Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Slide death

Comment on the link below. What do you think should happen as a result of this incident?
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  1. I believe the water slide should be shut down while any safety hazards are fixed. I also believe that the owner of the water park should compensate the family of the child who was killed due to the faulty harness.

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  3. Due to the fact that the harnesses were not working, and the fact that the women that Caleb Schwab rode with were hurt, the park is liable. They should have shut down the ride if the harnesses were not working correctly.

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  5. the water park with this ride should be shut down the owners should get sued and the family who had there little kid die should get a lot of money because that is no were close to the value of their son. Then again this could have been an assassination to threaten the very successful family.so i believe that the family should go on "vacation" for awhile till things cool down

    1. bruh u right tho cause if the little boys dad is like a "dirty" politician than people could wanna kill them or send some type of message. the people who killed him did an inside job the night before and broke the harnesses

    2. yep and then everything fell into place

    3. no both of yall wrong cause if they did it the past night there is no wondering which child would actually die.. so i think that they put some tiny exploders and put them on the harnes thingy and waited till he saw the perfect opprotunity

    4. what did the dad do to make them mad ? lol uglah

  6. I think that the owner of the water park should be sewed and the whole entire water park should be shut down until they have safer rides that have been tested.

  7. The water slide should be shut down all together. The owners of the park should also pay for his funeral costs being that they are part of the reason why the little boy isn't living anymore.

  8. I think that the requirements are clearly stated how much weight is needed to ride the ride. I believe the family should get compensation and that the if the 3 rider weight doesn't equal to 400 to 500 lb they shouldn't be allowed to ride the ride. Also, more restrictions should be put on the ride for everyone's safety.

  9. As a result from this tragedy they should close down the ride. If this tragedy can happen once than it probably can happen again.

  10. I think the should sew or press charges on the park. Also I think the park should be shut down until they fix the issue. Lastly I think a memorial should be created for him in the park.

  11. I think they should've shut down the ride if the harnesses weren't working properly. Now that this incident happened, I think they should shut the whole ride down until they tweak it to make the possibility of this happening again small.

  12. i believe the water slide should be tested more then once. i also believe the the entire water park should shut down until they have safer rides.

  13. If the lady who rode with Caleb says the harness had not been working the several times she had rode it, the ride should have been shut down after that. Therefore, park needs to be liable for the death of Caleb.

  14. their should be more safety warnings, signs and information that should be given beforehand. some supervisors wouldn't hurt either.,

  15. The owner of the water slide so be sued for the death of an innocent child. Finding out that the front harness didn't work she should've shut it down then. Especially after checking the water slide every morning like the lady claims. Also, the water slide should be shut down for good.

  16. The ride employees should test the ride to if there are more problems with the ride or raft. They should close the ride until the problem reveals itself.

  17. The first thing I think the park should do is to pay for the boy fees for the funeral, hospital bills and etc. Also I think the park should be shut down due to the staff not reporting the harness failure. I most likely think that the family will sue the park just for that reason. The boy lost his life due to the staff.

  18. They should shut the water park down. Just to figure out what happen. So they can prevent what happen at the park.

  19. I think they should shut down the water slide #1
    File a lawsuit against the amusement park #2
    The amusement park should take more precautions on water slides , and the height requirement for them be taller obviously #3
    The family should be payed for life for the tragedy .

  20. Personally, I believe that the water slide should be shutdown, never to be rode again. It was made clear that the straps did not work for the front row, and who's to say that if they do reopen the slide that the same thing won't happen to another child? This event is heart breaking, but we must learn from our mistakes and move on.

  21. This ride should have been shut down for it being to dangerous and not well maintained as well the staff in charge of that ride should be reevaluated.The park should have also been sued by the boys family for losing there son to the slide.

  22. They should close the slide and have more tests done to improve safety and change the Velcro seat belts to something stronger.

  23. Caleb Schwab, age 10, died on the world's tallest waterslide in the world last week. As a result of this incident, I believe that the ride should be closed for a long period of time, or completely.

  24. I think they should close the park and fix any problems that happen and do multiple test on the slide before letting others trying.

  25. The incident of the boy loosing his life was so tragic hat I feel that the water slide needs to be shut down and never to open again. some may say that is to the extreme but a kid lost his life. He will never know what it feels like to get married or graduate high school or college all because of a water slide . I feel that shutting down the water slide will also bring his family a small amount of closure, to at least know that this will never happen to anyone ever again and nobody will ever have to go through the pain that they are going through.

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  27. The water park should be permanently closed due to the 10 year old boy's death. Since the slide was so tall the owner should've take extra precaution to make sure the slide was ready instead of letting people on it. The parents of the little boy should sue them owner.

  28. I personally would just shut the ride down until it's safe to actually use. I saw on the news this morning that the ride had to add safety nets because they tested it with sand bags and they were flying off. That was one sign that it should've been built with better improvements. They said the boy suffered a neck injury meaning most likely that he caught whiplash or he fell out which means they need to improve seats, neckrests and seatbelts. They need to do a better job with safety basically and take more precautions.

  29. I believe the water slide should be shut down while any safety hazards are fixed. I also believe that the owner of the water park should compensate the family of the child who was killed due to the faulty harness.

  30. i believe that the water slide should be tested for one more time.however they should close the park do to the death of that child

  31. According to the link that was provided that i viewed, the slide was not fully safe as of one harnest did not work and the fault of the park is not actually checking each and every or if it is that it worked before than the customer at the park who gone before the boy should have told the park that the harnest was not safe but no one spoke up with a complaint. The complaint would have been an easier route for the park and the customers to maybe fix the issue and close the slide for a few days but instead waited for an incident and that caused the slide to close completely but the park is closed for a certain amount of time which is losing money and population growth in the water park. TEST SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO EXTREME MEASURES FOR THIS TYPE OF RIDE. I believe that the ride should be torn down and build to the advantage of safety and caution but not the point it lifts people out of there seats.

  32. I believe the water park should be shut down and the company should be sued. Families go to water parks to enjoy not to have there 10 year old child be killed. If they do not shut,I think they should take tests to make this incident doesn't happen again.

  33. As a result of this incident I think the water park should temporarily close and take a few months to test their equipment and do repairs. Also I think the water park should spend money on a weight scale to ensure the weight requirements are reached. Lastly, I think it would be right for the water park to pay full expense for the boys funeral and give them some extra money too although it wouldn't bring back their son it will work.

  34. this is a real tragedy and most people feel like the ride should be closed because this and i think they should just adjust the ride. when they showed the practice run the ride went into the air and they should lower the height of the ride to make it safe. when someone is riding something they should be guaranteed safety. this is the main reason i don't ride to many rides that aren't safe. these types of rides are really to be taken seriously when it comes to safety.

  35. This slide needs to be shut down until they fix the harness and cut back on the speed. And the park should definitely be held responsible for the loss of a brother and son. They should sue for millions of dollars. This water slide didn't only injure people it killed an innocent 10 year old boy who had his whole future ahead of him.

  36. it is sad that a little boy died on that slide,but you cant put the whole blame on the water park.why i say that is because like thay said they run test every morning.so its not like they knew it had complications,because if they did they probably would have shut it down.

  37. i feel like this ride should be shut down for good somebody died from it this water slide is not safe the didnt even see if he was tall enough to ride the waterslide its not safe

  38. Things like this happen all the time at water parks and amusement parks. I feel as if the owner of the ride should be sued because one a ride can be repaired and fixed, a life can't be. Two they should close the ride down or set an age limit because the child was only 10 years old no one should their life at so young. If they don't shut the ride down or they don't sue them or if they don't do anything that i stated then there's something wrong with both the family and the owner of that ride.

  39. The ride employees should test the ride to if there are more problems with the ride. They should close the ride until the problem reveals itself.

  40. The 10-year-old son of a Kansas state legislator was killed Sunday when a ride on the world's tallest water slide turned deadly. Did they not have a tallest measure for that ride? They should know that small kids ain't suppose to right a huge 58 inches tall water slide. They closed the ride after that event.

  41. The park should be shut down because of the incident of what happened at the ride.

  42. The child was on the smaller side and shouldn't of been on the water slide in the first place but the park is liable since the harness' were broken and they allowed him on.

  43. The child did not meet the age requirement and they should also put a weight requirement of at least 140. so that the weight will be sufficient enough to hold the passengers down so they wont get launched.

  44. I feel as if the park should be held accountable no matter how young the child was or whatever the case may be, if he was too h=young or too small he shouldn't have been able to get on the ride.

  45. I think this is extremely sad and careless on the park's part. The family of the deceased should sue the park for millions of dollars and put them out of business.

  46. Either teardown the ride or use better secure boats for people's safety

  47. A 10 year old kid who ride with two strangers sound really dumb and the fact that its was about 17 stories high sound more crazier for a 10 year old boy. His parents should had been with him, calculate or measure his height and weight, and never let him ride something that is really high.

  48. I think the park still should open but they need to make sure all there rides are safe. The ride should not be opened again and if it did open again only grown people should be able to ride it.

  49. The park should be shut down and needs to hire better park officials. You need to be 14 to ride it but he was 10. This clearly means he was let through by someone probably because he's the son of the representative. The park is responsible for the unstable harness and his death.

  50. i think this is one of the saddest thing that can happen to a 10 year old boy and his family. i feel like the park should shut down because they wasn't making sure everyone was safe on the rides and stuff. this is a careless mistake and heart breaking moment

  51. I think they should just shut it down until they can properly fix the problem and test the ride multiple times before anyone rides it again and their is a possibility that he wasn't tall enough to be on the ride in the first place.

  52. I feel that the ride should be closed until the problem can be fixed. I also feel that the family should be paid retribution for the loss of their son as well as an age limit be set in place for the ride.

  53. I think that they should close down the water slide and take necessary precautions to ensure that an accident like this will never happen again.

  54. I think the water slide should be closed. All the other water rides that are at the park should be tested to make sure they are safe. The family should get money from the owners of the park. If they ever choose to open the slide back up several test need to be done to prevent anymore deaths or injuries.

  55. Caleb Thomas Schwab, 10 years old boy. Was killed Sunday on the world's tallest water slide in Kansas State. The slide requires at least 2 or 3 people , they would be strapped down in the raft. Caleb was riding with 2 adult women during this incident. I honestly don't understand why the park workers or Calebs parents would allow him too be on the slide or to be able to even get on it. If I were Calebs parents , I would be highly upset and most likely sue. I think they should lose down that park until further notice.

  56. The death of the 10 year old Caleb Thomas Schwab is very tragic due to the cause. Officials are stating that it was a neck injury , which are causing people to wonder if this water slide is even safe.The water park's most recent statement was that the water slide is checked every morning for safety and they send their condolences to the mourning family.The water park plans to open back up Wednesday. I believe that due to this incident , visitors to that water park should take this incident in to mind when deciding what rides to let their kids participate in.

  57. I think that the water slide should be tested very very hard and maybe it should close completely. That shouldn't happen again, but if it does than I think the whole park should be closed.

  58. The shouldn't close the park, but they should take the ride down.Also they need to check all there rides.This act will prevent anymore deaths at the park.

  59. I believe a law suit and a closing of the water park should happen because of this incident. They should have better security when checking the people on the ride and abide by the rules and not let just anybody do anything.

  60. The water slide death was very tragic. I think that the park should get some maintenance on the ride and have it shut down until it is fully tested, so a incident like the one that just happened wont ever happen again.

  61. i think that they should shut the slide down. They also need to test run every ride to make sure this never happens again.

  62. I honestly just think the water park should be shut down. Water, and amusement parks have rides that sometimes don't work or people are injured. I think, that the owner should shut down the park not forever just until they can straighten out the situation, and maybe even fix other rides that have difficulties. Also, I think the owner should set a age limit if the ride were to re-open, because the ride looks very dangerous only for an 10 year old boy. I don't think suing her is necessary because even though it's her water park she didn't know about the difficulties going on with the ride.

  63. they said that when the lady got on the ride she noticed that the first seat was broke and not working if so she should have told somebody and not let people ride it anyways. The little boy died at the age of 10 and they are thinking about reopening the ride from what I just saw the ride should be close forever

  64. in my opinion, i personally think that the parents should sue the water park for the incident. the parents shouldnt be responsible for the child's death. but its not about getting money from the park, its about justice. i think they need to have more safety on the water park rides.

  65. I think that the workers should be more cautious, and check the ride and the straps and everything having to do with the ride.The workers should ride it many times first before everyone just to see if everything was ok.

  66. I believe that the slide should be closed down temporally until the seat straps are properly fixed and that the ride is deemed to be safe again. The blame goes towards both the family and the amusement park.The amusement park shouldn't have had an unsafe ride operating and let the little boy (who was probably not meeting the requirements) ride on the water slide. When you choose a ride to get onto, you have to face the risk that anything can happen.

  67. After the death of 10 year old Caleb Schwab, I think that the Verruckt should be permanently closed. The harness on the raft could be fixed but after this tragedy, it would be best if the ride was replaced with a safer alternative. If the ride's release date had to be pushed back 3 times, redesigned, and higher than Niagara Falls, it should tell you that the ride is not safe.

  68. I believe that the slide should re-organize their guidelines, as incidents such as this may very well happen again. Also, straps should be checked for each person who rides the slide. In fact, they may just need to close the ride down itself, as it is proved to become a safety hazard, regardless of its feats.

  69. my name is chris booker the set name is incorrect.i believe the owners of the park should be sued.i also believe the slide should be closed down for reconstruction.also kids his age and below should not be allowed on the slide again.

  70. I think that the water slide should be torn down and the parents should file a lawsuit because they lost there loved one to a slide that's suppose to be fun and exciting.

  71. Shut down the park and use the land for something more safe and useful.

  72. I think they should just remake the slide and pu a tube on it.

  73. I feel like they just need to shut that particular ride down because if there having all these problems why wont they just shut it down or get new seats with better seats and its sad that the little boy died I feel like his parents should sue the park itself

  74. I personally would just shut the ride down until it's safe to actually use. I saw on the news this morning that the ride had to add safety nets because they tested it with sand bags and they were flying off. That was one sign that it should've been built with better improvements.

  75. honestly i think they should shut down the ride and be sued.

  76. the water slide should be torn down thats to big of a slide for any body to be going down its to dangerous.

  77. i personally dont know how you die on a water slide but it happened. But i feel like they should not close the park. they should just fix the ride and test it before they reopen it.

  78. It's quick to say that it was honestly the park's entire fault for not checking harness, weight, and height. These are basic steps too to ensure the rider is safe what?

  79. the water slide should be taken out the park and they should shit down the park for investigation and check all the ride so everything can be safe

  80. I believe the water slide should be shut down while all safety hazards are fixed. I also believe that the owner of the water park should compensate the family of the child who was killed due to the faulty harness. Due to the fact that the harnesses were not working, and the fact that the women that Caleb Schwab rode with were hurt, the park is liable.

  81. the park should update the harness and add a age limit to the ride.

  82. I think the slide should have more protection so no one would fall out and also they should wear a vest for protection. I dont think the slide should be taken out the park even after the death of the young man.

  83. In my opinion i think they are going to shut the ride down. I say this because there was a difficulty in the ride and do to that someone died. I think they are going to shut it down.

  84. I feel like the water park should be shut down and the parents of the boy should sue the water park as well.

  85. They should make the ride safer

  86. i think the park should be closed. If one of the rides caused a death why take a risk with another ride there. I think the family should sue the water park

  87. This situation makes me think that the ride should be closed done . Then they should re build it then test it again .

  88. I believe the water slide should be taken down. The family should also be offered a settlement. Since the harness was complained about throughout the day, the people who worked it that day should get in trouble also.

  89. I think they need to close down the ride, and have a height limit of riding it, and a waver.

  90. You can tell your in for a lot just by looking at that water slide simply because its 17 stories high and the pressure that's hitting yo while you going down is even to much.

  91. i think that the saddest thing you could ever see because nobody wants to see they're 10yrs child die. and i also that they should be sued because thats not rite

  92. The ride should be closed and the family deserves money from the water park from the tragedy.

  93. After the water slide accident in Kansas state I believe they should have a height requirement and modify the ride. What happened to the 10 year old boy was very tragic and they should take higher safety measures to insure that this does not happen to anyone else.

  94. I think the slide should be closed for a while until they can fix the problem.

  95. I believe that because of this that all amusement park should add stricter rules involving safety on rides.For example older and more experienced workers should work on the more extreme ride to ensure that safety rules will be followed,and if there is a problem it will be addressed quickly . And that all rides will be tested until they were perfectly safe.

  96. I feel like this water park should be closed down because if one person died that means someone else can die . Water parks are suppose to be fun not have fun and die . If a ride killed someone that means it should not be there no more ! A ride is suppose to be in good conditions.

  97. I think whoever was in charge of checking his height should be fired because that could be reason of the young boy death but i do think they should check into the ride and see what caused his death and what could they do better so that wont happen anymore but as of now they need to shut it down .

  98. I believe that the ride should be shut down until all safety precautions are fixed. I believe that the dues for the child's funeral should be payed off from the owner of the park, as well as interest because of the accident.

  99. i think that they should have a height and weight requirement in order to ride the slide. This would prevent issues like this from happening. The rides would be alot more safe and fun for people to ride if they did some changes.

  100. i think this water slide should be shut down and rebuild with more surrounding & also you should be a certain weight to get on.

  101. I believe the water slide should be shut down while any safety hazards are fixed. I also believe that the owner of the water park should compensate the family of the child who was killed due to the faulty harness.

  102. I think that ride should be closed because it is dangerous to people considering the accident that happened and it shouldnt be opened anymore

  103. I think that the rides in water park should be close or change the other that more safe than this. Because so young guy died because of the ride. that ride killed a boy. It was too bad and serious incident. if they keep the ride, someone else can die too. So i hope that ride will be gone or change.

  104. They should fix every safety precaution and close the ride until. They should also add a age limit to the ride because as yo can see it unsafe for kids that age.

  105. I think they should've shut down the ride if the harnesses weren't working properly. Now that this incident happened, I think they should shut the whole ride down until they tweak it to make the possibility of this happening again small.

  106. I believe that the water slide should be shut down until further notice. it need a little work to be done. Even though people may not ride it anymore due to what already happen, which took a little boys life.

  107. I believe the water slide should be shut down while any safety hazards are fixed. I also believe that the owner of the water park should compensate the family of the child who was killed due to the faulty harness.

  108. They should shutdown the ride in till they make some tweeks to the ride and make sure that it is 100% safe. They also shold add a age limit to certain rides.

  109. This accident is a very devastating accident. Due to the vents that took place the ride should be shut down. This is something that could occur again that we dont want to happen again.

  110. This accident is a very devastating accident. Due to the vents that took place the ride should be shut down. This is something that could occur again that we dont want to happen again.

  111. I think that slide should be torn down

  112. I think that slide should be torn down

  113. They should shut down the water slide and make extra precautions into ensuring the safety in the slide.

  114. I feel like the ride should have been taken down and the people behind it should have been sued for the death.

  115. I feel like the ride should have been taken down and the people behind it should have been sued for the death.

  116. The ride employees should test the ride to if there are more problems with the ride or raft. They should close the ride until the problem reveals itself.
