Thursday, March 19, 2015



Read this article

Answer the questions below 
What are some of the  reasons you believe that some American students are not achieving their goals, and what will you do to ensure you reach yours?


  1. Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world. Limits are made by some common issues in the real world such as the limit of transportation, occurring family problems, family assets, and other factors. School funding is also limited leaving students to be taught the same way the previous decade had taught their children. Any advances within education cannot be provided to multiple schools because of funding. When there is less funding to provide there are fewer good teachers left in the school and fewer good efforts of strategy into teaching.

    Other times a school may have the funding to fix any schedule with any student with these real world problems to benefit their education, however students may not realize the school can approve this or students are too shy to ask. As a result students are left behind in any advancements to help them achieve their goal. Any student who is not approved for assistance in education has to deal with the problem on their own responsibility. A result however is a student who would take the least amount of responsibility into their work. More students need to be responsible on dealing with the liabilities into education no matter what issue causes this misdemeanor.

  2. I believe there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind one could be household problems, or it could just be the teachers are way more lenient with our schools rather than China. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up. I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work.
    Another reason why China is ahead of the US is because their teachers actually teach so there is no need for tests. Jiang believes that test taking is damaging to students’ creativity, critical thinking skills and, in general, China’s ability to compete in the world.

  3. Students in America are unable to achieve their goals because in most families now a days education isn't a cornerstone of excellency because in the real world even if you drop out you can still get various jobs and get your G.E.D. at some point. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.
    I will make sure to come to school and always strive for my goal, in my mind the main thing i can do is to set a goal and not let anything between me and that goal because that goals means me being excellent and being a good man in life.

  4. American students aren't achievig their goals becuase most students attitudes aren't in the right palce. A lot of people do not put their education first. They put social things before their schoolwork.Most people would rather skip school to go to a social event or not do homework because they were doing absolutely nothing productive on their technology all day long. American students are also behind because they give up after being stressed. I believe the A merican education system should focus on ways to reduce stress levels of students as well. Another reason is the uneven distribution of good educators. some areas are too poor to afford some key things needed for a good education like updated textbooks and such. That pushes some people to not even want to go at all.
    To ensure my goals are reached, i plan to make sure i dont get too stressed, distracted, and make sure i keep a good mentality about school.

  5. Maria Carter
    A lot plays into why students don't reach their goals. classroom setting, people, teachers and home life all affect efficiency and the will to learn. students need to find something that will push themselves to their goals. if the goal they have isn't what is right you would know if they weren't pushing themselves. teachers should help by finding what they love and help them learn more or become more informed in the subject.

    the students around them make a difference in how they learn. for example if the teacher lets students run a class in a negative way then the ones who are goofing off and not working make it hard for the ones who want to learn and work. this effects the grade tremendously. knowing this i try to ignore others who are disruptive and do not have a good work ethic. i work hard to learn as much as i can while im here to become better in the areas i feel are my faults. i hope in studying hard and working well i will become the teacher that i want to be.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think that Americans students is not achieving their goal because they get stuff handed to them. and they don't care if they pass or not. I think the parents aren't putting enough pressure on them. and the teachers don't want to deal with the children so the pass them on to get them out of their hair. but when teachers do that they aren't giving the students an incentive to do anything with their lives . my goal hard to study hard ask for help when I need it and try to stay on track.

  8. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  9. Some american students think they can fail and still have life planned out because of their parents. If kids parents are rich they think that automatically makes them successful. Parents need to push their kids as much as possible.

  10. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. They dont use the time make sure we actually know the topics. we also have to ,ore distractions in the classes with cellphones, talking, and other disruptions

  11. Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world. Limits are made by some common issues in the real world such as the limit of transportation, occurring family problems, family assets, and other factors. School funding is also limited leaving students to be taught the same way the previous decade had taught their children. Any advances within education cannot be provided to multiple schools because of funding. When there is less funding to provide there are fewer good teachers left in the school and fewer good efforts of strategy into teaching.

    The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  12. i believe the reason why students are not reaching for their full potential is because they believe that everything will be handed to them. They belive that they can not study and hang out with friends on late nights. When in reality it is not possible. Students There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up.
    Me on the other hand will ensure that i try my best to study for everything. Also ask teacher if there is anything else i could do to improve my grade. I will set a goal and then reach it at the end.

  13. students aren't reaching their goals because most kids attitudes aren't in the right place. many people do not put their education first. They put friends and their social life before school. kids would rather catch up on sleep and not their homework because it is easy to get behind and they would rather stay on their technology all day . American students are also behind because they give up so easily and i think the boards of education everywhere should focus on ways to reduce stress from students. Another reason is the lack of good teachers who actually care about the success of their students. some places are too poor and cant buy all the things they need like books and computers and that makes students want to give up all together .

  14. I believe some American students are not achieving their goals because they have too many distractions to focus on them. Instead of being dedicated to school and work, they spend more time entertaining themselves. They watch TV, focus on their phones, or play video games, and that lessens time on academics. America rather spends time on entertainment than getting a higher rank in education.
    To reach my goal, I will stay focused on school and do my homework constantly. However, I will make time to have fun instead of staying stressed. I will stay away from the distractions as much as possible and get studying time in. Staying determined will help make people successful for the future.

  15. I feel that some American students aren't achieving their goals because they aren't motivated. It all depends on the students' surroundings, such as their school environment or their household. Chinese students are far more disciplined and education is an important aspect of life. However, some Americans aren't as devoted as Chinese students due to the fact that nobody is necessarily telling them that education is the most important factor in life.
    I will make sure i reach my goals simply by being productive with everything i do. My devotion towards my goals will help me achieve them. As long as i stay focused and motivated, i will succeed. Responsibility is also an important factor to reach your goals.

  16. I believe that American students aren't achieving their goals because they aren't happy with certain things or don't have some there to encourage them to do better. Also for different races of kids such as African and Asian kids are very mature about education because they know what it takes and they have to meet their goals.
    As for me meeting my goals simply i am a hard working person i am the type that has to study for what ever i want to do. I have family and friends who encourage me to meet all my goals and continue to strive for excellence. I am very responsible and have good time management and won't let anything stand in my way for reaching my goals.

  17. I feel that some American students aren't achieving their goals because they aren't motivated. It all depends on the students' surroundings, such as their school environment or their household.
    life circumstances influence peoples decision making. that can lead people to different perspectives in life. there are also other distractions. They watch TV, focus on their phones, or play video games, and that lessens time on academics..
    knowing my goals and knowing why i consider them my goals will help motavate me to prosper and stay positive to be able to reach them. i will have to learn to be more responsible. and stay focused.

  18. I think that Americans students is not achieving their goal because they get stuff handed to them. and they don't care if they pass or not. I think the parents aren't putting enough pressure on them. and the teachers don't want to deal with the children so the pass them on to get them out of their hair. but when teachers do that they aren't giving the students an incentive to do anything with their lives . my goal hard to study hard ask for help when I need it and try to stay on track.

  19. students aren't reaching their goals because most kids attitudes aren't in the right place. many people do not put their education first. They put friends and their social life before school. kids would rather catch up on sleep and not their homework because it is easy to get behind and they would rather stay on their technology all day . American students are also behind because they give up so easily and i think the boards of education everywhere should focus on ways to reduce stress from students. Another reason is the lack of good teachers who actually care about the success of their students. some places are too poor and cant buy all the things they need like books and computers and that makes students want to give up all together .

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Students in America are unable to achieve their goals because in most families now a days education isn't a cornerstone of excellency because in the real world even if you drop out you can still get various jobs and get your G.E.D. at some point. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. They dont use the time make sure we actually know the topics. we also have to ,ore distractions in the classes with cellphones, talking, and other disruptions

  22. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  23. I think some American students aren't achieving their goals because they aren't motivated.They can reach there goals by just doing what they need to do.the students around them make a difference in how they learn. for example if the teacher lets students run a class in a negative way then the ones who are goofing off and not working make it hard for the ones who want to learn and work. this effects the grade tremendously.

  24. One reason that American students are not achieving in there work is that they do not want to do work but for me i want to get my work dune and reasche my goals that i set for my self.

  25. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  26. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  27. The thing with education is that it only takes you so far in life. Now a days America is mostly the media capital in the world. Thus, comes the hunger of artistry. Then, there's also the factor that school systems aren't as efficient as they use to be. Now technology is the new centerpiece of knowledge. With technology it is believed you could learn more in less time. And, instead of embracing it we hold it back. Then sometimes in life it's not what you know it's also who you know.

  28. Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world. Limits are made by some common issues in the real world such as the limit of transportation, occurring family problems, family assets, and other factors. School funding is also limited leaving students to be taught the same way the previous decade had taught their children. Any advances within education cannot be provided to multiple schools because of funding. When there is less funding to provide there are fewer good teachers left in the school and fewer good efforts of strategy into teaching.

    As for me meeting my goals simply I am a hard working person I am the type that has to study for what ever I want to do. I have family and friends who encourage me to meet all my goals and continue to strive for excellence. I am very responsible and have good time management and won't let anything stand in my way for reaching my goals.

  29. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of their students up for failure why, on the other hand Chinese schools set their students up for achieving their goals. To ensure that I reach my goals is that i will focus on myself and not on others people work.

  30. To make sure that I pass and achieve my goals that I want to achieve when i become an adult. So, when I apply for a job I will be what i want to become.

  31. To make sure I get to reach my goals, Im going to do all my work.

  32. there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind. First we lack discipline that i needed to achieve difficult goals. it is not that we dont work hard enough it is just that other countries work way harder. To ensure that i achieve my goals i will work hard and try to break the social stigma that teens in my society have on them , that we are lazy, and stop setting goals that my work ethic does not match.

  33. I am not entirely sure why american students are behind, but it must have something to do with the way that our education system is set up. I believe that students also aren't setting goals for themselves anymore and don't necessarily want to be successful anymore. In china school is like a competition, only a few students actually pass and the rest are forced to go into the working force immediately. This competition factor makes the students strive to become the best among there peers. Parents in china probably push there children much harder as well because they know that it isn't easy to get to the top. The amount of opportunity in America also makes people think they don't have to try to get what they want.

  34. Students in America are unable to achieve their goals because in most families now a days education isn't a cornerstone of excellency because in the real world even if you drop out you can still get various jobs and get your G.E.D. at some point. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. They dont use the time make sure we actually know the topics. we also have to ,ore distractions in the classes with cellphones, talking, and other disruptions

  35. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world. Limits are made by some common issues in the real world such as the limit of transportation, occurring family problems, family assets, and other factors. School funding is also limited leaving students to be taught the same way the previous decade had taught their children.

  36. Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world.The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else.They dont use the time make sure we actually know the topics. we also have to ,ore dTo ensure that i achieve my goals i will work hard and try to break the social stigma that teens in my society have on them , that we are lazy, and stop setting goals that my work ethic does not match.istractions in the classes with cellphones, talking, and other disruptions.

  37. The interesting thing about this is that's more than one way to be successful. Education is a suggested route but not the only way to be successful and fulfill your dreams. We do however have flaws in our education system. But regardless if you want to go ahead and get all the degrees you want but they wont take you as far as other things such as wisdom, what to do with things you learned. But our school systems especially in the southern region of the nation the system works against just as much if not more than it actually helps us.

  38. an education is not for everyone and I think parents fail to realize that. there is a bunch of ways to be successful and education just happens to be one of them.

  39. I believe that American students aren't achieving their goals because they aren't happy with certain things or don't have some there to encourage them to do better.Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world..The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else.Some students are unable to achieve their goals because of issues occurring in the real world.Limits are made by some common issues in the real world such as the limit of transportation, occurring family problems, family assets, and other factors.

  40. Mia Reddick.
    Many African Americans not achieving their goals due to various reasons. One reason is due to household problems , which are distracting them for getting the education they need. Another reason is due to peer pressure , others telling them that to drop out and make easy money ( like selling drugs). Likewise, if you drop out of school there is a minimum , you can tell get a decent job without a G.E.D Overall, African Americans are unable to achieve their goals due to not pushing themselves and not believing they are good enough to achieve their goals.
    In order for me to be ensure to achieve my goals is to never be peer pressured. I know what i am capable of achieving and what to do to get there and not be influence by negativity. However, the main key to achieving my goals is to believe in myself and mainly stay focus.If i maintain these factors of life then i am more than sure to achieve my goals in life.

  41. By setting measurable objectives, plans of action and strategies that have a time element associated with them, i basically create a timeline for myself.Some people are afraid they will fail or, even worse, that they may actually succeed. As such, they don’t even bother trying to attain a goal. Such people lack belief in themselves and in their potential.Even though people state they want to achieve a certain goal, in truth, they’re really not committed to it.

  42. The reason why some American students are not reaching their goals is because the nation is spoiled. We as a country don't know the meaning of hard work and expect things to be given to us. We have so many opportunities in our country but we don't use them to our advantage because we are to lazy to do simple school work , yet alone actually go out an do work. That is why a lot of foreign people come to our country and succeed because they have the work ethic and determination.
    To insure that I reached all my goals, I try my hardest to prioritize and keep my eye on what is important.Once I get to where I want to be then I will work on a new goal.

  43. Some individuals aren't reaching their goals is because certain individuals in classrooms like to disrupt others. Another reason is that sometimes they're going through personal problems. I'll make sure no one gets in the way from me becoming successful. I'll have to work hard on the things I do best also.

  44. The reason are academics are low is because American children do not know the value of education. Education is the key. Mainly because education can open many opportunity job wise. In other words , America has many job opportunity compared to other countries. So the children in other countries take education more serious.

  45. I personally believe African American students don't take education as serious as they did back in the day also . Main reason is because now a days parents don't even make there child go to school if they don't want to another reason they spoil theres kids to much I feel like it will all change if the parents care more or get more involved.

  46. I believe there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind one could be household problems, or it could just be the teachers are way more lenient with our schools rather than China. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up. I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work Main reason is because now a days parents don't even make there child go to school if they don't want to another reason they spoil theres kids to much I feel like it will all change if the parents care more or get more involved.

  47. When you don’t know where you are going, it is really hard to get there. Many people set themselves up for failure when they set goals that are unclear. “I want to lose weight” sounds like a great goal but the people who set this kind of goal will never reach it. It is not because the people are not motivated or disciplined but because the goal is too general.

  48. Lexi Stokes
    Americans aren't reaching the same goals as the Chinese because we have a different education system. Our mind set and system is different so we may not have the same level of intelligence.

  49. there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind one could be household problems, or it could just be the teachers are way more lenient with our schools rather than China. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up. I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work.
    Another reason why China is ahead of the US is because their teachers actually teach so there is no need for tests. Jiang believes that test taking is damaging to students’ creativity, critical thinking skills and, in general, China’s ability to compete in the world.

  50. i believe some American students are not achieving their goals because they have too many distractions to focus on them. Instead of being dedicated to school and work, they spend more time entertaining themselves. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up. I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work. Americans aren't reaching the same goals as the Chinese because we have a different education system. Our mind set and system is different so we may not have the same level of intelligence.

  51. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline. There are also other factors that play into a student's performance such as their social lives and family situations.
    In order to reach me goals, I try to gain knowledge every day. I try to pay attention in class and pay attention to the news. I also try and be responsible. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen.

  52. Honestly Americans are served with a golden spoon. We take alot for granted, not saying we don't have our own problems but the article obviously shows that other countries have it worse than us but they still seem to be beating us in some categories. Other countries seem to be taking their academics much more serious then we are and are flourishing in things america should overcome easily.
    America is a land of 1st world problems where not getting the right latte affects us so much. Many people here give up on their goals and tend to just not care and that's what lagging us behind everyone else. I plan on reaching my goals not matter how difficult things get.

  53. there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind one could be household problems, or it could just be th.e teachers are way more lenient with our schools rather than China. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work. they just dont have drive as over there.

    Also in china they are driven to be exceptions at all. and i know im going to be successful .theyres no doubt in my mind. i have the drive and willing need to do it.

  54. I think that Americans students is not achieving their goal because they get stuff handed to them. and they don't care if they pass or not. I think the parents aren't putting enough pressure on them. and the teachers don't want to deal with the children so the pass them on to get them out of their hair. but when teachers do t

  55. American students aren't achievig their goals becuase most students attitudes aren't in the right palce. A lot of people do not put their education first. They put social things before their schoolwork.Most people would rather skip school to go to a social event or not do homework because they were doing absolutely nothing productive on their technology all day long.Another reason why China is ahead of the US is because their teachers actually teach so there is no need for tests. Jiang believes that test taking is damaging to students’ creativity, critical thinking skills and, in general, China’s ability to compete in the world.

  56. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of us up for failure. While Chinese students are required to learn and prioritize knowledge that will benefit them in the future, many American schools care more about testing and discipline.discipline to me is the number one factor in the DUTCHTOWN HIGH SCHOOL ERA this is by far the most messed up school just for the simple fact that they are going over board with discipline and not thinking about the kids academics . if you always putting them in ISS and writing the up to the kids how do you expect them to pass there classes. repeated offenders are the ones that need to be discipline the most.

  57. People love to blame the children on how sucessful they are. Who teaches the child though? The Adult. So whos really in control of a childs success? The adults that raise us, the teachers that teach us and the justice system that kills us. So I blame the success rate on the adults, they always ask what could the chld have done better but what could the yhave done better to help that child become more successful. The drop out rates for our generation is crazy. What could a little more motivation and effort from adults have done to stop drop out rates from sky rocketing? Noone ever tries to help us out but the ones who raise us are really the ones to blame. They consistantly complain about us but can you just take your? time out to help us out? How could you ask me not give up whne you consistantly give up on me.

  58. I think that Americans students is not achieving their goal because they get stuff handed to them. and they don't care if they pass or not. I think the parents aren't putting enough pressure on them. and the teachers don't want to deal with the children so the pass them on to get them out of their hair. but when teachers do that they aren't giving the students an incentive to do anything with their lives . my goal hard to study hard ask for help when I need it and try to stay on track.

  59. tudents aren't reaching their goals because most kids attitudes aren't in the right place. many people do not put their education first. They put friends and their social life before school. kids would rather catch up on sleep and not their homework because it is easy to get behind and they would rather stay on their technology all day . American students are also behind because they give up so easily and i think the boards of education everywhere should focus on ways to reduce stress from students. Another reason is the lack of good teachers who actually care about the success of their students. some places are too poor and cant buy all the things they need like books and computers and that makes students want to give up all together .

  60. Many students in America are more worried about how popular or how their social life is than their education. Many students don't take their education seriously. They have attitudes and prefer not to do work or argue with their teacher because they aren't helping themselves in school. The students who choose to stay behind often do because they don't take the time to think, they want things to be easy.
    Students in China care about their education because of the country they live in. They know what its like to live in a tough situation. I'm not saying people in America have it hard too, but those students in Chins live in a communist country. I will continue to try as best as I can and worry about my own education.

  61. Many students in America are more worried about how popular or how their social life is than their education. Many students don't take their education seriously. They have attitudes and prefer not to do work or argue with their teacher because they aren't helping themselves in school. The students who choose to stay behind often do because they don't take the time to think, they want things to be easy.
    Students in China care about their education because of the country they live in. They know what its like to live in a tough situation. I'm not saying people in America have it hard too, but those students in Chins live in a communist country. I will continue to try as best as I can and worry about my own education.

  62. I think the reason kids are not reaching their goals is because life is hard. Everything is hard and they probably just couldn't do it. Either that or they just didn't try hard enough. We littiraly live in a world where calling someone a 'try hard' is a lagitamite insult. I think that speaks volumes about why we might not be reaching our goals.
    All i have to do to reach my goals is continue to be Zierre Jenkins. Im so great i can accomplish anything. I can do no wrong.

  63. I think the reason kids are not reaching their goals is because life is hard. Everything is hard and they probably just couldn't do it. Either that or they just didn't try hard enough. We littiraly live in a world where calling someone a 'try hard' is a lagitamite insult. I think that speaks volumes about why we might not be reaching our goals.
    All i have to do to reach my goals is continue to be Zierre Jenkins. Im so great i can accomplish anything. I can do no wrong.

  64. Students in America are unable to achieve their goals because in most families now a days education isn't a cornerstone of excellency because in the real world even if you drop out you can still get various jobs and get your G.E.D. at some point. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.

  65. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of their students up for failure why, on the other hand Chinese schools set their students up for achieving their goals. To ensure that I reach my goals is that i will focus on myself and not on others people work.

  66. The reason why students in America are not able to reach their goals is that our school system sets most of their students up for failure why, on the other hand Chinese schools set their students up for achieving their goals. To ensure that I reach my goals is that i will focus on myself and not on others people work.

  67. By setting measurable objectives, plans of action and strategies that have a time element associated with them, i basically create a timeline for myself.Some people are afraid they will fail or, even worse, that they may actually succeed. As such, they don’t even bother trying to attain a goal. Such people lack belief in themselves and in their potential.Even though people state they want to achieve a certain goal, in truth, they’re really not committed to it.

  68. if feel as if americans aren't living up to there potential because americans don't take the time and care or do what there supposed to do the care not committed and expect things to be handed to them without work. I will continue to do my work and study more.

  69. There are many ways American students can reach their goals without the support of a bad school system. It takes a person who really wants to achieve their goals to have the determination and make it happen even though people state they want to achieve a certain goal, in truth, they’re really not committed to it

  70. Foreign students are entering U.S. colleges and universities in surging numbers, according to a report released Monday, with China and Saudi Arabia helping to fuel an 8 percent annual increase in international enrollment.

  71. I believe there are many reasons why American students have lagged behind one could be household problems, or it could just be the teachers are way more lenient with our schools rather than China. There is a great amount of students that don't value an education, so they give up. I believe there is such thing as giving up in China. Students in America don't put as much time and effort into school work.
    Another reason why China is ahead of the US is because their teachers actually teach so there is no need for tests. Jiang believes that test taking is damaging to students’ creativity, critical thinking skills and, in general, China’s ability to compete in the world.Students in America are unable to achieve their goals because in most families now a days education isn't a cornerstone of excellency because in the real world even if you drop out you can still get various jobs and get your G.E.D. at some point. The main thing about the various jobs though is that you can still be successful without education in your life now a days and a lot of people focus on that more than anything else. The other thing is that while parents want you to do better than them, some parents just aren't in the equation enough to ensure that happens whether it be from them not being home enough to just not being in the student's life at all.

  72. What are some of the reasons you believe that some American students are not achieving their goals, and what will you do to ensure you reach yours?
    This subject is one that i constantly touch on. Black people are always taking losses. Black people do not care about being better, we just want to complain and be jealous of other people living our dreams. We need to be active and go to school for education, stay away from the streets and actually try to get things done. If black people put as much effort into creating the next big popular dance as we do trying to get an education and pursue our dreams we would be at the top of the social status chain

  73. I dont think us as african americans want it as bad as an white student. African Americans are not a big thing once it comes to college. If you go you normally see like 20 - 30 at the least. Thats not good. To insure that i go im going to go get it not wait for it to come to me. Staying in the books. Studying. Reading. All that applys to get ready for college. But it starts in High School . You cant lag in high school and then go to college expecting a breeze as well. You have to work hard and thats where i see alot of us african americans slip up. Not going to get it

  74. I believe that Americans are not excelling in education because there are so many more opportunities available in American than in other countries. Such as, art schools, fashion school, and even culinary schools. While in other countries education is their only way out of poverty and into wealth. Other students from other countries have drive but american students are simply relaxed.
    However, I plan to to study, do my work and study for the SAT in order to excel in education. I will keep myself busy with school but still maintain a balance of social time. I will succeed in what i plan to do with the rest of my life.

  75. Many people in America don't do well in school because there are many other paths to take in their lives. Many of students aren't planning to go to college and just want to work and get money without getting a degree. Americans have this option because they can start up their own company or work in jobs that don't require more schooling. However, now it is harder to get a job without going to college or some other type of schooling.
    A lot of students are worried about their social status more than how they are doing in school. So many people know when the new Jordans are coming out but they don't even know all the states in America. Students in other countries excel more than Americans because they don't take their education for granted.
