Thursday, March 31, 2016


Do you think that this is taking things to far? Would you wear these shoes?


  1. This is awesome but at the same not good because it is just going to make little kids more lazy.I mean I would love to have one but also little kids growing up won't know the basics of hard work.

  2. Wow, It's really interesting. I think the people who likes Nike will get one. Technology and shoes, a smart idea. Probably I would get one too.

  3. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  4. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  5. No I don't think Nike is going to far. This is the 21st century we must progress as a people and adapt to future technology. I would most definitely wear these shoes.

  6. I think it's a good idea too. But It will make people lazy. Also, kids in kindergarten need to learn.

  7. I think that these shoes are really cool. I'd probably get a pair.

  8. i do think that they taking things to far and no i would not wear them

  9. i do think that they taking things to far and no i would not wear them

  10. Its a very new and cool idea. But I don't think its necessary to have it. Its just going to make more people even lazier and forget how to tie a shoe. Most children won't learn how to tie a shoe if this goes big.

  11. it's pretty cool but i wouldn't them because technology is making people lazier by the day

  12. no its actually cool what their do technology is advancing and that is a great future for our country.

  13. the new Nike air mags thats from the back to the future can actually light up. they can light up and they can lace up by themselves. instead of Nike setting up the actual price for the shoes there gonna have a via auction thats probably gonna coast thousands of dollars.

  14. This country has become too lazy and its getting worse. I get that the modern world has become dependent on technology, but at some point it will go too far. The time spent on developing this kind of technology should really be spent on something that will advance the human race, something that will make us smarter. It won't matter how busy your day is, you will still never be too busy to reach down and tie your own shoes.

  15. This is really dumb because people are getting lazy to the point they don't even want to tie there own shoes. Its a good idea I just hope this doesn't become a everyday used thing just because people are lazy.

  16. i wouldn't wear them cause they're going to be super expensive and things like this what makes america get fat and lazy

  17. I think that is cool, however it is lazy. Tying your shoe should be the simplest task in your day.

  18. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  19. i do think that they taking things to far and no i would not wear them

  20. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  21. This is a new and exciting feature to the Nike brand, which has its basis in the one established by Back to the Future. This is indeed, one of many innovations that is slowly being discovered in a world were technology is becoming a more prevalent feature in our everyday lives. While the negative part about it is that we`re being taken over by technology, the beautiful part about it is that the technology that was created was inspired by a cult classic that will forever live in our memory.

  22. yes and no i mean it is a great invention but it will over time have side effects. i will wear them but i will have the fear that it will tighten by its self. that is the only reason why i wont wear it. but yes and no for them taking it to for.

  23. No I don't think Nike is going to far.

  24. the new Nike air mags thats from the back to the future can actually light up. they can light up and they can lace up by themselves. instead of Nike setting up the actual price for the shoes there gonna have a via auction thats probably gonna coast thousands of dollars.

  25. I feel that this shoe is making us lazy. Its a pretty cool shoe, but unnecessary. I say that because if you cant get down and tie your shoe then something is seriously wrong.

  26. Wow, It's really interesting. I think the people who likes Nike will get one. Technology and shoes, a smart idea.

  27. No I don't think they taking it to far, technology is advancing and that is good for the future

  28. This is interesting, but I don't think that I would wear these.

  29. I don't think Nike is going to far, but it is kind of lazy laces add something to a shoe and knowing you can change your laces to fit your style is cool but i dont know if you can change your automatic laces and if you can its probably the cost of the shoe.

  30. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  31. I'd buy these when they come out.

  32. I'd buy these when they come out.

  33. They're not taking it too far. It's about time they came with some new special thing. I think this is just the beginning and soon self tying shoes would be popular and a lot of people will have them

  34. What if the shoe malfunctions so that when it starts to tighten around your foot, it doesn't stop tightening? What if it puts so much pressure on your foot that it damages it? Decapitates it? Definitely not a smart idea, i'd rather tie my own shoes, thanks.

  35. they're not taking anything to far i think its really neat that they made self lacing shoes! i wouldn't wear them though because they are probably going to jack the price for them to the roof and they just arnt my style but they're cool i think its a good idea.

  36. This is the 21st century we must progress as a people and adapt to future technology.This is interesting

  37. No the shoe is awesome and now I want a pair it's definitely worth the money

  38. i mean i personally would not wear them, i think it is taking things to far but thats just my opinion. there are already shoes out like these

  39. tbh It's really interesting. I think the people who likes Nike will get one. Technology and shoes, a smart idea. Probably I would get one too.

  40. I think that its great for Nike. taking it yup a notch is a good thing for this shoe company.

  41. Nike said the Hyper Adapt makes use of a more technical sport version of the automatic tying mechanism. Shoe designer Tinker Hatfield said the Hyper Adapt shoe aims to give athletes the ability to quickly make small adjustments to how tight or loose their shoes fit.

  42. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  43. They're not taking it too far. It's about time they came with some new special thing. I think this is just the beginning and soon self tying shoes would be popular and a lot of people will have them

  44. They're not taking it too far. It's about time they came with some new special thing. i like the new idea

  45. It's about time they came with something different. I got tired of the same thing.

  46. I think them are hard. I would rock them guys.

  47. no because the world is evolving everyday

  48. I think that this is a great invention. This will stop a lot of problems dealing with bruised backs.

  49. Its cool they are being innovative, but I think its just too much.

  50. I think that is cool, but it is kind off lazy. Tying your shoe should be simple.

  51. it's pretty cool but i wouldn't them because technology is making people lazier by the day

  52. I think that this is taking things to far because what if there is a technical difficulty,the laces become too tight and you're unable to loosen them. I would't wear these shoes because of the way they're designed but I like the fact I wouldn't have to tie my shoes.

  53. The Air mags have already been released a few years ago but I'm not certain they had self lacing. I know that Nike has/is creating more innovated pairs that do have the self lacing feature. I don't see anything wrong with this, I actually think its pretty cool.

  54. i mean i personally would not wear them, i think it's doing too much but thats just my personal opinion.
