Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Farewell Address

What is your opinion about President Obama leaving office?



  1. he served his 8 years, easy come easy go.

  2. I'm not too happy about President Obama leaving office. I feel like when Trump gets into office, America is going to be a total disaster. He is in no way politically qualified or stable enough to run anyone's country.

  3. To be honest i feel he wants a break and he deserved a break for leading a country for 8 years. Its a decision for which only he and his family as a whole can make to an agreement for such honor we had for him to have a stress relief.

  4. He served his 8 years well. I enjoyed the Obama administration and I hope Trump will be able to surpass it

  5. According to CNN.com, "Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address. Hoping to capitalize on a well of goodwill that's expanded in the final year of his tenure, Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters." I am very sad he's leaving.

  6. he needs to serve more years, this trump mess not working

  7. Obama was the best president in my eyes. He went out of his ways to make our country come together as one. He served his time as a wonderful president and will always be remembered for his accomplishments. He will always be loved.

  8. He was the best president of this century.

  9. May Good luck be with him,He did good serving our country.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Obama will be considered an icon of the 21st century mainly because he was the first african american to become president and he also served two terms making it even more iconic

  12. 'm not happy about President Obama leaving office. I feel like with trump, America is going to be a disaster.

  13. Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address.

    Hoping to capitalize on a well of goodwill that's expanded in the final year of his tenure, Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters.

  14. I dont want him to leave the office but its time for him to leave.

  15. Obama went out of his ways to make our country come together as one. He served his time as a wonderful president and will always be remembered for his accomplishments. He will always be loved.

  16. Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters.

  17. obama is the best president for america and i hate to see him go

  18. I am upset that Obama is leaving the office because he was a great president and he was the first black president and served two terms, but he did his job in the office. That is all that matters and lets just hope for the best from the new president coming into the office.

  19. i dont really mind him leaving office and he did well for being president at least as good as he could his job is very stressful.

  20. I am extremely sad about Obama leaving office. Its sad to see our first black president leave office while a bigot takes his place.

  21. It's bittersweet to see Obama leave the oval office after 8 years of being president. He definitely deserves to leave due to all the work he's done.

  22. I'm really upset that president Obama is leaving office. He was the first African-American president in the United-States and also served two terms. I wish the best for him, and the rest of the Obama's, and wish the best for the president that is about to take office.

  23. he did a good job at being our president for 8 years .

  24. I think he did an good job in the house and hate to see him leave. Everything might not have been great but it was good enough.

  25. he served his 8 years and kept the country together. good enough.

  26. Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address.

  27. I mean were sad he's leaving but he can't be president forever but while he was in office he did do and accomplish some good things and he made history because he was the first African American president ever but its his time to go he served a good 8 years

  28. Honestly, every time I think about Obama leaving office, I die a little on the inside knowing that our next president is Donald J. Trump, but I have enough faith and political efficacy to carry me through these next four years, aside from that i am proud to have known and experience eight years of presidency under a black president, say what you want about Obama's presidency, i could careless, Obama gives me hope that African American individuals among many other individuals have the potential to be great, and for that I am eternally grateful to have such a cool, laid-back, serious, funny, and amazing Black President.
    President Barak H. Obama, farewell to you and i hope you live a fun and happy life of excitement after your presidency.

  29. Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters.

  30. He has done better than whichever future president will. I will miss Obama, and so will many others.

  31. Honestly, every time I think about Obama leaving office, I die a little on the inside knowing that our next president is Donald J. Trump, but I have enough faith and political efficacy to carry me through these next four years, aside from that i am proud to have known and experience eight years of presidency under a black president, say what you want about Obama's presidency, i could careless, Obama gives me hope that African American individuals among many other individuals have the potential to be great, and for that I am eternally grateful to have such a cool, laid-back, serious, funny, and amazing Black President.
    President Barak H. Obama, farewell to you and i hope you live a fun and happy life of excitement after your presidency.

  32. Obama will be missed, sucks to see such a good president leave the office and be replaced by a destructive bigot for the next 4 years.

  33. im going to miss this man. been my pres since elementary. peace love and happiness

  34. i mean he deserve a break his retirement is gonna be great and i know that. ive only seen him as president since i was little. so its gonna be nestalgic when he out. the only thing the sucks is that a cheeto is bout to become are president

  35. what i feel about Obama is that he knew what he was doing and understand and cares about his job very well . He knew what was right for our people he wasnt inconsiderate at all.He did what was right and i respect him.

  36. Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address.

  37. President Barack Obama will be greatly missed in the white house!

  38. I don't like the fact that he leaving office i wish he can do one more term but at least he going to be stress free well stress free from runnin America

  39. I wish that Obama could stay in office.

  40. I am upset that Obama is leaving office. He was our best president. He has accomplished so much. He has brought our country from the bottom. He is the best.

  41. I feel that he's served his term well. He helped his country out and has made a lot easier for those who didn't have much. He stuck to the oath he took and did what he said he'd do and a lot more.

  42. now that trump will be taking the white house, a lot of people are upset that Obama is leaving, even those who didnt like Obama.
    makes me laugh a little.

  43. He was the best president of this century.

  44. Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters.

  45. He served his term well in my opinion. He helped his country out and made it a lot easier for those who didn't have much. He stuck to the oath he took and did what he said he would do.

  46. many emotions come to mind when thinking of president Obama leaving office. a feeling of being scared comes to mind because Donald trump will be very powerful and will be able to do many things. also the feeling of being sad comes to mind to because a very good president has to leave office

  47. Obama went out of his ways to make our country come together as one. He served his time as a wonderful president and will always be remembered for his accomplishments. He will always be loved.

  48. I think that during Obama's time in office there has been a lot of change, both good and bad. Along with change there was also an awakening. Obama was the first black president of the United States and I think that it opened the eyes of racism in the country and made people aware that change is coming. While Obama was in office he improved the rate of poverty in the country and improved healthy living due to Michelle's plans. On the other there was bad change like the Obamacare act caused a lot of issues and we experienced problems with national security frequently. At the end of his term looking back I believe he did pretty good.

  49. I mean were sad he's leaving but he can't be president forever but while he was in office he did do and accomplish some good things and he made history because he was the first African American president ever but its his time to go he served a good 8 years


  51. I don't like the fact that he leaving office i wish he can do one more term but at least he going to be stress free well stress free from runnin America

  52. According to CNN.com, "Popular but politically humbled, President Barack Obama says goodbye to the nation Tuesday night in a dramatic reinterpretation of a presidential farewell address. Hoping to capitalize on a well of goodwill that's expanded in the final year of his tenure, Obama has discarded the staid Oval Office or East Room for his last formal set of remarks. Instead, he'll travel to Chicago, the city where he declared victory in 2008 and 2012, to address a sold-out crowd of ardent supporters." I am very sad he's leaving.

  53. i dont like trump, obama sshould have four more years. the sppech was sad

  54. I wish Obama could reelected because i don't like Donald trump.

  55. He served his 8 years well. I enjoyed the Obama administration and I hope Trump will be able to surpass it

  56. Barck Obama served two terms in office and made alott of sacrcrafics and started alot of programs but now that he is gone people are sad because not only was he a president but he was the first black 44th president

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Obama was the best president in my eyes. He went out of his ways to make our country come together as one. He served his time as a wonderful president and will always be remembered for his accomplishments. He will always be loved.

  59. I'm not too happy about President Obama leaving office. I feel like when Trump gets into office, America is going to be a total disaster. He is in no way politically qualified or stable enough to run anyone's country.

  60. He served his time as a wonderful president and will always be remembered for his accomplishments.

  61. Im not really happy about him leaving office he will be missed.
