Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Freewrite -2 current events one paragraph minimum


  1. Julian Assange's lawyer has been found dead shortly after he promises a leak of information which would end Hillary CLinton's career. In other news a magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred two days ago in Jackson, Wyoming.

  2. China's very own Jack the ripper has been caught and arrested for a series of crimes from 1988 to 2002 the youngest victim being 8 years old. From a previous DNA test he is related to the original jack the ripper.

  3. On sept. 7th the iPhone 7 will most likely be unveiled. It is rumored that it would not have the headphone jack anymore. Nearly 10,000 works sue chipotle because they are not paying them to work over time. It is known as wage theft.

  4. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Spike Lee says that Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge who is the cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade. Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that tragedies like this are one of the reasons African-Americans will vote for him. Recently, Trump has cited problems in American cities as a reason for African-Americans to vote for him in November.

  5. a previous DNA test he is related to the original jack the ripper 7th the iPhone 7 will most likely be unveiled. It is rumored that it would not have the headphone jack anymore. Nearly 10,000 works sue chipotle.

  6. Many people are upset with Colin Kaepernick because he refused to stand up for the national anthem at last fridays preseason game. Aaron Rodgers commented on this event by saying,"just say Black Lives Matter". Kaepernick hasn't stood up for a couple of national anthems, but nobody noticed.
    Ireland must recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.6 billion) in unpaid taxes from Apple.

  7. Eipen prices has had dramatic increases which need to stop.From 2009 to 2016 the price has raised 15 times and cost 609 an epipen seeing how these are life saving and are used for kids and adults there is no sympathy at all from the company.Mark Zuckerberg gift the pope a model of Aquila, a solar-powered aircraft.

  8. A set of five day old newborn twins were rescued from the Mediterranean. Their mother along with them have been sent via Medvac to Italy for treatment. They were aboard a boat with 6500 refugees & migrants. Spike Lee confronted Trump about his tweet towards Dwayne Wade and his cousin who was shot and killed in Chicago while pushing her baby in a stroller.

  9. At Cornell University a 19 year old was killed during a large fight. The fight broke out after a student-organized event at Cornell. Two men were found stabbed. Police found the weapon that was used during this time.

  10. A rather 'strong' signal was found coming from a sun-like star that is 94 light years away from Earth. This has leads many scientist to believe it's coming from an extraterrestrial being. They said that if this signal is artificial then this is the best explanation. In other news though, Donald Trump is being heartless, as usual. Instead of giving condolences to the people affected by the death of Nykea Aldridge, he tweets, and I quote, "Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!". He initially spelled Wade's name wrong. Movie director, Spike Lee, is outraged and says Trump only cares about himself. He also says that the politician can reach out to the black community but in his opinion he doesn't think it's gonna work.

  11. Jesse Morton former Al-Qaeda member becomes a university expert in a field of counter terrorism. Zika virus begins to spread throughout south america, and central america.

  12. two event that's going on is spike lee blasting trump and the other is zika might be the world new STD.Zika is effecting much of the world.However it can leave secretions on sex toys.Meanwhile spike lee said Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge, cousin of Chicago Bulls player and NBA star Dwyane Wade.

  13. People are questioning is Zika the next STD. Zika can be transferred through blood transfusion and sexual contact. Spike Lee bashes trump for using Dwayne Wade's dead cousin as a way to gain votes.

  14. Police and crime stoppers are currently looking for Jessica Fox . Jessica was stopped by a police officer and she got away by dragging the police officers and running him over. The officer is currently in the hospital for severe head and leg injuries. In DeKalb County GA, two girls are accused of setting a girls hair on fire in class at Stephenson High-school.

  15. According to CNN, "Zika continues its march around the world.
    Moving from Africa to French Polynesia to Central and South America, the disease is now active in the US and Asia, and is likely to continue to spread." 2months8days16hours18mins, until Election Day 2016.

  16. earthquake in Iceland may cause volcanic eruption. Chinese "Jack the Ripper" is finally caught. he was on the run for 28 years and is finally in custody. personally if the volcano happened that would be cool. and i dont believe that they caught the right person. jack the ripper seemed smarter then what they are portraying him to be

  17. a 3 million year old case was finally solved. the cold case of our early human ancestor, Lucy died from falling off a tree and researchers are just now solving it out. also there has been word of drake tweeting him and Nicki are actually together. but who knows maybe he's just trying to get his hotline to bling !

  18. Cops shoot black male teen. The teen supposedly was carrying a fake gun. The teen was shot at 16 times but was only hit three times. His attorney claimed that him running never happened even though was a video. Another event that happened was a college teen was killed during a fight that broke out a Cornell college.

  19. a serial killer in china was recently caught after he killed 11 woman, He was known as china's jack the ripper. Zika continues to spread around the world.

  20. People are questioning is Zika the next STD. Zika can be transferred through blood transfusion and sexual contact. Spike Lee bashes trump for using Dwayne Wade's dead cousin as a way to gain votes.

  21. Spike Lee: Trump trying to capitalize on murder of Dwyane Wade's cousin-
    Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that tragedies like the shooting death of Wade's cousin are one of the reasons African-Americans will vote for him. "Dwayne Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. At recent campaign rallies, Trump has cited problems in American inner cities as a reason for African-Americans to vote for him in November.

    Somalia: Deaths as car bomb explodes in Mogadishu -
    "There was a blast close to the SYL Hotel area, near the main checkpoint of the presidential palace," said Ibrahim Mohamed, a security officer. Al-Shabab fighters have claimed responsibility for several recent explosions in Mogadishu, including a car bomb and gun attack last week at a popular beach restaurant that killed 10 people.

  22. so right now Ryan lochte is not going back to Brazil so he won't be able to be prosecuted. I don't think that the government of the United States might not bother them unless the government of Brazil talks to the U.S. over this problem. moving to a new topic of discussion the NFL star Colin kaepernick has decided to sit on the bench in a preseason game and a lot of people either hated it or respected it. now the rules of the NFL doesn't state that you have to stand for the pledge but they encourage you to. hemight have gotten evryone thinking this is something to think about cop shootings but the flag means that we live everyday because the people in the army are defending the country that we live in today.

  23. five day old newborn peers out from a pink blanket. His dark, almond shaped eyes stare directly at the camera, his tiny hand tucked underneath his chin.

    A woman with Down syndrome who has worked at the same McDonald’s for over three decades is retiring.

    Freia David has spent 32 years working at the french fry station at the McDonald’s on Chestnut Street in Needham.



  24. NFL star Colin kaepernick has decided to sit on the bench in a preseason game and a lot of people either hated it or respected it.

  25. 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat in protest during the national anthem for a pre-season game, saying he would not honor a song nor "show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

  26. Colin Kaepernick, a football player, refuse to stand and sing the anthem. I can't explain why, not standing or singing along at a football game is kind of a letdown. Also, that disrespecting America. I'm not saying that whoever doesn't sing and/or stand to pray America is a bad person, but Collin is different because he didn't want to do it. That is disrespecting.

    Nykea Aldridge, cousin of an NBA player Dwyane Wade, was shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Because someone was shot, do we think African-Americans will vote Trump? No.

  27. Zika continues its march around the world. Zika is a new std thats being spreaded through mosquitoes from blood circulation. Moving from Africa to French Polynesia to Central and South America, the disease is now active in the US and Asia, and is likely to continue to spread. It's not like you can stop it -- four out of five people with Zika have no symptoms, so most of those passengers are unaware they carry the virus in their blood.

    323 reindeer were killed by a strike of lightning. This didnt happen because all the reindeers were somehow touching. It happened due to the fact that the lighting struck the highest point of land and somehow was conducted by water and went from the deer feet and went to their heart. this led the to have some type of heart attack or something, idk. Its normal for animals to die from lighting, just not 300 of them at once.

  28. for the third time this year the navy combat boat has been knocked down due to mechanical problems.the u.s. is having to spend 360 million on repairs to fix it. john lennons killer denied parole for the ninth time. he say that he has found god and he has changed his life is ways you wouldnt believe. he is eligable for parole again in 2 years.

  29. Donald Trump is trying to turn Dwyane Wade's cousins death into a pitch so African Americans will vote for him. "You're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed -- what the hell do you have to lose?", Donald Trump asked the crowd at one of his recent rallies in Michigan. Spike Lee thinks that Donald Trump won't help African Americans, and he only thinks about himself.
    Anthony Weiner married to Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton's most known aide/"right hand woman"), is allegedly sending "sexually suggestive" photos. Huma Abedin does not wish to distract Hillary's campaign so Abedin has asked to respect her privacy at this time. The couple had split, & her husband has not made further comment or will not make further comment.

  30. 4.8 earthquake in Wyoming. Donald Trump turning someones death into a pitch so he can get the African american vote

  31. Julian Assange's lawyer has been found dead shortly after he promises a leak of information which would end Hillary CLinton's career. In other news a magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred two days ago in Jackson, Wyoming.

    Nykea Aldridge, cousin of an NBA player Dwyane Wade, was shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Because someone was shot, do we think African-Americans will vote Trump? No.

  32. Apple shares initially fell almost 3%, but then recovered most of their losses. The company will appeal the decision. It said the ruling upended the international tax system and would damage jobs and investment in Europe.Apple paid tax at 1%, or less, on profits attributed to its subsidiaries in Ireland, well below the 35% top rate of corporate tax in the United States and Ireland's 12.5% rate.

  33. A five-day-old newborn peers out from a pink blanket. His dark, almond-shaped eyes stare directly at the camera, his tiny hand tucked underneath his chin.The US Navy has received an attack submarine sponsored by first lady Michelle Obama and named for her home state, the Navy announced Monday.

  34. ISIS post a video of a boy executing prisoners. Authorities says ISIS is using children as a army which were stolen from their families. ISIS has claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing Monday that killed dozens of recruits at a military training camp in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, according to the ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency.The car bomb exploded inside a training camp for forces allied to Saudi-backed Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, according to two senior security officials in Aden.

  35. Gene Wilder died yesterday to a disease named Alzheimer. He was struggling with it for years but didn't want anybody to know because he didn't want anybody to feel bad. He played in alot of movies. His most known movie was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where he played as Willie Wonka. Dwayne Wade cousin got shot in Chicago while walking her baby. Donald Trump tried to use this as to get support from black voters but received a lot of backlash for it.

  36. Europe hit Apple with $14.6 billion tax bill. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants recused from Mediterranean.

  37. For the third time in a year, one of the US Navy's $360 million littoral combat ships has been knocked out of action by mechanical problems.The latest victim is the USS Freedom, which had seawater leak into one of its two main diesel propulsion systems on July 11, according to a Navy press release.

  38. Colin Kapernick decided to not stand up during the national anthem during one of the preseason games. He is catching a lot of criticism because of this. He stated that the anthem's third verse has roots of mocking slavery and racism in it, which is one of the reasons why he did not stand up. The pharmaceutical company that makes the EpiPen has raised the price of the product by an outrageous amount. People that use the EpiPen have been criticizing the company for its greed.

  39. In current news, Zika is spreading around the world. I may be our new STD. Nasty right? Moving from Africa to French Polynesia to Central and South America, the disease is now active in the US and Asia, and is likely to continue to spread. Mosquitoes are spreading the disease. In other news in India, tourists have been told to no longer wear skirts. It will prevent stalking, rape, or any type of sexual assault. Most of the men are used to the women wearing long pants, long shirts basically in full-body clothing so when they are introduced to things like that they begin to lose it a little.

  40. A newborn among 6,500 imagrants saved at sea in 30 hours they were rescued Mediterranean. while traveling with his brothers and mother they where on a boats with more than 200 to 300 people they all where rescued and taking to hospitals

    Nykea Aldridge, cousin of an NBA player Dwyane Wade, was shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Because someone was shot, do we think African-Americans will vote Trump? No.

  41. For the third time in a year, one of the US Navy's $360 million littoral combat ships has been knocked out of action by mechanical problems. The latest victim is the USS Freedom, which had seawater leak into one of its two main diesel propulsion systems on July 11, according to a Navy press release. The Navy said seawater entered the engine oil lube system through a leak in a seawater pump's mechanical seal. The leak occurred when the Freedom was participating in the 26-nation Rim of the Pacific exercises, the Navy said. The ship returned to its San Diego home port for seawater decontamination on July 13 and then returned to the exercises under power of its gas turbine engines, rather than the main diesel propulsion systemsOne Ithaca College student was killed and another was injured after being stabbed during a "large fight" on the nearby Cornell University campus early Sunday in Ithaca, New York, officials from both schools said. Cornell University Police were called to the intersection in front of Olin Hall, which houses Cornell's school of chemical and biomolecular engineering, just before 2 a.m. There, they found two men had been stabbed, according to a police news release. Police say the fight broke out after a student-organized event at Cornell, according to a statement from Ithaca College.

  42. Breaking news today, newborn babies were among 6,500 migrants rescued from Mediterranean.A five-day-old newborn peers out from a pink blanket. His dark, almond-shaped eyes stare directly at the camera, his tiny hand tucked underneath his chin. His short life has been anything but easy. In other news, Apple shares initially fell almost 3%, but then recovered most of their losses. The company will appeal the decision. It said the ruling upended the international tax system and would damage jobs and investment in Europe.

  43. For teams looking at a complementary veteran this offseason, look no further than the open marketplace in Cleveland. The Browns have already let go of safety Donte Whitner and linebacker Karlos Dansby and traded Barkevious Mingo. In a preview for the Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe, Manning, a panelist on the roast and a friend of Lowe's, made a joke at the expense of Tom Brady and the deflated football scandal that has plagued the quarterback for the last two years.

  44. Trump was trying to capitalize on the murder of Dwayne Wade's cousin. Nykea Aldridge was walking her baby at the time. She was then shot and killed. A quake in Iceland may cause volcano to erupt. Many people in Iceland are afraid.

  45. A man carries his 5-day-old son after being rescued from a crowded wooden vessel in the Mediterranean sea. The pair were fleeing from Libya.
    The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Just two weeks ago, in the week that started August 14, the route was used by 2,197 migrants, according to the International Organization for Migration. Monday's rate nearly tripled that weekly amount.

  46. Election time is all that we have been hearing lately. According to the polls Trump is catching up to Hilary splitting her lead in half nationally and in some smaller polls,but that's not all that Trumps's name has been in. Recently Famous director, Spike Lee, speaks on how Donald Trump tried to capitalize off of Dwayne Wade's cousin's murder. Donald Trump used this murder to try to win over African American voters, which turned out to be an epic fail.America has something new everyday.

  47. two men(brothers)has been charged with first-degree murder and first degree attempted murder of Nykea Aldridge. She was shot and killed while registering her children for school.
    5 day old newborn lost among 6,500 migrants saved within 30 hours

  48. Thousands of immigrants from Eritrea were rescued yesterday from traveling through the Mediterranean. Along those immigrants, were two 5 day old newborn twins. The 6,500 Eritreans were fleeing from Libya due to conflict and violence. Also, Europe had hit apple with a 14.6 million dollar tax bill.

  49. Recently, John Lennon's killer has been denied parole for the 9th time on Monday. New York PD says that the homicide was premeditated and it was celebrity seeking. He committed this first degree murder when John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, were on their way home to their hotel. Mark David Chapman appeared and shot John Lennon in the back 5 times with his revolver. Also, for the third time this year, one of the US Navy's ship has gone inactive after mechanical problems. the latest victim is the USS Freedom where there was a seawater leak and it went into one of its two main diesel propulsion. The seawater entered the engine oil lube system through a leak in a seawater pump's mechanical seal.


  50. Spike Lee calls out Donald trump, saying that Donald is trying to capitalize on Dwayne's cousin's death by saying "This is why African-Americans will vote for me." Also, there was a strong signal of a star that Russia detected.The SETI are investigating

  51. A total of 40 different organizations were responsible for bringing in the 6,500 migrants and refugees, including EU's Marine mission "Sophia," which fights smugglers; and Frontex, the European Agency tasked with border security. They bring these migrants and refugees to a port in Italy, where they can apply for their Visa.
    Ireland must recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.6 billion) in unpaid taxes from Apple, European officials said on Tuesday. The tax ruling is the biggest the European Union has ever made regarding a single company, and it could spark a huge transatlantic row over how Europe treats U.S. companies.

  52. New born twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean.
    Spike Lee blasts Donald Trump. Donald Trump was trying to capitalize on murder of Dwyane Wade's cousin. Filmmaker Spike Lee said Monday Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge.

  53. Spike Lee calls out Donald trump, saying that Donald is trying to capitalize on Dwayne's cousin's death by saying "This is why African-Americans will vote for me." Also, there was a strong signal of a star that Russia detected.The SETI are investigating
    Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Spike Lee says that Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge who is the cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade. Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that tragedies like this are one of the reasons African-Americans will vote for him. Recently, Trump has cited problems in American cities as a reason for African-Americans to vote for him in November.

  54. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants rescued from Mediterranean
    Michelle Obama's ship has come in: Navy attack sub USS Illinois

  55. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. The 6,500 Eritreans were fleeing from Libya due to conflict and violence.
    Monday, Filmmaker Spike Lee calls out Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of dwayne wade's cousins, Nykea Aldridge.

  56. Apple shares initially fell almost 3%, but then recovered most of their losses. The company will appeal the decision. It said the ruling upended the international tax system and would damage jobs and investment in Europe.Apple paid tax at 1%, or less, on profits attributed to its subsidiaries in Ireland, well below the 35% top rate of corporate tax in the United States and Ireland's 12.5% rate.

  57. Rihanna won the michael jackson award at the VMAs Michael Jacksons birthday was yesterday

  58. A set of five day old newborn twins were rescued from the Mediterranean. Their mother along with them have been sent via Medvac to Italy for treatment. They were aboard a boat with 6500 refugees & migrants. Spike Lee confronted Trump about his tweet towards Dwayne Wade and his cousin who was shot and killed in Chicago while pushing her baby in a stroller.

  59. The FBI expects to publicly release as soon as Wednesday the report the bureau sent to the Justice Department in July recommending no charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, according to multiple law enforcement officials.

    The tax ruling is the biggest the European Union has ever made regarding a single company, and it could spark a huge transatlantic row over how Europe treats U.S. companies.
    Apple shares initially fell almost 3%, but then recovered most of their losses. The company will appeal the decision. It said the ruling upended the international tax system and would damage jobs and investment in Europe.

  60. Colin Kaepernick the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers refused to stand during the National Anthem because of all the things going on in the world right now. He spoke the truth to power. People/fans looked down on him for being "unpatriotic". Colin disagrees and stands as his own, on what he believes. It wasn't done to hurt anyone, but done to stand his grounds.

  61. govener nathan deal of georgia signed an executive order on feburary 23. that banned the box on job application that ask the question about felony convictions. now that question wont come until later in the hiring process. this is in place to provide people with a crminal record a fair chance to get the job without employers judging them. and the USA MENS Basketball won the gold medal game against Serbia. the mens basketball team are gold medalist.

  62. The FBI expects to publicly release as soon as Wednesday the report the bureau sent to the Justice Department in July recommending no charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, according to multiple law enforcement officials.

    A five-day-old newborn peers out from a pink blanket. His dark, almond-shaped eyes stare directly at the camera, his tiny hand tucked underneath his chin.His short life has been anything but easy.

  63. Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback whose refusal to stand during the national anthem has invited criticism from all corners of the world a lighting bolt kills over 300 raindeers

  64. Nearly 10,000 chipotle workers are sueing for unpaid wages. A college student was killed at a college party after a fight broke up he was stabbed and so was his friend that was with him he attended the college 2 miles away from the college he was killed at.

  65. rolls Royce is going to release 3 new cars in 2016 the pahntom has new interiors they have new convertables

  66. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Spike Lee says that Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge who is the cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade. Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that tragedies like this are one of the reasons African-Americans will vote for him. Recently, Trump has cited problems in American cities as a reason for African-Americans to vote for him in November.

  67. In current news, Zika is spreading around the world. I may be our new STD. Nasty right? Moving from Africa to French Polynesia to Central and South America, the disease is now active in the US and Asia, and is likely to continue to spread. Mosquitoes are spreading the disease. In other news in India, tourists have been told to no longer wear skirts. It will prevent stalking, rape, or any type of sexual assault. Most of the men are used to the women wearing long pants, long shirts basically in full-body clothing so when they are introduced to things like that they begin to lose it a little.

  68. Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback whose refusal to stand during the national anthem has invited criticism from all corners of the sports world and Any infant exposed to the Zika virus in utero should have their hearing tested after birth, no matter how normal they may appear, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. A rather 'strong' signal was found coming from a sun-like star that is 94 light years away from Earth. This has leads many scientist to believe it's coming from an extraterrestrial being. They said that if this signal is artificial then this is the best explanation. In other news though.

    In current news, Zika is spreading around the world. I may be our new STD. Nasty right? Moving from Africa to French Polynesia to Central and South America, the disease is now active in the US and Asia, and is likely to continue to spread. Mosquitoes are spreading the disease.

  71. A photo posted online showing an elderly couple holding hands and crying has been shared thousands of times on Facebook.The reason is more heart-wrenching than the picture. Wolf and Anita Gottschalk of Surrey, B.C, have been married for 62 years. But they were admitted into separate nursing homes and, for the last eight months, have been forced to live apart. In other news a navy ship has broken down for the 3rd time . the cost of the ship is 360mil. it was by sea water coming into the diesel tank and that was not letting the ship operate right. they took it back to SanFran for repair and the total was 23mil. That is a lot of money knowing its the 3rd repair .

  72. Current event 1- A man fights to die on the train tracks. A New York police officer tries to save a man who wants to die on the train tracks. Fortunately, the cop saved the man before the train ran him over. Current event 2- The FBI is going to release a report on Hillary Clintons email.

  73. The CDC urges hearing tests for babies exposed to Zika. the recommendation follows a study of 69 infants from Brazil up to 10 months old were born with both microcephaly and laboratory confirmed evidence of Zika infection. and The study showed that 16 failed the first screening test in at least one ear.
    Also the US Department of Agriculture closes 6 offices after threats. on Monday anonymous messages were sent about the safety of the USDA facilities and personnel.

  74. Colin Kaepernick has people against and with him in the case of him not standing up for the pledge of allegiance because of police brutality towards black people also an elderly man by the age og 145 says he's ready to die but death wont come to him

  75. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Just two weeks ago, in the week that started August 14, the route was used by 2,197 migrants, according to the International Organization for Migration. Monday's rate nearly tripled that weekly amount.

  76. Colin Kaepernick protested by not participating in the traditional national anthem. He believes that he should not stand "to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color." Also, the FBI expects to publicly release as soon as Wednesday the report the bureau sent to the Justice Department in July recommending no charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, according to multiple law enforcement officials. The release is in response to numerous FOIA requests including from CNN.

  77. At Cornell University a 19 year old was killed during a large fight. The fight broke out after a student-organized event at Cornell.And A set of five day old newborn twins were rescued from the Mediterranean. Their mother along with them have been sent via Medvac to Italy for treatment. They were aboard a boat with 6500 refugees & migrants

  78. The contractors that where working on building the Henry county outdoor mall have abruptly stopped working on the project. the project that was projected to be off jonesboro road will not be moving anytime soon. The construction will most likely be moved to another location. Which is good because there is already a lot of traffic daily in that area.

  79. Hilary Clinton's right hand women is undergoing a divorce with her husband of 12 years. He has sent 3 confirmed inappropriate pictures and several "naughty" messages to different women. in Donald Trumps eyes this will destroy Hillary's campaign because of all the classified info that the husband and wife know, this along with the leaked pictures can also leak classified info to the public.

  80. Newborn twins among 6,500 migrants were rescued from Mediterranean. He, his twin brother, and his mother were rescued over 30 hours while attempting to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Spike Lee says that Donald Trump was trying capitalize on the shooting death of Nykea Aldridge who is the cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade. Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that tragedies like this are one of the reasons African-Americans will vote for him. Recently, Trump has cited problems in American cities as a reason for African-Americans to vote for him in November.

  81. Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem during the preseason game the other day because he said that he refuses to stand for a flag that oppresses black people and people of color. The US Navy has received an attack submarine sponsored bythe first lady Michelle Obama .

  82. Third breakdown in year for $360M US Navy combat ships: For the third time in a year, one of the US Navy ships, a $360 million littoral combat ship has been knocked out of action by mechanical problems. The Navy said seawater entered the engine oil lube system through a leak in a seawater pump's mechanical seal. This occurred when the Freedom was participating in the 26-nation Rim of the Pacific exercise. The cost and timeline for the repair of the engine are unknown at the time. It will take $23 million dollars to fix this problem.

    How Apple paid just 0.005% tax on its global profits: Apple has funneled most of its profits from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India through Ireland for decades. Under deals the company struck with the Irish governments as far back as 1991, it was allowed to split these profits between its Ireland branch and an Apple head office that existed only on paper. Apple paid the standard Irish tax rate on profits booked to its Ireland branch. Those it allocated to the phantom head office were tax free, because under Irish law it was then considered a "stateless company." Apple doesn't want to pay the tax even though the $14.6 billion, plus interest, it might have to repay constitutes just 5% of the $231 billion in cash it has on its books.

  83. A five day old newborn, his twin brother and his mother were with the 6,500 and migrants crossing the Mediterranean. They were rescued off the coast of Libya. The FBI is planning to release the report on Hilary Clinton. There are no charges against her and the email investigation.

  84. Police and crime stoppers are currently looking for Jessica Fox Jessica was stopped by a police officer and she got away by dragging the police officers and running him over. The officer is currently in the hospital for severe head and leg injuries. In DeKalb County GA, two girls are accused of setting a girls hair on fire in class at Stephenson High-school

  85. Both the White House and Donald Trump objected Monday to views expressed by NFL star Colin Kaepernick about the treatment of minorities in the US.

    The quarterback said over the weekend he would not stand for the traditional playing of the "Star Spangled Banner" ahead of a pre-season game against the Green Bay Packers.

  86. Breaking News in Clayton County 3 people killed in fatal shooting on Riverdale road. Police was called out to the apartment complex for a domestic dispute. When they knocked on the door no one answered. People later found they bodies of a women and two men and drug paraphernalia. Singer Chris Brown has been arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon following an alleged confrontation with a woman at his Los Angeles home, according to The Associated Press, citing Los Angeles police.

  87. Slammed as unpatriotic and disrespectful, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has taken heat for refusing to stand during the national anthem.Kaepernick was criticized as being insulting to those who made sacrifices for the country. A Gold Star mom who lost her son in an IED attack in Afghanistan told CNN that her heart stopped and she lost her breath when Kaepernick said he couldn't stand for the flag. Local war veterans in San Francisco criticized him as a poor role model, according to CNN affiliate KRON. The San Francisco police union has demanded the NFL denounce Kaepernick's "foolish statements."The FBI expects to publicly release in the coming days the report the bureau sent to the Justice Department in July recommending no charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, according to multiple law enforcement officials.

  88. A few weeks back an five-year-old boy who wanted to do something special for police. Now, we're sharing the story of the department returning the favor.William Evertz Jr. wanted to do something special for his heroes at the Winslow Township Police Department, so he did his chores and started saving up his allowance.Seven months later, he had enough money to buy Subway sandwiches for the entire department.His efforts went viral, and the officers made him a honorary officer for the day, and gave him a ride in a cruiser with the lights and sirens turned on.Tuesday morning, Police decided to return the favor, gifting William his very own, mini police cruiser!

  89. Mark Zuckerberg gave pope Francis a solar powered drone to help developing countries.he hopes that this will give hope to the less fortunate countries and people.Many countries such as the UK are considering putting a tax on companies who use a lot of sugar for there products such as drinks.so many companies are going to have to cut back on sugar or they will be charged taxes and this will also affect the customers they might not want to purchase the products because they might taste a little different.

  90. my name is chris booker.Many people are upset with Colin Kaepernick because he refused to stand up for the national anthem at last fridays preseason game. Aaron Rodgers commented on this event by saying,"just say Black Lives Matter". Kaepernick hasn't stood up for a couple of national anthems, but nobody noticed.
    Ireland must recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.6 billion) in unpaid taxes from Apple.

  91. The number of people plucked from sea on Monday was much higher than the average. Just two weeks ago, in the week that started August 14, the route was used by 2,197 migrants, according to the International Organization for Migration. Monday's rate nearly tripled that weekly amoun

  92. Samsung is now recalling all galaxy note 7 phones over battery problems. the reason of the recalling is because the phones were being reported of catching fire while charging . the company said it should take 2 weeks to repair the issue and the phone should be back on the market.

  93. During the Presidential break both candidates were attacking each other. Most of the debate was back to back arguing. Also Kanye left during the middle of a concert due to a family issue.

  94. a previous DNA test he is related to the original jack the ripper 7th the iPhone 7 will most likely be unveiled. It is rumored that it would not have the headphone jack anymore. Nearly 10,000 works sue chipotle and during the Presidential break both candidates were attacking each other. Most of the debate was back to back arguing. Also Kanye left during the middle of a concert due to a family issue.

  95. 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat in protest during the national anthem for a pre-season game, saying he would not honor a song nor "show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."
