Thursday, March 17, 2016


Comment on the article below. Do you believe this was a good decision? Why or Why not?


  1. First of all that is a lot of money to step away from.13 million??That could change my life around forever but anyways that is his decision but I think he should really rethink it.

  2. i dont know what really happened but what i do know is if you have 13 mill left on a contract thats not a good sistuation. LaRoche, 36, signed a two-year deal for $25 million with the White Sox a year ago. But he struggled in 2015, batting .207 with 12 homers. A first baseman-turned-designated hitter, LaRoche hadn't played since early this month because of back spasms.

  3. Yes this is a good decision. If his playing skills aren't up to par and he can't perform as well as he use to he needs to retire. Retirement might give him a chance to get better.

  4. I think if he thinks it's a good decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  5. I think he has the right to do what he wants. It's his money so it doesn't effect anyone but him.

  6. its his decision, his life, his career so if thats what he decides to do then so be it

  7. I saw this on the news this morning. I don't believe the decision LaRoche made was a good one. On the news this morning the team's General Manager said that LaRoche brought his son to work, practice and to the baseball clubs everyday. I don't think LaRoche should have brought his son everyday, the General Manager didn't seem to want his son forbidden from practice and the clubhouse, he just didn't want LaRoche to bring him everyday. So LaRoche decided to announce his retirement on Twitter which meant he'd be leaving $13-14 million... Bad decision in my opinion.


  8. That is a personal decision. I have no idea about his decision. But anyhow I won't do that if 13 million on the table.

  9. Yes because he want fix his personal problem first and its not all about the money.

  10. no i dont think that this was a good decesion because what is he going after he gets off the field. does he have a back up plan. does he own a resturant or can get another carrer? he should take that 13 million dollar deal because i believe he still has a little more years of baseball.

  11. i feel that it is his personal decision to leave or not it shouldn't really be anyone elses decision for him to leave

  12. Its his choices if he wants to leave. He wants to leave 13 million on a contract then it was he decides what he will do whats best for him.

  13. no i do not think this was a good idea becuase he mite not get thaat much later on

  14. i think it was good but bad because i understand that he's getting older and can't really perform like he used too but that's a lot of money you're leaving on the table and he could use it for something positive.

  15. I feel like no one should worry about what he's doing. If he feels like he has to leave then he should. No amount of money should make you risk your personal well being.

  16. he should keep playing for that extra millions.

  17. you cant make anyone play. As a sports player, you know when you are done. Money isn't everything

  18. keep playing and get more rings and money

  19. If he wants to quit its his decision.

  20. If he wanted to leave, then that's fine. It was his decision, and he knew the consequences of leaving behind his good-paying job. To him, his family was worth more than the 25 million, and that's completely respectable.

  21. No dude tripping I play baseball and to have that much money left is a lot. So I believe this is a horrible decision by him. He will eventually regret this decision.


  23. I think if he thinks it's a good decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  24. I think if he thinks it's a good decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  25. I think they should let him do what he wants. They said he was having back spasms and if he isn't comfortable playing then you have to respect his decision.

  26. I personally wouldn't but if he wants to go then he wants to go its his decision and he can do whatever he wants he is not obligated to stay if he doesn't want to.

  27. I think he was in trhe right to announce his retirement because he was past his prime and theres a life after baseball. He was experiencing painful injuries and was not healthy enough to continue playing. I think he shouldve gotten the $13 million then retired.

  28. He was already past his prime and I guess he felt he gave his all.

  29. I don't think LaRoche should have brought his son everyday, the General Manager didn't seem to want his son forbidden from practice and the clubhouse, he just didn't want LaRoche to bring him everyday. aLEXIS BUSH

  30. I mean if he is having "personal issues" then yea it was a good decision. It's not up to anyone else to solve an issue you're having.

  31. I saw this on the news this morning. I don't believe the decision LaRoche made was a good one. On the news this morning the team's General Manager said that LaRoche brought his son to work, practice and to the baseball clubs everyday. I don't think LaRoche should have brought his son everyday, the General Manager didn't seem to want his son forbidden from practice and the clubhouse, he just didn't want LaRoche to bring him everyday. So LaRoche decided to announce his retirement on Twitter which meant he'd be leaving $13-14 million... Bad decision in my opinion.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think if he thinks it's a good decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  34. I think he was in trhe right to announce his retirement because he was past his prime and theres a life after baseball. He was experiencing painful injuries and was not healthy enough to continue playing. I think he shouldve gotten the $13 million then retired.

  35. We can`t truly criticize his decision. He`s already a technical millionaire for doing what he does for the amount of time he took to do what he does. It`s logical to believe that some people would believe this decision to be good or bad, but ultimately, it`s his choice: if he feels the need to retire, let him. He will ultimate reap the repercussions of his choice.

  36. saw this on the news this morning. I don't believe the decision LaRoche made was a good one. On the news this morning the team's General Manager said that LaRoche brought his son to work, practice and to the baseball clubs everyday.I think if he thinks it's a good decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  37. i feel like its his decision so he can do whatever he wants

  38. i would have taken that money then invest it but that was crazy that he left that money.

  39. I saw this on the news this morning. I don't believe the decision LaRoche made was a good one. On the news this morning the team's General Manager said that LaRoche brought his son to work, practice and to the baseball clubs everyday. I don't think LaRoche should have brought his son everyday, the General Manager didn't seem to want his son forbidden from practice and the clubhouse, he just didn't want LaRoche to bring him everyday. So LaRoche decided to announce his retirement on Twitter which meant he'd be leaving $13-14 million... In my opinion a very bad decision

  40. Its his decision so if its what he wants to do then he will do it

  41. i think he made the right decision because no amount of money is worth your health no matter what.Also because if it was a personal decision then i think they should respect the fact that if that's what he wants to do then let him do it.

  42. 13 million dollars is a lot of money, and if he wants to quit then he can quit.

  43. Adam LaRoche made the right decision retiring baseball and with $13 million on the table is amazing. I wonder what he intends to spend with that money

  44. We can`t truly criticize his decision. He`s already a technical millionaire for doing what he does for the amount of time he took to do what he does.

  45. We can`t truly criticize his decision. He`s already a technical millionaire for doing what he does for the amount of time he took to do what he does.

  46. It is a good decision. If he isn't performing as well as he use to it is time to retire. At least he has already made money and won't embarrass himself.

  47. i think that it was a good decision that he made because he should do what he thinks whats best for him.hell have 13 million dollars when he retires so its a win win.

  48. i think that it was a good decision that he made because he should do what he thinks whats best for him.hell have 13 million dollars when he retires so its a win win.

  49. He is already rich so its not like he's losing one of the worst things in the world. Its his decision if he would take it or not. I know most people, even me, would take the deal and go for the money. But Adam LaRoche probably has everything he needs.

  50. It was a fantastic decision, he chose family over playing sports above everything else..that's what comes first. its good that he can now rest and do things he wants without worrying about the games and the practices everyday, and actually enjoy it more as well, WITH his family.

  51. I think he has the right to do what he wants. It's his money so it doesn't effect anyone but him.

  52. Yes this is a good decision. If his playing skills aren't up to par and he can't perform as well as he use to he needs to retire. Retirement might give him a chance to get better

  53. Yes, he obviously was not ready to go back. Retirement would be the best decision for someone not at their prime.

  54. Yes, he obviously was not ready to go back. Retirement would be the best decision for someone not at their prime.

  55. People make decisions based on what is going on in his life. Maybe there is something going on that is why didn't take the money.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Maybe money inst for everyone .If he feels that family is more important.

  58. Is there a problem? Sure the White Sox fans love him but he wants to spend more time with his family. And him doing this just shows he's not that greedy. Who knows, all we know is that it's his decision, and we should respect it.

  59. I think this is a good decision because if his playing skills aren't as good as they bonce were. Retiring would be a good decision.

  60. i dont know what really happened but what i do know is if you have 13 mill left on a contract thats not a good sistuation. LaRoche, 36, signed a two-year deal for $25 million with the White Sox a year ago. But he struggled in 2015, batting .207 with 12 homers. A first baseman-turned-designated hitter, LaRoche hadn't played since early this month because of back spasms.

  61. i dont know what really happened but what i do know is if you have 13 mill left on a contract thats not a good sistuation. LaRoche, 36, signed a two-year deal for $25 million with the White Sox a year ago. But he struggled in 2015, batting .207 with 12 homers. A first baseman-turned-designated hitter, LaRoche hadn't played since early this month because of back spasms.

  62. I think if he thinks it's a excellent decision for himself then he should do whats best for him if it means he will be healthy and in good conditions.

  63. yes , i think its a great idea because if you feel like you accomplished your goal in life & still wealthy then 13m shouldn't be you concern just be glad that you were famous & still will be remembered. - jasmyne johnson

  64. Its his choices if he wants to leave. He wants to leave 13 million on a contract then it was he decides what he will do whats best for him.

  65. i feel like he can decide what he wants to do because he is an adult and knows whats best for him and his family. I wouldnt walk away from that much money.

  66. I don't feel like he should but if his heart isnt in it anymore he should walk away.

  67. Honestly its up to him because its his decision rather or not if he want or don't wants to.

  68. He should not give up on his dream. It's also up to him to decide if he wants to leave a 13 million dollar contract.

  69. I cannot criticize him for what he did because that's his descion. If it was my descion I would've went with the money to be honest.

  70. That is a lot of money he will be stepping away from i hope he makes up his mind.

  71. Yes this is a good decision. If his playing skills aren't up to par and he can't perform as well as he use to he needs to retire. Retirement might give him a chance to get better but i also believe that he should do what he wants.

  72. no i dont think that this was a good decesion because what is he going after he gets off the field. does he have a back up plan. does he own a resturant or can get another carrer? he should take that 13 million dollar deal because i believe he still has a little more years of baseball.

  73. I think he was in the right to announce his retirement because he was past his prime and theirs a life after baseball. He was experiencing painful injuries and was not healthy enough to continue playing. I think he should've gotten the $13 million then retired.

  74. I feel that its always a reason for something. His reasoning of retiring may be resonable, but we don't know. Instead of worrying about his personal issue, everybody is worried about how the team is going to be without him.

  75. if he chooses to retire then let him, no one would understand but him. yeah 13 mil is alot to walk away from but its his career and life.

  76. i think it was good but bad because i understand that he's getting older and can't really perform like he used too but that's a lot of money you're leaving on the table and he could use it for something positive.

  77. I believe this was a good decision because sometimes in life you have to look out for yourself and in this case if he would've stayed he would have been looking out for the team instead of his health issues and probably been in worst conditions than a back spasm.

  78. Yes this is a good decision. If his playing skills aren't up to par and he can't perform as well as he use to he needs to retire. Retirement might give him a chance to get better.

  79. Your personal health is more important than money.

  80. this is a good decision because if his playing skills aren't as good as they were. Retiring would be a good decision.

  81. As an adult, you know when your ready to stop playing the sport that you love
