Tuesday, March 22, 2016


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  1. its sad that all of those people lost their lives and family members

  2. Terrorism is alive and prevalent within the entire world. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people.

  3. This is so scary.This is just sad seeing people loose their lives. The explosions in Belgian capital of Brussels on Tuesday killed at least 26 people and wounded 130.If I was attacked or anybody IO knew was I would be hurt.

  4. It is so sad because people died and family members. Alot things are happening and people are scared.

  5. its sad that you cant go to the airport anymore without having the thought of someone could blow me/this place up at any given moment.

  6. The innocent people lost because of this terror. It is really sad.

  7. Terrorism is alive and prevalent within the entire world. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people. It's really sad that people have such sick twisted minds and innocent people have to pay for it.

  8. It's sad and scary that people are actually crazy enough to do that type of stuff. Knowing they'll take someones life away and ruin someones family. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent, life away.

  9. its terrible that your not aloud in the airport anymore.its sad seeing people die every once in a while and not just some alot.

  10. It's sad that those people had to lose their lives like that.

  11. its really sad that people needed to lose their lives like that in the world and things like this are sad..

  12. Its sad that all those innocent people had to die and lose their family members.

  13. Its very sad that we live in a world where things like this happen. Innocent people have lost their lives and have been wounded for the rest of their lives.

  14. this is horrible if they sensed there was going to be a terrorist attack then they should have secured the airport more denser. but god bless the people that died and got injured along with their families. terror has to stop.

  15. I think its pretty sad that the same thing keeps occurring throughout the years. People need to put a stop to this. RIP to those who lost their lives.

  16. I think this is so sad. This world needs to get better.

  17. These terrorist organizations have no regard for human life. They thrive off of the fear of the people and will go to whatever measurements necessary to instill that culture of fear into average people.

  18. Terrorism is awful and it is the same group causing fear in the world. we know who is doing it, why not put a stop to it.

  19. Terrorism is alive and prevalent within the entire world. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people. It's really sad that people have such sick twisted minds and innocent people have to pay for it.

  20. These terrorist don't care who they hurt. Innocent people die everyday because of this type of thing. This type of thing isn't new to the world. It needs to be stopped soon.

  21. Terrorism is alive and prevalent within the entire world. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people. It's really sad that people have such sick twisted minds and innocent people have to pay for it.

  22. Terrorism is sad case in the U.S. The fact that the Belgian community had to witness this is very sad. These organizations have a lot of negative impact on the U.S.

  23. Terrorism is alive and prevalent within the entire world. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people. It's really sad that people have such sick twisted minds and innocent people have to pay for it.

  24. This is sad and someone needs to stop them.

  25. This is extremely sad because you hurt people in Belgium which makes it extremely SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. These terrorist attacks are despicable and the people of Brussels shouldn't have to pay for it.

  27. its sad because terrorism is a big thing in the world

  28. this shows us that we living in the end times and we need to get right because u never know when your day will come

  29. It's sad and scary that people are actually crazy enough to do that type of stuff. Knowing they'll take someones life away and ruin someones family. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent, life

  30. I think its messed that someone would do this and believe its the right thing to do. Its just despicable.

  31. this is ridiculous this needs to end someone needs to stop this i wish the world would would just relax. take it easy.

  32. What kind of religion encourages this?

  33. What kind of religion encourages this?

  34. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent, life alexis bush

  35. Terrorism is awful and it is the same group causing fear in the world. we know who is doing it, why not put a stop to it.

  36. It's sad and scary that people are actually crazy enough to do that type of stuff. Knowing they'll take someones life away and ruin someones family. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent, life away.

  37. Its very sad that we live in a world where things like this happen. Innocent people have lost their lives and have been wounded for the rest of their lives.

  38. It is so crazy because people and family members died. Alot things are happening and people are scared

  39. Its sad but at this point everyone just needs to get ready for whatever is going to happen .

  40. This is really sad that there has been another terrorist attack on a big city in Europe, and that yet again so many people got injured or died. ISIS must be stopped, so that never any attacks like these on civil people happen.

  41. this is horrible if they sensed there was going to be a terrorist attack then they should have secured the airport more denser.

  42. It sad that, that happened to them because no one deserves to die.

  43. It is so sad because people died and family members. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent

  44. its so sad to hear abouth this i hope everything gets better

  45. ISIS should`ve been dealt with years ago. These attacks on innocent nations by this religious regime has gone too far. Someone needs to do something about this, because the longer these people continue to exist, the more deaths that will come at the price of their continued existence.

  46. Isis just needs to be dominated

  47. This is really sad and upsetting...innocent lives lost because of terrorists.

  48. This is extremely unfortunate. Isis has to be stopped before more attacks are made on citizens. If anything, war should be started instead of innocent people being killed.

  49. This is a sad occurrence. Isis is very dangerous, and very manipulative. I am very upset this happened.

  50. How Can Somebody do that to another human & then kill themselves thats not right at all. you would see people injured from the bomb & still walking around to show that their okay . - Jasmyne Johnson

  51. This is really sad that there has been another terrorist attack on a big city in Europe, and that yet again so many people got injured or died. ISIS must be stopped, so that never any attacks like these on civil people happen.

  52. This is really sad that there has been another terrorist attack on a big city in Europe, and that yet again so many people got injured or died. ISIS must be stopped, so that never any attacks like these on civil people happen.

  53. this is horrible if they sensed there was going to be a terrorist attack then they should have secured the airport more denser. but god bless the people that died and got injured along with their families. terror has to stop.

  54. its sad that you cant go to the airport anymore without having the thought of someone could blow me/this place up at any given moment.

  55. its terrible that your not aloud in the airport anymore

  56. I heard about the bombing on the news and am really concerned for Europe. There has been a lot of terrorist attacks there lately. Hopefully the issue will be solved too and these terrorists will be stopped.

  57. Its horrific and just terrifying at the fact that people cant go place without the mentality of having foreign people or anyone, invade places, stores, homes etc and being under strict policies because of their actions. maybe its Donald trump's doing, mayve hes criticizing the other countries and bullying them and not knowing that AMERICA is at risk because of him...

  58. its heartbreaking that people lost their lives.

  59. it sad that all this innocent people lost they lives because of this.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Come ON. What is ISIS possibly hoping to gain here? This is just terribly sad. For both Europe and ISIS. ISIS is just trying to start WW3.

  62. This is a really sad case. ISIS won't stop until they get what they want, and its sad to know that President Obama won't be here to keep things under control. My condolences go out to the families of loved ones lost, Terrorism has to stop.

  63. As a human race it is our job to stop ISIS or other terrorist organizations from killing innocent people.

  64. i think that this is awful that anyone would do this, its like they just want attetion.

  65. i think that this is awful that anyone would do this, its like they just want attetion.

  66. One of the bombs might have been a suicide bombing. There was two explosions at 8:00am in the airport. ISIS claimed responsibility for the coordinated attacks.Two of the men, wearing black in surveillance images, are believed to be suicide bombers who died in the explosions in the airport's departure lounge.

  67. Its very sad that we live in a world where things like this happen. Innocent people have lost their lives and have been wounded for the rest of their lives.

  68. It is a shame that things like this are still happening in the world. Its sad that innocent peoples lives were ended for nothing and that people got hurt. Thing like this shouldn't be happening.

  69. It is really sad that this happened to these people. I am sending prayers to their families.

  70. It is really sad that this happened to these people. I am sending prayers to their families.

  71. It's sad and scary that people are actually crazy enough to do that type of stuff. Knowing they'll take someones life away and ruin someones family. I don't see whats so interesting with taking someone who was innocent, life away.

  72. This is so scary.This is just sad seeing people loose their lives. The explosions in Belgian capital of Brussels on Tuesday killed at least 26 people and wounded 130.

  73. It is very terrifying and devastating to see ones to loose there life like this. Terrorism has to be stopped. Innocent ones are dying and its not okay.

  74. i honestly feel bad and hate to see that all them people lost their family and lives. this stuff needs to stop

  75. its sad that you cant go to the airport anymore without having the thought of someone could blow me/this place up at any given moment.

  76. To be honest that's the most scariest thing that can happen because you don't know where the next bomb may come from. Most of all, I catch the plane all the time going back and forth from Georgia to New Jersey, I don't know what I would if something like that was to happen.

  77. Senseless violence that happens way too often because of the unethical actions of irrelevant countries.

  78. That is terrible that those people had to lose their lives like that.
