Tuesday, March 3, 2015


How does media influence culture and society?  Name ways in which you have been influenced by media. MINIMUM OF 2 paragraphs


  1. Media influences society drastically. When you wake up in the morning and turn on the tv, the first thing you see is information about something. Media is all around the world in different forms of culture, based on where you live. You wouldn't imagine how important media is to our everyday lives. News channels help us become aware of the setting around us. Those who are more into sports, would also obtain their information from the media.
    Information is a huge part of our lives, and media is what puts it out.
    media influences me everyday, whether it be information i can learn, or a social media site which I could enjoy. Without media to produce the information, how would we know the certain thing we do? Media keeps the world and culture how it is today. There are many different forms of media, but at the end of the day media influences society in ways some can't imagine.

  2. Media influenced culture and society by effecting how these people think when differing between society and culture.The media can make it possible to change the opinion of the people by providing reasons with the truth or slightly to extremely exaggerated. The media can influence on what society finds as trending or news that seem interesting to watch or discuss. The media can provide general information worth telling to the people to know. The media can influence on how society lives and how cultures reason with.
    Media influenced me to find more beneficial factors in society rather than taking short cuts that could not give you the same effect. Media influenced the way to question everything even if you truly know of what or who it is. Media influenced my ways to react to an event or problem I would normally find usual or not as threatening. Media influenced my thoughts on what to try new or what to do by providing specific or hook-grabbing stories on the topic. Media influenced what I use to waste less materials at home.

  3. The media influences culture and society in a number of ways. One of the most prominent influences the media has on society is the media's portrayal of beauty. The media frequently depicts beauty as defined by eurocentric beauty standards which glamorize European features and white skin. This dangerous depiction of beauty is a cause of cultural assimilation, racism, and colorism in America.
    Not only does the media try to place race in one box, they also try to define males and females in regard to the black and white notion of masculinity and femininity. Such examples of this sexism and disregard for non binary people can be represented through marketing, where certain products are marketed toward a certain gender: such as yogurt and how it is advertised exclusively to women. The media tries to represent people as a synecdoche when not all people are able to fit into certain stereotypes that the media endeavors to reinforce.

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  5. Lexi Stokes
    Media influences culture and society everyday. It connects people all around the world. It can show and teach cultures from other regions. Society uses the media for communication and allows us to be everywhere without leaving basically.
    I use media to communicate with family and friends. I also read about what is happening in the world. The media can keep everyone updated on trends and the news that is happening in the current moment.

  6. Media influences the public every day. In a way, media is nothing but gossip and storytelling. Depending on the media source, the media is usually true. However, some sources hype up gossip and false rumors in order to get more views. The television and radio highly influence the opinions of the public through the details they share about people and different topics.They also have a big impact on the trends in the community.
    Personally, I have even noticed my own mother was influenced by the media. She watched a segment on a nationwide news broadcast channel about snapchat that caused her to have bad feeling towards it. In the episode the anchor talked about how the app was dirty and there were many creepers on the app. After watching, she was completely against Snapchat and wanted to ban it in our household. Then I told her about the locks and safety settings and how I had never experienced any of those things. Snapchat really isn't a horrible app. She had just been influenced by the media.

  7. Media can influence culture and society. Society has grown with the advance of technology. Now kids like to watch TV and movies, play video games, and etc. Before kids would of played outside with friends, join sports, and etc. The advancement of technology is changing how kids are raised now.
    Culture can influence by showing different sides of a certain country. For example today, maybe on the discovery channel their would a host star and they would go all around the world and explore and see how people live in different countries. That would give an idea for a food recipe or even how to decorate your home for Americans.
    Amanda Nieves Per.1st

  8. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television. There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.

    Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another.his new source of information is a huge effect on not only American culture, but the entire world. Media can influence the opinions of people in severe ways, both good and bad, for example government influence on media can sway the opinions of the people exposed to that specific media.

  9. media influences culture and society in many different ways. for example in the dancing media, dances have changed drastically over time. which changes the culture of dancing. today we have the "nae nae", "krew slide" , and the "hit em". other types of media like social has also influenced culture and society. now instead of going out into the public to meet the "love of their life" they can use social media. programs like NBA Life influence society to go out and help. ive been influenced by media because every time there's a new dance i try and learn it. as well as when new shoes release or select clothing restocks i try to go out and get it. overall media influences everything.

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  12. Media totally influence everything in society. It ethier bring people to become friends, lovers, and enemies. Media is also describe as one of societies backbone so to speak. Media has now even took over how education is presented in school and college. Even though sometimes technology doesn't always want to work, it is still considered to be way more efficient and faster compared to doing everything by walking or reading.
    The influence technology has had on me is that i have met a lot of different of people through social media. It has also expanded my horizon about a lot of different subjects and topics. I especially saw how it influenced my school education and how i have to do work. A lot of my teachers really require me to get on social media to post something or look for something. One example will be using remind 101 for a lot of reminders that teachers send to us to help us remember our work.
    - Reggie Daniels (1st period)

  13. Media influences culture and society in many different ways. Media can control people in a sense because 9 out of 10 people are the audience of some type of media. Television, radio, and the internet are primary sources of these influences. People view, listen to, and/or use these resources everyday.
    Most people believe everything that the media tells them. If someone reads something online, hears something on the radio, or sees something on TV, they automatically think it must be true. Contrary to popular belief, not everything that the media broadcasts is true, or is just opinion. People will look in magazines or see a rapper in a music video and wear new types of fashions that they see in them, People will listen to a song they might not even really like that is #1 on the top 100. People are so easily influenced and controlled by media and don't even realize it.

  14. Media has a very big influence on our society. without media our society would not be a society, or at least to our eyes it would not be. Media controls our society from sun up to sun down. we wake up in the morning and check our TV or our phones or some type of technology that involves media. throughout the day we are constantly checking the media to see whats happening or whats trending. Media has our society wrapped around its finger.

  15. media is defined as the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively. media is a significant force in modern culture, particularly in this country. Communities and individuals are influenced constantly with messages from sources including TV, billboards, and magazines. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. once something becomes popular on social media, you'll often hear kids in school repeating whatever it is which has become so popular. for instance, one may go into any local school and will probably hear somebody teen singing the little Einstein song.

    media or even social media doesn't only affect the youth. the rapper drake made a song in 2011 called the motto, where he used a phrase YOLO(you only live once). this phrase became so popular that it was added to the dictionary. media makes possible the concept of the celebrity and goves them the ability to reach across the thousands of miles, tp the world.

  16. How does media influence culture and society? Media influences culture and society in several different ways. Such as, fashion or sense of style. Fashion to people means many different things. To some people fashion is comfort or fashion has to be what is the hottest, newest clothing. The media portrays celebrities as the most fashionable creating people who want to be just like them. In addition, media allows people to remain in contact with people close or even far. People are now universally connected.Because of things such as, email,cell phones and texting. Also, movies influence the way people and young adults think. Although, the effects of movies are more beneficial than harmful, they still disturbing effects.For example, children thinking they can jump off buildings and fly because superman does. In addition, social media has been one of the greatest and worst inventions of the 21st century. People can express themselves and their thoughts now. However, it has had a significant part in the increase of suicide rates. Is the media truly worth it?

  17. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles, people could not become famous. In fact, only political and business leaders, as well as the few notorious outlaws, were famous in the past. Only in recent times have actors, singers, and other social elites become celebrities or “stars.”

  18. There are both positive and negative impacts media has on our culture. Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another. Media literally mediate our relationship with social institutions. We base most of our knowledge on government news accounts, not experience. We are dependent on the media for what we know and how we relate to the world of politics because of the media-politics connection. We read or watch political debates followed by instant analysis and commentary by "experts." The media may be an influence, but each person has free will. They can follow the influence of the media or create their own path. Parents have the choice in teaching their children appropriateness and steering them away from harmful influences. If children don't have good role models, they may lean more towards the media for influence.

  19. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day.There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.The TV news inaccurately covers its communities by having most of its stories about violence.

  20. How does media influence culture and society? Media is influenced by culture because of the different cultures you have on media you can meet new people in different cultures or language. How does media influence society? Media influence society it influences media in a good and bad way . Its good because you can hear and learn about new things , its also bad because it can start drama and that's not good with today's generation.

  21. Media has a ranging influence on society and culture. Such as those who are interested in sports can obtain the latest updates just by downloading an app on their phone. Media such as internet and tv affect the way most people dress or even their way of thinking. Stations such as "CNN" and "Fox News" can stream live events that are occurring throughout the world and are able to get their news out through apps and social media outlets like the "CNN" app or even "Snapchat" who includes a branch on their app for places and news events from CNN.
    The one major downfall is that media can give children or young teens the wrong ideas of what the world is like or what they are able to do. Most people with common sense can figure out that most things they see on TV they should not attempt at home, however there is a large group that will attempt something they've seen on TV at home. This seemingly minority of people still account for those who can be dangerous after seeing a movie like "Now You See Me" and think that they can re-enact the whole thing, without any trouble or harm to themselves/others.

  22. Media influences society drastically. When you wake up in the morning and turn on the tv, the first thing you see is information about something. Media is all around the world in different forms of culture, based on where you live. You wouldn't imagine how important media is to our everyday lives. News channels help us become aware of the setting around us. Those who are more into sports, would also obtain their information from the media.
    Information is a huge part of our lives, and media is what puts it out.
    media influences me everyday, whether it be information i can learn, or a social media site which I could enjoy. Without media to produce the information, how would we know the certain thing we do? Media keeps the world and culture how it is today. There are many different forms of media, but at the end of the day media influences society in ways some can't imagine.

  23. If you look around you, you are more than likely to see some form of media whether its social media, news, a magazine or some other form. Media influences our lives consciously and subconsciously everyday. From the way we dress to the type of carpets we have in our homes, our culuture and society is driven by the media. If you see your favorite celebrity with a beautiful carpet that they got from Ikea, then that may influence you to also go get that caret. Advertisements play a big role in influencing monetary decisions everyday. If you walk into a store and see on the news that it will rain later on, you are likely to buy an umbrella or raincoat while in the store.
    Personally, i've been influenced by media plenty of times. I've gone out and bought food at restaurants because it looked great on tv. I've refrained from going out alone because of a news report of a potentially dangerous person in my area. many times, i have gone to places i saw advertised on tv.Media over the years has become a big part of society over the years, opening up more and more windows of oppertunity for influence.

  24. ,Media affects our society in many different ways . Media controls the direction of society today . Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day. This is because know an days you are expected to have media in some from or fashion.
    , I am being influenced to have and use media/modern day technology in many ways. With schools having laptops open for students to use at school. There is also a type of pressure from peers. Media helps people to remain in contact with people that they may not be able too talk in person . People are now connected all over the world thanks too the media.

  25. Media has a big impact on culture and society. When people see other people doing things on social media they end up doing the same.

  26. Media, especially in today's technology advanced world, is very useful and often essential. Media is portrayed in various mediums, from newspaper and television to even Facebook and Twitter. Media frequently has an effect on society by leading its audience on what to think, how to look at the world; yourself, what to be afraid of, what to hate and what to embrace. Because media can have these effects on its viewers, there are both positive and negative impacts influenced. We are dependent on the media for what we know and how we relate to the world.
    From a personal perspective, I, as I am sure many others, have been rendered prey among which media feeds off of.
    Daily, I have watched the news, heard radio reports, and read Twitter post, all forms of media. Though media is very influential in the lives of its audience, media should be conveyed in a non-prejudice way, therefore leaving its audience to have their own opinion. However, this is not always the case, as result it is up to society to decipher between all the misconstrued information and fabricated facts.

  27. Media tells you how to look at your world, yourself, and how to think in regards to them. It tells you what to be afraid of, what to hate, what to embrace, etc. If you want to observe the effects of media on society for yourself, just look and listen. Really listen for the messages that media is transmitting, then go out and see how they are reflected in our societal values and behavior. It's a trip. If it's interesting to you, take sociology lol, it will blow your mind.

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  30. Technology is a gift and a curse. Social media has had a huge impact on our culture today, and changed society's ways of viewing things. In many ways people use social media for good purposes such as promoting certain things or reconnecting with loved ones or old friends. Other ways our generation tends to misuse it and do bad things such a online bullying, and posting ignorant videos and just promoting bad character online. I think social media is a good way of learning/finding out certain things rather than watching tv from my experience. Things tend to circulate fast on social media. At the end of the day its all about what you do and choose to do on social media.

  31. Media affects our society and culture in many different ways. With media affecting our culture it broadens everyones perspective of someone. From a jew watching the news of how other religions are being attacked and witnessing the brutality of others, they realize they're not the only ones out there. With media effecting society thats a game changer.
    Media effects society on a daily basis. One day a person can go from being an ordinary person to an A-lister overnight. Media gives people the opportunity to become the person they really want to be.

  32. Media has had an extraordinary effect on society and culture. Society has grown with the advance of technology that can be positive or negative. Now kids like to watch TV and movies, and play video games instead of playing outside with friends, joining sports, or any physical activity other than moving their thumbs.. The advancement of technology is changing how children, teenagers and even adults look at the world. Now a days you see people who cannot go thirty minutes without using their phone, tablet, computer, etc.
    Culture can influence by showing opposite sides of the world. What may be weird to us is normal to whom is in Russia. We find out those different ways of life through social media and/or television. It has affected Americans by showing us new ways of household and meal choices. media can have a positive and negative outcome depending on the persons perception

  33. maria carter
    Media influences a lot of people. Whether its food, fashion or the latest singer. there are a lot of positive and negative stuff to come along with that. The positive is like the newest way to get healthy or best exercise that someone famous is doing. Hearing about all the good acts people can be inspiring! The negative is that they people can be influenced poorly.. For example; all the plastic surgery doing damage to people and the gross impossible model standards.

    Me personally I try to focus on the positive things that the media brings.Like the fireman saving the cute cat or the newest kale chip that someone favored. I want to be healthy and better than what I was yesterday. Other positive things like a funny post from Taylor Swift posted a picture and said that there was a random lime on the stage while she was preforming! It was really appealing to me. Thats its greatest influence on me.

  34. Media affects our society in many different ways. Alot that we see on the websites such twitter,Facebook, instagram, tumblr. They influence us because the show things that celebrities do and we want do to do the same thing.

  35. Media influences our society through different mediums such as television, social media, and print every day. For instance, there is a universal ideal of beauty that is projected in our cultures that affect how many of us behave. If these images weren't forced on us daily, there would be less diets, mental disorders, and suicides. On the other hand, there would be less people trying to get healthy by eating better and exercising more.
    Another way that media influences society and culture is through social media. Certain things may go viral through sites such as twitter and vine that catch on and become trends in some communities. Also, social media gives young people a louder voice. If it weren't for social media, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Trayvon Martin might have never become symbols of injustice in our country. Activist groups wouldn't have been formed and marches would have fallen through. There is a sense of unity in our community when we can come together and discuss the issues through media.
    I let the media drive me every day. I want a career in communications, so I learn from how people in the field carry themselves on social media as well as how television shows are written and how interviews are approached. The media can influence people either positively or negatively depending on one's perspective. Though it can be harmful, it is an essential part of our culture now and may be powerful when used for good.

  36. media influences culture and society in many different ways. for example in the dancing media, dances have changed drastically over time. which changes the culture of dancing. today we have the "nae nae", "krew slide" , and the "hit em". other types of media like social has also influenced culture and society. now instead of going out into the public to meet the "love of their life" they can use social media. programs like NBA Life influence society to go out and help. ive been influenced by media because every time there's a new dance i try and learn it. as well as when new shoes release or select clothing restocks i try to go out and get it. overall media influences everything. Meco Lucas

  37. Media influences a lot of people. Whether its food, fashion or the latest singer. there are a lot of positive and negative stuff to come along with that. The positive is like the newest way to get healthy or best exercise that someone famous is doing. Hearing about all the good acts people can be inspiring! The negative is that they people can be influenced poorly.. For example; all the plastic surgery doing damage to people and the gross impossible model standards.
    I let the media drive me every day. I want a career in communications, so I learn from how people in the field carry themselves on social media as well as how television shows are written and how interviews are approached. The media can influence people either positively or negatively depending on one's perspective. Though it can be harmful, it is an essential part of our culture now and may be powerful when used for good.

  38. Media influences society and culture in multiple ways. When people focus on the media, they begin to have opinions about certain things such as fashion, news, and other things. People will begin to shape how they act based on what the media says or does. For instance, if celebrities start doing a certain thing, people who follow those celebrities will start to copy what they do. The media shows people how to act in society and culture.
    With the media, I mainly focus on new fashion and the news. I try not to base my acts on the media because some of what is on it is negative for people. I don't want to pressured to do things just because famous people do it and it seems 'cool.' Basically, I go on the media everyday, but I try not to be influenced by it.

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  41. Media has a total impact on our society and culture. When someone makes a video or something happen the first place news people look to find the information is social media or any other sites.Today's society has changed drastically because of the media which has a affect on everything in life school,accidents, and sports. The media also has a bad affect also because it can tell you what to think and keeps people from reading which we need to do. For example someone can post something on the internet and make people talk and argue about it which in reality it wasn't even that serious. As we see now the technology world has advanced a lot now teenagers go from going outside being in physical activities playing with friends to staying in playing the video games, watching netflix, and just looking at a screen all day. People go hours and hours without getting off there phone,game,tablet. The media can have either a negative or positive affect all depends on you the person

  42. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day.

    There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.

    The TV news inaccurately covers its communities by having most of its stories about violence. A University of Miami study of local television news found that the time devoted to crime varied between 23 to 50 percent even though violent crime in the city remained constant, involving less than one tenth of one percent of the population.

    Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another. Media literally mediate our relationship with social institutions. We base most of our knowledge on government news accounts, not experience. We are dependent on the media for what we know and how we relate to the world of politics because of the media-politics connection. We read or watch political debates followed by instant analysis and commentary by "experts." Politicians rely on media to communicate their message. Similar dynamics are present in other mediated events such as televised sports and televangelism. media is part of our routine relations with family and friends. They define our interaction with other people on a daily basis as a diversion, sources of conflict, or a unifying force. Media have an impact on society not only through the content of the message but also through the process.

    The media may be an influence, but each person has free will. They can follow the influence of the media or create their own path. Parents have the choice in teaching their children appropriateness and steering them away from harmful influences. If children don't have good role models, they may lean more towards the media for influence. Parents have to set healthy examples early on and be involved in their children's lives enough to know what is influencing them both negatively or positively. As for adults...it's pretty lame to follow a path just because the media tells you that's the way to go. Think for yourself, define yourself as somebody, regardless of the influences

  43. Media influences culture and society. People base their lives off of media. The news is media and that can influence the society. The NBA is media and that influences our society. Our culture can be influenced by television also.
    Dancing has changed alot because of media. Personally media drives me everyday because I will major in Mass Media and Communications. After college I will be pursuing a career in Sports Reporting.

  44. Media influences culture and society in many ways. Every person in modern america is exposed to media in some way or another every single day. The things that you view every day in media whether good or bad will influence you in some way. depending upon your perspective.

  45. Media has a definite affect on culture and society.Media affect society when people try to imitate what they see in the media,such as the way they dress or how they talk.society always follow who or what they see in the media.Media affect culture by creating stereo types,such as they say people from the middle east are in terrorist.to me that is the biggest stereo type that has been created.
    I have been as far what music i listen to.I depend on the media for my music choices basted on other people opinion of the song.I also choose my cloth that i buy based off of social media.so the media has many different affects on peoples way of life and decision .

  46. Media has an huge impact on culture and society through out the world. In my opinion the media sculpts the thoughts and action of people. The media influences society by setting trends each and every day. For an example, when a new release of a pair of Jordans comes out, it is so hyped up by social media like Twitter and Instagram. Even music can have an impact on society by persuading people to do drugs or even sell them. However, it all depends on how the media affects you.
    In all honesty, the media doesn't necessarily have a big influence on my thought s or actions. I prefer not to get caught up in the hype. However, i do keep up with the trends i find interesting. These trends includes things such as particular clothing or dances. I make sure the media has a positive impact on me before i take part in it.

  47. Media has impacted our society severely. Especially the younger generation, we tend to imitate celebrities actions in which they make or copy the latest gear or the new lingo and try to be up on the newest things forgetting to be original. All because of society, people sacrifice well needed money to wait in a line with 50 of their friends to purchase materialistic wear in which 100 other people will have. Because our society does it, we must.
    Media is also influencing our society because it is our source of news today.

  48. Media is one of the biggest influences of our society, and its influence has grown in the 21st century. Media influences almost every part of our culture and society. It influences the way we dress, what we do, and its even coming to the point where it influences what we say. The media teaches or tells us things, and if we think its cool or interesting we will do it because it is now what everybody is doing. We have come to follow brands, people, etc, when before individuality was key.
    I have been influenced by the media to do many great things. I usually only look for the positive side of things. I have learned that being an original and an individual is still in existence. I followed many good role models, and learned from them through the media. The media has taught me how to succeed throughout my life. Therefore not all things we see in the media are negative. Some of it can be positive, but some people just don't look for the positive.

  49. Today's society is based off of the media. The media is an international network that affects everyone in one way or another. Everyone is influenced by the media simply because its everywhere. It attracts people from everywhere and has molded the world into what it is today.
    Culture has been drastically influenced by the media. The way things were a century ago are now completely different and it has made our society grow and prosper. There are many downfalls on how the media impacted today's world but every up has their downs. The media has helped me gain a better perspective on things and people but it has also had me think wrong of others for things that are not controllable.

  50. Media was a huge influence on culture ans society in out world. Media like a news program or a radio can allow us to share information more quickly than ever. Now instead of tuning into the news or a radio, most people learn about news over social media. Also, media also starts new trends in the younger generations. People learn about what everyone else is doing over Twitter and Instagram.
    Media doesn't really influence me that much. The type of media that effects my way of thinking is usually the news or trailers for movies or new games. The news informs me, like other people, on the world current events. I usually decide weather I will watch a movie or not depending on how good a trailer is. I usually do the same for new video games as well. Media influences our world in a huge way.

  51. Today's society is based off of the media. The media is an international network that affects everyone in one way or another. Everyone is influenced by the media simply because its everywhere. It attracts people from everywhere and has molded the world into what it is today.
    Culture has been drastically influenced by the media. The way things were a century ago are now completely different and it has made our society grow and prosper. There are many downfalls on how the media impacted today's world but every up has their downs. The media has helped me gain a better perspective on things and people but it has also had me think wrong of others for things that are not controllable.

  52. Our culture and society has been influenced by the media in countless ways. From what people wear to what they do and eat and even how they talk. The media basically has total control over everyone and they are fully aware of it. Its almost frighting.
    The media cannot influence me for my will is to strong. I take orders from no man and i will not allow myself to be corrupted. Cooperate america is trying to take over but they will not get me.

  53. Media has a large impact on society. It can affect how we see the world and what we think of society. I am influenced by media through social media and movies/tv shows. Music is also a form of media and it's used to express emotions of point of views. Music doesn't really influence me but it gives me an outlet to get away for a while. This is also true with video games. Video games can influence you to do things based on what happens in the game.

  54. Media influences culture and society a lot. Media is something that is apart of our daily lives and we cant live without it. We have so much technology now a days that we are forced to be influenced by media. Media consists of social networking, tv, magazines, etc. We are constantly checking our phones, constantly on blogs, and constantly interacting with celebrities. Today's society depends on whats popular or whats "hip" and the only way we find that out is through the media. The media causes to us buy stuff, causes us to want to look a certain way, and show us the "right" dress. Everyone everywhere is somehow affected by media!

  55. Media has been a big influence on the culture and society all around the world. Media has started things such as new clothing trends and the way people live their day-to-day lives. Media has also become a main way of information for most of the younger generations of the country as it explains the major actions of some of people's favorite celebrities and music artists. Media has also become a place where people can display what they are doing and can even let people talk to others via social media.
    Media has also become a major topic for jobs that are hiring for which they can access things about you because you are the one that put it out there for everyone to see.

  56. Media influences our culture and society a lot. Media is things such as twitter, instagram, worldstar, etc. These social network sites influence today's youth the most. Instead of talking about homework, we talk about fights. This is horrible. Instead of striving to be as great as Oprah Winfrey... young females strive to be like Rihanna. Instead of striving to be as educated at Barack Obama, young men aim to be succesful like Kanye West. The end!!

  57. We live in a media-based society. Societies worldwide have been affected for years, both positively and negatively. From the beginning of national television, to the internet and beyond, we now have access to infinite sources of news, entertainment, and much more. People in our community, especially in the U.S. depend on the day-to-day access to global communication and information.

    On the other hand, however, media has also had a negative impact on our society just as much as a positive one. Younger people are exposed to more mature subjects due to accessibility, things they shouldn't see so early in their life. People also become the subject of rumor and lesser privacy due to social media.

  58. Media influences culture and society everyday. It connects people all around the world. It can show and teach cultures from other regions. Society uses the media for communication and allows us to be everywhere without leaving basically.
    I use media to communicate with family and friends. I also read about what is happening in the world. The media can keep everyone updated on trends and the news that is happening in the current moment.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I have been influenced my media in numerous ways. I believe that in my generation media has become apart of my daily life. There is not one moment in the day where I do not connect to the media; whether its on social network or even simply checking my email. Media has become apart of my daily life.
    I have also been influenced by media because of that the way that I find out what is happening around me. I wouldn't know worldly news if I i didn't have the media. So I consider it very important. The media makes me aware of my surroundings.

  61. I have been influenced my media in numerous ways. I believe that in my generation media has become apart of my daily life. There is not one moment in the day where I do not connect to the media; whether its on social network or even simply checking my email. Media has become apart of my daily life.
    I have also been influenced by media because of that the way that I find out what is happening around me. I wouldn't know worldly news if I i didn't have the media. So I consider it very important. The media makes me aware of my surroundings.

  62. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television. There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society. Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another.his new source of information is a huge effect on not only American culture, but the entire world. Media can influence the opinions of people in severe ways, both good and bad, for example government influence on media can sway the opinions of the people exposed to that specific media.

  63. Media influences culture and society everyday. It connects people all around the world. It can show and teach cultures from other regions. Society uses the media for communication and allows us to be everywhere without leaving basically.
    I use media to communicate with family and friends. I also read about what is happening in the world. The media can keep everyone updated on trends and the news that is happening in the current moment.

  64. It's 2015, everybody has technological access to media. For the last few years, technology has influenced most of the world as we know it today. Music, T.V, movies, etc, have influenced people in a number of ways. Media can have a positive influence on our lives.

    Media can be easily accessed through technology. Mostly everyone now has a smart phone, so most people have access to what is going on in the world. The effects it can have on people can be good or bad. Media is a part of our daily lives.

  65. Media has heavily effected so many different people and cultures in today's society. Having so many different media outlets such as the news, Facebook, Twitter, or maybe Instagram makes it is almost impossible to constantly hear what the media says and not believe some of what is being told to the public.
    There are both negative and positive effects of the media. Like for example the way that some people will believe anything that they hear whether it is true or not is definitely a negative thing. A positive effect of the media would be how the media can keep you updated on what is going on around the world.
    I would say that I personally have not really been affected by media because i can decipher what is pertinent information and what is not.

  66. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day.The media may be an influence, but each person has free will. They can follow the influence of the media or create their own path. Parents have the choice in teaching their children appropriateness and steering them away from harmful influences. If children don't have good role models, they may lean more towards the media for influence. Parents have to set healthy examples early on and be involved in their children's lives enough to know what is influencing them both negatively or positively. As for adults...it's pretty lame to follow a path just because the media tells you that's the way to go. Think for yourself, define yourself as somebody, regardless of the influences around you.

  67. Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another. Media literally mediate our relationship with social institutions. We base most of our knowledge on government news accounts, not experience. We are dependent on the media for what we know and how we relate to the world of politics because of the media-politics connection. We read or watch political debates followed by instant analysis and commentary by "experts." Politicians rely on media to communicate their message. Similar dynamics are present in other mediated events such as televised sports and televangelism. media is part of our routine relations with family and friends. They define our interaction with other people on a daily basis as a diversion, sources of conflict, or a unifying force. Media have an impact on society not only through the content of the message but also through the process.

  68. I think that media has influenced culture and society because a lot of them are new to it. Having so many different media outlets has made it easier for other people to gain knowledge and other things a lot faster. A lot of people have been influenced to believe anything they see or hear as far as media. I find a lot of people are influenced such as little kids. I have been influenced a lot to be careful as to who you talk to and what you post because you never know who is reading it.

  69. Society itself is the media nowadays. The media grows as technology advances. It does in fact keep us informed of what's going on. And, it does keep people in contact with one another. Or, others use it as access to learning new things.
    I've used the media to keep myself informed. It's important for me so that i can be up to date of what's going on in the industry that I'm interested in. So when the time comes for me to get involved, the information that I have won't be out of date.

  70. Media influences society drastically. When you wake up in the morning and turn on the tv, the first thing you see is information about something. Media is all around the world in different forms of culture, based on where you live. You wouldn't imagine how important media is to our everyday lives. News channels help us become aware of the setting around us. Those who are more into sports, would also obtain their information from the media.
    Media influenced me to find more beneficial factors in society rather than taking short cuts that could not give you the same effect. Media influenced the way to question everything even if you truly know of what or who it is. Media influenced my ways to react to an event or problem I would normally find usual or not as threatening. Media influenced my thoughts on what to try new or what to do by providing specific or hook-grabbing stories on the topic. Media influenced what I use to waste less materials at home.

  71. One way that media can influence society is through instant news. Residents are able to receive updates on weather alerts and breaking news wherever they are. They do not have to sit at home to receive alerts. The American culture relies on instant news. However, in other cultures world wide, due to economic and political reasons, citizens are limited to instant news.
    On the other hand the media can be bad. The media can give incorrect information
    that may result in defamation of character.

  72. Media affects our society in a lot of ways and controls the direction of society. TV is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is relevant to look at the influence of tv. There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.

    Media affects how we learn about our world and get along with one another this new source of information is a huge effect on not only American culture, but the entire world. Media can influence the opinions of people in lots of ways, both good and bad, for example government influence on media can sway the opinions of the people exposed to that specific media.

  73. Media has a very big impact on today's society. The media influences everyone in some way. Millions of people watch the News, listen to the radio, read magazines, read blogs, newspapers, have social media accounts, etc. All of the media sources have influence over peoples lives in some way. They tell you what is occurring in today's society. They tell you what to wear, how to behave, how to style your hair, what to buy, what to read, and so much more.

    I have been influenced by the media in some of these ways as well. In my opinion everyone in the world is influenced by the media. The media can be a bad influence a lot of the time but could also be a good influence if used properly and to spread awareness and positivity. But a lot of the time media is not used in that way and so it has a negative affect on culture and society. Media is sometimes used as a tool to perpetuate certain stereotypes or spread lies about celebrities and other people in the media. But overall I think the media can be very beneficial as well as negative and greatly impacts society.

  74. Media influences culture and society by portraying new and ongoing things in our everyday lives. By showing these things such as current events, music, and videos people learn and follow what they see in the media. This causes new developments in culture and society. This includes but is not limited to trendy clothing, hairstyles, and popular clothing.

    I am influenced the mostly by music, a lot of songs talk about what society really is today. When people hear music they tend to follow the traits of the artist or try to live the lifestyles of such. Music is a big influence on a lot of people and always will be as long as people are able to listen to it.

  75. Media influences culture and society in many ways. In the world we live in today most people have access to view news and other forms of media such as one of the biggest forms of media outlets in today's world if not the biggest "social media". Media has the power to influence what the majority of the public talk about and view as important topics in our society. Media has the power to share the problems and triumphs of one country or community of people and share it with the world.
    I have been influenced by media in many ways , the music, news, sports, celebrities and other aspects of media all contributed to the way i viewed the world and shaped the way i thought about my society in both negative and positive ways which taught me the power of media in our everyday lifestyles. .

  76. Media influences culture and society in many ways. The influence can be good or bad depending on what it is. For instance, the media might reveal what beauty is when in reality everyone has their own flaws and no one shall judge others base on their looks. Likewise, it can influence the culture by that particular culture may not practice what is being reveal on T.v or in your local magazines. Therefore, it is not good to advertise certain things as an opinion.
    Media really does not influence me in a bad. For instance,if i see what someone else thinks of beauty it does not affect . The reason why is because society does not define your beauty you do. As well, it does not affect me cause i can tell when someone just trying to criticize others to put them down.

  77. Media has a major impact on culture and society today. It effects everything we do in society. How we dress ,talk, interact with each other, and even how we think. It effects how we communicate and connect with each other. Its a great way of getting information from all kinds of mediums.
    Media can effect who like and how we view somebody by how the medium projects them to us. The way the media projects them to us can have a positive and negative effect. I've been influenced bythe media in many ways. Being influenced to see certain movies, to watch certain programs.

  78. Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another. Media literally mediate our relationship with social institutions.We read or watch political debates followed by instant analysis and commentary by "experts." Politicians rely on media to communicate their message. The media may be an influence, but each person has free will. They can follow the influence of the media or create their own path. Parents have the choice in teaching their children appropriateness and steering them away from harmful influences.There are several sources available which we connect the media like television,world newspaper, online news, etc. Most of the people who sit online Subscribe the news online.Video games affects society because it affects your eye sight and causes damage to the world
    Television affects society because your mind is focused on it so your brain doesn't function the correct way

  79. Media can either intrigue the communtiy or make it worse. I've been influenced by media because is has showed me whats going on in the real world.

  80. media can be good or bad. It can harm people. If someone posts a picture of someone it could hurt that person. when they show beer on tv they want you to drink it even tho they know its bad for you. they do it because they want money . Media can also be good too . If their are kids in need they put it on tv so that they can help them. Media has helped me and also harmed me. It has changed our world in a huge way.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Media can influence society in both good and bad ways. Media sets the example for teenagers most of the time. So if they are seeing positive in the media, they are most likely gonna follow the movement. If it is bad then it will influence then to do negative things. The media has influenced me to have a good sence of style.

  83. media influences culture because it can change it. For example the when skinny jeans came out those jeans spread around the world even to where women have to wear certain clothes around ,skirts, they started to wear skinny jeans. Another example is rapping now Asians Africans and other places have their own type of rapping now.
    Media can influence society as in going back to rapping when certain rappers say thing it can influence kids to follow in their footsteps. That also goes for tv shows and what they do in them

    spoke to sanders

  84. Media is a major influence on our society. Media allows me access to information from all across the globe and allows me to educate myself on matters which I might have otherwise been ignorant concerning. Media connects people.

    On the other hand, media is often biased. It can create mass hysteria in an instant. Media thrives on sensationalism, criticism, and paranoia. Media can often be xenophobic and disregard the plight of the oppressed.

  85. Media tells you how to look at your world, yourself, and how to think in regards to them. It tells you what to be afraid of, what to hate, what to embrace, etc. If you want to observe the effects of media on society for yourself, just look and listen.

    Really listen for the messages that media is transmitting, then go out and see how they are reflected in our societal values and behavior. It's a trip. If it's interesting to you, take sociologyit will blow your mind.

  86. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day.There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.The TV news inaccurately covers its communities by having most of its stories about violence.

  87. Media affects our society in several ways and controls the direction of society. Television is a source of media that has a strong effect on society today. It is important to look at the influence of television because an average American who subscribes to cable TV watches over 8 hours of TV a day.There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society.The TV news inaccurately covers its communities by having most of its stories about violence.

  88. The media influences culture and society in a number of ways. One of the most prominent influences the media has on society is the media's portrayal of beauty. The media frequently depicts beauty as defined by eurocentric beauty standards which glamorize European features and white skin. This dangerous depiction of beauty is a cause of cultural assimilation, racism, and colorism in America.
    Not only does the media try to place race in one box, they also try to define males and females in regard to the black and white notion of masculinity and femininity. Such examples of this sexism and disregard for non binary people can be represented through marketing, where certain products are marketed toward a certain gender: such as yogurt and how it is advertised exclusively to women. The media tries to represent people as a synecdoche when not all people are able to fit into certain stereotypes that the media endeavors to reinforce.

  89. The media influences culture and society in a number of ways. One of the most prominent influences the media has on society is the media's portrayal of beauty. The media frequently depicts beauty as defined by eurocentric beauty standards which glamorize European features and white skin. This dangerous depiction of beauty is a cause of cultural assimilation, racism, and colorism in America.
    Not only does the media try to place race in one box, they also try to define males and females in regard to the black and white notion of masculinity and femininity. Such examples of this sexism and disregard for non binary people can be represented through marketing, where certain products are marketed toward a certain gender: such as yogurt and how it is advertised exclusively to women. The media tries to represent people as a synecdoche when not all people are able to fit into certain stereotypes that the media endeavors to reinforce.

  90. Media has a large impact on society. It can affect how we see the world and what we think of society. I am influenced by media through social media and movies/tv shows. Music is also a form of media and it's used to express emotions of point of views. Music doesn't really influence me but it gives me an outlet to get away for a while. This is also true with video games. Video games can influence you to do things based on what happens in the game.

  91. First there were books, then newspapers, magazines, photography, sound recordings, films, radio, television, the so-called New Media of the Internet, and now social media. Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like work, education, health care, leisure activities, entertainment, traveling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we are involved. Music really have no influence on me.

  92. Media actually changes a person. People twist stories to try to make them the way they like it. One thing people dont know how to do is keep theyre mouth shut mind their bussiness and handle theyre own bussiness. I never understood whtat the media is for if the poeple who read it twist it in their own way as well. I believe my generation is the most powerful generation in the universe because we basically control the world. Whats trending in thw world depends on my generation, peoples opinions depend on our generation. What people fail to realize is that they dog our generation out so much they stop success from even crossing our minds. I understand they want us to be successful but what happens if the person telling you to strive for success isnt successful you may ask why im a little off topic but it all ties back into the media news and social media.

  93. Media influences society more than any other aspect of communication. media influences society so well because it is able to quickly communicate ideas, faster than ever before. Because of this most people rely on media more than anything else. Because of this more and more people are able to share ideas and views with many other people who also have ideas and views, or are open to others ideas.
    With the abundance of people who share their ideas comes an abundance of people who are open to others ideas. People find out most of their information from the internet and media and most believe what they read on the media. Because of this many ideas are able to spread and influence many people. I have been influenced by media in a lot of ways. One example is the stop bullying movement. Once I saw it trending on twitter, I came across a lot of sad stories on twitter and it inspired me to help stop bullying. I wasn't the only one either.

  94. First there were books, then newspapers, magazines, photography, sound recordings, films, radio, television, the so-called New Media of the Internet, and now social media. Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like work, education, health care, leisure activities, entertainment, traveling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we are involved. Music really have no influence on me.

  95. Media influence us by helping us find information about things such as about the economy rate and whats going on in our daily lives such as our currency rate .

  96. Media influence us by helping us find information about things such as about the economy rate and whats going on in our daily lives such as our currency rate .

  97. Media affect how we learn about our world and interact with one another.his new source of information is a huge effect on not only American culture, but the entire world.

  98. Media affect us in many ways such as it helps us communicate with other people in the world and we research about early history or what's currently happening.

  99. How does media influence culture and society? Name ways in which you have been influenced by media. MINIMUM OF 2 paragraphs
    The media plays a HUGE part in influencing culture and society. I have been influenced by the media in many ways. There are always going to be certain trends and fads that come along through social media and I often find myself using catch phrases that I've heard from social media. Social media sometimes influences my way of thinking as well. I might think a certain product is great but if social media reveals that the product I love so much is actually negative to my body then I will stop using such a product.
    The media may have influenced the way that I behave in certain situations. I might unintentionally avoid certain stereotypes as I see them portrayed in the media. The media has impact on my learning as I may lean towards learning certain topics that are highlighted in the media etc.
