Tuesday, March 31, 2015






  1. I don't get this article. All I know people are killing people... Who ever wrote this article needs to be more specific and do better. Whoever these people are I just know they are killing one another.I guess I could say, social media is very serious and shouldn't be taken advantage for.

  2. i feel like his death was unnecessary. there was no reason to hack him to death. if anything just shoot him or lock him up. he kind of set himself up for failure because people warned him and he didnt listen. the killing was still not needed though

  3. 27 year old blogger Washiqur Rahman was hacked to death by two men with knives and meat cleavers just outside his house as he headed to work at a travel agency. He was so beat with wounds to his head, face and neckthat police identified him through the voter identification card he was carrying. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.How many more bloggers will have to be attacked before action is taken? Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues.

  4. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I am thankful that my country has freedom of speech. It is horrible what is happening to these people. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. They are being hacked to death. people have serious hatred over there and it needs to stop. This is unnecessary.

  5. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I am thankful that my country has freedom of speech. It is horrible what is happening to these people. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. They are being hacked to death. people have serious hatred over there and it needs to stop. This is unnecessary.

  6. A man was hacked to death for criticizing Islam on his personal blog. He had the right to the freedom of speech and such acts of intolerance and violence do nothing but end an innocent life. So yeah....

  7. Though the deaths of these bloggers we could see how aggressive the other user in the other computer can be, although warnings were made to some users to be careful on what to post especially a similar tag called "#IAmAvijit" never realizing the grave danger yet to occur. This blogger named Rahman claimed to his firends, who had tried to warn him, that Facebook profiles do not allow personal information and locations to be relieved...."really?". These blogger deaths had no arrests in the later time, however suspect told officers they were following orders of a higher leader. Throughout each death was no response from the government. In these latest incidents any social media blogger began a movement rather than cowering in fear as others would suspect.

  8. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.

  9. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I am thankful that my country has freedom of speech. It is horrible what is happening to these people. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. They are being hacked to death. people have serious hatred over there and it needs to stop. This is unnecessary.

  10. Not saying that this is his fault but hi friends already told him that he needs to be careful what he say online. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam. the killing was still not needed though.Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues.

  11. Bloggers, unlike political parties, aren't an organized force and that makes them an easy target for hackers.

  12. Maria Carter
    well then this is just another reason to not be so rude toward other. if people are nice then these things wouldn't just happen. even if you don't agree with things it is ok to say so. But to be rude about it and its just not even remotely human to do so mean about something like religion, people need to learn that just because others believe in something different doesn't make that a right to be your object of ridicule.

  13. It isn't right how they don't have the freedom of speech to say what they want to say. The fact that they think its okay to kill someone like that is horrible. The government needs to find a more simple way to displine there students.

  14. Honestly these people shouldn't have been killed for their own viewpoints. Then again that is the american in me talking because i am so used to the first amendment, and in most countries like this they don't have the 1st amendment to protect their freedom of speech. While I don't agree with this killing, in countries like this their speech is not protected so it's not like they have a protection from anybody else.

  15. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  16. I feel as if was unnecessary the hack the blogger to death just because of what he said. Everybody has there opinions and people should just respect that. They should have not been killed if they were just giving their honest opinion they on how they fill about the topic. Its alright for one to give their honest opinion and their beliefs of how they see things.

  17. I believe that he had the right to say anything he wanted on his blog but the people that send the order went to far they should just be like no one is going to change what I believe so what one person posting something is going to do tom me.

  18. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.

  19. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. If someone was being harsh online, they should be reported, not murdered. Every country has different laws and rules, but I believe murder should not be allowed anywhere. Also, this article shows that information can easily be found. The writer said he didn't even have a picture of himself, but men still found him and killed him.

  20. I feel as if was unnecessary the hack the blogger to death just because of what he said. Everybody has there opinions and people should just respect that.His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.How many more bloggers will have to be attacked before action is taken? Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues

  21. I am not understanding the article. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary and cruel. In the past years there have been several bloggers death, either killed by someone for some thing they posted online or other ways.

  22. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. I'm glad we have the freedom of speech we have here in america because some countries lack these opportunities.

  23. People in those dangerous environments have to be more careful with what they post and how they hide themselves. These bloggers are totally aware that people are being murdered for posting stuff that "mocks" the fundamentalist's religion. He was basically asking to be killed by what he was posting. Yes, his murder was wrong but he should have been more careful about the situation.

  24. I feel like his death was unnecessary. there was no reason to hack him to death. if anything just shoot him or lock him up. he kind of set himself up for failure because people warned him and he still refused

  25. I don't get this article. All I know people are killing people... Who ever wrote this article needs to be more specific and do better.I feel like his death was unnecessary. there was no reason to hack him to death. if anything just shoot him or lock him up. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  26. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. I'm glad we have the freedom of speech we have here in america because some countries lack these opportunities.

  27. I feel as if was unnecessary the hack the blogger to death just because of what he said. Everybody has there opinions and people should just respect that.His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.How many more bloggers will have to be attacked before action is taken? Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues

  28. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  29. I do not think that the bloggers deserved to be killed all they were doing was giving their opinions on certain religions and practices just as many other people do on a daily basis.

  30. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. I'm glad we have the freedom of speech we have here in america because some countries lack these opportunities. People in those dangerous environments have to be more careful with what they post and how they hide themselves. These bloggers are totally aware that people are being murdered for posting stuff that "mocks" the fundamentalist's religion. He was basically asking to be killed by what he was posting. Yes, his murder was wrong but he should have been more careful about the situation.

  31. Not saying that this is his fault but hi friends already told him that he needs to be careful what he say online. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam. the killing was still not needed though.Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues.

  32. hese blogger deaths had no arrests in the later time, however suspect told officers they were following orders of a higher leader. Throughout each death was no response from the government. In these latest incidents any social media blogger began a movement rather than cowering in fear as others would suspect.Yes, his murder was wrong but he should have been more careful about the situation.

  33. I think it is very sad that this is presently occurring in the world. These bloggers should be able to express their opinions and talk about issues that are occurring in society today. Killing someone for expressing their views on a blog is absolutely wrong. As long as the bloggers aren't disrespecting other people, religions or groups there should be no repercussions for it. I don't know exactly what was said in the blog post, but either way the blogger didn't deserve to die for it.

  34. I feel as if this wrong and uncalled for to abuse and hack somebody to death just because of what the said. We as the people have a freedom of speech. This was second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for a online post critical to Islam. This is unnecessary for them to kill him over that on which he was talking about a religion in which all american's talk about.

  35. I dont feel as though what was done was right. He shouldnt have been bullied or abused just because he was expressing his opinion on his religion.

  36. The article as reinforce the way people are in today's time and how dangerous they can be at anytime to anyone. Also one needs to be careful about what you post online.

  37. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.andI understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. If someone was being harsh online, they should be reported, not murdered. Every country has different laws and rules, but I believe murder should not be allowed anywhere. Also, this article shows that information can easily be found. The writer said he didn't even have a picture of himself, but men still found him and killed him.

  38. It is a very difficult situation for me to have an opinion on because i don't know the whole story. But what i do know that any killing of a human for expressing their personal opinion about a topic while not harming other is very inhumane and should be addressed. In the world we live in today we are so detached from other peoples problems around the world , we have become numb we must try to help others in worst situations than ourselves

  39. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.How many more bloggers will have to be attacked before action is taken? Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues.

  40. Personally I don't think these people should be killed. is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. I'm glad we have the freedom of speech we have here in america because some countries lack these opportunities.

  41. I don't get this article. All I know people are killing people... Who ever wrote this article needs to be more specific and do better. Whoever these people are I just know they are killing one another.I guess I could say, social media is very serious and shouldn't be taken advantage for.

  42. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. I understand that people should watch what they post, but killing them for it is going to far. I'm glad we have the freedom of speech we have here in america because some countries lack these opportunities.

  43. On Monday, the 27-year-old Rahman fell victim to the same brazen act that killed Roy, hacked to death by two men with knives and meat cleavers just outside his house as he headed to work at a travel agency.His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstancescritical of Islam -- but they are hardly the only two who've paid a steep price. The despicable murder of Avijit Roy last month should have led authorities to step up protection measures for bloggers and others at risk. The killing of Washiqur Rahman today is another clear example of the Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk

  44. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. Incidents like these should never be condoned. I think the federal government should do even more to prevent things like this. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.

  45. Every blogger has a limit but killing someone is bizarre. Everyone has rights there was no reason to hack him to death. There's many other people who express themselves just like them. and they don't die

  46. I agree with the article. We are living in the last days and we need to be aware of what we post. I think he was being careless and with him knowing what happened to the other blogger, he should have been more cautious. We need to step up the security system just for our safety of what we can and can not post on the internet.

  47. It is sad that people die over what is on the internet. People should still watch what they put up there

  48. I do not think that these people should have been killed. I understand that people shouldn't post certain things online but killing them for it is very unnecessary. They could have went about it completely differently.

  49. Honestly, I don't understand why people kill for the sake of religion at all, especially so grusomely. It sad that the bloggers were murdered in the way that they were and that death was the punishment for their actions at all. I understand that religion is quite a sensetive topic and that people love to voice their opinions on things. "Freedom of speech" isn't exercised in every country and even when it is, that doesn't mean that people can use it as an excuse for being rude or disrespectful towards anyone's beliefs. People whine about religious people treating people who don't believe in the religion differently when the same thing happens on between nonbelievers and believers. That doesn't justify any of the bloggers deaths. Yes, the bloggers should not have been rude and disrespectful. But , the bloggers also shouldn't have been murdered.

  50. This paragraph was a very broad topic although the information was little to minimum. I understand that religion is quite a sensitive topic and that people love to voice their opinions on things. "Freedom of speech" isn't exercised in every country and even when it is, that doesn't mean that people can use it as an excuse for being rude or disrespectful towards anyone's beliefs

  51. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  52. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.

  53. I personally dont thin kthe people should have been killed. they were basically killed over words. I beleive they were killed over anger and rage. When people speak out on the truth people can never seem to handle the truth. But all in all the truth is the truth. Even after the people have been killed the words will still ruminate throughout societ yto it is no purpose. Another thing is people often overlook the fact that when people are given a position of authority the yoften abuse it. Then again this the world we live and we must deal with it whether we like it or not.

  54. "The bloggers death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam".This type of statement should never be made, people should have the freedom of speech in every nation throughout the world. "several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances." Again those extremist who opinions differ from an ordinary person should not lash out and kill people because of their opposing views. It is this kind of scenario which drives people to live in a western society, such as U.S.A., France, and Britain.

  55. his death was unnecessary. there was no reason to hack him to death. if anything just shoot him or lock him up. he kind of set himself up for failure because people warned him and he didnt listen. the killing was still not needed though

  56. to be honest the article was not very clear to me but since it is related to deaths it need to be stopped the problem that is costing lives needs to be looked into asap.

  57. 27 year old blogger Washiqur Rahman was hacked to death by two men with knives and meat cleavers just outside his house as he headed to work at a travel agency. He was so beat with wounds to his head, face and neckthat police identified him through the voter identification card he was carrying. His death was the second time in five weeks that someone was killed in Dhaka for online posts critical of Islam.In the last two years, several bloggers have died, either murdered or under mysterious circumstances.How many more bloggers will have to be attacked before action is taken? Bangladeshi government's utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk continues.

  58. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  59. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I am thankful that my country has freedom of speech. It is horrible what is happening to these people. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. They are being hacked to death. people have serious hatred over there and it needs to stop. This is unnecessary.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I feel as if it was really unnecessary to hack the blogger to death just because of what he said everybody has there opinions and people should just respect that the despicable murder of avidity Roy last month should have led authorities to step up protection measures for bloggers and others at risk . he killing of washer rah men today is another clearr example for Bangladeshi government utter failure to ensure the safety of those at risk

  62. I think it is really sad that this man was killed just for freedom of speech. He never thought that he would be killed due to his comments because he did not have a picture of him on his Facebook. Little did he know that many people have all types of ways to find other people. Many people are technologically advanced to the point where they can find anything they want or need.

  63. onestly these people shouldn't have been killed for their own viewpoints. Then again that is the american in me talking because i am so used to the first amendment, and in most countries like this they don't have the 1st amendment to protect their freedom of speech. While I don't agree with this killing, in countries like this their speech is not protected so it's not like they have a protection from anybody else.

  64. onestly these people shouldn't have been killed for their own viewpoints. Then again that is the american in me talking because i am so used to the first amendment, and in most countries like this they don't have the 1st amendment to protect their freedom of speech. While I don't agree with this killing, in countries like this their speech is not protected so it's not like they have a protection from anybody else.

  65. It is in our rights that we have freedom of speech. It is unreasonable for the blogger to be killed for expressing himself. Also we need to learn how to use the internet safely and the consequences of posting stuff online. Everyone is human we are entitled to our own opinion but express it safely.

  66. 27 year old blogger Washiqur Rahman was hacked to death by two men with knives and meat cleavers just outside his house as he headed to work at a travel agency.We need to learn how to use the internet safely and the consequences of posting stuff online. We are all human we are entitled to our own opinion but express it safely. While I don't agree with this killing, in countries like this their speech is not protected so it's not like they have a protection from anybody else.

  67. Everyone is human we are entitled to our own opinion but express it safely. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.

  68. Everyone is human we are entitled to our own opinion but express it safely. I do not think that these people should have been killed. They had their own viewpoints on religious topics and wrote about them. It is okay to speak one's mind and have whatever beliefs; here in America. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, yet here even people who disagree with things still respect them and not make a mockery of their beliefs, and even still, if they did, they would not be killed.

  69. Its is a shame that they cant have freedom of speech without a price. I am thankful that my country has freedom of speech. It is horrible what is happening to these people. They aren't just being randomly shot like most victims here in America. They are being hacked to death. people have serious hatred over there and it needs to stop. This is unnecessary.

  70. The blogger was agressively and brutally murdered. His murder was a revenge counteraction from his posted opinions. What gives these killers the authority to punish a person by death? The only thing that can derived from this event is inhumanity and pure hatred. Regardless of anyone's point of view, they are entitled to their opinion and their thoughts. This was a tragic and grotesque event.

  71. It is wrong for people to senselessly murder others because they choose to speak their opinion. I feel that those who are murdering the bloggers are scared of the thought of people having opinions. If people were able to accept the opinions of others there would not be fights and wars. Yet people feel the need to show others the way they view things is the only right way. Therefore when anyone chooses to say their ideas or how something comes off to them they are killed or threatened. Making this world awful due to us not all having respect for one another and caring for how everyone else feels about a situation.

  72. Well me personally, I've never been a fan of murder. It probably was not that's guys place to talk about other peoples religions but that does not mean he deserved to die. Its a rare condition this day in age to read any good news on the newspaper page.

  73. Well me personally, I've never been a fan of murder. It probably was not that's guys place to talk about other peoples religions but that does not mean he deserved to die. Its a rare condition this day in age to read any good news on the newspaper page.

  74. I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and can write whatever they choose, but when saying how you feel is deadly, then its best to keep your thoughts to yourself. That's why bloggers have to be careful, because there are crazy people in the world who would kill you simply because of what you put on the internet. Saying what you have to say isn't worth your life.

  75. Murdering people is a bad crime in this world and most people do it every day. To me I feel its not ok because your taking somebody life and that's not cool. The fact of killing someone, you are killing somebody child and they are devastated and they have to live knowing there son has been killed. Kids should be burying there mothers not mothers burying there kids.

  76. These stories are hard to read. People are constantly being murdered and it's just absurd. Nobody has the right to take another person's life away and everybody has the right to live. This reporter could have gone on and done big things for herself but was stripped of that freedom because of somebody feeling a little upset. The world has to realize as a whole that killing people is never the option.

  77. These stories are hard to read. People are constantly being murdered and it's just absurd. Nobody has the right to take another person's life away and everybody has the right to live. This reporter could have gone on and done big things for herself but was stripped of that freedom because of somebody feeling a little upset. The world has to realize as a whole that killing people is never the option.

  78. Though the deaths of these bloggers we could see how aggressive the other user in the other computer can be, although warnings were made to some users to be careful on what to post especially a similar tag called "#IAmAvijit" never realizing the grave danger yet to occur. This blogger named Rahman claimed to his firends, who had tried to warn him, that Facebook profiles do not allow personal information and locations to be relieved...."really?". These blogger deaths had no arrests in the later time, however suspect told officers they were following orders of a higher leader. Throughout each death was no response from the government. In these latest incidents any social media blogger began a movement rather than cowering in fear as others would suspect.

  79. Nobody should ever have the right to hurt somebody just because of a difference of opinion. It is very sad to hear that two similar people have died do to this. However, things like this happen in the United States all the time and there is a serious need for a change.

  80. Even though what the man said was wrong i don't feel that he should have been killed for his action. It is sad how people are actually writing horrible comments about the man after he has died which makes the situation even worse. Overall, the man was unfortunately killed for a horrible comment that people could have definitely ignored.
