Friday, August 12, 2016


Summarize two current events. One about the olympics, and another about politics. Minimum one paragraph


  1. America is up to 35 medals won in the 2016 Rio Olympics, and the athlete Michael Phelps has won his 20th gold medal, making him the most decorated Olympic athlete in the world. In other news, the percentages for the general election seem to be leveling out. On august 13, 2015, Hillary had as much as 19.6 % on Trump, but over time this number has lowered to about 6%. The general election has only showed two times where the majority wanted Trump, and these were both less than 1%.

  2. In Florida at a rally, Donald Trump described President Obama as the founder of ISIS. Trump also accused Hillary of being the co-founder of the group. Biles took gold ahead of US teammate Aly Raisman and Russia's Aliya Mustafina after finishing with a dazzling floor routine. After recording the highest score of the night, Biles had already achieved sporting immortality by becoming the first woman in 20 years to win back-to-back world and Olympic all around titles.

  3. Donald Trump tries to take back claim Obama founded ISIS.Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were co founders of ISIS saying he was being sarcastic. Rio 2016 Day 6: Simone Manuel makes history Phelps gets 22nd gold.Swimmers Michael Phelps and Simone Manuel stole the show at the pool Thursday night, and superstar gymnast Simone Biles became the fourth straight American woman to win gold in the individual all around event. she has opportunities to earn more next week.

  4. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps won his 22 gold medal in swimming. Also Donald trump called barak Obama the founder and mvp of isis.

  5. in the Olympics, so many people are breaking records and its so great (sarcastic voice).record from 2100 years ago has been broken but i dont think that records from that long ago are as accurate. also Barack Obama got that fire playlist. (summer songs) dude climbed the trump building .....he da goat for that. but i cant wait till bush gets his friends to blow that building up. that would be really cool to have another huge moment in history so that when and if i get older i can tell my nieces and nephews like hey boys and girls sit down . today we gonna talk about the double 9 11.

  6. In the Olympics, Simone Manuel makes history, Phelps gets 22nd gold and the USA Olympics Basketball Team is still dominating .
    Donald Trump says if he loses to Hillary he will take "a very nice long vacation " but hes still being an ignorant imbecile and speaking negatively and falsely against Obama and Hillary .

  7. the united states Olympic team won 2 gold medals yesterday. the president dropped his summer playlist in august 11th 2016

  8. One olympics event is the gymnastics.Simone Biles female gymnastic 19 years old win second gold medal.Another event is swimmer Phelps winning his 22nd gold medal.My politic event is Donald Trump saying Obama finding isis.

  9. In the Olympics, the USA has 35 gold medals and Michael Phelps has 22 gold medals in swimming.
    Donald Trump stated at a rally that Obama and Hilary are the founders of ISIS.

  10. At the Olympics in Rio, there was history made by Simone Manuel in numerous ways. For one she got first place in the women's swimming 100m freestyle which is a first for the team since 1984. She was also the first Africa-American woman to do so. Her and a women from Canada tied for first place and set a world record of 57.20, winning them both a gold medal. In political news though, Trump claims he was being sarcastic when he made the comment that Obama founded ISIS and Hillary was a co-founder. He says that he was kidding although he's been saying it for like two weeks and people are just trying to understand why. Apparently, he was trying to moderate his comments because the media was missing his sarcasm.

  11. The USA Women Volleyball team was eliminated after their loss to the Russians Evgeniya and Ekaternia. The USA felt they didn't play to their full potential that game but, they had a great run! Donald Trump is now claiming his comment about Hilary Clinton and current president Barack Obama being founder and co-founder of ISIS was "sarcasm". He tried telling FOX News that it was a "JOKE" and i don't think they believe him!

  12. The Olympics there many of events are still taking place. like swimming shooting and water polo. the basketball event just ended. Clinton is up 6 on trump in two way race

  13. Phelps has won more gold medals than many countries have in the Olympics. Phelps is expected to resume his battle with South African Chad le Clos in a battle for gold in the 100 meters butterfly. The American beat Le Clos Tuesday to retake his 200m butterfly title, with the South African finishing fourth. Also politics, At a rally in Florida on Wednesday, Donald Trump say, "That Obama founded ISIS and the terrorist organization honors Obama." Including that he also say Clinton is the co-founded ISIS.

  14. Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyl failed her drug test at the Rio Olympics. Xinyl had already competed in the 100-meter butterfly event and is scheduled to compete in the 50-meter freestyle.With trump losing the poll at the moment to Hillary he has already said what he will do if he loses.He said he will not give up till the very end of the election and will either work till the end or have a really long vacation.Trump has told his supporters though if he loses it could be over a rigged vote.

  15. Simone Biles won yet another gold medal for her amazing performance on the beam. Her team mate Aly Raisman earned silver, making up for her performance in 2012.In other news, Clinton releasing her 2015 taxes is hoping that this will pressure Trump into doing the same. However, Trump is finding every excuse to get out of doing so.

  16. The 2016 Election and The Olympics, are two big current events that are taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon (November), to see who our new president of the United States will be. According to, Hillary Clinton is in the lead/winning, while Donald Trump is falling behind by nine percent. The 2016 Olympics are also going on in Rio and USA is in the lead as of today. A few participants have already been awarded a gold medal, as well as a silver and/or bronze.

  17. Michael Phelps is back at it again. Winning his 22nd gold medal. Trump accuses President Obama and Hillary Clinton of being the founders of ISIS. Donald Trump latter tweeted on Friday that he was just being sarcastic when he called them the founders of ISIS.

  18. One current event that happened is that the Australia Olympic team gave USA a run for there money. This was the closest game USA have played this season so far.In Florida at a rally, Donald Trump described President Obama as the founder of ISIS. Trump also accused Hillary of being the co-founder of the group.

  19. 19 year old Simone Biles wins second gymnastics gold. She also wins Women's Individual All-Around Final. She is the greatest gymnast of her generation. She is also a three time world champion. Now she is an Olympic champion.
    Hillary Clinton was saying all the right things to make people vote for her. Now she wants to switch things on the way trading goes. She is now ready to enforce tariffs. She wants to put tariffs on goods coming from China and other countries. Not knowing how high the percentage she wants, we all will have to wait and see.

  20. Last night a world record has been broken. Simone Manuel made history by beating a world record in the 100-meter freestyle with Penny Oleksiak with the time of 52.70, and the record was 52.71. And in politics, Melania Trump was accused for plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech in 2008.

  21. Hilary Clinton is beginning to share Trump's thoughts on trade and other international issues, making it more difficult to chose who to vote for. On the more patriotic, exciting side, Simone Biles won her 2nd gold medal of the 2016 Olympics, and the chance for three more is still up for grabs. Michael Phelps also won his 22nd gold medal.

  22. Donald Trump says claims that Barack Obama created ISIS and Hilary Clinton is the co-founder of ISIS. Trump is trying to tear down the reputation of of the President and the soon to be President. On the other hand Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles has won first place for women's team all-around and women's individual all-around

  23. Donald Trump says he was being sarcastic when he called president Obama and Clinton the founders of Isis. Michael Phelps took home is 22nd gold medal and Simone Manuel is the first African American female swimmer to win an individual Olympics event.

  24. The 2 Simone sisters won the gold metals. They are gymnast and swimmers. Also Phelps beat an old record but it's nothing new cause he has broken many records. Also Trump said Obama founded Isis but he claims it was sarcasm. This could be true though and it just accidentally came out.

  25. Simone Biles , 19 year old American artistic gymnast, has been titled the Olympic individual all-around champion for 2016. She will soon be the next Gabby Douglas. She won first place in women's vault, women's individual all-around, and women's team all-around. As for politics, Hillary Clinton has new endorsements from a former CIA member.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Beyond a Protest Party: What Will It Take for the Green Party to Start Winning?
    Add keywords here to make this summary more specific to a topic.Strict Scan [?]
    "I think it's time for us in our state parties to go back and have some real soul-searching about what is effective, who is being effective." Despite being strapped for cash, the party is putting up candidates for local, state and national offices.Even while bearing in mind the real, material disadvantages at which the party operates, such as its paltry cash flow, and what Stein refers to as a near total "Media blackout" on her campaign.

    What real threat does Zika pose to the Rio Olympics?
    Should the olympics be postponed?
    According to an University in New york, says its a public health hazard. The options of the players on staying or not was open and some agreed and some stayed unless the situation changed and their is less of a health hazard. Public Health in places like california university and in san francisco agree that its less a risk by doing the games in the colder months which reduce the risk that is resented before them of the Zika Virus. All the attendees can is do is hear immunity and take precaution.


  28. Simone Manuel breaks a world record in less than a minute, Thursday night Simone became the first African-American female to win an individual event in the Olympic swimming category.

  29. In the Olympics 2 Simone sisters struck the gold metals. Also Michael Phelps broke yet another record. This was all very interesting. Next Trump has the world confused when he says Obama founded Isis sarcastically. I think this could be a conspiracy the could very well be true.

  30. Team USA gymnasts and swimmers combined to deliver five more medals including four golds. Michael Phelps made history by becoming the first man to four peat in the 200 meter individual medley at the Olympics.

    1. Donald Trump appears to be walking back his claim that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the "founder" and "co-founder" of isis, suggesting that attack was just "sarcasm."

  31. america is being a dominate force like always a great medal count almost to 40. america is breaking a lot of records this year in swimming mainly. politicians have been out of order most of this week like a other weeks. Donald trump is making comments about Hillary and the president. i feel like they are the worst to presidential nominees to be put up.

  32. In the Olympics the USA basketball team is still unstoppable. They still have yet to lose a game in the Olympics. Every single team they have blown out with at least 20 points or more. In the politics, Donald Trump is still talking reckless. He said that Hillary Clinton was trying to take away our second amendment right which is the permit to carry a gun. So he said a "joke" saying " people with a license to carry go handle that". Some of his followers would actually do something like that so he needs to really stop.

  33. The Americans put in such a commanding performance that Biles needed to better a target of just 7.591 points with her final floor performance to secure her first Olympic medal and deliver a second consecutive team title for her country. So her score of 15.800 left her and her four team-mates – Gabby Douglas, Aly Raisman, Laurie Hernandez and Madison Kocian – whooping with joy as they clinched top spot on the podium. Hilary Clinton is now beating Donald Trump in polls, meanwhile Donald Trump is still harassing president Barack Obama on social media and in his speeches.

  34. IK Enemkpali throws punches at his teammates at training camp. before the season started he stated on facebook that teammate owed him for a $600 plane ticket. teammate denied he had anything to do with the $600 he owed him.

  35. At these Rio 2016 Olympics, a Games he repeatedly has declared will be his last, Phelps on Thursday night staggered the field over the final 100 meters to win the 200m IM, and by nearly two seconds.

  36. America has won 35 medals so far and Micheal Phelps hit 20. In politics, Trump claims Obama founded ISIS

  37. America is winning 34 gold middles at the Rio 2016 Olympics.Phelps ran 100 meters.

  38. At the the Rio Olympics The United States has gotten 32 gold medals and Phelps got his 22nd gold medal. Also trump has accused president Obama and Hillary Clinton of founding Isis.

  39. The 31-year-old was in a different league to his opposition as he landed his fourth gold of the week in style, powering clear over the breaststroke and freestyle legs to prevail by nearly two seconds over his rivals. It was yet another extraordinary swim from Phelps, who has now won two individual and two relay golds at his fifth Olympics, two years after coming out of retirement.

  40. i only hope that donald trump will win this election if he wanted to.

  41. Michael Phelps is used to rewriting history -- now he's eclipsing it too. The US star claimed the 22nd Olympic gold of his Olympic career Thursday after powering past the opposition in the final of the 200-meter individual medley. For months, Trump has slammed U.S. trade deals with Mexico and South Korea as "horrible" and "disastrous." He wants to fix them by placing hefty fines -- known as tariffs -- on goods coming into the U.S. from foreign countries that don't play fair.
    Now, Clinton says she's ready to impose tariffs too.

  42. Michael Phelps claimed his 22 gold metal in the Olympics. He has broken many records and has now surpassed the best athlete of ancient Greece. He will go down in history as one of the greatest Olympians. Trump recently said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the co-founders of ISIS. Trump says that he was trying to be sarcastic. He thinks the media has missed his sarcasm.

  43. my name is chris booker my set email name is everyone know donald trump and hillory clinton are running for president.Trump claims Obama founded ISIS.In the Olympics the USA basketball team is still unstoppable.micheal phelps in constantly breaking records.

  44. US has 38 medals with China behind them with 31. Michael Phelps wins his 22nd Olympic gold. Trump says he was being sarcastic about his ISIS founder.

  45. Currently in the presidential campaign, Donald Trump is in the lead. Most people that are voting for him aren't really thinking about our country. They are just looking at him for being a joke or being funny. I feel as if he leads our country.. there will be a multitude of mistakes being made. Also, in today's current events.

  46. America O' America home of competitive sports moms and angry politicians. Recent events consists of the countries battling back and fourth for gold while Hilary and Trump are going back and fourth for the reigning title of president. America seems to be in the lead with 38 gold medals and hopefully still counting, when on the other battling hand Hilary seems to be closest to the finish line in the political race. May america continue to battle in hopes of achieving greatness political and athletic wise.

  47. A flight from Boston to Sacramento had to make an emergency landing to Rapid City, South Dakota, at 6:30 pm. Meteorologists say that the plane hit bad weather, causing the bumpy flying conditions. Meanwhile, in South Carolina, a 14 year old dies after collapsing at football practice. Doctors still don't know how he died and are further studying to determine cause of death.

  48. Thailand was bombed by eleven bomb a day. Four people were kill and 34 people had been injured that no one know who was responsible for this. There's no evidence that the attacks are related to international terrorism but it did hit 4 province of Thailand. Then danger of Pokemon Go on Thailand is that they made an off limit zones and how 1,200 Taiwanese received traffic fines in first 3 day.

  49. Yesterday in the swimming pool, swimmer Simone Manuel from team USA won gold in the women's individual all-around event. She was the first African American woman in history to ever win that title. Team USA is currently in the lead with the most gold metals and the most total metals earned. Recently, there was a guy who was climbing up the side of the Trump Tower. After some time, the police safely took care of the guy. Hillary Clinton is leading the polls in key states.

  50. Carmelo Anthony didn’t just become Team USA’s all-time leading scorer in the Olympics on Wednesday at Youth Arena. He saved the Americans from the kind of upset that would have tainted their gem of a program. I hope trump does not makes house because I think everything would be crazy.

  51. There's a new record number of LGBT athletes at the Olympics. Human Rights campaign estimates that there are at least 41 lesbian, gay and bisexual Olympians. I think this are very good news because it means the progress of people opening their mind and accepting everyone in the Olympics.
    Another new is that H. Clinton is at the top of the elections with a 45% vs D. Trump with a 37%.

  52. The Olympic diving pool turned green in Rio de Janeiro. Officials blame the color change on a chemical imbalance in the water, but they said that there were no health risks for the athletes.
    Donald Trump attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS. He is saying that he was being sarcastic.

  53. Just last night Simone Biles won the gold medal in the gymnastics olymics. She won with the points of a 62.198. Just the other day a Colorado family says her son died while fighting with Kurdish forces.

  54. Simone Manuel is the first African American women to win a individual swimming medal. Donald Trump accuses Hilary Clinton and President Obama of creating ISIS.

  55. Simone Manuel makes history becoming the first African American woman to win an individual Olympics event. Trump also says that Obama founded ISIS and Hillary co-founded it, now he is trying to say it was "sarcasm"

  56. 2 major current events are the Olympics and the 2016 presidential campaign race. Michael Phelps made history by winning his 22nd gold medal. With the 2016 presidential campaign coming up Donald Trump has said some bad things about our current president. Donald Trump said that Barrack Obama founded Isis. I do not agree with this statement.

  57. In the Olympics, Micheal Phelps has made more history by winning his 22nd gold medal. He received the gold medal after the 200- meter individual on Thursday. The U.S, now has 38 medals. In other news about the Olympics Simone Biles has won the all around gold medal for gymnastics in Rio. She is grateful and thankful. In other news, Donald Trump claims that Barack Obama created ISIS and Hilary Clinton is the co-founder of ISIS. On Friday, Trump tweeted that he was only being sarcastic he also stated the media was missing his sarcasm. Trump wants to tear down President Obama, so he can become weak, he also wants to weaken Clinton so that they will not have the power to retaliate.

  58. The united states are in the lead with medals with 16 gold, 12 silver, and 10 bronze. The united states swimmers have been killing with the face of the team Michael Phelps winning 4 gold in a row. Donald Trump believes that President Obama and Clinton founded ISIS and is saying that it is there fualt.

  59. On Thursday night, Simone Manuel and Penny Oleksiak of Canada touched the wall in 100m freestyle at the same time. They won a joint gold medal. Also, Trump has tried to take back his controversial claim about President Obama being the founder of ISIS. He is now saying that it was only sarcasm. After stating it multiple times, many people do not believe it was sarcasm after he based President Obama and former Secretary of State, and now Presidental Nominee, Hillary Clinton.

  60. the first african lady won a gold metal in 100 meter for swimming nd they just had talk with donald trump

  61. Phelps has won more gold medals than many countries have in the Olympics. Phelps is expected to resume his battle with South African Chad le Clos in a battle for gold in the 100 meters butterfly. The American beat Le Clos Tuesday to retake his 200m butterfly title, with the South African finishing fourth. Also politics, At a rally in Florida on Wednesday, Donald Trump say, "That Obama founded ISIS and the terrorist organization honors Obama." Including that he also say Clinton is the co-founded ISIS.

  62. People are upset about gabby douglas not putting her hand over her heart when the national athem came on. In my opinion I don't belive she did it intentionally because it be nba players that don't put there hand over there heart but at least she apologized.
    Obama and Clinton found isis.

  63. One Olympics event is the gymnastics. Simone Biles female gymnastic 19 years old win second gold medal.Another event is swimmer Phelps winning his 22nd gold medal.

    Donald Trump attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS. He is saying that he was being sarcastic.

  64. Michael Phelps is back at it again. Winning his 22nd gold medal. Trump accuses President Obama and Hillary Clinton of being the founders of ISIS. Donald Trump latter tweeted on Friday that he was just being sarcastic when he called them the founders of ISIS.

  65. America is up to 35 medals won in the 2016 Rio Olympics, and the athlete Michael Phelps has won his 20th gold medal, making him the most decorated Olympic athlete in the world. In other news, the percentages for the general election seem to be leveling out. On august 13, 2015, Hillary had as much as 19.6 % on Trump, but over time this number has lowered to about 6%. The general election has only showed two times where the majority wanted Trump, and these were both less than 1%.

  66. Simone Biles won the gold medal in the gymnastics olymics.

  67. Pentagon workers and contractors are getting a reminder to keep Pokemon Go off their work phones, amid a report that concerns were raised that the app could be used for spying.

  68. USA has 35 medals in the 2016 Rio Olympics, and Michael Phelps has won his 20th gold medal, making him one of the best Olympic athlete in the world. But in other news, the percentages for the election seem to be leveling out. On Hillary had as much as 19.6 % on Trump, but over time this number has lowered to about 6%. The election has only showed two times where the majority wanted Trump, and these were both less than 1%.

  69. Michael Phelps recently broke yet another record. He received his 22nd gold Olympic medal. This is more than any other country has ever received. On the other hand, in politics, Donald Trump believes that President Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. This whole election is buffoonery.

  70. That boy mike phelps broke another record for swimming.
    Trump thinks Obama and Clinton are founders of isis

  71. trump suggests isis founder was sarcasm. according to nbc , this is not the first time that they said something like this was a joke. stated that Biles took the gold with a total of 62.198, ahead of her compatriot Aly Raisman, who claimed silver, while Russia’s Aliya Mustafina took the bronze"

  72. omg the olypics was fye bruh. micheal phelps won four gold medals. last night he won a gold medal. simone biles also won a gold medal for america. she won gold in gymnastics. simone manuel a swimmer also won a gold was amazing last night in the olypics. and donald trump is still going for president. its a shame.

  73. Donald Trump described President Obama as the founder of ISIS. Trump also accused Hillary of being the co-founder of the group

    Michael Phelps recently broke yet another record. He received his 22nd gold Olympic medal. This is more than any other country has ever received. On the other hand

  74. At the Olympics in Rio an Olympic diving pool has turned green and many people on social media are speculating on what it could be that caused this.In other news president Obama is being called the founder of Isis according to Donald trump.

  75. Michael phelps won four awards, and last night he won a gold medal. Donald trump suggest barak obama is the founder of isis.

  76. Donald Trump believes that President Obama and Clinton founded ISIS and is saying that it is there fault. Mike Phelps broke another record for swimming. He received his 22nd gold Olympic medal.

  77. Michael Phelps is back at it again. Winning his 22nd gold medal . Simone Biles won yet another gold medal for her amazing performance on the beam. Her team mate Aly Raisman earned silver.Donald Trump say, "That Obama founded ISIS and the terrorist organization honors Obama." Including that he also say Clinton is the co-founded ISIS.

  78. Donald Trump tries to take back claim Obama founded ISIS.Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were co founders of ISIS saying he was being sarcastic. Rio 2016 Day 6: Simone Manuel makes history Phelps gets 22nd gold.Swimmers Michael Phelps and Simone Manuel stole the show at the pool Thursday night, and superstar gymnast Simone Biles became the fourth straight American woman to win gold in the individual all around event. she has opportunities to earn more next week.

  79. USA survived their first serious test of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, overcoming Australia 98-88 in a tense and enthralling basketball game at Carioca Arena.

    The Pot Industry Is Taking Over Pro-Pot Efforts. Each of the measures calls for making it legal for people older than 21 to possess small amounts of pot, taxing the drug and allowing regulated stores to sell it

  80. Simone Manuel became the first African-American woman to win a gold medal for the United States in an individual swimming event after she finished alongside Canada's Penny Oleksiak in a time of 52.70 seconds. she also won a silver during the free style relay . michael phelps also broke another record in swimming for winning four medals in a row.onald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were co-founders of ISIS . then donald tweets saying he was being sarcastic.

  81. It was a night of triumph and history for the United States in two of the Olympics' showcase sports at the Rio Games.Manuel entered the history books by becoming the first African-American female swimmer to win an individual Olympics event. The other article talked about how Donald Trump said that said Thursday he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the "founder of ISIS" .

  82. USA overcame a very good game against Australia but they end up beating them 98-88.Micheal Phelps also broke another record in the swimming Olympics.

  83. America is up to 35 medals won in the 2016 Rio Olympics, and the athlete Michael Phelps has won his 20th gold medal, making him the most decorated Olympic athlete in the world. In other news, the percentages for the general election seem to be leveling out.

    Donald Trump claims that Barack Obama created ISIS and Hilary Clinton is the co-founder of ISIS. On Friday, Trump tweeted that he was only being sarcastic he also stated the media was missing his sarcasm. Trump wants to tear down President Obama, so he can become weak, he also wants to weaken Clinton so that they will not have the power to retaliate.

  84. Michael Phelps won his 22nd Olympic gold on Thursday, August 12th, 2016. Michael Phelps won the 200-meter individual medley for the fourth consecutive Games.Phelps didn't just win -- "he smashed it" according to CNN. Donald Trump made claims that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were co founders of ISIS.Trump had no evidence to support this claim, but he was very confident in these words.

  85. Michael phelps won the 200m mens swimming race with his 22th gold medal. he plans to retire the year. Many Rolls-Royce owners don't drive the car themselves. They hire someone to do that. In the next century they won't even have to bother paying someone to drive their Rolls. The car will take care of the driving on its own according to

  86. Micheal phelps broke a ancient record. Clinton is starting to sound like trump and do

  87. Bad turbulence on a Jetblue flight sent 24 people to the hospital after they landed. They were thrown around in the plane. This is a person, who doesn't like flying, worst nightmare. Five Guys had the burger with the highest protein in a study. Shake Shack has the highest level of trans fat which isn't good.

  88. The USA Mens Basketball Team squeezed past a victory playing Australia trailing in the first half and 3/5 starters being basically scoreless ,with a bare win of 88-96.
    Also D>Trump recently make a blunt "sarcastic" saying Pres.Obama and Clinton were the co-founders of ISIS.

  89. The United States Olympic team won 2 gold medals yesterday. also Donald trump said Obama founded ISIS.

  90. Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyl failed her drug test at the Rio Olympics. Xinyl had already competed in the 100-meter butterfly event and is scheduled to compete in the 50-meter freestyle. Donald Trump is saying that Obama is the founder of the Isis and he was saying that it was sarcasm and he was trying explain why he said it.

  91. if trump wins we need to impeach him and if Hillary wins we need to get ready for another 911 because we all know that the George bush did that for money from the middle east. get ready yall its gonna be a messed up 4 years

  92. if trump wins we need to impeach him and if Hillary wins we need to get ready for another 911 because we all know that the George bush did that for money from the middle east. get ready yall its gonna be a messed up 4 years

  93. Michael Phelps broke a previous ancient record help by the "Baltimore Bullet" meanwhile Donald Trump makes a disrespectful comment stating that Obama founded ISIS

  94. Simone Manuel made history Thursday night becoming the first african american female to win an individual Olympic event.The other article states the Trump called President Obama the "founder of ISIS"

  95. Micheal Phelps has set the record of receiving his 22nd Olympic gold medal. He took home a total of 4 medals from Rio. He was one of the many on the U.S swim team to receive a medal.Michael Phelps won the 200-meter individual medley for the fourth successive Games.

    Donald Trump said in an interview recently that he is basically okay with trying US citizens in military courts. Everything is wrong with this statement.President George W. Bush authorized the trial of non-citizens who engage or support acts of terrorism after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but a US citizen has never been tried in military courts under that order.If they have never been tried before there's no reason to start now.

  96. After hammering Donald Trump on the campaign trail for refusing to reveal his tax returns, Hillary Clinton released her latest federal income tax return Friday, showing she and Bill paid roughly a third of their multi-million dollar income to Uncle Sam, and Their tax return showed that they paid $3.24 million in federal income taxes. and Michael Phelps claimed the 22nd Olympic gold of his Olympic career Thursday after powering past the opposition in the final of the 200-meter individual medley.

  97. Last night during the 2016 Rio Olympics Michael Phelps won the 200-meter individual medley for the forth successive game. This has made it Phelps 22nd Olympic gold. In addition to Phelp's success,USA's Simone Manuel took gold in the 100-meter freestyle. This made her the first African-American to win a gold medal for the United States in an individual swimming event.
    In other news, Donald Trump has recently stated in an interview that he would support trying US citizens suspected of terrorism in military tribunals. The US naval base is also home to a military prison housing captured terror suspects. Trump addressed the Guantanamo Bay detention center climate change amd the Zika virus in a wide-ranging interview with the Miami Herald.

  98. A Simone Biles won all-around gold at Rio. Before she struggle to live up to the hype. But in Rio it was the hype which failed to keep up with Simone Biles. When her first Olympic game made a mockery. Everyone could not believe that. By the time she left the floor after recording the highest score of the night, 15.933.
    American still spend time on their home these day. Actually one departments stores Macy's set to close 100 stores. So i think we need moving and walking outside.

  99. Donald Trump will receive his first nation security briefing in New York. Trump will receive as the Republican nominee for president. He has never had any access to any classified national security information. Kaori Icho became the first female to win a gold medal in the individual events at the olympics.

  100. On a recent Mars lander mission the ship that was supposed to land got lost 50 seconds beforehand. Recently a random stranger took a child from a cart at a store from surveillance.

  101. On a recent Mars lander mission the ship that was supposed to land got lost 50 seconds beforehand. Recently a random stranger took a child from a cart at a store from surveillance.

  102. 2 major current events are the Olympics and the 2016 presidential campaign race. Michael Phelps made history by winning his 22nd gold medal. With the 2016 presidential campaign coming up Donald Trump has said some bad things about our current president. Donald Trump said that Barrack Obama founded Isis. I do not agree with this statement.

