Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Raven's Opinion

Comment on the article below. Do you agree with these comments? Why or Why not.


  1. honestly i have no clue because i don't pay any attention to politics

  2. I understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television.She is just getting her self into a big problem.

  3. well im 14 and politics dont interest me but raven do what she want its her opinion and honestly i dont care about peoples opinion unless there friends or family

  4. I think she has the right. People just need to let people have their opinion. If she does oh well, it doesn't effect you.

  5. Honestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States. There is no country in the world better than America. Donald Trump is going to be the next President unfortunately but as long as I get mine it's all good.

  6. i get what shes saying but the extra stuff is very unnecessary and plus its her opinion.

  7. I don't blame her cause it looks like most people are voting for Donald Trump. If he win, most of my family is most likely going to move back to Mexico, and i'm going to hop on there with them. I wouldn't want to be here either if he won.

  8. That is her opinion. I have no idea about something in a Republican.

  9. She may be a famous person, but she really needs a check as to what she says and how politics work. Other than that she just has a pretty face. That's it. Literally.

  10. yes but at the same time i dont care because its an opinion she can say whats she wants because she has freedom of speech.

  11. I don't blame her for this statement because ate rate americas going it's future depends on who we elect for President this year and if its a republican we are in for a rude awakening! I'd move out of the country especially if Donald Trump is elected! America isn't heading in the right direction in my eyes and out of all the stupid things raven has said I actually agree with this one.

  12. I honestly have come to a point where I ignore everything this woman says. I used to watch her show everyday when I was younger and its sad to see who the person I used to think so highly of has become. She obviously just says whatever comes to mind. she isn't highly informed on the things she talks about as well. Which is why i don't pay her any attention anymore.

  13. Honestly ever in movie even talk shows have a opinion on politics just like any person in the world on the topic for me i really don't pay attention to politics...

  14. That is perfectly fine that she wants to move to Canada. Nobody is forcing anyone to live in the US.I will say I think its cowardly and it sets a bad example. Packing up and leaving your problems behind does not solve them and today it will take all of us to fix America's problems, not just the republican party alone or the democratic party alone.

  15. Yeah she doesn't know what she is talking about. This is why i never pay attention to her.

  16. i would move to. I dont like donald trump and wont like it if he becomes president

  17. Although what she said was slick rude and some people think that not everyone shares her opininon.... a lot of people do actually. I've seen plenty of twitter posts and instagram posts where people were saying if Trump gets elected they moving out of America. Honestly i dont care who wins as long as its not Trump he will ruin America, and i see where Raven is coming from when she says this, at least she has the balls to say what a lot of people would post online but not say up front.

  18. I understand if she wants to move to Canada, this is perfectly understandable. I myself am not a supporter the Republican party. I believe the president of the U.S. should be a democrat.

  19. I don't follow politics but if i would move it the US was going to be corrupt

  20. Honestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States. There is no country in the world better than America. Donald Trump is going to be the next President unfortunately but as long as I get mine it's all good

  21. I will never understand politics or celebrities.

  22. She obviously does not know how politics works. I think it would make more sense to say if a republican wins the presidency rather than being elected

  23. honestly i really dont pay attention to politics

  24. I honestly dont care if a Republican or Democrat is nominated and it doesnt concern me about her opinion.I just know if Trump is nominated Im moving out of the country. My opinion to worry about nobody elses. I care about who is nominated not which political side they stand for.

    1. Not necessarily nominated but wins. My bad I really dont pay attention to my errors.

  25. This is the one thing I can agree with that Raven has said. If Trump gets into the White House, i'm outta here.

  26. Not a big fan of poltics but everyone is open to say what they want .Raven is known for saying dumb stuff but ay that is her opinion so.

  27. Not a big fan of poltics but everyone is open to say what they want .Raven is known for saying dumb stuff but ay that is her opinion so.

  28. I reallydon't care about US politics as long as Donald Trump won't get elected and starts a nuclear war but idk

  29. tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  30. tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  31. tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  32. I bet she wants Cory to be elected.

  33. I reallydon't care about US politics as long as Donald Trump won't get elected and starts a nuclear war but idk tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  34. I reallydon't care about US politics as long as Donald Trump won't get elected and starts a nuclear war but idk tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  35. All I'm going to say is Goodbye Raven...Trust me no one will notice your gone.

  36. Raven isn't even in the political category so why are we stressing about her opinion ?

  37. She may be a famous person, but she really needs a check as to what she says and how politics work. Other than that she just has a pretty face. That's it. Literally.

  38. I don't really care what she said. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

  39. if Trump is nominated Im moving out of the country.a lot of people do actually.Trump won't get elected and starts a nuclear war but idk tbh with all yall idc about anything yall have to say all i know is that donald trump killed it last night

  40. understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television.She is just getting her self into a big problem.

  41. understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television.She is just getting her self into a big problem.

  42. I don't blame her for this statement because ate rate americas going it's future depends on who we elect for President this year and if its a republican we are in for a rude awakening! I'd move out of the country especially if Donald Trump is elected! America isn't heading in the right direction in my eyes and out of all the stupid things raven has said I actually agree with this one.

  43. I don't blame her for this statement because ate rate americas going it's future depends on who we elect for President this year and if its a republican we are in for a rude awakening! I'd move out of the country especially if Donald Trump is elected! America isn't heading in the right direction in my eyes and out of all the stupid things raven has said I actually agree with this one.

  44. i do agree i want to too! if trump gets elected im either moving or im leaving to go to the moon!

  45. I understand where Raven is coming from what her statement, but i do think she was being a little dramatic.

  46. im leaving the country if trump becomes president

  47. In my opinion, Raven's statement was very ignorant. Republicans have been nominated literally every year. I don't even think she knows what she's talking about. I would understand leaving the country if Trump wins, but leaving because any republican gets "nominated" is just plain dumb.

  48. I honestly don't care about politics or care what she said but everyone has they own right to they own opinion.

  49. I understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television. nuy i honestly dont care about politics orcare what she did or said.

  50. Im Not a fan of politics so i may never know about what they talk about.

  51. She should keep all her negative comments to herself. Certain things should not be said on national television. Having a personal opinion is expected but expressing it may not acceptable at times.

  52. honestly i have no clue because i don't pay any attention to politics.. my grandma always tell me i need to pay attention to it but i really dont know why

  53. I don't blame her cause it looks like most people are voting for Donald Trump. If he win, most of my family is most likely going to move back to Mexico, and i'm going to hop on there with them. I wouldn't want to be here either if he won.

  54. you have a right to say what you feel but somethings are better left unsaid on tv and i agree with most i dont know a lot about politics

  55. you have a right to say what you feel but somethings are better left unsaid on tv and i agree with most i dont know a lot about politics

  56. everyone is entitled to theyre own opinion. she is grown and she can do what she wants

  57. There is no country in the world better than America. Donald Trump is going to be the next President unfortunately but as long as I get mine it's all good.

  58. onestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States.

  59. onestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States.

  60. Yes i agree i will move to another country

  61. Not a big fan of poltics but everyone is open to say what they want .Raven is known for saying dumb stuff but ay that is her opinion so.

  62. Honestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States. There is no country in the world better than America. Donald Trump is going to be the next President unfortunately but as long as I get mine it's all good.

  63. I honestly have come to a point where I ignore everything this woman says. I used to watch her show everyday when I was younger and its sad to see who the person I used to think so highly of has become. She obviously just says whatever comes to mind. she isn't highly informed on the things she talks about as well. Which is why i don't pay her any attention anymore.

  64. I disagree because there isn't a country better than America.

  65. If she want to move to Canada she can do that I also don't want a republican president but I'm not moving out of the United States .

  66. The comments are right there has to be one democrat and one republican nominated for president so she sound stupid

  67. I understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television.She is just getting her self into a big problem.

  68. I understand if she not want a Republican to be nominated but that should be her personal issue not something she should say on national television.She is just getting her self into a big problem.

  69. no i would not move to another country

  70. no i would not move to another country

  71. I strongly feel as if she does certain things to get media attention. She seems to just want attention and she is digging a big hole for herself.

  72. She wasnt wrong for her comments but she was harsh. I'd move to Canada if a replubican nominee is elected.

  73. I honestly have come to a point where I ignore everything this woman says. I used to watch her show everyday when I was younger and its sad to see who the person I used to think so highly of has become. She obviously just says whatever comes to mind. she isn't highly informed on the things she talks about as well. Which is why i don't pay her any attention anymore.

  74. a lot of people do actually. I've seen plenty of twitter posts and instagram posts where people were saying if Trump gets elected they moving out of America. Honestly i dont care who wins as long as its not Trump he will ruin America, and i see where Raven is coming from when she says this, at least she has the balls to say what a lot of people would post online but not say up front.nate walton...

  75. Raven is being a little ignorant the republican party is not going to change the way we live we still have freedom and liberty to do what we like the republican is a party not a dictatorship.

  76. I think she has the right. People just need to let people have their opinion. If she does oh well, it doesn't effect you.

  77. Honestly I don't agree with Raven no matter what I will not move to another country. If a Democrat or Republican is elected I will still live in the United States. There is no country in the world better than America. Donald Trump is going to be the next President unfortunately but as long as I get mine it's all good.

  78. I don't blame her cause it looks like most people are voting for Donald Trump. If he win, most of my family is most likely going to move back to Mexico, and i'm going to hop on there with them. I wouldn't want to be here either if he won.

  79. I don't like her so what ever she says is going to be foolish. Raven Symone is ignorrant.

  80. I think politics are stupid, but I don't want Donald trump to win

  81. I don't agree with these comments because a President can be a republican and still do right by the United States. I believe that the person determines a person's opinion. For example, she would've been better off by saying that if Donald Trump becomes president she would go to Canada, but not a republican overall.

  82. politics are stupid, i just dont like donald trump because my daddy dosnt like him

  83. Take me with you, unless it's Donald Trump because if that then I'll be in Australia.

  84. To be honest im not going anywhere. We put to much blood sweat , tears into this country to let a fool move us out. The government wants us to move out to prevent overpopulation. Don't let the government win!

  85. Raven can never voice her opinion like we can because everything she says is said to be "ignorant". I honestly don't care you know how many people say there going to move so whats the difference when she says it don't get me wrong she is a little bit ignorant but we have to stop with the hypocritical comments.

  86. I agree with nothing that raven symone has to say. She just talks to hear herself.

  87. i don't pay any attention to whats going on in this world if it doesn't involve me or my family then i don't care for or pay any attention to it

  88. lol, she contradicts herself so much. I usually don't listen to her opinions anymore.

  89. Im not really big on politics but i think that its her decision
