Sunday, March 1, 2015

Freewrite about what you think would make a great video class.1-2 paragraphs


  1. what would make a good.... no great video class would be for us to do what we like to do: make videos. we have not had a chance to consistently make videos like we have in years past. we've only had one assignment where we could do a video for the whole year.

  2. I believe that a good video class should consist of hands-on learning that will help me in my future career endeavors. A good video class should teach me the basics of pre-production, production, and post-production. This class should also teach me about the different career options available to me through a career path in video broadcasting production. If I want to someday work in the video production field then I need to know the different aspects of putting together a video. I also need to know how to use various editing software. However, out of everything I have listed thus far, I believe that hands-on, personal experience in video production is the most important aspect to a good video class. Without hands-on experience you never really know how well you know something. A good video production class should help me decide if a career in the broadcasting field is right for me in the future.

    -Claire Drake (1st period)

  3. A great video class is one which utilizes hands on activities. This is a video class, right? Wouldn't it make sense to make videos? I'm talking to you Ms. Williams. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. These components of a quality video class were severely neglected and we were therefore robbed of a quality learning experience.
    -Elle Ortega

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  5. A video class can be great in many ways. One of them obviously would be to able do "hands on" activities such as filming and editing. Another aspect of making a great video class is being able to plan and be creative. I also really feel that having some form of creative freedom is always a plus. I also feel that the teacher in a video class should be creative as well, and be very willing to throw some ideas toward the students, or at least guide them threw their project or story, so that way everyone can be beneficial.

    -Reggie Daniels (1st period)

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  7. A great video class to me would be a class where we actually participate in shooting videos. Students learn better when things on more hands on not just "book work" all the time. Techniques in video editing, camera angles, and proper posture should all be taught in a video class. Continuing to work on actual video projects in my opinion allows the student to show their creativity.
    Daniel Bishop

  8. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording, We could do different types of broadcasts and things, consisting of all elements of production. It would also be helpful to learn each position of a production, such as directing, talent, cameraman, etc.

  9. -Eduardo Arroyo
    A great video class would be more involved and hands on video equipment and editing. Students would not leech off of other students who are working on a good production. Rubrics will be rearranged for any problem or disadvantage a student has.{Ex. No Internet, Family problems, etc.} Each project will revive a legit due date, however no project should have an extremely early due date. Any team/ group members should consider listing to what other members have to say or any ideas in store for the project/ video.

  10. i think this class should actually do broadcasting and video events.what also makes a good one is actually doing a newscast that pertains to actual school events.It should a fun learning experience.

  11. What would make a great video class? I think the class being diverse would allow students to want to do their best they can. Also, i think the students should have creative control so they can express how they feel freely. In addition, the teacher should not nit pick every tiny detail of a students work but instead should encourage a student to maybe do better next time.

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  14. Janessa Murphy, 1st period,

    I think a great class would be one that's hands on and also very active in information. Filming news for our school would be great for the class especially since many of us want to take this to the next level. Being year three, this is nothing new for us. Different forms of broadcasting will also help us in this field.
    Lots of broadcasting filming will expand our experience, so by the time we reach that next level experience, it will be like we've already experienced it.

  15. Making a great video class includes many things. Such as knowing how to edit on different software's, knowing how to operate a camera correctly, how to act appropriate in front of the camera, and etc. These examples would include what career you would want to go into and would you like.
    Amanda Nieves 1st period

  16. David Carter
    I would assume that a great video class would consists of mostly hands on experience in class, for example live new casts. with that comes constructive criticism and judgment. There should of course be other things we could do, but I think that the hands on experience is always best.

  17. For this class to be GREAT video class instead of a good one, i believe that we should learn about more up-to date equipment that are used in studios and on the field today. We could also learn a bit about the history/ how cameras and such came to be (their evolution). After learning about the equipment, it would be great to actually use them hands-on. We also could watch tv shows/movies and digest them in to parts like the format, camera shots, props used, lighting, etc.

  18. I personally believe what would make a great video class would be hands-on activities and more communications as students, such as group work. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. By being in group projects you learn that valuable lessons with people communication as well as learning about the equipment. I think what makes a class great is a great teacher, by that I'm not meaning talking down to a student or yelling at them with every little detail. I am talking about being real, they're only human, we all make mistakes, and talk to the students like they are mature. You treat them with respect and they treat you with respect. That is what makes a great audio video film class.

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  20. What would make a great broadcasting class? Personally i believe a great class could be formed by doing hands-on activities but at the same time not all in the same direction. Such as giving students the freedom to create a hands-on project, while at the same time following a guideline to ensure that the projects are of good nature. The other idea would be that while being somewhat strict in a guideline, not to nit pick every tiny detail due to the inexperience of most of us in this class, I'm not saying that we should get off with anything that we do, but rather than tear us down with malicious comments, build us up with constructive criticisms that would further our knowledge and help us out.Furthermore including like a current production day, where as students we watch a film and can discuss how different things throughout the movie helped make the movie what it is.

  21. i think what makes good video class is a good teacher who on her p's and q's. students that function well with others.and the teacher has to be nice.also it should a lot of hands on work with the green room and camcorders stuff like that.

  22. a good video class to me is we learn about the equipment and use it to. we should have more solo project to learn how to find the information ourselves. and we should have hands on experience. we should have work that pertain to the subject.

  23. A great video class would be one where all students can learn valuable skills that could be utilized in any related career. There would be leadership positions as well as a collaborative atmosphere. It would consist of creative exercises and brainstorming. We would learn to use professional equipment as well as write scripts to create amazing media products. The class would be based on respect, constructive criticism, and support from our peers. This way, we could learn to strive in a competitive setting while being able to have good sportsmanship and other social and technical skills to lead us through a successful career.

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  25. A great video class would be if we can make a mini show where everybody helps out.Some of us will work on cameras, lighting, or actors. We can post the video on youtube.

  26. To make a great video class, I say we should produce a tv show. We go through all the processes and procedures. Everyone has the roles of a real production team. Then we should have a DHS News team like last year.

  27. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  28. A great video class would be if we did a lot of filming and minimal editing. Also if we did a lot of news casts and skits and maybe sum improv.

  29. A great video class would be a class in which the students are comfortable with the topics covered. There would be an equal distribution of power among the class and respect for others creativity.When in the process of producing a video or piece of media every student will remain on task. All students should or will be working towards the same goal of completing each assignment.

  30. For a good video class, there should be hands-on experience in the class with the cameras and editing. Certain students, like me, learn better when they get the chance to actually use the equipment for themselves. Teachers, who only give information about the equipment but don't actually let the students learn to use them, aren't really teaching them because they can easily forget the information. Students should be allowed to use the equipment if they are in a video class. Also, having different projects are a good idea for a video class. It teaches students to be able to come up with different set-ups.
    -Jordan Beam

  31. I think that a great video class has many different components. I think it all starts with a good teacher to insure that the students will receive a good teaching. Secondly it starts with awesome students who are willing to learn. if the students are not ready to learn then the class will not run smoothly because of behavior. Thirdly it is important to have good tools for the students to learn on, because if not we will not know what it is actually like to be hands on. Lastly it is important in this class that we have good time management to create the feel of how it would be in the real work field. All of these components a nessary to have a good a successful video class

  32. A great video class would simply consist of group assignments, use of cameras, followed by skits. I'm sure everyone would enjoy this class if we were each given leadership opportunities such as getting a chance to becoming a director of a group. Competitions among our peers will also make it fun and enjoyable for us.

  33. a great video class would be a class that will let us take our personal talent and interest in production and let us work on our own diverse projects. it would be a class that is for our interest and will teach us what we need to know about what kind of production we would like to learn. for example if one likes music, the class would teach about the production and process of music and would let that person work on music. if one likes television production it would teach that one about television production and let that person work on tv production.

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  35. A great video class would simply consist of group assignments, use of cameras, followed by skits. I'm sure everyone would enjoy this class if we were each given leadership opportunities such as getting a chance to becoming a director of a group. Competitions among our peers will also make it fun and enjoyable for us. Incorporating fun and skillful ways to learn would most definitely make up this class to be effective to every student.

  36. I believe a great video class should consists of hands on learning and activities in which students should progress throughout the year. Also computer related things that help us more familiarize with advance functions on the camera. These things would make a great class in which i think more and more people would want to get into the next year. as there are things that the teacher should do , the students have their role as well. As one slacks off the whole society (class in this case) is jeopardize.

  37. What would be a great video class? A great video class would be to practice on your favorite things in production. It starts with someone 1st teaching you hands on activities of how or what to do in the production field. The better your teacher familiarize you with video production the better your class videos would be. This would make a great class because others would be interested and see how fun video production can really be.

  38. A great video class would consist of many different things. Hands on activities is probably the most important thing we can do. Also, learning about the industry and how to get jobs in it is important to. Also being on task would keep the experience fun, avoiding irrelevant work would be good. Being able to create things or do things outside of the class room would be fun as well, being confined to such a small area wouldn't be as fun. This is what would make a great video class.

  39. A great video class would give a chance to do projects with a purpose. It would let us use our creativity within our projects. Our teacher would teach us to use various editing systems and software, so we can have experience within this field. We would explore different aspects of production and not only the filming aspect. We could take trips to the CNN Center, Fox 5, movie sets, etc. to see the things we learn in class in action. we would get to see a real producer, director, and other personnel on set ans watch how they work. We would practice everything we learned in class.

  40. Sometimes in life we have to ask ourselves the big questions. Questions that may very well impact the rest of our natural lives. This is one of those questions and there is no easy answer. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut and do what feels right. Id recommend actually filming and not making us do asinine grade school math assignments every day. Im honestly not the guy to go to with this question because im down for whatever.

  41. To have a great video class one would need the freedom to creatively think and create without a great deal of limitations to what one could produce. The creative support and growth of not only the individual, but the rest of the group is also necessary. It wouldn't be the individual's skit or idea, but the group's as a whole with their input, recommendations, and opinions being of equal if not greater importance to a project. One would need to approach things with an open mind, accepting that he/she is now part of a whole group, a family if you will, that will have to get used to the people around them in order to succeed.

  42. What makes a great video class? I believe a great video class means we can do projects and still have a fun time. Activities like the news and music videos, or any other film activity, will show everyone what we are capable of doing. Projects, like news, will need every ones' help on segments. We all need to learn how reality will be. We're not going to be able to miss deadlines. Everyone that's in this class knows that they might want to become apart in behind the scenes or know at least what to do. If everyone got a chance to see what every person does. It might be able to help the students in the future. Anyone can learn the crew but can you be able to complete the task of becoming them. Also can you be able to work under pressure and be able to make deadlines.

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  44. A great video to me is a class that i can be involved in. Being hands on and doing projects that are both fun and intriguing are the main details to a great video class. Regardless of the students, work, or environment, the class has to be entertaining in more than one way. A great video class has to bring something to the table, i want to be able to learn something new and amazing so that i can also be able to use what I've learned outside of the school. At the end of the day a great video class is a class that i can say that i thoroughly enjoyed at the end of the year and walk away with experience.

  45. A great video class is a class that consists of a nice environment. In order to have a nice environment it must start with the teachers and students. Students should be able to be comfortable in the class and also the teacher should make the class feel welcomed and not be strict or mean. Once the student and teacher sees eye to eye they can proceed to do hands on activities and be able to record constantly! At the end of this course i want to able to say i enjoyed this class! I want to be able to walk away with a good experience and good memories.

  46. A great video class is a class that is able to do lots of hands on actvities. I cannot learn from a teacher standing and talking i need to have activities where i can touch the camera, touch the computer to edit, etc. A great class also is a clean class. It is important that at the end of class all the chairs are pushed under the desk and there is no trash in the surrounding areas. At the end of this course i want to be able to look back and take the things i've learned and use it later on in life.

  47. what would make a great video class would be hands on activities not bookwork. this is a hands on class, so we should be filming, editing, and working in a real studio setting. These components help create a better video class but one component tops all. Freedom, the freedom to create what we want, last year we had a bulldogs news cast but the teacher took that away, basically our freedom. This is just some things i think creates a better video class.

  48. I would say that what makes a great video class is one that has plenty of hands-on activities, a class that incorporates the students and equipment and not just the text book would be a class that is effective while also providing a good time for the students. I think that a class that goes on field trips whether it just be outside around campus or to a production studio to see how things really happen when you are on the set of an actual show. A great video class includes students as well as teachers who are willing to put in the hard work to make the class a professional learning experience. Lastly, a great video class is just one that overall has a great time and learns about the things that they desired to learn while enjoying themselves throughout the process.

  49. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  50. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  51. A great video class has a lot of independent, hands-on classwork. Independent and hands-on work gives us a chance to learn first hand and gives us a chance to teach ourselves. Projects also give us a chance to show what we know, how we know it, and how creative we are. Also, a clean classroom is another thing that makes for a good classroom. No one wants to work where its dirty. Finally a good/nice teacher makes a good video class because we'll feel comfortable working with him/her.

  52. I believe that a great video class involves learning what it takes to create a video. A great video class also involves a lot of hands-on learning. I also think a great video class involves a lot of creative thinking and we should be allowed to use our creativity because I think that's an important aspect of making videos. We should also learn how to use different editing software and be educated on how to use it. Overall I would say that hands on activities are most important to have a great video class and to ensure the success of the students who would like to make this a career.

  53. A great video class would have to be engaging. Students should be able to get a lot of hands on experience. Students should get a chance to try out various equipment to get a feel for what they like the most. Students should be able to apply what they learn in class to real world situations. Students should end the class with some sort of new skill such as editing or filming.
    A great video class should also allow a lot of student freedom and creativity. Students a lot of really good and unique ideas so they should b able to express them. The class should encourage creativity actually.

  54. great video class is a class that consists of a nice environment. In order to have a nice environment it must start with the teachers and students. Students should be able to be comfortable in the class and also the teacher should make the class feel welcomed and not be strict or mean. Once the student and teacher sees eye to eye they can proceed to do hands on activities and be able to record constantly! At the end of this course i want to able to say i enjoyed this class! I want to be able to walk away with a good experience and good memories

  55. A great video class needs to have activities in which the students would have fun, but would also learn. I think they would need to be able to learn to work with each other. As well as working well with the teacher. If the student and the teacher fail to get along, then you cannot have a successful year. I would like to walk away with this class knowing how to edit more. I make YouTube videos, but use a very basic editor. I believe that students need to be able to work with everyone in the class.

  56. A great video class should be fun. It's a nice and stable place to work. The teachers and students have to be able to see eye to eye. The best things always come from a collaborative effort. It should be very hands on. And, in the end i want to be able to enjoy everything

  57. What would make a good video class is to learn how to make a video and how to edit the videos on my own. Also, the different shots that can be used in making a video.
    I would like to learn the components of a video. Also learn how to setup my videos.

  58. A great video class would consist of students being able to learn how to edit and create videos that they view interesting but still appropriate for this class. i would like to know the technical terms and aspects of audio and video technology but also have a very hands on experience in the class. I would want the class to be fun and exciting but i want to also learn the material well enough you use the concepts outside the classroom in my everyday life

  59. I think a great video class would be a class in which we are able to participate in a lot of fun projects. We should be able to learn how to work with production equipment and what they do. Students should leave this class with an understanding of production and a bit of experience in the field. This class should provide us with a fun learning environment that we look forward to attending, which would be great compared to our previous endeavors.

  60. I strongly believed a great video class will composed of productive , interactive, educational curriculum that will teach us about broadcasting. We will learn concepts that will mainly focused on the whole teaching of what is broadcasting and how it works. Likewise, for others who are interested in a career in broadcasting it will help them be successful in that career field. However, students she feel safe in the classroom of broadcasting . Therefore, it is best to have a productive and suitable class that will have a well -constructed teacher who will inform them about broadcasting . Also , the teacher will construct hands-on activities for the students so they will get a view of how it works in the broadcasting field.

  61. What i think would make a good video class is if we had assignments where we could actually use the cameras even though we are first years. A great video class would be a class in which we are able to participate in a lot of fun projects. We should leave this class with an understanding of production and with experience. If we learn how to make videos and edit the videos we make on our own that would make a good class.It should be fun, nice and stable place to work.The teacher should be here to help not hurt . I would like for Ms. Saunders to be strict but not impossible.We should not use the textbook at all we should have a hands on learning. We should give and receive respect. These are treats that would make a good video class.

  62. To have a good class everybody in the class has to learn and at the same time have fun. Each kid learns differently. In order for everybody to learn, everybody has to be taught differently. Teachers should teach everything visually, orally, and interactively. This would allow everyone to understand what is being taught. Teachers also have to make class fun. If class isn't fun kids wont pay attention. The best way to make class fun is give less work, have more discussion, and the teacher should be funny. If a teacher cracks jokes here and there the kids who weren't listening will be angry that they didn't understand the joke. It will make them want to listen and pay attention.

  63. I think a video class should be a fun class not a burden to go too. It should be a hands on experience. We should learn a good amount even though we have a limited amount of time. We should things from broadcasting to film. But above all it should be fun and a good experience

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  66. A great video class would be a hands on class. Our previous teacher was all about book work but not applying it to the equipment, which I think doesn't help us. I plan on working in the media/entertainment field so I chose this particular class to get familiar with filming and editing.
    All I ask is that we have a fun teach who does lots of hands on activities requiring scripts, filiming ,editing etc. In this class I want to get the maximum experience so I can possibly come out my shyness shell and perfect my craft.

  67. To create a great outstanding video class theres a couple of essentials things that needs to be done. To keep the class from never being boring , you cooperation from 100% of the class. Having various assignments from twitter and on instagram. Doing spontaneous things will keep the class on edge. We should also have projects and group projects. And we kick start back up our news crew for the weekly news again. Also hands on activities with the camera and microphones. Also doing documentaries would be another exciting thing to do.

  68. What would make a good video class is to learn how to make a video and how to edit the videos on my own. Also, the different shots that can be used in making a video.
    I would like to learn the components of a video. Also learn how to setup my videos.

    Meco Lucas

  69. What would make a good video class is to learn how to make a video and how to edit the videos on my own. Also, the different shots that can be used in making a video.
    I would like to learn the components of a video. Also learn how to setup my videos.

    Meco Lucas

  70. What would make a good video class is to learn how to make a video and how to edit the videos on my own. Also, the different shots that can be used in making a video.
    I would like to learn the components of a video. Also learn how to setup my videos.

    Meco Lucas

  71. What would make a good video class is to learn how to make a video and how to edit the videos on my own. Also, the different shots that can be used in making a video.
    I would like to learn the components of a video. Also learn how to setup my videos.

    Meco Lucas

  72. maria carter
    To make a great video class you need a good teacher. One that is willing to listen and be there if a student needs something, but also get take control of a class when it gets out of hand. Also a teacher who will willing to trust the students with the equipment. And lots of fun projects!! :D

  73. To make a great video class I think that the teacher own topics and work with who we want. Everything should be hands on, especially if youve already learned the basics af AVT We also need a teacher that doesnt have a problem with letting us go out of the class to film our videos.

  74. What would make a good video class is having structure and teamwork. I believe that in order to have a great video team you need teamwork because you want things to move smoothly. When it comes to making the news it is a domino affect. If one person doesn't do what they need to the whole team falls. That's why i consider team work to be the most important aspect of a good video class.

  75. What would make a good video class is having structure and teamwork. I believe that in order to have a great video team you need teamwork because you want things to move smoothly. When it comes to making the news it is a domino affect. If one person doesn't do what they need to the whole team falls. That's why i consider team work to be the most important aspect of a good video class.

  76. To make a great video class there should be a 100% participation. We should have class activities such as creating videos and movies that the students will enjoy. A clean class environment will also make a great video class. Including a teacher that is trust worthy in the students to conduct with the equipment. Learn how to edit videos and conduct the equipment. This what i think will make a great video class.

  77. to make a good video class I think that the teacher should be chill at some points and stay on her students about their work and give us some work time to time but also be rough on us too. cause if you already learn the basics you should be straight at it and shouldn't have to go over it plenty of times. you cooperation from 100% of the class also. Doing spontaneous things will keep the class on edge. We should also have projects and group projects also keep students on they stuff and working hard

    laquinsa askew

  78. Well on the real we really have fun and learn something at the same time. We need to get out into the field and interact with our environment. Also get do sketches or news reports with some fun in it. Also don't drown us in book work.

  79. Well we should use the equipment we have while learning about them. Also we should interect with our environment more particularly our school. We should learn more about production while having fun at the same time.

  80. I question the premise. Do teens "abuse" the internet? The internet is really just a collection of things that people want to share/sell/ask/etc. It evolves with what the public wants. I don't think it can really be abused. It's perhaps the most vast hub of knowledge in the world. If anything it connects people in ways that they never would have been. Teens (along with children and adults) are able to communicate with each other over any distance without (with exception) restrictions. Teens have the same right to information as adults; whether or not adults *approve* of what teens are interested in is another matter. If anything, I'd say adults are more able to abuse teens using the internet. Perhaps teens abusing each other. But for everything good there is a price. Teens may not understand certain privacy concerns, and may fall victim to bullying, but ultimately these are not avoidable in the world at large... while the internet may exaggerate these issues, it hasn't created them, and teens will become more savvy and capable as a result of the internet. Teens are given a great deal of power when given access to the internet, and I don't think that's a bad thing. If teens are raised poorly, they may not wield this power in an effective way, but that's hardly the internet's fault.Never post your personal information online .Do not respond to an angry message with anger. Never open messages from strangers.Beware of certain topics.

  81. I Think what will make an efficient video class is actually working with the students and not making them just do bookwork the whole year. Also we should do projects with the cameras. also we should be open to all equipment.

    talked to sanders

  82. A great video class would consist of videos we would like to make, not ones we are assigned. Students can have fun and learn about the proper use of camera at the same time with the right instructor.

    We should have class activities such as creating videos and movies that we will enjoy. A clean class environment will also make a great video class. Including a teacher that is trust worthy in the students to conduct with the equipment

  83. A great video class would allow us hands-on experience using the equipment. Rather than just create videos, we should learn how a camera operates, along with techniques to create professional-quality videos. There should be less focus on the TV industry as in last semester, as it wasn't really applicable to what we are capable of executing at the high school level. I believe that we should be allowed creative freedom rather than be required to follow a multitude of guidelines.

  84. A great video class is one that have a free willing and fun teacher. a great class is when we are filming almost every day editing and learning different things about the recording process. also a teacher that can give good input on great ideas to the students that will help our research process when we are looking for ideas.

  85. Albert Manero and a team of engineering students at the university of central Florida designed a prototype for an electronic arm. six year old Alex Pring was the first patient. Instead of the students making money off of this idea, they put it on the internet for anyone to use. The UCF team, which operates a nonprofit called Limbitless Solutions, is special because it's the only group in the 3-D volunteer network making electronic arms.The students were blown away by what happened after that. The Today Show and other national news outlets featured stories about Alex and Manero, and then they got international attention. Families in more than 25 countries have asked the UCF students to help their children. In February, Microsoft highlighted the team in a social media campaign.The team has made electronic arms for five children and are working with three more kids. Alex traveled with his mom to UCF last week and practiced flexing his muscle to make the hand open and close.

  86. An great video and technology class will teach the given information hands on and through experience. A class at this level should be formatted to allow students to creatively be productive with interactions with the teacher and his or her peers. This class is to teach of the production world and not only what is seen in front of the camera. I think this class is the type of class to be project oriented with discussion of information followed by hands on assessments.

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  88. What would make a good video class is having structure and teamwork. I believe that in order to have a great video team you need teamwork because you want things to move smoothly. When it comes to making the news it is a domino affect. If one person doesn't do what they need to the whole team falls. That's why i consider team work to be the most important aspect of a good video class.

  89. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  90. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  91. A great video class should have lots of video production. We should actually do hands on video recording. To work in the field of audio and video you got to be able to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them without hesitation. A great video class is one which allows the students to utilize their skills as producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, and editors to create. A great video class allows students to showcase their talents of what they have learned in the past years.

  92. I Think what will make an efficient video class is actually working with the students Learn how to edit videos and conduct the equipment this what i think will make a great video class We should learn more about production while having fun at the same time.

  93. A great video class to me would be a class where we actually participate in shooting videos. Students learn better when things on more hands on not just "book work" all the time. Techniques in video editing, camera angles, and proper posture should all be taught in a video class. Continuing to work on actual video projects in my opinion allows the student to show their creativity.

  94. A good video class to me is to collaborate with your classmates and come up with some good ideas about videos. We all get in a circle and say some topics to do videos on and then split up into groups and try it out. When its all over we all share the experience of what we did and see who did the best one. That to me would make video class much better

  95. Sam Harrison admits he looks like the most absurd fish out of water you've ever seen. Get him in a lake, however, and the 22-year-old is a real-life treasure hunter with the instinct of a shark, able to uncover his prey in zero visibility and sub-zero temperatures. In this case, the prey is golf balls. And with an estimated 300 million of the wayward white orbs lost in the U.S. alone each year, there is serious money to be made from their recovery -- if you're willing to take the plunge.

  96. A great video class to me is learning about the true fundamentals of filming and editing. Its a group class so you need great communication otherwise you wont do so well.

  97. A great video class is just learning new things
