Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Freewrite on politics. Summarize two curernt events.


  1. Trump says he wants to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. Also he got to work on his blue collar base.

  2. I dont know much about politics. Nor do I care about what goes on because legally I have no say about who or what goes on. Yet I guess since I have a give an event. Trump is actually trying to make Mexicans pay for the wall. Hope that goes well.

  3. Trump talks on twitter about millions of people voting illegally making him win popular voting. Also, Trump is planning on replacing Obamacare. Honestly, non of these plans of his is right. They're both a dumb move to make but we have no control on what he does.

  4. On Monday, the Senate confirmed trumps pick for CIA, Mike Pompeo. Also, trump signed an executive action on Monday that implemented a hiring freeze for federal workers in order to cut government payrolls.

  5. It has recently been reported that Trump wants to move the embassy to Israel. Moving the embassy would cause issues between the Israelis and Palestinians. Also, Nebraskans have been accused of voting for Trump to use Obamacare.

  6. Trump is taking away TPP and that is good for China but not America and he is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem

  7. trump is moving the us embassy to Jerusalem, stopping tpp and working on cutting down government pay rolls

  8. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters. The CIA considered this extremely disrespectful and rude.
    He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq or not.

  9. Trump has came to so many in just the first day to now. structures are being placed inn laws and rights. The "wall" is real and is being built to give less likely immigrants to cross due to its steel/ metal custom material. This also led to the womens rights march which i felt was inspiring but some feel that are trump supports did not appreciate the actions tat were taken and the meaning of having it. However once the taxes people put in go to the rich instead of etc on lower valued populations, they will see and soon realize they need the money and that trumps idea is to get the best better and get the country out of dept. but the thing is, the county will lose half its population from starvation and lack of instruction.

  10. On January 20, 2017 . Donald Trump officially became president. He gave his promising speech.I just watched it. What Donald Trump was saying actually made sense. He was talking about how we fund other countries and bring wealth upon them while most of the american citizens are struggling. He also stated that foreignors that non registered are coming to America, bringing their families, and taking our jobs without putting money back into society.

  11. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said Monday it was inappropriate for President Donald Trump to use his speech to the agency as an opportunity to complain about reports on the crowd size at his inauguration. He says it's not the time or place for it and it's childish.

  12. Trump is planning to stop the TPP and move the embassy to Jerusalem.

  13. president trump aim's to help blue collar workers.

  14. Trump formally withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- a 12-nation deal that had been negotiated under former President Barack Obama.

  15. A lot of celebrities are speaking up about Donald Trump being president such as Madonna and Alicia Keys. They are two powerful women who spoke up saying that they do not like what Donald Trump is doing at all and hopefully everyone who is protesting will make a change for our country because as of right now we are doomed from what Trumps plans are for the country.

  16. trump has placed a tax on companies that send jobs over seas and that the taxes will be a lot to pay if they had did so and i believe that this is a good move to get people jobs and that will force companies to stop going overseas because its cheaper.also trump is being sued over his company over the fact that the president can't take foreign governments money in the case of his hotel which went against the constitution.

  17. Donald Trump is really the PROTUS , *sighs*

  18. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters. He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq or not.

  19. White House press secretary Sean Spicer delivered his first briefing of Donald Trump's presidency Monday, and CNN's Reality Check Team monitored his statements and checked the claims.

  20. Donald Trump signed 3 executive orders yesterday.

    He has also put a hiring freeze on some federal agency.

  21. Donald trumps first executive order was to get rid of the trans pacific partnership and will try to negotiate the terms of NAFTA.

  22. In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump has reinstated a federal ban on U.S. funding for international health organizations that counsel women on family planning options that include abortion.

  23. Trump makes new relationships with people in the White House.

  24. The formal invitation is in keeping with a similar invitation given to President Barack Obama in early 2009 by congressional leaders.

    Two sources confirmed to NBC News that Trump spent about the first 10 minutes of his bipartisan meeting with congressional leaders at the White House talking about the campaign and about how 3 million to 5 million 'illegals' voted in the election, causing him to lose the popular vote."

  25. Donald Trump has been inaugurated as our 45th president. Barack Obama will be missed.

    Donald Trump ha said that there will be another invasion of Iraq soon.

  26. Trump reversed the abortion policy recently.

  27. Channel 2 Action News has learned the identity of one of at least 15 people killed as tornado swept through south Georgia this weekend.The National Weather Service estimates that an EF-2 or EF-3 tornado caused the damage. The path of destruction in some areas is 200 yards wide.The tornadoes are responsible for killing at least 15 people in Georgia alone.

  28. Trump has came to so many in just the first day to now. structures are being placed inn laws and rights. The "wall" is real and is being built to give less likely immigrants to cross due to its steel/ metal custom material. This also led to the womens rights march which i felt was inspiring but some feel that are trump supports did not appreciate the actions tat were taken and the meaning of having it.
    Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said Monday it was inappropriate for President Donald Trump to use his speech to the agency as an opportunity to complain about reports on the crowd size at his inauguration. He says it's not the time or place for it and it's childish.

  29. Trump is the president, WW III is coming soon.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said Monday it was inappropriate for President Donald Trump to use his speech to the agency as an opportunity to complain about reports on the crowd size at his inauguration. He says it's not the time or place for it and it's childish.

  32. Donald Trump's first week as President is packed with confirmation votes, executive actions and the first official White House briefing. We'll be covering it all here.Donald Trump has been inaugurated as our 45th president.

  33. trump is moving the us embassy to Jerusalem, stopping tpp and working on cutting down government pay rolls

  34. Trump has placed a tax on companies that send jobs over seas and that the taxes will be a lot to pay if they had did so and i believe that this is a good move to get people jobs and that will force companies to stop going overseas because its cheaper.also trump is being sued over his company over the fact that the president can't take foreign governments money in the case of his hotel which went against the constitution.

  35. In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump has reinstated a federal ban on U.S. funding for international health organizations that counsel women on family planning options that include abortion.

  36. i really dont care about politics.

  37. trump has placed a tax on companies that send jobs over seas and that the taxes will be a lot to pay if they had did so and i believe that this is a good move to get people jobs and that will force companies to stop going overseas because its cheaper.also trump is being sued over his company over the fact that the president can't take foreign governments money in the case of his hotel which went against the constitution.

  38. dont know much about politics. Nor do I care about what goes on because legally I have no say about who or what goes on. Yet I guess since I have a give an event. Trump is actually trying to make Mexicans pay for the wall. Hope that goes well.

  39. Trump is planning to stop the TPP.

  40. Trump repealed Obamacare his first day in office. To anyone who hasn't applied for Obamacare prior to this cannot receive free healthcare. Plus, parents can no longer keep their child on their health insurance pass the age of 18. Before this, young adults could be on their parent's health insurance until the age of 26. This will destroy our middle class population.

  41. On January 20,2017 Donald Trump officially became president of the US. During the first week of Trumps inauguration he has been packed with confirmation votes and executive actions.

  42. Channel 2 Action News has learned the identity of one of at least 15 people killed as tornado swept through south Georgia this weekend.The National Weather Service estimates that an EF-2 or EF-3 tornado caused the damage. The path of destruction in some areas is 200 yards wide.The tornadoes are responsible for killing at least 15 people in Georgia alone.

  43. I still cant believe trump is president...........america's screwed!

  44. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of anonymous stars that bashed reporters. The CIA considered it disrespectful and rude. He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq.

  45. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters.

  46. The historic milestone leaves the Dow up a stunning 1,667 points since President Donald Trump's victory in November. The achievement is evidence of how optimistic investors have become about the prospects for the U.S. economy.

  47. Trump repealed Obamacare his first day in office. To anyone who hasn't applied for Obamacare prior to this cannot receive free healthcare. Plus, parents can no longer keep their child on their health insurance pass the age of 18.

  48. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters. He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq or not.

  49. On Monday, the Senate confirmed trumps pick for CIA, Mike Pompeo. Also, trump signed an executive action on Monday that implemented a hiring freeze for federal workers in order to cut government payrolls.

  50. donald trump aka(CHEETO) is tripping about this muslim problem. he is causing to many problems and is banning all muslims

  51. Trump formally withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership a 12-nation deal that had been negotiated under former President Barack Obama.

  52. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters. The CIA considered this extremely disrespectful and rude.
    He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq or not.

  53. It has recently been reported that Trump wants to move the embassy to Israel. Moving the embassy would cause issues between the Israelis and Palestinians. Also, Nebraskans have been accused of voting for Trump to use Obamacare.

  54. He says it's not the time or place for it and it's childish.

  55. trump is moving the us embassy to Jerusalem, stopping tpp and working on cutting down government pay rolls

  56. Trump went to visit the CIA and ended up giving a speech in front of the wall of mostly anonymous stars that bashed reporters. He also made a questionable statement about Iraq's oil fields. The military is unclear on whether Trump intends to send in more troops to Iraq or not.
