Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs  summarizing 2 current events .


  1. Americans exposed to Ebola patient return from Africa for monitoring- CNN
    Fifteen American aid workers who had high-risk exposure to Ebola in Sierra Leone have arrived back in the United States since Friday for monitoring, according to a spokesman. None is known to be infected with the disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman Tom Skinner said Tuesday. The returning workers are clinicians for Partners in Health, a Boston-based aid group. They all had contact with a colleague who's been diagnosed with the disease and is being treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The heath care worker with Ebola was in critical condition Monday, the NIH said. That changed from the NIH saying on Friday that the patient was in serious condition. Details about the patient's identity weren't released.

    It's not over: Veterans waiting months for appointments- CNN
    Thousands of veterans who are patients at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System have been waiting months just for an appointment, CNN has learned.What's more, administrators in charge of the massive VA facility in greater Los Angeles may have been hiding wait times, and may have misled Congress on the delays and exactly how long veterans are being forced to wait for care, according to new information obtained by CNN.

    This revelation means that the scandal over delays in care and wait times for veterans, which embroiled the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs last year and even led to the resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, is apparently not over. And the changes promised by the VA and the Obama administration may not be working. The detailed new evidence comes from the Los Angeles VA's own internal documents obtained by CNN, and numerous medical and administrative sources confirmed the information.It is particularly significant as the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Medical Center is the nation's largest VA health care system, caring for hundreds of thousands of U.S. veterans. The VA documents show more than 12,700 appointments, which the VA calls consults, had been waiting more than 90 days to be addressed, as of mid-January.

  2. Italian fashion designer, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce, are being boycotted due to certain comments made about vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. This process was described by Dolce as unnatural and that babies produced from this method are "synthetic". Such comments degrading this process caused offense which in turn led to the boycott of their clothes.

    In other news, three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night. The officers do not know what led to the shooting, nor have they uncovered who is responsible; it was a drive by.

  3. Kraft Foods is recalling 242,000 cases of original flavor Kraft Macaroni & Cheese because some of the boxes contain small pieces of metal.
    The boxes have "best when used by" dates ranging from Sept. 18, 2015 through Oct. 11, 2015 and are marked with the code "C2." They were sold throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, and in some countries in the Caribbean and South America.
    The recall covers 7.25 ounce boxes that were sold individually and in packs of three, four and five.
    Kraft Foods Group Inc. says it is aware of eight incidents of consumers finding metal in the boxes, but hasn't been informed of any injuries. It says consumers shouldn't eat the macaroni and should return it to the store where it was purchased for a full refund.

  4. Thousands of veterans who are patients at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System have been waiting months just for an appointment, CNN has learned.What's more, administrators in charge of the massive VA facility in greater Los Angeles may have been hiding wait times, and may have misled Congress on the delays and exactly how long veterans are being forced to wait for care, according to new information obtained by CNN.
    Beyonce launches a vegan food stock, to keep people healthy. She wants to do her part in helping the kids in the united states eat healthy and stay active.

  5. bout 16.4 million people have gained health insurance coverage since the Affordable Care Act became law nearly five years ago, according to government estimates released Monday.

    The coverage gains have delivered the largest drop in the uninsured rate in four decades, bringing that rate down to 13.2% by the end of the first quarter of 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Monday. That's down from about 20% before the health insurance marketplaces launched in late 2013.

    Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said the numbers prove "the Affordable Care Act is working, and families, businesses and taxpayers are better off as a result."

    Burwell credited the drop to key provisions of Obama's signature health reform law, from the expansion of Medicaid to new tax credits and a provision allowing young people under 26 to stay on their parents' health care plans.

    About 2.3 million of the 16.4 million who have gained coverage under Obamacare are adults under 26 who were able to remain on their parents' plan.

    Obamacare delivered the biggest gains among Latinos, for whom the uninsured rate fell by 12.3% since the first enrollment period in Oct. 2013. The uninsured rate among Latinos remains the highest, though, with about 29.5% of Latinos lacking health coverage.

    The uninsured rate among African-Americans has been nearly halved -- dropping to 13.2% from 22.4% -- and 5% more white Americans are now insured.

    The health insurance law has remained a lightning rod among Republicans and conservatives who continue to slam the law as a government overreach.

    The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the latest challenge to Obamacare this summer -- about three years after the Supreme Court upheld the law as constitutional. The latest challenge specifically tackles subsidies under the law.

    Republicans in Congress have vowed to fight for the law's repeal, but in the face of Democratic opposition to a full repeal and the threat of President Barack Obama's veto, it is all but certain the law will remain through Obama's presidency.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist. Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Prime Minister Habib Essid. But the bloodshed isn't necessarily over, with Essid saying that authorities are looking for three other gunmen. It's a cowardly attack mainly targeting the economy of Tunis, the Prime Minister said. We should unite to defend our country.The scene played out in the heart of Tunisia's capital, in a building linked to where the nation's parliament meets and in an area frequented by tourists.

    At least two cruise ships were docked in Tunis at the time. The Costa Fascinosa carried more than 3,000 passengers, said Costa Cruise, its parent company. And some guests of the MSC Splendida were on tours at the Bardo Museum on Wednesday, said MSC, its parent company. Polish, Italian, German and Spanish tourists are among those killed, Essid said, with another 20 tourists plus two Tunisians wounded in the attack. He suggested that the terrorists wanted to hurt Tunisia's economy by going after tourists.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. There are U.S. man over in the middle east fighting ISS. a nascar driver that was renstated after being supened for the whole section.

  10. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others -- one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis.

    Scientists have raised concerns about a large, rapidly thinning glacier in Antarctica, warning it could contribute significantly to rising sea levels.

    They say they've discovered two openings that could channel warm seawater to the base of the huge Totten Glacier and bring the threat of potentially disastrous melting.The glacier is bigger and thinning faster than all the others in East Antarctica.

  11. 17 tourist were killed today at a musem in Tunisia's capital. Tunisian's security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage at the Bardo Musem in Tunis. The bloodshed isn't necessarily over says the Prime Minister Essid, they are still looking for three other gunmen.

    In other ways, three people were killed and four were wounded in a shooting outside of a store in Stockton, California.

  12. A man had his court appearance this morning for killing his girlfriend who was a teacher. A child was recently found. He is 4 years old and he was found from his father who kidnapped him.

  13. Despite roots in community service and brotherhood, inappropriate behavior at fraternities can be so common that often, no one blinks an eye.But a spate of recent disgraces -- from racist lyrics to nude photos of incapacitated women -- have prompted suspensions, expulsions and a much more serious look at what some fraternities really stand for.

    "I happen to believe fraternities and sororities are a good thing. I happen to believe they do a lot of good work in society," CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill said. "I know a lot about black Greek letter organizations that do a tremendous amount of service in the public interest. So I don't want to dismiss all of it."But Frank Bruni, author of "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be," said while we can't stereotype fraternities, "we can take note of what they are."

    "And what they are is they are exclusive societies -- many of them, not all of them -- that let in like-minded individuals who can then exist in a very homogenous environment," he said. "That strikes me as something that's at odds with what we really want colleges to be."Here are some of the disturbing incidents that have made the news this month alone:

  14. Thornton is Georgia's only player with NCAA Tournament experience. That makes the senior even more important entering Friday's game against Michigan State in Charlotte, North Carolina.

    He has made sure his teammates cherish Georgia's first appearance in the tournament since 2011.

    "I've told guys about this experience," Thornton said. "It's such a unique and great experience. I was telling the guys it's my favorite memory."

    Another senior, Nemanja Djurisic, said Thornton's words made an impact.

    "He's the only guy," Djurisic said. "You can see through his determination and his will and his leadership that he knew how good it is and how special the moment is. He was eager to help us through good and bad to get us in there."

    The return to the tournament is a reward for Thornton's difficult career. He overcame two knee surgeries, including one which led to a medical redshirt in the 2012-13 season.

    Thornton was a backup when Georgia lost to Washington in the NCAA's first round four years ago. He says the long-awaited return has given him an opportunity to reflect on his career.

  15. The first current event would be the new news that the Grammy-nominated and Grammy winning singer and songwriter has just recently launched a 22-day vegan delivery service. She has partnered with extreme fitness pro Marco Borges to start this 22-day nutrition vegan food delivery service.

    In other news the very famous Kraft Foods has just recently recalled hundreds of thousands of their very popular macaroni and cheese due to the fact that there had been reports that several boxes contained small pieces of metal.

  16. There are U.S. man over in the middle east fighting ISS. a nascar driver that was renstated after being supened for the whole section.17 tourist were killed today at a musem in Tunisia's capital. Tunisian's security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage at the Bardo Musem in Tunis. The bloodshed isn't necessarily over says the Prime Minister Essid, they are still looking for three other gunmen. man had his court appearance this morning for killing his girlfriend who was a teacher. A child was recently found. He is 4 years old and he was found from his father who kidnapped him. At least two cruise ships were docked in Tunis at the time. The Costa Fascinosa carried more than 3,000 passengers, said Costa Cruise, its parent company. And some guests of the MSC Splendida were on tours at the Bardo Museum on Wednesday, said MSC, its parent company. Polish, Italian, German and Spanish tourists are among those killed, Essid said, with another 20 tourists plus two Tunisians wounded in the attack. He suggested that the terrorists wanted to hurt Tunisia's economy by going after tourists.

  17. 19 people were killed in a museum in Tunisia. 2 attackers walked in the museum and opened fire.They were dressed as military personnel. 2 of the deceased were the attackers themselves. The Prime minister himself spoke of them as "cowardly".
    Recently come out about a comedy central taping of a Justin Bieber roast. In the roast two comedian made references toward the late Paul walker. Bieber had come out and said "I didn't like the jokes". Then comedy central said that they would edit them out before they put it on air.

  18. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  19. Veterans waiting months for appointments- CNN
    Thousands of veterans who are patients at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System have been waiting months just for an appointment, CNN has learned.What's more, administrators in charge of the massive VA facility in greater Los Angeles may have been hiding wait times, and may have misled Congress on the delays and exactly how long veterans are being forced to wait for care, according to new information obtained by CNN.

    three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night. The officers do not know what led to the shooting, nor have they uncovered who is responsible; it was a drive by.

  20. Gunmen killed at least 19 people in Tunisia's capital today. This took place at the Bardo Museum in Tunis. The police had a gunfight with the terrorist and were able to eliminate two of the gunmen. Prime Minister Habib Essid believes that this attack is very cowardly and says that the attack was an attack not on the people of Tunis but an attack on the economy of Tunis. Terrorism is a growing problem in society today and is quite scary when you think about it. We just need to be careful in this day and age and plan ahead for such happenings.

  21. The Justice Department releases a report showing that the Ferguson Police has discriminated against and violated the constitutional rights of the city's African-American residents. Using data from 2012-2014, the report includes stats such as 93% of the arrests made during that time were black citizens, based on an African-American population of 67% in Ferguson, Missouri. The report includes examples of racist remarks used in emails and interviews by Ferguson police and court officials, as well as incidents of tasers and dogs being used in excess on African-Americans. Through the emails and statements by police and court officials, the report also shows how those officials have been more focused on generating revenue, through fines and fees, than on the safety of the city's citizens. Overall, the report proves that the police department and city officials have been biased against the African-American citizens of Ferguson. Along with releasing the report, the Justice Department, which began their investigation into Ferguson after last year's shooting of Michael Brown, says it will not prosecute the shooter Darren Wilson. (March 11): Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson resigns. Five other employees resign or are fired after the Justice Department released its report, including a municipal judge and the city manager. (March 12): During a protest, two St. Louis-area police officers are shot in front of the Ferguson Police Department. Both officers are seriously wounded. However, their injuries are not life threatening. The shots are believed to have come from a gunman on a hill more than 200 yards away from the police station, according to witnesses. A manhunt is underway for the shooter. (March 15): Twenty-year-old Jeffrey L. Williams is arrested and charged with shooting the two officers. Williams says he shot the two police officers by accident from a car. He claims he was shooting at someone else. Williams has been charged with first-degree assault. The shooting has increased tension between demonstrators and police in Ferguson.

  22. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  23. Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, according to Japanese media reports and international wire services.

    Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy, according to local media reports. CNN could not immediately confirm the reports.
    "We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place. We will not comment on the specific details of any threats or the steps we take to address them."
    The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul. Lippert is recovering from gashes to his face and wrist.

    Coach Mike Krzyzewski is the winningest NCAA men's basketball coach of all time with a staggering number of victories that has now surpassed 1,000. The journey of a thousand wins begins with a single game, and Coach K's first job—and his first win—happened at West Point.

    Coach K's first team, the 1975 Army Knights, says he was just as intense then as he is now on the sidelines at Duke. His players explain how Coach K has managed to be such a great coach for so many years and the secrets to his famous defense.
    Late-night practices, motivation, patriotism and Army basketball are all ingredients in Coach K's recipe for success. See the story behind an unparalleled career and never-before-seen video of Coach K and his 1975 team in this video.

  24. their was a man who was shot for no reason. he was mentaly ill and the police shot him and killed him because he had a tool in his hand


  25. Three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night, police said.

    Police didn't say what prompted the gunfire outside the Madison Market, a few blocks from the Stockton Arena. CNN affiliate KCRA said it was a drive-by shooting.

    Two women and a man were killed, said Stockton Police spokesman Joseph Silva.

    The conditions of the wounded weren't immediately known, but they are expected to survive.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. CNN)—A Pennsylvania State University fraternity has been suspended after allegedly posting on a private Facebook page compromising photos of women, including some who appeared to be asleep or passed out. The suspension of Kappa Delta Rho (KDR) fraternity comes as State College Police as well as university officials investigate the fraternity's alleged use of the online page with up to 144 active members, including current and former students.

    Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis

  28. Don't get it twisted: Bill Cosby is not going to let you tell his story for him.It is literally a rainy night in Georgia when hundreds of fans gather at the William B. Bell Memorial Auditorium in Augusta for a Cosby comedy concert.Outside, people scurry in to avoid the weather. The rain has vanquished the signs Deann Veteto placed earlier that say "Shame on you, Bell Auditorium" and proclaim that the comedian has broken her heart.

    Inside the more than 2,600-seat auditorium, such unpleasantness doesn't exist.The legendary performer pauses his monologue a time or two with a warning for audience members who affectionately try to finish his jokes or share asides.I'm telling this story," he says with a half-smile, half-grimace.By now, the world knows there is at least one narrative Cosby can't control.

  29. 17-year-old Kylie Jenner donned a revealing bathing suit during a photo shoot in the Hollywood Hills on Tuesday ... and did we mention she's 17?
    Last week, Kylie's 25-year-old boyfriend Tyga finally confirmed their relationship by posting a pic of 17-year-old Kylie with the caption, "Certain things catch your eye, but only few capture the heart."
    It's unclear where the pics from this photo shoot will end up getting published, but we'd suggest ... Seventeen magazine.
    Fun fact: Kylie Jenner is only 17-years-old.
    Drake was manhandled at a club in Dubai, which triggered a melee that put the aggressor where he belongs ... on the ground.
    Drake and his crew were at Movida nightclub Saturday night, along with a huge crowd ... Dubai does it big. Watch the video closely ... you'll see the guy grab the back of Drake's head and shove it down.
    Drake is clearly pissed off, and gives the guy a death stare. But security jumps in and gets the job done STAT.
    BTW, Drake was in the country as a guest of the royal family. It's unclear if members of the family were on hand when Drake was assaulted.

  30. The South Beach Diet has quickly captured the hearts and stomachs of dieters. Because of the buzz its been getting at the watercooler and at parties, its fast becoming one of the most popular carb-control plans. Developed by Miami cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, director of the Mount Sinai Cardiac Prevention Center, the diet is meant to promote weight loss but not at the expense of heart health. Unlike other wildly popular low-carb plans, South Beach calls for keeping tabs on saturated fats and favors lean meats and proteins over bacon, cheeseburgers, and steak. South Beach Diet is lumped together with other low-carb plans, it takes a decidedly different and healthier approach to protein and fat. Agatston contends that weight loss is just one of the priorities of the diet (the other is healthful levels of cholesterol and other blood fats). As with other low-carb diets

  31. Measles Cases Spread in the United States in January: A measles outbreak is spreading from California into other states. According to health officials, 59 cases have been diagnosed in California so far, with eight more in Utah, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Mexico. The outbreak has been traced back to Disneyland where it began in mid-December. Five Disneyland workers are among those infected. Forty-two of the 59 cases in California have been traced back to Disneyland. The outbreak is increasing the debate over vaccinations. Those in favor of vaccinations point to a rise in measles cases since the U.S. was declared free of the disease in 2000. In 2014, there were 644 measles cases from 27 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  32. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others -- one of them a Tunisian security officer -- on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.

    Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Prime Minister Habib Essid said.

    But the bloodshed isn't necessarily over, with Essid saying that authorities are looking for three other gunmen.

    "It's a cowardly attack mainly targeting the economy of Tunisia," the Prime Minister said. "We should unite to defend our country."

    The scene played out in the heart of Tunisia's capital, in a building linked to where the nation's parliament meets and in an area frequented by tourists.

  33. I had a 2 playoff basketball games on Saturday, March 14th. The game started at 11:15 and we wore our home jerseys. We had went against a team named "Shiloh". That game I had scored 14 points, 5 assists, and a plethora of rebounds. The final score was 18-41.

    The second game was a championship game and we wore our home jerseys. This time, we went against a team named "New Mercy". This game I scored 25 points, 6 assist, 1 block, 3 steals, and many rebounds. The final score was 51-32. My team won the championship game & it was an great feeling. Though, I felt it was too easy, I was pleased by the win.

  34. Mia Reddick.

    A Pennsylvania University fraternity was suspended after posting nude pictures of women( some where asleep or passed out ) on a Facebook Page. The suspension of Kappa Delta Rho (KDR) was investigated by university officials.The online page had 144 active members,including current and former students.Unfortunately,"no arrests were made at that time " , says State College Police Lt.Keith Robb , No arrests were made because they weren't able to identify any suspects due to the Facebook accounts were sanitized and wipe cleaned.
    I strongly believed the fraternity members were very child-like and disrespectful for uploaded inappropriate pictures of the fellow women. Due to their violation of the respect of others, they should have consequences being applied. No one should do such things like that to others. This is such a cold world and others should be respectful of others and be cautious of what you do online .

    Article was found on:

  35. About 16.4 million people have gained health insurance coverage since the Affordable Care Act became law nearly five years ago, according to government estimates released Monday.The coverage gains have delivered the largest drop in the uninsured rate in four decades, bringing that rate down to 13.2% by the end of the first quarter of 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Monday. That's down from about 20% before the health insurance marketplaces launched in late 2013.

    The Affordable Care Act is working, and families, businesses and taxpayers are better off as a result.Burwell credited the drop to key provisions of Obama's signature health reform law, from the expansion of Medicaid to new tax credits and a provision allowing young people under 26 to stay on their parents' health care plans.About 2.3 million of the 16.4 million who have gained coverage under Obamacare are adults under 26 who were able to remain on their parents' plan. Obamacare delivered the biggest gains among Latinos, for whom the uninsured rate fell by 12.3% since the first enrollment period in Oct. 2013. The uninsured rate among Latinos remains the highest, though, with about 29.5% of Latinos lacking health coverage.The uninsured rate among African-Americans has been nearly halved -- dropping to 13.2% from 22.4% -- and 5% more white Americans are now insured.

  36. Kraft Foods is recalling 242,000 cases of original flavor Kraft Macaroni & Cheese because some of the boxes contain small pieces of metal.
    The boxes have "best when used by" dates ranging from Sept. 18, 2015 through Oct. 11, 2015 and are marked with the code "C2." They were sold throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, and in some countries in the Caribbean and South America.
    The recall covers 7.25 ounce boxes that were sold individually and in packs of three, four and five.
    Kraft Foods Group Inc. says it is aware of eight incidents of consumers finding metal in the boxes, but hasn't been informed of any injuries. It says consumers shouldn't eat the macaroni and should return it to the store where it was purchased for a full refund.

  37. A U.S. Navy SEAL was killed in a parachute accident in Perris, California, near Riverside. The parachute failed to open during a parachute jump as part of a training exercise. The sailor was part of a West Coast-based Navy SEAL team.

    A stranger stabbed a pregnant woman who answered her Craigslist ad for baby clothes in Colorado and cut her fetus from the womb. Police say the woman selling the clothes attacked the victim in Longmont on Wednesday. The victim was seven months pregnant. The victim was transported to Longmont United Hospital, where she had surgery and is expected to survive.

  38. The NBA MVP race remains as close as last week, although none of the top players were able to make major moves. Excellent performances were mixed in with poor ones, so nothing much has changed.
    1. James Harden
    Harden's perch atop these rankings was ripe for the taking after two poor performances in consecutive losses for the Rockets. But nobody stepped up quite enough to wrestle it away from him, and it helped that he finally got over whatever spell the Clippers had on him in previous games.

    Harden has been mostly a disaster against the Clippers since becoming a Rocket, and he shot a combined 12-of-37 overall and 3-of-18 from the three in the first three meetings this season. But in Sunday's fourth and final meeting, the shooting guard put up 34 points, seven rebounds and seven assists in a last-second victory. He shot 7-of-16 overall, 3-of-5 from three and a whopping 17-of-18 from the charity stripe in the victory.

  39. The NBA MVP race remains as close as last week, although none of the top players were able to make major moves. Excellent performances were mixed in with poor ones, so nothing much has changed.
    1. James Harden
    Harden's perch atop these rankings was ripe for the taking after two poor performances in consecutive losses for the Rockets. But nobody stepped up quite enough to wrestle it away from him, and it helped that he finally got over whatever spell the Clippers had on him in previous games.

    Harden has been mostly a disaster against the Clippers since becoming a Rocket, and he shot a combined 12-of-37 overall and 3-of-18 from the three in the first three meetings this season. But in Sunday's fourth and final meeting, the shooting guard put up 34 points, seven rebounds and seven assists in a last-second victory. He shot 7-of-16 overall, 3-of-5 from three and a whopping 17-of-18 from the charity stripe in the victory.

  40. The show about the passionate Lyon family and the drama surrounding them and their record label has been a TV phenomenon, with ratings growing weekly. Its soundtrack scored a rare success this week, debuting in the No. 1 spot on Billboard's top 200 album chart, topping Madonna's "Rebel Heart."

    Danny Strong told Deadline that he and fellow "Empire" creator Lee Daniels have steered the series to be both socially conscious (issues of race and sexuality were central to the plot) and night-time soapy.

    "I think that's one of the secrets of success to the show," Strong said. "That it's working on both levels, and the layered character drama grounds the juicy soap turns. So the soap turns are a blast, but we have this drama there that also keeps it emotional and real."

  41. Three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night, police said. Police didn't say what prompted the gunfire outside the Madison Market, a few blocks from the Stockton Arena. CNN affiliate KCRA said it was a drive-by shooting.Two women and a man were killed, said Stockton Police spokesman Joseph Silva. The conditions of the wounded weren't immediately known, but they are expected to survive.

    She's quietly fighting back a week after her awkward and occasionally combative news conference on the furor over the private email server she used while running the State Department. Clinton's Twitter account is buzzing this week with posts that test political messages on health care, college affordability, civil rights and jobs -- issues she hopes will help mobilize President Barack Obama's Democratic coalition and pave her way to the presidency.

  42. Three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night, police said. Police didn't say what prompted the gunfire outside the Madison Market, a few blocks from the Stockton Arena. CNN affiliate KCRA said it was a drive-by shooting.Two women and a man were killed, said Stockton Police spokesman Joseph Silva. The conditions of the wounded weren't immediately known, but they are expected to survive.

    She's quietly fighting back a week after her awkward and occasionally combative news conference on the furor over the private email server she used while running the State Department. Clinton's Twitter account is buzzing this week with posts that test political messages on health care, college affordability, civil rights and jobs -- issues she hopes will help mobilize President Barack Obama's Democratic coalition and pave her way to the presidency.

  43. Burger King ads in Japan promise a limited-edition perfume for April Fool's Day to make you smell like a couple of all-beef patties.The name may lose something in translation, but Flame-Grilled Fragrance will sell for 5,000 yen (about $41) and comes with a free Whopper. How's that for an offer?

    It's a one-day sale, according to Burger King, and only available at stores in Japan. Sorry, rest of the world.Burger King did this a few years back in the United States with the fragrance Flame.
    Flame was billed as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat." Yep, pretty much says it all.If that doesn't get your senses sizzling or whet your appetite for seduction, there are plenty of others -- what shall we call them -- interesting scents that have been available in recent years.Here are some of our favorites. We haven't sampled them, we just like the names.

  44. Burger King ads in Japan promise a limited-edition perfume for April Fool's Day to make you smell like a couple of all-beef patties.The name may lose something in translation, but Flame-Grilled Fragrance will sell for 5,000 yen (about $41) and comes with a free Whopper. How's that for an offer?

    It's a one-day sale, according to Burger King, and only available at stores in Japan. Sorry, rest of the world.Burger King did this a few years back in the United States with the fragrance Flame.
    Flame was billed as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat." Yep, pretty much says it all.If that doesn't get your senses sizzling or whet your appetite for seduction, there are plenty of others -- what shall we call them -- interesting scents that have been available in recent years.Here are some of our favorites. We haven't sampled them, we just like the names.

  45. A UVA honors student gets beaten badly by virgina police because he tried to get in the club with a fake idea I personally believe he shouldn't have got beaten over that I mean yeah having a fake id is bad but they didn't have to beat his face in or beaten him period.

    Also Anthony Hill a military man got shot and killed by the police after he tired to attack them butt naked he shouldn't have been killed they should have arrested him or tazed him .

  46. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others -- one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis.

    Scientists have raised concerns about a large, rapidly thinning glacier in Antarctica, warning it could contribute significantly to rising sea levels.

    They say they've discovered two openings that could channel warm seawater to the base of the huge Totten Glacier and bring the threat of potentially disastrous melting.The glacier is bigger and thinning faster than all the others in East Antarctica.

  47. Lexi Stokes
    In Detroit, two children's bodies were found in a freezer. The bodies were in plastic bags, one was a boy and the other a girl. Officers say it's too early to tell what happened and are questioning now.
    Recent studies have shown new theories about the planet Jupiter. They believe that Jupiter could have been the start that created Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. It may have been from the huge gas planet Jupiter is and it's rings.

  48. 19 people were killed in a museum in Tunisia. 2 attackers walked in the museum and opened fire.They were dressed as military personnel. 2 of the deceased were the attackers themselves. The Prime minister himself spoke of them as "cowardly".
    Recently come out about a comedy central taping of a Justin Bieber roast. In the roast two comedian made references toward the late Paul walker. Bieber had come out and said "I didn't like the jokes". Then comedy central said that they would edit them out before they put it on air.

  49. Americans exposed to Ebola patient return from Africa for monitoring- CNN
    Fifteen American aid workers who had high-risk exposure to Ebola in Sierra Leone have arrived back in the United States since Friday for monitoring, according to a spokesman. None is known to be infected with the disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman Tom Skinner said Tuesday. The returning workers are clinicians for Partners in Health, a Boston-based aid group. They all had contact with a colleague who's been diagnosed with the disease and is being treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The heath care worker with Ebola was in critical condition Monday, the NIH said. That changed from the NIH saying on Friday that the patient was in serious condition. Details about the patient's identity weren't released.It's not over: Veterans waiting months for appointments- CNN
    Thousands of veterans who are patients at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System have been waiting months just for an appointment, CNN has learned.What's more, administrators in charge of the massive VA facility in greater Los Angeles may have been hiding wait times, and may have misled Congress on the delays and exactly how long veterans are being forced to wait for care, according to new information obtained by CNN.

  50. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  51. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  52. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, one of the CIA's staunchest defenders, lashed out at the agency in March 2014, accusing it of spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee, hacking the committee's computer network, covering up the agency's torture and detention program, and potentially violating the constitution. Charges not to be taken lightly. And they weren't. After her speech on the Senate floor, the Senate Judiciary Committee announced it will investigate the accusations. Many predicted that this was just the beginning of a scandal that could become one of the most controversial in recent year.

  53. he co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 purposely crashed the plane into the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board, officials said
    We at Lufthansa are speechless that this aircraft has been deliberately crashed by the co-pilot," said Carsten Spohr, CEO of Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings.Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the co-pilot, 28-year-old German national Andreas Lubitz, apparently "wanted to destroy the aircraft."

    It's unknown whether Lubitz planned his actions, Robin said. But he "took advantage" of a moment in which the pilot left the cockpit and "activated the descent," which can only be done deliberately.

    Andreas Lubitz
    Andreas Lubitz
    New details released Thursday appeared to support the startling revelation that someone set the plane on a crash course.

    Transponder data shows that the autopilot was reprogrammed during the flight by someone inside the cockpit to change the plane's altitude from 38,000 feet to 100 feet, according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks aviation data.

    The plane's cockpit audio recorder captured horrific sounds. The captain, somehow locked out of the cockpit, can be heard banging on the door, Robin said.

    And screaming can be heard on the audio recording for the final few minutes of the flight.

    Death was instantaneous for those on board when the plane plunged into the mountains, Robin said.

    German authorities also say "that we have to assume" that Flight 9525 "was deliberately activated for a crash," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. "This is hard to comprehend for most people. Nobody can imagine this."

    The French government has asked the FBI to help investigate the crash, a law enforcement official said.

    A search is underway for the plane's second "black box," the flight data recorder, which could shed more light on the plane's final minutes.

    n a rare moment of bipartisanship bringing House Speaker John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi together, the House passed the so called "doc fix." The House passed it overwhelmingly, 392-37.

    The bill permanently fixes Medicare reimbursement for doctors. It also includes a two year extension for a popular children's health insurance program and money for community health centers.

    The Senate could act quickly on the measure before they go into recess this week.

    Speaking in Birmingham, President Barack Obama said he spoke to Boehner and Pelosi to congratulate them after the bipartisan legislation passed the House on Thursday.

    He told the lawmakers, "this is how Congress is supposed to work," and said he hoped the Senate will pass the measure so he can sign it.

    "They did good work today. And the House of Representatives deserves credit for that," Obama said in some extremely rare praise for Congress.

  54. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".


  55. Voting in Nigeria's presidential elections was extended one day, until Sunday, in several areas because ballot paper arrived late or new digital voting card readers failed, officials said Saturday.

    The reading devices were being used for the first time in Nigeria to combat vote fraud, but it took even President Goodluck Jonathan more than 20 minutes to cast a ballot in his home state of Bayelsa because the scanner struggled to read his fingerprint.Other areas saw delays in the delivery of ballot paper.Further marring the presidential race were attacks by suspected Boko Haram militants on polling stations that killed at least 11 people, including voters waiting at polls. Also, hackers broke into the election commission's website.

  56. Kraft Foods is recalling 242,000 cases of original flavor Kraft Macaroni & Cheese because some of the boxes contain small pieces of metal.
    The boxes have "best when used by" dates ranging from Sept. 18, 2015 through Oct. 11, 2015 and are marked with the code "C2." They were sold throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, and in some countries in the Caribbean and South America.
    The recall covers 7.25 ounce boxes that were sold individually and in packs of three, four and five.
    Kraft Foods Group Inc. says it is aware of eight incidents of consumers finding metal in the boxes, but hasn't been informed of any injuries. It says consumers shouldn't eat the macaroni and should return it to the store where it was purchased for a full refund.


  57. Today, At least 54 people have died and 15 others are missing after a Russian fishing vessel sank off the Kamchatka Peninsula, according to Russia's state-run Tass news agency. More than 60 people were rescued Thursday from the chilly waters in Russia's Far East.

  58. talian fashion designer, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce, are being boycotted due to certain comments made about vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. This process was described by Dolce as unnatural and that babies produced from this method are "synthetic". Such comments degrading this process caused offense which in turn led to the boycott of their clothes.

  59. talian fashion designer, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce, are being boycotted due to certain comments made about vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. This process was described by Dolce as unnatural and that babies produced from this method are "synthetic". Such comments degrading this process caused offense which in turn led to the boycott of their clothes.

  60. Scientist have discovered that a certain species of hummingbird has just gone extinct. This will no have any immediate effect on the human race and may not affect us at all but that beautiful bird will never grace the earth with its presence again.
    Lil b has just drooped a new song. The title has some explicit words in it so i cant say what its called but i can say that it is fire. Lil b has proven yet again that he is the greatest lyricist to ever walk the earth. Im listing to his mixtape as i type this and the key bord is starting to melt from all this fire.

  61. Scientist have discovered that a certain species of hummingbird has just gone extinct. This will no have any immediate effect on the human race and may not affect us at all but that beautiful bird will never grace the earth with its presence again.
    Lil b has just drooped a new song. The title has some explicit words in it so i cant say what its called but i can say that it is fire. Lil b has proven yet again that he is the greatest lyricist to ever walk the earth. Im listing to his mixtape as i type this and the key bord is starting to melt from all this fire.

  62. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  63. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others,one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist attack.Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis
    Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy.Local police are looking into phone calls placed last month to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo threatening to kill Kennedy,We take any threats to U.S. diplomats seriously," said State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf. "We take every step possible to protect our personnel. We are working with the Japanese government to ensure the necessary measures are in place".The threats come two weeks after the Mark Lippert, the American ambassador to South Korea, was slashed by an assailant wielding a 10-inch knife at an event in Seoul

  64. The first current event would be the new news that the Grammy-nominated and Grammy winning singer and songwriter has just recently launched a 22-day vegan delivery service. She has partnered with extreme fitness pro Marco Borges to start this 22-day nutrition vegan food delivery service.

    In other news the very famous Kraft Foods has just recently recalled hundreds of thousands of their very popular macaroni and cheese due to the fact that there had been reports that several boxes contained small pieces of metal

  65. Americans exposed to Ebola patient return from Africa for monitoring- CNN
    Fifteen American aid workers who had high-risk exposure to Ebola in Sierra Leone have arrived back in the United States since Friday for monitoring, according to a spokesman. None is known to be infected with the disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman Tom Skinner said Tuesday. The returning workers are clinicians for Partners in Health, a Boston-based aid group. They all had contact with a colleague who's been diagnosed with the disease and is being treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The heath care worker with Ebola was in critical condition Monday, the NIH said. That changed from the NIH saying on Friday that the patient was in serious condition. Details about the patient's identity weren't released. This Ebola problem needs to get fixed fast. Even if it means stopping flights to and from infected areas.

  66. Polish, Italian, German and Spanish tourists are among those killed, Essid said, with another 20 tourists plus two Tunisians wounded in the attack. He suggested that the terrorists wanted to hurt Tunisia's economy by going after tourists.

  67. Gunmen killed 17 tourists and two others one of them a Tunisian security officer on Wednesday at a museum in Tunisia's capital in what the North African nation's Prime Minister called a "cowardly" terrorist. Tunisian security forces managed to kill two attackers and end a hostage siege at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Prime Minister Habib Essid. But the bloodshed isn't necessarily over, with Essid saying that authorities are looking for three other gunmen. It's a cowardly attack mainly targeting the economy of Tunis, the Prime Minister said. We should unite to defend our country.The scene played out in the heart of Tunisia's capital, in a building linked to where the nation's parliament meets and in an area frequented by tourists.

    At least two cruise ships were docked in Tunis at the time. The Costa Fascinosa carried more than 3,000 passengers, said Costa Cruise, its parent company. And some guests of the MSC Splendida were on tours at the Bardo Museum on Wednesday, said MSC, its parent company. Polish, Italian, German and Spanish tourists are among those killed, Essid said, with another 20 tourists plus.

  68. It's been 15 days since Baltimore police arrested Gray. Fifteen days since he was taken into a police van and suffered a fatal spinal cord injury. Eight days since he died, spurring a flurry of protests and questions about what went wrong while he was in police custody.

    As Gray's loved ones gather for his funeral Monday morning, they will be joined by several White House officials and relatives of others who died under questionable circumstances.

  69. This revelation means that the scandal over delays in care and wait times for veterans, which embroiled the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs last year and even led to the resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, is apparently not over. And the changes promised by the VA and the Obama administration may not be working. The detailed new evidence comes from the Los Angeles VA's own internal documents obtained by CNN, and numerous medical and administrative sources confirmed the information.It is particularly significant as the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Medical Center is the nation's largest VA health care system, caring for hundreds of thousands of U.S. veterans. The VA documents show more than 12,700 appointments, which the VA calls consults, had been waiting more than 90 days to be addressed, as of mid-January.

  70. "The clashes between Ethiopian-Israeli protesters and police over the weekend have drawn international attention to one of the most disadvantaged groups in Israel." Most Ethiopian jews arrived in the 1980s and early 1990s. They have had a bad time trying to fit in with their peers. They are struggling financially as well. They even have harsh relationships with the police and the pot begins to boil over.

    "The president's initiative was first created in 2014 by the White House the wake of Trayvon Martin's killing to address the lack of opportunity that young minority boys face across in often-poor neighborhoods across the country." On Monday, the president will announce a new off-shoot initiative. The announcement is in response to the havoc in Baltimore after freddie gray was killed. The president will most likely speak of the issue in Baltimore. "Obama will also will also sit down for a roundtable discussion with a group of men from the college, young men who have been working within the community, and young men who would stand to benefit from the programs within the alliance.

  71. "The clashes between Ethiopian-Israeli protesters and police over the weekend have drawn international attention to one of the most disadvantaged groups in Israel." Most Ethiopian jews arrived in the 1980s and early 1990s. They have had a bad time trying to fit in with their peers. They are struggling financially as well. They even have harsh relationships with the police and the pot begins to boil over.

    "The president's initiative was first created in 2014 by the White House the wake of Trayvon Martin's killing to address the lack of opportunity that young minority boys face across in often-poor neighborhoods across the country." On Monday, the president will announce a new off-shoot initiative. The announcement is in response to the havoc in Baltimore after freddie gray was killed. The president will most likely speak of the issue in Baltimore. "Obama will also will also sit down for a roundtable discussion with a group of men from the college, young men who have been working within the community, and young men who would stand to benefit from the programs within the alliance.

  72. Late:
    Recently, Taylor Swift came out with a music video featuring the world famous rap artist, Kendrick Lamar. Throughout the video, various celebrities are seen as part of some type of fighting squad, which includes Jessica Alba, Zendaya, Selena Gomez and others.
    Also, a new movie came out called Mad Max: Fury Road, where the main character, Mad Max, has to fight many villains on a long road that is famous in the movie. People are wondering whether the movie is worth seeing or not. Whats your opinion?
