Monday, March 21, 2016


Currently President Obama is visiting Cuba. Why is this an important event in American History?


  1. Because he's doing a historic visit. To the country we banned imports from.

  2. This is an important event because the United States has banned all imports from Cuba and the fact that he's there visiting is a lot.

  3. "Barack Obama has made history yet again by becoming the first US president to visit the isolated nation in 88 years.
    Mr Obama is not just the first sitting US president touch down in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s guerrillas overthrew the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, but the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses."(

  4. Because Mr Obama, who is the first sitting US president to visit Cuba in 88 years.

  5. because we cut exports and imports off from cuba

  6. This is an important event in American history because for the last 50 years the United States has had tension with Cuba. What this President is doing is historic and it represents the change that America is doing with its foreign policy.

  7. It is important because the United states has banned all imports from Cuba.

  8. He was the first president to set foot on Cuba's since the revolution. Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro will shake hands at the Palace of the Revolution in Old Havana.

  9. This event has not been attempted for years. It symbolizes our ties with Cuba. We banned imports from this country.

  10. the United states has banned all imports from Cuba and the first US president to visit in 88 years.

  11. This is an important event in American History because we banned all imports from Cuba.

  12. he is the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  13. President Obama's three-day visit will focus on deepening long-neglected commercial ties between the United States and Cuba, but also drawing a harder line on human rights abuses by the Castro government. Just hours before his arrival, Cuban authorities arrested more than 50 human rights activists at the weekly Ladies in White protest outside Havana.

  14. This is important because this event has not been attempted for years. The united states has banned all imports from Cuba.

  15. Barack Obama's three day visit to Cuba is negated o ties between the US and Cuba .Cuban guards arrested more than 60 people at white protests outside Havana.

  16. It is important because the united states banned all import and export to cube

  17. its important because we banned imports from cuba and president obama going there could either tie up lose ends between the U.S. and cuba. or it can stirr things up here in the U.S. society.

  18. we cut exports and imports off from cuba by president

  19. Cuba has been isolated from the U.S. since the cold war. It is historic in the sense that Cuba is in the backyard of the U.S. and yet our governments have had almost no contact.

  20. A president has not visited Cuba in over a century. We have been known to cut Cuba off, but now we are opening our arms to the country.

  21. This is important because he is the first president to Cuba since Calvin Coolidge. Since then the government has cut all diplomatic relations with Cuba.

  22. we had problems with cuba in earlier years

  23. because we are kind of foes with Cuba and hes trynna unite us

  24. because we cut all ties with Cuba a long time ago so its showing that we have no resentment or anything towards Cuba maybe?

  25. he is the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  26. While the plan to interact with Cubans in the streets was disrupted by a tropical storm, the image of the US president and his family braving the rain demonstrated to many Cubans his commitment to the new, warmer relationship.

  27. in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses. alexis bush

  28. in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses. alexis bush

  29. Obama’s decision to visit Cuba and his reception by President Raúl Castro demonstrates that the two presidents intend to make improving relations a priority in the coming year. If it goes well, the visit will accelerate progress on a range of issues that are currently under discussion, facilitate new agreements on issues of mutual interest, and reduce the obstacles on both sides that are limiting commercial relations.

  30. The meeting with Castro will help make some significant changes. Also to help unite with a country we long separated from.

  31. He is the first US president to visit in 88 years and comes more than a year after he and Castro surprised the world in December 2014 by announcing that their countries would begin normalizing relations.

  32. This is important because he is the president. also because most president that we have had chose not to leave out the USA. This shows that the USA like other country

  33. the United states has banned all imports from Cuba and the first US president to visit in 88 years.

  34. He was the first president to set foot on Cuba's since the revolution. Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro will shake hands at the Palace of the Revolution in Old Havana.

  35. "Barack Obama has made history yet again by becoming the first US president to visit the isolated nation in 88 years.
    Mr Obama is not just the first sitting US president touch down in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s guerrillas overthrew the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, but the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses."(

  36. Barack Obama has made history yet again by becoming the first US president to visit the isolated nation in 88 years.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  37. "Barack Obama has made history yet again by becoming the first US president to visit the isolated nation in 88 years.
    Mr Obama is not just the first sitting US president touch down in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s guerrillas overthrew the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, but the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses. great move by President obama

  38. "Barack Obama has made history yet again by becoming the first US president to visit the isolated nation in 88 years.
    Mr Obama is not just the first sitting US president touch down in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s guerrillas overthrew the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, but the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses. great move by President obama The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  39. Because he is the first black president in America and he visited Cuba in which Americans have been banned from visiting.

  40. Because americans are banned to visit cuba

  41. Because americans are banned to visit cuba

  42. President Obama's three-day visit will focus on deepening long-neglected commercial ties between the United States and Cuba.

  43. This is an important event in history as not only is the president accomplishing a feat that hasn`t been done over 88 years, but also is a step in helping institute change in a country infamous for being a communist nation. Some time ago, Cuba was a dictatorial nation that supported Russia during the Cold War, which left America with no choice but to relinquish all ties with the nation, which left it broken for many years. Fortunately, Cuba in recent years has begun to shed its old ways, and has begun to adopt a market system, which has caught our nation`s eye. President Obama`s visit may actually help rekindle the old ties the nations had severed many years before.

  44. Mr Obama is not just the first sitting US president touch down in Cuba since Fidel Castro’s guerrillas overthrew the US-backed government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, but the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses. great move by President obama The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  45. It's because america and Cuba has had a rivalry for 50 years and he is doing something historical.

  46. Obama got guts. U.S. and Cuba have been giving each other the stare for more than 30 years, I really really hope Obama can sort this out. Also props to Obama, he's almost out of office so he's doing a lot now. He procrastinates. Like me.

  47. He is the first US president to visit in 88 years and comes more than a year after he and Castro surprised the world in December 2014 by announcing that their countries would begin normalizing relations.

  48. He was the first president in many years to not only go to Cuba but have democratic relations with them.

  49. This is an important event in American history because for the last 50 years the United States has had tension with Cuba. What this President is doing is historic and it represents the change that America is doing with its foreign policy.

  50. Its been a long time since an American President has been to Cuba. Its a sign of peace.

  51. Its been a long time since an American President has been to Cuba. Its a sign of peace.

  52. Its been awhile since we had relations with them, good to see we're communicating again.

  53. even though He was the first president to set foot on Cuba's since the revolution. Obama and Cuban was a leader that Raul Castro was shaking hands at the Palace of the Revolution in Old Havana.

  54. This is a sign of peace .Cuba and The US had tension .Obama will be the first in 50 years to go to cuba

  55. this event is important because we need Cuba and for him to go there hopping to make peace because we're embargo with Cuba right now sooo

  56. he is the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  57. This is important because this event has not been attempted for years. The united states has banned all imports from Cuba.

  58. It's showing growth in our country and theirs.

  59. Cuba was involved in the red scare many years ago. It is always good to have peace with other countries and islands

  60. We put an embargo 0n Cuba during the cold war. It is good that President Obama went to Cuba because we as Americans left them in the dark for a long time. Everyone deserves a second chance.

  61. Obama, is the first US president to visit Cuba in 88 years. Knowing the trouble Cuba and the United States has this is very important and might change a lot.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Obama’s decision to visit Cuba and his reception by President Raúl Castro demonstrates that the two presidents intend to make improving relations a priority in the coming year. If it goes well, the visit will accelerate progress on a range of issues that are currently under discussion, facilitate new agreements on issues of mutual interest, and reduce the obstacles on both sides that are limiting commercial relations.

  64. This is an important event in american history because and american president has not stepped foot in Cuba in a while and it shows that Obama is trying to come to some type of agreement with them.

  65. he is the first since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928.The US government broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 when the country was seen to side with the Soviet Union and nationalize US-owned businesses.

  66. This is important because we banned all imports from cuba. To be the first president to visit them since eighty eight years makes history.

  67. because he is the first president to visit and the united states banned imports from there

  68. I think its great, He is the first black president and the first in years to go. He is making history.

  69. This is an important event in American History because President Obama, as the first sitting US president to visit the Communist ruled island since Calvin Coolidge did in 1928.

  70. It is important because of the previous events that have occurred such as the Cuban missile crisis, embargoes, political grand-standings, and bitter arguments.

  71. This is an important event because the United States have banned imports and exports from Cuba and the fact that he's there visiting is a lot.
