Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Apple obtains new patent

Why do you think apple would obtain a patent like this? Explain your concerns. Google patents if you do not know the definition of the word.

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  1. My take on this. apple is probably going to use this patent for anything other than military purposes

  2. because all the stuff they where creating could be useful.

  3. I think that this would be very difficult. to set up

  4. My belief is they won't use it for directly war related actions, they will probably be using it for something other than militaristic actions.

  5. I think Apple would obtain this patent to use for other purposes while also using it for war maybe. This patent could be used to control robots or other machinery

  6. I think this patent is intended for more than military purposes.

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  9. Apple is probably gonna be making a new toy or vehicle that people can ride on or in , or they may have just bought it because it might be needed or very valuable and expensive in the near future .

    1. im not really concerned at the moment , i cant think of a conspiracy for it .

  10. it would be hard to set up and difficult for other people to use

  11. Apple would probably use this for other purposes while using it for war also.

  12. I think that google is just trying to create an easier way to move things on the battle field and maybe possibly for civilians to transport cargo.

  13. The obtain some like this to be ahead of every other device or company. If these features come out right they will be on top. These features could help someone more if they are handicap.

  14. I think that this would be very hard. to set up and it would be a long time to get it working right

  15. The new product will more than likely be useful and popular. While the patent would be used for military purposes.

  16. i dont know nor do i really care. there is a lot of stuff going on in the world and i think this is less important. plus i dont even use apple products. the U.S is at war but its really whatever to me i just know that when god is ready to take me im gone, and i cant wait till that day comes.

  17. I think it will be hard to use and not only for military purpose/actions.

  18. I think apple would obtain a patent like this to bring in more customers as well as make more money. To me they also see other electronic companies like Samsung as competition. For example, Samsung has a smartwatch out so Apple put one out too. What's going to happen is one person is going to get the new apple features/devices. Then they're going to tell a friend to tell a friend. Overall, the features are going to become extremely popular and everyone that doesn't have them is going to want them.

  19. It most likely wont be used for military purposes. A concern I have is why there getting military patents and cant give us 3 way face time or better quality chargers.

  20. I think apple got this patent because they are working on new futuristic devices.

  21. Apple is looking for more than just military patients.

  22. I think apple would do this so they can get more money and protect people at the same time. They're trying to expand their company by using different methods of technology, although this was originally designed by another control. They just want to grow more and help people at the same time.

  23. I believe apple had the right of having a patent on thee items they present because its an original and shows that its one of a kind that no one else has till they send out to be purchased. The only concern is that sometimes people consume so much lies about the upcoming device thy think that's what its going to look like or etc. but the truth is no one knows what the phone will look or act like till it comes out into phone stores and etc. The reason they have a patent on their products, is that its to keep unknown for everyone to know its only apples work and to keep making bugs or fixes possibly till the release date and then can keep sending from their to the phones across the USA to keep receiving updates/ software updates on the phone and etc.

  24. I think apple would obtain a patent like this to stop some of the crashes due to people being on their phone or their car not turning correctly. A couple weeks ago my God sister got in a car accident because she was taking pictures. Apples new patent could've saved her from wrecking her car. My concerns with this is if it malfunctions it could possibly get somebody injured or possibly even killed.

  25. Apple would probably have a hard time setting this up and getting it working. This is because apple has invented several new updates to go to several different devices.

  26. Apple just received an unusual patent on Tuesday. It's for a "steering device" on large vehicles with pivot joints to help them turn. Like accordion buses or the way semi-trucks operate. Apple would obtain a patent like this for there own personal use for new technology and basically for army vehicles, like a tank. It would be used in a 'war situation' to help army vehicles navigate.

  27. Its going to be difficult to use phone technology for military purposes.

  28. In my opinion I think Apple is being smart with their money. I think Apple is investing into this new patent to expand their horizon for their business. I think it is smart as long as they continue to use it for the right reasons.

  29. I think it will difficult to do but if Apple can do it then they should,the prices would be more expensive for sure. It may take them a year or two to finish and begin to sell.

  30. i think it would be difficult to set up and use.

  31. i think that apple is being very creative with their ideas but i don't think it is going to go that far because in a war zone i don't this fighters are going to want to get on their apple watch or mac books.

  32. They're only thinking about the younger generation they aren't thinking about the older people. I say this because say if an 89 year old lady phone breaks and she needs a new phone, she isn't going to know how to use the phone because it has all these apps that the older generation doesn't need. They should have a mode on where older people could just have an ordinary phone.

  33. I think apple would obtain a patent like this to bring in more customers as well as make more money.The only concern is that sometimes people consume so much lies about the upcoming device thy think that's what its going to look like or etc.

  34. i feel like this is something apple could do and its their choose on what they can do legally. for me i think apple should just stay out of the military because they might get backlash from all the other phone companies and they might just do it as well. when that happens then they will only care about competition and that could hider the purpose of using the tech.

  35. Apple is probably making technology that can better the military, maybe to communicate better with each other while at war.

  36. I think apple would do this so they can get more money and i also think that apple is very creative with this product. I believe apple had the right of having a patent on the items they presented because its an original and shows that its one of a kind and creative.

  37. I don't think it will get that far to work out the right way in order of real use. Its going to be hard.

  38. In this topic, Apple just received a patent for a 'war situation' device. I don't really care about Apple, but imagine Apple making an "all in one" device. At least they getting money out of this.

  39. apple having a patent on the steering device would benefit them because they will make money off of it.

  40. apple having a patent for war situation device is a good and bad thing. its good for them because there making money off it but its not good for the people

  41. Apple obtained a patent like this because they are about to create another creative device that changes how we do things and they will also make a lot of money off of it.

  42. Apple did this to not only make more money but to better the military. They maybe felt as if they weren't doing enough.

  43. Its probably just a way to make a large amount of profit since full on war has been on the horizon for roughly a decade.

  44. I think apple is being smart having this patent. They are able to make more profit out of this as long as they don't abuse it.

  45. I think that Apple got a new patent so that they can build something like a car or military devices. I think this is a great idea and it can help improve our technology more.

  46. What I think is that they are not going to use it for "war" uses, they are might doing something bigger with that. It is a little bit scary tho, because why should they buy something like this.

  47. Apple will take a new patent like this because samsung and apple are in a race so they want to try to better and improved before samsung comes out with something better than what they think is good. Apple knows that people are into new technology so they try to make everything advanced so they can get more profit as well.

  48. I believe apple is creating a patent on this new invention to ensure they hold their right to say they crated this device. People often like to copy Apple products and make them into their own. Apple is just simply protecting whats theirs.

  49. I have no concern for this but in my theories it might be for amplifying their business or use for other purpose.

  50. Apple would obtain a patent like this to take chance at having another potential product that becomes successful. It looks like they're trying to attract a new consumer audience.

  51. I think that Apple will use the new patent for more productive uses and products other than military use.

  52. i believe it will make thing easier for apple users but at the same time it might have glitches it , apple products are already very very expensive so adding all of that will make it way more than every a regular iPhone is is over 400 to 600 so it might be a success but it going to be way more money

  53. I don't understand why Apple, a hardware/software company, is creating technology that is and can be used for war. However, because this technology can be useful in the future, Apple could make a lot of money.

  54. I think that the it will get far as of talking about it and all of that, but really doing it is going to be hard. I think Apple making new and better things is incredible but as well as crazy. When you think about it Apple is making money off of the new creations and new Apple products.

  55. I feel like it will be very difficult. Honestly i think it will take a long time to make sure everything works correctly. This is a great way for the company to earn money.

  56. Honestly the apple business is very successful. They are being smart with their money and being smart with investing in this new toy.

  57. Apple is trying to make things better and their trying to help people more but my concern is that what if this thing doesn't work then they are just gonna be waisting money.

  58. i think apple just reently hired a person that used to work with samsung. both companies have been copying ideas from each other.

  59. my name is chris booker the set email name is wrong i made a mistake.I think apple would obtain a patent like this to bring in more customers as well as make more money.It most likely wont be used for military purposes.I think this patent is intended for more than military purposes.

  60. Apple is trying to expand their company by using different methods of technology. This might be a marketing strategy to be more productive but I think that making war technology is something that probably a lot of their customers will dislike.

  61. I think it's a great idea that Apple has obtained this patent. Apple is only expanding their horizon by creating this, which means for money for them.

  62. Apple obtained this patent to help the military maybe because North Korea declared war, and to switch it up a little because they have not had something like this before.

  63. I think apple has good ideas and they use they money in positive ways. Apple is helping people all over the word. THEY are gelping people communicate like familes and people in the army with out connection problems.

  64. i dont know nor do i really care. there is a lot of stuff going on in the world and i think this is less important.

  65. Apple did this to not only make more money but to better the military. They maybe felt as if they weren't doing enough.

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  67. i think they've created it to help the military. its not that surprising apple is always creating different things

  68. my opinion on this new patent is that, i think it is going to be a great new update that can help out alot. Many people may be confused with it in the beginning, but after getting used to it. they will enjoy it.

  69. I think that Apple will use the new patent for more productive uses and products other than military use.

  70. The obtain some like this to be ahead of every other device or company.

  71. I think apple would bring in more people with patent and it would really help the military better.

  72. Apple is trying to expand their company by using different methods of technology.

  73. I feel like they made it so they can market there brand more. Its more of market technique in my opinion.i think it is going to be a great new update that can help out a lot Many people. they are making our military.

  74. I think apple would do this so they can get more money and protect people at the same time. They're trying to expand their company by using different methods of technology, although this was originally designed by another control. They just want to grow more and help people at the same time.

  75. I believe apple had the right of having a patent on thee items they present because its an original and shows that its one of a kind that no one else has till they send out to be purchased.

  76. I think apple made a smart decision.

  77. In my opinion, i think apple applied for this patent to get more money, so they have to expand the types of technology they produce.

  78. yes i think military will use patent it will help the military alot

  79. i think apple will use this for more than just military devices

  80. I think it will be very difficult, and I think it will take a long time to make sure everything works correctly.

  81. i thinks its for apple to help the military and make alot more money and makes their product help more people

  82. i think it will take forever to set up honestly but i believe its going to be pretty dope.

  83. techonolgy is upgrading every year and this could also be useful and helpful to not only us but our surrounding and to the enviroment that we live in

  84. i think apple is starting to make new techonology that going to change the world

  85. i think that apple is doing this to innovate for the future and make our lives better

  86. i think apples new invetion are good and relevant.

  87. I believe that apple would create a patent like this in order to not only expand their production, but disable other companies from making their product, trying to sell it as their own.

  88. Apple is doing a terrible job with their products now . They are doing a terrible job because every time they make a new product something is always not working on the product. So I think they need to make a new products unless everything is actually working on the product.

  89. I believe that this isn't the best idea, because it can be used for destructive things. Even though I don't believe that Apple would directly use their devices for evil but it could potentially lead to another World War.

  90. i think apple will use this for the military

  91. My opinion about Apples new patent is that it's a great idea, but they need to fix what is out now before they release new patents. Keep the ideas coming, but fix our current problems. For example: chargers, battery life, the ability to facetime more than one person at a time.

  92. Honestly i think that this is a good product.Yet i dont think that it is going to be used for military purposes only. If apple really wants more customers and better feedback and positive responds they should improve what they already have.

  93. Apple will take a new patent like this because samsung and apple are in a race so they want to try to better and improved before samsung comes out with something better than what they think is good. Apple knows that people are into new technology so they try to make everything advanced so they can get more profit as well.

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  95. they used made this patent so people cant record illegal movies or concerts on there phone. i disagree with this because a camera has put a lot of people away for crimes. but in so situations i can see why this is being put into play.

  96. I think they will take this new patent because apple has a big race with samsung and the new patent should improve their service.

  97. I think the patent is a pretty good idea because if they add the new updates to the apple phones it might one more people to buy them.

  98. The apple android would great, even at cell service.

  99. they want to expand their items so they make more profit

  100. I think they did this to ensure this weapon or war machine couldn't be used by any other country and have some kind of safety

  101. I think apple would do this so they can get more money and protect people at the same time. They're trying to expand their company by using different methods of technology, although this was originally designed by another control. They just want to grow more and help people at the same time.
