Thursday, January 12, 2017

Farewell Address pt.2

Obama delivered his Farewell Address earlier this week. If you had a chance to see it, how did it make you reflect on Obama's presidency? In your opinion, was he strong or weak president? Why? If you did not get a chance to see it, research key-points of the speech and answer the above question as well as you can.


  1. He was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other. He made organizations that helped kids education wise and organizations that helped families financially. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. Overall he delivered what he said he was gonna do and more.

  2. Obama did his best to serve his country as the president, but now it is his turn to step down and watch as the future is shaped with or without his guidance.

  3. Obama was an amazing president in my opinion. He did what other presidents should've done but didn't want to do because of how the people felt about it. He focused on helping the poor rather than making the rich richer. Him and his wife helped the United States better than anyone ever has and probably ever will.

  4. Obama was a strong president. He help create almost 12 million jobs for Americans, took down the 9/11 terrorists, and tried to provide affordable health insurance for Americans. All in all Obama tried and accomplished a lot, even though everything wasn't perfect, he still gave everything 100%

  5. He was an extremely strong president. He was able to bring free healthcare to thousands of Americans, he set laws against discrimination, he stood firm in his beliefs, and he made the entire world fall in love with him. He did what he stepped up to do and he did it well. I believe that he and Michelle are going to continue to do amazing things for America and the world.

  6. Obama was a decent president, he had his ups and downs.

  7. He was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other. He made organizations that helped kids education wise and organizations that helped families financially. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. Overall he delivered what he said he was gonna do and more. He was an extremely strong president. He was able to bring free healthcare to thousands of Americans, he set laws against discrimination, he stood firm in his beliefs, and he made the entire world fall in love with him.

  8. President Obama was a very strong president and he did very well throughout his presidency. I feel that he was a strong president because he kept pushing through all the criticism and stress that he received.

  9. Obama was a very strong president. I believe he brought forth many improvements to weak areas such as employment and medical care. The speech made me realize how much he has actually done for the country and how much he cares about the unity of our country.

  10. i feel like he had a strong farewell address by stating the things that he had done in which he did a lot. he was the most iconic president during his presidency by being the first African american to take office. he also delivered a message to the next president of what he should do.

  11. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. Overall he delivered what he said he was gonna do and more. He was an extremely strong president.

  12. Outgoing President Barack Obama used his farewell address to praise his two daughters as his proudest achievement -- but one was missing.

  13. Obama was a strong president, because he accomplished many things under immense pressure and difficult situations.

  14. I didnt see the farewell address, but i heard it was a touchy moment for Obama and the rest of the people in the crowd.

  15. Obama did his best to serve his country as the president, but now he has to leave and leave it all to donald trump and hope the best for the country

  16. Obama was a very strong president. He was never that type of president that i would say let our country down. He always taught us to be confident, ask questions in times of unsureity, and be of great people.

  17. In my opinion Obama's speech make me appreciate the time he was president.

  18. I feel as if Obama did his best as being the president of the United States.I also feel as if he had a strong farewell address by stating the things he has done for America which he has done a lot. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11. I also feel like that he was a strong president because he kept pushing through all the criticism and stress that he received. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other. He made organizations that helped kids education wise and organizations that helped families financially. Overall, he delivered what he said he was going to do, and more.

  19. My opinion is that Obama was a strong president. His speech was very powerful and his presidency was amazing and he will be missed.

  20. Watching his farewell address made me reflect on his entire presidency. He was my president from 4th grade to 12th grade and he was the only president that I actually paid attention to.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. His farewell speech was great , it made everyone tear up and it made him cry when he spoke about his wife. it was just great .

  23. Obama did a great job in ny opinion. He will be missed. He did the best he could to help this country.

  24. usane boat is so fast on god that boi need some ankle weights

  25. I didnt see it, but Im sure it was amazing. Obama is an amazing speaker and was an even greater president. We will miss you Obama, take good care and have a good life.

  26. I personally believe that Obama was a strong and great president, he could have been even greater if the government wasn't divided he would be able to amend bills that would have solved several problems the economy has now. Obama gave the people what thy wanted and the people didn't appreciate it, he gave us the Affordable Health Care, but people hate that now, he took down Osama Bin-laden, and people now assume or say that he really wasn't the leader of terrorism but ISIS was.
    Obama has done a lot for us and i appreciate all he has done for us.

  27. Watching his farewell address made me reflect on his entire presidency. He was my president from 4th grade to 12th grade and he was the only president that I actually paid attention to.

  28. he was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other. He made organizations that helped kids education wise and organizations that helped families financially.

  29. he was a strong president and he had strong reasons and new what he was talking about.

  30. Obama did his best to serve his country as the president, but now he has to leave and leave it all to donald trump and hope the best for the country

  31. i feel that Obama was a great speaker a was good with negotiation

  32. i wish he could serve another term

  33. Obama was a decent president, he had his ups and downs.

  34. Sadly, I did not get to see Obama's farewell address. In my opinion, he was a very strong president. I will miss him as our president. He cared about the people.

  35. Watching his farewell address made me reflect on his entire presidency. He was my president from 4th grade to 12th grade and he was the only president that I actually paid attention to.

  36. I think he was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. He delivered what he promised he would do.

  37. President Obama was a strong president. He created things to help every person. Obama didn't stop at anything until it was accomplished. He always led our country down a right path and taught us to be together instead of apart because we are one.

  38. president Barack Obama was a strong president and will be truly missed. his decisions that he made were very smart ones and kept everyone in the united states safe. any other president after him will have nothing on him

  39. Obama was a strong president, because he accomplished many things under immense pressure and difficult situations.

  40. i feel the obamas were very strong. it takes a lot, and also comes with alot to become president of united states

  41. He made organizations that helped kids education wise and organizations that helped families financially. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. Overall he delivered what he said he was gonna do and more. He was an extremely strong president. He was able to bring free healthcare to thousands of Americans, he set laws against discrimination, he stood firm in his beliefs, and he made the entire world fall in love with him.

  42. President Obama was a very strong president and he did very well throughout his presidency. I feel that he was a strong president because he kept pushing through all the criticism and stress that he received.

  43. potus obama was a great leader in these laast 8 years he have accomplished many things which made him even greater

  44. Obama was a very strong president and he achieved his goals that he wanted to set for the country throughout his time period in the house.

  45. He did a lot to help this country and it is sad to see him go.

  46. Watching his farewell address made me reflect on his entire presidency. He was my president from 4th grade to 12th grade and he was the only president that I actually paid attention to.

  47. Watching his farewell address made me reflect on his entire presidency. He was my president from 4th grade to 12th grade and he was the only president that I actually paid attention to.

  48. Obama was an amazing president in my opinion. He did what other presidents should've done but didn't want to do because of how the people felt about it. He focused on helping the poor rather than making the rich richer. Him and his wife helped the United States better than anyone ever has and probably ever will.

  49. He was an extremely strong president. He was able to bring free healthcare to thousands of Americans, he set laws against discrimination, he stood firm in his beliefs, and he made the entire world fall in love with him. He did what he stepped up to do and he did it well. I believe that he and Michelle are going to continue to do amazing things for America and the world.

  50. it was sad because i hate trump and he fake. #mypresidentblackandmylamboblue

  51. Obama did pretty good in the office even though he had his ups and downs.

  52. Obama was one of the strongest presidents that we have had, knowing that he will no longer be in office really does something to me. He has literally been my president since I was in elementary school and now I am in 11th grade.

  53. He was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other.

  54. Obama was an okay president. He was an irregular change in the government. He was recognized as the first black president. Although he was the first black president he did nothing for the black community so to me he was just like another president with a greater amount of melanin in him. But he did fulfill his duties while office so ill give him a thumbs up.

  55. his speech was really nice he thanked everyone he did a lot of great things for our country and people fail to realize that

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I didn't get a chance to see his speech, but i am sure it was amazing! he was a great president.The fact that he is leaving is bittersweet, i want his family to have a drama free life.At the same time i wish he was still president because he did a great job!

  58. I wasn't aware of president Obama speach but according to his previous speach there were vary heart touching and over welleming. Over these eight years Barack Obama filled his spot in the office and i dont regret a day of his presidencey

  59. He was an extremely strong president. He was able to bring free healthcare to thousands of Americans, he set laws against discrimination, he stood firm in his beliefs, and he made the entire world fall in love with him. He did what he stepped up to do and he did it well. I believe that he and Michelle are going to continue to do amazing things for America and the world.

  60. He helped find the person who was responsible for 9/11 and brought him down. Overall he delivered what he said he was gonna do and more. He was an extremely strong president

  61. He was a strong president. He broke barriers with other countries and became allies with each other.
