Monday, January 30, 2017

Executive Order

What is your thoughts about the executive order that was signed into action by the Trump administration?


  1. I don't think this is fair to be honest. All the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  2. i think Trumps doing the right thing. By doing so he's keeping terrorist, drugs and other things from coming into America. Not everyone is bad but for the people that are, if not all, majority will be kept out.

  3. According to many friends and family that are separated by this new order has caused many problems. College students according to a professor at georgia tech has mentioned that most their students in the freshman class are from those states and since break they have not been back due to the order that was placed. The problem with trumps order in my opinion is the transaction on keeping people out that are even citizens here. And honestly i don't see the problem with people wanting to start a new life here and have a great new start to something amazing which is what we stand for. But now the trump orders and walls being built, our country is about to have war.

  4. It has caused an outrage. Not everyone is a terrorist or bad person. Why punish the people who have done no wrong.

  5. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more. The term "president" is really getting to his a little to much , hes passing ridiculous laws and the people in the white house are just as bad as him if they are not saying anything to stop this.

  6. Hopefully this won't cause bad relations with other countries.

  7. I believe that it is unfair to innocent people, however its only a temporary ban lasting around 120 days.

  8. Considering the fact that they detained those with a green card because they were on vacation. The ban is ridiculous and it's not going to help with people who still really want in the country. If they have a will to be here, they'll find a way to get here.

  9. Donald Trump really does go over and beyond with things that's not necessary. He believes most is a terrorist. Now this new law is keeping families separated which isn't fair.

  10. This executive order is very asinine, seeing that it prevents people from living the life which they were promised.

  11. i feel like he shouldn't have signed off on this mainly on the fact that the people that were going to come here as a refugee should be welcomed just like some of the countries in Europe.

  12. The problem with trumps order in my opinion is the transaction on keeping people out that are even citizens here.

  13. I don't think this is fair to be honest.

  14. When President Donald Trump declared at the Pentagon Friday he was enacting strict new measures to prevent domestic terror attacks, there were few within his government who knew exactly what he meant.

  15. I don't agree with the ban for many reasons.

  16. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more. The term "president" is really getting to his a little to much , hes passing ridiculous laws and the people in the white house are just as bad as him if they are not saying anything to stop this.

  17. I think that this is very dumb. Now that he has done this many other countries will start to ban Americans and we will lose allies.

  18. Donald Trump is already starting his presidency off in a bad way

  19. trump is creating alot of bad vibes in the us

  20. I feel that Donald is trying to help but he is using a far too wide spread approach, and instead should add extra security instead of a all out ban .

  21. He is already setting an bad vibe.The world is already not at its best but he making it even worse. I feel he should change his ways.

  22. donald trump is stupid for all this. he has no bit of sense in his brain at all.

  23. I see where he's going with this, but this is clearly the beginning of the end. People will start to dislike the U.S. for not allowing anyone in., not to mention the income of tourism will pretty much stop. Soon War will come then it'll be over for us all.

  24. Considering the fact that they detained those with a green card because they were on vacation. The ban is ridiculous and it's not going to help with people who still really want in the country. If they have a will to be here, they'll find a way to get here.

  25. I think that this is very dumb. Now that he has done this many other countries will start to ban Americans and we will lose allies.

  26. When President Donald Trump declared at the Pentagon Friday he was enacting strict new measures to prevent domestic terror attacks, there were few within his government who knew exactly what he meant.

  27. I believe that it is unfair to innocent people

  28. This man is crazy and need help god bless his soul

  29. don't think this is fair to be honest. All the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  30. When President Donald Trump declared at the Pentagon Friday he was enacting strict new measures to prevent domestic terror attacks, there were few within his government who knew exactly what he meant.

  31. i think Trumps doing the right thing. By doing so he's keeping terrorist, drugs and other things from coming into America. Not everyone is bad but for the people that are, if not all, majority will be kept out.

  32. I don't agree with this. Trump is already bringing our country down. All this will do is make countries drop allies with the US. This is sad.

  33. If absolutely none of those people from any of those places harmed us then why ban refugees from coming into the us, america is made up of ALL types of people. Muslims or not , thats what makes up this county, why ban people because you're some biggot.

  34. I don't think this is fair to be honest. All the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  35. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more. The term "president" is really getting to his a little to much , hes passing ridiculous laws and the people in the white house are just as bad as him if they are not saying anything to stop this.

  36. i feel like he shouldn't have signed off on this mainly on the fact that the people that were going to come here as a refugee should be welcomed just like some of the countries in Europe.

  37. To be honest I don't think it's fair, all the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  38. feel like he shouldn't have signed off on this mainly on the fact that the people that were going to come here as a refugee should be welcomed just like some of the countries in Europe.
    I don't agree with this. Trump is already bringing our country down. All this will do is make countries drop allies with the US. This is sad.

  39. I don't this is fair. Hopefully things will change.

  40. I see where he's going with this, but this is clearly the beginning of the end. People will start to dislike the U.S. for not allowing anyone in., not to mention the income of tourism will pretty much stop. Soon War will come then it'll be over for us all.

  41. Considering the fact that they detained those with a green card because they were on vacation. The ban is ridiculous and it's not going to help with people who still really want in the country. If they have a will to be here, they'll find a way to get here.

  42. I see where he's going with this, but this is clearly the beginning of the end. People will start to dislike the U.S. for not allowing anyone in., not to mention the income of tourism will pretty much stop. Soon War will come then it'll be over for us all.

  43. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more.

  44. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more.

  45. I don't think this is fair to be honest. All the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  46. Honestly i knew things like this were going to happen when Trump became president. Yet its stuff like this that makes me believe that we are going to end up going into a huge war. People come to America to flee there countries because they feel as though america is better for them , safe and free. But lately it seems although we don't even live in the land of the free. How are you going to ban the travel of certain Muslim groups.

  47. Trump does not understand that every Muslim or Refugee is not a terrorist , he thinks that he is making the country better by passing these laws but in reality he is doing nothing but dividing the country even more. The term "president" is really getting to his a little to much , hes passing ridiculous laws and the people in the white house are just as bad as him if they are not saying anything to stop this.

  48. Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  49. Considering the fact that they detained those with a green card because they were on vacation.

  50. I don't think this is fair to be honest. All the rules or "laws" that he's creating are all for him. He doesn't care that not every Muslim or refugee isn't a terrorist, since he doesn't like either one he's going to do all he can to make sure that he can keep out as many as he can for as long as he can.

  51. Considering the fact that they detained those with a green card because they were on vacation. The ban is ridiculous and it's not going to help with people who still really want in the country. If they have a will to be here, they'll find a way to get here.

  52. i think its very sad a disturbing i think these are the types of actions that will get donald trump impeached.
