Friday, March 11, 2016

Plastic Bacteria

Please comment on the article below.


  1. well i guess that this could be a great solution to the worlds growing ;problem of pollution so all i see is benefits

  2. i mean if it helps then do what you gotta do, but then again it sound nasty.

  3. This is a great idea,I think and the world needs a solution to help pollution.

  4. I think its a great idea.It way. The world needs all the help it can get. helps get rid of plastic in a safe

  5. i believe that we you recycle you save the world and make it a better place.

  6. I think its a good thing cause it could be really good news for the environment.

  7. This is great news for our environment. This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and we'd be saving a little bit of money as well.

  8. It seems pretty good but its still some unanswered questions to it.

  9. It is a good discovery. Might help solve the world's fast growing plastic pollution.

  10. it sounds helpful but who knows what can happen. meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat wood

  11. I think this plastic eating bacteria is essential and can save our entire enviroment. Our earth has been polluted to an astronomical extent by plastic and other paper products.

  12. its the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  13. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money

  14. helpful but who knows what can happen if they do this . meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat wood

  15. This sounds like an amazing scientific breakthrough. The next big question is how could we put this bacteria into some kind of practice? If it were to be put into a practice, how efficient would it be?

  16. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money

  17. since its good for the earth im cool with it

  18. its a good idea for science . everyday humans evolve to make better things and thats what we call evolutiom

  19. I think its a good thing cause it could be really good news for the environment.

  20. whatever helps the people and environment helps and its cool with me .

  21. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money whatever helps the people and environment helps and its cool with me .

  22. his sounds like an amazing scientific breakthrough. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money

  23. It's good that they found out about this sooner then later because of the problem we have with bacteria and plastic bottles. This will also help us save money.

  24. This situation parallels the oil spill incident, where they found a type of bacterial organism that can eat oil (which was a success, as they helped clean up our oil problem). This should be put into affect as soon as possible, as an innovative idea like this doesn`t happen on the fly. Therefore, this scientific breakthrough should be taken seriously, as much of out planet is already at risk with all of this buildup in plastic waste, which is killing our home. As such, the people should have the bacteria attack the waste NOW for the benefit of our species and many others suffering because of our species` neglect.

  25. It seems pretty good but its still some unanswered questions to it.

  26. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  27. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  28. it sound like a very good scientific theory. its great that this world needs a great solution to help out pollution. it should decrease the prob;em and save a lot of money for the country.

  29. it sound like a very good scientific theory. its great that this world needs a great solution to help out pollution. it should decrease the prob;em and save a lot of money for the country.

  30. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper. So yeah its a great idea

  31. well this seems like a good solution to plastic polution. because if we dont a lot of wild animals could die from plastic.

  32. I think this plastic eating bacteria is essential and can save our entire enviroment.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and we'd be saving a little bit of money as well.

  33. I think that this plastic eating bacteria should be seen as something that should be looked into and I think the government should find a solution.

  34. this could help get rid of all the extra plastic laying as trash and polluting the area. they need to expand this bacteria

  35. I think its a good thing cause it could be really good news for the environment.

  36. Scientists in Japan have discovered a strain of bacteria that can eat plastic, a finding that might help solve the world's fast-growing plastic pollution problem.

  37. i think that's great but i hope it doesn't cause problems later on down the line!

  38. his could be really good news for the environment. Almost a third of all plastic packaging escapes collection systems and ends up in nature or clogging up infrastructure, the World Economic Forum (WEF) warned.

  39. I think it's a good idea. I think it was a break through.

  40. well It's one step forward in trying to help man kind. if it'll help the environment then at least their trying to do something about it, than doing nothing at all.

  41. This is a great idea that can help our enviroment! This is a huge leap for mankind to help save the enviroment and everthign that lives in it.

  42. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money whatever helps the people and environment helps and its cool with me .

  43. well i guess that this could be a great solution to the worlds growing ;problem of pollution so all i see is benefits

  44. i think the plastic eating bacteria is an good idea because we want have to what we we do today to get rid of plastic less recycling and less littering

  45. its the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment you feel me. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper come on now yall should of been knew that.

  46. Great idea and a lot of benefits can come from this because we already have things to keep us from littering but no one follows them so maybe this be a way to stop.

  47. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  48. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  49. It sounds like a great idea it might even the pollution problem that we have.

  50. If there is no negatives in the solution then I think it is cool that they have discovered that and can slow down the pollution rate.

  51. I think its a great idea.It way. The world needs all the help it can get. helps get rid of plastic in a safe

  52. I think that the CDC should look at the plastic bacteria and see if it'll be a solution to the problem we are facing.

  53. I guess this could help with recycling and lower the amount of plastic waste that are environment has.

  54. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save usmoney

  55. I think that this discovery is going to save our planet. Plastic pollution is going to be the death of our planet and its nice to know that there's going to be something done about one of the biggest causes of pollution. 

  56. This is great news for our environment. This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and we'd be saving a little bit of money as well.

  57. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  58. I think this is great this will lower pollution and help keep our planet clean. This will be an upgrade in technology and it will help us end crisis all over the world.

  59. it sounds helpful but who knows what can happen. meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat wood

  60. I think its a great idea.It way. The world needs all the help it can get. helps get rid of plastic in a safe

  61. I think that this is a good idea and its gonna help the world.

  62. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution, meal-worms that they use to reduse plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs, that one that eats plastic and one that eat woodits the plastic eating that the bacteria is in that can save our whole environment. the earth has been polluted with plastic paper

  63. Using bacteria would be a very good way to get rid of all the plastic! It'll be great to be able to walk around outside without seeing bottles on the floor, but it seems a little too good to be true.

  64. Hopefully the bacteria can solve the problem of littering. It doesn't seem like it can harm humans at all. It sounds like an intelligent idea.

  65. I guess this is a good thing but at the same time I'm concerned for the harmful factor of this bacteria if there is one.

  66. i believe that this is a great way to get rid of plastic, but we might as well stop making it if we want to get rid of it.

  67. think that this plastic eating bacteria should be seen as something that should be looked into and I think the government should find a solution.

  68. I think its a great idea.It way. The world needs all the help it can get. helps get rid of plastic in a safe

  69. I think that this will help our worlds growing problem of pollution. I just hope that this bacteria can and will be controlled.

  70. Excuse me, unless there are some side effects that you guys have been hiding, please tell us why haven't you started already? Go on put it in a yard fill and let it eat. Just make sure to take it back when it's done, we don't know what else it eats.

  71. I think its a great idea but i don't think people will agree to it.

  72. The meal-worms that they use to reduce plastic also attracts mites it it would kinda seem counter productive have 2 bugs.

  73. I never heard of something that eats away a plastic, it's extremely interesting.

  74. I think this plastic eating bacteria is essential and can save our entire enviroment.I think that this discovery is going to save our planet. Research is only going to get better as time progresses.

  75. This is good it will help the world so i hope it works but i hope the worms don't cause problems for other things i hope it just helps w/ all the plastic in the world just thrown out.

  76. This is great news for our environment. This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and we'd be saving a little bit of money as well.

  77. I feel that this would be great for our environment because of our human neglects. This will also decrease the plastic pollution problem.

  78. It seem good the world needs a great solution to help pollution.This will decrease our problem with plastic pollution and save us money

  79. it seems as it would really help so i say go for it!

  80. This is extremely interesting. They can produce plastic eating bacteria, but can't cure cancer or AIDS..hmm.
