Thursday, March 10, 2016

Climate Kids

Give your opinion after reading the article below.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The article is idiotic. The kids are going to lose the lawsuit they filed. This isn't a real reason to go to court.

  3. Honestly I am proud to be from the same generation of these kids, I fully support what these young people are doing. Climate change is real and needs to be treated as a necessary priority.

  4. sounds like a bunch of protesters,but i couldn't really understand what was going on cause i took them so long to get to the point but i think its about global warming

  5. I think what they are doing is amazing and it's showing people that you can't ignore us long. Voices should be heard and they are doing just that.

  6. This is the second U.S. federal court case they've filed (the first failed), and they're also working internationally.

  7. That's the most outrageous thing I have ever read. How and the world, can you sue a president for this dumb cause. He can't be the solution to all the world problem's. He's human just like you.

  8. I think it's great that kids around my age are standing up for something they believe is right. We are the faces of the future and if we want global warming to come to an end, it starts with us.

  9. i never really knew to much about the climate kids until now but looking at their argument, they have a pretty good reason to sue the u.s. government.

  10. its stupid and i dont agree with it , people are so stupid

  11. I don't go against what they're saying. Climate change is a serious subject and should be more of a priority than it is. I think that Barack Obama has did great in his presidency nonetheless and it's easy to point out what he hasn't done.

  12. The reason they showed to fine a law suite don't sound right.

  13. I think it's good that they are taking a stand but at the same time if it was me i could really care less because I don't pay attention to all that stuff.

  14. I think it's good that they are taking a stand but at the same time if it was me i could really care less because I don't pay attention to all that stuff.

  15. i feel that its good that teens/kids are standing up for what they believe in cause most people feel that they dont have a voice and it just nice to see that they do

  16. I think that you standing up what is right in life and what they believe in.

  17. this is retarded. To file a suit against the president and government officials on global warming. Nobody has power over the climate

  18. It's sad to see the people want to call this case "idiotic" and "outrageous" because someone is standing up for what they believe. If you want to go sue the president go sue him, it only starts with one person.

  19. Using global warming as a issue really wont change how people will feel about this issue. understand that if it gets out of hand no one will be able to stop it.

  20. it is great that kids are doing what is right for a change.most people think that when they try to change something that they can not do should always stand for what you believe in

  21. I think its good that a teenager is standing up for what he believe. But i don't see why and how they are going to try to sue the president for this.

  22. i will be dead before global warming is a real problem

  23. I don't think it is a good idea of kids showing up at a court even though they are right that really don"t give them any right but I also support them.

  24. This is the second U.S. federal court case they've filed (the first failed),

  25. I honestly think it stupid and i don't agree with it

  26. President Obama cannot stop climate change by himself or even with the help of his cabinet. Climate change is something we all have to work for and with how much excess pollution there is in the world, we only have ourselves as individuals to blame for the declining climate. Do you want to stop the declining climate? Stop trying to blame someone else and actually do something to solve the problem.

  27. I support their cause, and I do fully agree that Climate Change is a serious issue that our government and other governments should be focused on, however going on about filing lawsuits against your government doesn't help, and it wastes time and resources that could be used to go about finding a better solution to the problem.

  28. This is the second U.S. federal court case they've filed (the first failed), and they're also working internationally.

  29. im glad that they are speaking up in defense for the future of the planet but it inst really Obama's job alone i mean the most he can do is pass cleanliness laws and not everyone is going to listen to them. ultimately its the people who need to improve the way we treat the plant to slow down of stop the climate change but it is not Obama's fault or his job to stop it. filing a lawsuit against the president isn't going to do much of anything.

  30. This is the second U.S. federal court case they've filed (the first failed

  31. Two kid showed up to the federal court. Not a good sign for two kids. A kid sue Obama over Climate Change? Who does this kid think he is? Stupid? I think he's stupid. He is stupid.

  32. he felt like Obama isn't ding his job because of the climate & it changes. So he think he should sue but why he cant help what the climate is because its all in the weather. -jasmyne johnson

  33. It's Idiotic to me, because to me, he hasn't really found a good enough reason to even file a suit for Obama's because of climate. its not Obama's fault the climate changes and make people go through what they go through. it should have been more to speak up instead of him. plus its not just Obama's job to speak on fossil fuels and other things that are related to electricity.

  34. Its cool that they are learning how to voice there opinion.

  35. Honestly I am proud to be from the same generation of these kids, I fully support what these young people are doing. Climate change is real and needs to be treated as a necessary priority. President Obama cannot stop climate change by himself or even with the help of his cabinet.

  36. I support their cause, and I do fully agree that Climate Change is a serious issue that our government and other governments should be focused on, however going on about filing lawsuits against your government doesn't help, and it wastes time and resources that could be used to go about finding a better solution to the problem.Its cool that they are learning how to voice there opinion.

  37. Honestly, its good the children care about the environment and will take a stand to help yet... How in the world is this Obama's fault ? How did he fail you ? Have you lost your everlastig mind? So...filing a lawsuit against the president isn't going to do much of anything, But make you even more disappointed. It takes the community to actually help the environment. So good luck kids!! :)

  38. Honestly, its good the children care about the environment and will take a stand to help yet... How in the world is this Obama's fault ? How did he fail you ? Have you lost your everlastig mind? So...filing a lawsuit against the president isn't going to do much of anything, But make you even more disappointed. It takes the community to actually help the environment. So good luck kids!! :)

  39. It`s a beautiful thing when you see a generation that is infamous for being on the possibly laziest generations ever seen finally become something more when it comes to a situation like this. However, as much as it is good that they are finally challenging the government for their own well-being, one could point out their challenging the wrong part of the government, as while the president is the leader of the free world, he`s chief executive. Climate Change in America is solely the fault within the law-making power of the government, which is Congress (which is unfortunately overrun by republicans) who are out to discredit Obama and his administration. If any case should be made against someone (or some people), it should be made against them and them alone. Overall, this is a true step forward in the potential of our current rising generation.

  40. It's Idiotic to me, because to me, he hasn't really found a good enough reason to even file a suit for Obama's because of climate. its not Obama's fault the climate changes and make people go through what they go through. it should have been more to speak up instead of him. plus its not just Obama's job to speak on fossil fuels and other things that are related to electricity.

  41. I hate to say but i don't agree with that at all , sounds very stupid to me

  42. I think this is good that kids are being active and exercising what they believe.

  43. I think this is good that kids are being active and exercising what they believe.

  44. Nearly two dozen kids -- ages 8½ to 19 -- appeared in federal court here on Wednesday morning. They wore nose rings and braces. Suits too big in the shoulders. Some doodled, others took copious notes. The backs of some heads barely peeked above the courtroom's wooden benches. But these plaintiffs, however young and small, united behind a massive cause that should inspire any of us old folk: They're suing the U.S. government -- and President Barack Obama -- for failing to act rapidly to stop climate change.

  45. they need something to do with there lifes

  46. Climate Change in America is solely the fault within the law-making power of the government, which is Congress which is unfortunately overrun by republicans who are out to discredit Obama and his administration.

  47. I think it's great that kids around my age are standing up for something they believe is right. We are the faces of the future and if we want global warming to come to an end, it starts with us.

  48. I think what they are doing is amazing and it's showing people that you can't ignore us long. Voices should be heard and they are doing just that.

  49. I think it's straight that they are taking a stand but at the same time if it was me i could really care less tbh because I don't pay attention to all that stuff.

  50. i think they should keep up the good work speaking out on each other against bullying

  51. It's great there doing something about the situation and sticking up for themselves but this don't rely to me cause ion really pay attention to it .

  52. sounds like a bunch of protesters,but i couldn't really understand what was going on cause i took them so long to get to the point but i think its about global warming

  53. I think it is good that the kids doing something about their situation is standing up for what they believe.

  54. I like and appreciate that these kids are standing up for there generation. It shows how strong they voices are and how much they care about the world.

  55. Honestly I am proud to be from the same generation of these kids, I fully support what these young people are doing. Climate change is real and needs to be treated as a necessary priority.

  56. I believe that they are doing something great for our generation. We are strong and will not back down from a challenge.

  57. I don't really understand how much the President can do about climate change. I think they're just looking for someone to blame.

  58. I think its good that a teenager is standing up for what he believe. But i don't see why and how they are going to try to sue the president for they not going to win the lawsuit

  59. I agree with everything they're doing and something needs to be done. The Earth is like the human body. When the body gets a virus and you get a fever, its killing the body. The Earth is heating up to kill the virus. 

  60. With these kids are taking to court are a valid thing. But sadly they will not be taken seriously. Climate Change is a huge problem! So, hopefully the court will take them serious. Kuddos to them.

  61. I don't go against what they're saying. Climate change is a serious subject and should be more of a priority than it is. I think that Barack Obama has did great in his presidency nonetheless and it's easy to point out what he hasn't done.

  62. I support their cause, and I do fully agree that Climate Change is a serious issue that our government and other governments should be focused on, however going on about filing lawsuits against your government doesn't help, and it wastes time and resources that could be used to go about finding a better solution to the problem.Its cool that they are learning how to voice there opinion.

  63. i think this is great it is showing that kids have a say in the world and they should not be ignored. I feel that people should stand for what they believe no matter what the issue.

  64. I adore and appreciate that these kids are standing up for there generation. It shows how strong they voices are and how much they care about the world.

  65. i never really knew to much about the climate kids until now but looking at their argument, they have a pretty good reason to sue the u.s. government.

  66. I agree with everything they're doing and something needs to be done. The Earth is like the human body. When the body gets a virus and you get a fever, its killing the body. The Earth is heating up to kill the virus. 

  67. I respect these kids because they stand for what they want and its amazing.

  68. President Obama cannot stop climate change by himself or even with the help of his cabinet. Climate change is something we all have to work for and with how much excess pollution there is in the world, we only have ourselves as individuals to blame for the declining climate. Do you want to stop the declining climate? Stop trying to blame someone else and actually do something to solve the problem.

  69. I don't understand why you would need to sue the president because of climate change. It's a natural process(dealing with nature)that really can't be stopped. So there's really nothing anyone could do to change that.

  70. sounds like a bunch of protesters,but i couldn't really understand what was going on cause i took them so long to get to the point but i think its about global warming

  71. think what they are doing is amazing and it's showing people that you can't ignore us long. Voices should be heard and they are doing just that.

  72. think it's good that they are taking a stand but at the same time if it was me i could really care less because I don't pay attention to all that stuff.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Honestly I am proud to be from the same generation of these kids, I fully support what these young people are doing. Climate change is real and needs to be treated as a necessary priority.

  76. I think that their hearts and minds are in the right place, but this is not a reason to go to court. I think that they are going to lose this law suit.

  77. Dang, brave, very brave. Very true. Our factories have been causing so much global warming the terrorists are gonna have an issue with it. I'd completely support them if I wasn't so lazy, oh well, I can still cheer them on.

  78. I understand that they feel strongly about it but its not that serious to go to court about.

  79. My opinion on this article is that I believe President Barack Obama has nothing to do with the climate change. But even if he was to find out the reason, he wouldn't be able to stop it, that's up to mother nature.

  80. I dont think this was worth going to court to be honest with you. Its unnecessary to take this situation that far.

  81. The case is pretty much about survival. Its going to far it doesn't need to go to court. It is a problem but calm down. Obama isn't GOD so give him a break he does a lot.

  82. I am honestly proud to be from the same generation of these kids, I fully support what these young people are doing. Climate change is real and needs to be treated as a priority.

  83. I feel that we should be aware of our climate change; because that is a serious matter. To go to court over it is not that serious.

  84. I think it's great that kids around my age are standing up for something they believe is right. We are the faces of the future and if we want global warming to come to an end, it starts with us.

  85. i dont agree , i feel as if the reasoning made more sense then i would agree but your filing a suit because of climate change .. ?

  86. No matter how hard they try, its not going to make a difference.
