Monday, March 16, 2015


 Do you believe that the Dekalb county police were justified in killing Anthony Hill?

The link is below. You can also google Anthony Hill Dekalb County for more details.



  1. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

    Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  2. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.

    This is terrible news; the Dekalb county police officers have a variety of methods to approach this situation that could not have resulted in Anthony Hill's death

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. David Carter
    Anthony Hill sounds like he has gone through some things in the Afghanistan and he wanted to get some relief. its either that or he had some serious medical issues that made him go crazy, maybe even both. I feel bad for him.
    I don't know what exactly happened but what I do know is that the cop was scared and when people are scared they tend to do things on impulse. I do not believe it was right but what else could the cop do. thy were both trained to kill some what and the cop some how got the upper against the veteran in the air force. if you ask me I think in some weird twisted way Anthony wanted that.

  5. I do not approve of the Dekalb police shooting Anthony Hill. Although Hill was was naked and acting erratically and he lunged towards the officer, the officer could have a different method of stopping Anthony. The police system should be reformed with these actions happening lately.

    Since Anthony did have medical issues after coming from the war also makes matters worst in this situation. I hope Hill's family is doing well.

  6. I personally think he shouldn't have been killed . One, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American I believe they could have at least tazed him in stead of shooting him but I feel like if that was white man they would have easily tazed him that's just my personal opinion.

  7. I believe Anthony Hill should have not been shot or killed. Just because he was naked and running towards the officer the gun shouldnt have been pulled out. If there wasnt any signs of weapons from Mr.Hill, he couldve simply been arrested with cuffs. Police brutality is getting crazier and crazier by the day.
    I feel as if police are getting carried away with the authority they hold over citizens. They way the act and treat us as if were peasants and the their in the hierarchy isnt right at all. There should be justice for Mr.Hill. We cant continue on loosing more and more of our own.

  8. I do not think he should have been shot. He wasn't causing any harm nor threating anyone. I feel like police should not pull a fire am out unless the person is showing force or lunging at them in a life threating way. Police are getting out of hand with the shooting of young men, specifically African American men.
    My condolences go out to his family. I hope that police stop getting so trigger happy and keep in mind how they are affecting societies view of a police officer.

  9. I do not agree with the police shooting Anthony Hill. Even though he had medical issues the police should be trained to deal with that in a humane matter instead of shooting Anthony Hill. Especially because he was a veteran who just came back from Afghanistan, and he DIDN'T have a gun.
    I think the government needs to send all of their officers right back through training, if this is their "only" resolution to every problem. DeKalb County Police were wrong for what they did.

  10. Personally, I feel a police officer should not deploy is weapon unless in a situation of danger brought on by the suspect. Danger should be categorized as the ability of a suspect to harm the officer or others in his or her environment. However, in this case, Anthony Hill was naked: completely and clearly unarmed.
    Even though the suspect was "frantic" and clearly not lucid, less fatal actions could have been taken, such as the officer merely deploying his tazer. This simple solution would have lead to his easy arrest and sustaining the Air Force Veteran's life.

  11. Personally, I feel a police officer should not deploy is weapon unless in a situation of danger brought on by the suspect. Danger should be categorized as the ability of a suspect to harm the officer or others in his or her environment. However, in this case, Anthony Hill was naked: completely and clearly unarmed.
    Even though the suspect was "frantic" and clearly not lucid, less fatal actions could have been taken, such as the officer merely deploying his tazer. This simple solution would have lead to his easy arrest and sustaining the Air Force Veteran's life.

  12. I do not approve of Dekalb County police shooting of Anthony Hill. Even though Hill seemingly lunged toward the police and was acting erratic, it does not give the officer the right cause a fatality. I understand that the police may have felt threatened(which he should not have been because obviously Hill had nowhere to conceal a weapon and officers should be able to be good on their own if hand to hand combat happened) but Officer Olsen could have used different means to apprehend Hill.
    I feel that the officer should be held accountable for his actions and that even though you shouldn't lunge at a police officer, he could've taken other means to reprimand the suspect. It doesn't help that Hill was a veteran and possibly could have suffered from PTSD which would've caused this to happen

  13. Maria Carter
    i think its sad what happened to Hill. because he was sick mentally from the war he most likely wasnt thinking things through when he lounged at the officer. i dont agree with them shooting him because to taser him would have done enough to stop him. if someone lounged at me in that manor i dont think i would resort to shooting.

    i understand the reactions of the officer because when someone is lounging at you in a way u feel threatened i believe you have every right to protect yourself. but its the way he protected himself that i do not agree with. i believe that if the other has a gun then you can match that threat but when he had nothing, literally, your first thought shouldnt be to kill.

  14. On the side of the officer, i believe it was right to act immediately in defense of himself considering that the victim lunged at him. i dont agree with the way the officer chose to protect himself. There were other ways to restrain the victim until backup forces arrived without killing him.

    On part of the victim and his mental health issues, his family should have attempted to keep a closer watch on him. Anthony Hill, along with his military backround could prove as a danger to society. His family should have gotten help for him to hopefully cope with whatever troubles he was facing internally.

  15. I do not think the officer had the right to shoot Anthony Hill. even though Anthony hill was naked and acting bizarre. the officer could easily restrained him or used his Taser but he chose his gun. Anthony hill death did not need to happen

  16. I do not believe the Dekalb County police officer was justified in killing Anthony Hill. The young man was battling a mental illness and was unarmed. Even if Hill was naked and "acting erratically", the police officer should have been able to handle it without firing at him. I am not sure if this was an act that had something to do with the victim's race, but I do believe that this is another case of a poorly trained police officer who claimed to be afraid.
    The fact that young nurses deal with mentally ill patients on a daily basis tells me that that kind of force was completely unnecessary. I hope Anthony Hill gets the justice he deserves, and I pray that unarmed black men who are killed by white police continue to be fought for. #BlackLivesMatter

  17. Anthony shouldnt have gotten shot. Anthony was scared from the war and could have been stopped by a taser. The officer could have just reached for his taser and could have saved a life.

  18. Anthony Hill, 27, was fatally shot by a DeKalb County police officer near Atlanta, Georgia. Hill was naked and unarmed and had a history of mental illness.

    A Dekalb County police officer responded to a caller who said a man was "acting deranged, knocking on doors, and crawling around on the ground naked," on Monday around 1 p.m. local time, county police chief Cedric Alexander told reporters.
    The officer encountered the man, who was not wearing any clothes, in the parking lot, Alexander said at a conference published online by local broadcaster Fox5.
    Alexander said the man ran at the officer, who backed up and ordered the person to stop before shooting him twice. Police did not find a weapon at the scene, he said.

  19. I do not agree with the police shooting Anthony Hill. Even though he had medical issues the police should be trained to deal with that in a respectable matter instead of shooting Anthony Hill.
    I feel as if police are getting carried away with the authority. They way the police treat us is like we are inferior.

  20. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.
    Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  21. The Dekalb County police was not justified in shooting Anthony Hill. There was no reason why the police officer should have had his gun out since Hill was not armed. There was no threat to the officer except a man who was naked and not knowing what he was doing. If a police officer can't deal with that without using a firearm then he should not be a police. Police are trained to detain and deal with erratic people without using their gun.
    There were many thing the officer could have done that would've prevented Hill's death. He could've use a tazer and he could've forcefully take Hill down. Did the officer not have a taser on him? Or was there a reason for the officer to fear for his life? Police men should be more careful with how they deal with things like this.

  22. Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.Anthony shouldnt have gotten shot. Anthony was scared from the war and could have been stopped by a taser. The officer could have just reached for his taser and could have saved a life.

  23. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

  24. I do not think the officer had the right to shoot Anthony Hill. even though Anthony hill was naked and acting crazy. The officer could of easily restrained him or used his Taser but he chose his gun. Anthony hill death was not needed .

  25. I think that the officer should have asked Hill if he was armed with a gun. Also he should have shot him and killing me the police should not kill any one that is not armed .

  26. The video and the information did not come up

  27. I Dont believe that the dekalb county police officer is justified in killing Anthony Hill who was unarmed. Hill was not in his right mind amd therefore the police officer should have been equipped to deal with that type of situation
    Futhermore do police officers even use taser's anymore is the first option always to shoot and kill , what about leg shots to bring down the man in question instead of lethal shots. Police officers must use better judgement when dealing with these situations. With great power becomes great responsibility we must hold police officers accountable

  28. He was justified to kill that man. The officer was scared for his life. If you see a naked man running around what are you going to do. Even worse , what if he was charging after you. You dont want his meat to touch you or anything like that. Would the stun gun do the same thing. Yes , but he probably got to his gun first. Either way , the officer should be arrested.

  29. Mia Reddick.

    The Dekalb County police officer had no right of killing Anthony Hill who was unarmed. Due to the medial issues of him, he was more than likely to not know what he was doing in his state of mind. As well , Anthony Hill was unarmed so therefore the police officer should of not loss his life to that.
    It is so sad to see the police officer kill unarmed people.Also , the young are dying young and this should not be a major factor amongst us young people.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I don't think Anthony deserved to get shot. He served our country very well and every since he came back from the war he hasn't even been the same. He had mental problems he couldn't control. When the police officer shot him Anthony was naked. That doesn't even seem normal. That's how you know he wasn't all the way there any more. This has to stop we are loosing people everyday for no reason. People are getting killed for absolutely no reason and we are just sitting letting it happen

  32. I believe that DeKalb county police officer should've not put out his gun in the case that he was afraid of his own safety his should've drawn his tazer. Anthony Hill at the moment would've been alive talking about the situation . it does not give the officer the right cause a fatality.There should be justice for Mr.Hill

  33. I think all police officer need stop thinking there above the people.So this problem can be stop.

  34. Anthony Hill, 27, was fatally shot by a DeKalb County police officer near Atlanta, Georgia. Hill was naked and unarmed and had a history of mental illness.
    I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him.They could have tased him. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.Anthony shouldnt have gotten shotThere were many thing the officer could have done that would've prevented Hill's death. He could've use a tazer and he could've forcefully take Hill down. Did the officer not have a taser on him? Or was there a reason for the officer to fear for his life? Police men should be more careful with how they deal with things like this..

  35. I can not understand why the Dekalb county police would shoot Anthony Hill. Hill apparently "lunged" towards the police while naked, but that is not an excuse for theses actions. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill, an unarmed man, committing no crime, who had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan.

    His medical condition obviously was the reason why he was naked and "behaving erratically." There were many things the officer could have done that would've prevented Hill's death. For instance, there is a little thing called a tazer which police officers are suppose use in menial, non threatening cases like this. Why does it seem like the police now a days first instinct is to kill when that should be their last option? The Police need to learn to have better judgement when dealing with controversial situations. Because if they don't they end up killing more mentally ill people.

  36. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.

    This is terrible news; the Dekalb county police officers have a variety of methods to approach this situation that could not have resulted in Anthony Hill's death

  37. I believe the police officer was using self-defense with Anthony Hill lunged towards him. The Dekalb county police was just protecting himself because he felt in danger. If I felt in danger, I would try my best to get out of it, even if it means causing harm to the other person. I believe the police officer was somewhat justified in the Anthony Hill case.
    However, I think the police officer could have handled it better. Instead of just shooting him, he could have hit him or use a taser. The police officer did act a bit irrationally when it came to shooting Anthony Hill when he charged at him.

  38. I believe the police officer was using self-defense with Anthony Hill lunged towards him. The Dekalb county police was just protecting himself because he felt in danger. If I felt in danger, I would try my best to get out of it, even if it means causing harm to the other person. I believe the police officer was somewhat justified in the Anthony Hill case.
    However, I think the police officer could have handled it better. Instead of just shooting him, he could have hit him or use a taser. The police officer did act a bit irrationally when it came to shooting Anthony Hill when he charged at him.

  39. I do not think he should have been shot. He wasn't causing any harm nor threating anyone. I feel like police should not pull a fire am out unless the person is showing force or lunging at them in a life threating way. Police are getting out of hand with the shooting of young men, specifically African American men.
    My condolences go out to his family. I hope that police stop getting so trigger happy and keep in mind how they are affecting societies view of a police officer.

  40. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers.Yes , he was naked but he wasn't harming anyone. He was unarmed so they could have easily just taken him down or tazed him. He should have not been shot and killed at all.

  41. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers.Yes , he was naked but he wasn't harming anyone. He was unarmed so they could have easily just taken him down or tazed him. He should have not been shot and killed at all.

  42. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.
    Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  43. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.
    Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  44. Anthony Hill is another case of many that has yet been handled and prevented. That innocent man didn’t deserve to be killed, he was unarmed and clearly not harmful. Considering his condition of being bipolar, the ways he may have acted on that day could’ve been a “break down”. Officers just think every black male has something out for them, particularly white officers.
    I don’t think the officer responsible for this shooting was served justice, being a young teen and having brothers that are young this is scary. I mean is this what we have to look out for? It’s almost every other week I hear a new killing on the news stating a young black male or female being killed and there were no evidence formed against them stating they were harmful towards anyone .

  45. Anthony Hill is another case of many that has yet been handled and prevented. That innocent man didn’t deserve to be killed, he was unarmed and clearly not harmful. Considering his condition of being bipolar, the ways he may have acted on that day could’ve been a “break down”. Officers just think every black male has something out for them, particularly white officers.
    I don’t think the officer responsible for this shooting was served justice, being a young teen and having brothers that are young this is scary. I mean is this what we have to look out for? It’s almost every other week I hear a new killing on the news stating a young black male or female being killed and there were no evidence formed against them stating they were harmful towards anyone .

  46. I personally think he shouldn't have been killed . One, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American. They didn't have to sot him because no ones life was in danger. Shooting someone just because they come at you is not permit-table.
    Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  47. I personally think he shouldn't have been killed . One, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American. They didn't have to sot him because no ones life was in danger. Shooting someone just because they come at you is not permit-table.
    Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  48. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.I personally think he shouldn't have been killed . One, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American. They didn't have to sot him because no ones life was in danger. Shooting someone just because they come at you is not permit-table

  49. I feel this man didn't deserve to die but cop could had tased him instead of pulling his gun out. I know it was the moment for him and I understand. But the man was naked and their was no way for him to assault the man. Also the man could had been intoxicated or high so it wouldn't take much. Also now the family is probably going to sue the police department

  50. I feel like the cops are doing lot around the world by killing teenagers and i feel that he didn't deserve to die but the cop had no reason to assault the man the way the way he did. The family is probably devastated by the police actions.

  51. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

  52. Lexi Stokes
    I think he did not deserve to be shot. He was only acting erratically. This wasn't a threat or brought any harm to the people or the officer. The worse the police should have done is tase him. It would have stunned him long enough so they can arrest him. Shooting him and taking his life was defiantly not an option.

  53. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers.this situation could have been handed by placing him under arrest.shooting was not the the proper way.when the officer say him coming toward him he could have just used a type of way to get him under control he was also a vet who fought for the countyand had mental problems but he helped the county and needed respect form the officer.

  54. I believe the young man did not deserve to be shot and killed by the police as he was not a threat towards them. Also, a taser would have been a more appropriate weapon to use on young Anthony Hill. Death, has no excuse in this context.

    Many young black teenagers are dying from gun violence due to our police departments. I hope that police stop getting so trigger happy and keep in mind how they are affecting societies view of a police officer.

  55. Anthony Hill sounds like he has gone through some things in the Afghanistan and he wanted to get some relief. its either that or he had some serious medical issues that made him go crazy, maybe even both. I feel bad for him.
    I don't know what exactly happened but what I do know is that the cop was scared and when people are scared they tend to do things on impulse. I do not believe it was right but what else could the cop do. thy were both trained to kill some what and the cop some how got the upper against the veteran in the air force. if you ask me I think in some weird twisted way Anthony wanted that.

  56. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.

  57. I can understand why the Dekalb county police would act sporadically, considering Anthony Hill "lunged" toward the police while naked, but I do not agree with their actions. Death, has no excuse in this context. The Dekalb county police were not justified in killing Anthony Hill. You'd think after all these cases of police brutality, we would have reformed our police system, but alas, people are still dying because of the police without an immediate threat to the lives of police officers.

  58. Anthony Hill sounds like he has gone through some things in the Afghanistan and he wanted to get some relief. its either that or he had some serious medical issues that made him go crazy, maybe even both. I feel bad for him.
    I don't know what exactly happened but what I do know is that the cop was scared and when people are scared they tend to do things on impulse. I do not believe it was right but what else could the cop do. thy were both trained to kill some what and the cop some how got the upper against the veteran in the air force. if you ask me I think in some weird twisted way Anthony wanted that.

  59. Killing someone is wrong no matter what type of behavior they present. Now adasy officers are more dangerous then ever and are no longer trustworthy in many communities. From what been reported, Anthony Hill was not a threat and was killed for no reason.
    Their is no justice when in comes to those Dekalb policeman because they cant bring Hill back. They killed an innocent man who had an illness and instead of trying to bring him down safely they killed him.

  60. I personally think he shouldn't have been killed . One, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American I believe they could have at least tazed him in stead of shooting him but I feel like if that was white man they would have easily tazed him

  61. I DO NOT think he shouldn't have been killed first, because he didn't deserve to die on top of that they shot him naked that was uncalled for I believe they did this because he was an African American I believe they could have at least warned him saying open fire in stead of shooting him but I feel like if that was white man they would have looked at the situation differently

  62. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

  63. I don't think they should have shot Anthony Hill. Killing is always wrong and there was probably another way. Then agin i cannot really blame the officer for what he did because i am no better. If there was a naked man coming at me I would shoot him without a 2nd thought. Then agin i never took an oath to serve and protect so he should be held to a higher standered than I.

  64. I don't think they should have shot Anthony Hill. Killing is always wrong and there was probably another way. Then agin i cannot really blame the officer for what he did because i am no better. If there was a naked man coming at me I would shoot him without a 2nd thought. Then agin i never took an oath to serve and protect so he should be held to a higher standered than I.

  65. The Dekalb County Police were obviously in the wrong for shooting and unarmed, naked man. If someone is naked, then you can see that there is no weapons on this person. It makes no sense to kill someone like this. The Dekalb County Police are wrong.

  66. I do not think he should have been shot. He wasn't causing any harm nor threating anyone. I feel like police should not pull a fire am out unless the person is showing force or lunging at them in a life threating way. Police are getting out of hand with the shooting of young men, specifically African American men.
    My condolences go out to his family. I hope that police stop getting so trigger

  67. I do not think he should have been shot. He wasn't causing any harm nor threating anyone. I feel like police should not pull a fire am out unless the person is showing force or lunging at them in a life threating way. Police are getting out of hand with the shooting of young men, specifically African American men.
    My condolences go out to his family. I hope that police stop getting so trigger

  68. i think that he should of never got shot by police because he has never threat a officers.The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

  69. believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.
    This is happening far to often in our communities. And it seems like theres one incident per week going on like this and it very upsetting.

  70. I understand that the police may have felt threatened(which he should not have been because obviously Hill had nowhere to conceal a weapon and officers should be able to be good on their own if hand to hand combat happened) but Officer Olsen could have used different means to apprehend Hill.

  71. I personally do not think that shooting Hill was at all necessary. I mean other than the embarrassment of having a naked man run up on you, the policemen should not have felt threatened at all by Hill. At least not enough to shoot him, twice. But then again, what exactly do you expect from police nowadays? I mean really law enforcement is so out of line I'd expect nothing less than a poor little police officer who felt "threatened" to just pull out his gun and shoot. Its like wow I thought policeman were trained for hostile situations. Like how is it that every time a shooting comes up the first thing that the policeman says is that he felt "threatened." If police officers are so scary and weak to the point that every time they face a hostile situation their immediate reaction is to point and shoot, then we don't need them. For god sakes we can just shoot each other if that's the way it is. We can just handle our business how we want without law enforcement. Law enforcement is here to punish criminals and stop crime, not contribute to it.

  72. Nah bruh these white cops feeling its ok to kill these people for no reason. Who accidently shoot somebody and then say he was trying to pull out his Taser. Anthony Hill said he was running out of breath and the cop said F your breath. That's just wrong and cruel to our society.

  73. I believe Anthony Hill did not deserved to get shot by officers. He has never done anything threatening for officers to shot him. The only behavior presented is behaving erratically. He possessed no fire-arm or weapon that could be used against the officers. There was no reason for this officer to use lethal force on this person.

    Dekalb officers used lethal force on a man that never asked for it or never intended to be a threat. An innocent man was claimed by officers for the wrong reasons. Officers did this without justification. Hill had a medical condition after the war in Afghanistan. This medical condition may had give reason to why he was naked and behaving erratically.

  74. Anthony Hill did not deserve this treatment. For being naked and acting erratically does not mean you should shoot someone for doing this type of weird behavior. I'm really tired of seeing officers just shooting people whenever they feel like they need to when they're not even being threatened. It just disgusts me.

  75. The police were not justified at all for killing this young man. He did not have a weapon so a gun wasn't needed at all. They could have at least shot him in a non vital area such as the legs to immobilize him. Obviously if he was running around naked, he wasn't in a clear state of mind so they should have tried to help him instead of trying to harm him. These shootings need to be stopped. Enough is enough.

  76. The police are not justified for the killing of Anthony Hill. Police officers are trained specifically to handle high risk situations like this and if they can not handle situations like this than maybe they should have the title of a police officer. Although, Anthony Hill was naked that still does not justify the killing of him. Police officers have taser guns and batons. I feel that this is becoming a serious problem in the United States.

  77. i think that the police should have never shot anthony hill because of what he did. the police should have just continued his process of trying to taze him instead of killing him with a gun so my answer is no he shouldn't have killed him of his actions.

  78. I believe that Anthony Hill shouldnt have been shot even becuase he didnt possess any type of weapon that would harm the police in any way. If anything the police should have handled the situation in a different way so that Anthony Hill could still be living until this day.
