Monday, August 15, 2016


What is your opinion of what is going on in Milwaukee? ( use for reference )

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  1. bruh these coppas trippin. i wish i could have been there to burn some stuff though... i like burning stuff. but i truly dont believe in violent protest but slick if my family member was shot id be messing some stuff up.

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  3. I think that although the officer shot him, he turned around with a gun what else was he supposed to do? The officer just did what he had to do. I don't like it, but it just had to be done.

  4. Protest is going on in Milwaukee.Because a officer shoot a man who they say had a gun.The protester was throwing rocks and sitting police cars on fire.

  5. The Milwaukee residents are over reacting when it comes to this. This man had a handgun if you where in the same situation and you have a family and children would you really gamble on shooting that man? Would you just hope he wouldn't shot you? The man was told to drop it and he did not. Just because residents are not happy with this outcome does not mean they should go to the streets that solves nothing.

  6. The man flaunted a stolen gun at the police and refused to listen to demands to drop the weapon, it is tragic, however the cop was within every right to shoot a man flaunting a weapon and refusing to put it down.

  7. Of the recent police report, protesters disagreed to the judgement that which the police officers took into place to capture the armed runaways and took precaution. Due to the shootings that caused one ofthe two to die but caused riots to fire in stores and rocks at police. I think that what the police offer did wrong was the several shots to the death of one of the runaways but also how the people reacted. Such as fires and hurting there support and protection system, that the people should rebel because of something like this. The guy who was killed was armed for 1 and disobeyed the orders and kept running and enabling his arm occupant. This would have been evoded by simply obeying your law protectors.

  8. Although he had a gun I believe that the cop should have tased him to calm him down and get the gun out his hand. I don't agree with violent protest because it lands other people in the hospital.

  9. My opinion on the matter is that officers need to handle situations in a better way. If you just had police that actually cared about the welfare of the citizens in their city, things would be a lot different.

  10. Protest is going on in Milwaukee.Because a officer shoot a man who they say had a gun.The protester was throwing rocks and sitting police cars on fire.

  11. Police can't get mad at the fact we stand up for one another. If someone family member dies, there's never going to be silence. Cops have gotten away with taken too many innocent people lives. Protesting should continuously go on until there is justice.

  12. I understand why the people of Milwaukee are mad but this isn't the way to go about things. The police were in the wrong in this situation, again. They should've just tazed the man rather than shooting the man and killing him. Although the officer was wrong to do what he did, the protesters were too. They turned a peaceful protest into something violent which got a few people hurt. I understand where their hearts are at and I understand they're in pain, and if I was in their predicament I probably would've the same thing but still, there are different ways to approach things.

  13. I think the protesters were wrong in this one. I know lately in the news it has been about police killing unarmed black men but, in this story police killed and armed suspect. When a suspect is running with a hand gun, and is life threatening to police they probably had no choice in this one. Now protesters are being put in custody for their outraged actions.

  14. This is tiring to look at honestly, these situations could be handled better.If you wanted to shoot, shoot to apprehend not to kill.

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  16. The man pointed a stolen gun at the police and refused to listen to demands to drop the weapon, it is tragic, however the cop was within every right to shoot a man flaunting a weapon and refusing to put it down. Although I really think the officer could have done something a lot different. They are trained professionals. there duty is to serve and protect.

  17. I think this shows that officers should find better ways to deal with situations like this instead of just pulling out their weapon. If people hired police officers that would actually care for the citizens and find different solutions other than violence, things would be a lot better.

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  19. I feel like what happened in Milwaukee could have been prevented. Officers need to learn how to diffuse situations peacefully instead of putting bullets in peoples brains just because they feel like "they can". That is not what they get paid for. Overall people just need to calm down because it's obvious that nothing is going to change.

  20. tbh i dont know what to say anymore , seems like no justice is gonna be served so im not looking or wating around for it , just gotta be on my P's and Q's to make sure i'm not killed by a citizen , criminal , or cop mainly . peaceful marching and protesting doesnt seem to work . neither does the government seem to care and voting isnt making a difference if it did we would have justice because the POTUS is " Black " . Sometime resorting to violence wakes people up . Just like USA would wake up if North Korea attacked us . Wouldnt think anything was sweet xD

    1. Hands Up Dont Shoot !!!
      Black Lives Matter !!!
      Watch Out For The Blue Pigs !!!

  21. Violent protest are never the answer they only make things worse. I think that the cops were kinda in the wrong but the guy who may have had a gun.

  22. I think that every situation doesn't call for the use of a gun and a life to be taken away. Their needs to be another way for police to handle these types of situations without someone always ending up dying all the time.

  23. In my opinion, What's going on in Milwaukee is wrong all in all.The police officer should have never shot the young man. Although he had a gun, he was not shooting at the officers or even pointing the gun at them. Yes, it was wrong of him to not put the gun down when asked however, if anything he should have been tased. Police officers need to feel the pain that everyone else is feeling. How would they feel if somebody shot their wife or their kids. Then suddenly all of this would be a problem, right?

  24. This situations always happening. Polices probably don't know to or they get easy scare so they shoot. People react differently when someone has a gun in his hand and the police react by shooting.

  25. whats going on in Milwaukee is bad there protesting. you can try something else other than shooting

  26. Angry crowds took to the streets in Milwaukee to protest the shooting death of an armed man by a police officer. Another situation to add to the #blacklivesmatter movement, but honestly, this one is actually not so outrageous like the others. If a man comes up to you with a gun, you're obviously going to retaliate. I personally think that if it was a white man, he still would've got shot. Now, there are huge protest on the streets causing more harm. Although I am aware and in FULL support of the " #blacklivesmatter " movement, the aftermath of this situation was really not needed. To be honest, I didn't even know a lot of black people lived in Milwaukee.

  27. I would also be angry if one of my family members were shot and killed. What the protesters did was uncalled for. I would protest without using violence.

  28. if that was a family member of mines my family would've probably did the same thing

  29. My opinion on the Milwaukee shooting is that the city simply just wants attention. I understand why they are upset but at the same time the young man who was killed had his fate in his own hands. I think that because of all the unjustified shootings between white police and African american men Milwaukee felt the need to be bias against this investigation. The young man was armed with more rounds in his weapon and he had a choice to put down his weapon and save his own life.

  30. In my opinion the officer did what was necessary, the man was asked to put down his weapon and did not listen. Black or white the man still would have been killed.

  31. this i feel like happens everyday now when someone gets shot by a police they start an uproar and then a protest happens. i mean i feel like the officers deserve the same amount of justice as citizens. when the violent protest happens i believe thats over the line. and thanks to some body cams the officer had shown that he had a gun so the man should have at least dropped the gun then at least the officers wouldn't have shot him.

  32. Even though, he had a gun I believe that the cop should have tased him to calm him down and get the gun out his hand.

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  34. I think that either way if the victim had a weapon on him or did not have a weapon on him he would have been killed anyway . That's what cops do now these days.

  35. I feel like every cop just think they can kill somebody for no reason and nothing will happen to them i feel like this world is going to get real crazy. People are not going to just sit around and watch people die for a traffic stop.

  36. I feel like every cop just think they can kill somebody for no reason and nothing will happen to them i feel like this world is going to get real crazy. People are not going to just sit around and watch people die for a traffic stop.

  37. My opinion on this shooting is "Tragic". Stuff like this keeps happening and if we use violence to fight them it's only going to make it worse. The guy in Milwaukee should've but his gun down because he's putting the cops life at risk but at the same time the cop could've handle the situation a little differently like he could've tasered the guy he didn't necessarily have to kill the man R.I.P to him and my condolences is with his family.

  38. Personally, I feel like the police nowadays are not here to serve and protect. Most of the police today need a new occupation. Why work in a field where you get scared easy? They all are really scared that's why they are all shooting.

  39. Honestly it is the officer's job to stop and prevent further trouble and they did no wrong at the riots. although shooting an innocent man is wrong. If a man has no weapons and is no threat then guns are unnecessary.

  40. He have to do it for a reason to save others

  41. The cop just doing their job but personally I believe there's other ways to prevent this.

  42. In my opinion it's terrible that a man was killed but the cop that did it is not at fault because the man was armed with a gun and was warned to put the weapon down and refused the cop could have done something different but he did what he thought was right to protect himself and others.Also how they are protesting is the reason that no one takes the movement seriously because they are violent.

  43. I think this incident could have been prevented. I think that if the cop would have not been so quick to pull out a gun the man would still be alive now.

  44. I feel that the police today have to much freedom to do what they want to nowadays. Even though the man had a gun, the police didn't have a good reason for pulling him over. .

  45. I cannot understand how people can get so violent. I mean the death of the African-American man was absolutely unnecessary and the Police isn't protecting people by shooting the man, but the people are going wild and destroying so much, instead they could have protested in peace and just protest not making everything even worse.

  46. I feel that the cops should have used other methods to subdue him like jumping him or using a taser to stun him. However, I do understand that the police's safety was at risk because they did not know if the man was armed or not so they had to make sure.

  47. I think the situation in Milwaukee is a rational emotional response the continued police brutality that we as a black community face in this country. I think the protestors have a legitimate reason to protest but I also think they are going too far with the protests.

  48. I think police should atone for their actions after shooting that African American man. Even some civilians were harmed. The people in Milwaukee are staging these protests because of how the police are treating black people. More people will get hurt if this doesn't stop.

  49. in my opinion this is very sad and wrong. They said not have shoot that man . he was sick and he didnt know what he was doing so they should have not shoot him si thats why everyone is doing what there doing.

  50. I dont think the man shouldve got shot, because he has a mentally ill disease

  51. i personally think that they should get new cops and make them respect their city and the types of people around it. if the people are disrespectful just act nice so they make a scene or say that u not doing your job as a good officer

  52. To me, now and days you never know what the police might do. Some are good, and some are bad,but not all of them are the same.I feel as if the police everywhere are not to protect and serve anymore, they are trying to get paid and that's it. in this situation i think that it's sad how African-Americans are killing other African-Americans. Now, I understand you need to protect yourself, but shooting isn't always necessary. Also, i do not think protesting is necessary maybe a peaceful protest but not going out on the streets and tearing up the community. Your hurting your self and your community by doing that. I hope for the city of Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin.

  53. I think that all this police brutality need to come to a end, because if it doesn't things are going to get worse and worse.

  54. This is unacceptable that people can be so violent. With guns, knifes, and such deadly things. The police should have done more than a better job to protect inocent lives.

  55. I believe that what is going on in Milwaukee is problematic,because some may see these violent protests and not process the real issue at hand. In a way violent protests do help because they get news coverage and grab the attention of the public. Although, violent protests are not right. Officers should of shot the armed man if they felt that their life was severely in danger. However, the other police brutality cases can't be justified.

  56. What happened in Milwaukee over the weekend is devastating. The officer shouldn't have shot twice, once in his arm was enough. Many people are calling this a racial issue but how is it a racial issue if the officer that fired the shots was African-American also? Normally, I wouldn't say this but the officer was only protecting himself. Other officers that know the victims don't have guns, or atleast have them in their hand, are wrong. But in this situation, the man was armed and he had 23 rounds of ammunition.. more than the officer. I don't think Smith should've ran away or pointed his gun, he should have stayed in his car and this all could've been avoided.

  57. it all comes to police brutality because all these people have died and we are saying we gone do something about it and nothing ever happens. Police just shot for fun no matter what the case it you can do everything they say and still end up dead i feel bad for the people in milwaukee

  58. I personally feel as if the event that happened in Milwaukee is nothing new. This has been occurring for multiple years by now. A life taken by a police officer. A African-american man at that. I know in training they were taught more than one way to arrest a citizen. Shooting isn't the answer.

  59. I understand why the people of Milwaukee are mad but fighting and protest aren't always the answer.They should've known that the police was going too act out. After all the other protest.

  60. my name is chris booker my set email name is wrong.I understand why the people of Milwaukee are mad but fighting and protest aren't always the answer.I personally feel as if the event that happened in Milwaukee is nothing new. This has been occurring for multiple years by now.I dont think the man shouldve got shot, because he has a mentally ill disease.I think this incident could have been prevented. I think that if the cop would have not been so quick to pull out a gun the man would still be alive now.

  61. I see understand why the people in Milwaukee are mad but the protesting and all that is an lil to far.

  62. I think this incident could have been prevented, because it is the officer's job to stop and prevent trouble and they did no wrong at the riots. although shooting an innocent man is wrong. If a man has no weapons and is no threat then guns are not needed.

  63. I think that what the police offer did wrong was the several shots to the death of one of the runaways but also how the people reacted. Such as fires and hurting there support and protection system, that the people should rebel because of something like this. The guy who was killed was armed for 1 and disobeyed the orders and kept running and enabling his arm occupant. This would have been evoded by simply obeying your law protectors.

  64. The shooting in Milwaukee is very unfortunate like the many shooting of black people by the police, it's just unnecessary and uncalled for. The incident could have been avoided completely if the officer just did his job.

  65. a weekend of furor, violence and calls for peace, Milwaukee residents struggle to find calm in a city long marred by racial tensions.More chaos took place during a protest early Monday in northern Milwaukee when bullets and other objects flew. At least one person was shot and hospitalized, and an officer was wounded after a rock broke the windshield of a police car, Milwaukee police said.

  66. i dont think that it should have gotten that far. it wasnt that deep

  67. I think this police stuff is getting way out of hand ...and being a protester isn't making anything better it just all needs to stop in my opinion because I believe things are going to become worse than it already is.

  68. What do they hope to gain by this? They aren't making peace that's for sure. They're just causing more chaos which isn't going to give them what they want. They're just aggravating the situation.

  69. People of all races get shot and killed by the police. But mainstream media only tells you about it when it's a young black male. Why? Because in the media's eyes, portraying African-Americans as "oppressed" in such a way is easy and boosts ratings. These people, mostly African-American, in the streets rioting are ignorant sheep, feeding into the media's bias. But worst of all, they're playing into a cruel, insulting joke that's directed at themselves.

  70. I feel like they did what felt necessary. I think that what the police offer did wrong was the several shots to the unarmed person. i feel like one person should at least try to help.

  71. this is crazy bruh like what yo this whole story is messed up. first a person gets shot by the police because when he got pulled over he had a gun in his hand when the offcier opened his window. why did the dude have a gun in his hand during a police stop what did he expect for the officer to say ok sir have a nice day? kid is dumb. and whats going on with the violence in the protest its supposed to be a protest not a riot. i tell you some black people cant control their selfs. it ridiculious.

  72. Milwaukee is over reacting they just want attention. the men should have never had the gun in his hand during the police stop

  73. I believe that although there is a lot of police on black crime this shooting might have been justified. He fled from the police and not only that he had a gun. The rioting is entirely too much. It's not making anything better.

  74. I dont think that the police should have killed him. I think that they used as an excuse to kill another man. There have been many white people carrying machine guns in public and have not gotten shot.

  75. its clear thats some people arent there to protest but are using it as a pass to cause mayhem.

  76. Milwaukee residents struggle to find calm in a city long marred by racial tensions. Saturday's shooting death of an armed African-American man . An 18-year-old man who was struck in the neck has been hospitalized . At least seven officers were wounded .

  77. Although he had a gun I believe that the cop should have tased him to calm him down and get the gun out his hand. I don't agree with violent protest because it lands other people in the hospital.

  78. My opinion on the milwaukee is that that is not good the police keep on doing stuff like this and there is no change happening .

  79. I feel that the situation is sad. When this types of stuff happens over and over and they dont get justice and it leaves people in rage and stuff like this happens. I think the officers should be disciplined just like if someone regular kill another person.

  80. I believe that both sides of the stories are wrong. I believe that police violence is very wrong and it has been occurring entirely too long. But I do believe that violence cannot be solved with violence.

  81. I feel like until someone step up and make a change its going to continue to be a problem . We have to step up and put a end to this before another Black brother dies because of the white police

  82. i feel like stuff happens for a reason. the people did what they had to do.

  83. Police brutality has been going on for too long, and its ridiculous. They think it's okay, and maybe because they're not being held responsible for their actions. Police or not, murder is murder, and I don't believe that anything is worth a life being taken.

  84. I believe that violence is never the choice . I think that the police violence is so not calls for and dont understand why they keep doing it. and they need to stop.

  85. What is going on in Milwaukee is a tragedy. It almost looks like the purge, it's so sad. If these shootings keep occurring at the rate that they are going then more than likely Milwaukee will keep doing what they are doing and it might spread to other cities and states. Protest don't have to be violent to be successful. Peaceful protesting could make a difference. All violence does is put people's life at risk.

  86. A cop shot a man and now a protest is going on and its very uncontrollable

  87. Honestly if police were trained correctly and didn't kill people sometimes for no reason you wouldn't have angry people. Yeah there are angry protesters but they are angry because police give them a reason to be. I say take the violence away and come together as one. Let peace be with us.

  88. I think that the officers should not have killed the innocent man they just found another reason to kill a black man.

  89. i think what happened in Milwaukee shouldnt have went that far, and they just wanted some attention.

  90. Thats messed up how they killing people out here for real they need to get out they feelings and some of these cops need to be fired or put in jail

  91. Milwaukee had doing violence for struggle to find. But that violence else never good choice anytime. Even through they did to fine of calm in city, they made seven officers injured. So i think they should be fine different way for clam in a city instead of violence

  92. dem cops is geekin in milwaukee. but for real i think what the cops are doing is terrible. but in a way i feel that its hasty thinking which is getting people killed cops need to calm down and have a cool head in situations like that.

  93. whats right is right, and whats wrong is wrong . why does protesting have to be violent. if you want people to take you serious about justice, you should do it the right way . Why do people have to destroy peoples businesses,and mess up peoples money. like your not gonna get anywhere

  94. i fell like this is a serious problem , but i feel that police brutality has gone way to far if the police fell that the only to stop a small protest group is to fire shots , and set cars and buildings on fire . than there needs to be new standards and procedures put on police departments. because the fact is that these people are not making these areas a safe place . but instead the exact opposite

  95. I think that it was wrong and deserved a consequence. Although it deserved a consequence I believe two wrongs don't make it right so they shouldn't have done what they did.

  96. I think that it was wrong and deserved a consequence. Although it deserved a consequence I believe two wrongs don't make it right so they shouldn't have done what they did.

  97. I just feel that the polices is not doing there job and thats getting out of control.

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  100. the politics are not doing there job correctly and everything is going bad

  101. Protest is going on in Milwaukee.Because a officer shoot a man who they say had a gun.The protester was throwing rocks and sitting police cars on fire.
