Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Update on Flint water crisis

What is the latest news with the Flint Water Crisis?


  1. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The pipes will be sent to a laboratory in Oregon to be tested and see the problems.

  2. it is becoming extremely expensive "We believe the capital costs to replace these lines could exceed $275 billion," Fitch said.

  3. The federal government said it will expand educational programs Flint to help kids get past the effects of having lead in their drinking water.

  4. Another lawsuit has been filed in the Flint water crisis, this one by seven families that accuse city and state officials of downplaying the situation while residents suffered

  5. The seven families are suing close to 20 defendants, saying that their children have been victims of maladies ranging from neurological disorders, like seizures, to language and learning disabilities.They claim that these are due to the "high levels of lead and copper in bloodstreams, brains, bones and other organs.

  6. BRITA GmbH is a German company founded in 1966 by Heinz Hankammer with headquarters in Taunusstein, Hesse, Germany, that specializes in water filtration products.

  7. on march 7th the environmental protection agency leaded a service line for a pipe loop testing. We believe the capital costs to replace these lines could exceed $275 billion," Fitch said.

  8. Flint water crisis could cost the united states almost $300 billion.

  9. The ripple effects of the city of Flint's tainted drinking water crisis could eventually prompt water suppliers to spend more than a quarter-trillion dollars on infrastructure upgrades faster than anticipated. "We believe the capital costs to replace these lines could exceed $275 billion," Fitch said.The EPA's latest survey estimated the entire sector needs $385 billion in water infrastructure improvements through 2030, and this estimate includes the costs to only partially replace lead pipes, according to the rating agency.

  10. Speaking at the CNN Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton blame Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's administration for the water crisis in Flint.

  11. Flint's water crisis gets worst everyday. Flint's citizens are still getting poisoned and those already hospitalized are showing little progression. It could cost the federal government billions of dollars which could have easily been avoided.

  12. Too many families is victims of Flint water crisis.

  13. it could cause the us 300 billion

  14. The crisis could cost the US 300 billion dollars. Lawsuits have been filed by residents that have been drinking tainted water.

  15. It's got worse by the day. Many people are starving. We as a nation my go into more debt.

  16. The water became contaminated during a financial state of emergency when the city of flint switched from using a pipeline to Lake Huron, which is was paying the city of Detroit for, to the Flint river, which is notorious for how unsanitary it is. Residents say that after the switch, the water began to smell and taste funny.

  17. It is causing the US to go into debt.

  18. the water crisis is getting worse by the day. its causing the us to go into more debt.

  19. the water crisis is getting worse by the day. its causing the us to go into more debt.

  20. The water crisis in Flint is escalating more and more everyday. This may single-handedly cause the U.S. debt to go under.

  21. Flint's water crisis gets worst everyday. Flint's citizens are still getting poisoned and those already hospitalized are showing little progression

  22. it just keeps getting worse and worse everyday. it just seems like no positive progress is being made.

  23. Water response teams comprised of 109 city, county and state personnel, American Red Cross and volunteers continued door-to-door delivery efforts today visiting 1,020 homes. These teams are canvassing the city providing free bottled water, filters, water replacement cartridges and water testing kits to Flint homes not yet identified as having a water filter.

  24. it could cost 55000 to fix it and the children are sick due to the water

  25. it could cost 55000 to fix it and the children are sick due to the water

  26. The seven families are suing close to 20 defendants, saying that their children have been victims of maladies ranging from neurological disorders, like seizures, to language and learning disabilities.They claim that these are due to the "high levels of lead and copper in bloodstreams, brains, bones and other organs.

  27. Two Flint employees signed off on using the corrosive Flint River as the city’s primary water source just before the state’s appointed emergency manager added his signature .

  28. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The crisis could cost the US 300 billion dollars. Lawsuits have been filed by residents that have been drinking tainted water.

  29. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The crisis could cost the US 300 billion dollars. Lawsuits have been filed by residents that have been drinking tainted water. It's getting worse and worse.

  30. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The crisis could cost the US 300 billion dollars. Lawsuits have been filed by residents that have been drinking tainted water. It's getting worse and worse.Two Flint employees signed off on using the corrosive Flint River as the city’s primary water source just before the state’s appointed emergency manager added his signature .

  31. The Flint Water Crisis is revealed to have been tied with a company responsible for the crisis: the Koch Brothers, a company who sent industrial runoff into the river with little regard or care for the hazards the waste could give for those that use the river for their basic needs. This is a form of abuse of natural and synthetic resources, and indirectly, an attack on those that don`t have the same power as the company does. They should get tracked by the gov`t for this attack on its people.

  32. Flint's water crisis gets worst everyday. Flint's citizens are still getting poisoned and those already hospitalized are showing little progression. The water became contaminated during a financial state of emergency when the city of flint switched from using a pipeline to Lake Huron.


  33. Yesterday, March 7th, the Environmental Protection Agency supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing.

  34. March 7th, the Environmental Protection Agency supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The water crisis is getting worse by the day.

  35. The federal government said it will expand educational programs Flint to help kids get past the effects of having lead in their drinking water. The problem is getting worse everyday and people are still being poisoned. I hope this problem will be fixed soon.

  36. Flint's water crisis gets worse everyday. Flint's citizens are still getting poisoned and those already hospitalized are showing little progression. It could cost the federal government billions of dollars which could have easily been avoided. Its costing the US a total of 300 Billion dollars and many lawsuits have been filed against the Flint for allowing residents to drink tainted water. This just shows how much the government really cares about us. ( And I say that sarcastically)The federal government said it will expand educational programs Flint to help kids get past the effects of having lead in their drinking water. The problem is getting worse everyday and people are still being poisoned.

  37. it causing the usa to go in debt and broke

  38. It's been five months since the state of Michigan relented and switched Flint's drinking water source back to the Great Lakes, after a disastrous trial using the Flint River. Five months, and residents still can't drink what comes out of their taps. And not just out of an abundance of caution. Not a single lead service line has been replaced in Flint, until now.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. The flint's water crisis is getting worse by the day its causing the U.S. to go into more and more debt.

  42. Flint Finally Suspends Water Utility Billing Amid Lead Crisis.

  43. The seven families are suing close to 20 defendants, saying that their children have been victims of maladies ranging from neurological disorders, like seizures, to language and learning disabilities.They claim that these are due to the "high levels of lead and copper in bloodstreams, brains, bones and other organs.

  44. The Flint Water Crisis is revealed to have been tied with a company responsible for the crisis: the Koch Brothers, a company who sent industrial runoff into the river with little regard or care for the hazards the waste could give for those that use the river for their basic needs. This is a form of abuse of natural and synthetic resources, and indirectly, an attack on those that don`t have the same power as the company does. They should get tracked by the gov`t for this attack on its people.

  45. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing.

  46. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The pipes will be sent to a laboratory in Oregon to be tested and see the problems.

  47. Yesterday, March 7th, the EPA Environmental Protection Agency supposedly extracted a lead service line for the pipe loop testing. The pipes will be sent to a laboratory in Oregon to be tested and see the problems.

  48. the crazy thing is that Another lawsuit has been filed in the Flint water crisis, this one by seven families that accuse city and state officials of downplaying the situation while residents suffered

  49. The mayor of flint on Wednesday announced the city will stop billing for water as it tries to implement a program to assist residents affected by lead.

  50. last time i heard there was lead in the water and people around the world was sending water out to help out

  51. What a client crisis in Flint Michigan could cause the United States of America up to $300 million .

  52. It isn't getting any better and it has put the U.S. in more debt.

  53. The crisis gets worse & worse everyday . It is really expensive to research the solution to this crisis and fix it.

  54. The crisis does not seem as if it is getting any better. I do not think the government is going to be as proactive as they need to be, because this is effecting minorities more than whites.


  55. Their water won't be 100% clean until August. Since the Mayor called it a state of emergency. They switched the water supply back to Lake Huron but the previous water supply corroded the pipes so its going to take $5.5 million to fix it. 

  56. The ripple effects of the city of Flint's tainted drinking water crisis could eventually prompt water suppliers to spend more than a quarter-trillion dollars on infrastructure upgrades faster than anticipated. "We believe the capital costs to replace these lines could exceed $275 billion," Fitch said.The EPA's latest survey estimated the entire sector needs $385 billion in water infrastructure improvements through 2030, and this estimate includes the costs to only partially replace lead pipes, according to the rating agency.

  57. The Flint Water Crisis is revealed to have been tied with a company responsible for the crisis: the Koch Brothers, a company who sent industrial runoff into the river with little regard or care for the hazards the waste could give for those that use the river for their basic needs. This is a form of abuse of natural and synthetic resources, and indirectly, an attack on those that don`t have the same power as the company does. They should get tracked by the gov`t for this attack on its people.nate walton...

  58. New twists emerge almost daily in the story of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where residents were left to drink, cook, and bathe in lead-contaminated water for 17 months as city and state officials insisted the water was safe. Here's a timeline of how things unfolded, which we'll update as significant new details come to light.

  59. The seven families are suing close to 20 defendants, saying that their children have been victims of maladies ranging from neurological disorders, like seizures, to language and learning disabilities.They claim that these are due to the "high levels of lead and copper in bloodstreams, brains, bones and other organs.

  60. U.S. House committee held a second hearing on the Flint water crisis Tuesday. There was testimony in effect for some key players in that disaster.Flint emergency manager Darnell Earley, former mayor Dayne Walling, former EPA official Susan Hedmen helped with flint water crisis.They helped reveal the high levels of lead in Flint water late last year and they all testified.

  61. I agree with everything they're doing and something needs to be done. The Earth is like the human body. When the body gets a virus and you get a fever, its killing the body. The Earth is heating up to kill the virus. 

  62. It's been five months since the state of Michigan relented and switched Flint's drinking water source back to the Great Lakes, after a disastrous trial using the Flint River. Five months, and residents still can't drink what comes out of their taps. And not just out of an abundance of caution. Not a single lead service line has been replaced in Flint, until now.

  63. Something definitely needs to be done for the people , and everyone should donate and if you don't your broke.

  64. I agree with everything they're doing and something needs to be done.

  65. The cost of water is expensive I think.

  66. They are grateful for the donations but it wasn't near enough, now the Michigan governor finally decides to take action. It's about time ya lunatic.

  67. They need to hurry up and fix this.

  68. “EPA could have exercised its powers under Section 1414 and Section 1431 of the SDWA or under the LCR, 40 CFR 141.82(i),” the task force stated, referring to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and Lead and Copper Rule.

  69. The latest news with the Flint Water Crisis is that Michigan organizers behind a new petition seeking to recall Republican Governor Rick Snyder over the Flint water crisis have begun collecting signatures for their effort.

  70. The latest news with the Flint Water Crisis is that it is causing problems for pregnant women and its full of lead which is giving people lead poisoning.

  71. The latest news with the Flint Water Crisis is that Michigan organizers behind a new petition seeking to recall Republican Governor Rick Snyder over the Flint water crisis have begun collecting signatures for their effort.

  72. alot of people donated to the flint water crisis but it gets even more worse throughout the week. not everybody is taking it as serious.

  73. on march 7th the environmental protection agency leaded a service line for a pipe loop testing. We believe the capital costs to replace these lines could exceed $275 billion.
