Tuesday, March 1, 2016

School Safety

Do you feel safe at school based on the security measures set in place? Do you know what to do in case of an emergency? See the link below.



  1. honestly, no I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  2. no I do not feel safe even though we practice the drills anything can happen.

  3. Yes I feel safe at school. A lot of people aren't crazy at school.

  4. I feel safe at school and also do not feel safe at school.There is a 50-50 chance that anything can happen while you are at school.Somebody could just be on their bad day and decide to show up to school with a gun.I don't comfortable at school when someone stares at me occasionally like they are going to harm me.

  5. i never really feel safe at school,i don't trust people around me.

  6. No I don't feel safe at all at this school. There are no safety measures and this school and there are none to protect us.

  7. I don't really feel safe in school due to security in the schools aren't really good and people can honestly just walk into a school building without anyone noticing and or fake the identity and be able to do anything inside of the school building.

  8. I don't feel so safe in school cause there is a lot of sensitive kids and now they feel to bring guns to school and start shooting would help them with their problems. If i would stuck in the situation where someone near me had a gun, i would run from them as fast as i could.

  9. just have a metal detector at the front of the school

  10. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  11. I don't really feel safe at school. The security can't help because anything can happen. Plus im a new student in America.

  12. I don't feel safe at school anything can happen its not a safe place cause every child is different you don't know what they can be going through and they come to school and take it out on others

  13. I wouldn't really feel safe at school honestly.

  14. No I don't feel safe at school because there could be some people going through tough things who could bring guns to school and take it out on other people. Plus the security isn't very good anyone could come into the school with a gun.

  15. I don't feel safe at school really because anything can happen. Not just people outside of school, because there are people in school who can just do what they want. Security in school is not enforced.

  16. No I don't feel safe at school honestly because anything can happen at anytime and you don't really know what the people around you are thinking so someone could be crazy and you wouldn't even know it they could snap at anytime that just my honest opinion.

  17. nope because anyone can bring things to school and random people can come in the school.

  18. I don't feel safe anywhere anymore. You think you can trust someone but, they'll end up betraying you.

  19. No, this is my fourth year at this school and the supposed, "Cameras" that they say are working don't work for one, two, students can literally bring any weapon they wanted just by concealing it into their bag and third, this school dont got no money so we cant even afford decent protection, and i dont know about anyone else but say someone decides to shoot up the school in that type of emergency, ima be a ghost like casper up in here already be at my house sending good vibes to everyone still at school, thats my plan.

  20. I don't feel safe at school because anything can happen at anything. By the time it happens its every man for himself . They cannot just let random people into school buildings.

  21. Yes, for the most part I feel secure at school. My school does an exceptional job of keeping their students safe on school property.

  22. No I don't feel safe at school I 1000% don't feel safe anywhere because anything can happen. In case of an emergency I can call someone or get help if needed but I also can go home.

  23. For the most part I feel safe, nothing at this school has happened that has raised any concerns for me. At the same time, anything can happen that can cause danger.

  24. I would go straight home. I do not feel safe in school at all.

  25. I feel safe for the most part. There always the one kid i question are they carrying anything.

  26. I don't really safe, and I don't trust many people here. But, at the same time I don't feel like i'm in danger all the time. It's just really uncertain.

  27. I feel safe at school because we now have hall monitors so i know longer need to worry about a school shooter.

  28. i dont feel safe at school because random people can just walk in and start doing crazy stuff

  29. No, I don't feel safe but it's not just at school. People are crazy nowadays. Anyone is capable of anything and anything could happen anywhere at any time. Also yes I know what to do in an emergency but again anything could happen so it's best to just look out for anything.

  30. well really, i feel both safe and not safe because, as soon as there is a threat the school goes on lock-down which may catch the person who pose the threat onto the school which is a good thing. i dont feel safe mostly because the students who bring guns to school may be able to get away to get it.

  31. I don't feel safe at school because anything can happen at anything. By the time it happens its every man for himself . They cannot just let random people into school buildings.

  32. i never really feel safe at school,i don't trust people around me.

  33. I keep my circle tight so i can have safety in school because anything can happen.

  34. No I don't feel safe at all at this school. There are no safety measures and this school and there are none to protect us.

  35. when it comes down to it. its every man for himself in a crisis

  36. Sure, why shouldn't I feel safe in school

  37. Sure, why shouldn't I feel safe in school

  38. I don't feel safe anymore because people are crazy and you never know what they intend to do, and plus most of our school doors are always unlocked during school hours and any psycho hoodlum can enter anytime they please. So no I don't feel safe most of the time.

  39. Yes I do know what to do in case of emergencies yet, I feel that there are no safety measures at my school. Anyone could walk in and start shooting at anytime. Therefore, no i dnt feel safe.

  40. Honestly no because our school isn't that protect we have two officers who are here but I mean any body can just walk in the school or out the school and nobody will know. Anything can happen

  41. No i do not feel safe at school because you never know what some of the kids at the school bring. Also people say i going to shoot up the school almost everyday and that is something that you do not want to have on your mind all day at school

  42. Do I feel safe at school ? No I do not people are crazy now and days you never how someone is feeling that day , our school has never talked to us about school shooting so no i feel like we wont be prepared .

  43. I don't really feel safe at school anymore because I feel like too many people get away with stuff that administrators never even find out about unless the students say something and 9/10 nobody is going to snitch on anybody.

  44. I don't comfortable at school when someone stares at me occasionally like they are going to harm me.I feel that there are no safety measures at my school. Anyone could walk in and start shooting at anytime.So no I don't feel safe most of the time.

  45. honestly, no I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  46. honestly, no I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  47. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  48. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  49. no not really they always want us to stay put but if it were a real emergency i would really prefer to just leave but we cant but that's safe. yeah do but i would just leave honestly

  50. yes i feel very safe at school

  51. I don't feel safe at school because it's not as much security at schools that it should be and anything can happen.

  52. I do not feel completely safe in the school building. Anything dangerous can happen and I don't believe we are fully prepared. We go over a few drills but they are not that helpful and effective.

  53. i never really feel safe at school,i don't trust people around me. tbh.. gotta watch your surroundings

  54. i never really feel safe at school,i don't trust people around me. tbh.. gotta watch your surroundings

  55. yes because it could happen anywhere we know what to do if something happen we practice it at school

  56. yes because it could happen anywhere we know what to do if something happen we practice it at school

  57. i dont feel safe nowhere i don't trust people around me.

  58. I feel safe but I feel there should be more security outside of school

  59. I feel safe at school and also do not feel safe at school.The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of popular act.

  60. I don't feel so safe in school cause there is a lot of sensitive kids and now they feel to bring guns to school and start shooting would help them with their problems. If i would stuck in the situation where someone near me had a gun, i would run from them as fast as i could.

  61. I don't feel safe at school because anybody could just walk in our school. Sometimes people don't even be in the front office saying that anyone could just walk in our school steal some kids and walk out.

  62. I don't feel so safe in school cause there is a lot of sensitive kids and now they feel to bring guns to school and start shooting would help them with their problems. If i would stuck in the situation where someone near me had a gun, i would run from them as fast as i could.

  63. I do not feel safe in my schools environment simply because
    the staff is more concerned about the way the school looks rather than the things being brought inside of our school.

  64. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  65. I don't feel safe be cause there is alot of mentally unstable kids here.

  66. yes i feel safe at my school i feel so safe that im too safe matter of fact so thats good though keep up the good work resouces officers

  67. For the most part yes I feel safe at school have school does a pretty good job at making me feel safe and secure

  68. honestly, no I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  69. honestly, no I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  70. No not at all because this school has no type of security. At my old school they made us go through airport security before going to class.

  71. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  72. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room. nate walton....

  73. Personally in some occasions i feel that our security measure could be better then they are. The administrators at our school are doing everything in their ability to try keep us safe. I know what to do in a emergency.

  74. No I don't feel safe at all at this school. There are no safety measures and this school and there are none to protect us.

  75. Mia Reddick
    To an extent I feel safe at school. Sometimes I feel as there is not enough safety on school grounds. For instance, if an intriguer comes in our school, we stay far away from the door and glass window. However, if a person wants to come in and shoot up the school , he or she will no matter what

  76. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room.

  77. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend. If something like that occurred at Dutchtown I know what I would do, I don't necessarily know what to do according to school rules but I think i would be okay unless the shooter came to my room. nate walton....

  78. I feel safe at school only because i know I can defend myself. The school can only do so much, and I feel like school shootings are becoming some type of trend.

  79. Feels safe at school when it comes to other students, but when guns are brought to school or other weapons I feel in danger.

  80. I don't feel safe at school based on the security measures set in place because we only have one sheriff and sometimes she's not even here. In case of an emergency, I was taught to escape to the nearest exit or lock the door and take cover.

  81. No I don't feel safe at school because there could be some people going through tough things who could bring guns to school and take it out on other people. Plus the security isn't very good anyone could come into the school with a gun.

  82. Kinda safe, we may need a little more than just on officer, but other than that I'm ok.

  83. I do feel safe in my school environment because safety is so thouroughly discussed. Do to this i am aware of what to do in case of an emergency

  84. No I don't feel safe at all. if you really think about it the security sucks, students here bring weapons all the time and get away with it without them even knowing

  85. History will continue to repeat itself unless stopped at the source i.e. better gun control.
