Thursday, March 5, 2015


What are some ways that students and young adults abuse social media? What are some of your experiences... and what ways can the abuse be eliminated?


  1. Social media is something that you shouldn't abuse,because it could lead to serious consequences. Young adults may get on a site like twitter and build up a fight. Another major problem with abuse of social media is cyber bullying. This is a offense and social media abuse. This can be eliminated by just choosing your words wisely. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all.

  2. Students and adults abuse social media by allowing social media to distract them from work. I have personally allowed myself to procrastinate by going on social media. On one occasion, I put my nudes up on Twitter and several people got arrested for possession of child pornography. If we stopped distracting ourselves with social media, the Great Depression would not have happened. Michael Jackson did not die on the cross for us to abuse social media.

  3. Lexi Stokes
    Social media is abused almost everyday. Some people don't appreciate how great social media can be. Some of the worst things that occur on social medias are cyber bullying, black mail, and giving out wrong messages. Young people go on these website and see things that they shouldn't see. Devices have options for parents to block inappropriate material so this is one way they have tried to solve this.

  4. Students and young adults can abuse social media by saying the wrong words to people that should be kept to yourself or showing false information about a person on social media. For example, Say someone on twitter post something that is entirely false that can lead to other people saying negative things that's not even about you. You can eliminate this abuse by choosing the right words to say and just keep to yourself on social media.

  5. Social media is often used by most people to get their anger, criticization, and other feelings towards people or a single person. I find on media sights I visit anonymously more and more comments used for personal hatred or simple cyber bullying, that is, if the sight contains the name of the person who made the post themselves. The abuse already has a solvable solution on some sights, however not many have this feature of removing or blocking a comment or post from being made to eliminate the amount of cyber bulling. If you happen to know who the person is, you should take in consideration in telling the higher authority or dealing with the problem online before any physical problems occur in your life.

  6. Social media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create
    and share content or to participate in social networking.Using social media web sites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents.The average age when a child begins regularly consuming online media is 8. It is not only changing how we communicate, but how we interact with each other in daily life. Social networking affects our lives in many ways, including our communication, self expression, bullying, friendships, and even our own mental health. Some ways the abuse can be eliminated are having the site shut down for a period throughout the day that way people cant waste their time on it.

  7. Social media is abused everyday by people all over the world. Adults, teenagers, and even kids abuse social media. Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are some of the main places this abuse takes place. People feel powerful behind a computer screen and they will say anything they want. Recently, on Twitter, Henry County students lashed out at the Henry County Board of Education for not allowing them to have a snow day. Many students were cussing at them and typing unnecessary comments just because they know they wouldn't get caught. Many of their comments were justified; however, some of the comments were just plain uncalled for. I feel like Twitter is the most abused. It seems like people are always getting on just to start an argument. Twitter wasn't created for fighting, it was created for socializing, meeting people, and catching up with celebrities and friends. I feel like if people weren't so hateful and ignorant then there would be so much social media abuse. Unfortunately, that will never happen.

  8. Students and young adults abuse social media by putting to much information on these sites. At times students can put a lot of information that isn't necessarily everyone's business. Social media was made to keep up with people to a certain extent. It was not made to stalk people.
    I do not have any experiences where i have abused social media.In my opinion the best way social media abuse can be eliminated is to not use it to log every moment of your life. If you are not social media every day you will not be able to abuse it. Use these sites for what they are for and only that.

  9. People lie.Social media abuse can also manifest itself in the form of harassment of friends, family, coworkers or complete strangers. Social media should be a source of joy and an open venue for communication with those you love. When invited strangers or unidentified individuals start commenting, “liking”, “poking”, or sharing your personal information on these social media site it can become obstructive to your everyday life. It these people cross the line it can damage relationships with friends, family, and even cause you to lose your job. If you are being harassed online by someone you know or do not know utilize the professional internet investigators to help put a stop to it.Don’t do or say anything online you wouldn’t in person. It may seem easier to express yourself when you are not face-to-face, but online communication can have real-life negative consequences.

  10. students abuse social media in various ways. one main way is cyber bullying. cyber bullying is major problem on social bullying. cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Kids use twitter and instagram to expose people and make them feel bad. this is the main way kids abuse social media
    adults abuse social media too. they use social media to catfish people. catfishing is to lure someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. this makes the person thinks they are talking to someone but really talking to a completely different person. ive had a close call with catfishing. it was this girl i met on instagram and she told me to "kik" her. my friend cameron said something didnt seem right cause when i asked her to FaceTime she would always avoid the question but had an iphone. so we wne t back on instagram and cameron found the same girl page then another one with way more followers. so he hit the catfish girl up and asked her if she was a catfish and she never replied

  11. What are some ways that students and young adults abuse social media? Students and young adults abuse social media by committing the act of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is,is bullying that takes place using electronic technology.Cyber bullying takes place on social media websites such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Cyber bullying leads to depression, anxiety and self harm.
    What ways can the abuse be eliminated? In my experience i find that if i just mind my own business, i am not tempted to say mean or hurtful things. The saying " if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all," certainly applies to people when they are using social media websites. I find that counting to ten will relive stress and anger while using social media. Also, if you keep the mindset of how you want to be treated then that will it easier to be nice while online.

  12. Students and young adults abuse social media in many forms and fashion. Many take what is a medium to interact with others in a fun way, and turn into something horrendous. People abusing social media can lead to cyber bullying, public humiliation, obsession with said social media site, reckless behavior, and many other negative outcomes. These acts will lead to consequences such as the inability to get a job, depression, and even jail. Social media is so easy to become wrapped up in because it is at the tip of your finger each time you pick up your phone, but just like anything else in life take it in moderation.

  13. Students and adults abuse social media. Even though they shouldn't and it is very bad they still do it anyway.Most of the time the incident is people bringing altercations from to work to school. Then the situation usually blows up and turns into something way more than it really is. People use social media to escalate there problems.

  14. Social media is normally a place to connect with friends and family. However, Some people choose to abuse it, There are people that make fun of others online and start beef. Not everyone uses social media for legitimate reason, rather than to just hurt people's feelings.

  15. David Carter
    We abuse social media by using it for bad things. For example bullying and hacking into things that's not ours. I've experienced some abuse of this, by using it when I'm not supposed to.
    This is not something that can be really stopped. This is normal with teenagers.

  16. Students and young adults abuse social media by committing the act of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is,is bullying that takes place using electronic technology.Cyber bullying takes place on social media websites such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Cyber bullying leads to depression, anxiety and self harm.

  17. Students abuse social media by bullying. They expose kids by all of their flaws and diminish them daily. If the bullies continues to do the abuse they should be informed that they could go to jail and suffer severe consequences for their actions.

  18. I think people use social media as a shield. They think since they are behind a computer, phone, etc. they can say whatever they want to without consequences. I think people abuse it by instead of it's originally meaning, communication with anyone, where ever you are, they use it to harass, and torment other people. I honestly have no idea how it can be stopped without eliminating the entire internet, other than maybe it constantly being monitored and lets be real -_- Not going to happen.

  19. Our generation thinks that being on social media is more important than actually doing something with their life. They like to use social media to make them look like someone their not and choose to deceive people to make them seem popular or cool thinking their more important than other people just because they have more followers but really that person who thinks they are more important is actually afraid to face reality.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This technology might be doing more harm than good. It is not only changing
    how we communicate, but how we interact with each other in daily life.Social
    networking affects our lives in many ways, including our communication, and selfexpression,
    bullying, friendships, and
    even our own mental health.

  22. Social media is abused all day, everyday. How? People put different things on social media or say different things on social media such as, fights, drama, etc. that's why so many young adults commit suicide, because of social media and cyber bullying . I have experienced cyber bullying once , it was just sad because people are so cruel, now a days . I don't think it should be eliminated because social life is important in teenagers life, but I think people shouldn't be so childish and put stuff on social media.

  23. Social media is an outlet to reach and connect to friends, family, and the rest of the world. However, frequently it is abused in more ways than one. Currently we face problems of cyber bullying, hacking, and providing too much personal information on the internet. All of these are serious issues and need to be addressed. Cyber bullying has serious consequences and can, in some situations, cause physical harm to those being attacked. Hackers often find ways to manipulate technology to access data or information without permission. Finally, often people post, blog, and give a lot of their personal information out on the internet. To stay safe and prevent all of these, we need to be more careful in the things we share to keep predators and hackers away. Also, we need to recognize and advocate the seriousness of cyber bullying and its effects on its victims.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. some ways that people abuse social media is that social media doesn't have any filter so people can say what ever they wan have no consequence and that leads to cyber bullying. and people doesn't get that they will hurt people feelings and the people that they are hurting can decide to take their life and the person that started doesn't realize that they technical kill that person with their actions. some ways to stop this that the government should pas a law that states that people who use social media will be charged and convicted of any social bullying.

  26. This technology might be doing more harm than good. It is not only changing
    how we communicate, but how we interact with each other in daily life.Social
    networking affects our lives in many ways, including our communication, and selfexpression,
    bullying, friendships, and
    even our own mental health.

  27. Social media is normally a place to connect with friends and family. However, Some people choose to abuse it, There are people that make fun of others online and start beef. Not everyone uses social media for a good reason, rather than to just hurt people's feelings. Meco Lucas

  28. Sadly, today, social media abuse is kind of a normal thing. Students tend to abuse social media in many ways because we often use it when we probably shouldn't. Social media is also use to bully and expose secrets of fellow students and broadcast moments that a person may not be proud of. Students also tend to hack into accounts that dont necessarily belong to them. I dont think there is a way to completely obliterate social media abuse but there are ways to lessen. This can be accomplished if people stop loooking into other's personal business and even if a person is told about someone else's personal business, they should keep it between them instead of posting it. another way is to keep your personal business to yourself if you really dont want people to know. One other way is to just refrain from making rude comments if you dont have anything nice/relevant to say. Write it down in a journal or something. one final way to lessen to blow of social media abuse is just to get offline sometimes, go explore something, just go outside, learn to play an instrument, just do something more productive than sit around and post hurtful things about people. Social media abuse shouldn't be a normal thing.

  29. We abuse social media by using it excessively and posting dumb stuff. Lots of online bullying/drama is online. This is an everyday thing for us teenagers I personally have never been apart of it , nor a victim of it. Ive witness lots of rumors being spread on social media and plotting going on social media.

  30. Lots of people abuse the media. They find something they don't like and are harsh towards it. It would be a person or a situation. Through that people have been hurt and/or hurt themselves because they let immature responses get to them. Then that happens people should just learn to block them, or ignore it all together because, honestly its going to be around for a long time. We cant control what others say or do but we can learn how to deal with it in an appropriate manner.
    personally i have never really experienced that type of media abuse but i have seen it. fro example i have seen those people who don't like the YouTube video posted feel like they should throw in their piece about how it was the worst thing ever when in reality it wasn't bad at all. No matter what i believe media will have bad comments and abuse tagged along. To eliminate it would be a stretch, but we could try making the media more positive by down voting mean or rude things like videos or comments. Maybe then it will calm down with the media abuse.

  31. The main intention of social media was to be able to connect with people from anywhere in the world. It was meant to support globalization and help with personal endeavors as well as in business.
    Many young people abuse social media by hiding behind computer screens as well as making themselves way too vulnerable. Some don't realize the dangers of cyber-bullying and over-sharing. I have been attacked online from a few people who have different views than I do. That type of thing doesn't affect me much, but it has caused others to go into depression, and some cases have caused suicide.
    I don't believe that this abuse can be eliminated, because the people in charge would have to buckle down on security and put limitations on the people who don't do any wrong. I think trying to make that big of a change would cause cyber chaos.

  32. Children and adults abuse social media by following and doing the things they see online and this causes them to get hurt. People do this almost 24/7. People also hack and this is one of the worst ways you can abuse social media. There are people who enjoy abusing social media and because of this they will do anything to keep doing it.

  33. Social media is something that you shouldn't abuse,because it could lead to serious consequences. Some people use social media to cyber bully others. People use social media to hack people accounts and other things you need passwords for such as bank accounts, email, twitter, or even Facebook. A way to eliminate social media abuse is if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all .

  34. Addiction was the most widely used descriptor of the one-day moratorium on technology in the research I just described in a recent post. Internet addiction is commonly characterized as excessive use of the Internet that interferes with daily functioning and that can lead to distress or harm.

  35. Many people in the world abuse social media by doing things they are not suppose to do. Alot of young people abuse social media by cyber bullying or finding other sites to bully people because there life is going the way they wanted. There is also alot of things you shouldn't post on social media because people can come to your house and rob you or try to put you and your family in danger.

  36. students and adults abuse social media in many ways. people will become angered about something and take to social media. in my opinion people put too much of their personal lives on social media and to me that's a way to abuse social media . from twitter beef to exposing others bodies and personal feelings over the internet teens and young adults don't take into account how the things the do will affect them later on in their lives when they are recklessly posting things on social media.

  37. When students and young adults get on social media, they mess with others' feelings. They will say harsh things to others' posts and disregard how they feel about it. Also, they post things on social media and they could upset people who see them. In return, those people could cause harm to themselves and others. This is known as cyber bullying and is common on social media.
    When I am on social media, not many people comment to me negatively, but it does occur. Sometimes I'll get upset, but usually I don't care because I don't even know some of the people.
    A way to eliminate the abuse on social media is to get rid of the negative people. Those people shouldn't be on social media if all they have to say is mean things.

  38. Students don't understand the consequences of abuse of social media. They may abuse it by using profanity on the internet, cyber bullying or any other inappropriate use. Bashing other people on the internet is abuse of social media in a negative way, and one way to eliminate it is to block all users of misuse of social media. Suspend them permanently from social media.

  39. Social media is abused in more ways than one, but people don't even realize it. Social network tends to be an outlet where people express their self, however it can have a negative effect on others. For an example, if a girl post a picture and someone makes a mean comment that may be comical to a spectator, they can re-post it on twitter and if its funny enough , it possible to get thousands of retweets. This can be very humiliating to someone, however the people entertaining this foolish act don't realize. Television also has the same affect. Recently, on a show called Fashion Police, a comment was made about a singer Zendaya which was seen as a racial slur. The lady who made the statement felt comfortable enough to speak her mind on some whom she knows nothing about and disregarded her feelings. The way this can be eliminated is to bring social awareness to this topic. If it is voiced consistently, i'm sure it'll change someone's outlook on the things they say.

  40. social media is abused by teens because we use it to interact instead of physically talking in person. it is a distraction and a source of cyber bullying. adults use facebook to socialize with thier friends and family. they abuse it by always being online and always posting things. sometimes they post too much of their business.

  41. Cydney Smith

    I believe some ways that students abuse social media is that they are distracted by the fact that its fun. But in reality it is embarrassing and it hurts others when social media is involved. It is used excessively, More than 5 billion post are uploaded to social media cites like Instagram Twitter or Facebook. A lot of bad is done in social media. I.E. cyber bullying, hacking. I really haven't had an experiences with this controversial topic but friends of mine have. In addition to bullying, deaths have occurred form cyber bullying and other things. I hate to say this but abusively social media can be eliminated by parents monitoring the cites.

  42. I think that social media is abused because young adults and children don't have anything else to do while they are home. When young adults get on social media they tend to unwillingly cyber bully some of their peers by posting an embarrassing photo or video of them. It can be eliminated by people getting involved in extra curricular activities instead of sitting on their phone all day.

  43. Social Media is abused in many ways. They use it to bully and tease others, promote negative images, and they also use it to misuse the purpose of it. I have seen many things on social media. I have seen people tease others, take something meant to be positive and turn it negative, I have seen people's lives ruined just because of something on social media. It can be eliminated if the makers of these sites put limits on what can be said and done. It can also be eliminated if people payed attention to the positive things people say.

  44. Social Media can be abused by students and young adults all the time. There are many cases where people use social media to cyber bully. Also, many people take things on social media way to seriously and it can eventually lead to fights or arguments. People can also abuse it by giving people the wrong information or spread rumors that are not true. It can be eliminated by limiting their use of social media apps or giving them other stuff to do.

  45. Social Media is forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). People abuse this by bullying.

  46. Social media is abused by many people. Things like cyber bullying are a real problem now a days. Sometimes pictures get out that weren't meant to be seen, I don't believe any of this can be stopped. There will always be those with malicious intent and they wont quit. Its just something we as a society have to deal with.

  47. Some people see social media as a place for rumors and cyber-bullying, and certain people do tend to take it as far to the point to where it could be considered abusive and disrespectful.

  48. Social media is abused everyday. Mostly by people that want to talk about other people on it than say it to them in person. I don't abuse social media because I'm not stupid, however there is no way of stopping others of abusing it.

  49. As social media becomes increasingly popular each day, people have found many creative ways to have the ability to mentally harm or abuse someone else. For example, people can use social media to expose someone by putting embarrassing pictures out there for everybody to see. Also, people can type rude comments that may talk about someone or what someone did. You can prevent this from happening to you if you don't let social media take over your life, because you are the on who controls it.

  50. Students and young adults abuse social media by putting to much information on these sites. At times students can put a lot of information that isn't necessarily everyone's business. Social media was made to keep up with people to a certain extent. It was not made to stalk people.
    I do not have any experiences where i have abused social media.In my opinion the best way social media abuse can be eliminated is to not use it to log every moment of your life. If you are not social media every day you will not be able to abuse it. Use these sites for what they are for and only that.

  51. Social media is something that you shouldn't abuse,because it could lead to serious consequences. Young adults may get on a site like twitter and build up a fight. Another major problem with abuse of social media is cyber bullying. This is a offense and social media abuse. This can be eliminated by just choosing your words wisely. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all.

  52. Students and adults abuse social media by allowing social media to distract them from work. I have personally allowed myself to procrastinate by going on social media. On one occasion, I put my nudes up on Twitter and several people got arrested for possession of child pornography. If we stopped distracting ourselves with social media, the Great Depression would not have happened. Michael Jackson did not die on the cross for us to abuse social media.

  53. Students and young adults abuse social media in many forms and fashion. Many take what is a medium to interact with others in a fun way, and turn into something horrendous. People abusing social media can lead to cyber bullying, public humiliation, obsession with said social media site, reckless behavior, and many other negative outcomes. These acts will lead to consequences such as the inability to get a job, depression, and even jail. Social media is so easy to become wrapped up in because it is at the tip of your finger each time you pick up your phone, but just like anything else in life take it in moderation.

  54. Students abuse social media by bullying. They expose kids by all of their flaws and diminish them daily. If the bullies continues to do the abuse they should be informed that they could go to jail and suffer severe consequences for their actions.

  55. Students and adults abuse social media by allowing social media to distract them from work. I have personally allowed myself to procrastinate by going on social media. On one occasion, I put my nudes up on Twitter and several people got arrested for possession of child pornography. If we stopped distracting ourselves with social media, the Great Depression would not have happened. Michael Jackson did not die on the cross for us to abuse social media.Social Media can be abused by students and young adults all the time. There are many cases where people use social media to cyber bully. Also, many people take things on social media way to seriously and it can eventually lead to fights or arguments. People can also abuse it by giving people the wrong information or spread rumors that are not true. It can be eliminated by limiting their use of social media apps or giving them other stuff to do.

  56. Social Media is abused everyday by certain individuals. Ways that social media is abused by 40 year old men disguise themselves as young teens. Most children also put to much information on the internet.

  57. Students and young adults abuse social media in many ways. Social media is used greatly among young adults and students. There are many instances where they have used social media in negative ways. Social media has been used for these people to bully others and post inappropriate things. You should be very careful when using social media because you could get in a lot of trouble or suffer repercussions for the things that you post. I personally haven't experienced any of these things but I have witnessed it. I think everyone should think before they post on social media and be careful. I also think it shouldn't be used so much because people forget to enjoy real life.

  58. Some ways that students and young adults abuse social media is by putting unnecessary information on social media, by broadcasting other people's personal business, or maybe by harassing someone constantly. I have mostly only had positive experiences with social media but I know that not everyone hasn't been this fortunate.

  59. People abuse social media in various ways. Social media gives people too much confidence. They feel like they can say whatever they want over the internet because they're not going to get in trouble for it. People also use social media to hurt others. For example, a student will use social media to spread rumors about another student or they'll use social media to openly embarrass or expose another student. Although cyber bullying and bullying in general won't go away, there can be regulations and policies introduced in order to get rid of a lot of the abuse.

  60. Social media is something that you shouldn't abuse,because it could lead to serious consequences. Another major problem with abuse of social media is cyber bullying. People use social media to hack people accounts and other things you need passwords for such as bank accounts, email, twitter, or even Facebook. people can use social media to expose someone by putting embarrassing pictures out there for everybody to see. Also, people can type rude comments that may talk about someone or what someone did.

  61. Social media has its fair share of flaws.It gets people connected from all over the world. The negatives are the occasional lack of privacy. Other flaws can include cyber-bullying, such as pictures that aren't meant to be seen. People trolling others to try to destroy another persons image. Or,others can misrepresent one another. Meaning that they false advertise who they are. All i can say is that it's like an addiction. And, it's an addiction that can be helped. That's just a theory within itself. The abuse does need to stop.

  62. Social media has its fair share of flaws.It gets people connected from all over the world. The negatives are the occasional lack of privacy. Other flaws can include cyber-bullying, such as pictures that aren't meant to be seen. People trolling others to try to destroy another persons image. Or,others can misrepresent one another. Meaning that they false advertise who they are. All i can say is that it's like an addiction. And, it's an addiction that can be helped. That's just a theory within itself. The abuse does need to stop.

  63. Students abuse social media because they go on it when they are not suppose to during class time. For example i have seen students go on social media when they are told not to go on there. Young adults go on social media when they are on the job.The production level goes down when they are on social media. The principals and employers need to block social media in the classrooms and work environments.

  64. Students and adults abuse social media by allowing social media to distract them from work. I have personally allowed myself to procrastinate by going on social media. I don't abuse social media because I'm not stupid, however there is no way of stopping others of abusing it.

  65. well i think it is abused because when kids are at school all they wanna do is be paying attention to there phone and not to what the teacher is talking about they rather be looking at dum stuff on the is a distraction and a source of cyber bullying.alot of people tend to start a fight over social media instead of talking in person. but then again social media can have its good thing and its bad things.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Social media has a number of problems. Abuse is one of the main ones. People use social media too take advantage of others. Also even though you have passwords and stuff you don't really have privacy. People take advantage of this and use to serve their own ends. And of course you have cyber bullying which is the biggest way that social media is abused.

  68. Mia Reddick

    Social media is being abused because people tend to use it for the wrong reason. They go on social media and see something they do not approve of and start mentioning dreadful things about what they see . Likewise , a lot of bullying is going on on social media. This results in others feeling depression,anxiety,and stress - causing them to lose their selves, Therefore, social media abuse can be prevented by going on it to utilize your time to advertise your businesses and productions. For instance, you can advertise your hair business to get increase your clients. Overall , respect social media as if you will respect yourself .

  69. Social media is abused in more ways than one, but people don't even realize it. People misuse social media because they go on it when they are not suppose to during class time. People can use social media to expose someone by putting embarrassing pictures out there for everybody to see. Also, people can type rude comments that may talk about someone or what someone did. Social media gives people too much confidence. They feel like they can say whatever they want over the internet because they're not going to get in trouble for it.People can also abuse it by giving people the wrong information or spread rumors that are not true. It can be eliminated by limiting their use of social media apps or giving them other stuff to do.

  70. Many people use social media the wrong way. People get a social media outlet to do some very evil things. For example , people would air out peoples business , people would even put there business out there through a meltdown. I've seen many people go on sense-less rants on a social media site. Most of the time they take it back.When they should of kept there business to themselves in the first place.

  71. Honestly I cannot put any input in because it really does't matter to me.

  72. Students and young adults can abuse social media by saying or doing inappropriate things.Some students use social media too bully other students and this can lead to violence.Social media is suppose to be used to communicate with lost friends,post pictures or just to buy some time.Abusing social media the wrong way can lead to fights or death.Social media can be a good thing too use but it all depends on how you use it.

  73. people post bad things of other people. They post inappropriate pictures that no one should see. They also post to much and someone can come to their house and rob them or anything

  74. Born on November 23, 1960, in Tuskegee, Alabama, Robin Roberts grew up in Pass Christian, Mississippi and earned a degree in communication from Southeastern Louisiana University in 1983. She went on to become a sports reporter and anchor for a local TV station in Mississippi. At age 29, Roberts began hosting ESPN's Sportscenter and, not long after, appearing as a guest reporter on Good Morning America. In 2005, she was hired as a full-time co-anchor of the morning news program. In August 2011, Roberts took a leave of absence from Good Morning America in order to undergo treatment for a rare blood disorder that she contracted after undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. She returned to the show on February 20, 2013. In early 2014, Roberts officially came out as a gay woman.

  75. Children and adults abuse social media by letting it pull them away from their work. Basically letting it control them. Social media gives people too much power.They feel like they can say whatever they want over the internet because they're not going to get in trouble for it. It can lead to bullying. Many people have taken their due to reckless internet use.

  76. Many people in today's world misuse social media. Individuals use this a s a tool to tamper with other people's reputation. For example exposing someones personal business or bullying then or even sharing explicit photos of someone. These are all ways that social media can be misused.

  77. Students and young adults can abuse social media by saying or doing inappropriate things.Some students use social media too bully other students and this can lead to violence.Social media is suppose to be used to communicate with lost friends,post pictures or just to buy some time.Abusing social media the wrong way can lead to fights or death.Social media can be a good thing too use but it all depends on how you use it. social media is abused by teens because we use it to interact instead of physically talking in person. it is a distraction and a source of cyber bullying. adults use facebook to socialize with thier friends and family. they abuse it by always being online and always posting things. sometimes they post too much of their business.

  78. Social media is something that you shouldn't abuse,because it could lead to serious consequences. Young adults may get on a site like twitter and build up a fight. Another major problem with abuse of social media is cyber bullying. This is a offense and social media abuse. This can be eliminated by just choosing your words wisely. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all.

  79. There is nothing too technical about how people go about abusing others on social networks. It's actually very simple: People lie. There are, of course, more complicated technical ways such as hacking into user accounts, accessing e-mail address books and finding and posting fake pictures so the abuser appears as someone he or she is actually not. Regardless, abuse happens when people lie and unfortunately, it is becoming more common as social networking sites begin to grow.

  80. There is nothing too technical about how people go about abusing others on social networks. It's actually very simple: People lie. There are, of course, more complicated technical ways such as hacking into user accounts, accessing e-mail address books and finding and posting fake pictures so the abuser appears as someone he or she is actually not. Regardless, abuse happens when people lie and unfortunately, it is becoming more common as social networking sites begin to grow.

  81. One manner in which young people abuse social media is "cyberbullying". On the internet, people feel as though there are no consequences for what they do and say. This gives them the confidence to direct cruel and/or threatening messages at other young people online. There isn't much we can do to stop these people. As long as we have the internet, we have a place where insecure people can project their self-hate at others. However, we can choose to ignore online bullies, and hopefully this will discourage them.

  82. Students and adults often abuse social media by doing things they should not use it for. For example they post negative comments online and hurt other peoples feelings. This now is now commonly called cyber bulling. people can avoid this by not making account or being supervised by and mature adult

    spoke to sanders

  83. Students and adults often abuse social media by doing things they should not use it for. For example they post negative comments online and hurt other peoples feelings. This now is now commonly called cyber bulling. people can avoid this by not making account or being supervised by and mature adult

    spoke to sanders

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. children and adults always abuse social media. People lie. There are, of course, more complicated technical ways such as hacking into user accounts, getting into e-mail address books and finding and posting fake pictures so the abuser appears as someone he or she is actually not. Regardless, abuse happens when people lie and unfortunately, it is becoming more common as social networking sites begin to grow.I experienced at abuse over social media by hacking into my account and made unacceptable saying unacceptable comments.Also predator opens an account using a fake name and birth date.The predator will post a picture of someone else, usually a picture of someone around the same age of the predators "target group."it is very discussing.

  86. children and adults always abuse social media. People lie. There are, of course, more complicated technical ways such as hacking into user accounts, getting into e-mail address books and finding and posting fake pictures so the abuser appears as someone he or she is actually not. Regardless, abuse happens when people lie and unfortunately, it is becoming more common as social networking sites begin to grow.I experienced at abuse over social media by hacking into my account and made unacceptable saying unacceptable comments.Also predator opens an account using a fake name and birth date.The predator will post a picture of someone else, usually a picture of someone around the same age of the predators "target group."it is very discussing.

  87. Students and adults abuse social media by allowing social media to distract them from work. I have personally allowed myself to procrastinate by going on social media. On one occasion, I put my nudes up on Twitter and several people got arrested for possession of child pornography. If we stopped distracting ourselves with social media, the Great Depression would not have happened. Michael Jackson did not die on the cross for us to abuse social media.

  88. Teenagers abuse social media by committing the act of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is that takes place using electronic technology.Cyber bullying takes place on social media websites.. Cyber bullying leads to depression, anxiety and self harm. Teenagers feel that they can express themselves on the internet. Although most of teens abuse that.

  89. Students and young adults abuse social media by putting to much information on these sites. At times students can put a lot of information that isn't necessarily everyone's business. Social media was made to keep up with people to a certain extent. It was not made to stalk people.
    I do not have any experiences where i have abused social media.In my opinion the best way social media abuse can be eliminated is to not use it to log every moment of your life. If you are not social media every day you will not be able to abuse it. Use these sites for what they are for and only that.

  90. Students and young adults abuse social media by putting to much information on these sites. At times students can put a lot of information that isn't necessarily everyone's business. Social media was made to keep up with people to a certain extent. It was not made to stalk people.
    I do not have any experiences where i have abused social media.In my opinion the best way social media abuse can be eliminated is to not use it to log every moment of your life. If you are not social media every day you will not be able to abuse it. Use these sites for what they are for and only that.

  91. Some ways that people abuse social media include , cyber bullying in which one are a group of people pick on another person or group of people. This is an abuse of social media because it is uses a form of technology for harm. Another way people abuse social media is by posting inappropiate material when there is no need too.
    i have never had and experience with social media abuse and putting a stop to it is very difficult when everyone has there own personal access to their own social media accounts

  92. People abuse the social media by sending inappropriate things to one another, sending information that shouldn't be shared, planning events that are illegal and dangerous, and much more. It happens on a daily and its been happening for a long time now. I dont believe there is a way to eliminate it because people will always find a way. I have no experience of social media abuse.

  93. Social Media is abused in many ways. They use it to bully and tease others, promote negative images, and they also use it to misuse the purpose of it. I have seen many things on social media. I have seen people tease others, take something meant to be positive and turn it negative, I have seen people's lives ruined just because of something on social media. It can be eliminated if the makers of these sites put limits on what can be said and done. It can also be eliminated if people payed attention to the positive things people say.

  94. There are millions of people on the internet who are looking to meet other people and to gather and share information and experiences on a variety of topics. Because of this, hundreds of social networking sites have been created, and they have attracted millions of users in the few short years that social networking has become a phenomenon. Most of the key features of these sites are very similar, yet the cultures that form around the social networking sites vary in many different ways. Some of the sites target diverse audiences, while others attract people based on common language, race, sexual preferences, religion, or nationality. The sites also vary the ways in which the show and incorporate new information and communication tools, like mobile access, blogging, and photo and video sharing .I have no experiences with social media in this matter.

  95. Social media can either make or break a person. This is because it has a huge effect on a persons slef esteem, outlook on life, and the way the yhandle situations. I love to speak on the topic of social media becasue Ive been harrased over socail media. Its a very touchy topic.

  96. Social media can be good and bad if used wrong. Social media was meant to be something friends and family, but then started to use it cyber bully and use social harass and embarrass people and it needs to stop. What they don't realize is that they tend to make people fill small and cause harm.

  97. People abuse social media in a variety of ways. From bullying, to drama, to bashing celebrity. People love to bully on the internet. They might post an image of someone that isn't to flattering for good laugh from their friends or a couple of retweets. People also love to start drama or escalate drama on the internet. They might say something about someone and that person might retaliate and it goes on and on until a full blown argument happens, and it most likely will carry on to school, or work, or a neighborhood. Another way people abuse the internet is bashing celebrities. Saying how you feel is fine, but most people take it too far when they say very hurtful things about celebrities and think it goes unnoticed but sometimes it doesn't.

  98. Social media is being abused because people tend to use it for the wrong reason. They go on social media and see something they do not approve of and start mentioning dreadful things about what they see . Likewise , a lot of bullying is going on on social media. This results in others feeling depression,anxiety,and stress - causing them to lose their selves, Therefore, social media abuse can be prevented by going on it to utilize your time to advertise your businesses and productions. For instance, you can advertise your hair business to get increase your clients. Overall , respect social media as if you will respect yourself .

  99. Social media has a lot of abuse called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying makes people reeled depressed, mental stress, and mad which leads to killing themselves.

  100. Social media has a lot of abuse called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying makes people reeled depressed, mental stress, and mad which leads to killing themselves.

  101. These acts will lead to consequences such as the inability to get a job, depression, and even jail. Social media is so easy to become wrapped up in because it is at the tip of your finger each time you pick up your phone, but just like anything else in life take it in moderation.

  102. Social media has a lot of abuse called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying makes people reeled depressed, mental stress and much more that leads to death.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Adults and teens over use the media in a bad way which is cyber bullying. They feel depressed about something in there lives so they feel its ok to make someone else feel the same way.

  105. Adults and teens over use social media in a variety of ways. One was is cyber bullying, which is bullying with the use of a technological device such as a phone. Cyber bullying can be done by calling others out of there names on a device. It's not a very good thing and no one should do it. Often others feel bad about themselves so they feel that they should talk about another so they can feel better.
