Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Blog Freewrite

 Go on and find two articles to summarize in one paragraph. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. The blog post must be in your own words.


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    2. north korean launches two balistic misslesone blows up short after launch the other flies about 1000km and lands in the sea of japan killing many marine life japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the launches a serious threat

  2. After the recent attacks across Europe, London had decided to increase their police forces. 600 additional armed officers will be present in visible locations. The armed forces were there to reassure and help the public against attacks. After attacking a major digital currency exchange, hackers have stolen bitcoins worth about $65 million. The hackers made off with 119,756 bitcoins. Bitfinex is working with authorities and specialist companies to track the stolen bitcoins. The price of Bitcoin tumbled more than 20% before recovering some of its losses.

  3. North Korea launches ballistic missile on Wednesday morning.The missiles were fired from the western city of Hwangju the missile did not explode the missiles only flew 621 miles. the missile can have an nuclear warhead.Detroit Lions guard Larry Warford was caught up in the Pokemon Go. larry Warford Part of the reason Warford deleted the app was he ran into one of his Detroit teammates who was also playing the game at Arizona State.he says it has mind there for he stopped playing.

  4. glowing jellyfish "Hydromedusa" is a jellyfish found at the Mariana trench. for its glow it was given the title "Deep sea firefly". scientists have recorded a video of what a concussion looks like in real-time. given this knowledge scientists grasp a better idea of how concussions function.

  5. According to the United States and South Korea, North Korea fired two ballistic missiles from the city of Hwangju. The missile did not explode but it did fly over the Peninsula. It is said that North Korea's goal is targeting the United States ports, airports, and neighbor countries. In another article, hackers that attacked a major digital currency exchange stole approximately $65 million of bitcoins. There is no information to who attacked or how it happened.

  6. North Korea fires two ballistic missiles this morning. The missiles was fired from the city of Hwangju. Although the missiles didn't harm anyone. Another thing that happen this week is that Overseas elite won 2 million dollar in a basketball tournament this week. Although being down as much as 20 the came back and got a victory of 77-72. They won back to back in this tournament hoping to repeat again next year.

  7. A group of hackers stole approximately 119,756 in bitcoins. That's the equivalent of more than $65 million at current prices.The company responded by postponing trading, deposits and withdrawals, prompting a plunge in the Bitcoin price.

    North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiles Wednesday morning according to U.S. and South Korean authorities. The missiles were released from the western city of Hwangju in the country's North Hwanghae province.

  8. Mystery Whale
    off the coast of Alaska, a new species of whale was discovered. at first it was misidentified, but the scientists quickly realized their mistake. The whale has still not been named, but they have found legends of it from Japan where they call it the "Raven".
    Bridge in India Collapses
    Today at about 2 am local time, a bridge in New Delhi collapses due to the extremely flooded river it crosses, the Savitri. When the bridge collapsed, it took two passenger buses with it which held 22 people in total. The National Disaster Response Force and Civil Defense, or NDRF, have deployed divers, helicopters, and boats to help find the survivors.

  9. The next battle for the Black lives matter movement is economical justice, this article informed me about the other struggles blacks and other minority's face economically. Bank of America and Wells Fargo were fined for giving minority's higher mortgages, blacks and Hispanics lost around 25% of there wealth.

    There was a bridge collapse in New Delhi, India. The collapse was caused by high pressure flooding from the Savitri River. The bridge was built in British-era colonial times. There is a rescue efforts of four NDRF teams, Navy helicopters,boats and divers.

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  11. The Hillary Clinton Campaign announced on August 2nd that they pulled in $90 million last month for her campaign and the Democratic Party. July was the best fundraising month of the race. The campaign also announced that they had $58 million in cash on hand at the start of August. Celebrities come out to raise money for the candidate they hope to win. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio is reportedly set to host an event for nominee Hillary Clinton on August 23 in Los Angeles when she visits there. The first $2,700 will go to the Clinton campaign, and the remainder will go to the Democratic National Committee, as reported by 'Variety'. Hillary wants to raise even more money this August.

  12. North Korea fired two ballistic missiles Wednesday morning. Missiles were fired from the western city of Hwangju.North Korea is prohibited from carrying out missile launches under a March U.N. Security Council resolution. Also the Black lives matter activist are now looking towards the economy for their justice. Several groups are now putting emphasis on reparations, investing in black communities and economic justice. It says that its a staggering wealth gap between black and whites.

  13. Australia: Children stripped, assaulted and tear-gassed at detention center. In this article people were being torture in prison. After watching the video in CNN police stripped a prison half naked. Many people watching that video also believe that is was torture and it now being investigated. On Twitter Sarah Henderson said that those responsible must be held to account for these crimes.

    Venezuela: Where flour, pasta and milk can cost a month's pay. Venezuela prices are high, flour in black markets are 3,000 bolivares, pasta are 3,000 and milk is 7,000. Many people stay in line for hours and once they in they may not come out with nothing. "I've been waiting in line since 3 a.m. and have only managed to get two tubes of toothpaste, so, I guess I'm going to have to eat toothpaste tonight," said Monica Savaleta.

  14. Donald Trump is a walking Oxymoron . He says states is opinion on something irrelevant that really has nothing to do about being POTUS and " Making America Great Again " , and later on changes up and say the opposite of what he said before . He's even said he was fine with a crying baby and then kicked it out LOL XD . He should be a comedian cant believe the republicans supported him and took him seriously . Now he's making his supporters upset .

    North Korea is firing ballistic missiles ! they are getting ready lol . They really want to goto war with USA . Hope they ready for a WW3 because their drastic decision could start one .XD

  15. Distracted driving has been a serious epidemic that not only has injured people, but also killed them. One lady describes her experience about texting and driving. She said she tried to ignore the ding from the phone, but couldn't resist it and when she looked back from her phone she had hit into a man on a tractor and he died on impact. Texting is the only way you can be distracted by driving anymore though. Some others are FaceBook, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, and now Pokemon Go.

  16. MLB trades are messing up players. Carlos Beltran, a Rf from the Yankees got traded to the Rangers and went 0-4 last night with an error. Another trade to the Rangers from the Brewers Johnathan Lucroy went 2-4 and gave up two Home runs and a two RBI basehit in one inning. The trade is getting players off their game.

  17. With cancer being one of the leading deaths in the world people must start finding ways to treat it and save more lives and Cuba is already heading that way.Cuba has created a vaccine to help treat lung cancer and many countries are already participating in clinical trials like japan and some in Europe.The vaccine is said by Cuba to extend someone with lung cancer life saying most people would only live in Cuba to eleven months but one man on the trial ill still alive after nine years.This vaccine could to be a step to saving and extending patients with lung cancer around the world.

  18. A woman who was texting and driving accidentally hits a 75 year old man off his tractor . She thought that she was doing the right thing by pulling over to text back but when she got back on the road she received a text message and looked over and the man was crossing the street. Texting and driving is very dangerous and it is taking several lives every day. The amounts of death from this issue could be reduced by pulling over and not paying attention to your phone so much because your life and other lives are at steak.

  19. This morning in London there was an increase of 600 extra armed policemen. The threat level has not changed which was the reason leading to "Black lives matter." It's now expanding their call for justice following more than 50 civil rights group that's planned to improve black lives. The main issue is dealing with racism. It's now important to be protective and be prepared for the unexpected.

  20. Currently in the U.S. News the main topics are the Black Lives Matter activist vs the economy and Obama stating Trump is "unfit" for presidency. The black lives matter activist group has now expanded there call for justice to a new target: the economy. Peaceful protest hasn't made as much as an impact as expected so the activist aimed higher. More than 50 civil rights groups have made plans to improve the financial lives of black citizens. In other news Obama states Trump is "unfit" for presidency . After Trump's criticism of a Muslim U.S. solider Obama said "the Republican nominee is unfit for presidency... He keeps on proving it "

  21. The first article that I read was titled "Meg Whitman: I will vote for, and donate to, Hillary Clinton". She was stating that she didn't feel that Trump would be a stable enough individual to run the country. She also stated that she would make endorsements towards Hillary Clinton's campaign. She was extremely averse to voting for Donald Trump. The second article that I read was titled "The next battle for Black Lives Matter: Economic justice" which was mainly stating that race issues today are very equivalent to wealth inequality. Meaning that estate taxes,as well as capital gains taxes, are geared more towards the wealthier Americans.

  22. The 2 articles that I read about were about terrorism in Europe and how they dealt with it. In London, over 600 extra armed police officer will be spread across the UK capital to protect the citizens in terrorist situations.

    Mysterious whale washes ashore on the island of St. George, Alaska. It was wrongfully identified as a Baird's Beaked whale. Scientist then identified this whale as a new species of whale. The scientist have yet to name the whale.

  23. In the article "Emirates plane catches fire in Dubai" was mostly about how it caught fire landing in Dubai.It caught fire because one of the pipe bust.But,however no one got hurt and the plane skid across the runway.In the article "Tropical storm Earl form in Caribbean"talks about how it was mostly hurricane warning going on. Tropical storm Earl was at a speed rate of 60 (mph) and hit the center of Mexico and Belize.However it was to expected to hit Jamaica with hurricane strength.

  24. Texting is by far the worst distraction when you're driving. Rarely do you see people on the news getting in car accidents for anything really other than texting and driving. Studies show that people who do not text while driving seem to get this stimulation on the highway, while people who text and drive do not.Texting is the worst distraction to be on the road.

  25. Police brutality to black Americans has been outrageous these last few months. Patrick Mason announces that racial inequality is linked to wealth inequality. Police often target African american males who had any infractions on they're record. The Black lives matter organization wants more income because they feel like white Americans are more privilege. The fact of the matter is that all lives matter.

  26. Wednesday morning, North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiles into the air. One exploded in the air and one flew into the Sea of Japan. They were said to be fired from the city of Hwangju. Officials say it was a simultaneous launch of two presumed No Dong intermediate range ballistic missiles. In other news, due to the recent attacks on London, they are planning to add 600 more armed officers. They'll be placed n highly visible areas across the UK capital to protect against these attacks. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe said that the officers were highly serious about keeping the people of London safe so he felt it was highly necessary.

  27. Meat is mainly known for having protein and to be healthy for you but news paper and researchers now say that eating certain meats can lead to a higher risk in death. Dr.Miyang Song a researcher at a Massachusetts general hospital stated that " while it is important to know how much protein you consume it is also important to know how much of it you do consume ." Eating more plant protein will create a huge decrease in fatal morality . eating a 3% increase in plant protein will result in a 10% difference in dying .

  28. One women made an life changing mistake one day after picking up her phone for a text.Laura Maurer pulled over on a side road to text a client that frequently comes to her hair salon.When she was pulling out her client texted her again and she couldn't resist and picked up her phone.Then when she looked back she saw 75-year-old farmer Marvin Beck and slammed on her brakes sadly she clipped his tractor making him fly out he was pronounced dead on site.Her story shows how easily a driver can pick up a phone and ruien a life.

  29. the article that i read was tropical storm the storm has wind 60 mph. At8 pm ET Tuesday early was about 395 miles (636 kilometers). The center warns that when the storm reaches mexico and belize it could cause life threatening and floods. There is a little chance that it can hit the united states.

    my article number 2 , A woman who was texting and driving accidentally hits a 75 year old man off his tractor . She thought that she was doing the right thing by pulling over to text back but when she got back on the road she received a text message and looked over and the man was crossing the street. Texting and driving is very dangerous and it is taking several lives every day.

  30. On Monday, August 1, 2016 a proposal made by more than 50 other civil rights groups made an agreement to improve the financial lives of black Americans as a sign of making amends with the black lives matter movement and showing full support.

    As a part of a new anti-terrorism project, London has decided to increase its task force due to all the threats and attacks being placed across the world. They are 600 additional armed officers and placing them in common and popular places around the UK.

  31. in today's news hackers are getting better equipment and are able to steal bitcoins from people who use them.the recent hackers stole around 65 million in bitcoins and got away with it. also in the news a plane traveling from India to Dubai caught fire. luckily there were no casualties

  32. The United States Olympic Committee and will be seen in public for the first time as the American athletes enter Maracana Stadium on Friday.

  33. USA Olympic team uniform is copied by Ralph Lauren. The uniforms were unveiled last week by designer Ralph Lauren and the United States Olympic Committee and will be seen in public for the first time as the American athletes enter Maracana Stadium on Friday.

    North Korea fired two ballistic missiles Wednesday morning in the country's latest defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions, U.S. and South Korean.

  34. Today's news consists of many headlines but I've decided to do it over how Donald trump has his polls is less than Hillary Clinton and that hurts his chances of being president. no surprise he said another controversial statement and for me i really don't like him. Hillary is better suited for president than Donald trump. when i see the presidential nominees i will be pulling for Hillary.

  35. On Tuesday August 2,2016 Donald Trump has broken many political rules. For example, he told The Washington Post that he isn't backing House Speaker Paul Ryan or Sen. Also, in Europe they have added 600 cops just for the terror attack.

  36. Donald Trump a person who loved babies crying listening to them wail throughout the rally, until 2 mins of the baby crying he took back what he had said that he was only joking an kicked the baby out.
    Scientist have discovered a type of species of whales on ST. George Alaska, but was assuming dead at search.

  37. North Korea shot off two missels Wednesday morning. One into the Sea of Japan. Shannen Doherty, the actress breast cancer has spread and has a single mastectomy.

  38. recent a campaign championed by solange knowles and the hip hop artist the rapper killer Mike encouraging blacks to invest in their money in black owned business

  39. Hundreds of passengers had a to escape after an flight en route from southern India burst into flames after skidding as it landed at Dubai International Airport Wednesday.

    hackers made off with 119,756 bitcoins, said Zane Tackett, Bitfinex's director of community and product development, in an email to CNNMoney. That's the equivalent of more than $65 million at current prices.

  40. today in southern india while a jet was landing it caught on fire on the runway.gladly all the passengers lived and no one was hurt.
    also north korea sent two missles and it hit someones territory the u.s. and south korea feel like it was a attack.

  41. A woman demonstrates how important it is to not text and drive at the same time, nearly getting into an accident hitting a kid while finish reading her text. Bobby Gunn an underground boxing fighter won 73-0 illegally, this has been going on for many years.

  42. In Brazil many things are going on including extra security. The security is in case of attempted terrorism. Also going on in Brazil, muddy water. The water in Brazil is becoming progressively more polluted as the Olympics draw nearer.

  43. In the first article I read on CNN, in New Delhi, India two bridges connecting the Indian cities Mumbai and Goa collapsed. The passenger buses were carrying 22 people. 20 people are missing only 2 bodies have been recovered. In the second article I read the creator of Ralph Lauren created new wear for Team USA to wear in the Olympics. No one seems to like the new gear, they have been mocked. They seem to think as someone stated that they look like Russians, others just think it's embarrassing.

  44. Hackers stole $65 million worth of bitcoins after attacking a digital currency exchange. The hackers made off with 119,756 bitcoins which is equivalent to $65 million or more. Also, North Korea has fired two missiles which one landing into the sea of Japan.

  45. Scientist have discovered a species of whale on ST George,Alaska but was assumed dead at the search.North Korea fires two missels wednesday morning.

  46. In North Korea, 2 ballistic missiles were launched. 1 exploded after launch and the other one flew about 621 miles. It flew into Japan's exclusive economic zone. A new species of whales was discovered on St. George, Alaska. This new species has never been seen alive and is yet to be named.

  47. China claim that South China Sea is their territory or any foreigners who came to the area will be prosecuted. Not only foreigners, but also Chinese fishermen who violates the law will be prosecuted ( Pakistan kill thousand of citizen that dishonor their families. Most of them are women for marriages or disapproved marriages.

  48. A french president was very upset with how Donald Trump criticized him. The french president said it was rude and he was embarrassed. President Obama later said that Trump wasn't ready to take this job and that he wouldn't support him.

    North Korea launched 2 missiles. The 2 missiles hit South Korean territory. The United States and South Korea felt like it was an intentional attack.

  49. There are hackers that stole over 65 million dollars worth of bitcoins.the city of Hong Kong didn't know any information about the hacking. The total bitcoins the hackers made off was about almost 120k. Some users around the world had their bitcoins stolen from their account. Also in the news, many people in London are in fear of what has happened in the recent terror attack. London has stated that there will be more police in the area that are heavily armed. "About 600 police will be extra armed in London after the attack". Hopefully there will be an end to terrorism.

  50. On Tuesday August 2,2016 here in Henry county they was an group of kids that pointed guns at family house and also other cars. Family confronted the group. Police wants to let family know not to confront the burgulars and what for police to show up.

  51. North Korea fired two missiles Wednesday morning the first missile exploded shortly after launch then the second went into the sea of japan.Then for the second story London is increasing the presence of armed police by 600 after the recent terror attacks in Europe.

  52. On Saturday, the newly crowned Miss Teen USA was called on social media for her use of racial slurs on her Twitter account in 2013. She claimed that she was going through many personal struggles during that time and she also said that it does not represent her as a person. Many people have been critical of the pageant organization due to the lack of consequences that received. On July 29 while Hillary Clinton was delivering her acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination she grabbed the attention of many Lil Wayne fans. She said, "When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit." This grabbed people's attention because No Ceilings and The SKy's The Limit were two of Lil Wayne's greatest mixtapes.

  53. On CNN today, In India the Savitri River has collapsed sending two buses overboard, and leaving 20 people missing. There were 22 people on the bus 18 passengers,two conductors and two drivers. As, of now 2 people have been found they will continue there search for the others. In, other breaking news today, an jet from Southern India burst into flame after sliding as it landed at Dubai International Airport. furthermore,no one was hurt among the 282 passengers and 18 crew members that were aboard the plane.

  54. Obama says trump is not fit for presidency ? He is clearly right because every and anything trump says or do is not true or a lie. Obama knows this nation will not be good in his hands. Hillary Clinton makes it no better because she proven that she is unfit for government so you know she not ready. Obama is speak-en nothing but facts so trump and Hillary gotta goo.

  55. Recently the Zika virus has spread to Brazil.The houses in Brazil are half built allowing the mosquito to carry the infection.There are more than 1,700 cases of the Zika virus being carried and in the process of birth. No one knows the long term effect on the Zika virus.Many are jumping and preparing to get help.

    Hackers have stolen over 65 mill. after attacking a major digital currency exchange.The hackers made off with 119,756 bitcoins.they also hacked into the law enforcement.

  56. In Hong Kong, hackers have stolen $65 million worth in bitcoins, causing the value of the bitcoin to decrease. Hong Kong has no knowledge as to who is responsible, or how it happened. Meanwhile, North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiles Wednesday morning. One of the missiles exploded after being launched. The other, however, landed in the Sea of Japan. Because it landed in the Sea of Japan, Japan could lose resources such as fish, oil, and gas.

  57. "20 missing after bridge collapse"
    The bridge that collapsed was a bridge in New Delhli , India.The high pressure from the flooding of Savitri River caused the collapse. There was a state passenger bus , with 22 people on there. Out of all those people , only 2 bodies were recovered but they remained dead. A new bridge that runs parallel to the collapsed road has resumed the traffic that was occurring.

  58. Korryn Gaines, a black mother of two, has been recently shot and killed by police officers. Three Baltimore police officers arrived at her apartments to serve warrants as well to her boyfriend. He had assault charges. The police say no one came to the door after the 10 minutes of knocking so they got a key and entered, to find her holding her son in her arms with a gun pointed at the police. They say she was "holding him hostage". “Perceiving not only her actions, but the words she used, we discharged one round at her, in turn she fired several rounds back at us,” Police Chief Jim Johnson said during a news conference on Monday night. Killing Gaines, they later found her boyfriend who escaped and arrested him.

  59. Obama says trump is not fit for presidency ? He is clearly right because every and anything trump says or do is not true or a lie. Obama knows this nation will not be good in his hands. Hillary Clinton makes it no better because she proven that she is unfit for government so you know she not ready. Obama is speak-en nothing but facts so trump and Hillary gotta goo.

  60. The scientists travel to St.George,Alaska and discovered a new species of whales that was never was found in the island of St.George,Alaska.North Korea launch two missiles at No Dong and Rodong. The bridge that connects Mumbai and Goa is destroyed and cause 20 people to die.

  61. North Korea fired two missiles today,one landed in the japan ocean and the other landed in japan's exclusive economic zone.

  62. North Korea fired two ballistic missiles Wednesday morning who were fired from the country’s west. One of the missiles exploded but the other one flew into the Sea of Japan. Japan said the farthest missile landed in an economic zone of the country. Another thing that happened this week, is a discovery of a new species of whale in Alaska. This discovery has made the Scientists be amazed and It's yet to be named.

  63. In 2016 the blazing topic of the year is who's going to be president? Polls show that the two candidates, Hilary Clinton and the "infamous" Donald Trump are neck to neck but Bernie Sanders somehow continues to be the topic of the competition.While Bernie continues his "election", he pushes his campaign toward Hilary, suggesting his voters to be "pro Hilary", but he isn't the only big supporter. Multiple names in the white house have agreed to be a supporter of the Hilary campaign,leaving Trump to be at a downfall especially after his recent actions after speaking on a fallen soldier whom died in 2004 in Vietnam. May November 8th be an interesting day.

  64. Ana Montes was a secret spy who is from Cuba but was eventually cause by the US. TheFBI says she was already a fully recruited Cuban spy in 1985.At about the same time, Montes applied for a job at the Defense Intelligence Agency, where workers handle U.S. military secrets on a daily basis.

  65. The F-35A could replace Jets that are used today because the F-35A can not only do air-to-air attacks it can also do air-to-ground attacks. This Jet is going to be used to prevent terrorist attacks.
    Laura Maurer, a woman who was texting with her client, accidentally hit a 75 year old Farmer, who died on the scene. She received a text message from the client but couldn't resist to look on the phone so she hit the Farmer.

  66. Meg Whitman, GOP donor, has decided to side with Hillary Clinton for the upcoming election. She thinks that America needs the stable leadership that Clinton can provide. She will also donate to Secretary Clinton's election campaign.

    The French president also doesn't feel Trump should be in office, he says Trump gives him a "retching feeling." President Hollande thinks that Trump is unfit to serve as president, adding that it won't only destroy America but the world stating that, "The America election is a global election."

  67. In California a bus nearly split in half and it killed 5 people. It was a charter bus that veered of a highway called Hammatt Avenue. There were so many passengers and it was about 30 of them also about 6 of them were escorted to the hospital. People were crying and it was very bad. The bus slammed into an exit pole.

  68. I read two articles pertaining to the subject of the Black Lives Matter movement. One article described how activists are wanting to change the economy to gain justice. Activists have claimed that the economy is linked to the recent police shootings, because many of the victims have low income. It's proven that there is a huge wage gap between white people and people of color. The other article was about Alcia keys setting up a video with other celebrities stating the unjust ways blacks have been killed. This video showcases the race problem america has.

  69. my name is chris booker i made a mistake and my email is set as a different name.the first article i read was about a store getting robed at first this man ran to the back and locked himself inside the room.he could have left his coworker outside instead he was brave enough to open the door back up and close it i time for the robbers to not get to it.on the second article it talks about f35 a new jet for the airforce and new inivation in technology.

  70. North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiles Wednesday morning according to U.S. and South Korean authorities. The missiles were released from the western city of Hwangju in the country's North Hwanghae province.

    In the second article I read the creator of Ralph Lauren created new wear for Team USA to wear in the Olympics. No one seems to like the new gear, they have been mocked. They seem to think as someone stated that they look like Russians, others just think it's embarrassing

  71. there was a d.c transit police charged with aiding isis he provided material to support them.
    a bridge in india collapsed and 20 people were missing

  72. Adline Grey is an female wrestler getting ready to go to the Olympics and compete for gold she grew up wrestling boys in her school and she gained a reputation for her being known to best the boys wants to show that just because your female does not mean you can be dominated in a mostly male enviorment

  73. 33 in the us pentagon have been infected with zika virus. One of them is a pregnant woman others are majors in the us military.
    Kate moss's sister is the next top model. Her name is lottie moss. she is 18 yrs old.

  74. the 2 articles i read was trump strange campaign gets stranger and the one about north Korea. North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiiles

  75. on wednesday, a police officer was arrested and accused of helping isis. He was a part of the FBI, and has been under the radar for years. The police officer had multiple meetings with Amine El Khalifi, who was plotting to bomb the white house. lastly, he would meet with an informant who told him he would have to move to syria to support isis. wow.

  76. Trump vs. Ryan (again) even though it really isn't a big deal because this man just want to wall of the people that made America great once but. trump the almighty slapdick is back at it again with a new counter argument for those who doubted him in his early stages of a canadate. just kidding i want my grade though

  77. I read two different articles and the first one discusses how texting and driving is deadly. Even for people of an older age, they are victims of the deadly affects.
    The second article I read discusses how mcdonalds wants to change the ingredients in their food. They want to create a better and more healthier menu.

  78. There has been a case of an Washington police officer(Nicholas young) that has been giving money to ISIS. It is crazy because we don't know who to trust now in the United States. We are told to trust officers and we found that some may be purposely doing wrong to us.He would be the first police officer in the United States arrested and charged with supporting ISIS.

  79. I dont know what zika is. I would like to learn more about it. I hope that it doesnt spread anymore than it already has, even though it probably will.

  80. reality TV star Toya Wright's two brothers have led to a flood of condolences on social media.

    Ryan "Rudy" Johnson and Josh Johnson were fatally shot shortly after midnight Saturday in New Orleans.
    New Orleans police told CNN they were called to an area just north of the French Quarter and found two males with multiple gunshot wounds inside a car. The pair died at the scene, police said.

  81. 100 passenger had to escape a jet in landing coming in from india, because the jet caught on fire

    Few in the U.S. are fearing zika , Zika is growing rapidly in a flordia neighborhood, about 37 % say they are not worried about the zika virus, the government are trying to prevent zika virus accuring around the U.S

  82. In india which is in asia had a brige collapsed yesterday. 2 buses full of people in india fell into the water. Now there trying to find survivors.Rare leopards born in nbritsh zoo. There only 5 weeks old.

  83. North Korea fired two crazy missiles Wednesday morning! One into the Sea of Japan in the country's latest defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions U.S. and South Korean authorities said.The missiles, presumed to be No Dong or Rodong missiles, presumed to be No Dong, or Rodong, intermediate range ballistic ones, were fired simultaneously from the country's west, the U.S. Strategic Command, intermediate range ballistic ones, were fired simultaneously from the country's west, the U.S. Strategic Command said.

    In the first case of a US police officer charged with aiding ISIS, a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority cop was arrested Wednesday for providing material support to ISIS the Justice Department announced. Nicholas Young was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday but was on law enforcement's radar since 2010, according to an affidavit released with Young's arres

  84. On Wednesday from last week a flight en route from India had to make an emergency stop as the plane was caught on fire.
    And two dogs from West Virginia drove a car into a Walmart after their owner left them inside with the air on. #DogsAreSmartConfirmed

  85. A new whale species was discovered washed ashore in St. George island, Alaska. When first examining the mysterious whale, scientist classified it as a Baird's Beaked whale. However, after taking a closer look to the whales features, they realized that this is a new, undiscovered species. The new whale species has yet to be named.

  86. the titans has signed wide receiver Andre Johnson to their team for a salary of 985,000 dollars. he was previously last year with the NFL team Indianapolis for one year. and he was also with the Houston Texans for 12 years. my grand mother died last saturday. she was a very great women. and all of our family miss her.

  87. Instagram Stories is a clone of Snapchat Stories that lets people send a quick picture messages to your other friends.

  88. D. Trump received a purple heart and he did not really deserve it. A parent of a fallen veteran who had also received a purple heart claimed Trump did not need it . Due to fact Trump dodge the draft to the Vietnam War. The parent believed the Purple Heart is something earned not given. North Korea fired 2 missiles near Japan earlier today landing in the japan Sea.

  89. An Us officer was arrested for supporting ISIS. He was arrested by FBI. Also 21 Rhinos were drowned from a flood at a National Park.

  90. According to, Venezuela's cash is running out. In 2011, the country's central bank had $30 billion in reserves, but now they are only left with $11.9 billion dollars. Plus they are in debt $4.7 billion and have to pay it off starting October. Additionally, 33 US military members have contracted the Zika virus.Unfortunately, one of those service members is a pregnant females.The Army is working with people to develop a Zika virus vaccine, but it has not been found yet.

  91. Donald Trump is unfortunately not supporting Ryan and the GOP is extremely frustrated with Trump's decision not like anybody really attempted to care about it anyways. Another subject is a father of a Baton Rouge officer sends out a touching Facebook post about his son. This has been Rayshaun Stewart with CNN news.

  92. Trump has received the purple heart, and Khizr Khan does not believe he deserves it because he "dodged" the Vietnam war draft.

    The world's "rarest big cat", the leopard, has two new editions to its family. A British zoo has announced the birth of two Amur leopards. It is believed that there are less than 70 leopards left in the wild, with more than 200 of them living in zoos across the world.

  93. The zika virus is spreading tremendously,according to 33 millitary members attracted the virus.A British zoo has announced the birth of two Amur leopards, it is believed to be the world's rarest big cat according to

  94. 1.Austin police are searching for a 24-year-old man in connection to a downtown shooting that killed one person and injured four people. The suspect has been identified as Endicott McCray. Police have issued a 1st-degree murder warrant for him and a $2 million bond has been set.The shooting occurred on Sixth Street,a popular nightlife district, where the suspect pulled out a weapon and began firing into the crowd early Sunday morning, according to police.A woman, believed to be in her 20s, was pronounced dead at the scene Three victims all women in their 30s were taken to University Medical Center Brackenridge with gunshot wounds. One additional victim refused treatment.

    2.An off-duty Indianapolis police officer shot a fellow officer Friday and then fled to Cincinnati,where he was later arrested, according to police.Both Aurs and the victim worked at the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, where Aurs is an 18-year veteran,said Sgt.Kendale Adams.While the detective was at the scene at around 10:30 p.m., Aurs "re-emerged and engaged in gunfire," Adams said. One of the bullets struck the detective in the elbow.The detective returned fire, but missed, police said. Aurs then fled in his personal car. His estranged wife and children were inside the apartment when the shooting occurred, but they were not injured.

  95. Cleveland Browns quarter back Johnny Manziel has reported to be drinking at a bar, when lied and told TMZ that he vowed to be sober July 1st.

    January 13, 2016 the biggest jackpot was split three ways. According to, Two of the winning ticket holders came to cash it in soon after the drawing. But, it took six months for the final winners to come in get there prize.

  96. On Tuesday the President of France said that Donald Trump gives him a retching feeling. President Obama also said Tuesday that Trump is "unfit to serve as president." Trump is showing people that he is not the best fit to be President and not everyone realizes it. CNN says "like a spoiled toddler, Donald Trump pouts, yells, lies, and makes excuses when he doesn't want to do something." He continues to insult other candidates, races, and genders. No one has really seen any tax returns from Trump. He attempted to pay little or no taxes, he tried this by reporting little or no income. This is just one of the reasons he should not be President, he cheated the government!

  97. Australia is deliberately abusing refugees in an offshore detention camp to try to stop people seeking asylum in their country by boat, human rights groups claim in a new report.Daily violence, suicide attempts and children left without medical treatment were among some of the allegations documented by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch during a visit to Australia's detention center on the remote Pacific Island of Nauru in July.

    But it turns out that even the battery charge level on our phones and laptops may be giving away personal information.The battery status information can then be paired with many other data points -- everything from the IP address to the list of fonts and browser extensions -- to help websites better "fingerprint" your activity online.So far, just a dozen sites are using "fingerprinting scripts" with this battery data included, according to data Narayanan pulled for CNNMoney. But the concern, he says, is that a large advertising exchange or analytics service could start doing it.

  98. during the 2016 summer olympics brazil will be deploying 14000 more officers. Those officers will be joining the 85000 other officers. the 85000 willl be covering the city as the 14000 will be covering barra de tijuca where all the athletes will be staying at. there will also be 3000 cars patroling during the games with 3 blimps in the sky with real time video. the olympic chief said he has full confidence in the security.

  99. Donald Trump is a walking Oxymoron . He states is opinion on something irrelevant that really has nothing to do about being POTUS and " Making America Great Again " , and later on changes up and say the opposite of what he said before . He's even said he was fine with a crying baby and then kicked it out.
    Now he's making his supporters upset .

    North Korea is firing ballistic missiles ! They really want to go to war with USA . Hope they ready for a WW3 because their drastic decision could start one.

  100. officer Nicholas Young from Washington DC gets arrested by the FBI for giving aiding materials to Isis. Laura Maurer, a woman who was texting with her client, accidentally hit a 75 year old Farmer, who died on the scene. She received a text message from the client but couldn't resist to look on the phone so she hit the Farmer.

  101. North Korea fired two missiles on Wednesday. One of them went into Sea of Japan. The missiles, presumed to be No Dong or Rodong missiles, presumed to be No Dong, or Rodong, intermediate range ballistic ones, were fired simultaneously from the country's west .

    In India which is in Asia had a bridge collapsed yesterday. 2 buses full of people in India fell into the water. Now there trying to find survivors. Rare leopards born in British zoo.

  102. The article The difference between grilling and barbecue by Emanuella Grinberg is an explanation about how grilling and barbecue are two different forms of cookings. Grilling is done over direct heat at high temperatures. Barbecuing involves slabs of meat cooking for hours. The second article, America's best BBQ by Marnie Hunter she gives insight on the BEST bbq spots around the world!! The number one spot is in Georgia of course, Joe's BBQ in Blue ridge, Georgia.

  103. Article 1- Article one was basically talking about how a d.c cop was accused of helping Isis. Nicholas young was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday, however he was on the FBI radar since 2010. He was fired from the force this morning after his arrest.
    Article 2 said how 33 US military members have contracted the ZIKA virus. The army is working with outside partners to find a cure for the virus.

  104. The fashion today is slowly becoming more and more about art. Designer are incorporating 3d designs with unique patterns and fabrics. Trumps strange tactics are becoming more and more strange. he has republicans beginning to question him.

  105. The first article is about how donald trump is always changing his mind in the media on several instances.Some examples like abortion china's nuclear weapons and about other canidates

  106. Article 1- Article one talked about how but tested U.S bombers 1600 flying hours into the pacific. These bombers 1600 flying hours covering 650,000 miles since they arrived in Guam in April.
    Article 2- article 2 talks about how French president feel about Trump gives him a retching feelings. He said that Trumps remarks are foul and out of hand

  107. United States basketball team will be chilling on a luxury cruise ship. Team USA will be staying on a boat docked in the Port of Rio. They will have chefs, a pool, a library and more. This year Olympics is more like a vacation.

  108. President Obama has did some great things for people who were convicted in prison for nonviolent charges. He recently has given permission for an NFL players grandmother to be freed after many years of captivity. The NFL star will have his grandmother and mother attending Christmas this year thanks to the President after freeing his mother the year before. On the other hand, ion Phoenix there has been seven people killed by the "serial street killer" (Great Name Phoenix) and 2 were injured. They say they have finally connected the evidence of a recent shooting to this same man. Stating that he has no motive, so basically he is just going around shooting random people.

  109. This past few days have been a little difficult for me, but everything is working up. I met some of my old friends.

  110. Donald Trump has had several riots and opposers going to his rallies and interrupting cause of his political views.

  111. Tuesday Aug.2/2016 Khizr Kan accused Trump of talking bad about the Vietnam War draft. Khizr Kan says "He shouldn't have accepted the purple heart that was given to him at the rally earlier in the day. Meanwhile a major GOP named Meg Whiteman said she would support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. This made the republican defection one of the highest.

  112. North Korea and the U.S has been going back and forth for some while now. North Korea just threatened a nuclear attack on the U.S. NASA has just found a new aircraft that was missing for some time now.

  113. Today at a space station a rocket exploded. With the explosion a satllite was damaged. a very big cloud of smoke was seen and report of and injury was filed. In other news veterans are supporting the quarter back sitting down on the 49ers team. In 2018 the titsnic 2 will be setting sail, lets hope we dont have a second movie.

  114. According to "
    Two powerful earthquakes Wednesday struck central Italy about 50 miles north of the site of a deadly quake in August that killed nearly 300 people, the US Geological Survey said.

    The second quake -- with a magnitude of 6.1 -- was 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) north of Visso and 58 km (36 miles) from Perugia, the USGS reported.

    Just a few hours earlier, a magnitude-5.5 quake struck the same region. The epicenter was about 9 kilometers away, south-southwest of Visso. The first quake hit at 7 p.m. (1 p.m. ET) between Perugia and Macerata, according to ANSA."

  115. Hackers stole $65 million worth of bitcoins after attacking a digital currency exchange. The hackers made off with 119,756 bitcoins which is equivalent to $65 million or more. Also, North Korea has fired two missiles which one landing into the sea of Japan.
