Thursday, March 24, 2016


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Summarize two current events from


  1. Two current events are a patient has filed a lawsuit against Yale New Haven Hospital for allegedly removing part of the wrong rib during surgery and then trying to cover up the mistake and Hilary Clinton is currently leading Donald Trump on the presidential traits.

  2. The new Iphone SE is coming into Apple stores March 31, 2016

  3. There has been another suspect spotted in the Belgium attacks. Police have identified a suspect on the surveillance camera that may be linked to the tragic attack.

    President Obama has returned to the United States from his two day visit in Cuba. It marked the first time in almost a hundred years that an American has stepped on Cuban soil.

  4. March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day, tuberculosis has taken away so many people lives.
    barcelona legend dies at 68, he was one of the world's greatest football player.

  5. We have another suspect about the terror's attack.
    Republican forces determined to thwart Donald Trump from marching to the presidential nomination

  6. there what a attack in Brussels, Belgium in there airort 31 people died and 270 people were injured. 2 people were involved in the attack.

  7. Evacuated Atlanta airport passenger yesterday at 1:00 pm due to a gun threat.

  8. Syrian troops have entered the ancient city of Palmyra and are poised to gain control again after ISIS took over

    A patient accuses Yale doctors of trying to cover up their mistakes after removing the wrong body part.

  9. Recently a lady was by her pool and she had a seizure. Luckily her 5 year daughter was their to rescue her. A bombing recently just happened.

  10. an attack in brussels due to isis

  11. Two pieces of debris found in Mozambique are "highly likely" to be wreckage from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

    Four dozen more bikers were indicted this week in connection with last year's deadly shootout at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Texas.

  12. Clinton just topped Donald trump on presidential traits.
    A local u.s hospital was hacked. An email laced with ransom-ware managed to make it past the hospital's email spam filter, according to hospital.

  13. A doctor remove the wring body parts. The person is going sue that doctor.That is so wrong to remove the wrong body parts and that doctor is wrong too.
    Nike has high flying shoes threw up a bit of an air ball late Tuesday by saying sales jumped "only" 8% last quarter. That failed to meet Wall Street's lofty expectations and sent Nike stock dropping almost 5% on Wednesday.

  14. they are talking about how they found another suspect in the brussels airport terrorist attack. the batman vs superman movie comes out this friday in theaters. its looks like a good movie.


  15. comedian Khatt Williams has gotten beaten up by a 15 year old. he punched the kid in the face and the kid tackled him to the ground putting a head lock on him.famous rapper chief keef will be making a video game for play station and Xbox one.

  16. Deborah Craven a 60 year old, who filed a lawsuit against Yale New Haven Hospital for removing the wrong rib and tried to cover up the mistake. Johan Cruyff the former player and manager of Barcelona has died at age 68. Johan Cruyff died peacefully in Barcelona, surrounded by his family after a hard fought battle with cancer.

  17. March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day, tuberculosis has taken away so many people lives.
    There has been another suspect spotted in the Belgium attacks. Police have identified a suspect on the surveillance camera that may be linked to the tragic attack.

  18. The hospital got hit with ransomware, a particularly nasty type of computer virus that encrypts computer files. Hackers don't give you a key to unlock documents until they are paid a ransom

    President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama tangoed with professional dancers Wednesday during a state dinner at the Kirchner Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires.

  19. A doctor remove the wring body parts. The person is going sue that doctor.That is so wrong to remove the wrong body parts and that doctor is wrong too.
    Nike has high flying shoes threw up a bit of an air ball late Tuesday by saying sales jumped "only" 8% last quarter. That failed to meet Wall Street's lofty expectations and sent Nike stock dropping almost 5% on Wednesday.

  20. The new Iphone SE is coming into Apple stores March 31, 2016

  21. The Atlanta Hawks where getting blown out in the first 3 quarters by the Washington Wizards. By the end of the 3rd the score was decreased to a 16 point game. The final score was 122-101 as the Hawks take the Win.
    The Warriors are still on the push to make history to win 73 games or more in a season .They have to win 10 out of 12 games in there games left.

  22. Each year, March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day. One day in the year when the world's lens will focus on the fact that almost 4,000 people globally die every day as a result of this preventable, curable disease. An ancient disease that has claimed many millions of lives, tuberculosis continues to wreak havoc on public health in many countries in this century.
    Fast forward to recent decades and another pandemic has claimed more than 30 million, mostly young lives and today at least another 30 million people live with HIV -- an incurable, although treatable infection. Syrian troops have entered the ancient city of Palmyra and are poised to retake it from ISIS militants, Syrian state media reported Thursday.

    State TV broadcast images that purportedly show government forces entering the southwestern part of the city, while a TV anchor said the army is "close to announcing that Tadmur" -- another name for the area around Palmyra's historic ruins -- "has been cleared of ISIS terrorists."

  23. March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day, tuberculosis has taken away so many people lives.
    There has been another suspect spotted in the Belgium attacks. Police have identified a suspect on the surveillance camera that may be linked to the tragic attack

  24. President Obama has returned to the United States from his two day visit in Cuba. It marked the first time in almost a hundred years that an American has stepped on Cuban soil.

  25. there what a attack in Brussels, Belgium in there airort 31 people died and 270 people were injured. 2 people were involved in the attack.

  26. Yale New Haven Hospital allegedly removed the wrong body part of a patient on Wednesday. Deborah Craven was supposed to get her 6th rib removed but instead doctors took out her 7th. She had to undergo a second surgery in order for them to correct it.

  27. The "Butcher of Bosnia" is convicted of genocide and sentenced to 40 years.

    Hackers hit US hospital.

  28. There are two men still on the run for the terrorist attacks in Brussels, one men is unidentified and the other is at large.

    Radovan Karadzic, the Butcher of Bosnia, is being sentenced for genocide for forty years. He was accused of eleven other different accounts of war crimes.

  29. That failed to meet Wall Street's lofty expectations and sent Nike stock dropping almost 5% on Wednesday. alexis bush

  30. Last week, yet another American hospital was tossed into chaos after its computers were infected by hackers. The hospital got hit with ransomware, a particularly nasty type of computer virus that encrypts computer files.
    Radovan Karadzic, the so-called "Butcher of Bosnia," was sentenced to 40 years in prison Thursday after being found guilty of genocide and other crimes against humanity during his war crimes trial at a U.N. court in The Hague, Netherlands.

  31. there is a butcher in Bosnia he was caught and he will be sentenced to 40 years. 2 out of 5 terrorists that attacked Brussels are still ton the run but 3 of them are dead.

  32. Thirty-one people were killed and 270 injured when terrorists struck Brussels' airport and the city's Maelbeek metro station on Tuesday morning, in attacks subsequently claimed by ISIS.

  33. the 2 currents events that are going on is they found out that the bomb ingredients are found at local market places. Paris attacker suspect is found & injured but still alive. - Jasmyne Johnson

  34. Five terrorists -- three dead, two whose fates are unknown. the bombing at Belgium, that killed 31 people and injured 270. three men who are suspected of taking part in the attacks at Belgium's Zaventem Airport. Syrian troops have entered the ancient city of Palmyra and are poised to retake it from ISIS militants, Syrian state media reported Thursday.

  35. Radovan Karadzic, nicknamed the "Butcher of Bosnia," was sentenced to 40 years in prison Thursday after being found guilty of genocide and other crimes against humanity over atrocities that Bosnian Serb forces committed during the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995.

    A special U.N. court in The Hague, Netherlands, found the 70-year-old former leader of the breakaway Serb Republic in Bosnia guilty of 10 of the 11 charges against him, including extermination, persecution, forcible transfer, terror and hostage taking.

    Emily Eisenman kept calling her boyfriend's cell phone. It rang and rang.

    "He was supposed to send me a picture of his boarding pass when he got there, but he never did," she said.
    She lives in Athens, Georgia. He is from Belgium. Both 21, they fell in love last year in the U.S. while he was visiting. They were so excited to see one another this week, the way that young couples are when every joy seems possible.
    "I'm just holding onto that hope that God has his plan in store and that I know that Bart's soul is safe for eternity. That's what I'm looking to ... I'm hoping that he's OK," she said.
    He is among the missing in the wake of Brussels terror attack that hit the airport and a metro station Tuesday morning. ISIS said it was behind the carnage.
    At least 31 people were killed and 270 wounded, authorities say. The victims span 40 nationalities.
    Their stories are emerging as loved ones struggle to know more.

  36. Alabama governor denies sexual affair despite explicit recordings

    Adam Johnson: England soccer star jailed for six years on child sex charges

  37. Five terrorists -- three dead, two whose fates are unknown. the bombing at Belgium, that killed 31 people and injured 270. three men who are suspected of taking part in the attacks at Belgium's Zaventem Airport. Syrian troops have entered the ancient city of Palmyra and are poised to retake it from ISIS militants, Syrian state media reported Thursday.

  38. Each year, March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day. One day in the year when the world's lens will focus on the fact that almost 4,000 people globally die every day as a result of this preventable, curable disease. An ancient disease that has claimed many millions of lives, tuberculosis continues to wreak havoc on public health in many countries in this century.Radovan Karadzic, the Butcher of Bosnia, is being sentenced for genocide for forty years. He was accused of eleven other different accounts of war crimes.

  39. Yale New Haven Hospital allegedly removed the wrong body part of a patient on Wednesday.

  40. The new 2016 2.5 billion dollar Bugatti will go up to 261 mph. This is just ridiculous because who wants to pay that much money for a car ? I don't know but it's a really nice model and it can go very fast. Also Phife Dawg has past away today he was a very talented rapper and songwriter and he is gone but never forgotten. He died at the young age of 45 but still had a very great life that he lived.

  41. A 2.5 million dollar Bugatti will go 261 mph.
    A five year jumps in the pool when her mom starts to drown.

  42. New technology in the form of hypersonic jets could become not only a reality, but affordable as well in the near future of 2023. According to a study, Lockheed Martin, an aerospace, defense, and security company in America, is developing hypersonic jets that can reach speeds above Mach 5.

    New research involving the moon has revealed that it`s own "lunar" poles have begun to shift, which scientists have theorized is the result of activity within the moon`s very crust.

  43. the Brussels attack was a real tragedy there should be less of these attacks. and Donald trump and Hillary Clinton look like they will win there nomination.

  44. Two current events are a little 5 year old girl saves her mom from droning and the election

  45. A special U.N. court in The Hague, Netherlands, found the 70-year-old former leader of the breakaway Serb Republic in Bosnia guilty of 10 of the 11 charges against him, including extermination, persecution, forcible transfer, terror and hostage taking.

    New technology in the form of hypersonic jets could become not only a reality, but affordable as well in the near future of 2023. According to a study, Lockheed Martin, an aerospace, defense, and security company in America, is developing hypersonic jets that can reach speeds above Mach 5.

  46. A doctor remove the wring body parts. The person is going sue that doctor.That is so wrong to remove the wrong body parts and that doctor is wrong too.
    Nike has high flying shoes threw up a bit of an air ball late Tuesday by saying sales jumped "only" 8% last quarter. That failed to meet Wall Street's lofty expectations and sent Nike stock dropping almost 5% on Wednesday.



  49. So I found this really interesting. Apparently, the rings of Saturn are actually YOUNGER than dinosaur bones. As in to say dinosaurs have been around longer than Saturns rings. Very cool.

  50. Snoop Dogg is launching a nature show.A lot of his fans wanted him to be the voice of Planet Earth, the even made a petition with over 60.000 people! I'll be watching.
    Donald Trump has power over your brain whether you love, or hate him according to CNN. His face, voice, and message "increased brain engagement".

  51. Phife Dawg has past away today he was a very talented rapper and songwriter and he is gone but never forgotten. He died at the young age of 45 but still had a very great life that he lived.

  52. The new Iphone SE is coming into Apple stores March 31, 2016 Snoop Dogg is launching a nature show.

  53. The iPhone SE is Apple's cheapest smartphone ever, making it ostensibly the best way for the company to win over new customers in emerging.
    Snoop Dogg has a new show and its about nature.

  54. A 15-year-old girl from Saitama, Japan has escaped a two-year long imprisonment after her captor inadvertently left his door unlocked

    A four-year-old girl was beheaded in Taiwan in what appears to have been a random knife attack

  55. There has been another suspect spotted in the Belgium attacks. Police have identified a suspect on the surveillance camera that may be linked to the tragic attack.

  56. Fast forward to recent decades and another pandemic has claimed more than 30 million, mostly young lives and today at least another 30 million people live with HIV -- an incurable, although treatable infection. Syrian troops have entered the ancient city of Palmyra and are poised to retake it from ISIS militants, Syrian state media reported Thursday.

  57. President Obama has returned to the United States from his two day visit in Cuba. It marked the first time in almost a hundred years that an American has stepped on Cuban soil. And A 15-year-old girl from Saitama, Japan has escaped a two-year long imprisonment after her captor inadvertently left his door unlocked.

  58. Ted Cruz on Tuesday night accused Donald Trump's allies of conspiring to publish a National Enquirer story alleging the Texas senator had multiple affairs with unnamed women.

    A Mississippi woman has plead guilty after authorities accused her and her fiance of trying to join ISIS.

    Jaelyn Delshaun Young, 20, was charged with conspiring to provide material support to the terror group.
    She faces a maximum 20-year prison sentence and fine of up to $250,000.

  59. Ted Cruz on Tuesday night accused Donald Trump's allies of conspiring to publish a National Enquirer story alleging the Texas senator had multiple affairs with unnamed women.

    A Mississippi woman has plead guilty after authorities accused her and her fiance of trying to join ISIS.

    Jaelyn Delshaun Young, 20, was charged with conspiring to provide material support to the terror group.
    She faces a maximum 20-year prison sentence and fine of up to $250,000.

  60. comedian Khatt Williams has gotten beaten up by a 15 year old. he punched the kid in the face and the kid tackled him to the ground putting a head lock on him.famous rapper chief keef will be making a video game for play station and Xbox one.

  61. Deborah Craven a 60 year old, who filed a lawsuit against Yale New Haven Hospital for removing the wrong rib and tried to cover up the mistake. Johan Cruyff the former player and ex manager of Barcelona has died at age 68. Johan Cruyff died peacefully in Barcelona, surrounded by his family after a hard fought battle with cancer.

  62. Me and my friends are going on a cruise this week coming up for spring break, and i feel like it's going to be the best time! ill try to do more things throughout the summer as well with them and make sure they get treated well, like they've done for me.

  63. Out of the five terrorist that bombed belgium, three are dead and two faces are still unknown.

    A doctor removed the wrong rib from a 60 year old women. The doctor tried to cover up the mistake. Now the patient is filing a law suit againt the hospital.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. there what a attack in Brussels, Belgium in there airort 31 people died and 270 people were injured.

    2 people were involved in the attack.

  66. Recently, An emotional student came out as "non-binary" transgender to President Obama at a town hall in London. Also, the murders of eight members of the same family in rural Pike County, Ohio, has set residents on edge and sent investigators into overdrive as they try to find out who killed the Rhoden family members, and why.

  67. 5 tornadoes in 4 states leaves 1 dead.

    Prince was found unresponsive and later pronounced dead.
