Friday, March 27, 2015





  1. the germanwing crash is very interesting. they say that he set the autopilot to crash land in the alps. so it was no accident. to top it off he had a medical illness that nobody knew about. in april amazon hulu and itunes will be added to netflix. netflix is making major moves when it comes to getting peoples attention.

  2. Apple CEO Tim Cook is giving hundreds of millions of dollars to charity.
    Cook, who is close to becoming a billionaire, says he will pay for his nephew's college education, then donate the rest of his wealth to philanthropic projects, according to Fortune.Cook certainly has plenty of funds to give away. His pay at Apple (AAPL, Tech30) more than doubled last year to $9.2 million, according to a regulatory filing. In 2014, $145 million worth of stock awards vested, and he's got another $536 million in stock awards to come. In other news, Zayn Malik left the popular boy band, One Direction because of reasons that I'm too lazy to search for. I personally don't care but many people are devastated.

  3. Earl Sweatshirt dropped a new album on Monday. He successfully managed to have the album out, in whole, without it leaking early. The album is pretty much what everyone expected. The lyrics were dark and the beats slightly mediocre. However, this is what he is known for so all in all, it was really good. I'm sure the album will grow on everyone after a while just like all his other albums.
    Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

  4. Lexi Stokes
    A pregnant woman was attacked and her baby was killed. She was ordering baby clothes off of Craigslist. When she went to the seller's house to receive the clothes, she was attacked, stomach cut open and the baby was removed and killed. They are still determining if it was a murder and if charges are being pressed.
    Apple's CEO Tim Cook is going to donate his money to charity. He is close to being a billionaire and wants to give his fortune to charity. He's not the only person to do this. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg both have charities and given about half their fortunes away.

  5. A teenager told authorities that her mom killed two siblings and forced her to put one of the bodies in the freezer of their house. (this lady is a sicko). Blair, 35, is charged with child abuse, but she could face murder charges when the bodies thaw and autopsies are performed, prosecutors said. Bond was set at $1 million. Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal will sign legislation legalizing a non-smoking form of medical marijuana for patients with seizure disorders and seven other medical conditions.

  6. 'Most Interesting Man' cutout doesn't pass in HOV lane-CNN

    A Washington state trooper caught a driver using a cardboard cutout of Jonathan Goldsmith, the Dos Equis beer pitchman known as "The Most Interesting Man in the World." The driver, who was by himself, was attempting to use the HOV lane. "The trooper immediately recognized it was a prop and not a passenger," Trooper Guy Gill told the New York Daily News. "As the trooper approached, the driver was actually laughing." Gill sent out a tweet with a photo of the cutout -- who was clad in what looked like a knit shirt, a far cry from his usual attire -- and the unnamed laughing driver: "I don't always violate the HOV lane law...but when I do, I get a $124 ticket! We'll give him an A for creativity!"

    1 dead after tornado spotted near Tulsa-CNN

    One person was killed Wednesday when severe weather ripped through the Tulsa and Oklahoma City areas. The death was reported in Sand Springs, a suburb of Tulsa, after the storm system ravaged a mobile home park, said Maj. Shannon Clark with the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office. "Right now, rescue efforts are continuing and officers are aiding the injured and helping those who need immediate medical care," he said. "It's very tough conditions right now -- very touch and go. The conditions my people are working in right now are deplorable at best."

  7. An expecting woman went on craigslist to find baby clothes for her unborn child and once she got there the woman claiming to have the clothes stabbed the woman and tried to take out the baby. The bleeding woman locked herself in the basement and called the police, The attacker was brought up on noooooooo charges. Depspicable!

  8. A Colorado woman accused of luring an expectant mother to a basement and cutting the baby from her belly will not be charged with murder. Michelle Wilkins, her husband, offering baby clothes that he saw in Craigslist and Wilkins and extracted her unborn baby girl. Lane's husband found the infant in a bathtub and rushed the child to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Wilkins survived the attack and was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. Even though the baby girl died, legal experts say the situation is complicated by the fact that Colorado is one of 12 states that do not have laws making the violent death of an unborn child a homicide. Lane is expected charges on Friday.

  9. The Germanwings flight Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had medical leave note for the day of the crash. At 8:01 a.m.: German investigators have found a medical leave note from a doctor issued for Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz that included the day of the crash.The prosecutor's office did not say if the medical leave note related to a physical or a mental health issue but said Lubitz appeared to have been under treatment by a doctor for some.Time the deceased kept his illness secret from his employer and his professional environment.

    A dominant Kentucky squad ran the Mountaineers out of the gym in their Sweet 16 matchup Thursday night, winning by a score of 78-39. In reality, the game was over within the first few minutes, as the Wildcats flexed their undefeated muscles in head-turning fashion. The Wildcats look to finish off the season by winning the championship and completing their undefeated year. The Wildcates move on to the Elite Eight to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Saturday.

  10. The Germanwings flight Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had medical leave note for the day of the crash. At 8:01 a.m.: German investigators have found a medical leave note from a doctor issued for Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz that included the day of the crash.The prosecutor's office did not say if the medical leave note related to a physical or a mental health issue but said Lubitz appeared to have been under treatment by a doctor for some.Time the deceased kept his illness secret from his employer and his professional environment.

    A dominant Kentucky squad ran the Mountaineers out of the gym in their Sweet 16 matchup Thursday night, winning by a score of 78-39. In reality, the game was over within the first few minutes, as the Wildcats flexed their undefeated muscles in head-turning fashion. The Wildcats look to finish off the season by winning the championship and completing their undefeated year. The Wildcates move on to the Elite Eight to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Saturday.

  11. Italian fashion designer, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce, are being boycotted due to certain comments made about vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. This process was described by Dolce as unnatural and that babies produced from this method are "synthetic". Such comments degrading this process caused offense which in turn led to the boycott of their clothes.

    In other news, three people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting outside a store in Stockton, California, late Tuesday night. The officers do not know what led to the shooting, nor have they uncovered who is responsible; it was a drive by.

  12. dominant Kentucky squad ran the Mountaineers out of the gym in their Sweet 16 matchup Thursday night, winning by a score of 78-39. In reality, the game was over within the first few minutes, as the Wildcats flexed their undefeated muscles in head-turning fashion. The Wildcats look to finish off the season by winning the championship and completing their undefeated year. The Wildcates move on to the Elite Eight to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Saturday.

  13. A building in New York collapsed Thursday evening due to a kitchen fire in the apartment they say it started on the top level of the building on the vey last level once they tried to get everyone the whole buiding collapsed down they had over 15 firefighters because they couldn't control the fire.

  14. The crash of the Germanwings flight in France was proved deliberate yesterday. French authorities put out an audio recording of the moments preceding the plane crash. Apparently, the co-pilot of the plane locked the pilot out of the cockpit moments before they dropped from the air. I wonder if they will ever figure out the co-pilot's motives for bringing his own plane down. I wish I could send my condolences to the families of all the passengers because this tragedy is too sad to fathom.

  15. Maria Carter
    Seems that Hollywood is if running out of ideas. they are making a lot of sequels and prequels that make people believe they do not have fresh ideas. could it be just a passing phase that they are putting out because it seems that people want more sequels than new movies? some see it as Hollywood is being lazy. in my opinion they are giving the people what they want because a lot of people i know wanted more to their favorite movie stories.

    in other news, A stolen ancient artifact is returned to its rightful place. they say that 60 artifacts were taken and that they were just recently recovered earlier this month. the US is the one who found and returned the items that were smuggled out of the country. i think its really cool that the artifacts were returned to the right full owners. the Iraqi artifacts are large in number so i am kinda shocked they got smuggled out int the first place.

  16. A former nurse will not face murder charges for cutting a baby out of a mother's womb. The Mother was answering a craigslist for baby clothing on March 18th. when she arrived at the designated place to receive the clothing she was brutally attack, beaten, cut open, and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.

    A woman was sexually assaulted while sleeping on the subway. Cops found it through a video which one of the passengers filmed, when the man started to touch her.

  17. The governor of Indiana Mike Pence has passed a bill that could potentially allow businesses the right to turn away gay and/or lesbian customers. This is under scrutiny because obviously this isn't equal rights for everybody bu this puts the NCAA's Men's Basketball Final Four in Jeopardy because it will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana this year. With this bill, it could possibly turn away a lot of the LGBTE community and cost the NCAA thousands if not millions in funds that they were already expecting. I think its kind of wrong that they aren't gonna give equal rights to the LGBTE community, but then again most of the bigger corporations probably wouldn't turn away their customers due the fact they would lose money and respect amongst that community.
    The house of Adam Lanza better known as the "Sandy Hook Shooter" was torn down by the city this past Tuesday. The city council came to this agreement after they asked the community and everyone agreed that it would be the best thing to do at this point in time. The school was torn down in 2013(and will be replaced by a different school but same ground), but this agreement hadn't come until late and not until after all the evidence was collected from the home. If a buyer shall purchase this property in Newtown, all the proceeds will go to the victims' families. I honestly think this is the best thing to do for this town because it doesn't erase what happened but it definitely helps the mourning process for those who lost loved ones.

  18. Pakistan's defense minister says his country is considering a request to provide ground troops to complement the Saudi Arabian-led airstrikes against Houthi forces in Yemen.

    Saudi Arabia began air attacks on the Houthis on Thursday as the rebels advanced on the Yemeni port of Aden. The Sunni Muslim monarchy has been assembling allies to defend Yemen's weak government against rebels backed by both Iran and a former Yemeni president.

  19. A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb, Boulder County, Colorado, prosecutor Stanley Garnett said Thursday.

    Actor Darius McCrary was jailed on Wednesday for failure to pay child support.

    He wasn't behind bars long, McCrary was released before the day was over, according to Carrie Rudzki with the jail in Oakland County, Michigan.

  20. Actor Darius McCrary was jailed on Wednesday for failure to pay child support.

    He wasn't behind bars long, McCrary was released before the day was over, according to Carrie Rudzki with the jail in Oakland County, Michigan.

    McCrary, 38, took to Twitter as news of his arrest spread.

  21. Michael Sam said "I am not the only gay person in the NFL. I'm just saying there is a lot of us. I respect the players that did reach out to me and had the courage to tell me that they were also gay, but they do not have the same courage as I do to come out before I even played a down in the NFL." This story is very intresting and people need to find out about it.

    Some scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have been researching the impact of cereal fiber on diet for years. They found that people who reported in surveys a diet rich in cereal fiber lived longer than those who chose less well in the morning. They had a 19% reduced risk of death, compared to those who ate the least amount of cereal fiber.

  22. A woman's fetus was cut out of her womb. The woman who performed the act won't be charged with murder because the fetus isnt considered a human unless it can survive outside the womb for sometime. The woman that committed the act will be held on a 2 million doollar bond as punishment. I think they are correctly punishing her as a result of her actions.In the recent German plane crash, evidence was found in the airplanes cockpit that some one had deliberately set up the plane's coordinates to crash ito the alps on autopilot. I think that the whole situation is tragic and it is horrible that there are people that would do things thing like that but its not surprising.

  23. my first current event is about Inmates forced like gladiators to fight as deputies took bets. they were four deputies that placed the bets on the inmates and they was Caucasian male officers and the inmates were of color. and if they didn't agree to fight they would torture the inmates by cuffing them up beating them and Taser all at once. I think you give Caucasian people to much authority or power that abused it and they think they can do anything they want and don't have to face the consequence of their action. I know the inmates are in jail because they did something wrong but they are serving their time making them fight because you want to gain more money isn't right either you just as bad as the inmates. my second event is no murder charge in case of baby cut from woman answering Craigslist ad this the most shocking event to me because the women answer an ad on craigslist for baby clothes but she was attacked and her baby was cut out of stomach and the police said it would be hard getting a murder charge on the attacker because Colorado state law does not recognize a fetus as a person, unless it is capable of surviving for a period of time outside the womb, but the husband of the attacker said he saw the baby on the day of the attack in the bathtub taking a breath. so hoping this would be enough to charge the attacker so she can go to jail.

  24. This week a member of the popular British boyband One Direction has left. The band began within 2010 on the X-factor and since has continued to gain popularity. This week Zayn Malik announced he was leaving in wanting of a normal life. Many of their fans know as Directions broke down at this revelation. I'm unsure if this band is still going to be able to make it with only four members left.

    Another happening is the occurance with the Germanwing airplane. The plane crashed and killed 16 students along with other passengers. This crash was said to be caused by the co-pilot. When the pilot was gone he pushed multiple buttons after locking him out the cockpit. Causing the downfall of the plane and the death of many.

  25. Two people remain unaccounted for following an explosion Thursday at a building in Manhattan. The explosion in the New York City borough's East Village left 25 people injured. The explosion happened at 3:17 p.m. Thursday, just over an hour after Consolidated Edison inspectors were at the Second Avenue building to look at a newly installed gas meter. Two buildings collapsed, and at least two neighboring buildings were damaged.

    A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb. The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes on March 18. When she arrived at the purported seller's home in Longmont, she was attacked, beaten, cut open and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.

  26. my first current event is about Inmates forced like gladiators to fight as deputies took bets. they were four deputies that placed the bets on the inmates and they was Caucasian male officers and the inmates were of color. and if they didn't agree to fight they would torture the inmates by cuffing them up beating them and Taser all at once. I think you give Caucasian people to much authority or power that abused it and they think they can do anything they want and don't have to face the consequence of their action. I know the inmates are in jail because they did something wrong but they are serving their time making them fight because you want to gain more money isn't right either you just as bad as the inmates.

  27. The governor of Indiana Mike Pence has passed a bill that could potentially allow businesses the right to turn away gay and/or lesbian customers. This is under scrutiny because obviously this isn't equal rights for everybody bu this puts the NCAA's Men's Basketball Final Four in Jeopardy because it will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana this year. With this bill, it could possibly turn away a lot of the LGBTE community and cost the NCAA thousands if not millions in funds that they were already expecting. I think its kind of wrong that they aren't gonna give equal rights to the LGBTE community, but then again most of the bigger corporations probably wouldn't turn away their customers due the fact they would lose money and respect amongst that community.
    The house of Adam Lanza better known as the "Sandy Hook Shooter" was torn down by the city this past Tuesday. The city council came to this agreement after they asked the community and everyone agreed that it would be the best thing to do at this point in time. The school was torn down in 2013(and will be replaced by a different school but same ground), but this agreement hadn't come until late and not until after all the evidence was collected from the home. If a buyer shall purchase this property in Newtown, all the proceeds will go to the victims' families. I honestly think this is the best thing to do for this town because it doesn't erase what happened but it definitely helps the mourning process for those who lost loved ones.

  28. Two current events is Isis Release kill list and then Georgia Tech Student Falls and Fracture His Skull.
    Georgia Tech student injured during a freak accident at his fraternity.
    The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) published the list days ago, a report that contained names, photos, and home addresses of U.S. Armed Forces personnel, causing alarm in cities potentially at high-risk.

  29. One current event was when the woman got arrested for putting her kids in a freezer

  30. In the most thorough domination of the NCAA tournament this year—and the biggest Sweet 16 margin since 2009—Kentucky annihilated West Virginia 78-39 on Thursday night in the Sweet 16 of the Midwest Regional.

    The game was out of hand almost as soon as it began. Kentucky’s Aaron Harrison and West Virginia’s Juwan Staten made jumpers within 15 seconds of each other to open the scoring, and then it was all Wildcats. The region's No. 1 seed and the nation's top-ranked team went on a 16-0 run and finished the first half leading 44-18.

    West Virginia had no answers after halftime either, being outscored over the final 20 minutes 34-21. There were many startling facts about this game, but perhaps the most fascinating is that several Las Vegas casinos opened the line for Saturday's Kentucky-Notre Dame Elite Eight game with more than 10 minutes remaining in the second half of this game. The undefeated Wildcats had begun playing ball-control, clock-erasing offense with as much as 16 minutes left in the game, their 37th straight win long since decided.

  31. FBI arrests father of LAPD officer charged with murder!The father of a Los Angeles police officer wanted for murder has been charged with making a false statement to an FBI agent.Victor Manuel Solis, 53, was arrested in Lancaster, California, in connection with the ongoing search for Henry Solis, a rookie officer with the L.A. police who is believed to have entered Mexico from El Paso, Texas, the FBI said.
    Indiana governor declares public health emergency due to HIV epidemic.
    Indiana is declaring a public health emergency in one county due to an epidemic of HIV.Gov. Mike Pence issued the order Thursday for Scott County, which has 79 confirmed cases of HIV since mid-December."Scott County is facing an epidemic of HIV, but this is not a Scott County problem; this is an Indiana problem," Pence said in a news release.All the cases in the current outbreak are linked to injection drug use, primarily of the prescription opioid opana.

  32. Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

    Some scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have been researching the impact of cereal fiber on diet for years. They found that people who reported in surveys a diet rich in cereal fiber lived longer than those who chose less well in the morning. They had a 19% reduced risk of death, compared to those who ate the least amount of cereal fiber.

  33. Apple CEO Tim Cook is giving hundreds of millions of dollars to charity.
    Cook, who is close to becoming a billionaire, says he will pay for his nephew's college education, then donate the rest of his wealth to philanthropic projects, according to Fortune.Cook certainly has plenty of funds to give away. His pay at Apple (AAPL, Tech30) more than doubled last year to $9.2 million, according to a regulatory filing. In 2014, $145 million worth of stock awards vested, and he's got another $536 million in stock awards to come. In other news, Zayn Malik left the popular boy band, One Direction because of reasons that I'm too lazy to search for. I personally don't care but many people are devastated.

  34. 2 missing in New York building explosion.Two people remain unaccounted for following an explosion Thursday at a building in Manhattan.The explosion in New York's East Village left 25 people injured. Officials had said earlier that at least 19 were hurt in the fiery blast, four of them critically.One of those missing is Nicholas Figueroa, who was at a sushi restaurant during the time of the explosion.The explosion happened at 3:17 p.m. Thursday, just over an hour after Consolidated Edison inspectors were at the Second Avenue building to look at a newly installed gas meter.

    Gunmen sprayed people with bullets as they raided a hotel in Somalia's capital late Friday afternoon.At least six people have been killed in the attack at the Makka Al Mukarama hotel in Mogadishu, and security troops still were exchanging gunfire with the assailants Friday evening.The attack started around 5 p.m. when a car bomb exploded at the hotel's entrance.Gunmen then went inside the hotel, shooting people.


  35. (CNN)—A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb, Boulder County, Colorado, prosecutor Stanley Garnett said Thursday.

    The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes on March 18.

    When she arrived at the purported seller's home in Longmont, she was attacked, beaten, cut open and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.

    Wilkins was treated at a hospital and later released.


  36. Two people remain unaccounted for following an explosion Thursday at a building in Manhattan, two New York police sources said. There is a possibility six others may also be missing, NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said.The explosion happened at 3:17 p.m. Thursday, just over an hour after Consolidated Edison inspectors were at the Second Avenue building to look at a newly installed gas meter, utility President Craig Ivey said.

    A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb. The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes on March 18. When she arrived at the purported seller's home in Longmont, she was attacked, beaten, cut open and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.

  37. Actor Darius McCrary was jailed on Wednesday for failure to pay child support.
    He wasn't behind bars long, McCrary was released before the day was over, according to Carrie Rudzki with the jail in Oakland County, Michigan.
    McCrary, 38, took to Twitter as news of his arrest spread.
    I feel he could have avoided the problem if he had been paying his child support in full on time.

    A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb, Boulder County, Colorado, prosecutor Stanley Garnett said Thursday. I think the nurse and mother shoulod be charedge for murder , just because the baby is not alive does not mean it's not a life taken.

  38. The explosion in New York's East Village left 25 people injured, the police sources said. Officials had said earlier that at least 19 were hurt in the fiery blast, four of them critically.One of those missing is Nicholas Figueroa, who was at a sushi restaurant during the time of the explosion, according to the New York police sources.His brother, Neal Figueroa, told CNN that his family is working with authorities in the search. Nicholas failed to show up for work at Bowlmor Lanes in Chelsea on Thursday evening."We started calling everywhere," Neal Figueroa said, adding that the woman his brother had lunch with was at a hospital. "We went to every hospital. ... He wasn't there."Nicholas Figueroa is a "pure soul" who visited animal shelters to walk dogs, his brother said."I don't care what my brother is doing as long as he comes home," Neal Figueroa said.The other man is an employee at the sushi shop who was reported missing Thursday by his own brother, sources said.

  39. February Brings More Jobs than Expected (Mar. 6): According to the Labor Department, the U.S. economy adds 295,000 jobs in February, exceeding expectations. Even more good news, the unemployment rate decreases from 5.7% in January to 5.5% in February. The only disappointing news is wage increases, which have increased only 2% since last year, a sign that the economy still has a long way to go for a full recovery.
    I think that this really good considering where we was last year. Hopefully we can reach 4%, that will be great.

  40. Today,Brenden Smith has seen 16 yeaes of life. Happy birthday! This is news!!!

  41. Mia Reddick.

    Tim Cook mentioned he will pay for his nephews' college education then donate the rest of his wealth to philanthropic projects. However, Mr.Cook isn't the first top executive to give his money away. As well, Cook certainly has plenty of funds to give away. His payment at Apple is more than doubled last year to $9.2 million.
    The former sitcom star "Darius McCrary" was busted for failure of paying for child support. Although he went into jail on Wednesday, he wasn't in there for long, he was released before the day was over with. On the other hand, he took Twitter to spread the news of his arrest. He tweeted on Twitter that ,"All I'm I'm trying to do is raise my son." #BeingADadIsNotAnOption. Apparently stung by the reporting, McCrary released a string of tweets defending himself, he appears to compare himself to a late civil rights leader.

  42. Mogadishu, Somalia (CNN)Gunmen sprayed people with bullets as they raided a hotel in Somalia's capital late Friday afternoon, sparking a confrontation with security forces that continued into the evening, a witness and a police officer at the scene said.

    At least six people have been killed in the attack at the Makka Al Mukarama hotel in Mogadishu, and security troops still were exchanging gunfire with the assailants Friday evening, police Capt. Ahmed Abdi said.

    Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack. An Al-Shabaab spokesman, Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu Musab, said the group's fighters were conducting an operation against what he said are spies and government officials.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Jet Crash Tests Germany’s Faith in Its Precision

    Even in the nightmarish immediate aftermath of the plane crash in the French Alps on Tuesday, Carsten Spohr, the former pilot who runs Germany’s Lufthansa airline, was sure of one thing: the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, 27, was “100 percent” fit to fly.

    In December, Trevor Noah, a 31-year-old comedian, made his debut as an on-air contributor on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” offering his outsider’s perspective, as a biracial South African, on the United States.

    Now, after only three appearances on that Comedy Central show, Mr. Noah has gotten a huge and unexpected promotion. On Monday, Comedy Central will announce that Mr. Noah has been chosen as the new host of “The Daily Show,” succeeding Mr. Stewart after he steps down later this year.

  45. Rihanna dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Her new song BBHMM made it to number 1 on the charts within a couple of hours. Anything she has done she has "slayed".
    Mogadishu, Somalia (CNN)Gunmen sprayed people with bullets as they raided a hotel in Somalia's capital late Friday afternoon, sparking a confrontation with security forces that continued into the evening, a witness and a police officer at the scene said.

  46. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal signed a wide-ranging gun bill into law Wednesday that has critics howling and proponents applauding.

    House Bill 60, or the Safe Carry Protection Act of 2014 -- which opponents have nicknamed the "guns everywhere bill" -- specifies where Georgia residents can carry weapons. Included are provisions that allow residents who have concealed carry permits to take guns into some bars, churches, school zones, government buildings and certain parts of airports.

  47. Earl Sweatshirt dropped a new album on Monday. He successfully managed to have the album out, in whole, without it leaking early. The album is pretty much what everyone expected. The lyrics were dark and the beats slightly mediocre. However, this is what he is known for so all in all, it was really good. I'm sure the album will grow on everyone after a while just like all his other albums.
    Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

  48. Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

    Some scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have been researching the impact of cereal fiber on diet for years. They found that people who reported in surveys a diet rich in cereal fiber lived longer than those who chose less well in the morning. They had a 19% reduced risk of death, compared to those who ate the least amount of cereal fiber.

  49. The Germanwings flight Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had medical leave note for the day of the crash. At 8:01 a.m.: German investigators have found a medical leave note from a doctor issued for Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz that included the day of the crash.The prosecutor's office did not say if the medical leave note related to a physical or a mental health issue but said Lubitz appeared to have been under treatment by a doctor for some.Time the deceased kept his illness secret from his employer and his professional environment.

    A dominant Kentucky squad ran the Mountaineers out of the gym in their Sweet 16 matchup Thursday night, winning by a score of 78-39. In reality, the game was over within the first few minutes, as the Wildcats flexed their undefeated muscles in head-turning fashion. The Wildcats look to finish off the season by winning the championship and completing their undefeated year. The Wildcates move on to the Elite Eight to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Saturday.

  50. Chief Keef dropped a couple songs last week such as Dipset, I don't trust these, and Hate me now. The songs are okay in my opinion. Though, it seems like he put little effort in them such as the song "Hate me now". Although many people would disagree with me.

  51. The Arkansas House on Tuesday approved a religious freedom measure that mirrors the one Pence signed into law in Indiana -- sparking outrage from businesses, sports organizations and popular culture figures who said it opened the door to discrimination against gays and lesbians

    An Iranian military observation aircraft flew within 50 yards of an armed U.S. Navy helicopter over the Persian Gulf this month, sparking concern that top Iranian commanders might not be in full control of local forces, CNN has learned.

  52. Saudi Arabia began air attacks on the Houthis on Thursday as the rebels advanced on the Yemeni port of Aden. The Sunni Muslim monarchy has been assembling allies to defend Yemen's weak government against rebels backed by both Iran and a former Yemeni president.

    Chief Keef dropped a couple songs last week such as Dipset, I don't trust these, and Hate me now. The songs are okay in my opinion. Though, it seems like he put little effort in them such as the song "Hate me now".

  53. There was a march in Selma that president Obama atteneded. This was to celebrate 50 years since the march across the bridge in Selma accured. This was something very spectacular because it wasnt just blacks it was whites too. People often think only black people stood up for the rights of blacks but some white people stood up for their rights as well. As a matter of fact i think that they stood up for human rights as a whole.

    The sweet sixteen for baskteball reached a historical period as the fisrt black people where honored for being the only blacks on a college basketball team. This is very good because things like this dont always get celebrated but thanks to everyone who somehow made it what it is today.

  54. today, Analysis of a tablet device belonging to Germanwings Flight 9525 co-pilot Andreas Lubitz shows he researched suicide methods on the Internet in the days leading up to the crash, a German prosecutor said Thursday. Dusseldorf prosecutor Christoph Kumpa said that on one day Lubitz also "searched for several minutes with search terms relating to cockpit doors and their security measures."

  55. dominant Kentucky squad ran the Mountaineers out of the gym in their Sweet 16 matchup Thursday night, winning by a score of 78-39. In reality, the game was over within the first few minutes, as the Wildcats flexed their undefeated muscles in head-turning fashion. The Wildcats look to finish off the season by winning the championship and completing their undefeated year. The Wildcates move on to the Elite Eight to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Saturday.

  56. the germanwing crash is very interesting. they say that he set the autopilot to crash land in the alps. so it was no accident. to top it off he had a medical illness that nobody knew about. in april amazon hulu and itunes will be added to netflix. netflix is making major moves when it comes to getting peoples attention.

  57. A Colorado woman accused of luring an expectant mother to a basement and cutting the baby from her belly will not be charged with murder. Michelle Wilkins, her husband, offering baby clothes that he saw in Craigslist and Wilkins and extracted her unborn baby girl. Lane's husband found the infant in a bathtub and rushed the child to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Wilkins survived the attack and was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. Even though the baby girl died, legal experts say the situation is complicated by the fact that Colorado is one of 12 states that do not have laws making the violent death of an unborn child a homicide. Lane is expected charges on Friday.

  58. A pregnant woman was attacked and her baby was killed. She was ordering baby clothes off of Craigslist. When she went to the seller's house to receive the clothes, she was attacked, stomach cut open and the baby was removed and killed. They are still determining if it was a murder and if charges are being pressed.

  59. A pregnant woman was attacked and her baby was killed. She was ordering baby clothes off of Craigslist. When she went to the seller's house to receive the clothes, she was attacked, stomach cut open and the baby was removed and killed. They are still determining if it was a murder and if charges are being pressed.

  60. Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal will sign legislation legalizing a non-smoking form of medical marijuana for patients with seizure disorders and seven other medical conditions.The Arkansas House on Tuesday approved a religious freedom measure that mirrors the one Pence signed into law in Indiana ,sparking outrage from businesses, sports organizations and popular culture figures who said it opened the door to discrimination against gays and lesbians

  61. The love life of the youngest Kardashian sister is now in the spotlight as Khloe Kardashian faces several issues that do not only include her recent beau French Montana but also her still-current husband Lamar Odom.In last week’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the reality star was caught in a feud between her best friend Malika Haqq and her ex French Montana. The rapper and Kardashian started dating in May last year, but the two called it quits later in December. Despite their breakup, the two are still seeing each other and Kardashian’s BFF is not so happy about it.

    Washington (CNN)It's the mistake that Hillary Clinton won't make again: ignoring her gender.The low-key video she released on Sunday announcing her run for the White House is filled with women -- young, old, black, white, Asian and Latina -- working in their gardens, taking care of their kids and getting ready for life in the working world.Clinton, who made herself the center of her campaign announcement in 2007, is barely in the video at all, appearing at the end as a kind of everywoman whose story and fight could be folded in with all the others.

  62. The Arkansas House on Tuesday approved a religious freedom measure that mirrors the one Pence signed into law in Indiana -- sparking outrage from businesses, sports organizations and popular culture figures who said it opened the door to discrimination against gays and lesbians
    .In last week’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the reality star was caught in a feud between her best friend Malika Haqq and her ex French Montana. The rapper and Kardashian started dating in May last year, but the two called it quits later in December. Despite their breakup, the two are still seeing each other and Kardashian’s BFF is not so happy about it.

  63. The Arkansas House on Tuesday approved a religious freedom measure that mirrors the one Pence signed into law in Indiana -- sparking outrage from businesses, sports organizations and popular culture figures who said it opened the door to discrimination against gays and lesbians
    .In last week’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the reality star was caught in a feud between her best friend Malika Haqq and her ex French Montana. The rapper and Kardashian started dating in May last year, but the two called it quits later in December. Despite their breakup, the two are still seeing each other and Kardashian’s BFF is not so happy about it.

  64. A teenager told authorities that her mom killed two siblings and forced her to put one of the bodies in the freezer of their house. (this lady is a sicko). Blair, 35, is charged with child abuse, but she could face murder charges when the bodies thaw and autopsies are performed, prosecutors said. Bond was set at $1 million. Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal will sign legislation legalizing a non-smoking form of medical marijuana for patients with seizure disorders and seven other medical conditions.

  65. A teenager told authorities that her mom killed two siblings and forced her to put one of the bodies in the freezer of their house. (this lady is a sicko). Blair, 35, is charged with child abuse, but she could face murder charges when the bodies thaw and autopsies are performed, prosecutors said. Bond was set at $1 million. Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal will sign legislation legalizing a non-smoking form of medical marijuana for patients with seizure disorders and seven other medical conditions.

  66. Earl Sweatshirt dropped a new album on Monday. He successfully managed to have the album out, in whole, without it leaking early. The album is pretty much what everyone expected. The lyrics were dark and the beats slightly mediocre. However, this is what he is known for so all in all, it was really good. I'm sure the album will grow on everyone after a while just like all his other albums.
    Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

  67. Earl Sweatshirt dropped a new album on Monday. He successfully managed to have the album out, in whole, without it leaking early. The album is pretty much what everyone expected. The lyrics were dark and the beats slightly mediocre. However, this is what he is known for so all in all, it was really good. I'm sure the album will grow on everyone after a while just like all his other albums.
    Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

  68. Two people remain unaccounted for following an explosion Thursday at a building in Manhattan. The explosion in the New York City borough's East Village left 25 people injured. The explosion happened at 3:17 p.m. Thursday, just over an hour after Consolidated Edison inspectors were at the Second Avenue building to look at a newly installed gas meter. Two buildings collapsed, and at least two neighboring buildings were damaged.

    A former nurse's aide will not face murder charges for allegedly cutting and removing an unborn baby from the mother's womb. The mother, Michelle Wilkins, answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes on March 18. When she arrived at the purported seller's home in Longmont, she was attacked, beaten, cut open and her fetus was removed. The baby did not survive.

  69. A man named Ballsif Conner was arrested for a crime he did not commit and thrown in jail 7 years ago and was ment to serve a life sentence. On April 2 he was acquitted and released. The true culprit was one Kerperincus Jackson who will now serve 2 life sentences. Im not even sure how thats possible.
    A hole has recently been put in my door. If my dad sees it i am a dead man. He does not know yet cuz I put a poster over it but if he moves the poster its a done deal.

  70. A man named Ballsif Conner was arrested for a crime he did not commit and thrown in jail 7 years ago and was ment to serve a life sentence. On April 2 he was acquitted and released. The true culprit was one Kerperincus Jackson who will now serve 2 life sentences. Im not even sure how thats possible.
    A hole has recently been put in my door. If my dad sees it i am a dead man. He does not know yet cuz I put a poster over it but if he moves the poster its a done deal.

  71. A Washington state trooper caught a driver using a cardboard cutout of Jonathan Goldsmith, the Dos Equis beer pitchman known as "The Most Interesting Man in the World." The driver, who was by himself, was attempting to use the HOV lane. "The trooper immediately recognized it was a prop and not a passenger," Trooper Guy Gill told the New York Daily News. "As the trooper approached, the driver was actually laughing." Gill sent out a tweet with a photo of the cutout -- who was clad in what looked like a knit shirt, a far cry from his usual attire -- and the unnamed laughing driver
    An expecting woman went on craigslist to find baby clothes for her unborn child and once she got there the woman claiming to have the clothes stabbed the woman and tried to take out the baby.

  72. the US is the one who found and returned the items that were smuggled out of the country. i think its really cool that the artifacts were returned to the right full owners. the Iraqi artifacts are large in number so i am kinda shocked they got smuggled out int the first place I expect it to be pretty good.

  73. The explosion in New York's East Village left 25 people injured, the police sources said. Officials had said earlier that at least 19 were hurt in the fiery blast, four of them critically.One of those missing is Nicholas Figueroa, who was at a sushi restaurant during the time of the explosion, according to the New York police sources.His brother, Neal Figueroa, told CNN that his family is working with authorities in the search. Nicholas failed to show up for work at Bowlmor Lanes in Chelsea on Thursday evening."We started calling everywhere," Neal Figueroa said, adding that the woman his brother had lunch with was at a hospital. "We went to every hospital. ... He wasn't there."Nicholas Figueroa is a "pure soul" who visited animal shelters to walk dogs, his brother said."I don't care what my brother is doing as long as he comes home," Neal Figueroa said.The other man is an employee at the sushi shop who was reported missing Thursday by his own brother, sources said.

  74. 1. In Egypt, a judge sentenced 529 people to death for the killing of a police officer during a protest that occurred in Matay against Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. The sentencing occurred after a two hour trial.
    2. A women led to believe that she was going to receive baby clothing from a woman who posted a craigslist ad drove to a home only to be attacked by the woman who made the ad. The woman stabbed the pregnant woman with a knife and removed her fetus from her stomach. The woman will, surprisingly, not face charges for the crime.

  75. An expecting woman went on craigslist to find baby clothes for her unborn child and once she got there the woman claiming to have the clothes stabbed the woman and tried to take out the baby. The bleeding woman locked herself in the basement and called the police, The attacker was brought up on noooooooo charges. Depspicable!Earl Sweatshirt dropped a new album on Monday. He successfully managed to have the album out, in whole, without it leaking early. The album is pretty much what everyone expected. The lyrics were dark and the beats slightly mediocre. However, this is what he is known for so all in all, it was really good. I'm sure the album will grow on everyone after a while just like all his other albums.
    Rihanna also dropped some new music this week. This week was full of artists releasing new music. Rihannas music is typical Rihanna. Everyone is saying "it goes hard" so I think it is going good with her fans. I haven't actually listened to it yet but I will this weekend. I expect it to be pretty good.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. The Bucks and the Bulls played a chippy, close Game 4 Saturday. The score was tied, 50-50, at the half plus, the the Bucks were up 87-79 with under five minutes left, and the Bulls cut their lead cut down to a 90-90 tie.However, Milwaukee pulled it out at the last possible moment: Bucks guard Jerry Bay less caught Derrick Rose off-guard in the paint and hit a buzzer-beating layup.

  78. The Bucks and the Bulls played a chippy, close Game 4 Saturday. The score was tied, 50-50, at the half plus, the the Bucks were up 87-79 with under five minutes left, and the Bulls cut their lead cut down to a 90-90 tie.However, Milwaukee pulled it out at the last possible moment: Bucks guard Jerry Bay less caught Derrick Rose off-guard in the paint and hit a buzzer-beating layup.

  79. Iran Revolutionary Guard patrol boats fired shots at a commercial cargo ship and then intercepted the vessel, the M/V Maersk Tigris, which was crossing the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday morning, according to a senior U.S. military official. Officials said that there were no Americans aboard the ship. The pentagon believes that it was inappropriate for Iran to shoot a warning shot. "The government of the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense matters in or relating to the Republic of the Marshall Islands," the treaty states.

    "Nepal earthquake: Death toll passes 4,600 as rescuers face challenges." Death toll in Nepal climbs above 4,600, officials say, with more than 9,000 injured. Shattered villages near epicenter are hard to reach, says aid worker in the area. More bad weather is forecast for the region in the coming days.

  80. Iran Revolutionary Guard patrol boats fired shots at a commercial cargo ship and then intercepted the vessel, the M/V Maersk Tigris, which was crossing the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday morning, according to a senior U.S. military official. Officials said that there were no Americans aboard the ship. The pentagon believes that it was inappropriate for Iran to shoot a warning shot. "The government of the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense matters in or relating to the Republic of the Marshall Islands," the treaty states.

    "Nepal earthquake: Death toll passes 4,600 as rescuers face challenges." Death toll in Nepal climbs above 4,600, officials say, with more than 9,000 injured. Shattered villages near epicenter are hard to reach, says aid worker in the area. More bad weather is forecast for the region in the coming days.

  81. Recently a group of Asian-Americans accuse Harvard of racial discrimination against the Asian race. I think that if Harvard really did this then that is just messed up to disrespect some of their highly intellectual; students. Also, it has been reported that 40 of the Unites States food goes to waste. This is also a waste of money.
