Thursday, March 26, 2015





  1. 1. Charity, Community service, helping out at the homeless shelter, raising money for less fortunate.
    2. Um, my opinion on the gimmie five is kind of awkward, but I mean it's okay. If i don't know you and you try to give me a hot five when I'm working out, I may think you're weird...

  2. 1. If I were to give back I would read to children because I love kids. I would feed the homeless again. I would volunteer at an animal shelter again because that was fun and I really enjoyed seeing the animals get better. I could also join a swim class or help teach volleyball gain. Lastly, I could teach pageant kids how to not be so horrible.

    2. I agree with her efforts. However, she wants us to post about it on social medias which is very healthy. I think that is a little hypocritical. She has always been very health-oriented. I don't know how much it has helped over the past years, but she is at least trying.

  3. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day
    i think the gimmiefive thing is pretty good it encourages people to do better

  4. Five ways you could help the community:
    1. Offer dog-walking services to those who can’t (or won’t) give their pets the proper amount of exercise.
    2. Organize a hike or nature walk with friends, and bring bags to collect trash along the trails.
    3. Help people paint and repair their homes.
    4. For the holidays, go caroling, bring (easy-to-eat) treats, or just go and visit senior citizens.
    5. Recruit some friends or a class to help set up a library at a children’s hospital.
    The #GIMMEFIVE is a good thing for Americans knowing they did the right thing and recognizing them on their good actions.

  5. You can give back to the community and or increase your health by...
    1.) Sell drugs to encourage economic growth.
    2.) Give out condoms to kids to encourage sex education.
    3.) Overthrow the patriarchy.
    4.) Stay beautiful.
    5.) Start a community garden and grow marijuana. It's good for the environment.

    Personally, I do not support the #GIMMEFIVE initiative because I don't like touching crusty, musty, and sweaty people. If I'm going to give you a high-five take me out to dinner first. I don't just give it out to anybody.

  6. Giving back to the community:
    -community service
    -community gardening
    -community fundraiser
    -community marathon
    -community donations
    This program known as #GIMMEFIVE is a great motivational way to encourage healthy lifestyles and active activities. This program will keep and add more and more people to influence a healthy lifestyle.

  7. 1. Community service, Soup kitchen, Donating to charities, Feeding hungry kids, and adopting abused animals.
    2. I personally hate hate Michelle Obama, She has no legal authority whatsoever regarding what I do, and therefore I will strive to not do or even do the opposite of what she asks, She is not my President and I pay her no attention,

  8. You could give back to the community by doing community service, or doing stuff for the elders, also feeding the homeless. A way to increase your health is by walking or running each and everyday or at least 2 to 3 times a week or going to the gym at that.

  9. 1. Charity, community service, helping at the homeless shelter, feeding people at a local soup kitchen, and raising money for those less fortunate.
    2. I think the whole #GimmeFive thing is kind of cool like at least the first lady is attempting to help out the nation, but honestly it kind of an awkward thing in the first place if you think about it.

  10. 1. Charity, Community service, helping out at the homeless shelter, raising money for less fortunate.
    2. Help people paint and repair their homes.
    3.plant community garden
    4.. exercise day
    5.adopt abused animals.
    i like the givemefive plan

  11. -community service -ride bikes -carpool -donate -exercise daily

  12. 1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden

    5. community marathon/ community donations
    #GIMMEFIVE is a great motivational way to encourage healthy lifestyles and active activities. This will influence more of a healthy life style and encourage other to do the same

  13. -community service -ride bikes -carpool -donate -exercise daily

  14. 1. Charity, community service, helping at the homeless shelter, feeding people at a local soup kitchen, and raising money for those less fortunate.
    2.adopt abused animals.

  15. Community service for giving back
    - fundraiser

  16. 1.) We should get active and clean up our environment, recycle.
    2.) Give donations for less fortunate.
    3.) Help build homeless shelters and/or homes for people.
    4.) Give time and work at those homeless shelters
    5.) Exercise, be healthy, you can't help others without helping yourself first.
    The program #GIMMEFIVE is a great idea, even though you might not like who started it but that doesn't mean you shouldn't participate in it. It might encourage people.

  17. 1. To give back to my community, I could (1) feed the homeless, (2) donate to charity, and (3) tutor kids who don't do well in school. In order to improve my health I could (4) drink more water and (5) exercise more often.

    2. I think the #GIMMEFIVE initiative is a great way to get people of all ages motivated to get moving. The First Lady has been supported by several celebrities who have also participated in the movement. This is just a baby step to a healthier society.

  18. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1. Donate surplus food
    2.Share your expertise or knowledge
    3.Volunteer at a shelter
    4.Donate clothing and gifts
    5.Spend time with a neighbour or friend

  19. 1. Workout
    2. Make Friends
    3. Eat Healthy
    4. Make Money
    5. Water Your Grass

    The Gimmefive Initiative doesnt make sense.

  20. Five ways to give back to your community/increase health
    -don't litter/ pick up any litter you see
    -go outside and exersize
    -keep up your personal hygiene
    -help people in your community by offering services such as lawn mowing, walking a pet, or gardening

    The #GIMMIEFIVE initiative is a cool idea i guess, i just dont wanna high five random people. I would rather give them a thumbs up. The initiative is a good way to encourage people to live healthier by letting people know that their actions don't go unnoticed. Many people enjoy that kind encouragement.

  21. Community service
    Eat organic foods
    Exercise every day

  22. Giving back to the community:
    1. Raise money to feed the hungry
    2. Donate clothes and blankets to the less fortunate
    3. Donate money to charities that support the less fortunate
    4. Start a fundraiser and give all those funds to charity
    5. Clean up trash off the sides of highways and streets

  23. Maria Carter
    1five ways to help the community while helping yourself are; giving out food to the homeless, cleaning the environment, growing your own foods, promoting smoke free environments, and donating time to eating right.
    2 i already take care of myself in what i eat and i am quite meticulous in what i buy (food). but honestly i feel like not many will care about what they eat cuz they are already in a habit of eating bad foods, i think most wont change their ways unless they have a life changing experience.

  24. Do work at a homeless shelter, raise money for those in need, Charities, giving money or time, and giving toys away are some ways to help and give back to the community.

    In my opinion I think is a good thing that has different methods of trying to live a healthier life. If everyone could just exercise and eat healthier they would be ok and live a healthier longer life.

  25. 1. Donate
    2. Garden
    3. Eat healthy foods
    4. Exercise
    5. Community Service

    The #GIMMIEFIVE is cool but I don't think it’s anything I would do. I don't know what these kids got at this school.

  26. 5 things that can help the community is feeding the homeless, picking up trash, planting gardens, only hunt when its allowed, and to help yorslef get in shape is to exercise more

  27. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day

    jamill jackson

  28. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day

    jamill jackson

  29. 1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day

    I think the whole GimmeFive thing is kind of cool like at least the first lady is attempting to help out the nation, but honestly it kind of an awkward thing in the first place if you think about it.

  30. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day
    i think the gimmiefive thing is pretty good it encourages people to do better

  31. 1. Donate to charity
    2. Community Service
    3. Give items to the less fortunate
    4. Grow plants and trees
    5. Eat fruits and vegetables, and exercise
    With the #Gimmefive initiative, I think it is a good idea. It encourages people to want to do more for the community and themselves if they get a reward in return. It shows that people appreciate when others help out anyway they can.

  32. 1. If I were to give back I would read to children because I love kids. I would feed the homeless again. I would volunteer at an animal shelter again because that was fun and I really enjoyed seeing the animals get better. I could also join a swim class or help teach volleyball gain. Lastly, I could teach pageant kids how to not be so horrible.

    2. I agree with her efforts. However, she wants us to post about it on social medias which is very healthy. I think that is a little hypocritical. She has always been very health-oriented. I don't know how much it has helped over the past years, but she is at least trying.

  33. 1. Recyclying
    2.Grow crops
    3. Donate money.
    4.Help the poor.
    5. pick up around your community.

    With the #GIMMEFIVE initiative, i Think its a good thing to do because your making other people's day and thats what its all about being a good person to others and showing other you see there struggle. Also you can make someone else day and soon you will be rewarded with someone making your day.

  34. 5 ways I can give back to my community is by Gardening, Recycling, Picking up trash, Charity, Read books to children.

    I agree with her efforts. However, she wants us to post about it on social medias which is very healthy. I think that is a little hypocritical. She has always been very health-oriented. I don't know how much it has helped over the past years, but she is at least trying.

  35. 1. Eat healthy
    2. Pick up trash around the area
    3. Help out around homeless shelters
    4. Exercise more
    5. Stay away from drugs and alcohol
    The # GIMMEFIVE challenge seems a little bit childish in my eyes. I get that its a way to encourage others ado do better and acknowledge the ones who are being healthy and doing good things but i feel like it could have gone in a different direction. The aspect of high fiveing is but simple and honestly lame in my opinions. There could have been some other type of reward for doing good.

  36. 1 eat healthy 2 give back 3 charity 4 meet people 5 Live Life

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 1. Eat healthier
    2. Clean up
    3. Go to bed on time
    4. Donate money/ time
    5. Meet new people
    The #GIMMEFIVE challenge helps people to get out and try brand-new things.

  39. 1. Recyclying
    2.Grow crops
    3. Donate money.
    4.Help the poor.
    5. pick up around your community.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Giving back to the community: service gardening fundraiser marathon donations
    This program known as #gimmefive is a great motivational way to encourage healthy lifestyles and active activities. This program will keep and add more and more people to influence a healthy life.

  42. 1.)do community service
    2.)go to local parks and pick up trash
    3.)give to local charities
    4.)plant things in the community to make it more appealing
    5.)always give back to the community

  43. 1. Donate to charity
    2. Community Service
    3. Give items to the less fortunate
    4. Grow plants and trees
    5. Eat fruits and vegetables, and exercise
    With the #Gimmefive initiative, I think it is a good idea. It encourages people to want to do more for the community and themselves if they get a reward in return. It shows that people appreciate when others help out anyway they can.

  44. 1 soup ketichin
    2 donate
    3 community car wash
    4 keep the city clean
    5 community service
    #gimmiefive is a good way to give to the poor

  45. 1. Community service
    2. pick up trash
    3. go to soup kitchens and serve the homeless
    4. help plant things and clean around your place
    5. keep things clean

  46. The way you can give back to your community is make sure that it's clean and that you fix what needs to be fix. Then you can help other people make the right choices and also help them workout more and eat right.

  47. 1. In order to give back to your community you can do several acts of community service. Things such as, cleaning up the environment and not littering. People can also help homeless people. We can also donate money in order to help those in need. To be healthier we can eat healthier foods and exercise more often.

    2. In my opinion this initiative is for a good cause, but it won't really do much. People may make a list but they probably wouldn't live by it.

  48. 1. Community service
    2. Giving to charity
    3. Recycling
    4. Take shorter showers
    5. Don't litter
    I think #GIMMEFIVE is a cool way to spread positivity but I am a bit of a germ freak so I wouldn't want to go around high fiving random people.

  49. 1. Charity
    2. Community Service
    3. Give items to the less fortunate
    4. Grow plants and trees
    5. Keep things clean

    in my opinion i think its good because they give back to the community

  50. You can give back to your community by donating anything you can, doing community service where its needed, starting fundraisers for the community , create a community garden that citizens can enjoy and also teaching and acting as Big brother to younger kids in the community
    I think the #GIMMEFIVE initiative is a great way to get people of all ages motivated to get moving.This program will keep and add more and more people to influence a healthy life.

  51. Giving back to the community:
    1. Raise money to feed the hungry
    2. Donate clothes and blankets to the less fortunate
    3. Donate money to charities that support the less fortunate
    4. Start a fundraiser and give all those funds to charity
    5. Clean up trash off the sides of highways and streets

  52. Charity, community service, helping at the homeless shelter, feeding people at a local soup kitchen, and raising money for those less fortunate.I would volunteer at an animal shelter again because that was fun and I really enjoyed seeing the animals get better. I could also join a swim class or help teach volleyball gain. Lastly, I could teach pageant kids how to not be so horrible.

  53. 1. Charity
    2. Cleaning the community
    3. Grow plants
    4. Recycling
    5. soup kitchens

    I think #GIMMEFIVE is great way to attact people to do more things for the community.

  54. Create a Giving Box
    Pick up litter
    Help cook and/or serve a meal at a homeless shelter.
    Contact your local political representative about key issues.
    Mentor a young person.
    #GIMMEFIVE theme is a great way to get people of all ages motivated to do something positive in the community

  55. 1.stop the littering
    2. donate more things to the community
    3. keep the community safe
    4. volunteering for community services
    5. charity

  56. 1. Charity.
    2. Community Service.
    3. Eat more healthy foods.
    4. Give old clothes to Goodwill.
    5. Exercise.

  57. Lexi Stokes
    1.) Start a community garden.
    2.) Set up marathon/running relay programs on weekends with your community.
    3.) Have activities to raise money for charity.
    4.) Collect banana peels, leaves off of vegetables etc. from gardens that aren't eaten and make a compost for more gardening.
    5.) Make food and bring to the homeless.
    I think the first lady is making a good effort about getting everyone active and to participate but I think it needs to be more fun, spoken out more, and be able to really get everyone involved.

  58. 1.)Charity
    2.)Community service
    3.)helping out at the homeless shelter
    4.)raising money for less fortunate
    6.)eat healthy organic food

    it's great that the first lady is doing her best to make america a healthier place. we are the fattest country in the world, and no matter how much an average american would protest these initiatives, the people of the nation need a healthier lifestyle.

  59. 5 ways to give back to your community would be:
    Feeding the homeless.
    Community Service.
    Giving back to the community.
    Cleaning up.
    it's great that the first lady is making america a better place. we are the fattest country in the world, and no matter how much an average american would protest these initiatives, the people of the nation need a healthier lifestyle.

  60. Giving back to your community could include simple things. Including things such as helping out a neighbor in need, Deciding to volunteer at a community center, Making sure your lawn is cleanly, Getting rid of things which you do not need anymore, and lastly having fund raisers to supply what's needed in your town.

    I feel #GIMMEFIVE will not be a success although Mrs.Obama wants to help the people of America can only change if they really want to.

  61. Five ways you could help the community:
    1. Offer dog-walking services to those who can’t (or won’t) give their pets the proper amount of exercise.
    2. Organize a hike or nature walk with friends, and bring bags to collect trash along the trails.
    3. Help people paint and repair their homes.
    4. For the holidays, go caroling, bring (easy-to-eat) treats, or just go and visit senior citizens.
    5. Recruit some friends or a class to help set up a library at a children’s hospital.
    The #GIMMEFIVE is a good thing for Americans knowing they did the right thing and recognizing them on their good actions.

  62. 1.)Feeding the homeless.
    2.) Give out condoms to kids to encourage sex education.
    3.) Overthrow the patriarchy.
    4.)love others and yourself
    5.) Start a community garden and grow marijuana. It's good for the environment.

  63. 1.)Feeding the homeless.
    2.) Give out condoms to kids to encourage sex education.
    3.) Overthrow the patriarchy.
    4.)love others and yourself
    5.) Start a community garden and grow marijuana. It's good for the environment.

  64. 1.) Eat Right
    2.) Workout daily
    3.) Keep a positive mind.
    4.) Don''t Stress.
    5.)Get Motivated.

  65. Promote Local Businesses,Participate in Holiday Food Drives,Sponsor a Youth Sports Team,Set Up a Collection Jar,Hold a Contest,Adopt a Brick are several different ways that you can give back to your community.

  66. There are many ways to help out the community. You can donate to charity. You can do community service. Even though you help out the community, you still need to keep yourself healthy. You can workout on a weekly basics then go into a daily basics. Eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water.

  67. 1. Charity, Community service, helping out at the homeless shelter, raising money for less for charity.
    2. I agree with her efforts. However, she wants us to post about it on social medias which is very healthy. I think that is a little hypocritical. She has always been very health-oriented. I don't know how much it has helped over the past years, but she is at least trying.

  68. 1. Raising money for less fortunate, charity, community service, helping elderly old people.

    2. I think giving back to your community is great because it may end up helping you out in the end.

  69. *Be more mature about certain situations
    *Stop being careless about peoples opinions
    *Donate stuff to people in need
    *Eat healthier
    *help out at my local food bank or shelter
    This initiative is something that improves not only the person who helps out self esteem but the person they are helping. It helps alot because it gives people time to reflect on how much they dont appreciate things.

  70. 1 raise money to feed the people in need
    2 eat healthier
    3 donate food to shelters
    4 realize that everyone is not ok some are in desperate need
    5 do not put yourself before others keep an open mind

  71. 1. Charity, Community service, helping out at the homeless shelter, raising money for less fortunate.
    2. Um, my opinion on the gimmie five is kind of awkward, but I mean it's okay. If i don't know you and you try to give me a hot five when I'm working out, I may think you're weird...

  72. 1. Charity, Community service, helping out at the homeless shelter, raising money for less fortunate.
    2. Um, my opinion on the gimmie five is kind of awkward, but I mean it's okay. If i don't know you and you try to give me a hot five when I'm working out, I may think you're weird...

  73. 1) donations to the needy 2) Community Programs 3) build homes 4) exercise daily 5) eat healthy

    2) I dont think people are actually giving high fives to random people and I wouldn't want to touch someone I don't even know.

  74. 5 ways to give back to the community
    1.donate back service organic food
    4.plant community garden
    5. exercise day

  75. 1 soup ketichin
    2 donate
    3 community car wash
    4 keep the city clean
    5 community service

  76. 1 soup ketichin
    2 donate
    3 community car wash
    4 keep the city clean
    5 community service

  77. 1 donate
    2 feed the homeless
    3 raise money
    4 give
    5 help and love
    this is ok but its weird but it can lift up someones spirit

  78. 1.) participate in cancer awareness walks
    2.) volunteer to clean the community
    3.) help the elderly
    4.) Tutor and read to children
    5.) donate to charity

    I think this initiative is a good effort in creating change in society.

  79. 1.) We should get active and clean up our environment, recycle.
    2.) Give donations for less fortunate.
    3.) Help build homeless shelters and/or homes for people.
    4.) Give time and work at those homeless shelters
    5.) Exercise, be healthy, you can't help others without helping yourself first.
    The program #GIMMEFIVE is a great idea, even though you might not like who started it but that doesn't mean you shouldn't participate in it. It might encourage people.

  80. 1 Get money
    2 Give money
    3 feed the hungry
    4 feed the starving
    5 feed your dog
    the gimmefive thing is pretty ok i guess

  81. 1 Get money
    2 Give money
    3 feed the hungry
    4 feed the starving
    5 feed your dog
    the gimmefive thing is pretty ok i guess

  82. Promote a healthier lifestyles. Be nicer to people. Take care of others. Help others. Give donations. I don't know about the intiative , because im not just going to go around touching random people.

  83. A way to increase your health is by walking or running each and everyday or at least 2 to 3 times a week or going to the gym at that aspect of high fifing is but simple and honestly lame in my opinions. There could have been some other type of reward for doing good.

  84. To increase your health you can walk, run, eat a healthy mood and getting 8 hours of sleep.
    1.give money
    2.feed the homeless
    3.give clothes to the less fortunate service
    5.clean up the park

  85. 1. Feed the homeless.
    2. Do community service.
    3. Give food or money to charity.
    4. Care for elderly people.
    5. Do a community clean-up, to improve the environment.
    I think the gimmefive thing is very smart and will easily motivate people, it seems like a pretty solid cause.

  86. 1. Participate in charities
    2. Do community service
    3. Volunteer at old people homes
    4. Volunteer at day cares
    5. Feed the Homeless

  87. 1. Community service, Soup kitchen, Donating to charities, Feeding hungry kids, and adopting abused animals.
    2. I personally hate hate Michelle Obama, She has no legal authority whatsoever regarding what I do, and therefore I will strive to not do or even do the opposite of what she asks, She is not my President and I pay her no attention,1.) We should get active and clean up our environment, recycle.
    2.) Give donations for less fortunate.
    3.) Help build homeless shelters and/or homes for people.
    4.) Give time and work at those homeless shelters
    5.) Exercise, be healthy, you can't help others without helping yourself first.
    The program #GIMMEFIVE is a great idea, even though you might not like who started it but that doesn't mean you shouldn't participate in it. It might encourage people.

    I can donate to charity
    community service
    create campaigns for the improvement of the community
    participating in more community events

    GimmeFive is a great idea. It's use of a hash tag is very smart as it will be easy to spread across social media. Asking people to do 5 things isn't much to ask at all so it is something that can actually have an impact on society. Many people like to bandwagon on what's popular so if it is successful through social media it will have a large following of people that support it.

    I can donate to charity
    community service
    create campaigns for the improvement of the community
    participating in more community events

    GimmeFive is a great idea. It's use of a hash tag is very smart as it will be easy to spread across social media. Asking people to do 5 things isn't much to ask at all so it is something that can actually have an impact on society. Many people like to bandwagon on what's popular so if it is successful through social media it will have a large following of people that support it.

  90. If you get snow in the winter you can volunteer to shovel sidewalks for free. You can also volunteer at your church, food banks, soup kitchens, Hospitals, Salvation Army, or nursing homes. You could make up fruit baskets, cookies, and chocolates and take them around to your neighbors. Donate toys and food items to your Church or your local food bank. For your family you could help cook Christmas dinner, clean up around the house, shovel snow, and anything else that may need done.

  91. 1. Feed the homeless
    2. Donate old or too small clothes to a community service shelter
    3. Mentor young children
    4. Clean up deteriorating homes
    5. Be a Candy Stripper
    I think the concept of the #GiveMeFive is great but kids are extremely lazy and even i do not like to go outside anymore. I like to sit inside and watch television or movies. The effects of being outside are simply not worth it anymore. For example, i do not enjoy y hair frizzing up or sweating or smelling like outside.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. 1. First i can help out the community by donating food to homeless shelters in my state.
    2. Me and some friends can go around and clean up the community around us by picking up litter and what not.
    3. I can also volunteer at places such as day cares or community centers.
    4. Donate money to charities.
    5. Be a Candy Stripper lol.
    I think that #GIVEMELIFE is a good idea to start a change for the people of America, especially the younger generation
