the country and if it becomes out of hand we can do a peaceful protest if needed and catch trump in the wrong.

  7. I think this wall is unnecessary. Most of the immigrants that come to a America aren't taking jobs Americans want. Which is helpful to the economy. The fact that the Mexican president refuses to pay for it means that that we Americans will pay for probably through taxes, which I am against.

  8. The wall being built is pointless because there is no reason for that wall to be built in the first place. Trump just wants the wall to be built because he is racist and his personal belief is that we are in danger if that wall is not built, which is not true. Then, he want Mexico to pay for it like hes leading our country in the wrong direction and he needs to be out of the office asap before someone crazy come for him.

  9. The whole wall building situation is quite petty and unnecessary. If he wants a wall built then Trump needs to pay for it.

  10. I don't think there should be a wall built. I definitely don't think the Mexicans should pay for it. Especially, since they don't want a wall put up to keep them separate.

  11. If it would help the security issue, then yes it should be built. depending on how the negotiation will go i don't know who should pay for it.

  12. I don't think that the wall should be built. I think it's stupid. Trump should pay for it since it is his idea.

  13. i think that it shouldn't be built mainly because of how much it would cost and could make relations with mexico a little bad.

  14. I don't think that the wall shouldn't be built , it's no reason.

  15. I think it should not be built tits not that serious.

  16. The wall is a dumb idea. What is a wall gonna do? They will just go under it. It is a waste or American money and very stupid.

  17. I don't think there should be a wall built. I definitely don't think the Hispanics should pay for it. Especially, since they don't want a wall put up to keep them separate.

  18. There should not be a wall. No one should pay for it because it should not be built.

  19. the wall is just a stupid idea. do they think that wall is gonna bring peace ? the wall is just a stupid and childish idea they should take it down

  20. The wall shouldn't be built because it's a waste of money.

  21. There should not be a wall, its an insane idea, and as for Trump saying mexico should pay, he should jump off a tall wall. This is your idea, your plan Trump, pay for it with your own gosh darn money.

  22. I don't believe the wall should be built, and when they decide to build one the government should pay for it, yeah i want no part in this, Trump should get familiar with go fund me or kickstarter, his supporters will fund him.

  23. The whole wall building situation is quite petty and unnecessary. If he wants a wall built then Trump needs to pay for it.

  24. the wall shouldn't even be built because its unnecessary.

  25. i think its unnecessary. he should pay for it

  26. He probably doesn't like trump for what he says about his race and the wall.

  27. I really don't think this wall should be built at all. This wall is only being built to accommodate Trump and the way he feels about Mexicans which isn't really fair. I dont think we should have to pay for it.

  28. The idea of a wall is ridiculous. The whole basis for the wall is

  29. no it shouldn't be a wall i feel like it's to useless.

  30. I don't think building a wall is necessary . If the people who want to come into the US i don't think theres a problem with it unless they come with intentions to be destructive and harmful. Also if its Trump's idea to put up a wall what fair is it to make them pay for it? The wall is unnecessary, he could be working on more important things in the US but instead he's focused on petty things such as building a wall . He claims all Mexicans are rapist , gang members , drug dealers etc which isn't right at all , hell most americans are those things. Most of the people who have built this country aren't even american so its beyond stupid of him to isolate others from coming into the US just because they're not US citizens.

  31. I don't think there should be a wall built. I definitely don't think the Hispanics should pay for it. Especially, since they don't want a wall put up to keep them separate.

  32. What is the point of building a wall....we have worked for centuries to have this world come together...and Donald Trump is messing it up!

  33. I really don't think this wall should be built at all. This wall is only being built to accommodate Trump and the way he feels about Mexicans which isn't really fair. I dont think we should have to pay for it.

  34. The wall shouldn't be built because it's a waste of money

  35. no its a complete waste , it wont work because most illegal immigrants come here on planes (PLANES CAN FLY OVER WALLS) , it a huge tax problem because we will all be stuck paying for it forever, and the wall will most likely cut through city's and homes

  36. the wall should not be built, it's a waste of money and time tbh

  37. nobody is going to pay for the wall. if trump wants a wall he gonna have to pay for it himself

  38. The wall would not only be extremely expensive and not function as well as predicted, the cost for maintenance would be higher than the original cost of the project after around 10 years, making it an extreme waste of resources and tax payer money.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. the wall is not necessary they should just increase security which will not cost so much on taxes like a wall would. also all of trumps supporters thought that mexico would pay for it which is ridiculous just to get in debt by the billions and its not that mexico doesn't want the wall its that its a waist of money and a big yearly expense that wont change if those people who want the wall built take out your wallet and pay for it.

  41. A wall shouldn't be built. If a wall is built, Trump should pay for it.

  42. i think that it shouldn't be built mainly because of how much it would cost and could make relations with mexico a little bad.


  44. A wall is stupid, no one should pay for it.

  45. I don't think that the wall shouldn't be built

  46. Why should the wall be built. I don't think the wall should be built because president trump don't have the right's to do that.The wall is a stupid idea for a president.

  47. nobody what the point of having a wall for its a waste of money and time let the free mexican come to the home of the free

  48. I really don't think this wall should be built at all. This wall is only being built to accommodate Trump and the way he feels about Mexicans which isn't really fair. I also understand why Mexico doesn't want to pay for it either. They aren't the ones who want the wall in the first place. If Trump wants the wall then he should use that "small loan of a million dollars" his father gave him instead of trying to force people to do something they already don't want to do and then force them to pay for it. Oh yea, he better not use the governments money either, I was serious about him needing to use his own money.

  49. Not that bad of a idea but I think the government should

  50. I don't believe the wall should be built, and when they decide to build one the government should pay for it, yeah i want no part in this, Trump should get familiar with go fund me or kickstarter, his supporters will fund him.

  51. I do not think the wall should be built.

  52. I don't think there should be a wall built. I definitely don't think the Hispanics should pay for it. Especially, since they don't want a wall put up to keep them separate.

  53. i dont think it should be built but if it was to be built he should be the one paying for it with his own money and maybe some donations.

  54. The wall being built is pointless because there is no reason for that wall to be built in the first place. Trump just wants the wall to be built because he is racist and his personal belief is that we are in danger if that wall is not built, which is not true. Then, he want Mexico to pay for it like hes leading our country in the wrong direction and he needs to be out of the office asap before someone crazy come for him.

  55. I really don't think this wall should be built at all. This wall is only being built to accommodate Trump and the way he feels about Mexicans which isn't really fair.

  56. I don't think there should be a wall built. I definitely don't think the Mexicans should pay for it. Especially, since they don't want a wall put up to keep them separate.

  57. I don't think that the wall should be built. I think it's stupid. Trump should pay for it since it is his idea.

  58. it not that serous to build the wall. we need our Mexicans because they work hard and make good food

  59. I feel according to the reading that the wall has a place and ideal front on it, but the fact about how and what this gives off expresses negative feedback. I don't believe a wall will kill the population amount of immigrants, maybe decrease though. Trumps idea of the wall to me has given an racial side to it. Also, if this wall were to stand, i would expect trump himself to build this wall separating more the country and if it becomes out of hand we can do a peaceful protest if needed and catch trump in the wrong.

  60. The whole basis for the wall is blatant racism. Trump is a hateful racist that refuses to accept anything other than his way. No one should pay for this unnecessary wall because it shouldn't be built.

  61. I dont think this is the right way to go and i dont support it.

  62. now i understand that Donald Trump is trying to limit or stop the flow of illegal immigration but first of all i doubt that the tax payers of mexico are going to pay for a wall to keep them from immigrating and transferring freely. plus even if they would i think there could be a better way to accomplish his goal.
