Thursday, March 12, 2015


Daughter of famous singer Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina Brown has been hospitalized for weeks. Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend Nick Gordon recently went on Dr. Phil to discuss all of the allegations surrounding the incident that placed Bobbi Kristina in the hospital. You can view some of the interview with Nick below.

Do you think that Dr. Phil should have aired this show, with Nick not being able to coherently sit and conduct the interview? Should there be boundaries with exposing weaknesses in the media?

( copy and paste this link)


  1. Dr. Phil should take in consideration of how the media and audience would think about Nick's actions. The show would not be aired because of the the actions Nick has done during the show.

  2. Considering that I don't really care for Bobbi Kristina, I don't really care for the interview. Even if Nick was not able to coherently sit and conduct the interview, as long as Dr. Phil had consent to air the interview, I don't see a problem. We need the media to expose weakness; I need reassurance that I am the alpha.

  3. I do personally think that the people that ask for interviews should take in to consideration the feelings of the people they are interviewing. People sometimes be going through very serious situations. Sometimes that person might not want what happened to be put in the media.

  4. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  5. I understand that Nick Gordon and the rest of the Houston family are emotionally drained. However, the entertainment business is just a business and there is no place for emotions in this business. I think it is sad that the Houston's and Nick Gordon are going through this but maybe Gordon should have waited till Bobby Kristina was completely full and healthy. There is a price that a family pays for fame.

  6. Lexi Stokes
    I may have been a good thing to air the program. It shows the people how he reacts to the situation and some information of what's going on. I think medias shouldn't expose too much personal information if requested.

  7. if you ask me all of it was staged! he was just crying to much and doing the most. i think he did good by airing the show to expose the fakeness of celebrities

  8. This world is hard. No one cares about you being how you are, just as long as you're there. I don't really have an opinion about if it should have been aired or not. People look for things like that, so you shouldn't set yourself up for it. Although doctor Phil is a psychiatrist not a gossip reporter, he should focus on "helping" the situation, not continuing with it. STRAIGHT UP.

  9. Considering that everyone in the family is not emotionally steady, they probably shouldn't aired everything said, but the show is for people's entertainment and that is what keep that show going. I really do hope becomes stronger after this recovery and I wish them the best

  10. Considering the fact that most of the family members are in a distraught feeling right now so the fact that Nick would even go to the media or a show about this is a bad idea in the first place. Nobody should really be telling the story at this point because the family should be focusing on her getting better or preparing for the next day. As a "honest" man, Dr.Phil should not have aired the show or even let Nick come to the show and air that kind of private matters.

  11. ii dont know if they shouldve aired that or not. he shouldve been able to keep himself in good condition going into the show. Being drunk isnt an excuse. People want answers, and to be drunk and not correspond to the questions, your embarrassing yourself. He should be put into rehab for this in my opinion. i understand that your stressed but then again that was stupid of him.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. He shouldnt have aired the show . There should be boundaries .

  14. Maria Carter
    i believe he shouldn't have. Nick didn't seem he wanted to go if he wasn't even ready to see Dr.Phil. the fact he had to go to his door to get him says he probably changed his mind. putting out the interview now may blemish his reputation a bit. people in this state shouldn't be put of TV because they are not themselves. i do believe he should seek help but privately.

  15. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. Considering that everyone in the family is not emotionally steady, they probably shouldn't aired everything said, but the show is for people's entertainment and that is what keep that show going.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I don't think Dr. Phil should have aired the show because some people are really emotionally weak. It takes time for people to heal from seeing family members get hurt.

  18. I dont think they should of aired the show because that stuff is private. It doesnt need to go to the public because companies like TMZ will take something and make up their own story.

  19. With the situation with Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon, I agree to both sides with if Dr. Phil should have aired the interview or not. First, if Dr. Phil was given a consent from Nick Gordon, he is allowed to air whatever he wants about the interview. No one can say anything negative because Nick Gordon decided to interview with Dr. Phil, knowing it was going to be aired.
    However, if something personal occurred on the interview, no one should have to see that. It isn't anyone else's business with how he feels about the situation. Nick Gordon opened up his feelings to Dr. Phil and it is an emotion time. No one should witness it.

  20. i think that this interview shouldn't have taken place. Even though Dr.phill had permission i still think that he should have taken into consideration the fact that Nick Gordon was in a vulnerable state and he was going to cry on air.

  21. Dr. Phil shouldn't have aired the show. The intervention was a good idea and it seemed like it helped but they shouldn't of aired it because of how Nick behaved and reacted. They should have known when they saw Nick wasn't able to walk or sit that the show would not be a normal one. They probably could have attempt to send him to rehab and do a follow up after his was emotionally stable.

  22. I believe that Dr. Phil should not have aired the show because he was so emotional and he wasn't able to conduct a full interview anyways. He should have just waited some time so he could heal from Kristina being in the hospital.

  23. With the situation with Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon, I agree to both sides with if Dr. Phil should have aired the interview or not. First, if Dr. Phil was given a consent from Nick Gordon, he is allowed to air whatever he wants about the interview. No one can say anything negative because Nick Gordon decided to interview with Dr. Phil, knowing it was going to be aired.
    However, if something personal occurred on the interview, no one should have to see that. It isn't anyone else's business with how he feels about the situation. Nick Gordon opened up his feelings to Dr. Phil and it is an emotion time. No one should witness it.

  24. I may have been a good thing to air the program. It shows the people how he reacts to the situation and some information of what's going on. I think medias shouldn't expose too much personal information if requested.They probably could have attempt to send him to rehab and do a follow up after his was emotionally stable

  25. I believe that the interview had the right to air. Even though he was very emotional, it showed that people care about her, not just her mom. Although he should have waited a little time to get his life together, it was a good decision on his part.

  26. They need to know how it mayeded hem feel coming on the show and talking about the stufe he talked about. Also they need to be carfull about airing the show.

  27. I understand that Nick Gordon and the rest of the Houston family are emotionally drained. However, the entertainment business is just a business and there is no place for emotions in this business. I think it is sad that the Houston's and Nick Gordon are going through this but maybe Gordon should have waited till Bobby Kristina was completely full and healthy. There is a price that a family pays for fame.

  28. I think that the media needs to stay out of public issues.

  29. I do personally think that the people that ask for interviews should take in to consideration the feelings of the people they are interviewing. People sometimes be going through very serious situations. Sometimes that person might not want what happened to be put in the media.

  30. I definitely think there should be boundaries for exposing weaknesses in the media. I don't think t was necessary for Dr. phil to air this interview with Nick considering he was under the influence. But I do think that this spread awareness for drugs and alcohol abuse.

  31. See this kinda exposes the flaws with today's media. Because, the interview was unbelievable to he point where it was almost hysterical.

  32. This dude is a KILLER !!! He killed whitney the same way he attempted to kill Bobbi Kristina.. Sociopathic Killer...Phony drama....Phony tears...Either he was paid to do this..or some type of maniac. I strongly believe that Whitney Houston found out his true motive and confronted him on his objectives..So he killed her. And did the same to Bobbi Kristina...... Connect the dots. Killers are often in PLAIN SIGHT !!! Hope this man gets his day ! MURDERER !!! I understand that Nick Gordon and the rest of the Houston family are emotionally drained. However, the entertainment business is just a business and there is no place for emotions in this business. I think it is sad that the Houston's and Nick Gordon are going through this but maybe Gordon should have waited till Bobby Kristina was completely full and healthy. There is a price that a family pays for fame.

  33. This dude is a KILLER !!! He killed whitney the same way he attempted to kill Bobbi Kristina.. Sociopathic Killer...Phony drama....Phony tears...Either he was paid to do this..or some type of maniac. I strongly believe that Whitney Houston found out his true motive and confronted him on his objectives..So he killed her. And did the same to Bobbi Kristina...... Connect the dots. Killers are often in PLAIN SIGHT !!! Hope this man gets his day ! MURDERER !!! I understand that Nick Gordon and the rest of the Houston family are emotionally drained. However, the entertainment business is just a business and there is no place for emotions in this business. I think it is sad that the Houston's and Nick Gordon are going through this but maybe Gordon should have waited till Bobby Kristina was completely full and healthy. There is a price that a family pays for fame.

  34. I think that Nick Gordon should have not have gone on the show. i also believed that the show was unrealistic i dont know if i believed the tears and dramatics that Nick Gordon put forth, However it is not up to the Dr.Phil show to protect people it is up to themselves. Dr.Phil just provided us with a opportunity to make and opinion of the situation.

  35. Personally I believe that this interview shouldn't have been aired. The fact was unable to sit the interview without losing control of his emotions just shows that he was not ready for this type exposure. That being said, I think that Dr. Phil should have been more considerate of how people feel. Nick is going through a lot of emotions right now and should be able to privately cope. Although he accepted the interview it was clear that he was not ready to do such a thing. The media should just be more considerate of people's lives and feelings.

  36. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  37. ii dont know if they shouldve aired that or not. he shouldve been able to keep himself in good condition going into the show. Being drunk isnt an excuse. People want answers, and to be drunk and not correspond to the questions, your embarrassing yourself. He should be put into rehab for this in my opinion. i understand that your stressed but then again that was stupid of him.

  38. I don't think Dr. Phil should have aired the show because some people are really emotionally weak. It takes time for people to heal from seeing family members get hurt. People sometimes be going through very serious situations. Sometimes that person might not want what happened to be put in the media.

  39. D.Phil. is demeaning, critical and very judgmental. Nick Gordon is emotionally unstable to be on the show .In the case that the show was demanding D.Phil. should've have boundaries .Yes its true Dr. Phil isn't supposed to be a best friend, he's supposed to be a psychologist. But still from human being to human being he needs to be accepting towards nick.

  40. There was nothing wrong with Dr.Phil interviewing Nick , if he was eligible to consult with the interview then there should be no problem. It may be emotional tension towards Nick due to Bobby passing away , but if he wasn't ready then he should have wait until he was ready to attend the interview.

    Mia Reddick.

  41. Dr.Phil should of never aired the show most people are weak from emotions and sometimes cant handle all the pressure coming their way. There should of been boundaries to this altercation. I just think he trying to kill her just like he did Bobbi's mom.

  42. no I think he should have waited until she was out to get her opinion on things. He assumed a lot of things that he dosent know ore fact or not

  43. He should air the show just to show how much of a wreck he was. Just to show everybody how much he is hurting. Then maybe at a later time down the line he can re interview him and show him how bad he looks. I believe the tears he showed was genuine.

  44. I think that the people they ask the questions in interviews should take into consideration on how a persons emotions & feelings are before they start. Also, they should watch out for questions they ask so that they're not so personal. So no, this interview should not have been aired.

  45. i think that he should air his show without nick because it's his and he designed the show and wanted to make it on his own so that it could be just him helping other people

  46. If Nick had cooperated, i think he should have aired the show to let him tell his side of things. Since he wasn't, Dr. Phil should not have aired the show. Although Dr. Phil was trying to help him, i think it was a little too much for the outside world to see. I think when he realized how Nick was, he could' ve either done it privately or do it when Nick was better. I think there should be some type of boundary.

  47. I couldn't watch the video because it was taken down but what i have gathered about this story is the common perception is doctor Phil is in the wrong airing this without for Bobbi Kristina Brow consent and that nick was too emotionally unstable. although if Nick is emotionally unstable he shouldn't go on the show in the first place. Dr.Phil did not force him to do the interview and you can not blame him for wanting to air insight into a popular topic. it seems wrong that he allowed him to come on the show but what if he denied him, that would just give more controversy to the situation. no one should really be going on talk shows for this private matter but to blame Dr.Phil is just wrong.

  48. I couldn't watch the video because it was taken down.but i do not believe the should have aired it if they weren't able to coherently sit and conduct the interview i thinks that's very unprofessionally.

  49. Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show, me personally believe he shouldn't have even interviewd him, because he has been through a lot the past month in a half and we don't know whats true and whats not so I believe he shouldn't have even asked him question I do like the fact that he went to rehab

  50. The show shouldnt have been aired. The media is a very crucial world and they continuously brutalize people. They do not care of how other people feel all they want is the inside information.

  51. I honestly feel as if it was too soon to talk about such a sensitive topic to someone and for it to be aired in front of millions of people is worse. The media has no boundaries and continues to invade people's privacy. However, it was the choice of Nick Gordon to come on the show, so the blame can't be fully put on the production.

  52. I understand that Nick Gordon and the rest of the Houston family are emotionally drained. However, the entertainment business is just a business and there is no place for emotions in this business. I think it is sad that the Houston's and Nick Gordon are going through this but maybe Gordon should have waited till Bobby Kristina was completely full and healthy. There is a price that a family pays for fame.

  53. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. He should know better than to act immature. Considering that everyone in the family is not emotionally steady, they probably shouldn't aired everything said, but the show is for people's entertainment and that is what keep that show going.

  54. Dr. Phil should respect his privacy sometimes people in the industry need to have a heart think about the person not about the check they are going to get.There should be boundaries in exposing the media.

  55. i think that Dr. Phil should not have put that on the air because he shouldve respected their privacy. But at the end of the day the show has to keep his views up and keep things interesting

  56. With this interview they should had the whole family come in instead of her boyfriend. Yeah people are nosy but her boyfriend shouldn't stoop that level

  57. Dr. Phil should take in consideration of how the media and audience would think about Nick's actions. The show would not be aired because of the the actions Nick has done during the show.Dr.Phil should of never aired the show most people are weak from emotions and sometimes cant handle all the pressure coming their way.

  58. People forget that television is a business. The Dr. Phil show just like any other show has a contract in which they have to film and produce shows as scheduled. Im pretty sure Nick agreed to go on the interview with Dr. Phil. Yes, he was more than likely not mentally ready for what he was putting himself through but he agreed to filming. His reaction wasn't suited for television but it was still aired. Personally, i believe that it was too personal to be aired but business wise i feel like the producers had to do their job.

  59. People forget that television is a business. The Dr. Phil show just like any other show has a contract in which they have to film and produce shows as scheduled. Im pretty sure Nick agreed to go on the interview with Dr. Phil. Yes, he was more than likely not mentally ready for what he was putting himself through but he agreed to filming. His reaction wasn't suited for television but it was still aired. Personally, i believe that it was too personal to be aired but business wise i feel like the producers had to do their job.

  60. I believe that Dr. Phil should not have put that on the air because he shouldve respected their privacy. With this interview they should had the whole family come in instead of her boyfriend. Phil should take in consideration of how the media and audience would think about Nick's actions.

  61. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. I feel like this isn't a good look on his part nor the family of Bobbi Kristina.

  62. i think that this interview shouldn't have taken place. Even though Dr.phill had permission i still think that he should have taken into consideration the fact that Nick Gordon was in a vulnerable state and he was going to cry on

  63. I do personally think that the people that ask for interviews should take in to consideration the feelings of the people they are interviewing.he show would not be aired because of the the actions Nick has done during the show.Dr.Phil should of never aired the show most people are weak from emotions and sometimes cant handle all the pressure coming their way.

  64. I believe he shouldn't have. Nick didn't seem he wanted to go if he wasn't even ready to see Dr.Phil. the fact he had to go to his door to get him says he probably changed his mind. putting out the interview now may blemish his reputation a bit. people in this state shouldn't be put of TV because they are not themselves. i do believe he should seek help but privately.

  65. I don't think they should have aired it. I dont think they should air any Dr.Phil episodes. I don't like the show and i don't like him. Hes so mean to most of his guest and its like can you chill. They came to get help not for you to make it worse. That show is depressing.

  66. I don't think they should have aired it. I dont think they should air any Dr.Phil episodes. I don't like the show and i don't like him. Hes so mean to most of his guest and its like can you chill. They came to get help not for you to make it worse. That show is depressing.

  67. I think that Dr Phil can air whatever he wants too. It seems like Nick Gordon should be ashamed for participating in an interview when he has so much going on. If I were in his position, an interview with Dr. Phil would be the last thing on my mind.

  68. i dont think they should of aired the show because the subject is private. It doesnt need to go to the public because companies like TMZ will take something like that and change it to their own story.

  69. i think that Dr,Phil should have aired the episode just to clear mr.gordons name . by airing the interview Dr,phil allowed the world to see how Gordon acted and how he felt about the situation. Even tho Gordon flipped out and had a moment it was okay at least the world could see that he was a visibly hurt man. i think the interview did way more good than it did bad for Gordon because i actually felt his pain threw watching the interview.

  70. I think DR. Phil should have just left the situation alone. Its not really his obligation to clear Gordon's name. But if Gordon agreed to do the interview then who can argue with Gordon's own words. After all Gordon would have to speak on the situation sooner or later, it just happened to be with Dr. Phil.

  71. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  72. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  73. I don't think Dr. Phil should have aired the show because some people are really emotionally. It takes time for people to heal from seeing family members get hurt and then some family might take it the wrong way and think that its right to sue.

  74. If he wasn't able to act right during the interview and its prior knowledge then he should not have asked for the interview.

  75. Phil was given a consent from Nick Gordon, he is allowed to air whatever he wants about the interview. No one can say anything negative because Nick Gordon decided to interview with Dr. Phil, knowing it was going to be aired.

  76. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  77. I don't think he should aired the show for her concern. That's personal and they should be worried about her safety instead of putting on a show telling the whole world.

  78. This world is hard. No one cares about you being how you are, just as long as you're there. I don't really have an opinion about if it should have been aired or not. People look for things like that, so you shouldn't set yourself up for it. Although doctor Phil is a psychiatrist not a gossip reporter, he should focus on "helping" the situation, not continuing with it.

  79. I think that Dr.Phil shouldn't have aired the show. Dr.Phil is known to be a "moral" man that knows his boundaries. He is supposed to be a psychiatrist. He should know better than to gossip about someone who is unable to even defend herself. This interview is about Bobbi Kristina, so she should be present. Yes, this is a hot topic; however, she should at least wait for her consent and presence. Maybe he should wait and do a skype call with her or something once she is better. The fact that he even thought about airing this is ridiculous.

  80. This world is hard. No one cares about you being how you are, just as long as you're there. I don't really have an opinion about if it should have been aired or not. People look for things like that, so you shouldn't set yourself up for it. Although doctor Phil is a psychiatrist not a gossip reporter, he should focus on "helping" the situation, not continuing with it.

  81. I don't think he should of aired this show for personal beliefs. This certain situtation is to personal and is a self conflict so they should handled it on there own.

  82. I feel that people who want to interview others should consider the emotional mood that they are in. If you know that someone is figuratively dying inside then that should wait for the interview until the person is in a better emotional state. So, overall, i think it was messed up to air this show so early.
