Tuesday, March 10, 2015

SAE- MARCH 10, 2015

What is your opinion of the controversy surrounding Sigma Alpha Epsilon? Do you think that the President of the university made the correct decision in reaction to the video that was released.
MINIMUM of 2 paragraphs

( Here is the link to copy and paste in your browser in case you are unfamiliar with the story)



  1. sigma alpha epsilon knew they were wrong from the beginning. what was said shouldve never been said. it was offensive and disrespectful. The president of the university made the correct decisions on how to handle the SAP. School President David Boren, who joined hundreds of students at the Norman campus in a Monday protest, has already severed ties with the fraternity and promised a thorough investigation that could result in expulsion of some students from the school. Fraternity members have until Tuesday night to clear out of the fraternity house.

    "To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful," Boren tweeted after the protest. "You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'" i totally agree with these statements. Boren added that the school will become "an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation." i think these students should be expelled

  2. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. No university should tolerate this kind of hatred and behavior. I also believed the president of the university is taking the right steps in investigating the situation. The students actions should lead to the expulsion of the students that participated.
    If the former members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the University of Oklahoma Chapter, wanted to be apart of a racial group they should have joined want. A fraternity is not the organization to do that with. They could have damaged the schools image along with other chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I believe these students will be expelled and rightfully so.

  3. The President of the university made the correct decision to shut down Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the students made terrible racist remarks toward African Americans. The president had moved forward to expelling these students for the actions done. The students were also claimed to be the same students who graffiti the school with death threats toward the school taking down the members. In a result SAE will be taken down. Fraternity members have until Tuesday night to clear out of the fraternity house.

    "To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful," Boren tweeted after the protest. "You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'" Boren added that the school will become "an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation." They were a disgrace for bringing racism into the university, the actions done were necessary to take.

  4. Upon watching the video of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon video, I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country.

    The president of the University of Oklahoma responded to the video with this tweet. "To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful,You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'" These comments along with the fact there is a promised thorough investigation that could result in expulsion of some students from the school, shows the president knows how to handle the situation.

    To further prove his point of racist intolerance, Boren added that the school will become "an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation"

  5. I believe his reaction was completely appropriate. The students should have their fraternity taken from them. They should also be suspended. Like the article said, this should be a message to the nation. Racism shouldn't be permitted anywhere. Racism shouldn't even be thought of. It is now 2015, it is a shame that we still have hate against different races. When will all of this violence and hatred stop? What else will have to happen for people to see that this just isn't humane? I'm glad the President of the university did what they did. Those students deserved to be penalized. They need to open their eyes and stop being so ignorant.

  6. The president of the University of Oklahoma chastised members of a fraternity on Monday who participated in a racist chant caught on video, calling them disgraceful and their behavior reprehensible. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it. I really liked the UnHeard program as they protested against the fraternity for equal rights. I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country.

  7. I am disgusted. But sadly, this is no surprise. Racism in America is alive and well, and this is only one example of it. There are countless forms of racism that never surface and thus, we have created a false image of America that supports equality. The President of the University is taking the right steps to solve this problem and states that the school will become "an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation." I feel as though the actions they are taking are not enough. The students involved in the video will get away with it somehow; I'm talking about white privilege. Rubbing alcohol and bleach combine to produce chloroform; we should kidnap them and use them as our annual sacrifice to SATAN.

  8. Honestly, in my opinion if anyone who makes racist comments out in public should be punished regardless of the situation! I don't think the president over reacted, cause the fraternity is apart of the school as a whole. So since there name goes along with the name of the university, that basically making the school itself racist. Plus last time i check University of Oklahoma does not show any discrimination to any certain race considering that majority of the campus itself is multicultural. So in the end i totally believe that the president made the absolute decision and the only politically correct decision as well. Cause if he hadn't done what he did then
    anyone can feel like they can get away with racial slurs not only at school, but anywhere else

  9. Lexi Stokes
    The news article was about a video that was posted by Oklahoma students at a university making racist chants. The article was saying that the President of the University would investigate it and may have some students get expelled. Many people were protesting outside the University. The president of the school says that racism will not be tolerated.
    I think it is wrong that there is still openly racists. It's different in today's world when it comes to different cultures and races. I think the president of the school made a good choice in shutting down the fraternity that was leading the chants. Many were offended and this hopefully wont lead to anything too bad in the end.

  10. The president made the right choice in removing the faternity. what was said was avoidable and unnecessary.Im well aware that racism is still alive but to actually bestow it in that way is umheard of. so i do not think the decision made was a bad one the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.

    now if that leads to being expelled then so be it.There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation.I hope there is justice

  11. SAE actions were disrespectful and reprehensible. They should of keep all that chanting to themselves. The president made a wise choice by suspended them for the time being. This country shouldn't have any racism anymore, we are all together as a nation.
    The university's legal staff was exploring whether the students who initiated and encouraged the chant may have violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits racial discrimination. This is like history repeating itself and we don't want people to feel like they're not wanted here.

  12. I feel like there should be a zero tolerance for racism. The president made the right choice on removing the fraternity and expelling the students from Oklahoma. What they were chanting was inhuman and should be taken action to. The school president David Boren said the students of the frat have until Tuesday to remove all their belongings out of the campus. Protesters sit outside of the campus to express the situation. This was taken care of very wisely and was very immediate. I agree with president Boren 100% on taking the fraternity and removing them from the campus. Immediately after the video was posted, an outpouring of tweets, the sentence "Racism is alive at the University of Oklahoma".

  13. At Oklahoma University members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon were recently video taped saying racist comments and chants. The President of the University simply made a statement regarding the members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. However, many students are not pleased with the Presidents reaction. The students feel that higher action should take place such as, suspension or even expulsion.
    Since the University has a history of racism, I feel that the boys in the video should be at least suspended. In addition, they should be expelled from their Fraternity or at least warned/suspended. I do not think that the boys should be expelled from the University but i would want the students to know that if anything similar to this happens again then they will be expelled.

  14. David Carter
    sigma alpha epsilon was in the wrong from the start if they didn't then they should. They were aware of what they were doing and how it would impact the African Americans that attended the college. the president was right to do what he did.
    I'm not saying that because of my ethnicity, I'm saying it because I believe everyone has equal or should have equal rights and shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin. Many people dies believing in that as well as fighting for it. he did the right thing and those kids have no class and are wrong....then again that's just my opinion

  15. The president of the University of Oklahoma dealt with members of a fraternity on Monday who participated in a racist chant caught on video, calling them disgraceful and their behavior reprehensible. He had a problem to fix and he fixed it. While the students were racist, they have been punished for their actions. However, they should not even be allowed to attend the school.
    There has been racism since the beginning of our nation. It was founded on white superiority and supported by slavery. For way too many, the mindset has never gone away. There are people that are ignorant and teach their offspring their ignorant ways. While some make the excuse, "That's just how the south is", the civil war was 150 years ago, and it's time to stop flying the confederate flag.

  16. I agree with the decision of the president of the university. The University of Oklahoma has every right to discipline the the fraternity for its abuse of their freedom of speech. I believe that racism, regardless where, she be looked upon through the perspective of a zero tolerance policy. Though I completely agree with their suspension, I do not agree with others hopes of even a greater course of discipline: expulsion.
    These actions were of course idiotic, however I do believe expulsion is far too severe. They have now been shamed and reprimanded by the nation and suspension appears, to me, sufficient enough a punishment along with the disassembling of the fraternity at the university.

  17. I agree with the decision of the president of the university. The University of Oklahoma has every right to discipline the the fraternity for its abuse of their freedom of speech. I believe that racism, regardless where, she be looked upon through the perspective of a zero tolerance policy. Though I completely agree with their suspension, I do not agree with others hopes of even a greater course of discipline: expulsion.
    These actions were of course idiotic, however I do believe expulsion is far too severe. They have now been shamed and reprimanded by the nation and suspension appears, to me, sufficient enough a punishment along with the disassembling of the fraternity at the university.

  18. How do i feel about the recent video from the fraternity? I feel as if that it will always be racism and they just got caught. I feel that what the president was right in what he said. There will always be ignorant people in this world. I feel that they should know if it feels when everyday somebody witnesses racism of their kind.
    They should be expelled so they can learn a life lesson. There should be zero tolerance of racism in our country.

  19. No one should tolerate racism. The president of the university made the right decision by expelling them from the school. That one video going viral messed a lot of things up for them. Including a lot of athletes and students decommitting from the college. With all of the controversy they are loosing plenty of African American students that attend Oklahoma. David Boren made the right decision by expelling them

  20. The case involving the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon was handled totally in the right way by the University President. The young men in the fraternity knew exactly what they were doing and were totally aware of the African-American population that attends the University of Oklahoma. Due to the fact that they knew what they were doing was wrong and that for almost 200 years now people have fought for equal rights in our country and for a non racist nation the discipline was equal with the crime.
    As the president said there will always be ignorant people but if those people's ignorance is not serving our rights justice than they deserve to lose their rights themselves. Athletes like Eric Striker, Linebacker for the football team, posted a video using expletive words and he apologized for using said words but he is not sorry for the way he feels about this whole situation.

  21. I think the Fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon was wrong for doing what they did. The President of Oklahoma University handled the situation good because its alot of things going on in today's world with racism and etc... The Frat knew everything that they were doing was totally wrong. There will always be ignorant people in the world but we learn each and everyday become more racist or kills someone.

  22. i feel that they are very ignorant for having a mindset where it is okay to be racist and even more ignorant to put together a racist frat. i think the school should penalized those students for it because they put a bad name for the school that the world now knows about.

  23. No i don't think they made the right decision. Those people are raciest and that's like one of my least favorite type of person. They should have done far more than just suspend them. They should have been prosecuted and executed for their heinous crimes. Hang em high by the neck until dead, draw and quarter them, send them to the chair, boil them alive, just don't allow these scoundrels to continue to walk the earth. Then burn the whole school down.

  24. It is a very horrible situation. It is proof that racism still exists within in the world. It also shows how immature people can be. Racism should never be tolerated no matter if its against religion, sex, color, etc.
    The President of the university definitely made the right decision. This chapter should be punished for their poor decisions. They took their freedom of speech for granted. This shows why people have to stand together for justice.

  25. I believe that the President of the university made the correct decision in suspending the students in the chapter of SAE. What they said was wrong and they should be punished for it. School President David Boren was right to say that they were disgraceful and they misused their freedom of speech. They created a bad image for the school and SAE.
    They should be expelled from the school for what they did. That type of racist behavior shouldn't be allowed in any public environment, especially if they are using racial slurs about lynching. I think that what they said was horrible and wrong but they do have the right to believe what they want to believe no matter how ignorant it is.

  26. I believe that the President of the University did make the right choice. No one has the right to make racist comments about anyone or anything. Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean that we can just say whatever we want. The President was right to suspend those kids and just hope to jezzus we don't have to deal with this again.

  27. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. No university should tolerate this kind of hatred and behavior. I also believed the president of the university is taking the right steps in investigating the situation. The students actions should lead to the expulsion of the students that participated.
    If the former members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the University of Oklahoma Chapter, wanted to be apart of a racial group they should have joined want. A fraternity is not the organization to do that with. They could have damaged the schools image along with other chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I believe these students will be expelled and rightfully so.

  28. I feel like there should be a zero tolerance for racism. The president made the right choice on removing the fraternity and expelling the students from Oklahoma. What they were chanting was inhuman and should be taken action to. The school president David Boren said the students of the frat have until Tuesday to remove all their belongings out of the campus. Protesters sit outside of the campus to express the situation. The Frat knew everything that they were doing was totally wrong. There will always be ignorant people in the world but we learn each and everyday become more racist or kills someone.

  29. my opinion regarding the Sigma Alpha Epsilon controversy is the the group was wrong indeed and should have been punished for their misdeeds. I do believe that the president of the university made the right decision with the situation. After all those student and that fraternity represents that school if they are apart of it and enrolled their. Those students must learn that their actions have consequences especially when it serves as a cruel joke toward others.If the President of the university wont take a stand against wrong doing then who will? he set a great example

  30. The racist chant by University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity not only caused the chapter to be immediately shut down, but hurt many feelings . I fully approve that the president shut it down it was the right decision .Those students must learn that their actions have consequences especially when it serves as a cruel joke toward others. Racism isn't a joke

  31. The racist chant by University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity not only caused the chapter to be immediately shut down, but hurt many feelings . I fully approve that the president shut it down it was the right decision .Those students must learn that their actions have consequences especially when it serves as a cruel joke toward others. Racism isn't a joke

  32. Sigma Alpha Epsilon can say what ever they want. If they hate a certain type of people , they have the right to let it be known. They shouldn't be expelled over freedom of speech. The president is wrongfully expelling these children. He's taking away one of there rights. Do i think what they were saying was wrong ? Of course , I bet it was worse things being said at that time. People just got to deal with words. Don't let it get under your skin.

  33. Mia Reddick

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon were wrong from the beginning and knew what was being said. They were very rude and disrespectful to the people.The president of the university made the right decisions in order to handle the SAP.However, President David Boren joined hundreds of students at the Norman campus in a Monday protest. The protest severed ties with the fraternity and promised to investigate in a result of expulsion of some students.
    Overall, the racist chant can cause a lot of disruptions and hurt people's feelings. Racism should no longer be carry in this world , it is something that should not be repeated.Those students who are punished must learn from their disruptive and rudely actions. Likewise, they will be punished for there actions .

  34. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. No college or university should tolerate this kind of hatred and behavior. The president handled the situation very well be suspending them.

  35. I believe his reaction was completely appropriate. The students should have their fraternity taken from them. They should also be suspended. Like the article said, this should be a message to the nation. Racism shouldn't be permitted anywhere. Racism shouldn't even be thought of. It is now 2015, it is a shame that we still have hate against different races. When will all of this violence and hatred stop? What else will have to happen for people to see that this just isn't humane? I'm glad the President of the university did what they did. Those students deserved to be penalized. They need to open their eyes and stop being so ignorant.

  36. Honestly in not surprised at the fact that something like this has happened. Racism may not be prominent in America but it is definitely still here. It happens every day against all races, whether we hear about it or not. In my opinion, it’s sad that people still act that way towards each other still.

    I believe that the president of the university made the right decision to shut down the fraternity as a result of their actions. Racism is definitely a sensitive subject and no matter whether or not they were joking, their consequences should not be light at all.

  37. The president had every right to suspend them. people now a days think its ok to have that type of behavior in the world, when its not it can get you in a lot of trouble so they shouldn't be all on the president, because have every right and I agree with him 100%

  38. My initial thought when seeing the video was that the chant was probably passed down through the fraternity for years. I refused to believe this was their first act of blatant racism, and I was correct. I did dome more research on the fraternity in the news and found that a Haitian kid who tried to pledge was hazed to death by the white frat brothers. This racism is deep rooted in society and needs to be reversed.
    Although I believe this racist chant goes deeper than a busload of racist kids, I think the president of the fraternity handled it well. They were put out immediately, and their official statement was concise and sensitive to the subject at hand. The university's decision to cut all ties with the fraternity was also a good decision. I hope the guilty teachers learned a lesson.

  39. My initial thought when seeing the video was that the chant was probably passed down through the fraternity for years. I refused to believe this was their first act of blatant racism, and I was correct. I did dome more research on the fraternity in the news and found that a Haitian kid who tried to pledge was hazed to death by the white frat brothers. This racism is deep rooted in society and needs to be reversed.
    Although I believe this racist chant goes deeper than a busload of racist kids, I think the president of the fraternity handled it well. They were put out immediately, and their official statement was concise and sensitive to the subject at hand. The university's decision to cut all ties with the fraternity was also a good decision. I hope the guilty teachers learned a lesson.

  40. I feel like this is sad to be in 2015 and racial slurs are still being tolerated. People need to get over the racial barrier and accept people no matter the race or religion. This is issue is so big that a D1 football commit decommitted because he didn't want to be apart of a school that has this mentality.
    I think this Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity should be fined or no longer existing. They gave the school a bad look and should be ashamed. Apologizing wont do much because they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

  41. Maria Carter
    its sad to see people like this. how can they live in a country so diverse and beautiful and act like this? people are very immature to act this way. i believe resist acts are pointless and just childish.
    What the president did i believe it was a wise move to remove the ties of the group. to keep them would say he agrees with their views or act. to keep the schools name good i believe his choice was very reasonable. he sets a very good example for America to follow.

  42. The president made the right choice in removing the faternity. What the faternity did was inappropriate. Racism is still alive. I do not think the decision made was a bad one, the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.

    There wasn't any reason for them to be racist. I believe that their punishment is appropriate.

  43. The president made the right choice in removing the faternity. What the faternity did was inappropriate. Racism is still alive. I do not think the decision made was a bad one, the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.

    There wasn't any reason for them to be racist. I believe that their punishment is appropriate.

  44. The president of the University of Oklahoma chastised members of a fraternity on Monday who participated in a racist chant caught on video, calling them disgraceful and their behavior reprehensible. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it. I really liked the UnHeard program as they protested against the fraternity for equal rights. I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country.

  45. The President of the university made the correct decision to shut down Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the students made terrible racist remarks toward African Americans. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it. I really liked the UnHeard program as they protested against the fraternity for equal rights. I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times.
    The president made the right choice in removing the faternity. What the faternity did was inappropriate. Racism is still alive. I do not think the decision made was a bad one, the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.

  46. The President of the university made the correct decision to shut down Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the students made terrible racist remarks toward African Americans. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it. the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.Although this racist chant goes deeper than a busload of racist kids, I think the president of the fraternity handled it well. Those students deserved to be penalized. They need to open their minds and stop being ignorant.

  47. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. A university that has much diversity shouldn't have problems such as this. I also believed the president of the university is taking the right steps in investigating the situation. All students that participated in the chant should be expueled not only from the fraternity but of the school as well. It is a very horrible situation. This video proves that racism still exists within in the world.
    I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted during the time of the day. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. Racism should never be tolerated no matter what your character traits are.

  48. Sigma Alpha Epsilon were a fraternity house that should have been more respectful. They had no right to act how they did on the bus and they were punished correctly. Those people should have been more careful with what they did. It was very disrespectful for them to make racist remarks. The fraternity house had what came to them.
    I believe the president of the university did the right thing by kicking them out of the fraternity house. By removing their letters, it showed others that those people weren't worthy of being in a group like that. I believed they should have been kicked out of school, but it was enough punishment by removing them from the fraternity house and taking away their letters.

  49. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was a fraternity that should have been more respectful to the other race. They should've known that those words were hurtful and strong consequences were to be made.

    It is believed the president of the university did the right thing by kicking them out of the fraternity house. By removing their letters, it showed others that those people weren't worthy of being in a group like that.

  50. The president of the University of Oklahoma chastised members of a fraternity on Monday who participated in a racist chant caught on video, calling them disgraceful and their behavior reprehensible. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it. I really liked the UnHeard program as they protested against the fraternity for equal rights. I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country.

  51. Racism so not be tolerated at all. it is very disrespectful and not necessary at all. i was very surprised of the boldness to have these people do such racist remarks. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it.

    Racism is still around and it is terrible. all the others that say that racism is not alive because of laws being passed is crap. Nonsense like this has to be stopped and needs to be fast. we are all equal and some people need to realize that

  52. Sigma alpha epsilon knew they were wrong from the beginning. what was said shouldve never been said. it was offensive and disrespectful. The president of the university made the correct decisions on how to handle the SAP. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country. It is believed the president of the university did the right thing by kicking them out of the fraternity house. By removing their letters, it showed others that those people weren't worthy of being in a group like that. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. A university that has much diversity shouldn't have problems such as this.What the faternity did was inappropriate. Racism is still alive. I do not think the decision made was a bad one, the students of that frat knew what they were doing and should be punished.

  53. Im glad that this is getting so much attention. Sadly, so many universities, and organizations have the same type of mentality that the boys in the video have. I honestly dont believe that the SAE fraternity learned anything from their mistakes. I haven't seen/heard of any type of apology from the fraternity and reportedly only some of the boys included in the activity are being punished/ expelled.
    This isn't the first time a frat has been called out for their racism and i doubt it'll be the last. Im not convinced that the president of the university feels any remorse as well. I feel as if he is just trying to get all the pressure of himself when he should actually be taking action.

  54. I believe that the President of the University did make the right choice. No one has the right to make racist comments about anyone or anything. Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean that we can just say whatever we want. The President was right to suspend those kids and just hope to jezzus we don't have to deal with this again.

  55. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was a fraternity that should have been more respectful to the other race. They should've known that those words were hurtful and strong consequences were to be made. I do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. A university that has much diversity shouldn't have problems such as this.

  56. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, a fraternity that has been dealing with racial issues. Members of SAE were heard saying " There will never be a ni**** SAE. You can hang from a tree, but he can never sign with me." This event shows that racism still exist in the world today. The Board members of the university said that the students have a problem with freedom of speech. They have violated the principles of the university. Adults and teenagers today have to stop with the racial issues, we stopped that a long time ago. So why bring it back? What is it going to benefit?

  57. I believe the president of the university did the right thing by kicking them out of the fraternity house. By removing their letters, it showed others that those people weren't worthy of being in a group like that. I believed they should have been kicked out of school, but it was enough punishment by removing them from the fraternity house and taking away their letters.
    Racism should not be tolerated anywhere .Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean that we can just say whatever we want.

  58. The President of the university made the correct decision to shut down Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the students made terrible racist remarks toward African Americans. The president had moved forward to expelling these students for the actions done. The students were also claimed to be the same students who graffiti the school with death threats toward the school taking down the members. In a result SAE will be taken down. Fraternity members have until Tuesday night to clear out of the fraternity house.

  59. Recently, a video of students from a fraternity called Sigma Alpha Epsilon, was released. The video showed students on a bus singing about not admitting black students into their fraternity.
    I feel that this is stupid. I also think that these students are ignorant and obviously very racist. Its very evident that there has been racism in this fraternity for a while because no one on the bus seemed offended by their song. These students just got caught this time. They are ugly and annoying !!
    The End!

  60. This event shows that there is still racism everywhere and that there must be more efforts to put an end to it.I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times

  61. the president of the university of oklahoma did the right thing by suspending the fraternity. Offensive language and behavior of any sort shouldn't be tolerated and the fraternity should have known better. i would be outraged if the president didnt make a decision like he did . i feel if you cant go to school and co exist with someone or some group of people then you should just stay at home. no one should baby the frat members or feel sorry for them because they are young adults and obviously know right from wrong. i also feel that if they would say something so offensive and behave in that manner that they should be able to accept the consequences that come along with their actions. everyone involved in the situation should man up to what they did and apologize and do better.

  62. I think that the entire situation reflects that racism is not at all dead. It shows that racists still live among u and are simply hiding. It shows that not everyone is who they say they are and that even when you think racism went away, it really hasn't.
    With regards to the presidents decision, I think it was unnecessary to suspend the entire fraternity because of what a couple frat members did. It unfair to take away the privileges of the frat members who are doing what they are supposed to do. But then again, that's life and things like that happen a lot. So its not unexpected. Hopefully such hard consequences will put fear in any frat member who even thinks of pulling a stunt like this again, and make them think twice about their decision.

  63. I believe his reaction was completely appropriate. The students should have their fraternity taken from them. They should also be suspended. Like the article said, this should be a message to the nation. Racism shouldn't be permitted anywhere. Racism shouldn't even be thought of. It is now 2015, it is a shame that we still have hate against different races. When will all of this violence and hatred stop? What else will have to happen for people to see that this just isn't humane? I'm glad the President of the university did what they did. Those students deserved to be penalized. They need to open their eyes and stop being so ignorant.

  64. Honestly, in my opinion if anyone who makes racist comments out in public should be punished regardless of the situation! I don't think the president over reacted, cause the fraternity is apart of the school as a whole. So since there name goes along with the name of the university, that basically making the school itself racist. Plus last time i check University of Oklahoma does not show any discrimination to any certain race considering that majority of the campus itself is multicultural. So in the end i totally believe that the president made the absolute decision and the only politically correct decision as well. Cause if he hadn't done what he did then
    anyone can feel like they can get away with racial slurs not only at school, but anywhere else

  65. Honestly, in my opinion if anyone who makes racist comments out in public should be punished regardless of the situation! I don't think the president over reacted, cause the fraternity is apart of the school as a whole. So since there name goes along with the name of the university, that basically making the school itself racist. Plus last time i check University of Oklahoma does not show any discrimination to any certain race considering that majority of the campus itself is multicultural. So in the end i totally believe that the president made the absolute decision and the only politically correct decision as well. Cause if he hadn't done what he did then
    anyone can feel like they can get away with racial slurs not only at school, but anywhere else

  66. I think his reaction was straight. The students should have their fraternity taken from them. They should also be suspended. Like the article said, this should be a message to the nation. Racism shouldn't be allowed anywhere, Racism shouldn't even be thought of. It is now 2015, it is a crazy that we still have hate against other races man .I'm glad the President of the university did what they did. Those students deserved to be in trouble. They need to open their eyes and stop being so mean.

  67. Upon watching the video of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon video, I was shocked to see such racist remarks being chanted in contemporary times. Especially in a public area like a bus, in this age where everything is being recorded. This just proves that racism still does exist in the country.
    Racism is still a very real problem in the world. We still have in all parts of the globe. It exists in all levels from civilians to police and to political figures. It's a problem that will probably never complete be dissolved, but we definitely need to keep it out of the police force and the government.

  68. They were a disgrace for bringing racism into the university, the actions done were necessary to takeI do believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. A university that has much diversity shouldn't have problems such as this.What the faternity did was inappropriate. Racism is still alive.


  69. The president of the University of Oklahoma responded to the video with this tweet. "To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful,You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'" These comments along with the fact there is a promised thorough investigation that could result in expulsion of some students from the school, shows the president knows how to handle the situation.

  70. i think it was just his reaction, No university should tolerate this kind of hatred and behavior. I also believed the president of the university is taking the right steps in investigating the situation. The students actions should lead to the expulsion of the students that participated.

  71. How do i feel about the recent video from the fraternity? I feel as if that it will always be racism and they just got caught. I feel that what the president was right in what he said. There will always be ignorant people in this world. I feel that they should know if it feels when everyday somebody witnesses racism of their kind.
    They should be expelled so they can learn a life lesson. There should be zero
    tolerance of racism in our country.
    I believe that the President of the University did make the right choice. No one has the right to make racist comments about anyone or anything. Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean that we can just say whatever we want. The President was right to suspend those kids and just hope to Jesus we don't have to deal with this again.

  72. How do i feel about the recent video from the fraternity? I feel as if that it will always be racism and they just got caught. I feel that what the president was right in what he said. There will always be ignorant people in this world. I feel that they should know if it feels when everyday somebody witnesses racism of their kind.
    They should be expelled so they can learn a life lesson. There should be zero
    tolerance of racism in our country.
    I believe that the President of the University did make the right choice. No one has the right to make racist comments about anyone or anything. Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean that we can just say whatever we want. The President was right to suspend those kids and just hope to Jesus we don't have to deal with this again.

  73. I believe his reaction was completely appropriate. The students should have their fraternity taken from them. They should also be suspended. Like the article said, this should be a message to the nation. Racism shouldn't be permitted anywhere. Racism shouldn't even be thought of. It is now 2015, it is a shame that we still have hate against different races. When will all of this violence and hatred stop? What else will have to happen for people to see that this just isn't humane? I'm glad the President of the university did what they did. Those students deserved to be penalized. They need to open their eyes and stop being so ignorant.


  74. I believe the President of the University of Oklahoma made the correct decision in suspending the chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. No university should tolerate this kind of hatred and behavior. I believe the president of the university is taking the right steps in investigating the situation. The students actions should lead to the expulsion of the students that participated.
    If the former members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the University of Oklahoma Chapter, wanted to be apart of a racial group they should have joined want. A fraternity is not the organization to do that with. They could have damaged the schools image along with other chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I Also believe these students will be expelled for there actions.

  75. yes the president of Oklahoma made a great choice because the way that the racial things that was being said goes around and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the University of Oklahoma Chapter wanted to be apart of a racial group they should have joined it.

  76. I feel that this controversy is horrible towards the diverse population of our country. All i want to know is why someone would do this insulting chant; were they trying to offend a certain race in the Unites States because if they did then they really achieved their goal (jerks).
    I am glad that he at least apologized for his racist chant that he made but he really shouldnt have said it in the first place. Overall i feel that this action was really offensive and disrespectful and people will react to this event.
