Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Presidential Election!!!

What specific Democratic and Republican candidates do you want to be in the presidential election and why?


  1. well i guess i would go with bernie sanders cause i dont like republicans

  2. No, I don't want to be in that election. Because I don't think I know clearly about that.

  3. I want Bernie Sanders and John Kasich to be in the Presidential Election because those are the only candidates that I trust with the future of this nation. All of the Republican candidates are mediocre but John Kasich is the one with the most sense. Bernie is the most honest, humble, and revolutionary candidate in the Democratic Party and I really hope he wins the White House.

  4. I would want either Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders from the Democratic party to be president.I choose Clinton or Sanders because honestly they both seem like the only ones who can make America a better place now that President Obama is leaving.I do not really see any good candidate from the Republican party but I would say Ted Cruz because he currently works in the government and would understand and also he seem fit to be President.

  5. I would go with Bernie Sanders because I just feel like he has really good plans for the country and he actually cares for the people.

  6. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name. He posses a perfect balance of soft and firmness. I believe he could be a better president than any of the other runner ups could.

  7. i want a Democratic to be our president and i would vote for Hilary Clinton.

  8. i hope that sanders wins the presidential election. i dont want no republicans as presidents. i think that sanders is the most trustful and most honest person.

  9. I honestly don't even care who win. The only person I don't want to win is Trump. I feel like Trump wouldn't be good for the country at all.

  10. I don't have knowledge in election but I think whoever becomes president must help the nation.

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  12. I don't know really? i just don't clearly know about whats going on in the presidential election

  13. i don't really pay attention to politics but i want Bernie sanders to win.

  14. Not trump.Point blank. anyone but trump will be good for presidential election.

  15. i think that democrat hillary clinton should win. she is way better and caring than donald trump. she is just better off winning than trump

  16. I would vote for Bernie Sanders, also Hillary Clinton. I would vote for Hillary because she would represent the females in America.

  17. I honestly don't know because I don't really pay attention to politics or what really going on in the presidential election.

  18. since its my first year voting for democratic party its hard to choose between Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton. If we elect trump he will drag america down and make a mockery out of this country and what it stands for. We already have enough blank minded idiots in office (and I'm not talking about the President) I pray America doesn't elect another and even bigger idiot in office. Sadly there isnt any competition on the republican side but then again I am not a republican. All republicans are stupid and lack the leadership we need to keep this country above water there are absolutely no republican candidate that has my vote this year. this election determines my future for the next four years.

  19. i dont care about the republicans like that,but if i had to pick one i guess i would want Mark Rubio to be the republican nominee. I really want Bernie Sanders to win it all because he truly cares about the people and i mean all people of all races.

  20. I would really like to see Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio team up against Donald Trump. It seems like republican supporters are really divided between the three candidates. It's really annoying when people say they're not going to vote if they don't like the nominees because a democratic society can't work when people don't vote and everyone still has a voice

  21. I would want Bernie Sanders to win this election. I am not a supporter of the Republican party so I would want to see a democrat in office.

  22. i dont care about the republicans like that,but if i had to pick one i guess i would want Mark Rubio to be the republican nominee. I really want Bernie Sanders to win it all because he truly cares about the people and i mean all people of all races.

  23. i would vote for bernie sanders to win the election. i want a democrat in the office

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  25. i dont know i just want Bernie sanders to win

  26. Maybe Trump because from what I seen so far from him, he is actually taking it seriously and is speaking his mind on certain subjects.

  27. Republicans: Mark Rubio

    Democrats: I would vote for Hillary Clinton but if Bernie wasn't so old I would vote for him.

  28. I would vote for Bernie Sanders, also Hillary Clinton. I would vote for Hillary because she would represent the females in America.

  29. hillary clintion beacause she good for the black commutiy

  30. hillary clinton be in the presidential election i like what she stand for.

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  32. I wish Bernie sanders would be president. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name.

  33. Democratic, because Donald trump is running as a republican and i don't want to be of any part in that election.

  34. Considering this is gonna be my first election as a young amn and i get the chance to vote, my personal opinion would be to see Hillary winning the overall electoral votes so that she becomes our president. All due respect to Mr. Bernie Snaders, i just personally feel he wont be long in the offcie considering his age. I mean he will actually be the oldest person in Office if elected.

  35. I dont like republicans so if I had choose it would be Hillary Clinton because, I would like to see a woman be in office for the first time

  36. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name. He posses a perfect balance of soft and firmness. I believe he could be a better president than any of the other runner ups could.

  37. A Democratic should be Bernie Sanders because i feel like he actually will do something rather then Clinton . If it was for me i wouldn't pick a republican cause they all suck and only care about the rich .

  38. Bernie Sanders I think would be a great president because he see's equality in all races

  39. i think bernie sanders is a good speaker so he has my vote i dont do not so much like the rupublican

  40. I really want to Bernie Sanders as next president because he is willing to make changes that our country needs. I also think that an older person would have great instinct.

  41. I cant Vote but i would want Barnie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

  42. BARNIE SANDERS hands down pimping. because I just feel like he has some fye plans for the country and he actually cares for the people.

  43. I guess Barnie sanders because I heard he has a lot planned for this country but then again I don't care as along as they mess up the country more than what it is.

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  45. i want bernie sanders as the united states president. i feel this way because he is going to legalize marijuana. no other president will do so, so i only believe bernie sanders should become president

  46. I can't vote but i would want Barnie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. ANYONE EXCEPT TRUMP BIG HEAD NO GOOD WEAVE HAVING AHHHH.... please and thank you.


  48. None of the candidates deserve the position: they are all monsters in their own right, each of them conflicting to a high level. However, if one were to be chosen, the most logically deserving of such a powerful position would be Hillary Clinton. She`s the lesser of all of the evils there, as the Republican candidates are all bad and Sanders is too old.

  49. i want Bernie sanders to win because hes the only one that actually cares about black people and want to make a difference for us , and also he wants to legalize marijuana.

  50. Ted cruz and Sanders i guess,altough I don't really care cause i am no US citizen and I wont live in the US anyway so its all good

  51. Hilory Clinton all the way she needs to win because it will show that women are very strong and we need someone like her in the office.

  52. Ted cruz and Sanders i guess,altough I don't really care cause i am no US citizen and I wont live in the US anyway so its all good Hilory Clinton all the way she needs to win because it will show that women are very strong and we need someone like her in the office.

  53. I think Bernie Sanders should win because he stands more for black lives matter which is very important these days because I just the justice system is lacking and it needs some help and he believes the same

  54. Hilary and Trump because that's who its going to come down to anyway.

  55. i just want one democratic canidate to be president. and that is hillary clinton. because she has experience in a prsidents office and she knows what she is doing.

  56. I would pick Bernie Sanders in all because I cannot support the republican party at all.

  57. I want Bernie Sanders and John Kasich to be in the Presidential Election because those are the only candidates that I trust with the future of this nation. All of the Republican candidates are mediocre but John Kasich is the one with the most sense. Bernie is the most honest, humble, and revolutionary candidate in the Democratic Party and I really hope he wins the White House.

  58. Bernie Sanders, I do not really look at the Republican candidates, because I do not have similar viewpoints as they. However, it unfortunately seems as if he will not get the nomination.

  59. Bernie Sanders. Hillary is alright but she seems way too wonky to me. Bernie seems very trustworthy and he always has the right response to something. I would give him my vote if I was old enough. Also #DownWithTrump2k16

  60. I would want Bernie Sanders as the Democratic candidate, he seems to understand the problems we are facing the most and I believe he has plans for them. As for the Republican side, anybody but Trump.

  61. i cant vote right now but if i could i would have voted for hillary clintion

  62. Trump and Hillary because those presidential debates will be hilarious and Clinton is definitely going to win. 

  63. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name. He posses a perfect balance of soft and firmness. I believe he could be a better president than any of the other runner ups could.

  64. Considering this is gonna be my first election as a young amn and i get the chance to vote, my personal opinion would be to see Hillary winning the overall electoral votes so that she becomes our president. All due respect to Mr. Bernie Snaders, i just personally feel he wont be long in the offcie considering his age. I mean he will actually be the oldest person in Office if elected.

  65. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name. He posses a perfect balance of soft and firmness. I believe he could be a better president than any of the other runner ups could.

  66. I want Bernie Sanders and John Kasich to be in the Presidential Election because those are the only candidates that I trust with the future of this nation. All of the Republican candidates are mediocre but John Kasich is the one with the most sense. Bernie is the most honest, humble, and revolutionary candidate in the Democratic Party and I really hope he wins the White House.

  67. im not really into politics and i cant vote.

  68. I just want this country to be great

  69. Honestly, I don't like any of the candidates. Donald Trump needs no explanation, he's just too much, Bernie Sanders is just making a whole bunch of promises that he wont' be able to keep (i.e free collage), and Hilary Clinton should be in jail right now for those emails she was hiding.

  70. I choose Bernie from the democratic party. I choose him because his decisions favor those of Obama. I don't have a decision for the Republican party at all.

  71. Ted cruz and Sanders i guess,altough I don't really care cause i am no US citizen and I wont live in the US anyway so its all good

  72. I honestly don't like any of the candidates but if I had to choose I guess Ted Cruz.

  73. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States.

  74. I would want Bernie Sanders as the Democratic candidate, he seems to understand the problems we are facing the most and I believe he has plans for them. As for the Republican side, anybody but Trump.

  75. Bernie Sanders is the only democratic that i can come to terms on choosing, because I will never vote for a Republican.

  76. None of them. If you forced me to choose I would choose Queen Elizabeth. None of them.

  77. republic Because i feel like they would help the u.us in way that we wont be trapped - jasmyne johnson

  78. They should let Obama run again.

  79. I would like Bernie Sanders for the next POTUS because I feel like he's for the people 100%.

  80. I can't vote but Bernie Sanders

  81. I want Clinton and I want Donald Trump to disappear

  82. I feel that Sanders should win because he cares about the people and there problems. He seems to have a good plan for this. I wouldnt vote for a republican .

  83. I would prefer to have Barack Obama back in office but we all know that can't happen. I would like for Bernie Sanders as our next President of the United States. I say this because out of all candidates I feel that he best fits the "Presidential" name. He posses a perfect balance of soft and firmness. I believe he could be a better president than any of the other runner ups could.

  84. Honestly, I don't like any of the candidates. Donald Trump needs no explanation, he's just too much, Bernie Sanders is just making a whole bunch of promises that he wont' be able to keep (i.e free collage), and Hilary Clinton should be in jail right now for those emails she was hiding.

  85. i think that bernie sanders would be better off being the president

  86. Each candidate has their flaws..Personally, they are far too old to serve as president because for years we have expected our presidents to serve 2 terms. BUT, if i had to chose one it will be Bernard Sanders.
