Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Freewrite- Politics

Summarize one current event referring to the current presidential elections. Minimum one paragraph


  1. 15,000 new emails have been found on Hillary Clinton's servers. This is especially shocking because she did not hand these over willing during previous investigations, and she stated under oath that all emails had been disclosed. The new emails will be released to the public only weeks before the elections.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Donald Trump just visited the states that are flooded not only to get more votes, but also to help. It seems like Trump doesn't only want popularity he also wants to help. Could this be a change in Donald Trump?

    1. no, he probably doing it to make him look better and then he will get more votes just from making it look like he changed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. trump decided to cancel two upcoming campaigning events, but for what? He says that there will be schedule changes in his campaigning. There are new questions about trumps position in the "immigrant issue," so they will be delaying his speech. Trump also states that because of the flood in Louisiana, he will have to make other changes as well. "The campaign has decided to cancel the Aug. 31 fundraiser and rally in Portland as Mr. Trump has had to make changes to his calendar in the wake of the Louisiana flood disaster,"

  5. Hilary's emails are being brought up again and are being used to question her foundation as a president.

  6. Long-time Clinton supporter James Carville said Monday if there is a complete shutdown of the Clinton Foundation, people will die. Clinton Foundation wont accept any foreign donations after the election if she wins. Trump called the foundation "the most corrupt enterprise in political history" and continued his call to shut it down.

  7. Trump And Clintons Dirt Are Coming To The Light !
    Trump is being still ignorant and Clinton is clearly lieing about emails and other things in that nature . neither one should be prez , bernie for prez !

  8. Trump developed a new campaign pitch this week arguing that African-Americans have been struggling and taken for granted by the Democratic party and should consider a different direction by November. He predicted that if he were to run for re-election after a first term, he would capture 95% of the African-American vote. He wants the Republican party to be the home of the African-American voters once again.

  9. Flashpoints arrive frequently and violently as young Texas second baseman Rougned Odor spars his way through the early stages of a career that teammate Elvis Andrus swears will lead him one day straight into the Hall of Fame. Baseball or boxing Hall of Fame, Andrus doesn't specify. For now, it's probably safer that way.Even at that, the sledgehammer blow Odor delivered to the face of Toronto slugger and bat-flipper Jose Bautista one simmering hot May afternoon in Texas was stunning both in its rapid delivery and brute force.He plays with a lot of emotion

  10. They have found some things in Hilary's emails again. This is not the 1st time this happened. Could this affect the amount the votes she get? Could this be the reason of her losing the election? All these will be answered in about a month.

  11. Donald is making a pitch to gain African American's vote. His pitch line was what do you have to lose. He states that African American's are already living in poverty so what do they have to lose. In my opinion this is very inaccurate and offensive to the black community but I would expect nothing less from Donald Trump.

  12. This election is very close and could be a landslide compared to statistics. There hasn't been a landslide in several elections. Trump has a lot of states voting for him and Hilary has a lot of states too, so this could go either way.

  13. A new poll in Ohio shows Hillary Clinton slightly ahead of Donald Trump. Clinton had the support of 43% of likely Ohio voters while Trump had 39%. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson had the backing of 10% of those surveyed, and 8% were didn't know who to vote for.

  14. President Barack Obama has decided to go to Baton Rouge, Louisiana today but people are really criticizing him. Some Republicans are saying that he was way too late. They say that since he wasn't there before or during the tragedy and all the financial and human costs already took their toll, there really is no point of him showing up.

  15. In the current elections Hilary Clinton is in the lead with 45%. Critics are saying Mr. Colin Powell is the one who suggested to Clinton she should use a private email. The secretary of state is saying Hilary's campaign is trying to pin it all on them. But, years before this happened Clinton was using a private email. Even though, she apologizes critics such as Donald Trump still believes shes crooked.

  16. Trump campaign manager rips 'distorted' immigration reports--
    Donald Trump is delaying his major address on immigration initially scheduled for Thursday in Colorado because the Republican nominee is trying to get a better handle on " a complex issue," Kellyanne Conway (manager) explained Tuesday, blasting reports that Trump is softening or changing his approach on immigration enforcement. Asked whether Trump is signaling a change in the way he is talking of immigration, Conway remarked that the reporting of Trump's meeting with Hispanic leaders last weekend has gotten "inaccurate a bit built on somebody who was in the room."

  17. People have brought up Hillary Clinton emails again.

  18. Donald trump ,our main man in politics, seems to be hiding something. just yesterday trump tweeted that "when all things calm down he will tell the real story". what exactly will he be telling?

  19. 13 people were killed in a flood in Louisiana. The people says that Barack Obama was too late to rescue them because he wanted to enjoy his vacation. As a result Donald Trump came but some think it was only for votes. Now Obama is being targeted as a bad, careless person. After his vacation he was sent to Louisiana.

  20. They have found some things in Hilary's emails again.however this is not the first it happen.Donald is making a throw to gain African American's vote. meanwhile it a close election this year.

  21. Hillary Clinton has a narrow advantage over Trump in Ohio. This poll was released Monday. It shows that 43% to 39% would vote for Hillary Clinton to be their next president. Trump is 83% of Republicans support and Hillary is getting 88% of Democrat support.

  22. Hillary Clinton has made a public statement regarding visiting Louisiana. She said that she would visit at a time when the elections/campaigns won't disrupt the response. Unlike Trump, Clinton actually cares about America and she only wants the best for us.

  23. Hillary Clinton is blaming one man for the private emails saying it was his fault.Colin Powell has been fighting back that Hillary Clinton started this a year before he sent a memo telling her what I did.

  24. The 2016 Election and The Olympics, are two big current events that are taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon (2months 15days 16hours 11mins), to see who our new president off the United States will be. According to CNN.com, Hillary Clinton is in the lead/winning, while Donald Trump is falling behind by eight percent.

  25. The election is in 2 months and 15 daYS. currently, the poll is at clinton being 45% and trump 35%

  26. Judge Reed O'Connor blocks Obama school transgender policy but only temporarily. Supporters of the LGBT community fully support what Obama is trying to implement inside the school system. These supporters are using claims published by the Board of Education stating "There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex." Critics of the LBGT community think the complete opposite like I do. I don't think it would be reasonable to allow a "female" born with male parts in a women's restroom. That would lead to a serious risk for our young ladies to get possibly raped or to feel uncomfortable. In my opinion this just isn't the move, especially for the people of our generation.

  27. In politics today we have Hilory that is has 45% voting percentage. I'm happy that she has this many votes because I want her to win. I'm not saying that I hate Donald Trump because hate is a strong word, but I don't want him to win because he wants all gone!!!

  28. Donald Trump just visited the states that are flooded not only to get more votes, but also to help.

  29. Melenia Trump, the wife of the Republican presidential nominee, has placed The Daily Mail and other news organizations "on notice... for making false and defamatory statements about her supposedly having been an 'escort' in the 1990s

  30. Hillary Clinton has a advantage over Trump in the state of Ohio. The polls find Hillary being up four points against Trump, 43% to 39%.

  31. A US service member was killed Tuesday by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan's Helmand Province. They were killed by an existing 500 troop. Some were injured, but more and likely kill after or send to a hospital.

  32. the presidential race is getting closer and closer and it feel like yesterday they had one and now there will be a new president. i feel like Hillary Clinton will win it because Donald trump is so aggressive to people. he doesn't care who he talks about and if he was president i would fear for the world getting into a war. this is what we don't want and he may bring it with his relationship with Russia. he really denied having a friendship with the leader of Russia.

  33. The Monmouth poll found Clinton and Trump performing about the same with voters of their respective parties, which suggests there is growing party unity as the election approaches and both candidates continue to work to shore up their base. Trump is backed by 83% of Republicans, and Clinton gets the support of 88% of Democrats.Meanwhile, independents back Trump and Clinton in equal measure 35% with a full 20% saying they'll go for Johnson. In demographic terms, Clinton and Trump are both outperforming their predecessors, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, among the groups that those candidates lost in 2012.

  34. Donald Trump has been cancelling and planning many events recently but for what purpose? He is being slightly secretive about it as well.

  35. Hillary Clinton has a narrow advantage over Trump in Ohio. This poll was released Monday. The polls find Hillary being up four points against Trump, 43% to 39%. Colin Powell has been fighting back that Hillary Clinton started this a year before he sent a memo telling her what I did.

  36. Hillary Clinton has a narrow advantage over Trump in Ohio. This poll was released Monday. The polls find Hillary being up four points against Trump, 43% to 39%. Colin Powell has been fighting back that Hillary Clinton started this a year before he sent a memo telling her what I did.

  37. Trump is trying to get more votes by trying to appeal to African Americans.But once again his words would of course offend the people hes talking too. He told the African american community they had nothing to lose since they live in poverty which is not accurate there is plenty of wealthy and middle class African Americans.

  38. One of the operation's most prominent leaders is 12-year-old Weston Imer starting a campaign for Trump. Weston said, "If we do not elect Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, school shootings could triple under the next four to eight years under the poor leadership of Hillary Clinton." This caught my attention how a 12 year old boy is already thinking about our education and politics toward Trump and Hilary. Weston also helps coordinate volunteers and the office's get-out-the-vote operation, told CNN Colorado affiliate KDVR. His mother think this is a great opportunity for him to learn about politics process before he goes back to school.

  39. Trump called for a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton; earlier Monday, he said it should be shut down. Trump went on offense using bulk of speech in Akron, Ohio, to attack Clinton. Hillary Clinton leads in the polls nationally.

  40. Hillary Clinton leads in the polls nationally and in key battleground states, but the flood of stories regarding her private email server and donations to the Clinton Foundation demonstrate the former secretary of state

  41. In 2016 Presidential election,Hillary Clinton is winning the election because 45% of the people voted for her than trump. Donald trump would be a terrible president because trump doesn't care about anyone but himself.

  42. Trump leads among a wide array of Republican primary voters. He appears to have tapped into public anger toward Washington: he holds a large lead among Republican primary voters who say they are angry. And 79 percent think Trump says what he believes, rather than what people want to hear, far higher than the other candidates tested.

  43. Hillary Clinton is leading in the poles on a national level. However, there have been many stories about her private emails and some of her donations to the Clinton Foundation. Trump used these stories to go on the offensive. Trump says that her actions are those of a criminal. Many people believe she should be locked up.

  44. Hillary Clinton is leading in the polls nationally and key states. Donald Trump continues to call her a criminal and he started a chant against her at one of his rallies in Ohio. Trump continues to question the integrity of Clinton.

  45. Trump used a Casino licence to "earn" millions. He would trick the people and get all the money. Now after Hillary's "secret" has been revealed, Trump's "secrets" have been revealed and now non of them seems to make a good impression to be a president.

  46. President Barack Obama will touch down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Tuesday to tour the flood-ravaged city that quickly became a political football.Obama is set to see firsthand the damage in the state's capital that has caused more than 106,000 residents and households to register for assistance from Federal Emergency Management Agency. More than 60,000 homes were damaged, officials said, and 13 people were killed.

  47. Hillary Clinton recently addressed the accusations of her health being poor. She denied them and stated that it was wacky for the GOP to make such rumors. A recent poll showed that Hillary had a narrow lead in the state of Ohio.

  48. The election is in 2 months and 15 days. currently, the poll is at Clinton being 45% and trump 35%.The 2016 Election is one big current event that is taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon to see who our new president of the United States will be. The Monmouth poll found Clinton and Trump performing about the same with voters of their respective parties, which suggests there is growing party unity as the election approaches and both candidates continue to work to shore up their base. Trump is backed up by republicans while Clinton has the democrats. The feud will continue until the election is probably over.

  49. President Barack Obama in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Tuesday to tour the flood-ravaged city that quickly became a political football. Obama is set to see firsthand the damage in the state's capital that has caused more than 106,000 residents and households to register for assistance from Federal Emergency Management Agency. More than 60,000 homes were damaged, officials said, and 13 people were killed.

  50. The Presidental election is coming to an end. The election will end in 2 months. Many economists are saying Hillary will be a better fit because she'll help the economy out. Economists are saying this because Trump is pushing to cut down on trade, and stop immigration, what economists say we shouldn't do.

  51. The predictions for the elections for November in the web page www.cnn.com is that Hillary Clinton is winning by 45%. In other hand, Donald Trump has a 37%.

  52. Obama would rebuild the economy if ain't wadden for the damages in the state's capital.

  53. Hilary Clinton is leading in National polls, but Trump is continuously attacking her private email incident.

  54. They have found some things in Hilary's emails again.however this is not the first it happen.Donald is making a throw to gain African American's vote. meanwhile it a close election this year.

  55. Hillary Clintons emails have played a big role in this years election and some more have been found. Donald Trump is trying to gain the african american vote.

  56. Hillary Clinton is leading over Trump but Trump is constantly trying to stump her

  57. A federal judge set a preliminary schedule Monday for the release of nearly 15,000 documents between Hillary Clinton and top aides when she was the secretary of state.

    The State Department was directed to assess 14,900 documents it received from the FBI as part of the investigation into Clinton's use of her private email server while she was secretary of state, determine a plan to release the documents and report back to the court September 23.

  58. Trump keeps trynna come after Hillary Clinton

  59. Trump also states that because of the flood in Louisiana, he will have to make other changes as well. "The campaign has decided to cancel the Aug. 31 fundraiser and rally in Portland as Mr. Trump has had to make changes to his calendar in the wake of the Louisiana flood disaster,"

  60. trump decided to cancel two upcoming campaigning events. He is trying to make schedule changes to his campaign.

  61. 13 people were killed in a flood in Louisiana. The people says that Barack Obama was too late to rescue them because he wanted to enjoy his vacation. As a result Donald Trump came but some think it was only for votes. Now Obama is being targeted as a bad, careless person. After his vacation he was sent to Louisiana.

  62. Conservatives Have Lost Their Party to Donald Trump and the Alt-Right.The conservative movement that shaped American politics for so long may be coming to an end.


  63. President Barack Obama will touch down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Tuesday to tour the flood-ravaged city and 15,000 new emails have been found on Hillary Clinton's servers. This is especially shocking because she did not hand these over willing during previous investigations,

  64. Donald trump pivots toward in all of its glory and they found new emails in hiliary Clinton server

  65. Melanie trump, Donald trumps husband threatened to sue news companies. she threatened companies such as Daily mail and politico. she threatning to sue them because she said that these news companies spread false statements. me honestly i dont care. i hope her and her husband lose the election.

  66. Donald trump assumes that democrats as the reason of unemployment and poverty for the African american community

  67. trump decided to cancel two upcoming campaigning events

  68. Currently, the poll is at Clinton being 45% and trump 35%.The 2016 Election is one big current event that is taking place right now. The 2016 Election is coming to an end soon to see who our new president of the United States will be. The Monmouth poll found Clinton and Trump performing about the same with voters of their respective parties, which suggests there is growing party unity as the election approaches and both candidates continue to work to shore up their base. Trump is backed up by republicans while Clinton has the democrats.

  69. President Obama -- while on a trip to survey flood damage in Louisiana's capital region on Tuesday -- is expected to meet with relatives of three law enforcement officers who were shot dead in an ambush in Baton Rouge last month, a source with knowledge of the President's schedule said.

  70. i honestly dont really like talking about trump or hilary. Many expect me not to hate trump since im hispanic but that bias. i dont hate him but i dont like him either. trump did vist the flooded state to help out which i find really good about him . Trump honestly made this whole election more interesting . there is even a song about him name FDT by YG . but whoever becomes president will have to figure out away to recover louisana or maybe obama may fix everything before trump or hilary is in the office .

  71. As is, Trump is still at an attempt to catch up while Hillary is currently in the lead and President Obama is taking a look at the flood damages in Louisiana

  72. In Virginia, Clinton is much higher than Trump. The Roanoke College poll found Clinton leading Trump 48% to 32% among likely Virginia voters in a four-way race. In a two-way race, Clinton leads Trump 55% to 36%. Personally, I do not understand how people support either candidates, Trump is ignorant, Clinton makes ridiculous claims, I would much rather Bernie Sanders to represent the Democratic Party, or let Obama stay a third term.

  73. Donald trump ,our main man in politics, seems to be hiding something. just yesterday trump tweeted that "when all things calm down he will tell the real story".

  74. According to cnn.com Hillary Clinton leads in the polls nationally and in key battleground states, but the flood of stories regarding her private email server and donations to the Clinton Foundation demonstrate the former secretary of state won't be able to completely outrun voter skepticism -- or Donald Trump.Trump went on offense Monday, using the bulk of a speech in Akron, Ohio, to attack Clinton.

  75. John Oliver told Donald trump to drop out of the election. He says if you keep going, these next 11 weeks will be nothing but hate speeches. He also says if he does run, he would ultimately not be happy because now he would actually have to run the country, and be serious about it.

  76. They have found some things in Hilary's emails again. This is not the 1st time this happened. Could this affect the amount the votes she get? Could this be the reason of her losing the election? All these will be answered in about a month.

  77. Donald Trump paids people o vote for him . And he said if he doesnt win he doesnt care because he is rich already. Donald Trump doesnt know how it feels to be broke and never been broke.

  78. Trump is a maniac, this man asked african americans what do we have to lose , what is wrong with this man like forreal ,then he said that barack obama founded isis like a crazy man . how cold obama found isis

  79. Hillary Clinton has a narrow advantage over Trump in Ohio. This poll was released Monday. It shows that 43% to 39% would vote for Hillary Clinton to be their next president. As is, Trump is still at an attempt to catch up while Hillary is currently in the lead.

  80. Melania Trump threatens to sue news outlets. Melania Trump has threatened to sue The Daily Mail, Politico and at least eight other news outlets for defamation, her lawyer says. She has placed The Daily Mail and other news organizations "on notice... for making false and defamatory statements about her supposedly having been an 'escort' in the 1990s," Charles Harder, a lawyer for Trump, said in a statement.

  81. President Obama is going to go and help flood survivors. Donations and goods have been taken to Louisiana. Thousands of volunteers have spent time helping the people in need. They are also trying to rescue dogs and cats that were stuck in the storm.

  82. Donald Trump visited the cities that have been flooded to get more votes.Trump is also coming for Hilary Clinton in the poll.

  83. Hillary Clinton has a big lead over Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a new poll released Tuesday, which shows the Democratic nominee with a 16-point advantage in the state.

  84. So far Hillary Clinton is in the lead. But it Trump gets 270 votes he could win. the next 30 days will be a lot of competing.

  85. Trump attacked Hillary Clinton and accused her of lying in her emails. He accused her of being desperate of covering up her crimes, but did he mention he scammed people with his trump foundation? His foundation was a complete scam.

  86. Donald Trump paids people to vote for him . And he said if he doesnt win he doesnt care because he is rich already. Donald Trump doesnt know how it feels to be broke and never been broke.

  87. USA TODAY launches Poll Tracker charting 2016 presidential race. they started tracking the presidential election and Clinton is ahead of Trump.

  88. Donald Trump just visited the states that are flooded not only to get more votes, but also to help. It seems like Trump doesn't only want popularity he also wants to help. Could this be a change in Donald Trump?Donald Trump paids people to vote for him . And he said if he doesnt win he doesnt care because he is rich already. Donald Trump doesnt know how it feels to be broke and never been broke.

  89. Hillary Clinton is blaming one man for the private emails saying it was his fault.Colin Powell has been fighting back that Hillary Clinton started this a year before he sent a memo telling her what I did.
