Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Singer-songwriter David Crosby hit a jogger with his car Sunday evening.
Do you think that Celebrities should receive special treatment when they break the law? If you were a celebrity would you use your fame to help you get out of trouble?



  1. I personally do not believe that anyone is better than anyone else. Therefore i do not believe celebrities should get special attention or treatment when it comes to not only the law but anything. What makes a celebrity any different from me or you? Nothing that is why everybody should be punished the same.

  2. Some one who is famous will not receive the "celebrity treatment" of the law, rather, be trailed as a normal citizen. A crime is a crime no matter who committed it or what the crime is. Anyone who avoids or cheats in the trial does not care for the victim, marking them heartless or uncaring for the victim.
    If I was the celebrity responsible then I would accept being trailed as a normal citizen rather than cheat my way though the court.

  3. I believe everyone should have the same treatment. Just because you are a celebrity doesn't mean you shouldn't obey the rules. At the end of the day, everyone is human we are all the same.Especially when it comes to laws, everyone is entitled to obey them, no matter who you are.

  4. Celebrities should not receive special treatment when they break the law. Celebrities, no matter how famous they are, should be held responsible for their actions and know that they are not above the law.

    That being said, if I were a celebrity (which I am, follow me on instagram), I would absolutely use my fame to help me out of trouble. It's not the right thing to do, but I would do it anyway.

  5. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law. This may have been an accident but he still hit the jogger. If I was a celebrity I wouldn't use my fame for my troubles and getting out of trouble.

  6. I do not believe celebrities should receive special treatment. They are humans just like everyone else and should be treated the same way. Anyone who breaks the law is a criminal. Any criminal should face the consequences for their actions.
    However, if I were a celebrity, I would use my fame. I would somewhat bribe the judge without the authorities catching on. I would kind of slide in some extra cash for the right verdict or promise to come over sometime.
    Anyone can be persuaded, as long as the persuader knows how to do so.

  7. Famous people are still human. They don't have any special powers. Their talent is like anyone elses talent.They should be treated like anyone else when it comes to punishment. I also believe that most of them feel the same way. Yes, many have a lot of money but that shouldn't set them apart from us. They wanted to be treated equally. They are regular people but they just have different jobs, that's all.

  8. Celebrities should not receive special treatment when they break the law. Celebrities, no matter how famous they are, should be held responsible for their actions and know that they are not above the law.

  9. No celebrities should not recieve special treatment if they commit things like that. Theyre human just like everyone else.

  10. The law is the law and i believe that no person is above the law. If he did this on purpose and got away with it then this situation needs to be looked at and investigated a little more. Celebrities are no different than us and shouldn't get away with braking the law. Honestly if i was a celebrity i would try to use my fame and money to get away with braking the law.

  11. He is a person these things happen everyday to many different people. Just because he is famous doesn't mean he some get any special treatment. There are to many people getting in trouble with the feds for things they didn't even do. For him to think he should get off lightly because of who he is shows the ignorance of most people.

  12. celebrities shouldn't get special treatment just because of what they do for a living they are citizens just like we are and if they commit felonies they deserve to be treated like a normal citizen. Of course i would try to use my fame to try to get out of whatever i did because no one wants to be charged with any type of felony but at the end of the day its wrong for people to treat others differently.

  13. Maria Carter
    If i were famous i wouldn't use my fame to get out of things like this. i would probably do the same as Crosby. He is being cooperative and he wasnt under any influence of any kind. he isnt using his fame to get out of it at all. he is setting a good example of how people with fame or money should act when something such as this happens.

  14. No I don't believe celebrities should get more treatment just because there famous doesn't mean anything, they still break the rules they should get the same treatment just as if it was someone who wasn't famous they are still human so he should get the same consequences .

  15. Celebrities should not recieve special treatment when they break the law. They are still U.S. citizens and should be required to comply with the laws as every U.S. citizen is. A persons level of fame or social status shouldn't affect their responsibilities as a citizen.If I was a celebrity, I wouldn't use my fame to get out of trouble with the law becuase it is unfair and wrong. If I do something wrong, I accept my concequences because I understand that I did wrong.

  16. In my opinion, nobody should be above the law no matter their position in socially, economically, politically, or in the police rankings. Everybody should be held accountable for their own actions basing it on the fact of that's what maturity is all about is being held accountable for your own actions. So celebrities as a mature human and person should be held accountable for their own actions just like everybody else. Now while this is the opinion of most, this doesn't mean that he won't get treatment because some people in this world even though they know it's wrong will still let them get away with it.

  17. David Crosby did not use his fame card at all in the whole situation. he was very cooperative threw the whole situation to. he set a great example how people should act in this type of situation. and it wasn't his fault because the pedestrian was on the wrong side of the road. and David Crosby was going under the speed limit the speed limit was 55mph and he was going 50

  18. I do not believe celebrities should receive special treatment, they are still humans like us the only difference is they may have a record deal or a television show. They shouldn't because it gives the image that celebrities are at a higher ranking then any other civilian. If I was a celebrity It would depend on what I did, like, If I ran a red light, yeah. however if it was DUI, or stealing no I deserve every consequence that would be given as if I were a normal person.

  19. I do not believe celebrities should have special treatment, because everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. There are so many people that are wrongly accused of crimes every day. If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known. Just because it's done everyday that doesn't make it right. However, if I was famous I would definitely take advantage of the perks.

  20. The law is the law and i believe that no person is above the law. No I don't believe celebrities should get more treatment just because there famous doesn't mean anything. Their talent is like anyone else talent.They should be treated like anyone else when it comes to punishment. I also believe that most of them feel the same way.

  21. I do not believe celebrities should receive special treatment. They are real people just like everyone else. If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known.

  22. I believe celebrities should not get special treatment when breaking the law. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they can get away with things. Celebrities are just like everyone else. If a celebrity broke the law, they should have equal punishment like a normal person would.
    If I was a celebrity, I would want special treatment, but I would understand if I was punished like everyone else. I believe celebrities and normal people should have equal punishment, no matter what.

  23. Celebrities should not recieve special treatment because they are just human as everyone else. Justice should be served as it would be a non-celebrity. i personally would not use my fame to get me out of any trouble. I would face the penalties.

  24. I do not believe celebrity should get special treatment. They are just like ordinary people just like everyone else. If a celebrity committed a crime they should deserve every consequence that the law gives them.

  25. Celebrities should not relieve special treatment when they break the law. They are still normal people and should be required to follow laws like everyone else. being shouldn't affect their responsibilities to follow and abide by the law.If I was famous i wouldnt use my fame to get out of trouble because it isnt fair. Id just take the consequences.

  26. I do not believe celebrities should receive special treatment. They are still normal people and should be required to follow laws like everyone else, being famous shouldn't affect their responsibilities to follow and abide by the law.If I was a celebrity I wouldn't use my fame for my troubles and getting out of trouble.

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  28. The law is the law and i believe that no person is above the law. If he did this on purpose and got away with it then this situation needs to be looked at and investigated a little more. Celebrities are no different than us and shouldn't get away with braking the law. Honestly if i was a celebrity i would try to use my fame and money to get away with braking the law.

  29. I believe that he dues not need no special treatment for what he did and the law is the law there is no way around it for what he did.

  30. Celebrities should not receive special treatment when the break the law because they are still citizens and are not above the law. In fact they should be held at a higher standard since they have an influence on the public. If celebrities receive special treatment for minor offenses they will feel as if they can get away with major offenses.

  31. I absolutely feel that no one should receive special treatment when it comes to breaking the law whether it be a celebrity or not. If someone does something that is against the law then they should pay the price for doing something that is against the law.

  32. I personally do not believe that celebrities should have special privileges when it comes to the law. The law is law no matter who it is, the only difference between between a celebrity and a normal person in court is the amount of money they have. If I was a celebrity I wouldn't want special privileges but I would have a better chance of winning my case because of how much money I am able to spend on a lawyer.

  33. David Crosby did not use his fame card at all in the whole situation. he was very cooperative threw the whole situation to. he set a great example how people should act in this type of situation. and it wasn't his fault because the pedestrian was on the wrong side of the road. and David Crosby was going under the speed limit the speed limit was 55mph and he was going 50

  34. I do not believe celebrities should have special treatment, because everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. There are so many people that are wrongly accused of crimes every day. If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known. Just because it's done everyday that doesn't make it right. However, if I was famous I would definitely take advantage of the perks.

  35. No one person is perfect we all have our flaws. Therefore , no celebrities should get any special treatment. They are just like normal people except they just live in the fame life and have tons amount of money. In that case , David Crosby's incident of hitting a jogger with a car , he should be set with consequences for breaking the law.
    Mia Reddick.

  36. . Justice should be served as it would be a non-celebrity. i personally would not use my fame to get me out of any trouble. I would face the penalties.The law is law no matter who it is, the only difference between between a celebrity and a normal person in court is the amount of money they have. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they can get away with things. Celebrities are just like everyone else. If a celebrity broke the law, they should have equal punishment like a normal person would.

  37. Justice should be served as it would be a non-celebrity.I do not believe celebrities should receive special treatment. They are still normal people and should be required to follow laws like everyone else, being famous shouldn't affect their responsibilities to follow and abide by the law. The law enforcement also cant let them off the hook just because their celebrities.

  38. i honestly think that he shouldnt get special treatment because he is still human and has no type of authority. He should get treated just like everyone else. if i was a famous person i wouldnt want to get special treatments because i know their are alot of hater and the wrong person might hate and i can get killed

  39. I don't think it is right to use special treatment just because your a celebrity because you have to be a law abiding citizen just like everyone else. But I
    am not going to lie, If I was a celebrity, I would try to use my fame to get me out of situations.

  40. I think everyone should be treated the same no matter their social status. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you should get special treatment . Wrong is wrong.

  41. Look at Lindsay Lohan, she has gotten away with so many crimes. She stole a $2,500 necklace when she could have paid for it. Then after continuing to break probation, she was under house arrest for two weeks!!!!!! If any person who isn't famous committed the crimes she did, they would be jailed for sure! This is just one out of the many examples where the famous get special treatment. In order to stop these actions, people need to act. We want equality and fairness. We don't want to be treated like we are lower than everyone else.Celebrities should not recieve special treatment because they are just people like us . IF I was a celebrity I would use my fame to help out

  42. I do not believe that celebrities should have special treatment, they are the same as everybody else they do not deserve special treatment just because they are famous. if you are a celebrity and committed a crime then you face the consequences just like every other person. God made everyone equal fame does not make you better than everyone else.If I was a celebrity I would take full responsibility for anything I have done

  43. I don't think celebrities should receive special treatment when they break the law. Regardless of who it is, everyone deserves to be punished the same way, regardless of race, or how famous they are. If I was a celebrity, I would try to use my fame to get out of trouble. If I got pulled over by the cops, they could possibly be a fan of me, and let me off with ease.

  44. no i don't believe that celebrities should get special treatments when they break the law because they are people just like us the only thing different about people and celebrities is they did something all their life that they liked and kept that dream to go to the next levels

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  48. we are all equal but yes Yes, I believe that we should treat celebrities the same as any other individual who breaks the law. Celebrities are role models and if we see them getting away with drug use, and murder this makes it acceptable for others to engage in these behaviors. It's unfair for people to be given preferential treatment because they have money or social status.

  49. While a celebrity is a well known person, they are people just like us. They should not be treated in a special way if they break the law. The laws they break are the same laws we might break as individuals. I would not use my fame to keep me out of trouble because I am human, and it wouldn't be fair to others.

  50. Nobody is better than anyone is anyone else. Therefore celebrities should not get special treatment when it comes to not only the law, "celebrity privilege". Nothing makes a celebrity better than an average human being. So they should be treated as one and be punished the same. Those who break the law are criminal and criminal go to jail.

    That being said if I were a celebrity I would take advantage of this flaw in society and break all kinds of rules, just because I can. knowing there would be a little consequence like going to rehab, I would do whatever I want. Then there would be a documentary on me, then i would get a realty show, and America will be like "aww look how far he has come.

  51. Nobody is better than anyone is anyone else. Therefore celebrities should not get special treatment when it comes to not only the law, "celebrity privilege". Nothing makes a celebrity better than an average human being. So they should be treated as one and be punished the same. Those who break the law are criminal and criminal go to jail.

    That being said if I were a celebrity I would take advantage of this flaw in society and break all kinds of rules, just because I can. knowing there would be a little consequence like going to rehab, I would do whatever I want. Then there would be a documentary on me, then i would get a realty show, and America will be like "aww look how far he has come.

  52. I do not believe celebrities should have special treatment, because everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. There are so many people that are wrongly accused of crimes every day. If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known. Just because it's done everyday that doesn't make it right. However, if I was famous I would definitely take advantage of the perks.

  53. No I so not believe celebrities should get special treatment. Sadly it happens because they supposedly contribute so much to people

  54. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law. This may have been an accident but he still hit the jogger. If I was a celebrity I wouldn't use my fame for my troubles and getting out of trouble. I do not believe celebrities should have special treatment, because everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. There are so many people that are wrongly accused of crimes every day. If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known. Just because it's done everyday that doesn't make it right. However, if I was famous I would definitely take advantage of the perks

  55. celebrities shouldn't get special treatment just because of what they do for a living they are citizens just like we are and if they commit felonies they deserve to be treated like a normal citizen. Of course i would try to use my fame to try to get out of whatever i did because no one wants to be charged with any type of felony but at the end of the day its wrong for people to treat others differently.

  56. He is a person these things happen everyday to many different people. Just because he is famous doesn't mean he some get any special treatment. There are to many people getting in trouble with the feds for things they didn't even do. For him to think he should get off lightly because of who he is shows the ignorance of most people.
    Of course i would try to use my fame to try to get out of whatever i did because no one wants to be charged with any type of felony but at the end of the day its wrong for people to treat others differently.

  57. In my opinion, nobody should be above the law no matter their position in socially, economically, politically, or in the police rankings. Everybody should be held accountable for their own actions basing it on the fact of that's what maturity is all about is being held accountable for your own actions. So celebrities as a mature human and person should be held accountable for their own actions just like everybody else. Now while this is the opinion of most, this doesn't mean that he won't get treatment because some people in this world even though they know it's wrong will still let them get away with it.

  58. Lexi Stokes
    I don't think celebrities should receive special treatment, they are human like everyone else. Just because they have talent and are well-known doesn't make them better. If I were famous, I wouldn't abuse my power. However, it might be unintentionally abused, by the media showing the case and many people putting their opinions out there. With many fans, they might back you up and influence the way the problem sounds.

  59. He is a person these things happen everyday to many different people. Just because he is famous doesn't mean he some get any special treatment. There are to many people getting in trouble with the feds for things they didn't even do. For him to think he should get off lightly because of who he is shows the ignorance of most people.

  60. We are all people and none of us are immune to everything. Celebrities are put on a high table because the people puts them their. Celebrities deserve/should be treated equal. Just as much as we praise them when they do good we should confront them when they do bad. Crosby probably hurt the jogger pretty bad, and the jogger has the right to demand justice.

  61. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law. This may have been an accident but he still hit the jogger

  62. No there are no exceptions when it comes to the law.It is what it is.But personally i would use my fame to get out of trouble because im terrified of going to prison. but celebrites are civilians too so my answer is no

  63. Celebrities do not deserve treatment which lets them disobey the law. Some degree of special treatment is fine but not abiding by the law just because your profession or how the world see's you is wrong. Therefore David should be charged as harshly as anyone else would be. If I was a celebrity although I think they shouldn't have the special treatment I would most likely take it. Everyone treating me differently would make myself or most people feel above others.

  64. Celebrities do not deserve treatment which lets them disobey the law. Some degree of special treatment is fine but not abiding by the law just because your profession or how the world see's you is wrong. Therefore David should be charged as harshly as anyone else would be. If I was a celebrity although I think they shouldn't have the special treatment I would most likely take it. Everyone treating me differently would make myself or most people feel above others.

  65. The law is the law and i believe that no person is above the law. No I don't believe celebrities should get more treatment just because there famous doesn't mean anything. Their talent is like anyone else talent.They should be treated like anyone else when it comes to punishment. I also believe that most of them feel the same way.
    If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known. Just because it's done everyday that doesn't make it right. However, if I was famous I would definitely take advantage of the perks.

  66. In 2010, singer Bruno Mars was charged with possession of a controlled substance (cocaine). According to police and prosecutors, Mars used cocaine in a bathroom stall at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Apparently his cocaine use was so obvious that a bathroom attendant alerted police. When confronted outside the restroom by a Las Vegas Metro officer, Mars confessed immediately and gave up the drugs. He was then arrested and later charged. This is a common scenario in Las Vegas clubs and hotels, as bathroom attendants and other casino employees are instructed to be on the lookout for illegal drug use. I have represented many Las Vegas visitors charged with felony drug possession under these exact circumstances.

    Mars "waived up" from Las Vegas Justice Court and entered into a guilty plea in Clark County District Court. According to the terms of the agreement, he pled guilty to the charge, possession of a controlled substance, a category E felony. However, adjudication was stayed for a period of informal probation for 1 year, during which time Mars agreed to pay a fine of $2,000, complete 200 hours of community service, complete drug counseling, and stay out of trouble (i.e., avoid arrests for any new charges). If Mars completed these requirements, the charge would be dismissed.

  67. David Carter,
    David didn't not use his fame to get out of that predicament, but I would have. Then again if he make it seem like you are worth a lot and you just ran over someone then it probably wouldn't be best to tell that some one who you really are, just because you're famous doesn't mean everyone likes you. with that said I think no one should have the right to be excused from the law no matter who they are. the president isn't even excused from the law.

  68. no person is above the law. No I don't believe celebrities should get more treatment just because there famous doesn't mean anything. Their talent is like anyone else talent.They should be treated like anyone else when it comes to punishment. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law.

  69. I do not believe that anyone is better than anyone else or should even feel better than anyone else. Therefore i do not believe celebrities should get special attention or treatment when it comes to not only the law but anything. What makes a celebrity any different from me or you? Nothing that is why everyone should not feel better or get head boosted. we are all getting buried the same way

  70. No one should be given special treatment when they break the law. They should obey the same laws and be prosecuted just like anyone else. It doesn't matter if it was the president or a homeless man, they should obey the law no matter what position they hold.

  71. No one should be given special treatment when they break the law. They should obey the same laws and be prosecuted just like anyone else. It doesn't matter if it was the president or a homeless man, they should obey the law no matter what position they hold.

  72. No i don't think celebrities should be above the law because their famous. What type of balonga is that? "Oh i sing good so its ok for me to kill people and do drugs" i think not. Infact they should be punished worse because they are an influence on the children. The next famous person that commits a crime should be straight up executed. Even if its just parking next to a fire hydrant or something.

  73. Famous people are still human. They don't have any special powers. Their talent is like anyone elses talent.They should be treated like anyone else when it comes to punishment. I also believe that most of them feel the same way. Yes, many have a lot of money but that shouldn't set them apart from us. They wanted to be treated equally. They are regular people but they just have different jobs, that's all.

  74. I do not believe celebrity should get special treatment. They are just like ordinary people just like everyone else. If a celebrity committed a crime they should deserve every consequence that the law gives them.

  75. I do not believe celebrity should get special treatment. They are just like ordinary people just like everyone else. If a celebrity committed a crime they should deserve every consequence that the law gives them.

  76. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law. This may have been an accident but he still hit the jogger. If I was a celebrity I wouldn't use my fame for my troubles and getting out of trouble.

  77. I personally do not think celebrities should have special treatment because if I were to hit someone with a car can I say David for a way with it so why can't I no because they will lock me up in the snap of a finger. If I was a celebrity I would not like to get away with it because the person I hit has a family and it I got away with it the fault isn't going the justice that they need.

  78. I personally do not believe that anyone is better than anyone else. Therefore i do not believe celebrities should get special attention or treatment when it comes to not only the law but anything. What makes a celebrity any different from me or you? Nothing that is why everybody should be punished the same.

  79. So celebrities as a mature human and person should be held accountable for their own actions just like everybody else. Now while this is the opinion of most, this doesn't mean that he won't get treatment because some people in this world even though they know it's wrong will still let them get away with it

  80. No, I don't think celebrities should get no special treatment if they break the law that's not fair cause celebrities are regular people to. If i was a celebrities I would not even use my fame to get out of trouble that's stupid,selfish and stubborn.

  81. I do not think that celebrities should receive special treatment when they break the law. Because at the end of the day we are all human. They have no right to circumvent the law simply because they have a higher status than others. Celebrities are just like anyone else, and they should be treated as so.

  82. There are so many people that are wrongly accused of crimes every day If a celebrity actually committed a crime they would deserve to be brought to justice like everyone else, no matter if they're internationally known If I was a celebrity I would not like to get away with it because the person I hit has a family and it I got away with it the fault isn't going the justice that they need.

  83. I feel that celebrities should be treated the same way that everyone else is treated. There are so many people that commit crimes and are handled accordingly be celebrities are given special treatment.

  84. David is just as human just as everyone else. Which means he should get the same treatment by breaking the law. This may have been an accident but he still hit the jogger. If I was a celebrity I wouldn't use my fame for my troubles and getting out of trouble.

  85. Do you think that Celebrities should receive special treatment when they break the law? If you were a celebrity would you use your fame to help you get out of trouble? I don't feel that anybody is better or more special than anybody else. People are all equals. Being a celebrity is something defined by our social standards but it does not make up our complex as a whole. The law applies to everyone. Whether you are a movie star or a famous basketball player, we are all human and equals.

  86. Do you think that Celebrities should receive special treatment when they break the law? If you were a celebrity would you use your fame to help you get out of trouble? I don't feel that anybody is better or more special than anybody else. People are all equals. Being a celebrity is something defined by our social standards but it does not make up our complex as a whole. The law applies to everyone. Whether you are a movie star or a famous basketball player, we are all human and equals.

  87. I think he possibly did hit him. If i were a celebrity i would want it the same way everyone else has it. I dont want slack just becuase im a big guy on a tv screen. If i messed up i messed up. He should take his consequence like everybody else does when they mess up !

  88. I do not think that celebrities should receive special treatment but i don't think it is a celebrity thing, I believe it is a money thing. Everybody is equal but i feel that if you have the money to get away with things well you might as well do it. It is very unfair but i think anybody in his position would do the same thing as he is.

  89. I do not think that celebrities should be treated better than the average person because that is pretty much what celebrities are: a person who is well known for whatever they do. Also, celebrities are able to fix their mistakes since most celebrities have a higher amount of money than the average person, so i feel that he should pay for all of the expenses that may come from the hospital.
