Friday, August 26, 2016

Freewrite - Current Event

Post and comment on  one current event on any event from


  1. Hilary Clinton caught Donald Trump red handed. They believe the Trump campaign is built off of "Prejudice and paranoia". She is saying trumps campaign is connected to the KKK. She feels he is unfit for president. Trumps response was "shame on you". Clinton describes his campaign as a "long history of discrimination."

  2. With only 4 days left to sign up for the Minnesota ballot, Trump finally gets his name on. The current presidential candidate and GOP representative has switched out his campaign managers many times and now, as the ballots are being finalized, he has no one who has run a campaign before in his main circle of advisers.

  3. Zaevion William a 15 year old jumped in front of gunfire to save his friends. Protecting 3 girls he was with while 2 attackers shot at them none of the 3 where injured but Williams life sadly got taken. The president even commented on the situation saying a "hero at 15." What happened here was a selfless act of this teen for saving 3 lives.

  4. Security researchers announced that they had discovered a new piece of iPhone malware that allowed attackers to see everything on your iPhone. They traced the unknown spyware back to an Israeli based company called NSO Group. Apple recommends anyone using an iPhone update to iOS 9.3.5 immediately. It appears that governments had used NSO's software to target journalists and human rights workers.

  5. In Syria a barrel bomb went off that killed more than a dozen people, including children, in one of two deadly attacks Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the Aleppo Media Center.

  6. Did Donald Trump actually believe that raising baseless accusations about the health of Hillary Clinton, who is two years his junior, will somehow cause people to stop supporting her and side with him or a third party candidate?Even Trump's new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, seemed to disavow this new health smear, telling CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday night that the approach by campaign surrogates was a "strategy" that was not her "style."

  7. In South Korea, a top executive facing corruption charges was found dead early Friday. He was found dead a few hours before he was to be questioned prosecutors. The police said they found a necktie tied around the mans neck when they found his dead body. They say he might've hanged himself but the cause of death still hasn't been determined.

  8. People from Africa were threatened that if they don't give money to the government, then they will be killed. S they set to sea. Over 30 people shared 1 small raft with no food, no water, for 3 days until they got rescued from the government from Italy and sailed back home where they got food, drinks, and shoes for their feet.

  9. immigrants are being saved from the Mediterranean and sent to Italy. i personally dont think that they will be getting exactly what they hoped for but its better than where they came from so its definitely worth it

  10. A tourist trapped in cabin for month. A Czech tourist, was trapped in a cabin for a month after in New Zealand her partner died at a National Park. She was thankful she was rescued

  11. On Thursday, a new piece of malware was found on Iphones. The malware allowed an Israeli-based company called the NSO Group to spy virtually in your phones. Apple fixed the issue with a new update, so Apple is urging people to update their phones to prevent this problem.

  12. Recently a lady plunged from a zip line and died. Reporters say that the 59 year old fell forty feet from her original position. She was then transported to a hospital in Delaware where she was pronounced dead.

  13. An inflatable boat traveling from Libya to Italy puts lives in danger as there is no supplies. luckily a rescue team was dispatched and saved all passengers

  14. The 2016 Election and The Olympics, are two big current events that are taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon (2months 12days 16hours 20mins), to see who our new president off the United States will be. According to, Hillary Clinton is in the lead/winning, while Donald Trump is falling behind by eight percent.

  15. a new piece of malware was found on Iphones. The malware allowed an Israeli-based company called the NSO Group to spy virtually in your phones. Apple fixed the issue with a new update, so Apple is urging people to update their phones to prevent this problem.

  16. There are immigrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea and dying because they don't know the waters well enough. They aren't able to get across due to horrible waves, lack or food and water, and overcrowding.

  17. Fetanyl is being passed off as other drugs and is a really strong opioid from China and taking just one pill can kill you

  18. Singer Aaliyah was killed in a plane crash in the Bahamas. Fifteen years ago today an uprising star died when leaving the Bahamas. She was called the princess of R&B. Some would even say she would've been the next Beyonce. May here soul rest in peace.

  19. japanese male driver hit and killed 70 year old lady and injured another woman from playing pokemon go in a truck.

  20. 10 year old was ran over by a SUV saving her two friends who were 3-4 years younger than her.

  21. Yesterday during a routine traffic stop, West Virginia state troopers came upon a drunk driver. The state troopers did what they were trained to do and pulled the young woman over for a drug test. As soon as the troopers opened the car door they said that there was an overwhelming stench and an interior covered with garbage. When the troopers started to thoroughly exam the vehicle they found a little baby covered in vomit and coughing hysterically. The troopers immediately took the mother into custody for DUI and started a pending case charging her with child abuse. On the other hand one of the state troopers (named Graham) took the 1-year old baby to the barrack to bathe him and wait for the child services to take him under the wing. The troopers said the mother couldn't even remember the baby's name how intoxicated she was. Gladly, the child services placed him with a guardian that they know will take care of him with much love and care.

  22. HilaryClinton was clearly seeking to reframe the campaign debate as a referendum on Trump's fitness to be commander in chief during a week in which she has dealt with an onslaught of allegations that she used her influence as secretary of state to help donors to the Clinton Foundation.She feels he is unfit for president. Trumps response was "shame on you". Clinton describes his campaign as a "long history of discrimination."

  23. Georgia law allows guns in some schools, bars, churches -
    "Among its many extreme provisions, it allows guns in TSA lines at the country's busiest airport, forces community school boards into bitter, divisive debates about whether they should allow guns in their children's classrooms, and broadens the conceal carry eligibility to people who have previously committed crimes with guns," the group's senior adviser. While the bill says no one is allowed to carry a firearm past an airport's security screening checkpoint, it allows guns in other areas, comprising "an airport drive, general parking area, walkway, or shops and areas of the terminal that are outside the screening checkpoint." forbid police officers who see a resident carrying a gun to ask for their permit unless they're committing a crime.

  24. a west sate trooper has done a very good deed. a baby was found at routine traffic stop and was covered in vomit. west Virginia state troopers pulled over a drunk driver only to find a baby covered in the drivers puke. the baby was in pretty bad condition, he had a bad cough and only had a diaper on. the state trooper took the child and cleaned him soon as the child was clean he couldn't stop laughing and smiling

  25. 1 year since news crew was killed on air.

  26. A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson's selfless act was his last. Dobson, who was a sophomore high school football player in Knoxville, Tennessee, had been with his friends when two men approached the group and began firing. Dobson protected three girls who were not injured.

  27. now Hillary Clinton is going after trump in more ways than one. she is stepping out of the shadow and going after. this comes after Donald trump came out to same that she was a bigot. the democratic party has been waiting for an attack like this to really hurt Donald trump. she might have made Donald trump numbers in the polls go down.

  28. uber is loosing big lump somes money. there not really speaking on the situation but it is rumered that they have lost at least a billion dollars in the year of 2016

  29. Hilary Clinton caught Donald Trump red handed. They believe the Trump campaign is built off of "Prejudice and paranoia". She is saying trumps campaign is connected to the KKK. Hillary Clinton is going after trump in more ways than one. she is stepping out of the shadow and going after. this comes after Donald trump came out to same that she was a bigot. the democratic party has been waiting for an attack like this to really hurt Donald trump.

  30. A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson's selfless act was his last.

    In December, Dobson, who was a sophomore high school football player in Knoxville, Tennessee, had been with his friends when two men approached the group and began firing. Dobson protected three girls who were not injured.

  31. The drug that killed Prince is showing up in counterfeit form across the US with devastating effects. Long before Prince died of a fentanyl overdose, the Drug Enforcement Administration was preparing a document to share with law enforcement around the country. It was a warning. Weeks after Prince died, the document was published, and titled "Counterfeit Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyls: A Global Threat."

  32. David Sills didn't ask for Lane Kiffin to show up and turn his life sideways. Didn't ask to be offered a scholarship to mighty USC when he was just 13 years old. Didn't ask for the national attention, and then scrutiny, that came with the offer.Three years later, Kiffin was fired, and his replacement, Steve Sarkisian, said Sills no longer fit USC's scheme. Then Sills missed a majority of his senior season in high school because of an injury, and the next thing you know, he's sitting in head coach Dana Holgorsen's office at West Virginia after his freshman season, and one of the game's most respected quarterback gurus tells him he can play a long time in the NFL.

  33. The drug that killed Prince is showing up in counterfeit form across the US with devastating effects.
    Long before Prince died of a fentanyl overdose, the Drug Enforcement Administration was preparing a document to share with law enforcement around the country. It was a warning. Weeks after Prince died, the document was published, and titled "Counterfeit Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyls: A Global Threat.""Prince is the most notable and famous person who tragically died from an opioid overdose. But we are seeing it in every town in Minnesota." U.S Senator Amy Klobuchar, who represents Minnesota, told CNN.

  34. A 59 year old women from Delaware fell 40 feet and died.she fell from a zip line at an amusement park and the police are investigating how this happened.

  35. A bomb killed at least 15 people, including children, in one or two deadly attacks Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 11 children had died.

  36. A teen gave his life to safe three friends.

  37. Earlier this week there was a earthquake in Italy. It killed alot of people. The death poll as of right now it 247 deaths. This was a tragic earthquake. That one earthquake started alot more of earthquakes too in Italy.

  38. At the Denver Zoo, Dolly the elephant has been offered hospice care. Zoo officials say that she has been experiencing discomfort and her appetite has decreased. The zoo does not know the exact age of the elephant but she is thought to be 52 years old. This makes her the 10th oldest elephant in the world.

  39. It has been a year since a news crew in Virginia has been killed. They were killed by an ex-employee for the news. 2 were shot at point blank range and were killed. 1 managed to survive but was in critical condition.

  40. A truck driver coming in from Mexico, smuggled 65 lbs of heroin into the USA. The two alleged traffickers made it all the way to Westchester County in New York, and were arrested. The heroin was to be given to local disturbers in the area to sell in the Northeastern side of the country. The government seized the heroin.

  41. President Barack Obama is expanding a national monument off the coast of his native Hawaii, establishing the largest protected marine sanctuary in the world, the White House announced Friday.

  42. Over 3,770 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean in Europe in 2015. Many still attempt the deadly voyage. While in the water they do not trust anyone because they think they will get kid napped or arrested. The MOAS rescued 366 people in 24 hours. Many of the migrants have filed conflict zones in Africa.After fleeing home, migrants travel to costal cities where they are at the mercy of kidnappers and pirates. Migrants can drift for days facing temperatures upward of 90 degrees, with little water and no protection from the sun.

  43. On Thursday two suspects were charged for killing a 15 year old boy and attempting to kill his friends. Zaevion Dobson leaped in front of his friends to use his body as shield of protection. This courageous action caused him his life, but his friends weren't harmed by the gunfire. The teen who's dream was to be a football player/coach was mentioned at the ESPYS for what he did.

  44. "The speech that Hillary Clinton delivered on Thursday was the one that many Democrats had been waiting for." That speech that she gave was one of "her best" so many experts. She showed what is good about her and she talked about the truth, that Trump just wanted to make anything worse.

  45. Ensconced in the axle of a painted-over tractor trailer, the more than 65 pounds of heroin were smuggled across the Mexican border with Texas and transported across the country to a house nestled in the woods 30 miles north of New York City.On Tuesday, authorities seized that heroin, a fraction of the 10,000 to nearly 15,000 pounds seized in the United States each year. They also arrested two alleged traffickers, amid a spike in opioid overdoses and deaths in the United States.

  46. A football player in Tennessee was shot and killed when protecting his friends. The boy and 3 girls were walking together when the shooter walked in front of them and started shooting. The boy jumped onto his friends, shielding them from harm. However, the bullets killed him.

  47. Apple had found malware in the iPhone that allows the hacker to see everything on your iPhone. It is said that the malware was created in an Israeli based company called the NSO Group. Apple suggests that you install iOS 9.3.5 update to patch those holes in the security.

  48. Yesterday during a routine traffic stop, West Virginia state troopers came upon a drunk driver.The state troopers pulled the young woman over for a drug test. soon as the car door opened they said that there was an overwhelming stench and the interior was covered with garbage. When the troopers started to exam the car they found a baby covered in vomit and coughing hysterically. They immediately took the mom into custody for DUI and started a pending case charging her with child of One of the state troopers took the 1-year old baby to the barrack to bathe him and wait for the child services to take him under there custody. The mother of the child did not even recognize the baby or remember the child's name. The baby is now with an guardian that is great, and loving.

  49. It has been one year since the WDBJ news report shooting. August 26th 20,15 a news reporter and her cameraman were killed. Shot and killed at the scene by a former news reporter that was fired. He also shot another member at the scene who actually survived to tell the story. She was speaking on tourists as the former anchor pulls out a gun and shoots the anchor, her camera man, and the woman that was being interviewed leaving 2 dead 1 wounded.

  50. The security researchers announced on Thursday that they had discovered a new type of iPhone malware that allowed attackers to see virtually everything on your iPhone. NSO openly sells software that it says can track a person's mobile phone and many of its clients are governments.

  51. Hilary clinton goes on the offensive and calls out Donald trump. She states that he promotes hate speech."From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia," Clinton said during her speech at Truckee Meadows College. Trump denies this and retorts by saying "shame on you."

  52. The speech that Hillary Clinton delivered on Thursday was the one that many Democrats had been waiting for. It was a blistering attack on Donald Trump's divisive rhetoric that left no gaffe or alleged dog-whistle unmentioned, framing him as a vessel for hate speech, a champion of conspiracy theories, and a representative of the far-right fringe of the Republican Party.

  53. People from Africa were threatened that if they don't give money to the government, then they will be killed. S they set to sea. Over 30 people shared 1 small raft with no food, no water, for 3 days until they got rescued from the government from Italy and sailed back home where they got food, drinks, and shoes for their feet.

  54. Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the Aleppo Media Center, a barrel bomb went off that killed more than a dozen people, including children, in one of two deadly attacks that occurred.

  55. a lady lost her five children in a syria barrel bomb attack. this is honestly sad in my opinion and its even more sad how things like this happen in syria everyday

  56. 11 children die in the syrian air strike

  57. the are talking about immigrants trying to cross the sea

  58. oregon opens up a facility after marcus mariota. the building was for student athletes help with the healt and perfomance of the athletes.

  59. police are just now catching a couple that burned a killed a 15 year old girl 4 years ago they say the man was caught because he was already wanted for a marijuana charge and he confessed what happen so now they looking for the man's girlfriend after 4 years

  60. they found an plannet four light years away from our solar system they said it may be in habitable for life they say it may be sustaniable for life

  61. A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson's selfless act was his last. Dobson, who was a sophomore high school football player in Knoxville, Tennessee, had been with his friends when two men approached the group and began firing. Dobson protected three girls who were not injured

  62. David Sills didn't ask for Lane Kiffin to show up and turn his life sideways. Didn't ask to be offered a scholarship to mighty USC when he was just 13 years old. Didn't ask for the national attention, and then scrutiny, that came with the offer.Three years later, Kiffin was fired, and his replacement, Steve Sarkisian, said Sills no longer fit USC's scheme.

  63. Two boys were desperately clinging to each other as they grieve for their dead brother in Aleppo, Syria. The government was also found of using chemical weapons.

  64. Maine Gov. Paul LePage left an expletive-laced voicemail for a state lawmaker that goaded him to "prove that I'm a racist" after a series of controversial comments once again put the governor in the news.

  65. The drug that killed Prince is showing up in counterfeit form across the US with devastating effects.
    Long before Prince died of a fentanyl overdose, the Drug Enforcement Administration was preparing a document to share with law enforcement around the country. It was a warning. Weeks after Prince died, the document was published, and titled "Counterfeit Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyls: A Global Threat.""Prince is the most notable and famous person who tragically died from an opioid overdose. But we are seeing it in every town in Minnesota." U.S Senator Amy Klobuchar, who represents Minnesota, told CNN.

  66. Hilary Clinton was clearly seeking to re-frame the campaign debate as a referendum on Trump's fitness to be commander in chief during a week in which she has dealt with an onslaught of allegations that she used her influence as secretary of state to help donors to the Clinton Foundation.She feels he is unfit for president. Trumps response was "shame on you".

  67. A bomb killed at least 15 people, including children, in one or two deadly attacks Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 11 children had died.

  68. Patrick Hardison's face transplant has given him a new hope for life. He can now walk in crowds without strangers staring and pointing at him.

  69. A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire.

  70. In Syria a barrel bomb went off that killed more than a dozen people, including children, in one of two deadly attacks Thursday in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the Aleppo Media Center.

  71. There were no charges for the policemen who killed a black man. Although the man waved a knife to the police.

  72. 11 children were killed in syria due to an air strike.ima be real honest i dont know whats going on in syria but i sounds bad ive seen something about it on cnn every week

  73. A 15yearold jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson's selfless act was his last.

  74. Teen gets no jail time for sex assaults. The former high school athlete is only getting 2 years of probation for his sex assaults.

  75. Teen gets no jail time for sex assaults. The former high school athlete is only getting 2 years of probation for his sex assaults.

  76. A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson's selfless act was his last. Dobson, who was a sophomore high school football player in Knoxville, Tennessee, had been with his friends when two men approached the group and began firing. Dobson protected three girls who were not injured

  77. A women lost her 5 children in a barrel bomb attack in Syrian.

  78. A man who was servirly burned in afire is now making history. Sirgens are doing the best they can to try and fix his facial appearance to what it used to be. He had a very thoughtful donor that donated her cartilage to him so he could be able to under go some of his facial reconstruction. he has made history by becoming the most transformed burn victim.

  79. A man who didn't know he had the Zika virus gave it to his female partner. The CDC now knows that it is sexually transmitted. It is the first documented case of it being transmitted sexually. A 15 year old boy, Zaevion William Dobson, jumped over his friends to shield them from gunfire. Two men approached the group of teens and opened fire. Dobson protected two girls who were not injured.

  80. Jennifer Puente has been on the run since 2012. She killed her friend Moriah Gonzalez in 2012 and has never been seen again. She is a sociopath that use to tell people that she likes killing people and burning their bodies and no one reported her to any homeland security. They are still looking for her to this day.

  81. Despite the racist comments Leslie Jones might have faced on Twitter about her part in Ghostbusters, people say that they have Leslie Jones' back

  82. 3 men were killed in a neighborhood by a man with a CROSSBOW

  83. The 2016 Election and The Olympics, are two big current events that are taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon (2months 12days 16hours 20mins), to see who our new president off the United States will be. According to, Hillary Clinton is in the lead/winning, while Donald Trump is falling behind by eight percent.

  84. The 5 children dead after bomb attack in Aleppo. that current make feel sad for people.

  85. The drug that killed Prince is showing up in counterfeit form across the US with devastating effects.
    Long before Prince died of a fentanyl overdose, the Drug Enforcement Administration was preparing a document to share with law enforcement around the country.

  86. A tourist trapped in cabin for month. A Czech tourist, was trapped in a cabin for a month after in New Zealand her partner died at a National Park. She was thankful she was rescued

  87. As per the reports from a monitoring group, two deadly barrel bomb attacks killed at least 15 people in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Of the total 15 dead, 11 were children. According to CNN, barrel bomb attacks are commonly practiced by the Syrian regime. A UK based monitoring group mentioned that eight people lost their lives on Thursday, after mortar rounds were fired by the rebels in the regime-held areas in Western Aleppo.

  88. Hillary clinton has a coughing fit in front of supporters and then gets questioned about her health

  89. There was recently a suicide bombing in a Japanese park.

  90. Jennifer Puente has been on the run since 2012. She killed her friend Moriah Gonzalez in 2012 and has never been seen again. She is a sociopath that use to tell people that she likes killing people and burning their bodies and no one reported her to any homeland security. They are still looking for her to this day.
